FRONT PAGE - Archive File - 02-15-24 to 06-03-24

Third Rail #324: Show Title
3rdRailAudio - Alt/3rdRail-Mp3 - Alt/3rdRail-RSS - Good Discussion of the Jewish Mind - NOTE:  The last fifteen minutes contains an analysis of an article celebrating disgusting jewish perversions - (3rdRailVar - 1hr28min06sec - Jun 2nd, 2024) - Source:  3rdRail @ TRS - TheRightStuffBiz - 3rdRail RSS Feed - 3rdRail @ Telegram - National Justice Party - Antelope Hill Publishing - Race Borz - National Institute for Gamer Review / Kultur Terror - Dissident-Mag - Hyphen-Report - Colon Report - National-Justice - The American Sun - Buy Spectre's Book! - Buy Borzoi's Book! - Get Vetted @ 3rd Rail! -- A quote...."Nike, Bellerophon, Dharma King and Spectre goes balls deep into an article and an episode seven years in the making where we are at the moment jews are telling us, openly, that they are the enemies of humanity and that human morals and mores do not apply to the Chosenites. Like just – right there, to our goy faces. They make the case that we can’t co-exist, and we agree. (Bonus track, the new hit single from Bleeding Hologrammstein, Auslander Raus!)"

Protestantism, Jews and Wokeness - A Response to Steve Sailer
Shabbos Goy Steve Sailer:  Writing A Classic Example Of Jewish Projection / Inversion & Blaming People Who Oppose The Jews' Tyranny -- A quote...."Steve Sailer recently wrote an essay titled In This House We Believe: The Protestant Roots of Wokeness. Sailer states that his intent is to argue against what he calls the “obsession among callow rightists about declaring wokeness a foreign, un-American import by Marxists or Jews or Jewish Marxists or whatever.” With all the talk about “wokeism” on the right lately, it is something that warrants a serious attempt at providing an intellectual tracing of its roots, but I found this essay lacking in Sailer’s characteristically rigorous analysis - Sailer is not the only intellectual to look to explain wokeness as an expression of Christianity or a Christian heresy. Popular blogger Noah Smith described wokeness as “a combination of abolitionism and Protestant Christianity”, arguing that the abolitionist movement of the 18th and 19th centuries, started by zealous Christian activists, was the original woke movement." - Topix  ||  Frankfurt School Ideologies  ||
FYI:  This website editor saw the article, and refused to post it because it was another disgraceful, pitiful, irritating example of jewish projection / inversion, and jewish deflection / concealment. Written by a shabbos-goy -- Keith Woods does a good job of intellectually dismantling the article.  But he's way too nice about it - mpg
Jason Kessler's Charlottesville: The DEATH of FREE SPEECH
Book Review - A quote...."First posted under the title “Charlottesville: The Day the Mask Came Off“ on Counter-Currents, where you can comment. Charlottesville And The Death Of Free Speech is available at Dissident Press. (@DissidentPress on Twitter) Jason Kessler is @TheMadDimension on Twitter -- A number of books have already been written about the suppressed “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. I have already reviewed the excellent Charlottesville Untold by Anne Wilson Smith. Padraig Martin’s A Walk in the Park also enjoys a good reputation. But this new account by the original instigator and permit holder for the rally fills in many details, especially regarding the months and days leading up to the debacle of August 12, 2017. " - Topix  ||  Charlottesville Was An Arranged Causus Belli From Day One - 08-20-17 - mpg  ||

AcadeMe Presents - The Holocaust Narrative with Dr. E. Michael Jones
EMJVideo - Alt/EMJ-Odysee - Alt/EMJ-Mp3 - Alt/EMJ-BitChute - (EMJBitChute - 59min - May 29, 2024) - Source - E. Michael Jones:   EMJ @ BitChute - EMJ @ RSS - EMJ @ CozyTV - EMJ @ Odysee - Culture Wars - Culture Wars Donate - EMJ @ Gab - EMJ @ Telegram - EMJ @ Twitter -- Special Guest's Websites - LivingFreeMovement

Holocaust Insights 6: The “Six Million” Number
A quote...."SIX MILLION Jews died in the Holocaust. This is a common assertion by the orthodoxy. However, the claim that six million Jews were threatened to perish, were in the process of perishing or had perished, is much older than World War Two. It appeared for the first time in the late 1880s – with respect to the Jews living in Russia. Hence, the six-million figure had been a feature of Jewish propaganda decades before Hitler came to power. (See the entry on Six Million for details.) - Claims about six million Jewish victims of National-Socialist persecution were made already toward the end of the Second World War. However, utter chaos prevailed in Europe since 1944. The political borders of many European nations in central and eastern Europe shifted dramatically. Ethnic cleansings of German and pro-German populations, as well as massive migration movements of ethnic and religious minorities, changed Europe’s ethnic map as well." - See related links posted below.....
Sam Melia - BANNED From Seeing His Children - with Laura Towler
PAVideo - Outrageous!! - Alt/PA-Odysee - Alt/PA-Rumble - Alt/PA-Bitchute - (PAVar - 59min26sec - May 31st, 2024) -- Source - PA Media Website:  PAMedia.UK -- Referenced Video:  Sam Melia – The Trial Explained - Phil Melia’s Speech:  Free Sam Melia Demo –  To Contribute to Sam's Defense:  GiveSendGo - Host's & PA Officer's Websites - Laura Towler:  GrandMa Towlers Tea - LT @ DLive - LT @ Telegram - LT @ Gab - LT @ We Were Never Asked - & PA Officer Website - Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s Book:  The Fall of Western Man - A quote...."Join Laura Towler and I as we report on the latest human rights abuses directed at nationalist political prisoner Sam Melia. Please tune in to find out how you can help, and how we can collectively fight for justice."
FYI:  Just listen to this absolutely despicable Judeo-Soviet styled, mind-f*ckery bull-sh*t, they're actually doing in Britain!!  They're already doing things like this in the JewASA.  Very similar things to the J6 protestors for instance.  The parasites that be, who reside amongst us, intend to do much worse.  You've all been warned - mpg
The Daily Nationalist: We're Supposed to Take This So Seriously - DN 053124
TDNAudio - Alt/Aud - Great Graphic - (click to view) - (TDNMp3 - 39min31sec - may 31st, 2024) - Source:  TheDailyNationalist - RadioAlbion -- Please help Sven in prison!! - Article Supporting Sven - Sending Sven E-Mail - How to Give to Sven  - This is the newest mailing address for Sven Longshanks - Address:  James Allchurch A5903EY - HMP Berwyn, Bridge Road, Wrexham Ind. - Est., Wrexham, LL139QS -- Host's Website - GrandPaDan -- A quote...."Did you think that just because today’s show is about the Trump show trial that we couldn’t also do Funny Fridays? Well you’re wrong! Grandpa Dan covers the latest thing that we’re supposed be so emotionally distraught over. The orange man has been convicted on 34 counts of being orange in a totally legit legal proceeding (there was a courtroom and everything!) and the world should grind to a halt or something. History is full of empires which have collapsed but never before has one collapsed in such a fine display of absurdity."
FYI:  Pay close attention to Grandpa Dan's insightful realpolitik spot-on analysis. These trials, as he puts it, are just a "political negotiating process" - "You're just watching Trump making a deal" - Also listen closely to his geopolitical analysis.  Again, it's spot-on - mpg
Richard Gage, AIA, on 9/11 – October 7 Parallels
KevBarVideo - Outstanding Presentation & Discussion!! - Alt/KevBar-Rumble - Alt/KevBar-Bitchute - Article@A&E9/11Truth - (KevBarVar - 56min17sec - May 28th, 2024) - Source Websites - Kevin Barrett:  KevBar / FFWN-VTFP @ Rumble - KevBar @ BitChute - KevBar @ Substack - KevBar @ HereseyCentral -  KevBar @ VTForeignPolicy -- Special Guest's Websites - Richard Gage:  Architects & Engineers 9/11 Truth --  A quote...."Richard Gage AIA, who founded Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and later branched out on his own, will appear on my live radio show today to discuss parallels between 9/11 and the October 7 Al Aqsa Storm raid. He recently posted “Gaza: the astounding parallels with 911.” - Richard makes astute observations and raises good questions. But I think focusing too much on the similarities between 9/11 and Al Aqsa Storm risks glossing over the enormous differences." - See links posted below....
The USS Liberty Truth Campaign 2024, Part 1: More Timely Than Ever
Action Alert - Contains NVAudio - (NVAMp3 - 26min48sec - Jun 1st, 2024) - Source:   National Vanguard (Alliance) - NVA Radio/Audio - NVA Donate - A quote...."This week we once again present our USS Liberty Truth Campaign — more timely than ever in light of today’s expanding mass murder by the Jews in Palestine, and the increasing outrage against American funding and support of that massacre. Make our truth campaign known in your neighborhood with our free printable pamphlet at And make sure to get the very latest blockbuster book on the Liberty — Philip Tourney’s Holocaust on the High Seas — now available from our Cosmotheist Church bookstore.

The Jews Are Our Misfortune Redux, Part 3
Contains NVAudio - (NVAMp3 - 19min39sec - May, 18th 2024) - Source:   National Vanguard (Alliance) - NVA Radio/Audio - NVA Donate - A quote...."LAST WEEK I DISCUSSED the claim that Jews are orchestrating the gigantic anti-[jewish occupation] movement on college campuses in the US and the West, which is pretty obviously not true — though I do agree that the anti-[judeo-supremacist] protestors are very foolish to give full trust or (the gods forbid) leadership positions, to Jews showing up to help them (or perhaps I should say “help” them). Everyone, even the youngest and the most naïve, should know by now the “by way of deception” tricks that they’re so famous for, and the deep cover they’re often able to assume, with state-level actors like the US and [their jewish occupation regime] behind them."

National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 5.31.24
NBR@RBNAudio - Alt/Mp3 - (NBR @ RBNFlwPlyr - 1hr - May 31st, 2024)  - Source:  Patrick Slattery:  RBN - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - Pat Slattery @ NBR -- Guest's Websites - Paul Edward Stevenson:  PES @ Odysee - PES @ RBN - PES@RBN/RSS - Republic Broadcasting Network - RBN Shows - RBN Donate- PES @ YuTb -- A quote..."Paul Stevenson joins Patrick for a discussion of the latest developments in the Israeli genocide of the Gazan’s and the repercussions from it on world politics.

The Dankof Report with Mark Dankof, May 24, 2024
MDRAudio - A Great Blast From The Past!! - Alt/Mp3 - (MDRMp3 - 1hr - Feb 23rd, 2024) - Source - Mark Dankof:  Mark Dankof's Report @ RBN - RBN Donate - Mark Dankof - MD's VK Website - MD's VK Website Num 2 - Natl Bugle Front Pg - A quote...."Rebroadcast of:....The Dankof Report with Mark Dankof, February 23, 2024"

Palestine Rising! (FFWN with E. Michael Jones - plus "Dangers of Beauty"
KevBarVideo -- Alt/KevBar-Rumble - Alt/KevBar-Bitchute - (KevBarVar - 1hr13min57sec - Msy 25th, 2024) - Source Websites - Kevin Barrett:  KevBar / FFWN-VTFP @ Rumble - KevBar @ BitChute - KevBar @ Substack - KevBar @ HereseyCentral -  KevBar @ VTForeignPolicy - Special Guest's Websites - E. Michael Jones:   EMJ @ BitChute - EMJ @ RSS - EMJ @ CozyTV - EMJ @ Odysee - EMJ @ YuTb - Culture Wars - Culture Wars Donate - EMJ @ Gab - EMJ @ Telegram - EMJ @ Twitter -- A quote...."We begin with the usual news roundup, followed by a discussion of E. Michael Jones’ conference “The Dangers of Beauty” held in Krk, Croatia May 5-11."

UK Column News - 22nd May 2024
UKCVideo - Alt-UKC/Odysee-Vid - Alt-UKC/SndCld-Aud - (UKCVar - 1hr2min19sec - May 22nd, 2024) -- Source - UKColumn:  UKColumn - UKC/Archive - UKC @ Odysee - UKC @ SoundCld - Archived UKC @ BitChute - Archived UKC @ Rumble - UKC Donation - UKC Merch / Shop - A quote...."Mike Robinson, Alex Thomson and Debi Evans with today’s UK Column News. Guest segment with Gevorg Virats." - Guests' Websites - Vanessa Beeley:  VB's The Wall Will Fall - VB @ Odysee - VB @ SndCld - VB @ YuTb - VB @ Minds - VB @ Patreon - VB @ LinkTree - A quote...."Mike Robinson, Vanessa Beeley and Charles Malet with today's UK Column News."

Patriotic Weekly Review - with Warren Balogh
PWRVideo - Alt/PWR-Odysee - Alt/PWR-Rumble - Alt/PWR-Bitchute - (PWRVar - 2hrs47min09sec - May 22nd, 2024) -- PA Media Website:  PAMedia.UK -- Referenced Video:  Sam Melia – The Trial Explained - To Contribute to Sam's Defense:  GiveSendGo -- Host's & PA Officer's Websites - Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s Book:  The Fall of Western Man -- Special Guest's Websites - Warren Balogh:  ModernPolitics @ TRS - TheRightStuff - TRS/AllShows - TRS/Support - JusticeReport - NationalJusticeParty - NJP @ Odysee - NJP @ Telegram

Parish of the Patriots: Introduce Yourself - PP 052124
ParPatAudio - Good Words Of Wisdom for YOUR Mental Well-Being!! - Graphic - (click to view) -- Alt/Mp3 - Note: Grandpa Dan's Gospel of Christ begins at the 27min mark - (ParPatVar - 1hr11min10sec - Jan 30th, 2024) - Source:  GrandPaDan - RadioAlbion -- Please help Sven in prison!! - Article Supporting Sven - Sending Sven E-Mail - How to Give to Sven  - -- Please help Sven in prison!! - Article Supporting Sven - Sending Sven E-Mail - How to Give to Sven  - This is the newest mailing address for Sven Longshanks - Address:  James Allchurch James Allchurch A5903EY - HMP Berwyn, Bridge Road, Wrexham Ind. - Est., Wrexham, LL139QS -- Host's Website - GrandPaDan -- A quote...."Grandpa Dan discusses how to effectively deal with “news fatigue”. The truth is, once you understand how the system works it’s not necessary (or healthy) to drown yourself in the details - In the Christian specific segment this week, GPD discusses Luke 13:23-28. If you want the Lord to know who you are, then you’d better make it a point to introduce yourself."
FYI:  This website editor agrees wholeheartedly with Grandpa Dan's words of wisdom, especially as regards to reading highly compromised so-called alt-media.  Or listening to highly compromised so-called alt-talk shows. Or even following those who supposedly criticize the legacy media.  Since we already KNOW they're compromised.  Who wants to listen to endless repetitions of their swill, even if someone is criticizing it??? 

It's a waste of your time, or even as Grandpa Dan suggests, it can agitate and depress a you.  So YES, as he says, you only have power over your own actions, and you must take care of you and your family's needs. That includes developing your spiritual life, and making actual connections with those in your community -- All true....

BUT....  some practical political individual actions that do effect change, ARE within your power!!

YOU CAN strike a practical blow against the growing political darkness!!  Although your actions won't have an immediate effect, over time, in conjunction with other like-minded individuals, your actions  WILL have a growing, powerful, cumulative effect.  And it will make you fell less powerless!

So if you're feeling frustrated, and put-down - If you're tired of all the lies, and those who tell them.  Simply follow the precepts contained below.  Simply practice White, Ethnic-European, Transnational, Identitarian, Bolshevik, Politiks!!  Make it YOUR life-long commitment!!  Do it for the rest of YOUR life!! -- You'll feel so much better if you do!!  - mpg

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Max Blumenthal : The Occupation Comes Home
JdgNAPVideo - Alt/JdgNAP-Mp3 - (JdgNAPYuTb - 42min33sec - May 17th, 2024) - Source - Judge Napolitano:   JdgNAP's Website - JdgNAP @ Rumble - JdgNAP @ YuTb - JdgNAP @ PodCast - JdgNAP @ Twitter(X)  - Special Guest's Website - Max Blumenthal:   The Gray Zone - TGZ @ Odysee - TGZ @ YuTb - TGZ @ Twitter - TGZ @ Patreon - TGZ @ Instagram - TGZ @ Minds -- Extreme Warning!! - Everyone was TOLD this would happen!! - mpg

Prussian Socialism Episode 26: Mein Kampf on Winning the Broad Masses
GregCAudio - Previously posted, posted again for your edification -- Note:  Odysee Audio plays well on older systemsAlt-PodBeam - (GregCOdysee - 1hrs48min36sec - Mat 1st, 2023) - Source -  Gregg Conte:  GreggConte Podcast @ Odysee - GregC @ Podbeam - GregC @ Bitchute - National Justice Party - NJP Supporter Page - NJP Supporter FAQ - A quote...."Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf is the greatest political treatise of all time. Everyone knows Hitler's opinions on race, Jewish power, and international finance. But what are we supposed to do about it?... "

Did [the JewSA] and [its Colonial Master the Judeo-Enclave] Just Admit Defeat? (FFWN with Cat McGuire) -- KevBarVideo - Alt/KevBar-Odysee - Alt/KevBar-Bitchute - Blast From The Past!! - This is reposted for your edification. Of course the JewSA and Judeo-Enclave would never "admit defeat". But it's still good! - (KevBarVar - 1hr9min4sec - Jan 7th, 2024) - Source Websites - Kevin Barrett:  KevBar / FFWN-VTFP @ Rumble - KevBar @ BitChute - KevBar @ Substack - KevBar @ HereseyCentral -  KevBar @ VTForeignPolicy

[The Judeo-Occupation Enclave] - The Global Leader in Illegal Organ Trafficking
PWRVideo -- Alt/PWR-Odysee - Alt/PWR-Bitchute - (MCVar - 15min34sec - May 17th, 2024) -- Source - PA Media Website:  PAMedia.UK -- Referenced Video:  Sam Melia – The Trial Explained - Phil Melia’s Speech:  Free Sam Melia Demo –  To Contribute to Sam's Defense:  GiveSendGo -- Host's & PA Officer's Websites - Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s Book:  The Fall of Western Man - Guest's Websites - James Karlsson's White Papers:  JKWP@SubStack - JKWP@Telegram - BTN@Telegram - BTN/RSS@TRS - TRS - TRS Support - A quote...."Human organ trafficking forms a worldwide spider’s web of connections – but at the centre of that web is Israel. Illegally harvested human organs are regularly used in Israel’s state-run hospitals and universities and Israeli government officials, high ranking military officers and even religious leaders are involved in trafficking networks. Find out the truth about Israel’s ghoulish trade in human parts."
Secret History of the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act
A quote...."We are informed that the Holocaust cannot be subjected to questions because those who would seek to uphold the truth of execution gas chambers would be tricked into losing. Here’s the argument from G enocide Denials and the Law .. To entertain the theses or to debate Holocaust revisionists (deniers) would be to fall into Arthur Schopenhauer’s exposition of the pitfalls of “controversy,” whereby, in a debate between homicidal gas chamber affirmers and homicidal gas chamber deniers, the deniers could triumph through tricks such as “argument ad auditores” in which an “invalid objection” is raised which “only an expert sees to be invalid” (p. xvii)." - See related links posted below.....
The Mystery Man Behind the TikTok Ban Has Been Exposed
VJREVideo - VJRE/Alt-Bitchute - (VJREVar - 32min52sec - May 16th, 2024) - Source:  Vincent James / Red Elephant - VJ/RE @ Rumble - VJ/RE @ BitChute - VJ/RE @ DLive - VJ/RE @ Patreon - VJ/RE @ SubScribeStar - VJ/RE @ Telegram - VJ/RE @ InstaGram - Daily Veracity - Daily Veracity Support - Daily Veracity Merch - See links posted below.....
Prussian Socialism Episode 33: What is a Nation?
GregCAudio - Previously posted, posted again for your edification -- Note:  Odysee Audio plays well on older systemsAlt-PodBeam - (GregCOdysee - 2hrs9min30sec - Oct 18th, 2023) - Source -  Gregg Conte:  GreggConte Podcast @ Odysee - GregC @ Podbeam - GregC @ Bitchute - National Justice Party - NJP Supporter Page - NJP Supporter FAQ - A quote...."What is a Nation? Is it a state, a language-group, a race, or something else entirely? For years, the right-wing has riven itself with moronic disputes about whether this or that group is White... somehow overlooking entirely that race is only part of what makes a Nation."

