FRONT PAGE - Archive File - 03-16-15 to 12-13-15

Rania Masri Exposes US Support for ISIS and More
JBAudio - Alt/Mp3 - Alt@Ry2S - (JBMp3 - 34min09sec - Nov 25th, 2015) - Source:  JeffBlankfortPodCasts - JeffBlankfort -- A quote...."Masri exposes US support of ISIS through backing of Turkey and Saudi Arabia; notes response to Paris attacks reveals Obama, white America' selective view of “humanity”; non-Europeans don't qualify; cites ex-CIA agent Michael Scheuer's CNN comments that only American lives matter as true reflection of US policies; the 20-1 ratio of civilian deaths to intended targets by Obama's drones as another proof; ties it to Black Lives Matter movement; gives details on Turkey's help to ISIS, notes its early preparations for refugees before Syria erupted; on Israel's providing care to ISIS, al-Nusra, wounded; cites John Bolton op-ed calling for Sunni state in Syria, noting US history of regime change to maintain 'steroid based capitalism.” Trashing Clinton, she explodes myth that Democrats, including Sanders, differ from Republicans on foreign policy, that Left needs to reorganize and Black Lives Matter, BDS, native American movement point way; what is needed in US is revolution in US politics and much, much more. "

Syrian Girl - Why the Globalists Hate Syria - Radio 3Fourteen
RIRVideo - Outstanding interview!! - (RIRYuTb - 1hr7min39sec - Nov 13, 2015) - Source:  RedIceRadio - Guest Websites:  SGP@YuTb - SGP@YuTb#2 - BlgSpt - SGP Blogspot dot AU -- A quote...."Syrian Girl is a Sunni Muslim from Damascus in her late 20s, now living in Australia. She has a very popular YouTube channel, which she calls anti-neocon, anti-NWO and anti-Zionist. Our conversation begins with a comparison of Shiite and Sunni Muslims, and then we look at what life was like in Syria before the beautiful country in the heart of the Fertile Crescent was destabilized. Syrian Girl describes Syria’s relationship with its neighboring countries before the Zio-west invaded the Middle East, and she explains the oil pipeline conflict between Iran, Qatar and Syria that brought a money hungry war to the region. Then, we get into why Syria has been invaded, and we cover the eight reasons why the NWO hates Syria and the Socialist Nationalist ideals of the Ba’ath Party. We talk about the outside economic pressure that brought globalist capitalism and surges of foreign workers to the unique country, and we look at the long history of African migration into Europe through Syria."

Pushing Deep Into The Methodical Deception Of 9/11
X22SpLghtVideo - (X22SpLghtYuTb - 1hr19min13sec - Nov 26, 2015) - Source: X22ReportSpotlight - Related Websites: X22Report - X22Rpt@YuTb - Guest Websites:  Methodical Deception Com - Methodical Illusion Com  - Rebekah Roth Com - Topix  ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

Incontrovertible – New 9/11 Documentary by Tony Rooke
KAFTRVideo - Alt - (KAFTRYuTb - 2hrs01min29sec - Nov 27, 2015) - Source:  911familymember - Producer Website:  KAF-IncontrovertibleTonyRooke - "Please Buy the standard definition DVD or Blu-ray version of the film." -- A quote...."I first met Tony Rooke 4 years ago in Horsham Sussex. He was due in court that day because he refused to pay the BBC TV licence fee on the grounds the BBC was in breach of the Royal Charter’s operating requirements. The BBC is duty bound to be truthful & impartial. On both counts it fails miserably & Tony Rooke felt he had an air-tight case centered around the BBC’s inexplicable report of the collapse of WTC7, 22 MINUTES BEFORE IT DID COLLAPSE!" --  Topix  ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||  9/11 & 7/11  Israeli Connection  ||  Israeli False Flags  || 

The Dancing Israelis
Israel & 9/11 - A quote...." for the benefit of Mr. Trump and for anyone else who might be interested, I will take it upon myself to relate what happened. Quite possibly Senator Paul will read this and decide that giving billions of dollars in aid annually to a country that just might have been linked to what occurred on 9/11 might no longer be a good idea. He might even demand an inquiry or a commission to look into it and determine what exactly the U.S. government does and does not know. That would be very interesting." - Topix  ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||  9/11 & 7/11  Israeli Connection  ||  Israeli False Flags  || 

[Jewish Control of the Fed, the Media, Their Wars in the Middle East & Their War on Christmas] -- DDAudio - DwnLdRealPlyr - Alt#1/YuTb - Alt#2/YuTb - (DDRealPlyr - 53min30sec - Dec 2nd, 2015) - Source: DD@Rense - DD@YuTb - DavidDuke - DD'sRadioShow - DD'sBooks -- Guest Website:  Incogman -- A quote...."How the Jewish extremists are waging war on the Western cultural and religious tradition of Christmas. It shows how Christian Christian symbols are banned on public ground, while Jewish religious symbols are placed even in front of the White House. It compares the love and peace of the Christmas celebration to Hanukkah, which is symbolized by the Menorah. Hanukkah is a celebration of a military victory and massacre against the Greek Syrians whose only crime was to be tolerant to the Jews of Jerusalem and accept them freely. Jewish leaders could not accept this because it posed a danger of assimilation! So in the United States, a nation where are told that assimilation is the American ideal we have thousands of symbols put up on public land promoting Jewish supremacist ideology! It’s wacky that this goes on but one thing is for sure, it sure does show who run things in the United States. Sadly, it must be said that the same thing is also going on in almost every European nation as well!"

Zionist Power: Swindlers and Impunity, Traitors and Pardons
A quote...."Over two decades ago, Harvard political science professor, Samuel Huntington, argued that global politics would be defined by a ‘clash of civilizations’. His theories have found some of the most aggressive advocates among militant Zionists, inside Israel and abroad. - During the past month, the Israeli regime has been slaughtering and wounding thousands of Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza and Israel. The Israeli state terrorists, who commit mass murder in Palestine, are part of a movement that sees an inevitable mortal final battle between Zionism and the Islamic and Western world. - Many Western democratic leaders have questioned Huntington’s prognosis and discreetly refuted the Zionist belief that different faiths and cultures cannot live and work together." - Source:  ICH

A Feast of Scandal
A Blast From The Past - November 25, 2005 - A quote...."A Note From the Author: Well, I was going to write an original Thanksgiving column, but my Significant Other has other plans. And so below I present you with a Thanksgiving column from ten years ago – just to give you some historical perspectve. And while I’m on the subject of history: yes, it’s’s 20th anniversary next month. We’ve seen it all and then some – and we’ll be around for another 20 years. With your help, that is: please donate to our fundraising drive to make sure that the next 20 years is as good as the last." - Source:  AntiWarCom
As you read the article, you'll be saying to yourselves...."Nothing's changed, in fact things have gotten worse!  The same people are still running the show, we're still involved in all the old wars, with a whole bunch of new ones added in, and now we as a nation are openly, and blatantly, supporting ISIS while getting all set to start a war with Russia, of all countries, over our support for ISIS!!! - mpg
Dr. Duke and Pastor Dankof Prove the Zio-origin of the terrorism and genocide against the European people! -- DDAudio - DwnLdRealPlyr - (RealPlyr - 53min30sec - Nov 18th, 2015) - Source:  DD@Rense - Contains DDVideo - The Illustrated Protocols of Zion by David Duke - (DDYuTb - 27 min45sec - May 20, 2014) - Source: DD@Rense - DD@YuTb - DavidDuke - DD'sRadioShow - DD'sBooks -- Guest Websites:  Mark Dankof - TheUglyTruth - TUTPodCasts -- Referenced Book:  "The Secrets Behind Communism" - A quote.... "Dr. Duke and Pastor Dankof Prove the Zio-origin of the terrorism and genocide against the European people! -- Dr. Duke started the show with a review of the relevent history of the Middle East, from Madeline Albright’s defense of the killing of a half million Iraqi children (Dr. Duke played the quote from her interview with Leslie Stahl) to the Zio massacre of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. He noted that now both the Zio Democrats and the Zio Republicans are calling for a no-fly zone in Syria, pointing out that ISIS has no air force so the action would actually protect ISIS from the Syrian and Russian air forces that are attacking it!"

Former US Marine: President Obama Should Be Tried For Treason
S&CoVideo - A Blast from the Past - Dec 9, 2013 - S&CoPrezObamaTried 4Treason @RTS&CoPrezObamaTried 4Treason /AltMp4 - (S&CoYuTb - 24min23sec - 12/09/13) - Source:  Sophie&Co@YuTb - Sophie&Co@RT - RTShows - RT -- A quote...."The Middle East is at its boiling point. Syria is devastated by raging war. Israel threatens to deal with Iran once and for all -- with Washington towering over regional affairs. What is at the cornerstone of American foreign politics? With Iran and the US going through a diplomatic thaw, what game will Tel Aviv play? Today we look at these issues through the eyes of a member of the few, but one not proud: a former US marine Kenneth O'Keefe who burned his passport and became an anti-war activist."
Sadly his faith in the "American" people was gravely, and devastatingly, misplaced. Also please note:  Since this video was broadcast Dec 9th, 2013, the situation in Gaza is much worse, the Saudi Parasitical family's bastardized, terrorist, Wahhabist, version of Islam has spread to many other countries, and they're still lying about Assad's government and still  attacking Syria. - mpg
Today: The Zionist Devastating Treason Proven by the Israeli Pollard Spy Case!
DDAudio - DwnLdRealPlyr - (DDRealPlyr - 53min30sec - Nov 20th, 2015) - Source: DD@Rense - DD@YuTb - DavidDuke - DD'sRadioShow - DD'sBooks -- Guest Websites:  Mark Dankof - TheUglyTruth - TUTPodCasts -- Referenced Book:  "The Secrets Behind Communism" - A quote...."Today: The Zionist Devastating Treason Proven by the Israeli Pollard Spy Case! - Dr. Duke  discussed the outrageous release of Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard from prison. Jonathan Pollard was a Jewish American intelligence analyst who sold national security secrets to Israel, which then sold the information to the Soviet Union. According to then Secretary of Defense Casper Weinberger, himself half Jewish, Pollard caused more damage to American national security than any spy in history."

There be Real Holocausts and False Holocausts and Far too Many Moral Cowards
A quote...."In a time of the greatest media saturation ever and in a time when 96% of the media is in the hands of six corporations that are all Zionist, Jewish owned, it stands to reason that fabricated lies are the order of the day and the truth lies beaten, bleeding and alone in a dark alley. It has gotten to the point that you can assume that most everything you hear from these sources are lies, designed to support their world domination agenda.
"The common mind is relentlessly seduced day after day and official terms of definition are given to all of the members of the small minority, who refute the lies that are being told. Anytime someone stands up and expresses what is OBSERVABLY true, they are slandered by the status quo and called 'truthers' or anti-Semites, or something else."

"As for being anti Semitic. The people applying this term are not Semitic to begin with. They are AshKeNAZI Khazars. DNA tests have proven this, just as it has been proven that it is the Palestinians who ARE Semitic. This is why the Khazar's are seeking to genocide them out of existence and routinely murder them with government and military assistance every day. They burn alive women, children and men. They run over Palestinian girls and then step out of their cars and gun them down. They empty entire clips of automatic weapons into prepubescent school girls and then their courts acquit these psychopaths. This happens in some fashion every day. The truth is that the Palestinians are the ORIGINAL residents of this location and the AshkeNAZI's are interlopers and invaders."
The Zioinst Whistleblower- Benjamin H. Freedman 1961 Warning To U.S.1961 Speech
TNTVideo - (Previously posted, posted again as a reminder of how history is REALLY made.  By the Banksters, in the back rooms of power, with trillions of freshly minted pieces of fiat-debt-notes. - mpg) - (TNTYuTb - 1hr19min39sec -  Nov 17, 2015) - Source: TruthNeverTold -- A quote....Forget the hysteria about ISIS and the racist propaganda about 1 billion Muslims... You are just another generation being emotionally and systematically manipulated into another war for power and profit."