The Jews Are Our Misfortune Redux, Part 2
A quote...."THE CHARGE HAS been leveled that Jews are in charge of the pro-Palestinian/anti-Israel protests now spreading all over the world, with some making that claim by writing to us here at the comments section or contact form at - One representative writer says...."
Aren’t the protests being organized and led by Jews? So-called anti-Zionist Jews? I used to fall for the anti-Zionist Jew trick, but no more. There is no such thing as an anti-Zionist Jew. Every racial Jew is “in” on the Jewish conspiracy. Gentiles have trouble understanding this. After all, there is no shortage of White people, or Blacks, or Mexicans, or Chinese, etc. who are willing to sell out their own race for fame, money, sex, etc. It just DOES NOT happen with the Jews. Their racial strategy demands absolute racial loyalty. Because they operate by conspiracy in small numbers, if a single Jew breaks ranks it is a mortal threat to the survival of the Jewish race. Throughout history, every time gentiles have trusted a Jew to be on their side, they have gotten burned -- The Jews are leading the opposition to themselves. Woe to any well-meaning Gentile who is foolish enough to show up at one of these “protests” (traps)."
To which I replied....."
"I am sure there are Jews among the protesters, and some may indeed be leaders and organizers as you correctly point out, and probably they are overrepresented there as they are in every important endeavor. That is just expected behavior from them. I am sure they’d like to guide the outrage against their murderous behavior into more or less harmless channels - But I think it’s a huge mistake to say the outrage isn’t real, or that Jews are running the whole protest operation. The outrage IS real and I know for certain that it’s been building for decades among many, many non-Jews, including a pretty good number of Whites.. And I’m delighted to see it — even among people who otherwise oppose us or even hate us - (I’d say that awareness of the realities of Jewish power varies among Whites — on average, it varies linearly with their distance from “conservative Christian” areas.)"
The Troubling Testimony of Alonzo Mann in the Murder of Little Mary Phagan
A quote...."WITH THE recent commemorations of the death by lynching of Leo Max Frank, public attention has been fixed once again on the remarkable dual murders of Mary Phagan and Leo Frank. As is fairly well-known at this point, 13-year-old Mary Phagan was murdered in the National Pencil Factory in Atlanta on April 26, 1913. Leo Frank, her boss and last person to admit seeing her alive, was convicted of the murder - His appeals went up to the Supreme Court of the United States and his conviction upheld at every level. Frank’s appeals to the administrative agencies of the State of Georgia also brought no change. Only when Governor John Slaton, a law partner of the Frank defense team, commuted the sentence to life imprisonment was Frank’s life apparently spared. But the outrage felt in Georgia over the impropriety of the Governor pardoning a client of his own law firm on his last day in office (and widely suspected of being bribed) resulted in a band of leading Marietta men planning and executing a daring break-in at the State Prison in Milledgeville, abducting Frank and driving over the primitive dirt roads of Georgia all night to hang him in Marietta at sunrise the next day."

National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 5.07.24
NBR@RBNAudio - Alt/Mp3 - (NBR @ RBNFlwPlyr - 1hr - May 7th, 2024)  - Source:  Patrick Slattery:  RBN - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - Pat Slattery @ NBR -- Guest's Websites -- PA Media Website:  PAMedia.UK -- Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s Book:  The Fall of Western Man -- A quote...."Mark Collett jumps across the pond: The Anti-genocide protests are the most important of our lifetime. Plus great sitcom music. Listener poll: Who was hotter, Barbara Eden or Ava Gabor?"

"Anti-Semitism" vs. Free Speech
Spot-On Analysis - Please Post Everywhere!! - A quote...."“Our” House of Representatives recently passed perhaps the most odious piece of legislation in our history. This is quite a feat, considering that, in this millennium alone, they were responsible for the Patriot Act and Banker Bailout monstrosities. This act stamps the imprimatur of Zionist power on Congress, like a scarlet letter."
"If you want to know why so many “haters” believe “the Jews” control everything, look at the Antisemitism Awareness Act. Look at how overwhelmingly it passed. It was not a close vote. If someone can explain how a foreign nation holds such power over our elected officials, I’m waiting to hear it. Sure, you had the Alien and Sedition Acts, and the Lincoln, Wilson, and FDR administrations acted as if it was illegal to criticize the government. But as bad as all that was, at least it concerned our nation. It has never been illegal to criticize another country, in any other nation on earth, to my knowledge. Until now. Sure, the Soviets supposedly outlawed “anti-Semitism,” but this is hard to source credibly. This odious congressional legislation is very real."
"They" Hate Our Freedom! (FFWN with Cat McGuire)
KevBarVideo - Outstanding Discussion!! - Alt/KevBar-Rumble - Alt/KevBar-Bitchute - (KevBarVar - 1hr20min42sec - May 4th, 2024) - Source Websites - Kevin Barrett:  KevBar / FFWN-VTFP @ Rumble - KevBar @ BitChute - KevBar @ Substack - KevBar @ HereseyCentral -  KevBar @ VTForeignPolicy -- A quote...."The 9/11 perps really DO hate our freedom - as we learned this week. So who are these freedom-haters? Watch and find out!"

The Dankof Report with Mark Dankof, May 3, 2024
MDRAudio - Outstanding Mark Dankof!! - Alt/Mp3 - (MDRMp3 - 1hr - May 3rd, 2024) - Source - Mark Dankof:  Mark Dankof's Report @ RBN - RBN Donate - Mark Dankof - MD's VK Website - MD's VK Website Num 2 - Natl Bugle Front Pg - A quote...."Show Roadmap: -- Dankof on Press TV Iran.... Yemen’s Ansarullah leader warns the US and UK of more operations against their vessels and destroyers - -- Dankof for VT Foreign Policy.... KTSA-AM 550 in San Antonio for your “Conservative” News Talk Perspective"

The Traitors In Congress Have Passed New Vile and Unconstitutional Hate Speech Legislation -- A quote...."Free Speech is gone in America! Hate speech laws that were clearly written long before these protests and were unable to get passed, were dusted off and passed with NO debate in Congress. What’s next, Jewish Noahide Laws? This is disgraceful! - The Bill, called the “Antisemitism Awareness Act”, is legislation our controllers have been trying to pass for years without success. House Speaker Mike Johnson pushed it through, bypassing debate and Judiciary committee scrutiny and sent it straight to the floor for a vote with bipartisan support by a controlled and compromised [Jews]-first Congress. They very quickly took advantage of the tension and violence of these clearly contrived and highly organized violent protests on college campuses to curb anti-[judeo-supremacism] - This Bill includes definitions provided by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), including traditional antisemitic actions and accusations. Accusing [the jews occupying Palestine] of genocide in Gaza will be strictly forbidden in the new Orwellian police state of Amerika. Don’t believe your lying eyes, our controllers will tell us when we should be outraged." - bold by website editor - See related links posted below.....
‘Anti-[Judeo-Supremacism]' Canard: The Most Dangerous Threat To Free Speech In U.S. History -- A quote...."For there was only one way the treacherous traitors in the U.S. Congress could be sufficiently compelled and coerced to effectively cancel the First Amendment.... "The Traitors In Congress Have Passed New Vile and Unconstitutional Hate Speech Legislation" - That would be the hollow clarion call by the Jewish and the [anti-]Christian [Hagee's Hordes Death Cultists] to stamp out an anti-[judeo-supremacism]  that does not even exists … except, of course, in the minds of those hopelessly deluded souls who still worship in the Synagogue of Satan - As always, the patently fraudulent organizations known as the Anti-Defamation League and Jewish Defense League are on the forefront of the several perfidious schemes to forever abolish Free Speech in America."

The JDL Reawakens Against Free Speech As Congress Kisses The First Amendment Good-Bye
-- A quote...."The recent national student protests against the Israeli genocide on the Palestinian people is the latest example of how a confusing narrative can be thoroughly invented and generated in order to skew public perception of WTF is actually going on.   With almost a unanimity of support, those protests have not been  anti-[judeo-supremacist].   They have been and continue to be totally in opposition of [the jews'] unconscionable violence against the Palestinian people and the absence of any moral fiber or conscience is patently clear to any reasonable objective observer."

The Jews Are Our Misfortune Redux
A quote...."FOR SEVERAL years now, especially since the George Floyd riots and the 2021 coup that installed Resident Biden, anti-White and Soros-backed prosecutors’ offices in our major cities have refused to prosecute even flagrant cases of shoplifting, theft, rioting, mayhem, and other crimes, including some violent crimes. Some cities have even openly announced that certain laws will no longer be enforced, because they want to stop what they sometimes refer to as the “disproportionate policing” of “people of color,” a part of America’s massive “systemic racism” problem, they claim. So criminals, Brown criminals anyway, go free. Officers are basically forbidden to make arrests for a long list of infractions. The thieves and looters have free rein and no fear of arrest across many major urban areas. Thousands of business closures have been the result. There are now entire YouTube channels devoted to showing the empty buildings in our cities which just a few years ago were filled with thriving businesses. The private property of homeowners and business owners large and small are unprotected and have been for several years now."
"But all of sudden, this week, for “some reason or other,” everything changed. Hundreds of super-aggressive, violent, and legally questionable arrests suddenly started being made — ostensibly, to protect the “private property rights” of universities. The real reason, though, was this: The “word went out” from the real rulers of America and the West — the Jewish power structure — that the increasingly massive and spontaneous protests on US campuses against  [the jews' ethnic cleansing and extermination] of Palestinians “must be shut down.”"
The Chinese are Not Stupid. In Fact, Your Dad is Stupid
A quote...."How obvious is it that Jews control America? - Anyone looking in from the outside can see it - Why didn’t your dad know? - Why didn’t he tell you? - Is he stupid? - Is there any other explanation? - Seriously, what other explanation is there than that your dad is a frigging retard? - No one outside of America looks at this country and says: “Yep, just a normal country, just a total coincidence that this tiny minority of people from Eastern Europe controls their entire economy, all of academia, the media, and the government. Really big coincidence, actually, but it means nothing.” -- "No one looks at America and thinks that - Especially not the Chinese - [click for graphic] - Sorry. (I’m not actually sorry.) - Everyone you know is either mentally retarded, or the product of decades’ worth of systemic brainwashing - This is all very obvious - The situation is simply ridiculous."
"It has never been more obvious than today that Jews totally control America. Just look at the politicians. Look at this law they just passed saying it’s de facto illegal to criticize Jews on a college campus. They rushed it through, after being publicly ordered to do so by Bibi Netanyahu. Bibi literally issued a statement giving a direct order to the US government to shut down the protests. When sending the cops in didn’t work, they sent in Antifa to break things so they could send the cops in again. Then they made it illegal to criticize Jews - There has never been a situation of a “cryptocracy” before in history. It’s basically a science fiction concept, like in Gor."
National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 5.03.24
NBR@RBNAudio - Great Deconstruction of Some Pundits Utter Inability to Recognize Jewish Power - Alt/Mp3 - (NBR @ RBNFlwPlyr - 1hr - May 3rd, 2024)  - Source:  Patrick Slattery:  RBN - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - Pat Slattery @ NBR -- Guest's Websites - Paul Edward Stevenson:   PES @ Odysee - PES @ RBN - PES@RBN/RSS - Republic Broadcasting Network - RBN Shows - RBN Donate- PES @ YuTb -- A quote...."Paul Stevenson joins the show for an update on the anti-genocide demonstrations and whatnot."

It’s Official: Telling the Truth is Anti-Semitic
It Has Been For At Least Two Thousand Years - Some People Are Just Noticing  - A quote...."No need to worry as Jews are not Semites. In fact, Arabs are Semites and Jews are no more Semitic than a Tibetan or Mongolian - U.S. lawmakers have broadened the definition of anti-[judeo-supremacism] in the latest legislation. The US House of Representatives has passed a bill which its authors claim is aimed at combating anti-[judeo-supremacism] in American universities. If signed into law, it would mean any suggestion that Jesus Christ was killed by Jews could be classed as anti-[judeo-supremacism] - The Antisemitism Awareness Act contains a list of contemporary examples which have been shared online by social media users, including Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene - Among the cases of hatred toward Jews mentioned in the document is using the symbols and images associated with classic anti-[judeo-supremacism] (e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize [the judeo-occupation enclave in Palestine] or [jews occupying the jdueo-enclave]."

EMJ Live 71: The War On Free Speech
EMJVideo - Alt/EMJ-Rumble - Alt/EMJ-Mp3 - Alt/EMJ-BitChute - (EMJBitChute - 1hr2min8sec - Apr 29th, 2024) - Source - E. Michael Jones:  EMJ @ Rumble - EMJ @ BitChute - EMJ @ RSS - EMJ @ CozyTV - EMJ @ Odysee - EMJ @ YuTb - Culture Wars - Culture Wars Donate - EMJ @ Gab - EMJ @ Telegram - EMJ @ Twitter -- A quote...."Dr. Jones breaks down the recent pro-Palestinian protests escalating around the U.S."

Max Blumenthal : Palestinian Hostages in [the Judeo-Enclave]
JdgNAPVideo - Alt/JdgNAP-Mp3 - SHAME On The JewSA!! - Blumenthal to the MAX!! - (JdgNAPYuTb - 33min23sec - May 2nd, 2024) - Source - Judge Napolitano:   JdgNAP's Website - JdgNAP @ Rumble - JdgNAP @ YuTb - JdgNAP @ PodCast - JdgNAP @ Twitter(X) - Max Blumenthal:   The Gray Zone - TGZ @ Odysee - TGZ @ YuTb - TGZ @ Twitter - TGZ @ Patreon - TGZ @ Instagram - TGZ @ Minds - As Max Blumenthal describes, and  Judge Napolitano stated.... a complete violation of the United States First Amendment! - mpg

When All Sides Are Agreed That Anti-White Jewish Power Is Holy, Whiteness Can Only be Unholy -- Must View Graphic - (Graphic #1) - (Graphic #2) - (Graphic #3) - (Graphic #4) - (Graphic #5) - (Graphic #6) - (Graphic #7) - (Graphic #8) - (Graphic #9) - (Graphic #10) - (Graphic #11) - (Graphic #12) - (Graphic #13) - A quote...."Jewishness is the New Faith in the US, meaning Jews Always Win regardless of Political Outcomes — Jews as the 'New Whites' — White Conservatism cannot win worshiping the Gods controlled by Jews and rigged to elevate Jews to Godhood while casting Whiteness down into Hell as Demonism --Jews control the gods, meaning they decide what is holy and unholy, what is sacred and what is taboo - Now, if only half the nation accepts those gods and demons, the other half would at least be free to worship its own gods. But what if the entirety of the nation worships those same gods. Then, all sides would be compelled to honor those gods and hound the designated demons."
"As Jews control the gods of the entire nation, Jews are blessed while whites are damned. Why? Jews who control the gods via media, academia, and organs of the state made Jewishness holy and whiteness unholy. So, whereas BOTH political parties must kneel before Jewish holiness, neither party can stick up for any kind of white positivity - The Democratic Party now openly denounces and defames whiteness(to the point where the slightest whiff of white identity or interest counts as ‘white supremacy’), and the best the GOP can do is timidly bow its head in shamed silence." - bold by website editor
Book Review - The Myth of German Villainy @ Odysee
MCBRVideo - Great Show!! - Great Discussion!! - Alt/MCBR-Odysee - Alt/MCBR-Rumble - Alt/MCBR-Bitchute - (MCVar - 1hr59min08sec - Apr 28th, 2024) -- Source - PA Media Website:  PAMedia.UK -- Referenced Video:  Sam Melia – The Trial Explained - Phil Melia’s Speech:  Free Sam Melia Demo –  To Contribute to Sam's Defense:  GiveSendGo -- Host's & PA Officer's Websites - Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s Book:  The Fall of Western Man - Guest's Websites - Dave Gahary:   Money Tree Publishing - MTP/Shop - Dave Gahary - DavG's Guests -- Featured & Reviewed Book - To Purchase....  Author Ben Bradberry’s  "The Myth of German Villainy" -- A quote...."Aunt Sally, Natty and Bill Atheling and I are joined by Dave Gahary from Money Tree Publishing as we review the second edition of Ben Bradberry’s fascinating breakdown of atrocity stories that were invented to provoke hatred of Germany and the German people in order to convince the public to support two world wars."

The Ethnic Cleansing of German Minorities after the War -- Part I
Die Heimatvertriebene: Part II -- A quote...."In the fall of 1946 Father Fittkau arrived at the half-destroyed railway station in Frankfurt an der Oder feeling “miserable and helpless.”[1] The less famous Frankfurt now lay astride Germany’s eastern border, and like Görlitz it had become a dumping off place for refugees from the east who were determined to make it to Berlin. Earlier on the same trip, Fittkau had met a refugee couple who had come from Berlin who told him that Berlin was “buried in debris,” where people tried to get by with “money which had no buying power,” which they could spend on “a bread ration of three slices a day.”[2] - Precisely at the moment when Germany was at its weakest point, that the Volksdeutsche who had been expelled from their native provinces in the east began pouring into devastated cities like Görlitz - The Americans and the British had collaborated with the Russians in the abolition of “Heimat,” roughly translated as homeland or native place. The expelled Germans were now free to go anywhere but home."

Month of the Leader, Part 3
NVAudio - (NVAMp3 - 22min29sec - Sep, 24th 2022) - Source:   National Vanguard (Alliance) - NVA Radio/Audio - NVA Donate - A quote....""AS MANY of you know, we have added George Lincoln Rockwell’s In Hoc Signo Vinces — “in this sign conquer” — to our more than 30-year-long series of American Dissident Voices broadcasts. Today we add powerful excerpts from several of Rockwell’s works — as introduced and presented, in the case of the first excerpt, by Professor Robert S. Griffin in his masterful biography of National Alliance founder William Pierce.... "The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds." -- "Rockwell was a great influence on the thinking of Dr. Pierce — in many ways, Rockwell awakened Dr. Pierce to a realization of the great struggle for survival between Europeans and Jews, and to the eternal truths embodied in Adolf Hitler’s National Socialism. And it may also be said that William Pierce added significantly to Hitler’s and Rockwell’s legacy in his political and philosophical writings, especially his Cosmotheist works."

Adolf Hitler as the Exemplar of Indo-European Ideology
A quote...."WHAT IS IT ABOUT Adolf Hitler that continues to fascinate the world? Why do people, especially those of European descent, find him so endlessly intriguing? It is not just his followers and sympathizers who find him captivating: Even his enemies and those who are conflicted about him fall under his spell - Clearly, there is something about Hitler that resonates deeply in the Aryan psyche, on a sub-rational level. Something about Hitler attracts us all, even if we do not understand what it is. It goes beyond words. And the more one learns about Hitler, the stronger this attraction becomes - Part of the answer to the enigma of Adolf Hitler is that we see in him, to one degree or another, an idealized reflection of ourselves. He is more than just one Aryan man: he is an exemplar of all Aryan humanity."

ExplainWhy White People Don’t Have the Right to Exist?
A quote...."Eva Vlaardingerbroek warns the White people of Europe against massive demographic changes in their native countries. Dutch lawyer Eva Vlaardingerbroek warns Europeans to take a stand against population replacement or become a minority in their motherlands - You’ve spoken a lot about White rights and the White replacement. But of course, this kind of opens you up to these accusations of racism - So, how do conservatives deal with this Catch-22 of not wanting to be replaced in their native countries, but also not wanting to be attacked with this term? - You can’t. That’s the thing. So, you have to pick a side. Of course, you’re going to be attacked if you say, ‘Hey, this continent, Europe, has been White for the entirety of its history, and now suddenly within one generation, a few bureaucrats against the will of the people have decided that we should suddenly be a minority. Why do we agree with that, or why do we allow that to happen?’ If you say that, you are going to be attacked."

Killstream: EMJ & Ron Uns Talk Gaza, Genocide, Media Complicitty
EMJVideo - Alt/EMJ-Odysee - Alt/EMJ-Mp3 - Alt/EMJ-BitChute - Alt/KS-Rumble - (EMJBitChute - 1hr4min58sec - Apr 23rd, 2024) - Source - E. Michael Jones:   EMJ @ BitChute - EMJ @ RSS - EMJ @ CozyTV - EMJ @ Odysee - EMJ @ YuTb - Culture Wars - Culture Wars Donate - EMJ @ Gab - EMJ @ Telegram - EMJ @ Twitter -- Producer's Websites - KS @ Rumble -- Guest's Website - Ron UnzRon Unz Review -- Regarding current events, the fall of empires, and the jewish question.... mpg
FYI:  You could see the differences.  Ron Unz, being jewish himself, didn't want to say the word jew. He's an obvious "Gatekeeper" in that regard, and will be so, till possibly the bitter end. E. Michal Jones, being an avowed, traditional, doctrinal, Catholic apologist, appeared to be trying to convince Ron Unz to utter the word jew, while of course stating "not all jews".  Both are of course missing the point. 

The Question.... that must ALWAYS be asked in this sort of analysis is.....
The Political Cesspool Radio Show, Apr 27th, 2024 - [Hr #1] - [Hr #2] - [Hr #3]
TPCAudio  Alt/Mp3/Hour#1 - Alt/Mp3/Hour#2 - Alt/Mp3/Hour#3 - (TPCVar - 1hr each - Apr 27th, 2024) - Source:  The Political Cesspool - TPCPodcasts -- A quote.... [Hour One] -- "TPC at 20: A Retrospective. (Part 4 of 12 featuring U.S. Congressman Walter Jones) During this special series, featured intermittently throughout our 20th anniversary year, James and Keith will revisit clips from some of our most memorable interviews over the past two decades with fresh reactions and commentary."  [Hour Two] -- "TPC begins to wrap up CHM 2024 with Taylor Young of Antelope Hill Publishing."  [Hour Three] -- "Hosts James Edwards and Keith Alexander put the finishing touches on TPC’s annual Southern salute."

Video: Deciphering the Nord Stream Pipeline Sabotage. Larry Johnson Briefing of the UNSC
JdgNAPVideo - Alt/JdgNap-YuTb - Alt/JdgNAP-Mp3 - (JdgNAPYuTb - 12min10sec - Apr 28th, 2024) - Source - Judge Napolitano:   JdgNAP's Website - JdgNAP @ Rumble - JdgNAP @ YuTb - JdgNAP @ PodCast - JdgNAP @ Twitter(X) - Special Guest's Website - Larry C. Johnson:   LCJ@SONAR - LCJ@Twitter - LCJ@Parler - LCJ@SubStack -- A quote...."With stakes higher than ever in global politics, Johnson brings his expertise in intelligence, counterterrorism, and financial investigations to bear on this politically charged quandary - As we navigate the murky waters of international relations, his insights offer clarity on the necessity of a comprehensive and transparent probe led by the United Nations Security Council, drawing upon the legacy of President Truman’s pursuit of peace - In a narrative that is as riveting as it is enlightening, Johnson stitches together the logistical and strategic threads behind the Nord Stream attack. His call for an unspoiled evidence chain and his expertise in financial forensics underscore the importance of untangling this complex web to maintain the delicate balance of international relations - By scrutinizing the response of NATO countries and paralleling historical events like the Pan Am 103 bombing, our discussion elevates the conversation surrounding global security dynamics and the quest for truth in an age of uncertainty - Join us for a session that not only enlightens but also imparts the gravity of leadership in the face of adversity."

EMJ Live 70: Jewish Lawfare Part II
EMJVideo - Alt/EMJ-Odysee - Alt/EMJ-Mp3 - Alt/EMJ-BitChute - (EMJBitChute - 1hr3min20sec - Apr 23rd, 2024) - Source - E. Michael Jones:   EMJ @ BitChute - EMJ @ RSS - EMJ @ CozyTV - EMJ @ Odysee - EMJ @ YuTb - Culture Wars - Culture Wars Donate - EMJ @ Gab - EMJ @ Telegram - EMJ @ Twitter -- Dr. Jones discusses the absurd S.4091 - Countering Antisemitism Act which is clearly the Jews imposing their evil will against the American people. Dr. E. Michael Jones is a prolific Catholic writer, lecturer, journalist, and Editor of Culture Wars Magazine who seeks to defend traditional Catholic teachings and values from those seeking to undermine them"

Ron Unz on COVID Origins and [Judeo-Occupation Enclave's] Assassinations
KevBarVideo - Outstanding Discussion!! - Note: Very low volume - Alt/KevBar-Rumble - Alt/KevBar-Bitchute - (KevBarVar - 56min9sec - Apr 26th, 2024) - Source Websites - Kevin Barrett:  KevBar / FFWN-VTFP @ Rumble - KevBar @ BitChute - KevBar @ Substack - KevBar @ HereseyCentral -  KevBar @ VTForeignPolicy -- Special Guest's Websites - Run Unz:  The Unz Review -- Ron Unz discusses his new articles “[Judeo-Enclave] Assassinations and Public Scrutiny”** and “After Four Years and Thirty Million Deaths.”** The former reflects on the hidden history of [the jewish occupation's] outrageously bad behavior, some of which is now becoming better known in the wake of the accelerated genocide of Gaza, while the latter summarizes and updates Ron’s work on COVID, including his groundbreaking articles arguing that the pandemic emerged from a US bio-attack on China and Iran." -- **links added

The ADL: Born in Blood, Part 1
Contains NVAudio - (NVAMp3 - 30min55sec - October 20, 2018) - Source:   National Vanguard (Alliance) - NVA Radio/Audio - NVA Donate -- A quote...."I’VE SAID IT before and I’ll say it again: Our enemies — the organized Jews who are attempting genocide of our race — are not supermen. Their best minds are no better than our best minds. Most of their genius is for deception and speculation and destruction. When it comes to creation, they are distinctly inferior. And they are sick, perverted, out of control, and morally disgusting at rates that leave even the worst meth-addicted White derelicts far behind -- But they are race-conscious — and they are organized. And that is their great strength. When Jews are dealing with someone, how that someone is treated by them very much depends on whether that person is a fellow Jew or not. (Exactly the sort of race-consciousness that they stridently deny us on a fake “moral” basis.) And Jews are organized, organized, organized — no other racial or ethnic group anywhere has as many commissions, leagues, centers, conferences, committees, unions, alliances, lobbies, memorials, legions — you name it and they’ve got it, plus a thousand more you can’t even think of. They’ve even got a “Conference of Presidents” of “Major Jewish Organizations” — a whole organization consisting of just the presidents of the largest Jewish groups; I kid you not."

The ADL: Born in Blood, Part 2
Contains NVAudio - (NVAMp3 - 21min50sec - April 26th, 2024) - Source:   National Vanguard (Alliance) - NVA Radio/Audio - NVA Donate -- A quote...."THE ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE, or ADL, is a hate-based criminal enterprise masquerading as a “human rights” group. Its purpose is to destroy by any means necessary those who expose the parasitic, criminal, or genocidal behavior of Israel or other organized Jewish interests - Researcher Valdis Bell, writing in The American Mercury, documents the ADL’s criminal connections....."
"Crime Connections:  The ADL operates much like an organized crime gang, as their intimidation and in-your-face life-ruining tactics make clear. And that’s not just a result of “overzealousness” or an unreasoning fear of persecution. The ADL has direct connections to numerous notorious crime figures.... Meyer Lansky, one of the architects of modern organized crime in the United States and connected with “Murder, Incorporated,” was a strong supporter of and donor to the ADL. His granddaughter, Mira Lansky Boland, was an ADL official — ironically, her position is listed as “liaison to law enforcement.” She arranged expense-paid luxury tours to Israel, the world capital of sex trafficking, for certain key law enforcement officials who had “something to offer” the ADL in return — among them Tom Gerard [who was a corrupt police officer who was one figure of many in the ADL’s theft of confidential police files]"
Holocaust Insights 4: Wildly Exaggerated Death Tolls
Graphic - A quote...."RIGHT AFTER THE SECOND WORLD WAR, wild numbers of inmates killed at various German wartime camps circulated in the media and among historians, often initiated by unsubstantiated or fraudulent claims, made by witnesses or official “expert reports.” The following table lists several of the better-known German camps. The second column gives the number of victims claimed immediately after the war by certain sources, the third column an approximation of the numbers claimed by the orthodoxy today, and the fourth column the post-war-exaggeration multiple."

Orthodox Death Toll
Actual or
Max. Toll

Camp Initial Today
Auschwitz 4 to 8 million 1 million 4 to 8 135,500 30-60
Bełżec 3 million 600,000 5 <100,000* >30
Chełmno 1.3 million 150,000 9 <1,000‡ 1,300
Dachau 238,000 41,000 6 27,800 9
Majdanek 2 million 78,000 26 42,200 47
Mauthausen 1 million 100,000 10 86,200 12
Sachsenhausen 840,000+ 30,000 28 20,600 41
Sobibór 2 million 200,000 10 80,000+† ±25
Treblinka 3 million 800,000 4 <143,000* >21

* based on disturbed soil volume found; † enough disturbed soil volume was found to accommodate the claimed 80,000 buried victims, but more are said to have been killed later without being buried; however, tracelessly burning those bodies would have been nearly impossible with the means and the time at the camp’s disposal; the latter is also true for Belzec and Treblinka; ‡ based on number of trees felled in the camp’s vicinity. If taking this as a measure, the numbers for Belzec, Sobibór and Treblinka would be quite similar to Chełmno’s numbers.
========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========

Mossad Admits to Tracking US Students as Secret [Judeo-Enclave] Group Embedded in Protests is Exposed -- VJREVideo - VJRE/Alt-Bitchute - (VJREVar - 48min08sec - Apr 24th, 2024) - Source:  Vincent James / Red Elephant - VJ/RE @ Rumble - VJ/RE @ BitChute - VJ/RE @ DLive - VJ/RE @ Patreon - VJ/RE @ SubScribeStar - VJ/RE @ Telegram - VJ/RE @ InstaGram - Daily Veracity - Daily Veracity Support - Daily Veracity Merch - See links posted below.....
National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 4.24.24
NBR@RBNAudio - Alt/Mp3 - (NBR @ RBNFlwPlyr - 1hr - Apr 24th, 2024)  - Source:  Patrick Slattery:  RBN - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - Pat Slattery @ NBR -- Guest's Websites - Jeremy from Kentucky:   RBN - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - Jeremy from Kentucky @ RBN - Jeremy from Kentucky @ GoFundMe -- Special Guest's Website - Dr David Duke:  DD @ Bitchute - DD @ Odysee - DD@YuTb - DD @ Rense - DavidDuke - DD's Radio Show - Please Purchase to Support Dr Duke! - DD's Books - Just A Note:  This website editor can't find a current web address for Dr. Duke.  The ones shown above were last updated in December 2023 - With one exception, Dr Duke Online © 2024, which appears to be a site to purchase his books - mpg -- A quote...."Patrick and Jeremy Show Part 2: David Duke crashes the Patrick and Jeremy Show, goes full preacher on the Christian [Judeo-Supremacist Worshipers]." -- One commentator stated...
"This should be good stuff - Its interesting to hear people's take on Christianity - Obviously some of them are very very wrong, but then its fascinating to hear how they got it so wrong - To be completely honest I figure Christian [judeo-supremacists] are just lying. Fake flag is a mercenary job, for money. The jew is paying them, like Jared Taylor. At least the ones up on the stage are. And the ones in the audience are just kind of sad. They are a victim of a crime. But then how much sympathy do they deserve, nobody should be that stupid. They should know better." -- *bob88*
FYI:  Well.... just think about it.  Jews invert all good concepts.  It's their nature.  So now we have a so-called "religion" that purports itself to be part of the "Christian" faith.  Yet its mission is to bring Hell on Earth!! 

How could any thinking human being possibly be stupid enough to believe in Rapturist Eschatology??  To do the work of the Devil Himself on behalf of Jesus Christ?!?! - Is there ANYTHING more inverted, perverted, or oxymoronic then that? - If ANYONE thinks this is funny, or not a serious issue, just put yourselves into their mindset.

You're totally committed to this jewish created "doctrinal faith"  And you totally believe that "The Rapture", and therefore Jesus Himself, will come to save you, your family, and your fellow brethren, ONLY IF the Earth Ends. 

Now imagine some of these people working in a BS-4 bio-warfare lab on something so deadly, its never before been seen in nature.  Something that  makes the Black Death tame by comparison.  Or sitting underground in some ICBM launch control complex somewhere in North Dakota. After somehow having obtained all the launch codes. 

Anyone still think it's funny? - mpg
Patriotic Weekly Review – with Emily Youcis
PWRVideo -- Alt/PWR-Odysee - Alt/PWR-Rumble - Alt/PWR-Bitchute - (MCVar - 2hrs11min35sec - Apr 24th, 2024) -- Source - PA Media Website:  PAMedia.UK -- Referenced Video:  Sam Melia – The Trial Explained - Phil Melia’s Speech:  Free Sam Melia Demo –  To Contribute to Sam's Defense:  GiveSendGo -- Host's & PA Officer's Websites - Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s Book:  The Fall of Western Man

CrossTalk Bullhorns: ‘Axis of Evil
Trump:  The Swamp Creature - CTRTAudio - Great Show!! - Alt/RTCT-Mp3 - Alt/RTCT-Rumble - Alt/RTCT-Odysee - Alt/RTCT-Bitchute - (CTRTVar - 26min39sec - Apr 22nd, 2024) - Source - Peter Lavelle:   Cross Talk @ RT - RT @ Rumble - RT @ Odysee - RT @ Bitchute - RTShows - RT@YuTb - RT@SndCld - RT - RTAmerica -- A quote...."The speaker of the US House of Representatives, Republican Mike Johnson, claims that Russia, China, and Iran are the ‘new axis of evil.’ Here we go again! - CrossTalking with George Szamuely and Martin Jay."

Trump Sold-Out His Base to Shovel $95 Billion to [the Judeo-Lviv Regime in Ukraine] and [to the Jews Occupying Palestine] -- Shocker!!  Trump's Ignominious Betrayal! -- A quote..."America last. America last. That’s all this is. America last, every single day.” – Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene - The man who is most responsible for the $95 billion giveaway to Ukraine and Israel, is the same guy who pretends to oppose America’s “wasteful” foreign wars. Donald Trump. It was Trump who consulted with Speaker Mike Johnson about the contents of the Ukraine aid package, just as it was Trump who concocted the idea of issuing loans instead of dispersing the standard welfare handout. It was also Trump who said....“I stand with the Speaker, (Mike Johnson)” after which he added that Johnson is doing “a very good job.” -- A “good job”? -- So, secretly collaborating with the Democrat leadership to push through a bill that “reauthorizes FISA to spy on the American people without a warrant, (bans Tik Tok) fully funds Joe Biden’s DOJ that has indicted President Trump 91 times, and giving Biden’s political gestapo a brand new FBI building bigger than the Pentagon,” while not providing a dime to protect the southern border from the swarms of people entering the country illegally, is doing a “good job”?" - bold by website editor

Scott Adams Plays Dumb on the JQ, Gets Destroyed by His Own Followers
VJREVideo - (VJREVar - 30min06sec - Apr 23rd, 2024) - Source:  Vincent James / Red Elephant - VJ/RE @ BitChute - VJ/RE @ DLive - VJ/RE @ Patreon - VJ/RE @ SubScribeStar - VJ/RE @ Telegram - VJ/RE @ InstaGram - Daily Veracity - Daily Veracity Support - Daily Veracity Merch

The Daily Nationalist: When Our Greatest Strength Suddenly Isn't - DN 042224
TDNAudio - Scathing Take-Down of the phrase.... "Diversity is Our Strength", and Blaming Russia For Immigration - Alt/Aud - Graphic - (click to view) - (TDNMp3 - 31min55sec - Apr 22nd, 2024) - Source:  TheDailyNationalist - RadioAlbion -- Please help Sven in prison!! - Article Supporting Sven - Sending Sven E-Mail - How to Give to Sven  - This is the newest mailing address for Sven Longshanks - Address:  James Allchurch James Allchurch A5903EY - HMP Berwyn, Bridge Road, Wrexham Ind. - Est., Wrexham, LL139QS -- Host's Website - GrandPaDan -- A quote...."Grandpa Dan discusses when “our greatest strength” suddenly isn’t. After welcoming countless immigrants into Europe who were going to pay the pensions and liven things up with exotic foods, Finland and the EU are sounding the alarm bells because Russia is apparently giving us too much strength...or something."

The Political Cesspool Radio Show, Apr 20th, 2024 - [Hr #1] - [Hr #2] - [Hr #3]
TPCAudio  Alt/Mp3/Hour#1 - Alt/Mp3/Hour#2 - Alt/Mp3/Hour#3 - (TPCVar - 1hr each - Apr 20th, 2024) - Source:  The Political Cesspool - TPCPodcasts -- A quote.... [Hour One] -- "Padraig Martin, co-editor and contributing author of The Honorable Cause: A Free South, returns to discuss a variety of Southern-related topics."  [Hour Two] -- "Gene Andrews, a retired combat officer and history teacher who now serves as caretaker of the Nathan Bedford Forrest boyhood home, is back with us once again to talk about one of America’s greatest warriors."  [Hour Three] -- "Brad Griffin, founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent, offers his on-air review of the new Civil War movie that is in theaters now."