UFOTVideo - (UFOTVYuTb - 45min21sec - Apr 28, 2015) - Source:  UFOTV-DMN - Guest Narrater's Websites:  WhatReallyHappened & RiveroBBTV-Vids -- A quote...."UFOTV® Accept no Imitations! (Please vote thumbs-up for UFOTV®!) Now presenting one of the greatest essays ever assembled about the true purpose of War over the last 250 years. Written by Michael Rivero, this film will truly change your views on how our banking system uses War to affect our daily lives. Recommended for all ages." - For more on this issue, see links posted below.....
35 Countries Where the U.S. Has Supported Fascists, Drug Lords and Terrorists
A quote...."The U.S. is backing Ukraine's extreme right-wing Svoboda party and violent neo-Nazis whose armed uprising paved the way for a Western-backed coup. Events in the Ukraine are giving us another glimpse through the looking-glass of U.S. propaganda wars against fascism, drugs and terrorism. The ugly reality behind the mirror is that the U.S. government has a long and unbroken record of working with fascists, dictators, druglords and state sponsors of terrorism in every region of the world in its elusive but relentless quest for unchallenged global power." - See related links posted below....
Interview 1109 – James Corbett on Hastert, Political Pedophilia and Kakistocracy
CRAudio - A horrifying analysis on our, sick, evil, corrupt "Kakistocracy" - Alt/Mp3 - Alt/YuTb - (CRMedPlyr - 56min33sec - Nov 11th, 2015) - Source:  CR@YuTb CorbettRpt -- A quote...."James joins Tim Kelly once again on the Our Interesting Times podcast to discuss the Hastert scandal, political pedophilia in general, and what this tells us about the structure of the ruling kakistocracy."

Goy Guide to World History, Episodes 1-5
YorVideo - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - (YurYuTb - 18/40min - Dec 22, 2014) - Source:  Yoryevrah -- A quote...."Dr. E. Michael Jones, author of The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History, begins the series. Jones compresses hundreds of pages of his book, The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History, into a few words and phrases: the necessity of understanding 'usury' and what its elimination would mean; the cultural propensity for the Talmud-Tanach propagandized Jew to mistrust and exploit the Goyim; the subsequent destruction of the Church and the public commons (focusing here on England); the toleration and then triumph of usury; the guilt and cover-up culture of the new 'owners' of the Commons; the 'triumph' of state socialism (lottery & football mayhem); the inability of the Goy to recognize the Jew (goy blindness) and its affects; the corrosive effects of the loss of trust in our economic and political system. Also featured are Kevin MacDonald, Canadian Paul Fromm, & James Joseph Sanchez, PhD."

It’s Not Just Putin That Makes Zionists Hate Russia
A quote...."Commentary — The following is a December 25, 1998 article from the Washington Post that has been archived in the Jewish Virtual Library.  The bluntness with which Russian Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov condemned the Zionist role in ruining his country during the 1990s is breathtaking. -- Zyuganov was poised to win the upcoming Russian Presidential elections. Out of desperation, Yeltsin appointed Vladimir Putin (then 46 years old) prime minister in order to save Zionist power in Russia from the prospect of a Zyuganov victory Remember, Yeltsin stole those elections from Zyganov in 1996 by hook and by crook, using every trick in the book. (Former Russian President Dmitri Medvedev publicly admitted that Yeltsin had not actually won that election against Zyuganov.) -- Putin didn’t actually work out the way Zionists had hoped, and has himself come into the Zio cross hairs. But it is important to realize that in Russia, both on the nationalist right and the Communist left, there is a great deal of animosity towards Zionist power that goes well beyond Putin, and this goes a long way in explaining the Zionist crusade against Russia."

The End of Communism in Russia Meant the End of Democracy in the West
A quote...."The West wanted and programmed the Russian catastrophe. I read documents and participated in the research, which under the guise of ideological struggle worked towards the destruction of Russia.”

The ‘Media Troika’: The Financial Press and Political Warfare
A quote...."November 04, 2015 "Information Clearing House" -  With the collapse of the Communist countries in the 1990’s and their conversion to capitalism, followed by the advent of neo-liberal regimes throughout most of Latin America, Asia, Europe and North America, the imperial regimes in the US and EU have established a new political spectrum, in which the standards of acceptability narrowed and the definition of adversaries expanded. -- Over the past quarter century, the US and EU turned their focus from systemic adversaries (anti-capitalist and anti-imperial states and movements) to attacking capitalist regimes, which...." - Source:  JamesPetras
  1. had adopted nationalist, re-distributive and Keynesian policies;
  2. had opposed military interventions, coups and bases;
  3. had aligned with non-Western capitalist powers;
  4. had opposed Zionist colonization of Palestine and Gulf State-financed Islamist terrorists;
  5. and had refuse to follow the financial agendas dictated by Wall Street and the City of London investment houses, speculators and vulture funds.
"The Western imperial regimes (by which we mean the US, Canada and the EU) have exercised their political, military, economic and propaganda powers to...."
  1. eliminate or limit the variety of capitalist options;
  2. control the kinds of market-state relations; and
  3. secure compliance through punitive military invasions, occupations and economic sanctions against targeted adversaries.
The Extraordinary Trial of Arthur Topham
Zio-Censorship / Lawfare / Persecution Alert - A quote...."The history of Mr. Topham’s travails can be found here. - It is sufficient to understand that this trial follows eight years of harassment. Mr. Topham has already had to close his successful remodeling business. This is a criminal trial, and Mr. Topham could go to prison for two years. Mr. Topham and his wife live on a remote property on which they maintain a chicken coop, grow vegetables and engage in other rural activities. But it is clear that Mrs. Topham could not live there alone. These are not wealthy people. Mrs. Topham told me that she is not a political person, but she loves and supports her husband and believes in free speech. The defendant and his wife have exhibited bravery, courtesy and calm to a degree that is awe inspiring." - Source:  GiladAtzmon

The Importance of the Official 9/11 Myth
A quote...."People sometimes wonder why is it important to investigate the alleged hijackers and others officially accused of committing the 9/11 crimes. After all, the accused 19 hijackers could not have accomplished most of what happened. The answer is that the official accounts are important because they are part of the crimes. Identifying and examining the people who created the official 9/11 myth helps to reveal the ones who were responsible overall." - Topix ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

How to Spy the 9/11 Lie
A quote...."A recent book written by veteran CIA officers describes how deception can be identified by simple observational techniques. "In Spy the Lie: Former CIA Officers Teach You How to Detect Deception", authors Philip Houston, Michael Floyd, and Susan Carnicero outline a number of verbal and visual behavioral clues that are demonstrated by people who lie in response to questioning. These proven techniques for recognizing deception can be easily applied to see that U.S. leaders have lied repeatedly about the attacks of 9/11." - Topix ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

The “War On Terror” Is The Hoax Foundation Of The Police/Spy State - PCR
A quote...."The “war on terror” was a hoax. Americans were deceived by policymakers, who are pursuing a hegemonic agenda. The American people were too trusting and too gullible and, consequently, Americans were easily betrayed by Washington and by the presstitute media. -- The consequences of the deceit, gullibility, and betrayal are horrendous for Americans, for millions of peoples in the Middle East, Africa, Ukraine, and for Washington’s European vassals. -- The consequences for Americans are an aborted Constitution, a police/spy state and rising resentment and hatred of America around the world. -- The consequences for peoples in Somolia, Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Pakistan, Syria, Palestine, and Ukraine have been massive deaths and dislocations, infrastructure destruction, internal conflicts, birth defects, invasions, bombings, drones. Millions of peoples have been murdered by Washington’s pursuit of hegemony, and millions have been turned into refugees."  - also posted at ICH - also posted at ZeroHedge

Is Instability the Goal of U.S. Mideast Policy?
Second Quote of the Day...."Can we make any sense of this fixation on Iraq? I think we can.  --  It begins to make sense when we realize that American neoconservatives, who include Wolfowitz and a host of people in the Bush's Pentagon and State Department, have for years acted as a brain trust for the right-wing of Israel's ruling elite (Likud)."

The Uprising Against Assad Was Engineered in Washington
Truth Be Told - A quote...."A terrific news report by Jonathan Marshall at Consortium News provides the first-ever presentation in the West of the event that sparked the demonstrations that sparked the Syrian civil war, and of the entire origin of that war. -- Unlike so many online ‘news’ reports that are merely authoritarian trash because they don’t link to any of their sources (they rely instead upon dumb readers’ faith or trust in the ‘reporter’ or in the publisher, such as The New York Times or Fox News), this one from Marshall is top-notch: not only does it provide intelligently skeptical readers with instantaneous access to documentation for each one of its key points, but those sources are credible ones. --  Taken all together, the sources, and Marshall’s presentation of them, constitute a solid historical account of how the war to bring down Syria’s leader, Bashar al-Assad, actually started. It didn’t start by Assad’s dumping (as U.S. President Barack Obama loves to claim) “barrel bombs,” upon merely peaceful protesters in Syria. It started actually in Washington, years before that." - Source:  StratCultFndtn

US-Backed Jihadists' Global Orgy of Destruction
A quote...."The greater Middle East is on fire with one failing state after another overrun by Salafi jihadists—Libya, Iraq, Syria, Yemen—and rapidly reigniting Afghanistan, inflaming Central Asia, Russia’s Chechnya, China’s Xinjiang, southeast Asia and even South Korea. -- It appears the negative contagion of US –sponsored regime changes in the Mideast, that empowered the rise of Salafi jihadism, is pivoting east and destabilizing Asia. After one year of US-led anti-IS campaign, the Islamic caliphate is getting stronger and on the march, destroying the old world order and establishing a new one with the implicit backing of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and especially Turkey’s Erdogan." - Source:  AsiaTimes

Dear Fellow Americans: Do You Have Any Idea What’s Being Done In Your Name?
A quote...."Americans have some vague understanding that the U.S. wants Syria’s Assad to go, while Russia wants him to stay. - And Americans know that the U.S. “war against ISIS” hasn’t done much, while the Russians have been pounding Syrian targets with jets. - But Americans have no idea that the U.S. is deploying fighter jets designed solely to engage in plane-to-plane dogfighting … in order to counter the Russians. - And we don’t understand that the U.S. is arming the Syrian “rebels” with should-fired anti-aircraft weapons." - also posted at ICH

US in Syria: Stopping the “Arsonist-Firefighter”
For The Record - Concept Alert - A quote...."November 06, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - Imagine an arsonist lighting a building ablaze, then turning around, changing into a firefighter’s uniform, and running back toward it, not with a fire hose but instead, rolling a drum of gasoline in front of him. Would anyone believe that his intentions are to extinguish the blaze? Or would it be obvious that the goal is to compound the fire, so that no matter how much effort is organized against it, it can never be put out – not until everything is destroyed first? -- Meet the Arsonists" - also posted at LndDstryRpt

The Idiotic Media Version of ISIS: Are We Losing Our Critical Thinking?

Extensive Analysis - A quote...."Whatever we make of this allegedly murky history, the entire issue with the potentially faked snuff films is just one of numerous weirdnesses in the ISIS narrative. Not much of which can pass detailed, or even cursory, analysis (why, for example, does ISIS seem to release its questionable videos exclusively through a US/Israeli-intelligence linked organisation called SITE? ) - But then, hard facts – real, solid, old-fashioned, non-social media hard facts – about ISIS are amazingly difficult to come by"

No Moderate Syrian Rebels Exist
A quote...."November 06, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - US claims otherwise are a complete fabrication. All anti-Assad forces are US-trained, armed, funded, and directed terrorists, taught the fine art of killing, committing atrocities and using chemical weapons - including ISIS, Al Qaeda, Jabhat al-Nusra and various splinter groups. -  The so-called Free Syrian Army and other alleged “moderates” exist only in US and go-along media propaganda reports, willful misinformation to deceive an uninformed public. -  Wars depend on lies to gain popular support, or at least no significant opposition. Often they collapse under the own weight."

White Helmets: War by Way of Deception Part II ~ “If It Looks Like An Executioner…”
A quote...."Hindsight is a generous provider of absolution from the guilt of falling for the Government or State propaganda and media sleights of hand that deceive us into believing the narrative presented to us, designed, in many cases to justify military intervention. - Invariably this is a narrative that ensures the massacre of innocent people under the pretext of liberating them or introducing Democracy that promises to erase their perceived grievances by cutting a swathe through their society & culture either via proxy armies of mercenaries under the guise of various terrorist factions or with an onslaught of bombs and assorted mass destruction or chemical weapons that render their land barren for decades and result in birth defects, increased cancer rates and a multitude of devastating side effects for generations after." - Source:  TheWallWillFall

Turkey Goes to War
Erdogan The Dictator - A quote...."November 06, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "Counterpunch" - A landslide victory in Turkey’s November 1 snap elections has removed the last obstacle in President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s drive to war.  The surprise outcome of the balloting, which was widely denounced as “unfair and marred by fear and violence by international election observers”,  has given Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party (AKP) 49 percent of the vote restoring single-party rule in Ankara. Shortly after the election results were announced, Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu called on Turkey’s political parties to scrap the existing constitution in order to grant President Erdogan nearly-limitless executive authority." - Source:  CounterPunch

Hersh Vindicated? Turkish Whistleblowers Corroborate Story on False Flag Sarin Attack in Syria -- Erdogan's Ghouta False Flag -- A quote...."October 23, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "Counterpunch" - This is quite the bombshell delivered by two CHP deputies in the Turkish parliament and reported by Today’s Zaman, one of the top dailies in Turkey. - It supports Seymour Hersh’s reporting that the notorious sarin gas attack at Ghouta was a false flag orchestrated by Turkish intelligence in order to cross President Obama’s chemical weapons “red line” and draw the United States into the Syria war to topple Assad." - Source:  CounterPunch - ICH Donation Request [Click Here] - Topix ||  Murdered Women & Children as Props For the UN's Benefit - (Or how the UN can NEVER be "trusted" again) - 10-03-13 - mpg  ||

McCain: Let's Arm ISIS To Fight Russia
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 2hrs58min26sec - Oct 2, 2015) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."On this Thursday, October 1 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we look into Sen. John McCain's plan to arm ISIS-linked Syrian rebels to shoot down Russian airplanes, which would likely spark World War 3. We also analyze the myth of "moderate" rebel groups because ISIS and ISIS-linked groups make up the vast majority of militants in Syria. Also, Joe Biggs is live streaming from UT Austin where Second Amendment supporters are staging a counter-protest against a gun control group on campus. And geopolitical expert Joel Skousen explains what can plausibly happen next in Syria and why everyone should be paying attention. You don't want to miss today's show!"

Foreign Policy Diary - The Middle East Big Game: Forecasting The Conflict
SFVideo - (SFYuTb 4min18sec Oct 21, 2015) - SouthFront@YuTb - South Front Org

Foreign Policy Diary – The Violence in Middle East (in-depth analysis)
SFVideo - (Previously posted, posted again as a reminder) - (SFYuTb 11min32sec Sep 14, 2015) - SouthFront@YuTb - South Front Org

CrossTalk on Syria: Sulking Superpower
CTRTVideo - CT/SulkingSuperpower@RT - CT/SulkingSuperpower/Mp4 - CT/SulkingSuperpower/SndCld - (CTRTYuTb - 24min45sec - Oct 21st, 2015) - Source:  CT@YuTb - CrossTalk@SndCld - CrossTalk@RT - RTShows - RT -- A quote...."The sulking empire: Washington’s Syria policy lies in tatters with the Russian military making short order of illegal groups and other foreign-paid terrorists. The West's so-called “moderates” are merely a rebranding trick. Today the Beltway political caste are no longer the wizards of the universe – should we cheer, or expect more irrational behavior from them?"

Dr. Strangelove is Naked
A quote...."October 20, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "RT" - The whole Global South is now informed about how the Russian campaign in Syria has swiftly smashed all of ‘Exceptionalistan’s’ elaborate plans for a “Greater Middle East.” -- These plans span everything from the Wolfowitz Doctrine to Dr. Zbig “Grand Chessboard” Brzezinski’s categorical imperative of preventing the emergence of a strategic competitor across Eurasia. -- But the subtext is even more intriguing: The Pentagon never saw it coming. And they are absolutely terrified of the inevitable consequences." - SourceRT

Russia Destroys The Greater Israel Dream
Outstanding Analysis -- A quote...."October 20, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "Plato's Guns" -  The grand plan was going swimmingly. The concept of endless wars for Greater Israel was working and producing impressive results. Opportunistically, through aggravation of war after war, chunk by chunk of Arab land was usurped and the map of Greater Israel was slowly materializing. No matter the unstable chaos surrounding the State of Israel for the past seven decades, and no matter the undying Palestinian resistance and the violent Intifadas that erupted internally, the Zionist dream of Greater Israel remained consistently intact and was progressing unabated and unchallenged by anyone. - But dreams, by their diaphanous nature are easily interruptible – can easily turn into sudden nightmares. Indeed, dreams do, in the blink of an eye, simply end." - Source:  Plato'sGuns - also posted at AlethoNews

EMPIRE FILES: Inside Saudi Arabia: Butchery, Slavery & History of Revolt
Saudi Parasitical Family - TEFAudio - Alt/Mp3 - Alt/Mp4 - (FlwPlyr - 27min12sec -  October 5, 2015) - Source:  EmpFiles@TeleSUR - TeleSUR -- A quote...."Abby Martin takes us inside the brutal reality of this police-state monarchy, and tells the untold people’s history of resistance to it. With a major, catastrophic war in Yemen and looming high-profile executions of activists, The Empire Files exposes true nature of the U.S.-Saudi love affair."

Ken O'Keefe - Alternative View Conference London - Palestine & World Affairs 2012
KOKVideo - An absolutely FIERCE denunciation of the parasites who rule over us - (Contains appropriate adult language) - (KOKYuTb - 45min43sec -  Sep 14, 2015) - Source:  KenO'Keefe@YuTb - KenO'Keefe'sMidEast -- A quote...."Former US Marine Ken O'Keefe has become the Zionists worst media nightmare; educated, informed, articulate, and a determined defender of Palestian Human Rights, whilst holding nothing back in his exposure of the Israeli Government's genocidal agenda. Ken addresses current events in Palestine, Syria, and explains how the unfolading Middle Eastern tragedy ties into the Central Banking cartel's quest for Global Dominian."

Whoever Controls Eurasia Controls the World
Halford Mackinder's Classic "Heart Land" Theory - A quote...."The Anglo-Saxons, even though they in particular seemed invulnerable, for the first time had a reason to fear for their position in the world. British geographer and politician Halford Mackinder, shortly before the onset of the First World War, developed his extraordinarily momentous doctrine of the inferiority of the maritime global powers. - Whereas previously the maxim posed by American military historian Alfred T. Mahan had applied, stating the unassailability of globally acting maritime powers, Mackinder asserted the contrary. - In his new analysis of the world’s land surface, he assigned the sea powers to the ‘Outer Insular Crescent’, while conceiving of Europe, Asia and Africa collectively as a gigantic supercontinent which he dubbed the ‘World Island’. - The core of this World Island was supposed to be the ‘Pivot Area’, which he found to be in northern and central Asia."
Let's see, the onset of the First World War.  That's the war where Bolshevik "Jews", financed by Wall Street, took over Russia, slaughtered the Tsarist Royal Family, (with nary a word from their Royal Cousins in Britain) and helped take Russia out of the war. The the very same war Jewish owned Wall Street and London banks helped instigate with their ceaseless, and very effective, attacks against Germany's financial institutions, along with their sanctions against German industry itself, (Boy does THAT sound familiar), in this case history doesn't just rhyme, it actually repeats itself -- For more on this entire issue see....Who Won? -- Or, How To Keep Score - 09-16-2013 - mpg
Putin, The Dollar And Obama’s March To Irrelevancy
A quote...."I was still in grade school when I noticed that America was never allowed to win wars. We did have a lot of wars but they were all designed to benefit the Banks, Israel or some other power occupying our nation. Currently, our policy towards Afghanistan seems to be dictated in part by the CIA’s desire to corner the global heroin market even if it means killing people and wasting money by the hundreds of billions. Operation Enduring Freedom, the bombing of Afghanistan, began on October 7, 2001. That was 14 years ago. At about that same time General Wesley Clark went to the Pentagon and learned what the other determining force in American foreign policy was. Clark was told by a member of the Joint Chiefs that America was to invade 7 Muslim nations including Libya, Syria, Lebanon and Iran. -- America’s 7 nation war agenda obviously originated in Israel and has not worked out well for Americans or Europeans."

Holy Holohoax. My Government Wouldn’t Lie To Me
From the History File - April 21, 2012 - (Posted as a reminder of all the lies) -- A quote.... "The Red Cross had unrestricted access each month to every German concentration camp including Auschwitz. They had inside men who reported to them in detail the activities at the camps. - In a Nov. 22, 1944 letter to U.S. State Department officials, the Red Cross said: “We had not been able to discover any trace of installations for exterminating civilian prisoners. This corroborates a report which we had already received from other sources …” - The Germans captured 150,000 British soldiers. 150 of those men were engineers who worked at Auschwitz-Birkenau to maintain the manufacturing plants that processed Silesian coal to make gasoline for the German Army. The Germans were using a coal gasification formula developed in 1915 in Russia. These 150 men obviously had daily access throughout the camps but to date neither a Nuremberg prosecutor nor a Holohoax researcher has cited their testimony. I wonder why." - Topix  ||  More Evidence Would Have Been Better - 11-05-12 - mpg  ||

“Je Suis CIA”
From the History File - Jan 17, 2015 - (Posted as a reminder of all the lies) - A quote...."Since 9/11, the imperial playbook has consisted of a favorite and time-tested tactic: the false flag operation. - Carry out or facilitate a spectacular atrocity. Blame it on the enemy of choice. Issue a lie-infested official narrative, and have the corporate media repeat the lie. Rile up ignorant militant crowds, stoke the hatred, and war-mongering imperial policy planners and their criminal functionaries get what they want: war with the public stamp of approval. - Here we are again. - The Charlie Hebdo incident is being sold as “the French 9/11”. It certainly is, in all of the most tragic ways: France, like the United States on 9/11, has been used. The masses of the world have been deceived, and march in lockstep to NATO’s drumbeat again." - Topix ||  The False Flag Attack in Paris Against Charlie Hebdo  ||  Israeli False Flags  ||

7/7 led to wars abroad and loss of freedoms at home … but do we know what really happened that day?  -- From the History File - Jul 3, 2015 - (Posted as a reminder of all the lies) - Contains Video - Alt - (PBYuTb - 31min35sec - 07/03/15) - Source:  Peter Borenius - A quote...."Monday 6th July 2015 BRISTOL – At lunchtime of 7th July 2005 the Guardian’s Mark Honigsbaum was in the London Hilton Hotel opposite Edgware Road underground station uploading an audio report to the Guardian website. Mark had been talking to dazed and injured passengers as they emerged from the smoke and chaos below and listening back to the Guardian’s first report of the day is unsettling. - Despite the official story of Mohammad Sidique Khan blowing himself up in the carriage, Honigsbaum says ‘We believe there was an explosion this morning under the carriage of a train’. ‘The tiles, the covers on the floor suddenly flew up, raised up,’ he went on, derailing the Metropolitan Line carriages into the path of an oncoming train." - Topix ||  9/11 & 7/11  Israeli Connection  ||  Israeli False Flags  ||

REVISED:  Overwhelming Evidence that 9/11 was an Inside Job, Who did it and Why - Ken O'Keefe -- 9/11 - VF1979Video - (VF1979YuTb - 1hr35min50sec - Sep 8, 2015) - Source: VengenceFrom1979 - Producer Websites:  KenO'Keefe@YuTb - KenO'Keefe'sMidEast -- A quote.... "Presentation by Ken O'Keefe showing overwhelming evidence that 9/11 was a false flag operation with clear evidence as to who did it and why."