[Is The Judeo-Exterminationist Occupation Enclave] Checkmated? (FFWN with Cat McGuire) -- KevBarVideo - Outstanding Discussion!! - Alt/KevBar-Rumble - Alt/KevBar-Bitchute - (KevBarVar - 1hr26min08sec - Apr 20th, 2024) - Source Websites - Kevin Barrett:  KevBar / FFWN-VTFP @ Rumble - KevBar @ BitChute - KevBar @ Substack - KevBar @ HereseyCentral -  KevBar @ VTForeignPolicy -- Special Guest's Websites -- Cat McGuire:  Uppity Upstart -A quote...."It was a big news week. Cat McGuire joins Kevin Barrett to try to sum it all up."

Singer Killing: Inexcusable Atrocity
A quote...."WHEN A NATIONAL ALLIANCE member who had recently joined our organization on his 18th birthday — we will call him H.J. — told me that he was raised in a Mormon home and had met with disapproval of the Alliance from his parents, I was sympathetic to his problem - Among other things, I loaned him my personal copy of the 1983 book, Death of an American: the Killing of John Singer. Dr. William Pierce had reported on the murder of Mr. Singer four years earlier in the National Alliance’s monthly tabloid National Vanguard. I thought our young member might benefit from reading this book by seeing how Mr. Singer’s murder by government agents related not just to Singer’s Mormon beliefs and insistence on home-schooling his ten children, but for his having been a member of the Hitler Youth as a child in Germany before emigrating to America after World War 2."

Nuremberg Trials ~ Allies Imitated Stalin’s Notorious 1936~1938 Show Trials
That's Because They Were Both Run By Jews -- A quote...."Howard Buffett is the son of world-famous investor Warren Buffett. Howard Buffett was an attorney and four-term U.S. Congressman from Nebraska. This is what Howard Buffett said about the Nuremberg Trials.... ‘Aside from the horrendous demand for Unconditional Surrender certainly the most stupid error of America’s World War II policies was to sponsor and participate in the so-called Nuremberg Trials - ‘From the standpoint of simple law and justice, these trials were a travesty on Anglo-Saxon traditions of law. Equally significant, they set a precedent that may someday haunt our children when future wars take place."

EMJ Live 69: Jewish Lawfare
On "Jewish Lawfare" - The Next Best Thing To Bombing Goyum! - Must View EMJVideo - Outstanding E. Michael Jones! - Alt/EMJ-Odysee - Alt/EMJ-Mp3 - Alt/EMJ-BitChute - (EMJBitChute - 1hr3min22sec - Apr 17, 2024) - Source - E. Michael Jones:   EMJ @ BitChute - EMJ @ RSS - EMJ @ CozyTV - EMJ @ Odysee - EMJ @ YuTb - Culture Wars - Culture Wars Donate - EMJ @ Gab - EMJ @ Telegram - EMJ @ Twitter -- A quote...."Dr. Jones talks about the Jewish lawfare being imposed on a global scale for the purpose of stifling truth. Dr. E. Michael Jones is a prolific Catholic writer, lecturer, journalist, and Editor of Culture Wars Magazine who seeks to defend traditional Catholic teachings and values from those seeking to undermine them."

Max Blumenthal: Hamas Still Stands
JdgNAPVideo - Alt/JdgNAP-Mp3 - (JdgNAPYuTb - 38min15sec - Apr 19th, 2024) - Source - Judge Napolitano:   JdgNAP's Website - JdgNAP @ Rumble - JdgNAP @ YuTb - JdgNAP @ PodCast - JdgNAP @ Twitter(X) - Guest's Websites - Douglas MacGregor:  DMac's Website - DMac @ YuTb

Col. Lawrence Wilkerson: Is [The Jewish Crime Syndicate's Geopolitical Pustule in Palestine] a US Ally? -- JdgNAPVideo - Alt/JdgNAP-Mp3 - (JdgNAPYuTb - 36min21sec - Apr 19th, 2024) - Source - Judge Napolitano:   JdgNAP's Website - JdgNAP @ Rumble - JdgNAP @ YuTb - JdgNAP @ PodCast - JdgNAP @ Twitter(X) - Guest's Websites - Douglas MacGregor:  DMac's Website - DMac @ YuTb

House Speaker Mike Johnson Ignores America’s Best Interests in Favor of [the Jewish Occupation Enclave] -- One Bought & Paid For Shabbos-House Goy - (Good little boy!  Good little boy!  You want your campaign treat now?  OK, now sit. That's it, now put it in your pocket!  Ohhh you're such a good little boy!! Yessss You Are!  You're the BEST little Goyum Doggie Ever!!  Now beg for more.... Good doggie!) -- Some quotes...."House Speaker Mike Johnson has just unveiled his long awaited foreign aid bill, and it leaves a lot of people wondering just where his loyalties lie as other countries are getting billions of dollars in aid and nothing is being earmarked for securing the nation’s borders - It is not surprising that Johnson is being branded a traitor to America...."- bold by website editor

US Vetoes UN Attempt to Recognize Palestinian State
The JewSA:  The Best Little Colony Jews Ever Had - A quote...."America is on the verge of entering a major war, much bigger than anything else we’ve seen since World War II, and there is no explanation why – except “America is controlled by Jews.” - I guess the retards on college campuses would tell you Joe Biden is a white supremacist? Frankly, I don’t know what they would say. Do they talk about AIPAC and the amount of money [the jews and their judeo-enclave occupying Palestine] pours into American politics now? I don’t think they do. I would like to see someone serious do a poll of what the pro-Palestine protesters believe. Maybe go ahead and ask them about the Ukraine as well, lol. It is, hilariously and confoundingly, mostly the same people supporting the Ukraine [Lviv regime's] war and opposing the [jewish occupation regime's] war - Both American political parties are attempting to package these two wars together, framing them both as the moral responsibility of the American people. Tucker Carlson, very good on him, has actually been pretty vocal in opposing both. Most of the media supports both."

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Pattern Recognition
(The BNW-1984-FS Viral Version)


Ottawa Fails to Condemn [Judeo-Enclave] Damage to Canadian Embassy
The Kiss-Ass Judeo-Anglo-Sphere.... Colonies -- A quote...."An [exterminationist occupation enclave] committing genocide damaged a Canadian embassy while conducting a flagrant war crime. But Ottawa has remained silent about an incident designed to ignite a regional war - Two weeks ago, the [jewish occupation enclave's jets] murdered 16 people in strikes on Iran’s embassy compound in Damascus"
FYI:  It went from Spain, after the Spanish Armada was defeated July – August 1588 during the reign of Queen Elizabeth, regrouped in the Netherlands, and later France, which it destroyed during its "revolution", till it firmly ensconced itself in England after the Battle of Waterloo, spread to the newly founded Judeo-Amerikan Empire in 1913, while a very toxic judeo-bolshevik variant bloomed in Russia, and destroyed that poor nation in 1917, thence to the other three former English colonies, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand after WWII in its initially more milder, therefore more contractible, but LETHALLY much more malignant judeo-emulated "Brave New World", "1984" Frankfurt School cancerous form. (BNW-1984-FS)
It's called the judeo-bankster imposed, pathogenic mind-meme virus, and its variants . 
The LETHALLY malignant BNW-1984-FS version has now infected Western Europe, with its rot slowly creeping Eastward across the rest of Europe, towards the heart of Eurasia. This is how the judeo-mind-rot, judeo-cutural-degenerative, and the judeo-fiat-debt-token-financial-virus has spread across the world

It is currently physically manifesting itself through its jewish viral agents as geopolitical pustules in both Palestine, and the former Russian territories which used to be called "Ukraine", a.k.a. "the Borderlands" - mpg
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What are the Financial Markets Telling us About [the Judeo-Enclave] and [the] Ukraine [Geopolitical Pustules]? -- Important Concept Note - (Related Article) - "[The judeo-enclave], by all accounts, is still enjoying (modest) economic growth and [the] Ukraine [territories], our friends at Russia Today explain, are expanding their drone production even though the country is bankrupt a hundred times over. If it is market turbulence you are looking for, the exotic currencies of  [the] Ukraine [territories] and [the judeo-enclave] are not the places to make a quick killing - This is because the [judeo-enclave] and Ukrainian markets must be seen by today’s market maxims and not yesterday’s where singularites like 9-11 and the 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan caused markets to freak out. Not only are those events now only historical footnotes but oil markets, once one of the world’s major barometers of turbulence, seem to be largely indifferent to what [the judeo-enclave] and [the] Ukraine [territories] are up to."
"Although gold was the other historical barometer, as gold prices are generally a proxy for American bond prices, not too much attention should be given to their volatility. Not so the bond markets, where turbulent [enclaves] like [the jewish occupation regime in Palestine] and [the jesich occupation regime in the] Ukraine [territories] run the risk of running out of short term, rather than long term liquidity - And therein is the key because the United States, [a.k.a. the JewSA colony] helped by her loyal EU, Japanese and British [a.k.a. the JewK colony] lapdogs, seems ready to pick up any tab either [the] Ukraine [territories] or [judeo-enclave] run up. Because NATO is prepared, to coin JFK, to pay any price to keep the [Lviv] and Tel Aviv regimes in power, corruption must be off the charts, especially in [the] Ukraine [territories], where there are no checks and balances to counter its long-established systematic corruption. As NATO has a history of facilitating similar corruption in Iraq and in rebel-held Syria, the fact that [the] Ukraine [territories], even leaving its own traditional seediness to one side, is corrupt from top to bottom should not surprise us."
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Iran’s Drone Strike Busts a Number if Myths and Strains [Judeo-Enclave]-[JewSA Colonial] Relations -- Important Concept Note - (Related Article) - " A quote...."The study of how power is acquired and exercised is very old. This study is much older than the social sciences. The pursuit of power and the study of power are deeply intertwined. The questions are many. Who has power? How did they get it, maintain it, and augment it? How can one power cartel displace and replace the base of another conglomerate of power? -- The study of power is integral to the study of the war, economics, education, technological transformation, propaganda, religion, and cultural expression. Weaving in and out of the study of power is the topic of the rise and fall and resurgence of [judeo-supremacist] Power."
"The power of the cascades of peoples identified over times as Pharisees, Hebrews, [judeo-enclave-]ites, God’s Chosen People, Jews and [judeo-supremacists] forms a unique topic often connected to the study of power. In fact or in legend, Jesus Christ is one of those who was deeply engaged in the study and criticism of [judeo-supremacist] power - In periods when [judeo-supremacist] power has become dominant, as is the case now, part of the dominance is usually expressed by governing authorities that put up walls of censorship and obfuscation meant to minimize research into the basis of [judeo-supremacist] power. This research usually has strong economic components. The research tip, follow the money, is especially apt when it comes to the study of [judeo-supremacist] power." - bold by website editor
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The Political Cesspool Radio Show, Apr 13th, 2024 - [Hr #1] - [Hr #2] - [Hr #3]
TPCAudio  Alt/Mp3/Hour#1 - Alt/Mp3/Hour#2 - Alt/Mp3/Hour#3 - (TPCVar - 1hr each - Apr 13th, 2024) - Source:  The Political Cesspool - TPCPodcasts -- A quote.... [Hour One] -- "Hosts James Edwards and Keith Alexander kick off another incredible broadcast by tackling two news items of particular interest."  [Hour Two] -- "Dr. Michael Hill, a retired university professor of history and author of two books on Celtic warfare, surveys the current landscape while discussing the increasing appetite for secession according to recent polls and reports."  [Hour Three] -- "John Hill, the closest living descendant of Lt. Gen. A.P. Hill, returns to the show to share with us the latest updates on his activism. Kirk Lyons, co-founder and chief trial counsel for the Southern Legal Resource Center (SLRC), a non-profit public law corporation that offers legal support to defend First Amendment violations, violations of civil rights, and discrimination against advocates of Southern Heritage, makes his annual CHM appearance to talk about his current battles to advance the cause."
Quotable Quote - Hour Two - [Start: 8m26s - End: 9m29s] -- "The crux of [my essay] is Organic Nationalism vs "Liberal Democracy".  You know Americans have been sold a bill of goods on that liberal democracy is the only 'proper' political system for America.... and that's because basically our history has been hijacked in the last hundred years, and we've been told lies.  Organic Nationalism, which is just a fancy way of saying "Blood and Soil" are connections and relations, as I've mentioned before.  That's really what you have to have, to have a true.... "True Nation State".  Because what is the definition of a Nation??  It's NOT a land with borders, that's a country, and a State, is a government. The Nation is the People... the people.... and we're talking about a distinct People.  A People that are connected by blood, by culture, by their folkways, by their language.... all the markers" -- *Dr. Michael Hill*, President of the "League of the South", discussing his essay in the book..."The Honorable Cause"
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Here's Why Big-Name Republicans Immediately Attacked Tucker After He Simply Criticized [The Judeo-Enclave] -- JREVideo - (VJREVar - 59min56sec - Apr 11, 2024) - Source:  Vincent James / Red Elephant - VJ/RE @ BitChute - VJ/RE @ DLive - VJ/RE @ Patreon - VJ/RE @ SubScribeStar - VJ/RE @ Telegram - VJ/RE @ InstaGram - Daily Veracity - Daily Veracity Support - Daily Veracity Merch

I Really Love This Graphic...
Graphic -- Great graphic.  Absolutely spot-on - mpg

EU Bias Exposed As Not A Single Citizen From Central and Eastern Europe Appointed to Leadership Role Across Bloc Last Year -- Important Concept Note - A quote...."Not a single citizen from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) was appointed to a leadership position within the EU institutions last year, according to a new report that shines a light on the gross underrepresentation of the region within the bloc - The Geographical Representation in EU Leadership Observatory 2024, published on Monday by European Democracy Consulting, revealed the continued bias in favor of Western Europeans for leadership roles, where 73 percent of all new appointments originated from Western Europe in 2023 — up significantly over the 35 percent recorded between 2018 and 2020."

Occupied Nation: How the CIA Created Modern Germany
A quote...."On February 4th, The Economist published a devastating analysis—or perhaps, “pre-mortem”—on the collapse of the German Social Democratic Party (SPD) under Olaf Scholz’s stewardship. Elected in what the Western media contemporaneously branded a “shock” result in September 2021, hopes for his coalition government in many quarters were high. Today, he enjoys the worst approval ratings of any Chancellor in modern history, and national opinion polls place SPD approval at 15% or lower."

The Prophecy of an American Before Being Hanged by the British
For The Historical Record - A quote...."WILLIAM JOYCE (1906 ~ 1946) an Irish-American German citizen throughout the 1930s passionately campaigned for peace with Germany - Immediately after Winston Churchill was parachuted into No 10 Downing Street the unelected premier ordered mass arrests of all anti-war campaigners, men, women and children; families were interned in British and Commonwealth camps and goals without trial or a date for their release -  In 1940, to avoid arrest under Britain’s policy of arresting any actively engaged in the Peace Movement, William and his wife departed for Germany from which nation he carried on broadcasting his appeals for peace - Joyce was not the Lord-Haw. The slur was a mistake made by a sloppy Daily Express reporter. William Joyce was controversially hanged in Britain after a deeply flawed and internationally condemned trial at the Old Bailey on January 3, 1946."

The Number of Parasites Hits a Record High
A quote...."Struggling to pay your gas and electricity bills, feed the kids and meet your outgoing commitments, the parasites infesting humanity are doing fine, thank you - Migrants aren’t the only free-loading parasites. Two-thirds of billionaires on the Forbes rich list – most in the Western ‘democracies’ are worth more than they were a year ago - ‘What a year it’s been for the planet’s billionaires,’ exulted the Forbes wealth management group as it unveiled its annual ranking of the world’s richest people this week -- Hunger and poverty mean nothing to the elite whose fortunes continue to swell as global stock markets profit from war, sanctions-related price hikes, political unrest, Covid lockdowns, and soaring inflation. The one class that is not depressed by depression is the wholly immoral ruling class."

The Economic and Social Costs of Direct and Indirect Kleptoparasitism by Blacks and Jews - Just Remember:  Jews Maliciously Caused It, Blacks Were Just Their Tool - A quote...."Nature might abhor a vacuum, but it apparently loves an analogy—at least of the genetic and behavioral kind. That is, no matter how much humans may wish to be above and separate from the workings of the rest of the animal kingdom, they are constantly acting in ways analogous to those creatures they so look down upon. And as academia adores an intellectual vacuum—at least with respect to areas of study that run contrary to its ideology du jour—it is unfortunately up to those such as us on the Dissident Right to fill that empty space with useful work showing the true state of reality."

The Smoke of the Synagogue
A quote...."“From some fissure the smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God.” -- "Paul VI’s unwittingly appropriate words in his 1972 homily have formed the basis of much speculation from Catholics as to what, exactly, is this smoke of Satan, and how is it connected to Church affairs, scandals, and the decline in reverence witnessed in most parishes since Vatican II? As a supporter of Vatican II, Paul VI was not pointing at any specific infiltration of the Church in this case, but rather the fact that Vatican II did not have its intended effect. Later in his homily, Paul VI says, “It was believed that after the Council there would come a sunny day for the history of the Church. Instead, a day of clouds, storms, darkness, searching, uncertainty has come.”[1] However, just because Vatican II did not produce the effect hoped for by Paul VI, doesn’t mean it did not produce the change that someone else intended."