9/11 - Anatomy of a Great Deception - Complete Version
9/11 - VF1979Video - (VF1979YuTb - 1hr31min58sec - Sep 16, 2014) - Source:  vengencefrom1979 - Producer Website:  DavidHooper@YuTb - To Buy The Video:  AnatomyGreatDeception  - Related Website:  A&E9/11TruthOrg -- A quote...."The Anatomy of a Great Deception is a quasi-political, spiritual docu-thriller following businessman-turned-filmmaker, David Hooper as he deals with the emotions of his own investigation into the events of 9/11. The fast pace and the filmmakers commentary on coping with the emotions involved in finding truth, sets the film apart. "Even though, I didn't know it at the time, work on this film started in February 2011. Back then I was a regular guy trying to live the American dream, with three kids and a wife, who was pregnant with number four!" - "It started with an innocent question about 9/11. And that lead to more innocent questions. And after a while, I completely changed my opinion of the official story of that day."" - Topix ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

Who Benefited From 9/11?
9/11 - NRUN65Video - (NRUN65YuTb - 16min52sec - Sep 22, 2012) - Source:  NRUN65 -- A quote...."A video describing the chief players in the 9/11 story and how they benefited. Republican interests, by way of the Neoconservative Project for the New American Century, were big winners."

9/11: Follow the Money find the criminals
9/11 - I&E911Video - (I&EYuTb - 36min59sec - Jan 17, 2011) - Source:  Investigate&Expose9/11 - Related Website:  CR@YuTb CorbettRpt

Criminals Running THE FED Are Stealing TRILLIONS -- John Titus
SGTVideo - Alt - (SGTYuTb - 41min11sec - Oct 11, 2015) - Source:  SGTReportCom - Guest Websites:  BestEvidence -- A quote...."The Federal Reserve has been lying to the American people since 2008. They don't have an "exit plan", they NEVER had an exit plan. And with $1.7 TRILLION in worthless mortgage backed securities on their balance sheet, and $2.5 TRILLION in Treasuries, the end game is torching the Federal Reserve note and leaving the American people in absolute servitude and neo-serfdom. -- "Criminals are running the Federal Reserve and using it as both a sword to steal money and a shield to conceal their crimes." - John Titus"- Topix  ||  The Fed & The Thirty Trillion  ||

Fed Audit Shocker: They Come from Planet Klepto
BEVideo - (BEYuTb - 19min49sec - Sep 14, 2015) - Source:  BestEvidence  -- A quote...."While the world breathlessly awaits the outcome of this week’s FOMC meeting—will the Federal Reserve raise interest rates or won’t it?—one thing is clear regardless: the Fed is driving the U.S. into a 2nd depression in order to carry out its one and only remit now that America’s ability to produce real jobs has been reduced to ash, namely, propping up criminal banks with multi-trillion-dollar giveaways."- Topix  ||  The Fed & The Thirty Trillion  ||

Our Corporate Leaders Strip-Mine America While We Sleep.
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote....."Summary: Nothing shows how America’s reins are held by the 1% than our out-of-control corporations, enriching their executives at the cost of the future of their businesses — and ours. Here’s another status report on this sad but fixable story." -- "The Q2 Buybacks Report by FactSet is, as usual, sobering reading. During the 12 months ending in June, companies in the S&P 500 spent $555.5 billion repurchasing their shares. For the first time since October 2009 buy-backs exceeded free cash flow (cash flow after capex); they’re borrowing to buy back shares. - For the past two years buybacks have run at the fantastic rate of ~$120 B per quarter rate that they did in 2006-2007, with tech companies the leaders. In 2014 they spent 95% of their profits on buybacks and dividends (the future is somebody else’s problem in corporate America)." - Source:  FabiusMaximus - also posted at WolfStreet

Dr. Moti Nissani Interview on 44 Days Radio Sinoland- The Bank Cartel's Death Spiral for Humanity -- 44DRSSndCld - (44DRSSndCld - 1hr14min55sec - Oct 1st, 2015) -- Source:  44 Days Radio Sinoland -- A quote...."Dr. Nissani has previously discussed the Fermi paradox and direct democracy on 44 Days Radio Sinoland. Today, he makes the compelling analysis that humanity is in a death spiral, thanks to centuries of banking cartels, power and money hungry monsters who destroy and murder anyone who gets in their way." - Topix  ||  The Fed & The Thirty Trillion  ||

When The Aristocracy Leaves The Commoners In The Dust, The Empire Is Doomed
A quote...."We all know the barriers between the commoners and the Elite rise higher every year, despite the claims of the corporate media and the Power Elite aristocracy. - Historian Peter Turchin identified "the degree of solidarity felt between the commons and aristocracy" as a key ingredient of the Republic of Rome's enormous success. Turchin calls this attribute of social structure vertical integration, a term that usually refers to a corporation owning its supply chain. - In Turchin's meaning, it refers to the sense of purpose and identity shared by the top, middle and bottom of the wealth/power pyramid. One measure of this vertical integration is the degree of equality/inequality between the commoners (shall we call this the lower 90% of American households by income?) and the Power Elite aristocracy (top .5%, or perhaps top .1%)." - also posted at ZeroHedge

The Deep State: Source Of All Negativity
Quote of the Day....."I’d like to address some aspects of the Greater Depression in this essay. -- I’m here to tell you that the inevitable became reality in 2008. We’ve had an interlude over the last few years financed by trillions of new currency units. -- However, the economic clock on the wall is reading the same time as it was in 2007, and the Black Horsemen of your worst financial nightmares are about to again crash through the doors and end the party. And this time, they won’t be riding children’s ponies, but armored Percherons. -- To refresh your memory, let me recount what a depression is. -- The best general definition is: A period of time when most people’s standard of living drops significantly. By that definition, the Greater Depression started in 2008, although historians may someday say it began in 1971, when real wages started falling. -- It’s also a period of time when distortions and misallocations of capital are liquidated, and when the business cycle, which is caused exclusively by currency debasement, also known as inflation, climaxes. That results in high unemployment, business failures, uncompleted construction, bond defaults, stock market crashes, and the like. -- Fortunately, for those who benefit from the status quo, and members of something called the Deep State, the trillions of new currency units delayed the liquidation. But they also ensured it will now happen on a much grander scale." - also posted at ZeroHedge

Empire of Disaster
Second Quote of the Day....."October 09, 2015 "Information Clearing House" -  At what point does the ability of an empire to mask the imbecility of its operation to its own subjects become impossible? When, if ever, does its capacity to conceal, deny, or falsify the reality of its policies and actions simply break down and fail? -- It may not. And it doesn’t seem to matter. -- Louis XVI kept a hopeful public face nearly to the scaffold. Churchill vowed not to preside over the demise of the British Empire, but then did it, orating earnestly as it crumbled around him. Hitler kept the Nazi invincibility myth vital as Russians lustily tore the guts out of it from Stalingrad to Berlin. -- Is it possible that the wildly out of control Smash and Destroy program of the American Empire–hayseed parochial, resolutely world-ignorant, and jejeunely conceited–can continue its undirected idiot thrashing indefinitely? -- The evidence indicates it can...."

US Foreign Policy Explained (In 1 Simple Flow-Chart)
Chart - (click to enlarge) - A handy, dandy, view of Amerikan foreign policy in one easy to use flow-chart. - mpg

“Carpe Chaos” – ISIS, Israel, Iraq, & Syria: It’s All Part Of The Plan…”
A quote...."Israel lacks a national motto. If its leaders are looking for a Latin one, “carpe chaos” would be an apt and honest choice. “Seize the chaos” is half of Israeli foreign policy in a nutshell (the other half being the instigation of that chaos in the first place). But “Seize the chaos” is not a new doctrine: neither is it limited to Israeli halls of power. A veritable “carpe chaos” manifesto was written in 1996 for a Washington think tank by David Wurmser, an Israel-first neocon who would later play a key role in the Bush administration’s drive to the Iraq War. And now that Russia has been drawn into the Syrian war, where its bombers and troops operate at cross purposes with American bombers and proxy fighters, the chaotic sea threatens to become a thermonuclear lake of fire engulfing the whole world." - also posted at ZeroHedge

Israel Controls US Policy on the Middle East - Joaquin Flores
M108Video - An analysis by Joaquin - (M108YuTb - 25min30sec - Oct 8, 2015) - Source:  108morris108 - Guest Website:  Center4SyncStudies -- Morris Donation Request - Click Here - - Also [Click Here] for Morris's appeal  - A quote...."Questions about the history of jews and religion. Cautions about Human Nature."

Israeli-American Terror Machine Exposed, Checkmated and Decimated in Syria
A quote..."It’s been an especially tough last several weeks for Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizen infiltrators in the Pentagon and the CIA, and for Israeli Likudists. -- Why is this so? Because their Israeli-American Terror Machine been completely checkmated in Syria thanks to the bold and incredibly sensible efforts of Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin who is now decimating ISIS at the request of Syria, one of Russia’s allies in the Mideast. -- And the Israeli-American terror Machine is now being exposed for hijacking the CIA and working very hard at American taxpayer expense to foment terror all over the World in order to falsely blame Mideast Islamics and justify wars of aggression against innocent Mideast nations. And we know now for certain that these wars are really secret proxy wars for Israel using American soldiers as cannon-fodder."

Suddenly the Zionist Controlled Media Don't Want To Say a Word about Russia and ISIS

A quote...."The dawning realisation for ever-increasing numbers of folk that Zionists were behind 9/11 and therefore responsible for all the mayhem and carnage that's occurred since, there exists a distinct possibility their stranglehold over proceedings in America and Europe could rapidly disintegrate. They known for a while they're losing their grip. The Internet saw to that. This is why arch Zionist Michael Chertoff, while chief of Homeland Security, had 800+ Fema camps built; this is why Obama and Congress committed Treason by ratifying the heinous NDA Act; this is why the US police and the media pulled out all the stops to create a climate of civil unrest so that the authorities could declare Martial law. This way all undesirables could be rounded up so that Israel would stay in control of America. Why do you think that lying wretch Cameron proudly declared at the UN he'd do everything in his power to eradicate those who challenged the ludicrous official account of 9/11? "

The Plot Against Europe - [And The Western World]
A quote...."One of the interesting things about Jewish subversive movements is that they never rest on a particular name or theme, though the fundamental ideology may remain constant. For example, when Bolshevism failed miserably and pathetically in the Soviet Union, its intellectual grandchildren and revolutionaries moved the movement to America under a different name: Neoconservatism (what I call Neo-Bolshevism).[1]"

The Only Surprise Is That Not More Israeli Jews Are Being Attacked And Killed
A quote...."October 09, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - " The incidents which have marked the escalation of violence in Israeli occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank and have included the killing of Israeli Jews should not be viewed and considered in isolation. They have a context and it can be summarised as follows. - Israel’s strategy (not stated but actual) is to make life hell for the occupied, oppressed and humiliated Palestinians in the hope that they will abandon their struggle and surrender on Zionism’s terms or, better still, pack their bags and leave to save Israel’s leaders from having to resort at some point in the future to a final ethnic cleansing of Palestine. - The consequence of this Israeli strategy plus the failure of the major powers to do anything to try to cause Israel to end its defiance of international law and denial of justice for the Palestinians is that more and more Palestinians are being driven to total despair."

Syrian Observatory for Human Rights Run by Immigrant From his UK Home
#1]   OUTRAGEOUS!!! -- All Made Up - The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights has been quoted by almost every mass media outlet almost every single day....for years, including some websites listed on Reficultnias. This website editor NEVER posted any article that used their propaganda.  Simply unbelievable that many did, including many in the so-called "alternative media".