How [Jewsih] Interests Are Behind British Gov’s Attempted Definition of ‘Extremism’
A quote...."The British government has been grappling with the question of [their faked, staged, or propaganda-contrived] extremism for years now.  It has failed even to define extremism in any clear fashion, and has been struggling to fight back against an avalanche of criticism that its counter-extremism policies are [generally] Islamophobic - [Yet the British "government" has REFUSED for DECADES to do anything about the grooming gangs who have destroyed the lives of Britain's young girls, nor pause their mass-immigration policies from Islamic countries, nor make ANY distinction between the malign, Judeo-Wahhabist influence in Britain, and regular Muslims!!! - mpg] The [jewish imposed ethnic-cleansing extermination campaign] in Gaza has focused minds in the British elite, because of the massive sympathy for the Palestinians visible on the streets - The desperate attempts to cast pro-Palestine protestors as genocidal is a desperate attempt to split the movement. The government is trying to reframe “extremism” in such a way that more radical [normal, decent, conscientious]  supporters of Palestinian liberation, [the rights of the Palestinian people to NOT be murdered en-mass by the jews occupying their country] are demonised, criminalised and disavowed by the rest of the movement." - slightly edited to reflect actual realities - mpg - Source:  Al Mayadeen

Patriotic Weekly Review - with Morgoth
PWRVideo -- Alt/PWR-Odysee - Alt/PWR-Rumble - Alt/PWR-Bitchute - (MCVar - 2hrs9min47sec - Apr 24th, 2024) -- Source - PA Media Website:  PAMedia.UK -- Referenced Video:  Sam Melia – The Trial Explained - Phil Melia’s Speech:  Free Sam Melia Demo –  To Contribute to Sam's Defense:  GiveSendGo -- Host's & PA Officer's Websites - Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s Book:  The Fall of Western Man - Special Guest's Websites - Morgoth:  MorRev @ Odysee - MorRev @ BitChute - MorRev @ Substack - MorRev @ YuTb - MorRev @ PodcastAddict - MorRev @ TeleGram - MorRev @ SubscribeStar - MorRev @ Twitter - MorRev @ Buy Me A Coffee  

Conservative, Inc. Is Starting To Lose Its Patience With All Of You…
A quote...."Have you started to notice that the leading voices of Conservative Inc. are getting kind of upset these days? - They’re upset because all the suckers out there….er…ah…ha ha…I meant to say, their Conservative Inc. audience…ha ha, sorry, no idea how that slipped out…  Let me try again.... NeoCon warmongering hacks like Ben Shapiro are starting to get kind of UPSET that their audience is rejecting the recent oh-so-very-important Israel/Ukraine programming - They’re starting to lose a little PATIENCE here. They’re starting to become oh-so-very disappointed in the rest of us who stubbornly won’t get with the Israel/Ukraine program. We won’t get on the bus. We won’t join the latest hot Con Inc. noble cause - Maybe it’s just me, but perhaps the big reason I’m not all that eager to jump onto the latest cool new Conservative, Inc. bandwagon is that I have very good and long memory about ALL THOSE OTHER BANDWAGONS that I allowed Con Inc. to successfully propagandize me into hopping onboard."
The Attempted Murder of Truth
Good Title -  (Missed this one, don't know how - mpg) - NVAudio - (NVAMp3 - 20min09sec - Mar 23rd, 2024) - Source:   National Vanguard (Alliance) - NVA Radio/Audio - NVA Donate -- A quote...."TODAY I’LL BE talking to you about an important move by the enemies of our people to suppress all resistance to their anti-White agenda, by expanding their well-worn expedient of making it impossible for us to do business - First let’s take a look at a news item sent to me by National Alliance Chairman Will Williams and published on, including excerpts from a Washington Times article originally forwarded by Mark Weber of the Institute for Historical Review."
[A] list of “hate groups” sent by the US Treasury Department to US and overseas banks was compiled by the [Jewish] Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center. This list of “73 US-based hate groups” is from “Bankrolling Bigotry: An Overview of the Online Funding Strategies of American Hate Groups,” a report issued in October 2020 by two British-based groups. This 36-page report is posted at … otry-3.pdf -- The report urges financial institutions and platforms such as PayPal to cancel or withhold services to alleged “hate groups.” It also recommends that the US Congress consider measures so that “hate groups” cannot qualify for non-profit status -- Among the groups “identified” by the ADL and the SPLC and cited in the report are: American Renaissance (New Century Foundation); VDARE; Family Research Council; Eagle Forum; Numbers USA; the National Alliance; and the Institute for Historical Review."
"The National Alliance is the parent organization behind, where American Dissident Voices is published every week. Now let’s turn to this month’s Washington Times piece, titled “List of hate groups circulated by federal government to banks included top conservative organization” (it’s a bit long — I’ll shorten it a little — but bear with me; it’s important)...."

Holocaust Insights 3: Moshe Peer
A quote...."THIS SERIES is based on the new Holocaust Encyclopedia by Germar Rudolf (available from Cosmotheist Books; please buy it here to support our efforts!), a massive volume (634 pages) that demolishes once and for all the myths, misunderstandings, exaggerations, and outright fabrications that surround the “Holocaust” story - We now present the section dealing with Jewish “survivor” Moshe Peer, who managed to undermine the fake “Holocaust” narrative in two distinct ways — 1) by telling completely incredible and unbelievable lies (which the controlled media invariably reported without the slightest skepticism or rudimentary investigation) about the larger overall purpose of the camps, and 2) by telling the truth regarding small details of his experiences there, details which disprove parts of the “Holocaust” narrative." - bold by website editor - See links posted below.....
Holocaust Insights 4: Wildly Exaggerated Death Tolls
A quote...."THIS SERIES is based on the new Holocaust Encyclopedia by Germar Rudolf (available from Cosmotheist Books; please buy it here to support our efforts!), a massive volume (634 pages) that demolishes once and for all the myths, misunderstandings, exaggerations, and outright fabrications that surround the “Holocaust” story - Here we examine the wildly exaggerated death tolls claimed by “Holocaust” propagandists."

Armand Hammer: Fake Billionaire, Fake Philanthropist, Real Jewish Communist
A quote...."THERE’S AN INTERESTING hour-long interview of investigator Edward Jay Epstein from December 1996 about his book Dossier (1996), concerning wealthy Jewish Communist and Establishment member Armand Hammer, the founder of Occidental Petroleum. (Hammer’s first name was chosen by his parents, also Communists, because it is a homonym for the old “Arm and Hammer” Marxist symbol.)"

The Dankof Report with Mark Dankof, April 5, 2024
MDRAudio - Alt/Mp3 - (MDRMp3 - 1hr - Apr 5th, 2024) - Source - Mark Dankof:  Mark Dankof's Report @ RBN - RBN Donate - Mark Dankof - MD's VK Website - MD's VK Website Num 2 - Natl Bugle Front Pg - Special Guest's Websites - Patrick Slattery:  RBN - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - Pat Slattery @ NBR -- A quote...."Joined by Patrick Slattery, Mark Dankof observes that GOP Governor Greg Abbott’s war on “Anti-Semitism” on Texas university campuses and the Republican Jewish Coalition alliance with AIPAC and the United Democracy Project in targeting ex-GOP Congressman John Hostettler, underscores the Tribe’s stranglehold on American foreign policy, domestic policy, the media, and the electoral political process - Other topics include [the jews'] latest crimes, Biden’s “Happy International Transgender Day of Visibility,” and a synopsis of the Russian military juggernaut’s advances in Donbass."

The Political Cesspool Radio Show, Apr 6th, 2024 - [Hr #1] - [Hr #2] - [Hr #3]
TPCAudio  Alt/Mp3/Hour#1 - Alt/Mp3/Hour#2 - Alt/Mp3/Hour#3 - Absolutely OUTSTANDING Germar Rudolf Interview!! - (TPCVar - 1hr each - Apr 6th, 2024) - Source:  The Political Cesspool - TPCPodcasts -- A quote.... [Hour One] -- "What is the current state of free speech, thought, and association in Europe? What are our prospects for the future? Germar Rudolf, a German chemist and author who has been sentenced to prison for years for his beliefs, shares his opinion."  [Hour Two] -- "As we transition from one special series to the next, hosts James Edwards and Keith Alexander pause to catch up on some news."  [Hour Three] -- "Our annual salute to the South officially kicks off with commentator and historian Michael Gaddy. An Army veteran of Vietnam, Grenada, and Beirut, he returns to the program to talk about the Southern War for Independence." - See related articles and websites....
Holocaust Insights 2: Bergen-Belsen
A quote..."THIS SERIES is based on the new Holocaust Encyclopedia by Germar Rudolf (available from Cosmotheist Books; please buy it here to support our efforts!), a massive volume (634 pages) that demolishes once and for all the myths, misunderstandings, exaggerations, and outright fabrications that surround the “Holocaust” story. We now present the section dealing with the much-lied-about Bergen-Belsen concentration camp from this highly readable and professionally produced reference work." - See links posted below.....
FREE Sam Melia Demo - Political Prisoner Update - with Laura Towler
PAVideo -- Alt/PA-Odysee - Alt/PA-Rumble - Alt/PA-Bitchute - (PAVar - 1hr21min42sec - Apr 5th, 2024) -- Source - PA Media Website:  PAMedia.UK -- Referenced Video:  Sam Melia – The Trial Explained - Phil Melia’s Speech:  Free Sam Melia Demo –  To Contribute to Sam's Defense:  GiveSendGo -- Host's & PA Officer's Websites - Laura Towler:  GrandMa Towlers Tea - LT @ DLive - LT @ Telegram - LT @ Gab - LT @ We Were Never Asked & Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s Book:  The Fall of Western Man - Guest's Websites - James Karlsson's White Papers:  JKWP@SubStack - JKWP@Telegram - BTN@Telegram - BTN/RSS@TRS - TRS - TRS Support -- A quote...."Join Laura Towler and I as we discuss the recent FREE Sam Melia demonstration in Leeds and provide updates on a number of political prisoners. We will also discuss future PA events and other developments and activities.

What Orwell and Huxley Got Wrong and Kafka Got Right
A quote...."What Kafka got right is how societies can become busily dysfunctional -- For self-evident reasons, the fictional visions of Orwell and Huxley resonate as maps to the present distemper. Orwell's account of full-spectrum technological totalitarianism maps Big Tech's mastery of Surveillance Capitalism and governments' full-spectrum surveillance powering the fine-grained coercion of social credit scores and related tools - Huxley's vision of a doped-up, med-dependent populace that loves its servitude also maps the present. Indeed, not only do we love our servitude, which manifests in our endless addictions and dependencies on everything from debt to junk food to painkillers, our servitude has been so normalized that we don't even recognize the servitude that underpins "normal life."

How Private Interests Seized Control of America
A quote...."One thing that we know with certainty about our time is that no Western government represents the people it rules - Western governments represent the interests of those whose campaign contributions elect the government. The government is simply purchased by campaign contributors. It is not a government in the sense of the word used by Thomas Jefferson and Albert Jay Nock. In the United States, the Supreme Court has legalized the purchase of the government by special interests who use government for their agendas. The Supreme Court actually ruled that it is a First Amendment right to purchase the government."

Communist Barbarism in Hungary — & America Today:  When [The Judeo-Enclave] Is King -- Book Review - A quote...."Shortly after the First World War, Hungary was forced to endure a Jewish-led Communist government that turned the Central European nation into a mix of today’s occupied Palestine and Pol Pot’s Cambodian dystopia. How this occurred is described in a 1924 book that was recently republished by Antelope Hill, When [The Judeo-Enclave] Is King - Hungary is on the western border of the Eurasian Steppe, and consequently its history has been one of invasions from the East"

The 13-Year-Old War in Syria Holds a Warning for [the] Ukraine [ Territories]
Great Summation of Syria's Destruction at the Hands of the Judeo-Amerikan Alliance - A quote...."Posted 31 Mar, 2024 20:53 - Remember Bashar Assad, the Syrian president who simply ‘had to go’, according to everyone from then-UK Prime Minister David Cameron, and then-Secretary of State John Kerry, to then-Italian Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni Silveri. Whatever happened to Assad, anyway? Turns out that he’s still living a quiet life as president of Syria, and hardly ever finds his name being rolled around in the mouths of NATO’s regime change enthusiasts anymore -- Nearly a decade after mounting a propaganda campaign to support a US-led NATO invasion of the country, the State Department’s special envoy to the conflict, Ambassador James Jeffrey, confirmed in 2020 that the US was no longer seeking Assad’s ouster. Instead, he said, it wanted to see a dramatic shift in behavior,” evoking Japan’s transformation in the wake of the US dropping a couple of bombs on it during World War II -- That’s quite the policy shift. But it can be explained in exactly the same way that a guy who lusts after a girl and gets shot down suddenly starts telling people that he was never really into her anyway. The attitude changed because Washington had no choice. It had tried just about everything, and failed."

NATO’s Criminal War Against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Not to Forget! 1999-2024. The Belgrade Declaration -- A quote...."WE, participants of the International Conference held in Belgrade on March 22-24, 2024, on the occasion of marking the 25th anniversary of NATO’s armed aggression against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) dedicated to the theme “From the Aggression to a New Just Order”, gathered from all over the world, hereby declare....."

The Fantasized ‘End of History’ Is Now Long Gone. So: What’s Left?
A Clarion Indictment Against The Judeo-Run Nord-Am Empire!! - A quote..."In 1992, Francis Fukuyama’s best-seller The End of History predicted that the collapse of the communistic Soviet Union meant that the American system of government was unquestionably the right model for the world — that it was “the end of history,” meaning the big question of the Cold War had finally been answered: capitalism and American-styled democracy can now have no challenger. Even today, that book sells well and receives favorable reviews from its readers."
"But the world did not become more peaceful. In fact: the opposite happened, and America’s Government was the main reason why. The U.S. Congressional Research Service’s list of U.S. invasions (including increases in existing invasions) lists and briefly describes 297 such invasions after WW II (i.e., during 1945-2022, a 77-year period), and is titled “Instances of Use of United States Armed Forces Abroad, 1798-2022”. That 297 U.S. invasions in the past 77 years since 1945 is more than all of the instances put together during 1798-1945 — which was twice as long a period, 147-years. And none of those 297 invasions after 1944 was defensive - "These were aggressions. - Moreover, since Fukuyama was taking the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union as the historical turning-point..." - Topix  || A History Of Mayhem & Murder ||
Asymmetric Response and the Perp Walk to World War III
A quote...."Have you ever tried to break out of the orbit of a narcissist? It’s damn difficult. Their pattern of emotional abuse is designed to make you feel like the abuser, demoralizing you, sapping you of your vitality and agency - They weaponize your humanity and feed off your guilt. When you finally summon the courage to divorce yourself from them that’s when the fangs really come out. That’s when their true face is revealed. And it’s nothing but scorn, derision and unfettered hatred - Narcissists don’t love you. They love themselves - I’m opening this article with that quick reminder of human psychology to set the stage for this week’s discussion of all things geopolitical. There ain’t no art in this piece folks, I’m too damn exhausted to craft the language."

The Terrorist Attack in Moscow: Customers, Inspirers, and Perpetrators
Good Conceptual Title - A quote...."The terrorist attack on the Crocus City Hall (Krasnogorsk) took place on 22 March 2024 at around 20:00 Moscow time. The attack was accompanied by mass shooting and explosions: the attackers opened fire on civilians in the building, set fire to the auditorium, and then left the building. The attack killed at least, 143 people (including three children) and injured 182 others. The concert hall was almost completely destroyed by arson and explosions. The attack was one of the largest terrorist attacks in the history of modern Russia, second only to the terrorist attack in Beslan (2004) in terms of the number of victims. The Afghan branch of the international terrorist organisation ISIL claimed responsibility for the attack, with Washington’s acquiescence."

Patriotic Weekly Review - with White Papers
PWRVideo -- Alt/PWR-Odysee - Alt/PWR-Rumble - Alt/PWR-Bitchute - (MCVar - 2hrs2min53sec - Apr 3rd, 2024) -- Source - PA Media Website:  PAMedia.UK -- Referenced Video:  Sam Melia – The Trial Explained - Phil Melia’s Speech:  Free Sam Melia Demo –  To Contribute to Sam's Defense:  GiveSendGo -- Host's & PA Officer's Websites - Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s Book:  The Fall of Western Man - Guest's Websites - James Karlsson's White Papers:  JKWP@SubStack - JKWP@Telegram - BTN@Telegram - BTN/RSS@TRS - TRS - TRS Support

The Daily Nationalist: A Fair Question - DN 040124
TDNAudio - Scathing Take-Down Regarding "Representative" Tim Walberg!! - Alt/Aud - Graphic - (click to view) - (TDNMp3 - 37min09sec - Apr 1st, 2024) - Source:  TheDailyNationalist - RadioAlbion -- Please help Sven in prison!! - Article Supporting Sven - Sending Sven E-Mail - How to Give to Sven  - This is the newest mailing address for Sven Longshanks - Address:  James Allchurch James Allchurch A5903EY - HMP Berwyn, Bridge Road, Wrexham Ind. - Est., Wrexham, LL139QS -- Host's Website - GrandPaDan -- A quote...."In the U.S., members of Congress are referred to as “Representatives”. In this installment of The Daily Nationalist, Grandpa Dan asks the obvious question as to who exactly, these “Representatives” actually represent. Representative Tim Walberg recently stated that no humanitarian aid should be given to Gaza or the Ukraine [territories] and instead, they should be given the Hiroshima and Nagasaki treatment. Is this attitude representative of the people in his district? In a separate news story, it is revealed that this same Congressman (even though he isn’t Jewish) was recently the victim of antisemitism after bravely hanging a banner declaring his support for a foreign nation. All of the hand waving and name calling doesn’t change the question: Who do these people actually represent?"
FYI:  BTW:  It's NOT "Collective Punishment" of the jews!  Everyone, including Grandpa Dan has that term, a jewish term the jews maliciously designed to protect themselves, and their predatory activities.... totally backwards!  It's "Punishment of the Collective" -- Sanctioning the Jewish World-Wide, Trans-National, "Collective", for THAT "Collective's" provable, ( gotta prove it) nation-state destroying, societal corrupting LGBTQOPedo Global-Homo SodomPlex, TransPlex, and PedoPlex Frankfurt School ideological, world-wide Bankster impoverishing, "moral & factual relativity" TRUTH destroying mind / meme pathogenic, mass murdering.... ACTIONS - mpg -  See links posted below....
Back To Work
AnMartVideo - Hilarious First Part Re: Hagee's Death Cult - (AnMartYuTb - 30min39sec - Apr 1st, 2023) - Source:   Andrei Martyanov's - AnMart's BlogSpot: Reminiscence of the Future SmoothieX12 @ YuTb - AnMart @ Patreon - AnMart @ BuyMeCofee  -- Topix  ||  Hagee's Juvangelized, De-christianized, Hideous, Heretical, Hordes  ||

National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 4.02.24
NBR@RBNAudio - Alt/Mp3 - (NBR @ RBNFlwPlyr - 1hr - Apr 2nd, 2024)  - Source:  Patrick Slattery:  RBN - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - Pat Slattery @ NBR - Special Guest's Websites - PA Media Website:  PAMedia.UK -- Host's & PA Officer's Websites - Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s Book:  The Fall of Western Man -- Video Re: PA Mbr  Sam Melia – The Trial Explained - & To Contribute to Sam's Defense:  GiveSendGo -- A quote...."Mark Collett joins the show: Trump seems to be starting to talk about white people - Note: This is the raw file from Patrick without ads and may contain blank spaces for brief periods of time where ad breaks would normally be."

The Political Cesspool Radio Show, Mar 30th, 2024 - [Hr #1] - [Hr #2] - [Hr #3]
TPCAudio - Good Show! - A Religious Easter Weekend Edition - Alt/Mp3/Hour#1 - Alt/Mp3/Hour#2 - Alt/Mp3/Hour#3 -- (TPCVar - 1hr each - Mar 30th, 2024) - Source:  The Political Cesspool - TPCPodcasts -- A quote.... [Hour One] -- "Dries Van Langenhove, a former Member of the Chamber of Representatives in the Belgian Parliament, joins us to discuss his outrageous recent prison sentence and how we can stand in solidarity. Jim Dowson also delivers a powerful message from Northern Ireland."  [Hour Two] -- "Taylor Young of Antelope Hill Publishing discusses Spanish history from the Age of Exploration to World War II before we make a final stop in Puerto Rico to wrap up this year’s March Around the World."  [Hour Three] -- "Pastor Bret McAtee presents a special Easter message documenting the Resurrection of Jesus Christ."

Smoking Synagogues! Encameled Unitarians! (FFWN with E. Michael Jones)
KevBarVideo -- Good Discussion! -- Alt/KevBar-Bitchute - (KevBarVar - 1hr6min22sec - Mar 30, 2024) - Source Websites - Kevin Barrett:  KevBar / FFWN-VTFP @ Rumble - KevBar @ BitChute - KevBar @ Substack - KevBar @ HereseyCentral -  KevBar @ VTForeignPolicy -- Special Guest's Websites - E. Michael Jones:   EMJ @ BitChute - EMJ @ RSS - EMJ @ CozyTV - EMJ @ Odysee - EMJ @ YuTb - Culture Wars - Culture Wars Donate - EMJ @ Gab - EMJ @ Telegram - EMJ @ Twitter - A quote...."Guest: E. Michael Jones. We’ll cover the news for the first half of the show, then debate “Was Ralph Waldo Emerson a Satanist?” during the second half. That debate grows out of my comment on Dr. Jones’s new article."

[Jewish] Military Intelligence and NSA Spying On All Americans and the World!
HRAudio - Alt/Mp4-Vid - Alt/Mp3-Aud - Photo - (click to view) - (HRVar - 1hr40min37sec - Mar 30th, 2024) - Source:  History Reviewed Com - History Reviewed Net - African Crisis - Please Purchase:  White-Shop-Biz - Please Donate:  Send Money - Special Guest's Websites - Fredrick of BlackBird9 - RBN - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - BlackBird9@RBNBlack Bird9's Breakfast Club - BB9'sSiteMap - BB9'sPodCastSphr - BB9's RSS Feeds - BB9@Archive -- A quote...."I discuss spying on mobile phones and weird stories from South Africa. The show is with Frederick of BlackBird9 and the Hill Billy Professor. We compare notes on our knowledge of computers and our various experiences. Frederick had work in the US where he had secret government work."- See links posted below.....
Patriotic Weekly Review - with Warren Balogh
PWRVideo - Alt/PWR-Odysee - Alt/PWR-Rumble - Alt/PWR-Bitchute - (PWRVar - 2hrs12min45sec - Mar 27th, 2024) -- PA Media Website:  PAMedia.UK -- Referenced Video:  Sam Melia – The Trial Explained - To Contribute to Sam's Defense:  GiveSendGo -- Host's & PA Officer's Websites - Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s Book:  The Fall of Western Man -- Special Guest's Websites - Warren Balogh:  ModernPolitics @ TRS - TheRightStuff - TRS/AllShows - TRS/Support - JusticeReport - NationalJusticeParty - NJP @ Odysee - NJP @ Telegram

CrossTalk Bullhorns: Moscow Targeted
CTRTAudio - WOW! Great Crosstalk Episode!! -- Alt/Mp3 - Alt/Rumble - (CTRTVar - 26min42sec - Mar 25th 2024) - Source - Peter Lavelle:   Cross Talk @ RT - RT @ Rumble - RT @ Odysee - RTShows - RT@YuTb - RT@SndCld - RT - RTAmerica - A quote...."Moscow has suffered its worst terrorist attack in 20 years. Many are blaming Ukraine and its Western patrons. Also, an American-sponsored UN Security Council resolution on Gaza failed to pass. This marks the utter failure of American policy that is abetting genocide - CrossTalking with Alexander Aton and Dmitry Babich."

Candace Owens FIRED by Ben Shapiro for Telling the TRUTH About Who Controls America -- VJREVideo - Great Enumeration of Recent Jewish Power Plays!! - VJRE/Alt-Bitchute - (VJREVar - 39min09sec - Mar 23rd, 2024) - Source:  Vincent James / Red Elephant - VJ/RE @ Rumble - VJ/RE @ BitChute - VJ/RE @ DLive - VJ/RE @ Patreon - VJ/RE @ SubScribeStar - VJ/RE @ Telegram - VJ/RE @ InstaGram - Daily Veracity - Daily Veracity Support - Daily Veracity Merch

EMJ Live 66: Put yo chain on, Candace
EMJVideo - Alt/EMJ-Odysee - Alt/EMJ-Mp3 - Alt/EMJ-BitChute - NOTE: From a very Catholic perspective - (EMJBitChute - 1hr5min38sec - Mar 23rd, 2024) - Source - E. Michael Jones:   EMJ @ BitChute - EMJ @ RSS - EMJ @ CozyTV - EMJ @ Odysee - EMJ @ YuTb - Culture Wars - Culture Wars Donate - EMJ @ Gab - EMJ @ Telegram - EMJ @ Twitter -- A quote...."Dr. Jones breaks down the recent controversy surrounding the firing of Daily Wire journalist Candace Owens. Dr. E. Michael Jones is a prolific Catholic writer, lecturer, journalist, and the Editor of Culture Wars Magazine who seeks to defend traditional Catholic teachings and values from those seeking to undermine them."

The Political Cesspool Radio Show, Mar 16th, 2024 - [Hr #1] - [Hr #2] - [Hr #3]
TPCAudio - Great Show! - Alt/Mp3/Hour#1 - Alt/Mp3/Hour#2 - Alt/Mp3/Hour#3 -- (TPCVar - 1hr each - Mar 23rd, 2024) - Source:  The Political Cesspool - TPCPodcasts -- A quote.... [Hour One] -- "Sascha Roßmüller, a journalist for the print magazine Deutsche Stimme, joins us to discuss the current situation in Germany."  [Hour Two] -- "Henrik Palmgren of Red Ice gives us a report on the current conditions in Sweden. But that’s not all! Have you been enjoying our March Around the World? Harry Cooper provides details about a trip you might want to take for yourself."  [Hour Three] -- "Cutting through the media spin, James Edwards and Keith Alexander document the global push to eradicate free speech and peaceful assembly."

America Is a Gentile Nation
Great Deconstruction of Jewish Power - Must View Charts, Graphs, and Graphics -- Please pass it on or re-post!! - Some quotes...."An important reason for putting forth a clearer conceptualization of the imbalanced relationship between We the 98% versus the 2% U.S. Jewish population is that the juxtaposition gives civil society a new angle, a different methodology if you will for assessing political affairs—primarily, the stark reality of the degree to which the U.S. is ZOG’d to high heaven." -- "The country’s most important sectors controlled by elite, influential Jews are...."
Cat McGuire Asks Jeff Brown about “Zio-American Empire vs. China” (FFWN Special!)
KevBarVideo - Outstanding Discussion!! - Alt/KevBar-Rumble - Alt/KevBar-Bitchute - (KevBarVar - 2hrs9min58sec - Mar 23rd, 2024) - Source Websites - Kevin Barrett:  KevBar / FFWN-VTFP @ Rumble - KevBar @ BitChute - KevBar @ Substack - KevBar @ HereseyCentral -  KevBar @ VTForeignPolicy -- Special Guest's Websites -- Cat McGuire:  Uppity Upstart - Jeff Brown:  Seek Truth From Facts Foundation -- A quote...."This week, instead of the regular weekly news roundup, False Flag Weekly News presents a special edition on “The Zio-American Empire vs. China” featuring Cat McGuire questioning bullish-on-China Jeff Brown -- Cat McGuire’s questions....  How does “socialism with Chinese characteristics” differ from the two political systems China straddles:  capitalism and communism? -- CCP versus Chinese billionaires: Is the CCP the good cop for the people whereas Chinese billionaires are the bad cop in bed with Western FinTech companies like BlackRock? -- How deeply involved is world Jewry with multipolar world projects such as the Belt and Road Initiative? -- As a multipolar world leader, does China really want other countries to thrive and have sovereignty as they proclaim?  Or is China just the next NWO wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing hegemon? -- Will the ultimate civilizational war be between China versus diasporan Jews, aka the multipolar world versus the unipolar world?"

Holocaust Insights 1: Absurd Tales
A quote...."YOU HAVE never before seen a resource like the new Holocaust Encyclopedia by Germar Rudolf (available from Cosmotheist Books), a massive volume (634 pages) that demolishes once and for all the myths, misunderstandings, exaggerations, and outright fabrications that surround the “Holocaust” story. Beginning today, we will publish a series of excerpts from this highly readable and professionally produced reference work - Alleged victims, bystanders, and perpetrators have made a seemingly endless list of silly, bizarre, nonsensical, and outrageous assertions about their purported abuse, as part of the orthodox Holocaust narrative. The following is an incomplete list of some of the more ridiculous claims that they have made (where no links are set, see Rudolf 2019, pp. 124-127, for sources)...." - See links posted below.....
Holocaust Encyclopedia – Full Color Hardback Produce by Germar Rudolf
Book Offer!!  Get YOURS Now!! - A quote...."This encyclopedia gives you an uncensored and unconstrained look at all the pertinent evidence that upholds the orthodox Holocaust narrative: the true, the false, and the mendacious. It also exposes the various forces and influences that have dictated how this narrative was formed, and how it is protected from skeptical prying eyes. If you ever wanted to understand the postwar world we live in, this is a good starting point. Learn about the biggest propaganda campaign mankind has ever seen, and how it braced the postwar world psychologically. This encyclopedia gives you all the information you ever wanted, and information you didn’t even know exists, right at your fingertips. The book has 634 pages, 579 entries, 357 illustrations, an introduction, bibliography, and a names index."
"The Holocaust is a topic whose public discourse is tightly controlled by powerful groups. Only their side of the story is permitted to be discussed. In fact, they insist that there is no other side. They guard the West’s last taboo, and enforce swift punishment for those who dare to violate the taboo by asking prohibited questions, and by unearthing evidence leading to unwelcome answers - Undaunted by this threat, and for the first time in history, a team of critical scholars has produced an encyclopedic compendium of cutting-edge information on this topic that pays no tribute to any power; respects no taboo; poses all the questions worth asking; and gives answers exclusively based on where the evidence leads. Its contents have not been censored by any legal authority, and they are not constrained to “acceptable” questions and answers."
The Day [The Jews] Attacked Us. Survivor Tells His Story About Being About the Ship They Tried to Sink -- VJREVideo - VJRE/Alt-Bitchute - (VJREVar - 24min10sec - Mar 21, 2024) - Source:  Vincent James / Red Elephant - VJ/RE @ Rumble - VJ/RE @ BitChute - VJ/RE @ DLive - VJ/RE @ Patreon - VJ/RE @ SubScribeStar - VJ/RE @ Telegram - VJ/RE @ InstaGram - Daily Veracity - Daily Veracity Support - Daily Veracity Merch

Patriotic Weekly Review - with Raging Dissident @ Rumble
PWRVideo - Alt/MC-Odysee - Alt/MC-Rumble - Alt/MC-Bitchute - (PWRVar - 2hrs3min23sec - Mar 20th, 2024) -- PA Media Website:  PAMedia.UK -- Referenced Video:  Sam Melia – The Trial Explained - To Contribute to Sam's Defense:  GiveSendGo -- Host's & PA Officer's Websites - Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s Book:  The Fall of Western Man -- Special Guest's Websites - Jeremy MacKenzie:  Raging Dissident Website - RagDissGriftShop - RagDiss @ Rumble - RagDiss @ Odysee - RagDis @ Entropy - RagDis @ GAB - RagDis @ Twitter - RagDis @ InstGrm - RagDis @ Spotify -- A quote...."Episode 254 of Patriotic Weekly Review with special guest Raging Dissident."

Germany: Alfred Schaefer Out of Jail – White Man in Wheel Chair attacks Violent Blacks
HRAudio - Alt/Mp4-Vid - Alt/Mp3-Aud - Photo - (click to view) - (HRVar - 1hr14min20sec - Mar 16th, 2024) - Source:  History Reviewed Com - History Reviewed Net - African Crisis - Please Purchase:  White-Shop-Biz - Please Donate:  Send Money -- A quote...."This is my first chat with Alfred after he came out of 6 months in jail for doing a NAZI salute in public! What a ridiculous fake crime to be charged with – in GERMANY! Jews are responsible for this total madness - In this video I include 2 short videos where you see Whites are sick of Blacks. The one is an amazing one in Sweden, and the other one is in an American school - Alfred is definitely a pioneer in Germany when it comes to standing up for your rights in Germany – a country where native-born people are not allowed to rule their own country! It’s sheer madness - We discuss many racial topics including the never-ending Jewish holocaust lie - This show was recorded on: 2024-03-14."

New Extremism Legislation Explained
PAVideo -- Alt/PA-Odysee - Alt/PA-Rumble - Alt/PA-Bitchute - (PAVar - 53min50sec - Mar 17th, 2024) -- Source - PA Media Website:  PAMedia.UK -- Referenced Video:  Sam Melia – The Trial Explained - To Contribute to Sam's Defense:  GiveSendGo -- Host's & PA Officer's Websites - Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s Book:  The Fall of Western Man -- Laura Towler:  GrandMa Towlers Tea - LT @ DLive - LT @ Telegram - LT @ Gab - LT @ We Were Never Asked -- A quote...."This week Michael Gove launched an attack on freedom of speech and freedom of association and used his parliamentary privilege to name and spread malicious lies about a number of groups when discussing this new anti-freedom legislation. But what does this all really mean – what are the real world consequences and why did he do this now?"

The Dankof Report with Mark Dankof, March 15, 2024
MDRAudio - Alt/Mp3 - (MDRMp3 - 1hr - Mar 15th, 2024) - Source - Mark Dankof:  Mark Dankof's Report @ RBN - RBN Donate - Mark Dankof - MD's VK Website - MD's VK Website Num 2 - Natl Bugle Front Pg - Special Guest's Websites - Patrick Slattery:  RBN - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - Pat Slattery @ NBR -- A quote...."Mark Dankof is joined by Patrick Slattery LIVE TODAY discussing the hit-piece on Father Whiteford, fruity world leaders, war, and more!"

The Political Cesspool Radio Show, Mar 16th, 2024 - [Hr #1] - [Hr #2] - [Hr #3]
TPCAudio -- Alt/Mp3/Hour#1 - Alt/Mp3/Hour#2 - Alt/Mp3/Hour#3 -- (TPCVar - 1hr each - Mar 16th, 2024) - Source:  The Political Cesspool - TPCPodcasts -- A quote.... [Hour One] -- "We visit the Emerald Isle with Irish nationalist and polemicist Keith Woods. One of the 200 most influential Twitter users in the world, Keith became a global phenomenon last year during his ongoing discourse with Elon Musk."  [Hour Two] -- "We briefly pause our international travels to catch up on a variety of domestic news items."  [Hour Three] -- "TPC at 20: A Retrospective. (Part 3 of 12 featuring Maj. Gen. Zeljko Glasnovic) During this special series, featured intermittently throughout our 20th anniversary year, James and Keith revisit clips from some of our most memorable interviews over the past two decades with fresh reactions and commentary."

The Charlottesville Tiki-Vigil: Ultra-Privileged Antifas and University Admins Pose as Victims; Entrap and Attack Normal Citizens -- A quote...."Arrests around the country. Dozens of secret indictments. Blatant cooperation between Antifa and public officials. A pack of well-connected professors and careerist law students foaming at the mouth to prosecute their political enemies. Yeah, that’s Charlottesville alright - The August 11, 2017 tiki-torch vigil is back in the news in a big way. But to understand what is happening now, we need to establish what really happened - In the telling of the Jewish press, a crazed mob staged a savage attack against helpless and well-meaning students at the University of Virginia (UVA) - But the truth is quite the opposite, and the real injustice far more shocking: The young men who took part in the tiki-vigil were lured into a trap set up by the Charlottesville’s political elite and powerful UVA administrators - The trap misfired. UVA’s front-line Antifa thugs failed to break up the procession. So UVA fell back on methods more suited to their talents: lying in the press and abusing the power of the courts - To understand how, you must understand four key things: 1) Antifa shows a consistent pattern of aggression. 2) The favorite tactic of elite-antifa is to play the victim. 3) Antifa draws its members directly from the bourgeois-academic-corporate elite. 4) Whenever Antifa lose, they work hand-in-hand with system-elites to get payback." - Topix  ||  Charlottesville Was An Arranged Causus Belli From Day One - 08-20-17 - mpg  || - also posted at UNZReview

The Banned Truth About the Tiktok Ban, Who's Really Behind it, and Why They Want it Divested -- VJREVideo - (VJREVar - 28min59sec - Mar 15th, 2024) - Source:  Vincent James / Red Elephant - VJ/RE @ BitChute - VJ/RE @ DLive - VJ/RE @ Patreon - VJ/RE @ SubScribeStar - VJ/RE @ Telegram - VJ/RE @ InstaGram - Daily Veracity - Daily Veracity Support - Daily Veracity Merch

FFWN: Can [The Judeo-Enclave's] “Anti-[Judeo-Supremacist] Fringe” Save the Jews?
KevBarVideo - Alt/KevBar-Rumble - Alt/KevBar-Bitchute - (KevBarVar - 58min32sec - mar 16th, 2024) - Source Websites - Kevin Barrett:  KevBar / FFWN-VTFP @ Rumble - KevBar @ BitChute - KevBar @ Substack - KevBar @ HereseyCentral -  KevBar @ VTForeignPolicy -- Guest's Website - J Michael Springman:  JMS @ Substack -- A quote...."Will the world turn against the Jews? Can [the judeo-enclave's] anti-[judeo-supremacist] fringe save them? These and other questions, based on the week's 30 notable news stories, are entertained."

How Long Can the Anti-Zionist Coalition Last?
The Difference Between "Anti-Zionism" Movements, and Anti-Trans-National, Collective, Jewish Power Movements - (And the opposite to collective trans-national jewish-power??  Trans-National Collective White Ethnic European Identitarian Power -- And what could possibly happen if these differences are not overcome or resolved by the Pro-White movement) -- A quote...."There’s been a lot of talk lately about the “2016 energy” returning to Twitter/X. That was a magical time when all the factions of the non-establishment Right came together for a single purpose. The Alt Right, the Alt Lite, Right-wing libertarians, and millions of normie MAGA conservatives formed a unified front to get Trump elected. The famous post-election Murdoch Murdoch episode “The Great Meme War of 2016” memorialized this coalition. It shows various Internet and media personalities who took part in the struggle: The Right Stuff and Millennial Woes for the Alt Right, along with Alex Jones, Matt Cernovich, RamZPaul, James O’Keefe, Julian Assange, and a diverse array of others."
"It was a magical time. Everyone was sharing each other’s content and everyone’s viewer numbers were climbing. People put aside their differences. All that mattered was that you were pro-Trump. We were trying to achieve the impossible, and we needed every man we could get - Starting with the #BantheADL campaign and then accelerating since October 7, a similar unified front, this time against Zionism, has emerged on social media in recent months. It is now not uncommon to see X Spaces about the latest events in Gaza that include some combination of White Nationalists, anti-imperialist Leftists, Palestinian ethnic activists, and isolationist libertarians - This is “2016 energy” on a far larger scale....."
EMJ Live 64: A Discussion with Brother Nathanael
EMJVideo - Note:  Music for the first 20min.  Various tunes.  Some satirically poking fun at "woke" anti-culture - Alt/EMJ-Odysee - Alt/EMJ-Mp3 - Alt/EMJ-BitChute -  (EMJBitChute - 1hr37min58sec - Mar 4th, 2024) - Source - E. Michael Jones:   EMJ @ BitChute - EMJ @ RSS - EMJ @ CozyTV - EMJ @ Odysee - EMJ @ YuTb - Culture Wars - Culture Wars Donate - EMJ @ Gab - EMJ @ Telegram - EMJ @ Twitter - Newest Book From E. Micheal Jones - The Holocaust Narrative - Special Guest's Websites - Brother Nathanial:  BN's Real Jew News - BN @ Rumble - BN @ Odysee - BN @ BitChute -- A quote...."Dr. Jones and Brother Nathanael Discuss the Jews. These to titans of their craft discuss some simple questions: Do we have the Jews on the run? Has the tide turn on the global Jewish hegemony. Or is it the same old story, and much work still needs to be done?"