Syrian Observatory for Human Rights Outed--Again--as a Zionist Front
#2]   ISIS Gambit -- All Made Up & A Zio-Shill Too!! - Some quotes...."A Syrian immigrant living in Coventry is running the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights website from his home & says there are people on the ground. - The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights has been the prime source for MSM-aired news from the Syrian battlefield. But how much does one truly know about this UK-based organization and its director? Journalist and prankster Nimrod Kamer went to find out. - The organization has been one of the sources for the mainstream media to build their reports on Syria since the start of the civil war four years ago. The organization claims to have a wide network of contacts in the region who feed their information to the head office, where it is processed and later posted on the website, Facebook and Twitter accounts."  --  "Rami Abdel Rahman, the Zionist scum behind the SOHR has profiles on 'LinkedIn, 'Facebook,' and Wikipedia. The last two are notorious Zionist and Jew hangouts for dispensing lies, propaganda and psyops."

Who is behind Syrian Observatory for Human Rights?
#3]  All Made Up - RTVideo
- 4min27sec - Oct 6, 2015) - Source:  RT@YuTb  - RTShows - RT  - A quote...."Since Russia's air campaign began in Syria, many western media outlets have been heavily relying on information from 'the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights' that is run by one man - Rami Abdul Rahman. - RT traces the elusive owner of this website the West uses to source and smear Moscow's anti-Islamic State bombing campaign.""
Regarding the almost decade long scam called "The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights" -- Any website that used their material should be considered unreliable from now on -- Any website that CONTINUES to use their material from this point forward is completely discredited.  People should be outraged that the garbage this intell asset produced was disseminated by the "West's" mass media for years.  It was ALL MADE UP!!! -- Everyone should demand answers and apologies from ANY website that distributed this crap! - mpg
Analysis of US and Israel Foreign Policy in IR Theory Perspective
A quote...."The aim of this article is first to explain why the US’s Middle-east policy is a chauvinist/exceptionalist variation of irrational idealism in the language of International Relations, and how this policy can best be understood as originating from Israel, is it fits the needs of this state quite well and to the exclusion of others including the US itself..In order to explain to the readership why this is so, we will necessarily explain the relevance of IR theory to the subject at hand. - The academic and institutional field of International Relations is what provides us with several theories and working models for explaining the ‘world system’.  It, tends to indicate several things...." - also posted at FortRuss

Bix Weir:  Implosion and Restart of Financial System Coming
GHVideo - (GHYuTb - 33min02sec - Oct 4, 2015) -- Source:  GregHunter@YuTb - Related Sites:  USAWatchDog - Guest Website:  Road2Roota -- A quote...."Is inflation or deflation coming? Financial analyst Bix Weir says, “It’s not really inflation or deflation. It is a ceasing of the system. After the system crashes, no one is going to accept a Federal Reserve Note. So, I wouldn’t call it deflation. I would call it a restart. What they call it at the Fed is a ‘creative destruction event.’ Meaning, in order to move on to the next step, you have to destroy all the bad that has built up, and there is a lot of bad. We see the derivatives, and we say oh, that’s bad. There is so much more going on behind the scenes. We’re talking hundreds of trillions, if not quadrillions, of dollars in electronic assets that need to be wiped away, wiped clean completely. Otherwise, where all these assets are concentrated, they will have control over us, and that’s what we need to get rid of. We need to get rid of their control of us. . . . They seem to be making decisions completely off the wall, but truthfully, it is all leading to the same thing. Blow the bubble as big as possible so that it implodes. Then, you will see a fight to get control of the monetary system after the implosion.”"

It's One Indivisible System: Empire, The State, Financialization, & Crony Capitalism
Chart - (click to enlarge) - A quote...."The great irony is what's unsustainable melts into thin air no matter how many people want it to keep going. - Disagreement is part of discourse, and pursuing differing views of the best way forward is the heart of democracy. Disagreement is abundant, democracy is scarce, despite claims to the contrary. - If you think you can surgically extract Empire from the American System, force the State to serve the working/middle classes, end the stripmining of financialization, limit crony capitalism/regulatory capture and get Big Money out of politics--go ahead and do so. I'm not standing in your way--go for it. - But while you pursue your good governance, populist, Left/ Right /Socialist/ Libertarian, etc. reforms, please understand the system is indivisible"

“The Lobby-That-Doesn’t-Exist”: Politicians and Pundits on Jewish Influence in France
ZOG's:  How It's Done - A quote...."There are few things as difficult to talk about as Jewish elites and Jewish ethnocentrism (which, translated into left-wing parlance, could be termed “Jewish privilege and Jewish racism”). For the French case, Paul-Éric Blanrue (see my previous article on his work) usefully documents the numerous cases in which various prominent figures and journalists have spoken of Jewish ethnocentrism or “the Jewish lobby.” -- Jewish influence is typically remarked upon by bragging activist Jews, by senior politicians near death, by uncritical commentators, or by critical commentators who, being swiftly punished, usually learn to keep quiet. The penalty for criticism, universal ostracism, is such that Blanrue speaks of “the-lobby-that-doesn’t-exist”: the lobby that everyone knows about and everyone knows must never be spoken about (lest they find themselves in the dock with Alain Soral and Dieudonné M’bala M’bala)."

The U.S. Is A Fascist Govt Spreading Fascism Around The World: Stephen Lendman
X22SpLghtVideo - (X22SpLghtYuTb - 27min17sec - Sep 25, 2015) - Source: X22ReportSpotlight - Related Websites: X22Report - X22Rpt@YuTb - Guest Website: Steve Lendman - SL@PRN -- Today's Guest Steven Lendman

The FED Just Created A Recipe For Disaster & The Economy Will Go Down In Flames
X22SpLghtVideo - (X22SpLghtYuTb - 27min17sec - Sep 20, 2015) - Source: X22ReportSpotlight - Related Websites: X22Report - X22Rpt@YuTb - Guest Website:  F4l@YuTb - Fabian4Liberty - Real Estate Academy -- Today's Guest Fabian Calvo

VA Senator Dick Black discusses ISIS, Syria, and Assad with Sean Stone
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 18min36sec - Sep 25, 2015) - Source:  RT@YuTb  - RTShows - RT  - A quote..."In this web exclusive, Sean Stone sits down with Virginia state Senator Dick Black to talk about the ongoing crisis in Syria, and what policies the US and other world powers should adopt to return the region to peace and stability."

Sibel Edmonds: ISIS Is US
ISIS Gambit - Sibel Edmonds Tells All - Must Listen LRAudio - Alt - (LRPodCast - 39min06sec - August 26, 2015) - Source:  LewRockwell - LRPodCasts - SE@LRCArchives - Guest Websites:  BoilingFrogsPost - SE@JustACitizen - ProbableCauseW/SibelEdmondsLew Rockwell and Sibel Edmonds discuss what's going on in Turkey, Syria and Iraq, along with the Kurds, and of course the US-NRE's support for ISIS and the dozens of other terrorist organizations in the region, their constant "re-branding" and "marketing", along with the many other crimes of empire. - mpg

CrossTalk: Saving Syria
ISIS Gambit - Saving Syria....From The Neocons - CTRTVideo - CT/SavingSyria@RT - CT/SavingSyria/Mp4 - CT/SavingSyria/SndCld - (CTRTYuTb - 24min27sec - Sep 25, 2015) - Source:  CT@YuTb - CrossTalk@SndCld - CrossTalk@RT - RTShows - RT -- A quote...."Again the Russians have thrown Washington a lifeline to rescue Obama from his administration’s catastrophic policies in Syria. After years of demanding forced regime change and watching the rise of the Islamic State, can the official groupthink in Washington finally accept defeat and embrace Putin’s offer? CrossTalking with Sami Ramadani, Abdel Bari Atwan, and Daniel McAdams."

Tick Tick Tick
Quote of the Day -- A quote...."Did Charlie Rose look like a f*cking idiot last night on 60-Minutes, or what, asking Vladimir Putin how he could know for sure that the US was behind the 2014 Ukraine coup against President Viktor Yanukovych? Maybe the idiots are the 60-Minutes producers and fluffers who are supposed to prep Charlie’s questions. Putin seemed startled and amused by this one on Ukraine: how could he know for sure? - Well, gosh, because Ukraine was virtually a province of Russia in one form or another for hundreds of years, and Russia has a potent intelligence service (formerly called the KGB) that had assets and connections threaded through Ukrainian society like the rhizomorphs of the fungus Armillaria solidipes through a conifer forest. Gosh, Charlie, it’s like asking Obama whether the NSA might know what’s going on in Texas. - And so there is Vladimir Putin, a former KGB officer, having to spell it out for the American clodhopper super-journalist. “We have thousands of contacts with them. We know who and where, and when they met with someone, and who worked with those who ousted Yanukovych, how they were supported, how much they were paid, how they were trained, where, in which country, and who those instructors were. We know everything.”"

Papal Blessing for Washington’s Global Terrorism
A quote...."September 27, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "SCF"-   Roman Catholic Pope Francis was hailed for his courage in challenging the United States Congress on a range of "leftwing" issues. The pontiff can take some credit for raising issues of social justice, reducing poverty and homelessness, averting deleterious environmental impacts, and calling for more humane immigration policies. But there was a flagrant omission in his address to the American lawmakers, as there was in his earlier audience with President Barack Obama. Where was his forthright condemnation of Washington’s rampant war-making and sponsorship of global terrorism?"

ISIS Is Not ‘Blowback’ From Western Foreign Policy; They ARE Western Foreign Policy
Great Graphic - (click here to enlarge) -- A quote...."Notice that ISIS are sworn enemies of Syria, Hizbu’llah, and Iran. This in itself gives a most obvious clue as to the identity of the group’s benefactors. - A prevalent liberal cliché is the “blowback” theory – the theory that ISIS terror attacks, and indeed the group’s very existence, are somehow in retaliation to US/Western/”Israeli” foreign policy actions. - This is a disingenuous theory that is disseminated in order to keep the empire’s citizens on side. Crucially, it distracts from a key truth. - Western and “Israeli” intelligence has historically effected deep infiltration of ‘jihadist’ terror cells throughout the Arab world and the West; these groups are used literally as footsoldiers (see Afghanistan throughout the 1980s) to achieve Western and “Israeli” military and strategic objectives. The “blowback” theory distracts from this key fact.""

Why Saudi Ties to 9/11 Mean U.S. Ties to 9/11
A quote...."Media interest in Saudi Arabian connections to the crimes of 9/11 has centered on calls for the release of the 28 missing pages from the Joint Congressional Inquiry’s report. However, those calls focus on the question of hijacker financing and omit the most interesting links between the 9/11 attacks and Saudi Arabia—links that implicate powerful people in the United States. Here are twenty examples." - also posted at AlethoNews - Topix ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

Paradise Lost Nation
A quote...."America is lost, it is a lost nation because it lost it freedom, it gave the most precious gift away for nothing without even realizing it.  Clueless and stupid Americans lumber forward, unable to process what has happened to them since the creation of the Jewish Federal Reserve, Jewish instigated World Wars, and now the Israel engineered 911 terrorist false flag. - America has lost the war to the Jew and has been completely assimilated into the Jewish Borg Mind Hive."

Holocaust: Breaking The Spell
WotWVideo - (WotWYuTb - 28min10sec - Sep 27, 2015) - Source:  WotW@YuTb - WindowsOnTheWorld -- A quote...."New show every Sunda 9pm GMT. Author Nick Kollerstrom discusses his new book "Breaking the Spell" dealing with The Holocaust narrative. Nick was sacked from his job as a science historian for researching the use of Zyklon B, an insecticide used in de lousing chambers in the German concentration camps. This was alleged to have been used in homicidal gas chambers. The work of chemist Germar Rudolph and the trial of Ernst Zundel are useful references for this interview."  - Topix  ||  More Evidence Would Have Been Better - 11-05-12 - mpg  ||

In Auschwitz Open Your Eyes And Don't Listen To The Guides (1)
D18DVideo - Note:  English subtitles, must click the >CC< button - (D18DYuTb - 38min59sec - Sep 21, 2015) - Source:  Didi18D - A quote..."Vincent Reynouard explains what to look for when visiting Auschwiz" - Topix  ||  More Evidence Would Have Been Better - 11-05-12 - mpg  ||

US' Moderate Rebels, Refugees, BBC Pushing Gender Confusion, Optimal living - Morris
M108Video - (M108YuTb - 11min51sec - Sept 20, 2015) - Source:  108morris108 - Morris Emergency Donation Request - Click Here - - Also [Click Here] for Morris's appeal

Are Neocons an Existential Threat?
A quote...."The neoconservatives arguably have damaged American national interests more than any group in modern history. They have done more harm than the marginal Communists pursued by Sen. Joe McCarthy in the 1950s, more than the Hippies of the 1960s, more than Richard Nixon’s Watergate burglars in the 1970s or the Iran-Contra conspirators in the 1980s. - The neocons have plunged the U.S. government into extraordinarily ill-considered wars wasting trillions of dollars, killing hundreds of thousands if not millions of people, and destabilizing large swaths of the planet including the Middle East, much of Africa and now Europe. Those costs include a swelling hatred against America and a deformed U.S. foreign policy elite that is no longer capable of formulating coherent strategies. - Yet, the neocons have remained immune from the consequences of their catastrophes. They still dominate Washington’s major think tanks as well as the op-ed pages of virtually all the leading newspapers, including The Washington Post, Wall Street Journal and New York Times. They hold down key positions in the State Department, and their “liberal interventionist” pals have the ear of President Barack Obama."

The Syrian Crisis is Part of a Proxy War Waged on Russia by the West
A quote...."September 16, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "LPJ" - It seems clear now that the West wants to defeat Russia in Syria at all costs. This latest protracted confrontation in the Middle East can be understood as a proxy war of the US and NATO against Putin’s resurgent Russia." - Source:  LPJ

What if Americans Had Known in 2013 that U.S. rejected Syria Deal in 2012?
For The Record - A quote...."September 15, 2015 "Information Clearing House" -  In the United States it is considered fashionable to maintain a steadfast ignorance of rejected peace offers, and to believe that all the wars launched by the U.S. government are matters of "last resort." Our schools still don't teach that Spain wanted the matter of the Maine to go to international arbitration, that Japan wanted peace before Hiroshima, that the Soviet Union proposed peace negotiations before the Korean War, or that the U.S. sabotaged peace proposals for Vietnam from the Vietnamese, the Soviets, and the French. When a Spanish newspaper reported that Saddam Hussein had offered to leave Iraq before the 2003 invasion, U.S. media took little interest. When British media reported that the Taliban was willing to have Osama bin Laden put on trial before the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan, U.S. journalists yawned. Iran's 2003 offer to negotiate ending its nuclear energy program wasn't mentioned much during this year's debate over an agreement with Iran -- which was itself nearly rejected as an impediment to war."

Convenient Memory Lapses of the Anglo-American Press
The Forgetful Presstitutes - A quote...."A quick scan of today’s major press outlets in the US, Britain and Israel reveals the Empire’s continuing attempt to conceal the full depth and extent of its culpability for the last three years of bloodshed and destruction in Syria."

The Economic Crisis This Time Around Is Going To Be Dark: Rob Kirby
X22SpLghtVideo - (X22SpLghtYuTb - 42min48sec - Aug 29, 2015) - Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Websites: X22Report - X22ReportSpotlight - Guest Website:  Kirby Analytics -- A quote...."Today's Guest: Rob Kirby"

An Inconvenient 9/11 Truth [2015] Part I
9/11 - TTVideo - (TTYuTb - 2hr59min56sec - May 3, 2015) - Source:  TrutherTV -- A quote...."Some text might not be readable and the narration may be taken out of context, while sound may not always be on par because of its original rough source. This is sort of my timeline interpretation of minimally editing numerous "9/11 Truth" documentaries, in particularly with Ryan Dawson's versions of ‘War By Deception’, in addition with short films, extra visuals, details, some soundtrack along with bits of satire. This was essentially "

Episode 308 – 9/11 Trillions: Follow The Money
9/11 - CRAudio - Alt/Mp3 - Alt/YuTb - (CRMedPlyr - 59min35sec - Sept 12th, 2015) - Source:  CR@YuTb CorbettRpt -- A quote...."Forget for one moment everything you’ve been told about September 11, 2001. 9/11 was a crime. And as with any crime, there is one overriding imperative that detectives must follow to identify the perpetrators: follow the money. This is an investigation of the 9/11 money trail."

911 and War by Deception
9/11 - Ry2SVideo - (Ry2SYuTb - 2hr15min12sec - Apr 5, 2013) - Source:  - Ry2S@YuTbRy2S@ANCRpt - Ry2SAntiNeocons  - Ry2S@TruTube - Ry2S@Vimeo - Anti-Neocons / Indiegogo Project - A quote...."The newest version, includes an anthrax time line, more on privateers, and of course 911 - for donations please paypal this email

9/11: “Anatomy of a Great Deception”
9/11 - Video - Alt - (YuTb - 1hr31min58sec - Sep 12, 2014) - Source:  dts51sound -- A quote...."This "docu-thriller" from father-turned-filmmaker, David Hooper takes us on a journey of awakening that begins with an innocent question. Soon, his life is turned upside down as he grapples with the life-changing conclusions of his findings. The film was made to wake up his friends and family. Now, it's poised to wake everyone else."

9/11: Decade of Deception (Full Film NEW 2015)
9/11 - Must View P4TVideo - (P4TYuTb - 2hr4min53sec - Sep 10, 2015) - Source:  PressForTruth -- A quote...."On the tenth anniversary of the Attacks of September 11th, 2001, expert witnesses gathered at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada to provide evidence-based research that called into question the official story of 9/11."

9/11 Suspects - Explosive Connections (Updated Fixed and Revised)
9/11 - WC911Video - (WC911YuTb - 15min22sec - Oct 15, 2011) - Source:  WarCrime911 -- A quote...."Most of the material for this video was adapted from Kevin Ryan's landmark article on who had "Demolition access to the WTC Towers"

CrossTalk: Unsourced Syria
ISIS Gambit - Truth Be Told - CTRTVideo - CT/UnsourcedSyria @RT - CT/UnsourcedSyria/Mp4 - CT/UnsourcedSyria/SndCld - (CTRTYuTb - 24min29sec - Sept 9th 2015) - Source:  CT@YuTb - CrossTalk@SndCld - CrossTalk@RT - RTShows - RT -- A quote...."An unsourced story originating on an Israeli website claimed Russia was about to deploy significant military assistance to Syria to fight Islamic State. This set the media aflame and had Washington issuing warnings. The story was not only unsourced, but also untrue. But it did reveal how the West frames its illegal war against Syria. CrossTalking with Eric Draitser, Danny Makki and Fawaz Gerges."

US Seeks Occupation as US Fighters Flood Syria
ISIS Gambit - Another "Conspiracy Theory" Becomes Conspiracy Fact! - A quote...."US corporate-funded policy think-tank, the Brookings Institution, published a June 2015 paper titled, “Deconstructing Syria: Towards a regionalized strategy for a confederal country.” The signed and dated open-conspiracy to divide, destroy, invade, then incrementally occupy Syria using no-fly-zones and both US and British special forces is now demonstrably underway. - The paper would lay out in no uncertain terms that (emphasis added)...."
"The idea would be to help moderate elements establish reliable safe zones within Syria once they were able. American, as well as Saudi and Turkish and British and Jordanian and other Arab forces would act in support, not only from the air but eventually on the ground via the presence of special forces as well. The approach would benefit from Syria’s open desert terrain which could allow creation of buffer zones that could be monitored for possible signs of enemy attack through a combination of technologies, patrols, and other methods that outside special forces could help Syrian local fighters set up. - Were Assad foolish enough to challenge these zones, even if he somehow forced the withdrawal of the outside special forces, he would be likely to lose his air power in ensuing retaliatory strikes by outside."
Exclusive: 50 Spies Say ISIS Intelligence Was Cooked
ISIS Gambit - So The "Stove Piping" & "Intimidation" Never Stopped - A quote...."More than 50 intelligence analysts working out of the U.S. military's Central Command have formally complained that their reports on ISIS and al Qaeda’s branch in Syria were being inappropriately altered by senior officials, The Daily Beast has learned. - The complaints spurred the Pentagon’s inspector general to open an investigation into the alleged manipulation of intelligence. The fact that so many people complained suggests there are deep-rooted, systemic problems in how the U.S. military command charged with the war against the self-proclaimed Islamic State assesses intelligence. - “The cancer was within the senior level of the intelligence command,” one defense official said."

MI6 ISIS Rat Line & The Threat To India
ISIS Gambit - The Well Known MI6 Connection - A quote...."The prosecution of a Swedish national accused of terrorist activities in Syria has collapsed at the Old Bailey after it became clear Britain’s security and intelligence agencies would have been deeply embarrassed had a trial gone ahead, the Guardian reported. - Bherlin Gildo was due to stand trial at London’s Old Bailey accused of attending a terrorist training camp between 2012 and 2013 and possessing information likely to be useful to a terrorist. But the case against him was dropped and he was cleared of the charges after a wrangle between lawyers and the British and Swedish security services." - also posted at ZeroHedge

Exposing the I.S.I.S Lie: How President Obama & Hillary Clinton Created I.S.I.S.
ISIS Gambit - ISIS's Mommy:  Hillary Clinton - A21RVideo - Alt/Artcl-Vid - (A21RYuTb - 48min57sec - Jul 20, 2015) - Source:  RobertExter - Producer Website:  Agenda 21 Radio -- A quote...."(NEVADA CITY, CA) Speaking at the third Liberty Tour, sponsored by Paul Preston's Agenda 21 Radio on July 11, 2015 former Army intelligence officer and once private contractor to CIA financier Booze, Allen, Hamilton Scott Bennett the author of the book ‘Shell Game” a Military Whistleblowing Report to Congress. stated he gave Rolling Stone reporter Michael Hastings information about Swiss bank accounts which directly implicated former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Obama in the formation of I.S.I.S. just prior to Hastings being killed in a suspicious auto accident." - The two books mentioned in this video, and written by the video's narrator, Scott Bennett, are listed below.....
Author:  Scott Bennett - Author's Website - Author's List of Books
  1. Title:  "Shell Game - Conspiracy, Torture, & Betrayal At US Cent Command" - [Gogl] - [Lulu]
  2. Title:  "Exhibits" - [Lulu]
The 'Refugee' Crisis and the Creation of Greater Israel
A quote...."It has become increasingly obvious that the flood of refugees from the Middle East is serving the jewish agenda of creating Greater Israel (Eretz Israel). In case you are unfamiliar with the concept, Greater Israel is the vast tract of land supposedly promised to the Israelites by Yahweh, stretching from the Nile to the Euphrates." - Source:  RenegradeTribune

Refugee Crisis: What The Media Is Hiding
SGPVideo - Alt - Outstanding!! - (SGPYuTb - 13min24sec - Sep 9, 2015) - Source:  SyrianGirlPartisan@YuTb - SGP@YuTb#2 - BlgSpt - SGPBlogspotDotAU -- A quote...."There are a few things you should know about the Refugee Crisis - This video answers...."
European Refugee Crisis – The Anatomy of a Coverup
SCGVideo - Alt - (SCGYuTb - 5min32sec - Sep 10, 2015) - Source:  SCG@YuTb - StormCloudsGathering -- A quote...."The real story behind the refugee/migrant crisis in Europe is much stranger than fiction. Storm Clouds Gathering exposes the hidden plan behind the manufactured refugee crisis; how it started, why it’s happening, who’s to blame, and what to expect."