The Jewish Question Going Mainstream Before Race Realism - A Good or a Bad Thing?
Absolutely Outstanding Analysis - A quote...."The Jewish Question is going mainstream — at least on Elon Musk’s Twitter/X. Major Con Inc. figures such as Candace Owens and Tucker Carlson have felt the need to begin addressing issues of Jewish influence, and conspiracy-theory grifters such as Stew Peters have started incorporating JQ talking points into their brands. Certainly any Right-wing content creator whose online persona is based on being edgy now has to at minimum be talking about Zionism. Being “anti-woke” doesn’t cut it anymore. Being anti-anti-white isn’t enough. You gotta be naming the Jew."
"That’s on the Right, although anti-Zionism is now ubiquitous on the Left as well. Even if the establishment was somehow able to sideline Elon Musk and wrest back control of Twitter/X, they would nevertheless still be unable to put the genie back into the bottle. The ideas and talking points have now been heard by too many people — untold millions. Reinstating the old censorship rules and expanding the blacklist to include all the new figures who have risen to prominence by espousing anti-Zionism as well as all the older ones who have adopted it recently would not quell the demand for anti-Zionist content. Even if these things were done, something else would inevitably arise to fulfill that demand."
England Must Love its Jews, Part 4
A quote...."THE KING OF ENGLAND used to be something. The English King once sat in Whitehall and oversaw a sumptuous masque in which the lords and ladies of the court performed their ritual under a ceiling of cerulean blue; the whole world of grandeur was there, and Shakespeare may have made a cameo, or pitched in with a word or two — it was that kind of place and that kind of time. Those were the days, as it’s been said, when the English King was on his throne and the noble and the august held sway."

National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 3.11.24
NBR@RBNAudio - Alt/Mp3 - (NBR @ RBNFlwPlyr - 1hr - Mar 11th, 2024)  - Source:  Patrick Slattery:  RBN - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - Pat Slattery @ NBR -- Guest's Websites - PA Media Website:  PAMedia.UK -- Host's & PA Officer's Websites - Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s Book:  The Fall of Western Man - A quote...."Mark Collett joins the show: Advice to Candace Owens for talking about Jews without falling into newbie pitfalls."

White Man Chat: Jews at Work: Personal Story of How Easily Africans Enter America
HRAudio - Alt/Mp4-Vid - Alt/Mp3-Aud - Grim Graphic - (click to view) - (HRVar - 1hr53min44sec - Mar 9th, 2024) - Source:  History Reviewed Com - History Reviewed Net - African Crisis - Please Purchase:  White-Shop-Biz - Please Donate:  Send Money -- A quote...."ots of Whites say that Christians will never fight. Here is a story unlike any other. This is the strange story of the CRUSADERS, the (NCRM) National Christian Resistance Movement of South Africa. This was a Christian Racialist who had former SADF special forces, Recces with him. They wanted to seize back South Africa for WHITES! This took place in 2018 and 2019. We study what Harry did and the many strange twists and turns in this strange story -- This is not just a show. I added a bit of a lecture in here too. In the show we also discuss the Boers and Whites in Africa, but most of the show is focused on White Americans, and how America is being destroyed, especially by the human trash that is being brought in by the Jewish scum at work. "

About 39 Black-ON-White Homicides, Including a White Man Trying to Apologize to a Black Women for a Minor Fender Bender -- February 2024—Another Month In The Death Of White America - A quote...."The February 22 murder of a young white woman by a mestizo Venezuelan illegal alien released into the U.S. by the Biden Regime has finally broken through MSM censorship and gotten the attention of the U.S. Congress [Georgia congressman introduces ’Laken Riley Act’ after nursing student’s murder on UGA’s campus, by Karys Belger,, March 4, 2024]. About time too—but the fact is that there are many more equally horrific black-on-white homicides each month (including, this month, at least one by a Colombian illegal immigrant). When is Congress going to notice this? -- February saw the usual toll of white women involved with black Significant Others, which often extends to their white families. There’s also a tragic case of a white mother killing her mixed-race children, suggesting these relationships are deeply fraught. We also note what appears to be an uptick in carjackings and home invasions, and a significant number of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty—to none of the ululations that accompanied the lynchings of Michael Slager or Derek Chauvin. And, unusually, seven cases of double or triple murders, suggesting that black lack of impulse control is a really serious problem. And a white man killed while attempting to apologize for a fender bender, perhaps a category John Derbyshire should add to his seminal essay “The Talk.”"

FFWN: Will "Redemption Through Genocide" End Golden Age of American Jews?
KevBarVideo - Outstanding Expose of the Judeo-Enclave, and World Jewry!! - Alt/KevBar-Rumble - Alt/KevBar-Bitchute - (KevBarVar - 1hr8min8sec - Mar 9th, 2024) - Source Websites - Kevin Barrett:  KevBar / FFWN-VTFP @ Rumble - KevBar @ BitChute - KevBar @ Substack - KevBar @ HereseyCentral -  KevBar @ VTForeignPolicy -- A quote.... "Kevin Barrett and Cat McGuire discuss the week's top 30 news stories, including two contrasting interpretations of the Gaza genocide's implications for American Jews."

‘We Are the Masters of the House’: [Judeo-Enclave] Channels Air Snuff Videos Featuring Systematic Torture of Palestinians -- War Crime Snuff Films on National TV - (Snuff films of prisoners) - A quote...."Over the past month, mainstream [judeo-enclave] television channels have aired what can only be described as snuff films. They depict the systematic torture of Palestinians from Gaza in [jewish-run] jails. Such videos have aired on at least three occasions — twice on Channel 14, and once on the public broadcaster, Channel 13. While Channel 14 is considered right-wing, so is about two-thirds of the [judeo-enclave] public, and the more “mainstream” Channel 13 has shown no qualms about airing similar footage - The broadcasts follow prison officials into detention centers to document the mistreatment of prisoners, which seems to be something that the officials — and apparently the viewers — find satisfying rather than revolting. The airing of these snuff films is a demonstration of societal sadism." - Source:  Mondoweiss

INTEL Roundtable w/ Johnson & McGovern: Is Putin Right to Threaten NATO?
JdgNAPVideo - (JdgNAPYuTb - 28min03sec - Mar 1st, 2024) - Source - Judge Napolitano:   JdgNAP's Website - JdgNAP @ YuTb - JdgNAP @ Twitter(X)- Guest's Websites - Douglas MacGregor:  DMac's Website - DMac @ YuTb - Special Guest's Websites - Ray McGovern:   Ray McGovern's Website - RayMc@YuTb - RayMc@Twitter & Larry C. Johnson:   LCJ@SONAR - LCJ@Twitter - LCJ@Parler - LCJ@SubStack

George Galloway’s EPIC Victory Triggers UK Elite, Pro-[Judeo-Enclave] Media Meltdown -- DHaiVideo - Viva La George Galloway!! -  (DHaiYuTb - 34min30sec - Mar 4th 2024) - Source - Danny Haiphong:  DHai's Website - DHai @ YuTb - DHai @ SubStack - DHai @ LinkTree - DHai @ Telegram - DHai @ InstaGram -- Support:  DHai @ Patreon - DHai @ BuyMeACoffee -- A quote...."George Galloway shocked the neocons with his victory in the Rochdale election which sends him back to Parliament to continue his work opposing NATO, [the jewish crime syndicate's geopolitical pustule in Palestine], and their wars abroad. Rishi Sunack and the western media are not happy and this video breaks it all down."

Galloway Winning is a Blow for the System
PWRVideo -- Alt/PWR-Odysee - Alt/PWR-Rumble - Alt/PWR-Bitchute - (MCVar - 10min20sec - Mar 8th, 2024) -- Source - PA Media Website:  PAMedia.UK -- Referenced Video:  Sam Melia – The Trial Explained - To Contribute to Sam's Defense:  GiveSendGo -- Host's & PA Officer's Websites - Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s Book:  The Fall of Western Man -- A quote...."When George Galloway won the Rochdale by-election by a substantial margin the political establishment and media had a meltdown – cumulating in Rishi Sunak throwing a hysterical temper tantrum outside of Number 10 Downing Street. Find out why George Galloway’s victory – along with others factors – could present a chance for real and positive political change."

The Dankof Report with Mark Dankof, March 8, 2024
MDRAudio - Good Show! - Alt/Mp3 - (MDRMp3 - 1hr - Mar 8th, 2024) - Source - Mark Dankof:  Mark Dankof's Report @ RBN - RBN Donate - Mark Dankof - MD's VK Website - MD's VK Website Num 2 - Natl Bugle Front Pg - Special Guest's Websites - Dr Patrick Slattery:  RBN - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - Pat Slattery @ NBR & Dr David Duke:  DD @ Bitchute - DD @ Odysee - DD@YuTb - DD @ Rense - DavidDuke - DD's Radio Show -- A quote...."Mark is joined by Patrick Slattery in the first half, and Dr. David Duke in the second half."

UK Column News - 6th March 2024
UKCVideo - Wherein the Sam Melia case, and the JewK's crackdown against free-speech, is discussed - Alt/UKC-Odysee - Alt/UKC-BitChute - (UKCVar - 1hr2min7sec - Mar 6th, 2024) -- Source - UKColumn:  UKColumn - UKC/Archive - UKC @ Odysee - UKC @ SoundCld - Archived UKC @ BitChute - Archived UKC @ Rumble - UKC Donation - UKC Merch / Shop -- A quote...."Mike Robinson, Charles Malet and Vanessa Beeley with today's UK Column News."

National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 3.04.24
NBR@RBNAudio - On The Miscarriage of Justice for Sam Melia - Alt/Mp3 - (NBR @ RBNFlwPlyr - 1hr - Mar 4th, 2024)  - Source:  Patrick Slattery:  RBN - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - Pat Slattery @ NBR -- Guest's Websites - PA Media Website:  PAMedia.UK -- Referenced Video:  Sam Melia – The Trial Explained - To Contribute to Sam's Defense:  GiveSendGo -- Host's & PA Officer's Websites - Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s Book:  The Fall of Western Man - A quote...."Mark Collett joins the show for a discussion of Sam Melia’s sentencing, George Galloway’s election, and political realignment."

Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler
PWRVideo - BREAKING!! - Utter Miscarriage of Justice -- Alt/PWR-Odysee - Alt/PWR-Rumble - Alt/PWR-Bitchute - (MCVar - 1hr18min21sec - Mar 1, 2024) -- Source - PA Media Website:  PAMedia.UK -- Referenced Video:  Sam Melia – The Trial Explained - To Contribute to Sam's Defense:  GiveSendGo -- Host's & PA Officer's Websites - Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s Book:  The Fall of Western Man -- Laura Towler:  GrandMa Towlers Tea - LT @ DLive - LT @ Telegram - LT @ Gab - LT @ We Were Never Asked  -- A quote...."Join Laura Towler and I as we discuss Sam’s sentencing in Leeds Crown Court. Sam was sentenced to two years in prison. We will also answer questions from the audience and report what went on as well as discussing our feelings on the matter."
FYI:  WARNING - You won't believe this folks.  You can now be convicted in Britain, for using non-offensive, non-threatening, normal, officially acknowledged perfectly legal speech, if what purportedly is in your mind contemporaneously at the time you used your speech, was proscribed intent, or proscribed thinking, (a thought crime known as "Wrong-Think"), determined by what you supposedly said years ago, which is currently being interpreted as proscribed speech by those who are prosecuting you!!!  This is truly horrifying, and frightening.  Luckily, despite the jews best efforts.  The US Constitution's First Amendment is still in effect in this country... For now...  mpg
Third Rail #313: The Clout Loan Sharks Took My Thumbs, Charlie!
3rdRailAudio - Regarding Amerika's Brain Parasites, What They've Deliberately Done To Western Culture, To Palestine, and To Ukraine!! - Alt/3rdRail-Mp3 - Alt/3rdRail-RSS - (3rdRailVar - 1hr41min21sec - Mar 2, 2024) - Source:  3rdRail @ TRS - The Right Stuf fBiz - 3rdRail RSS Feed - 3rdRail @ Telegram - Spectre @ Telegram - National Justice Party - Antelope Hill Publishing - Race Borz / Archived - National Institute for Gamer Review / Kultur Terror - National-Justice - Buy Spectre's Book! - Buy Borzoi's Book! -- Special Guest's Websites - Aaron Art:  Subscribe to Aaron Art’s Telegram Channel - The Monthly White Art Challenge Telegram -- A quote...."Spectre and Dharma King welcome /ourpainter/ Aaron Art to talk about the importance of art and aesthetics to our movement and our people, why modern culture is creatively bankrupt, and then we delve into talmudic rationales and the clash of race and culture that reveals itself in art. Finally, Dharma King and Spectre slightly revise their February 2022 prediction that Russia would have that whole “special operation” thingy wrapped by June 2022, six months tops. It's actually revealing about a bigger truth, and that is the wheels coming off judeo world order wagon. Come and join the fun." - Topix  ||  The Judeo-Quad Squad - 01-31-24 - mpg  ||

The Dankof Report with Mark Dankof, March 1, 2024
MDRAudio - Alt/Mp3 - (MDRMp3 - 1hr - Mar 1st, 2024) - Source - Mark Dankof:  Mark Dankof's Report @ RBN - RBN Donate - Mark Dankof - MD's VK Website - MD's VK Website Num 2 - Natl Bugle Front Pg - Special Guest's Websites - Patrick Slattery:  RBN - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - Pat Slattery @ NBR -- Guest's Websites - Jeremy from Kentucky:   RBN - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - Jeremy from Kentucky @ RBN - Jeremy from Kentucky @ GoFundMe -- A quote...."The Dankof Report on RBN with Guest Patrick Slattery: Topic is the Aaron Bushnell Candlelight Vigil in San Antonio on March 1st: Should Antiwar and Anti-Zionist members of the Paleo-Conservative and Ron Paul Libertarian constituencies attend?"

The Daily Nationalist: A Return To Lighthearted Fridays - DN 030124
TDNAudio - Scathing Take-Down Regarding Two of Europe's Finest!! - Alt/Aud - Graphic - (click to view) - (TDNMp3 - 41min30sec - Mar 1st, 2024) - Source:  TheDailyNationalist - RadioAlbion -- Please help Sven in prison!! - Article Supporting Sven - Sending Sven E-Mail - How to Give to Sven  - This is the newest mailing address for Sven Longshanks - Address:  James Allchurch James Allchurch A5903EY - HMP Berwyn, Bridge Road, Wrexham Ind. - Est., Wrexham, LL139QS -- Host's Website - GrandPaDan -- A quote...."Grandpa Dan brings back the “lighthearted and humorous” format for this Friday installment of The Daily Nationalist. First up is a story that is very easy to mistake for parody. It turns out that experts warn that one of the greatest threats to our democracy is not simply conspiracy theorists but rather conspiracy theorists being right - But wait, there’s more! - Recently French President Macron caused a stir by not ruling out the possibility of NATO troops on the ground in Ukraine. Several other European leaders quickly came out to distance themselves from Macron’s statement. However one brave ruler came forward to boldly state that not only was it a great idea but neither they nor anyone else should be afraid to fight the Russians."

Is the Media Prepared for an Extinction-Level Event?” with E. Michael Jones
KevBarVideo -- Outstanding, Horrific, Discussion!! -- Alt/EMJ-Article - Alt/EMJ-Mp3 - Alt/EMJ-Bitchute - Alt/KevBar-Bitchute - Alt/EMJ-Odysee - (KevBarVar - 1hr20min04sec - Feb 24th, 2024) - Source Websites - Kevin Barrett:  KevBar / FFWN-VTFP @ Rumble - KevBar @ BitChute - KevBar @ Substack - KevBar @ HereseyCentral -  KevBar @ VTForeignPolicy -- Special Guest's Websites - E. Michael Jones:   EMJ @ BitChute - EMJ @ RSS - EMJ @ CozyTV - EMJ @ Odysee - EMJ @ YuTb - Culture Wars - Culture Wars Donate - EMJ @ Gab - EMJ @ Telegram - EMJ @ Twitter - A quote...."Dr. E. Michael Jones of joins Kevin Barrett to celebrate the impending collapse of mainstream propaganda media and the imperial and Zionist projects they shill for." - Topix  ||  Frankfurt School Ideologies  ||

Patriotic Weekly Review - with Joe Marsh
PWRVideo - Great Interview!! - Alt/PWR-Odysee - Alt/PWR-Rumble - Alt/PWR-Bitchute - (MCVar - 2hrs1min07sec - Feb 28th, 2024) -- Source - PA Media Website:  PAMedia.UK -- Referenced Video:  Sam Melia – The Trial Explained - To Contribute to Sam's Defense:  GiveSendGo -- Host's & PA Officer's Websites - Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s Book:  The Fall of Western Man -- A quote...."Episode 251 of Patriotic Weekly Review with special guest Joe Marsh.<br>Patriotic Weekly Review is a news and entertainment talk show. Opinions, thoughts, and views of guests/hosts do not necessarily represent the opinions, thoughts, and views of all hosts, and their appearance on this channel does not constitute sympathy, agreement, or endorsement of said opinions, thoughts, and views."

The Jewish Moral Corruption of Germany and America
A quote...."Magnus Hirschfeld and other Jewish collaborators Arthur Kronfeld and Friedrich Wertheim founded the Institute of Sexual Science (Institut für Sexualwissenschaft) in Berlin in July 1919, one year after World War I ended. Hirschfeld himself saw that World War I created “a moral vacuum,” particularly in Germany, “where experiments could be carried out.”[1] Although Hirschfeld began advocating for the legalization of homosexuality in 1897 through the founding of the Scientific Humanitarian Community,[2] it has been historically posited that the establishment of the Institute of Sexual Science marked the inception of the sexual revolution or subversion in Germany. Laurie Marhoefer—an eminent scholar of the gay and transgender movement who does not consider “homosexuality, prostitution, gender non-conformity, and obscene media, as well as birth control and abortion” immoral[3]—declares: “It was in the Weimar era that several characteristic components of twentieth-century gay and lesbian liberation were first put to use in the context of mass democracy.”[4] "

What Happened To The Most famous Russian Orthodox Churches After The Revolution?
A quote...."After seizing power, the [jewish dominated and controlled] Bolsheviks began to actively fight religion. Several thousand churches were destroyed and the surviving ones were used for various secular purposes, from granaries to sanatoriums."

Judith Miller, David Cole, and the Holocaust -- PDF
Contains Audio - A quote...."Last week I published a long article that noted the astonishing acquiescence of America and the rest of the West in Israel’s unprecedented slaughter and starvation of Gaza’s civilians. In a related development, Elon Musk, one of the world’s wealthiest and most influential figures, humbled himself for making a few mild, casually critical remarks regarding Jews, and went on an apology tour to Israel and Auschwitz, seeking Jewish forgiveness - This is obviously a very strange situation, and I argued that it was probably the consequence of two generations of pervasive psychological conditioning by our media and entertainment industries, which had succeeded in totally anathematizing any criticism of Jewish behavior. A central element of that conditioning had been the story of the Jewish Holocaust, now widely regarded as one of the most important events of modern world history - This led me to explore the strange and convoluted historiography of the Holocaust, which I discussed in the context of several major books by some of its leading historians."

Book Review - My Awakening - Odysee
MCVideo - Absolutely Enlightening!! - Alt/MC-Odysee - Alt/MC-Rumble - Alt/MC-Bitchute - (MCVar - 9min56sec - Feb 16th, 2024 ) -- Source - PA Media Website:  PAMedia.UK -- To Contribute to Sam's Defense:  GiveSendGo -- Sam's Case Explained - Video:  Sam Melia – The Trial Explained - Host's & PA Officer's Websites - Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s Book:  The Fall of Western Man --  Special Guest's Websites - David Duke Sites:  DD @ Bitchute - DD @ Odysee - DD@YuTb - DD @ Rense - DavidDuke - DD's Radio Show - Please Purchase to Support Dr Duke! - DD's Books - DD's Donate Request [Click Here] -- A quote...."Aunt Sally, Natty and Bill Atheling and I are joined by Dr David Duke as we review his autobiographical work that lays out his transformation from a typical American boy to one of the most controversial political leaders in the world."

The Daily Nationalist: Democracy In Action In Italy - DN 022624
TDNAudio - Scathing, Deconstructions of Meloni's Propaganda!! - Alt/Aud - Graphic - (click to view) - (TDNMp3 - 36min46sec - Feb 26th, 2024) - Source:  TheDailyNationalist - RadioAlbion -- Please help Sven in prison!! - Article Supporting Sven - Sending Sven E-Mail - How to Give to Sven  - This is the newest mailing address for Sven Longshanks - Address:  James Allchurch James Allchurch A5903EY - HMP Berwyn, Bridge Road, Wrexham Ind. - Est., Wrexham, LL139QS -- Host's Website - GrandPaDan -- A quote...."Grandpa Dan takes a look at democracy in action in Italy. Giorgia Meloni was elected on the premise that she was supposedly going to do something about the mass immigration issue. Yet immigration continues unabated while Meloni blames Putin for everything including the conflict between [the jewish occupation] and the Palestinians. While the voters’ demands that migrants be expelled have been ignored, Zelensky now demands that Italy expel anyone who doesn’t support Ukraine." - See links posted below.....
National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 2.27.24
NBR@RBNAudio - Alt/Mp3 - (NBR @ RBNFlwPlyr - 1hr - Feb 27th, 2024)  - Source:  Patrick Slattery:  RBN - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - Pat Slattery @ NBR -- Guest's Websites - Dr David Duke:  Rense Archive - David Duke Sites:  DD @ Bitchute - DD @ Odysee - DD@YuTb - DD @ Rense - DavidDuke - DD's Radio Show - Please Purchase to Support Dr Duke! - DD's Books - A quote...."David Duke joins the show for a discussion of the role of Jewish power in Roger Bannister’s historic breaking of the 4-minute mile running record in 1954."

National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 2.26.24
NBR@RBNAudio - Alt/Mp3 - (NBR @ RBNFlwPlyr - 1hr - Feb 26th, 2024)  - Source:  Patrick Slattery:  RBN - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - Pat Slattery @ NBR -- Guest's Websites - PA Media Website:  PAMedia.UK -- Host's & PA Officer's Websites - Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s Book:  The Fall of Western Man - A quote...."Mark Collett joins the show to talk about what AI is and is not, and how were are being censored like crazy."

National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 2.22.24
NBR@RBNAudio - Alt/Mp3 - (NBR @ RBNFlwPlyr - 1hr - Feb 22nd, 2024) - Source:  Patrick Slattery:  RBN - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - Pat Slattery @ NBR -- Special Guest's Websites - Paul Edward Stevenson:  PES @ Odysee - PES @ RBN - PES@RBN/RSS - Republic Broadcasting Network - RBN Shows - RBN Donate- PES @ YuTb -- A quote...."Paul Edward Stevenson joins the show for a discussion of the Tucker Putin interview, Navalny, the Gaza genocide, [the jewish crime syndicate geopolitical pustule's] alleged right to exist, and a parable from Jesus." -- Quotable Quote of the Day.....
[Start: 12m00s -- End: 13m05s] -- "As a matter of international law, there is no right to exist for a state..  The Ottoman Empire didn't have a right to exist. The Soviet Union didn't have a right to exist. Yugoslavia didn't have a right to exist. The United States didn't have a right to exist. It COMPLETELY flies in the face of the liberal foundations of the United States, the Declaration of Independence.  The Declaration of Independence says from time to time in the course of human history.... something like that.  The People decide they need a new government.  And they can create a new state.  So the "right of a state to exist" is completely contradictory with "the right of self-determination of a  people".  If people decide that they don't want to live under one state and want to live under a new state, or a different state, that's the whole principle of self-determination.  There's nowhere in international law that says a state has a right to exist"-- *Dr Patrick Slattery*
FYI:  That said, there's PLENTY in international law regarding illegal, unjust, wars of aggression against fellow neighboring states. They are considered.... "the supreme international crime" - Which needless to say the JewSA, JewK, and the illegal judeo-occupation enclave have engaged in hundreds of times during the last century - mpg - see quote and essay posted below.....
"It should be emphasized that the weight of proof is ALWAYS against the aggressor regarding any sort of military action. Cavalier policies and self-serving statements such as "preemption", or completely and totally ridiculous statements such as "we're bringing them freedom and democracy" or "mission to protect" do not reduce this burden of proof, in fact they only increase it.  To wit....
"To initiate a war of aggression, therefore, is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole." -- *Robert H. Jackson*, chief prosecutor at the  Nuremberg trials
Nuremberg Principle VI(a), states the following....
(i) Planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances;
(ii) Participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the acts mentioned under (i). [Such as a false flag]
Generally the following rules should be applied....  *The Rules of Force - 09-28-12 - mpg*
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Palestinians' Use of Force Well Founded in International Law
Concept Note - An Important Point!! - A quote...."In pursuit of the right to self-determination, Palestinian people’s use of force to resist foreign oppression and complete the establishment of an independent state is (an) inalienable right well founded in international law,” the Chinese representative told the International Court of Justice in The Hague, Anadolu reported - Citing resolutions by the UN General Assembly, Beijing’s envoy to the World Court said people struggling for self-determination could use “all available means, including armed struggle.” - "The struggle waged by peoples for their liberation, right to self-determination, including armed struggle against colonialism, occupation, aggression, domination against foreign forces should not be considered terror acts," he added, citing international conventions - However, he stressed that genuine acts of terrorism are another matter" - bold by website editor - Topix  ||  The Rules of Force - 09-28-12  || - See also quote and link listed below....
"This entire affair on Oct 7th 2023 was simply a well-planned prison break.  Where the penned up, persecuted, tortured, and murdered peoples of Gaza, denied any right to self-determination,  rose up, killed some of their sadistic guards, and seized some hostages to negotiate for the release of their own held in even worse conditions elsewhere, and obtain better terms for their imprisonment.

"The target was to kill jewish forces and grab as many high valued hostages as possible.  Hamas was lightly armed with RPG's and military styled rifles.  They crossed into the judeo-enclave on moter-bikes, motorized hang-gliders, and on foot.  They commandeered as many civilian vehicles as they could.
It was an in-an-out operation at speed. "

"They had three objectives,
One: get as many hostages as they could to exchange for the thousands of Palestinian hostages the jews had been kidnapping for decades, roughly 6,000 at the time of their attack (the jews call it administrative detention). Two: to deal a military blow to unprepared jewish forces, and Three: create as much publicity as they could for their cause - It was the response of the jews that caused almost all of the jewish civilian casualties....." -- *A Hasbara Spewing Shabbos-House-Goyum - 01-19-24 - mpg*
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[Jewish] Occupation Forces Have ["]Arrested["] 7,170 Palestinians Since Start of Aggression on Gaza -- Many Have Been Seized Under The Jews "Administrative Detention" Procedures - (a.k.a. Kidnapped) - A quote...."GAZA, Feb. 22 (YPA) – The Authority for Prisoners’ and Ex-Prisoners’ Affairs and the Palestinian Prisoners’ Club said on Thursday that the [jewish] occupation forces have arrested about 7,170 Palestinians from the West Bank since the start of the brutal [jewish] aggression on the Gaza Strip on October 7, 2023 - The Authority and the Prisoner’s Club explained, in a joint statement today, that the ongoing and escalating arrest campaigns in an unprecedented manner come within the framework of the comprehensive aggression against the Palestinian people, their land, property, and sanctities, and the ongoing [jewish ethnic cleansing extermanationist polices imposed] in Gaza."
FYI:  Posted Feb 10th, 2024 - "Administrative Detention" is endless extensions of prison time, for months, or even years! Without any rights, or due process, or habeas corpus.... whatsoever. At the sadistic whim of a "Jewish" bureaucrat. Under instructions of his criminal, cretinous, tribal, judeo-jihadist, Goyim hating cohorts.... The I.C.J. did not include this tactic of the jews in its ruling.  It SHOULD HAVE to give equal standing, and equal treatment, for the equivalent actions of both parties.  To level the playing field.  The jews are an occupying military power.  They kidnap Palestinians every single day from the territories they occupy. They hold them on a whim, for the purposes of punishment, without charge or trial.  The Palestinians kidnapped jews from the territory they controlled, for about 48 hours, to exchange for these hostages.  If the I.C.J. ruling states all the "hostages" should be subject to "immediate and unconditional release"  It should also apply to the hostages the jews are also holding - mpg
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Scott Ritter: The TRUTH is Out on Alexei Navalny and Putin Wins ft. Andrei Martyanov
DHaiVideo - (DHaiYuTb - 28min11sec - Jan 13th 2024) - Source - Danny Haiphong:  DHai's Website - DHai @ YuTb - DHai @ SubStack - DHai @ LinkTree - DHai @ Telegram - DHai @ InstaGram -- Support:  DHai @ Patreon - DHai @ BuyMeACoffee -- Guest's Websites - Scott Ritter:  Scott Ritter Extra & Andrei Martyanov's - AnMart's BlogSpot: Reminiscence of the Future SmoothieX12 @ YuTb - AnMart @ Patreon - AnMart @ BuyMeCofee -- A quote...."Former US Marine Corps Intelligence Officer and UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter discusses his latest work on Alexei Navalny following reports of him passing away in Russian prison. Then, Andrei Martyanov gives his assessment of what this means for the broader conflict between NATO and Russia - Independent media is under attack. Support this channel by subscribing on Patreon!" - See related links posted below.....
Kidnapping Of Children In Ukraine. Whose Fault Is It? Thanks to Maraffino’s Reportage, A Piece Of Truth -- BREAKING - Posted 18.02.2024 - Another VICIOUS Lie, Mostly By The Jewish Controlled JewK & JewSA Spew Outlets, Debunked - Must Read - A quote...."“What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, if the mad destruction is cultivated in the name of totalitarianism, rather than the holy one of freedom or in the name of democracy? “ When fighting, no one thinks of the words of Mahatma Gandhi. Children are the first victims of war. What is happening in Ukraine is yet another demonstration that the most vulnerable people, and children in particular, are the collateral victims of a military clash. Kiev and Moscow accuse each other of violations of international rights and of mass kidnappings and deportations of minors - Today, thanks to the precious work of volunteers and researchers engaged in the field we can access new testimonies. And this is the case of the work carried out by Rossella Maraffino. Before telling what Maraffino discovered, it is correct to summarize what has been said and written about this story."

How [The Jews] Corrupted America (Freedom Hub interviews Kevin Barrett) - Substack
KevBarVideo - On What The Jews Have Done to the US Since 1948 - A Brilliant Synopsis! - Alt/KevBar-Rumble - Alt/KevBar-Bitchute - (KevBarVar - 56min17sec - Feb 18th, 2024) - Source Websites - Kevin Barrett:  KevBar / FFWN-VTFP @ Rumble - KevBar @ BitChute - KevBar @ Substack - KevBar @ HereseyCentral -  KevBar @ VTForeignPolicy -- A quote...."Thanks, Charlie and Jim. Good to be back with you guys. So the topic is Israel's harmful influence on the United States. I suppose I could talk for many hours about that, but I'll kind of boil it down to 15 minutes."

England Must Love its Jews, Part 1 - [Part 2] - [Part 3]
Outstanding Recitation of Jewish Tactics of Subversion and Destruction! - A quote...."ENGLAND HAS LONG had time to note the perfidy of the Jews but they seem to have remembered nothing and forgotten everything. There is the old dark history of the King’s befriending the Jews — who quickly became the enemy of the middle orders and the peasants; the Jews being clannish and money hungry; the Jews holding the native English in great contempt. And don’t get me started on all the drinking of young White blood they did."
"The tremendous misbehavior escalated, as it always does with the Jews, who can never leave rotten enough alone, and soon they were sent packing like the unwanted leeches they most certainly are. A long expansion of the English race followed, until some miserable Bible-thumping fundamentalists who gave their kids comic names like Glory-Be-To-God and Do-Good ascended to power and brought the “elder brothers” of their miserable faith back in. So great was the forward momentum of the English people that for centuries they were able to withstand the dead weight of the parasitic Jews and create an Empire of their own; but when the rot and the decline set in the Jews were there with their always-bloody maw and fangs to feast on the rotting carcass of carrion. And now England loves its Jews, and celebrates them and worships them at every turn; as well they might — it’s not the Jews who keep the lights on (that’s the common bloke); it’s the Jews who threaten to turn them off if anyone even thinks of stepping out of line."
Why Is Any Criticism of Jews Labeled “Anti-Semitic”?
A quote...."WHY IS ANY criticism of Jews labeled “anti-Semitic”? Because there’s much to criticize that most people don’t yet know about. If you let one criticism stand without penalty to the criticizer, it could snowball. When someone learns about Deir Yassin, it usually isn’t long before he learns about the Lavon Affair, then the USS Liberty Incident, the Zionist Connection to 9/11, Rachel Corrie, and so on. (There is much more!) And pretty soon everybody realizes that there’s more than ample reason for “anti-Semitism” and that, instead of being something evil that needs to be fought against, anti-Semitism is fighting back against evil."
In Plain Sight with Jeremy from Kentucky, February 20, 2024
IPS@RBNAudio  -- Alt/Mp3 - (IPS @ RBNFlwPlyr - 1hr - Feb 20th, 2024) - Source - Jeremy from Kentucky:   RBN - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - Jeremy from Kentucky @ RBN - Jeremy from Kentucky @ GoFundMe -- Guest's Websites - Patrick Slattery:  RBN - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - Pat Slattery @ NBR -- A quote...."Patrick and Jeremy show Part 1." - Topix  ||  The Judeo-Quad Squad - 01-31-24 - mpg  ||

National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 2.21.24
NBR@RBNAudio - Alt/Mp3 - (NBR @ RBNFlwPlyr - 1hr - Feb 21st, 2024)  - Source:  Patrick Slattery:  RBN - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - Pat Slattery @ NBR -- Guest's Websites - Jeremy from Kentucky:   RBN - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - Jeremy from Kentucky @ RBN - Jeremy from Kentucky @ GoFundMe -- A quote...."Patrick and Jeremy Show Part 2 — Belt and Road Initiative, how dedicated to Israel is Trump really?, biblical prophecy because it is relevant, and a bunch of other stuff." - Topix  ||  The Judeo-Quad Squad - 01-31-24 - mpg  ||

Zimbabwe: After the Blacks Destroyed the Whites They Had a Secret Famine
HRAudio - Great Discussion of True, Accurate, History - Alt/Mp4-Vid - Alt/Mp3-Aud - Grim Graphic - (click to view) - (HRVar - 3hrs38min13sec - Feb 19th, 2024) - Source:  History Reviewed Com - History Reviewed Net - African Crisis - Please Purchase:  White-Shop-Biz - Please Donate:  Send Money -- A quote...."This video is filled with lots of hideous, weird and creepy things relating to Blacks. In this video we look at some of the nasty things Blacks did to Whites in Zimbabwe. And then we focus on what Mugabe did to the Blacks. We see Governmental power used in a way Whites would never think of doing - We also look at how other Blacks explain away and cover up for the evils of Mugabe - We look at what a mess diversity really is and how logic does not work the way White Liberals expect it to work - This was recorded on: 2024-01-26."

Professor Needs Armed Guard After Telling Truth About Race and Crime
VJREVideo - (VJREVar - 27min12sec - Feb 21st, 2024) - Source:  Vincent James / Red Elephant - VJ/RE @ BitChute - VJ/RE @ DLive - VJ/RE @ Patreon - VJ/RE @ SubScribeStar - VJ/RE @ Telegram - VJ/RE @ InstaGram - Daily Veracity - Daily Veracity Support - Daily Veracity Merch

The Worst Week Yet:  February 11-17, 2024
A quote...."As I stumble pell-mell into the morass of news stories, opinion columns, and academic essays that help me to form a mental hologram of what the hell is going on in this world every week, it seems as if everyone agrees that we live in a world that is thoroughly marinated in white supremacy. Ironically, everyone accepts this premise except the white supremacists."

The White Race
A quote...."ONE ONLY HAS TO look up to see that our race (the White race, the Great Race) has come to the promised pass of maximum peril. Everywhere our enemies are in control and the vast majority of our own people are oblivious to the impending danger, lost in space in the pursuit of money and trinkets or sports or fandom or celebrity worship or wrapped up in a failed religion or failed ideologies such as conservatism or liberalism, or sunk in oblivion, or making of themselves outright implacable enemies of their own people. As for us, we are cast aside and ostracized as terrorists, crooks, cranks, villains, and as evil incarnate; indeed, as enemies of the state. And so we are, as any state which has dedicated itself to the destruction of our people must be met with inalterable and implacable hatred."

What if He Was Right?
A quote...."ONLY ONE MAN and idea has inspired the West in the last hundred years - And that is Hitler - We believe in him more than in anyone else. He is the yardstick from which all value and action proceeds. But right now that valuation is in a negative and oppositional mode. We [that is, most in the West] believe that we should be doing the opposite of what he wanted in all aspects of life. In fact, we have spent the last 80 years patting ourselves on the back for prosecuting an Earth-shaking Holy War against him and his people. We killed millions, burned whole cities full of women and children, and we are proud of it. In our world today, the worst thing you can do is stick up for the real heroes and victims of that war. That’s who we are now. Identifying as a “Nazi” is no small thing, even though it’s made light of online. It’s the one group that it’s ok to kill even amid all the hypocritical humanitarian pacifist talk."

Last Man Standing with Paul Edward Stevenson, February 17, 2024
PESAudio - "Everybody is Deflecting From the Jews!!" - Alt/Aud - (PESMp3 - 1hr - Feb 17th, 2024) - Source:  PES @ Odysee - PES @ RBN - PES@RBN/RSS - Republic Broadcasting Network - RBN Shows - RBN Donate- PES @ YuTb -- Special guest's websites - Patrick Slattery:  RBN - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - Pat Slattery @ NBR -- A quote...."Paul is joined by Dr Patrick Slattery to discuss the latest in the Russia / Ukraine war, and [Jews] / Palestine as well as British so called right wing responses to these and the controversial aid Package in The Congress."
Quotable quote..... "All I want to do is critique jews the way jews have critiqued White People my ENTIRE life.  I just want to subject them to Critique.  And I think the discussion of jewish power IS the destruction of jewish power" -- *Dr. Patrick Slattery*
Muslims Don't Control UK Politics - [JEWS] DO
MCVideo - Absolutely Horrific!! - Alt/MC-Odysee - Alt/MC-Rumble - Alt/MC-Bitchute - (MCVar - 9min56sec - Feb 16th, 2024 ) -- Source - PA Media Website:  PAMedia.UK -- To Contribute to Sam's Defense:  GiveSendGo -- Sam's Case Explained - Video:  Sam Melia – The Trial Explained -- Host's & PA Officer's Websites - Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s Book:  The Fall of Western Man -- A quote...."Britain’s rapidly growing Muslim population has increasingly dominated local politics up and down the country. However, despite both Labour and the Conservatives bending over backwards to prioritise Muslims ahead of White Britons, recent events have shone a light on who really controls power in the UK." - All you have to do is ask yourself these two question to figure out what's going on.....