Refugee Crisis Straight Talk
A quote...."September 09, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - Official accounts from Washington and European capitals along with duplicitous major media reports suppress what’s most important to know. - Volumes are written without a single explanation of why a refugee crisis exists in the first place, what should be done about it, and most important, how to prevent future ones. - Millions fleeing troubled lands aren’t migrants. They’re refugees and asylum seekers – desperately seeking safe havens anywhere out of harm’s way. - Washington bears full responsibility for the gravest refugee crisis since WW II – because of its devastating post-9/11 wars. Resolving the problem isn’t rocket science. - It’s as simple as declaring peace, stopping US wars, ending its support for ISIS and other takfiri terrorists, establishing effective transition policies, and caring for displaced people humanely until they’re able to return home, adjust to a new environment on their own or go elsewhere." - Source: SteveLendman

Read This Before The Mainstream Media Uses A Drowned Refugee Boy To Start Another War -- A quote...."A baby boy turned to flotsam. Washed up on the shore, face down in the mud. His family, refugees from Syria’s civil war, had tried to reach Greece, but their over-crowded raft overturned in the Mediterranean Sea and he drowned along with his brother and mother. The viral image of 3-year-old Aylan Kurdi’s lifeless little body on a Turkish beach has shaken the conscience of the West and wrenched America’s attention to the refugee crisis now rocking Europe." - also posted at ZeroHedge & ICH

Eventual Consequences
Quote of the Day - A quote...."The US empire has murdered some 40 million people since World War II (according to John Stockwell), has suppressed popular social change in dozens of countries, has overthrown and assassinated their leaders and has organized and trained right-wing death squads that murdered and tortured their citizens. Both Al Qaeda and ISIS are largely US inventions. Meanwhile, the US enjoyed nearly the highest per capita income in the world, peace, harmony, and consumerism for decades—until recently—while sowing chaos abroad. But there have been no negative consequences for the US—until its recent economic decline."

Who Are the Evildoers? — List of Names
Some Quotes....."Take no part in the political process. Do not vote. By voting you give legitimacy to your future oppressors, to the elite ruling classes who are intent on becoming richer at the expense of the poor and in making life a hell for the people they rule over. Regard democracy as an utter sham and have nothing to do with it. This is extreme advice. Feel free to reject it. There are exceptional circumstances when one ought perhaps to vote: during important referendums, for example, or when an extraordinary and charismatic leader emerges with sincere promises of radical change."  ---  "Avoid the mainstream media like a plague. Believe nothing you see on television or read in the newspapers. Stop watching Hollywood movies if you don’t want your mind to be invaded by black propaganda, false memes and subliminal advertising. Better still, don’t watch TV at all. And don’t buy the newspapers and magazines you see for sale in supermarkets or high street newsagents’. - If you do, assume that almost everything you read is a lie or distortion calculated to turn you into a “model citizen”, i.e., a submissive slave."  ---  "When evil tyrants run the world, it’s best to keep away from them. Expect to be maladjusted. A square peg in a round hole. A stranger in a strange land, watching the passing show with sad, wistful eyes. To be well-adjusted is to be sick. For in the wise words of Krishnamurti,  “It is no measure of mental health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”"

CrossTalk: Exploding Kiev
CTRTVideo - Outstanding Analysis / Discussion!! - CT/ExplodingKiev@RT - CT/ExplodingKiev/Mp4 - CT/ExplodingKiev/SndCld - (CTRTYuTb - 24min50sec - Sep 2, 2015) - Source:  CT@YuTb - CrossTalk@SndCld - CrossTalk@RT - RTShows - RT -- A quote...."Violence has again returned to the streets of Kiev – the internal contradictions of the Maidan coup are on view for all to see. Since the forced ouster of the previous elected government, Ukraine has been long on intolerance and short on compromise. What’s next for this divided country? CrossTalking with Dmitry Babich and Mark Sleboda."

90k Ukrainian Army To Attack Novorossiyans? - Joaquin
M108Video - Outstanding analysis by Joaquin -- (M108YuTb - 19min21sec - Aug 25, 2015) - Source:  108morris108 - Morris Donation Request - Click Here - - Guest Website: Center4SyncStudies
Joaquin brilliantly exposes the propaganda attempt by the US-NRE to trumpet Russia's so called "necessity to invade Ukraine", in their childish attempt to imply Russia was about to do so, if the Kiev regime attacked and was on the verge of defeating the DPR's & LPR's military forces.  When in fact the Kiev regime's forces had already attempted such an attack and had been defeated the week before.

He than goes on to thoroughly trash the US-NRE's inversion of international law in regards to Ukraine by pointing out it was they who carried out an illegal violent coup in Ukraine so they could militarily occupy the country, and strip it bare, with their own foreign carpet-baggers.

Finally he wraps up his exposition with a descriptive analysis of the three major factions in Europe (Atlantisists, Europeanists, and Eurasianists) and how they influence the EU's position on Ukraine with a wry observation that the EU has traitorous enemies within who are essentially making war on the EU using policies of "divide & conquer".  - mpg
Europe In Free Fall
A quote...."The EU is ruled by a class of people who have completely sold themselves to the United States. The best examples of this sorry state of affairs is the Libyan debacle which saw the US and France completely destroy the most developed country in Africa only to now have hundreds of thousands of refugees cross the Mediterranean and seek refuge from war in the EU. This outcome could have been very easy to predict, and yet the European countries did nothing to prevent it. In fact, all these Obama Wars (Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan) have resulted in huge movements of refugees. Add to this the chaos in Egypt, Mali and the poverty all over Africa and you have a mass-exodus which no amount of wall-building, ditch-digging or refugee tear gassing will stop. And if that was not enough, the EU committed what can only be called political and economic suicide by allowing the Ukraine to explode into a major civil war involving 45 million people, a completely destroyed economy and a bona fide Nazi regime in power. That outcome was also easy to predict. But all the Euro-bureaucrats did is to impose self-defeating economic sanctions on Russia which ended up providing exactly the kind of conditions needed for the Russian economy to finally diversify and begin producing locally instead of importing everything from abroad." - also posted at ICH

False Footprint Of History Misleads Our Brains, Destroys Our Lives
A quote...."This is the fact we can’t get straight. -- One side — one entity, one organization — funds BOTH sides in all the wars. -- [The United States and Israel created ISIS, armed it with weapons and funded it with millions, then sent American troops to pretend to fight it, all for the secret purpose of sabotaging Syria. America also spent billions waging war in Afghanistan, yet funded the Taliban it pretended to fight in order to preserve poppy production that enabled the CIA to sell heroin on the streets of America. -- The so-called Russian revolution was no revolution at all. The Bolshevik revolution was an invasion of foreign Jews, funded by Jewish bankers in New York, principally Jacob Schiff. Throughout its sorry history, the Soviet Union, which killed 100 million non Jews (according to Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn), was funded by Jewish bankers in the United States. -- Failure to comprehend this one stark truth has diminished human life beyond comprehension. For openers, it has cost millions of human lives throughout the 20th century and into the 21st in the form of wars that were cynically fomented to mask the massive robberies of other countries."

When [Predatory] Minorities Rule, Societies Are Destroyed
A quote...."We live in the dark, convinced by our public media and our insincere leaders that we are heroes and freedom fighters. In reality the opposite is true: we are the plunderers, the ravagers, deceiving ourselves to do the dirty work of the manipulators who have twisted our minds with trinkets and false accounts of the people we kill and the countries we ruin in order to steal their treasures. - And the saddest part — the punchline that proves how stupid we are — is that we never profit from the invasions we are cynically ordered to conduct. The bounty always goes to the swindlers pulling the strings, and we, as the agents of banditry, time and again, are always left to suffer the same fate of the people we have robbed when we are robbed ourselves, of not only our treasures, but of our dignity, shortly before we are robbed of our lives. - It is the way history has always gone. The ignorant masses are persuaded to commit the crimes of the rich and as the unwitting perpetrators, we ultimately suffer the same fate as the victims, while the rich snicker in their palaces and plot their next swindle."

Faurisson’s Exposure of the Holocaust Hoax
A quote...." In 1951 the Jew Léon Poliakov, who had been part of the French delegation at the Nuremberg trial (1945-1946), stated his conclusion that we had at our disposal an overabundance of documents for all points of the history of the Third Reich, with the exception of one point alone: the “campaign to exterminate the Jews”. For this, he wrote, “No document remains,perhaps none has ever existed” (Bréviaire de la haine, Paris, Calmann-Lévy, 1974 [1951], p. 171; English version: Harvest of Hate, New York, Holocaust Library, 1979, revised and expanded edition) -- Faurisson says: There is here an extraordinary concession to the revisionist case. In effect, such a formidable criminal undertaking supposedly conceived, ordered, organised and perpetrated by the Germans would have necessitated an order, a plan, instructions, a budget, … Such an undertaking, carried out over several years on a whole continent and generating the death of millions of victims, would have left a flood of documentary evidence. Consequently, if we are told that there perhaps has never existed any such documentary evidence, it is because the crime in question was not perpetrated." - Topix  ||  More Evidence Would Have Been Better - 11-05-12 - mpg  ||

The Shoah: The Biggest Hoax of the 20th Century - [Videos]?  -- RIRVideos
#1]  The Shoah - (RIRYuTb 58m43s 08/20/15) - Source: RedIceRadio
#2]  The Majdanek Myth - (RIRYuTb 1h22m15s 12/06/14) - Source: RedIceRadio
#3]  The Treblinka Hoax - (RIRYuTb 1h20m11s 05/15/14) - Source: RedIceRadio
A quote...."Eric Hunt is a filmmaker whose documentaries include “The Last Days of the Big Lie,” “The Treblinka Archaeology Hoax,” and “The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth.” Hunt is with us to talk about the important research and work he has contributed in exposing the “greatest hoax of human history.” He has not only examined the “testimonies” and “evidence” of the so-called extermination program of the National Socialists in Germany during the 1930s/40s, but has also studied the propaganda that has been released to perpetuate this story. Eric talks about the ever-changing death toll numbers at Treblinka and Majdanek, and he points to other serious holes in the official narrative where gas chambers disguised as shower rooms are credited for the homicide of millions. We get into the specifics of disinfection facilities that were using Zyklon B to deal with the deadly typhoid epidemic that was sweeping through war-torn Europe, and evidence that suggests Treblinka, Belzec and Sobibór were not extermination camps, but rather work camps and transfer stations created to generate manpower and deal with the disease and violence of wartime. In the members’ hour, Eric touches on the methodology of wartime propaganda and the media monopoly that has existed since pre-WWI." - Topix  ||  More Evidence Would Have Been Better - 11-05-12 - mpg  ||

Gerald Celente: Donald Trump is a Clown, Hillary to Win 2016! – 8/8/15
GCVideo - Missed this one - mpg - (GCYuTb - 27min40sec - produced (8/8/15))  - Source:   TrendsRsrchInst - Related Websites: GrldCelYuTb - TJ@YuTb -- A quote...."The brownnosers, the suck-ups, the overly ambitious, and the insincere – that is how Gerald Celente sums up the 2016 presidential contenders! - Mr. Celente is the publisher of The Trends Journal, and is a well followed and respected trends forecaster. Gerald has long been predicting the trends of economic turmoil caused by central banks, more military conflicts (even WW3), and higher gold prices as a result. Gerald is a strong advocate for people taking back their individual liberties as well, as the government has become more insolvent and out of control."

Interview 1078 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
NWNWAudio - Alt/Mp3 - Alt/YuTb - (NWNWYuTb - 16min54sec - Aug 20tht, 2015) - Websites:  CR@YuTb - NwWrldNxtWk - CorbettReport - MediaMonarchy -- A quote...."Welcome to New World Next Week — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news." - Topix:  ||  9/11-Iraq-Torture Fables  ||

Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "The Third Bush War" - (8/14/15)
GCVideo - (Note:  appropriate adult language used) - (GCYuTb - 16min04sec - produced (8/14/15))  - Source:   TrendsRsrchInst - Related Websites: GrldCelYuTb - TJ@YuTb -- A quote...."BP traders ruled to have rigged US gas markets in the wake of Hurricane Ike”, the New York Times says ISIS has a “a vast system of rape” & Jeb Bush says “the mission was accomplished when it came to Iraq security” during his brother’s presidency".

Dr. David Duke - A New Paradigm For True Human Diversity and Freedom
RIRAudio - Alt - (RIRMp3 - 2min54sec33sec - August 18, 2015) - Source:  RedIceRadio  - Guest Websites:  DavidDuke - DD@YuTb - DD@Rense - A quote...."Dr. David Duke is a graduate of Louisiana State University with a BA in History. He pursued a PhD in the largest university in Ukraine and in 2005 completed his Doctoral Defense in Kiev. He is a former member of the House of Representatives from Louisiana. His books “Jewish Supremacism” and “My Awakening” are translated into numerous languages, with millions of copies in circulation. Duke is with us to share his views on the right of every people on earth to preserve their heritage, genetic lineage, cultural traditions and freedom. Dr. Duke views Zionist-driven globalism and its collaborators the greatest enemies of mankind, and his ideas bring forth a way of liberation for all people by promoting a new paradigm for true human diversity and freedom. "

Interview 1077 – Sunday Wire: Trouble in Asia Minor
CRAudio - Concept Alert - Alt/Mp3 - (CRMedPlyr - 1hr6min17sec - Aug 17, 2015) - Source:  CR@YuTb CorbettRpt - Guest Website:  TheSundayWire -- A quote...."This week’s edition of The Sunday Wire is broadcasting live from the Valley of the Sun, as host Patrick Henningsen returns this week to cover the planet’s increasingly audacious news and global affairs. On this episode we’re joined by special guest, geopolitical analyst James Corbett from The Corbett Report for a deeper discussion about the next phase of the Syrian Quagmire which is currently unfolding, as we examine ‘The Troubles in Asia Minor’ – complexities and realities of the ever chaotic and shifty sands between Anatolia, Kurdistan, Damascus and Tel Aviv (and the swamps of Washington DC)." - Quotable Quote.....13min26sec - 14min23sec
"The general pattern I'm seeing here James, and I've seen it over the last twelve months, is anybody who is effective at fighting ISIS, and I'll name them off, the Syrian army who've been effective at fighting terrorism within their borders, they've been demonized, they've [the "West"] attempted to hamstring Damascus because they're fighting terrorism, foreign terrorists, within their own country.  [Second] the Kurds have been effective, they've been fighting foreign fighters, absolute terrorists, bands of "privateers" is how I describe ISIS, sand pirates, the Barbary pirates of the sand. The other [last one] is Sh'ia militias led by Iranian military commanders in Iraq. All three of those people have been either attacked, demonized, or  proclaimed illegitimate by the Western powers over the last twelve months. So anybody fighting ISIS effectively, is immediately marginalized "
Prof. Michel Chossudovsky: Terrorism is Made in the USA. The Global War on Terrorism is a Big Lie -- GRVideo - (GRYuTb - 4min31sec - Mar 11, 2015) -  Source:  Global Rsrch - Vids - GRNH - GR's Article List -- A quote...."Prominent academic and author Dr Michel Chossudovsky warned that the so-called war on terrorism is a front to propagate America’s global hegemony and create a New World Order. - Dr Chossudovsky said terrorism is made in the US and that terrorists are not the product of the Muslim world. - According to him, the US global war on terrorism was used to enact anti-terrorism laws that demonised Muslims in the Western world and created Islamophobia."

America's Long War Against Humanity - Michel Chossudovsky
GRVideo - (Previously posted) - (GRYuTb - 4min31sec - Mar 11, 2015) -  Source:  Global Rsrch - Vids - GRNH - GR's Article List -- A quote...."Rosa Luxemburg Conference, Berlin, January 11, 2014. - The event was organized by the German daily "junge Welt". This year, the Rosa Luxemburg Conference marked the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the First World War. - Worldwide militarization is also part of a global economic agenda, namely the application of the neoliberal economic policy model which has led to the impoverishment of large sectors of the World population. - The world is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The US has embarked on a military adventure, "a long war", which threatens the future of humanity. - This "war without borders" is being carried out at the crossroads of the most serious economic crisis in World history, which has been conducive to the impoverishment of large sectors of the World population. - The Pentagon's global military design is one of world conquest. The military deployment of US-NATO forces is occurring in several regions of the world simultaneously. - The concept of the "Long War" has characterized US military doctrine since the end of World War II. Worldwide militarization is part of a global economic agenda. - The text presented at the conference, Imperial Conquest: America's "Long War" against Humanity, is available on Global Research:"

Ray McGovern: on MH-17 Downing; Israel Lobby on Syria, Iran Deal
JBAudio - Alt/Mp3 - (JBMp3 - 35min07sec - Aug 12th, 2015) - Source:  JeffBlankfortPodCasts - JeffBlankfort -- A quote...."McGovern reviews background of MH-17 downing and refusal of Obama admin to release US intel info to public, ignoring VIPS request last year; cites Kerry's use of social media, not intel, to place blame on Russia, Russian-backed rebels, how used to implement sanctions; questions Dutch investigators finding of new missile evidence, why black boxes were given to Brits and contents never reported; compares reporting with case of KAL-007 in 1983 when So. Korea jet was downed 200 miles into Soviet territory shortly after US spy plane took same route and truth only came later; speaks of foiled 'false flag' effort by US neocons to frame Syria for chemical weapons use and frustration when Obama took issue of attack Assad to Congress. Comments on Iran nuke deal opposition, ends with funny story on Lieberman and Wolfowitz."

It’s 460 AD in Rome: This won’t be Fixed
A quote...." August 12, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "FreemasonPerspective " -  Another American election cycle is upon us, and large numbers of people are lining up to pour their time and money into the sewer of politics, to be lost forever. -- This system will not be fixed. Period. This is Rome in 460 AD. The rulers, as in Rome, are liars, mad, or drunk (these days, drugged)… or all three. -- The “fall of Rome,” of course, was far more complex than we learned in school, but through all the many years of its decline, Rome was full of well-meaning people trying to reform and save it. And by the way, among the people who tried the hardest to keep the Roman game going were the Goths. They tried hard to keep Rome operational… and they failed too. -- Let me be clear on this: Once ruling hierarchies get beyond a certain point, they cannot be reformed. And I am sure that the modern West is beyond that point." -  Source:  FreeMasonPerspctv

Interview 1075 – Sibel Edmonds Examines Turkey, Syria and the Kurdish Question
CRAudio - Alt/Mp3 - Alt/YuTb - (CRMedPlyr - 32min32sec - Aug 13, 2015) - Source:  CR@YuTb CorbettRpt - Guest Website:  BoilingFrogsPost - SB@JustACitizen - SB@Twtr -- A quote...."Syria is once again the centre of attention with Washington and Ankara agreeing on “ISIS-free zones” that each partner is interpreting in its own way. Joining us to explore those interpretations is Sibel Edmonds of, just back from the region with intel on a possible timeline for increased military action in the country. In this conversation James and Sibel discuss Turkey’s battle against the Kurds and how the Kurdish population are being used by the US and Israel as pawns in a complex chess game. We also examine the recent bombing in Suruc and signs that it was a false flag provocation."

Keiser Report: 'See wealth, think debt that financed it' (Summer Solutions, E796)
MaxRTVideo - E796/AltMp4 - E796@RT - (MaxRTYuTb - 25min45sec - Aug 13, 2015) - Related Websites:  RT@YuTb  - RTShows - RT - MaxKeiser@RT - MaxKeiserTV - MaxKeiserCom -- A quote...."In this final episode of the summer solutions series on the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert are joined by Alasdair Macleod of (and and Ben Dyson of to propose solutions to the problems presented by private banks creating money by issuing loans. Macleod suggests BitGold as a possible solution to not only our current monetary woes, but as a solution to gold’s Gresham problem."

Keiser Report: Planet Ponzi Dwarfing World's Economy (E795)
MaxRTVideo - E795/AltMp4 - E795@RT - (MaxRTYuTb - 25min10sec - Aug 11, 2015) - Related Websites:  RT@YuTb  - RTShows - RT - MaxKeiser@RT - MaxKeiserTV - MaxKeiserCom -- A quote...."In this summer solutions episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert are joined by Mitch Feierstein of to discuss the solution to global ponzi schemes as a source of economic activity. They discuss country specific ponzis from Greece to China and beyond."

The Putsch Pirates of the Potomac – Part One- [Part Two]
A quote...."In Brief: That the U.S. inspired Ukrainian coup in 2014 was a reckless attempt to reignite the Cold War is clear to those who eschew the mainstream media for insights into the geopolitical realm. But as we report in this first instalment of a ‘two-parter’, with the blowback building on numerous fronts and this time bordering on the existentially dangerous, by meddling in the affairs of other countries the U.S. may have finally bitten off more than it’s capable of chowing down on….Depending on one’s view – and how said “blowback” plays out going forward – this could be a good thing, or a bad thing!" - also posted at RussiaInsider

Israel’s Proxies Hell-bent on Destroying America for Israel?
ZOG Alert - A quote...." August 12, 2015 "Information Clearing House" -  In the village of Duma, an 18 month old Palestinian baby died following the fire-bombing of his family’s home by Israeli settlers. The father of the child died of burns a week later and the surviving mother and young sibling are barely alive – covered with burns from racist Jewish arson. The United Nations Special Committee to investigate Israel’s practices toward Palestinians in Israeli occupied territory have revealed that the ‘root cause’ of the escalating violence is the ‘continuous policy of Jewish settlement expansion (financed and defended by the Netanyahu regime) and the climate of impunity relating to the activities of the settlers [financed and defended by the Presidents of the 52 Major American Jewish Organizations]. (UN News Centre, Aug. 10, 2015)." - Source:  JamesPetras - also posted at AlethoNews

Like Jews, Americans Have No Shame And Definitely Can Never Be Trusted
A quote...."It occurred to me the other day when I heard some paid off shill politician refer to Iran as the leading exporter of terror in the Middle East what a baldfaced lie that was. It was so typical of what Americans tell the world, and tell each other, as they live in their fictitious view of reality in which they — while committing an endless series of audacious and despicable crimes — consider themselves the heroes and everybody else outlaws. -- In fact, as the rest of the world already knows, the exact opposite is true. And Americans, brainwashed by the twisted luxury and meaningless diversions that have become of prime importance to them, have become too stupid to know the difference."

The Axis of Resistance – How Iran is Leading the Fight?
A quote...."While many world nations remain under the impression that Washington and its regional allies in the Middle East – Saudi Arabia in the lead, are indeed conducting just wars in the region, fighting and opposing the rise of Wahhabi radicalism, it is really East they should be looking, as it is Iran which has risen a barrier and a bulwark against the cancer of this black plague."

Who is Going to Mend the Wounds of Western Interventions?
A quote...."In the last two decades the Western world has been promoting regime change and chaos all across the North Africa region and the Middle East, while only being concerned with financial gains and military contracts. The governments that were not “obedient enough” were toppled one after another, which led to the destruction of security and civil institutions. As a result of this adventurous policy of the White House and its allies the whole region is now plunged in chaos, civil wars and anarchy which forced millions of people to face bitter poverty and famine. Despite the unprecedented spread of bloodshed and destruction, the White House is trying to persuade the world that the United States did it all “for the promotion of freedom and democracy, and the common good of the people." -- But this “common good” has already forced millions of Africans and Arabs to flee their countries to seek refuge in Europe, doubling and even tripling the flow of illegal migrants. While the sought-after “democracy” is nowhere to be found...."

Far More Despicable Than Treason
A quote...."America is an occupied nation. Our soldiers die at the whim of our occupying powers. Our wealth is stolen. Our streets are occupied by millions of street thugs. Our government imports illegal drugs into the USA by the planeload which is sold at a profit. Then drug addicts rob us to pay for their addictions. Often those same planes that flew drugs into America are used to fly out children who were sold to wealthy pedophiles overseas. -- The occupying power has been looting us. The Department of Defense has admitted that they spent $8.5 trillion that cannot be traced. I remember Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert saying that Dubai bank managers told them that American contractors from Iraq and Afghanistan made average deposits of $2.5 million in cash before rotating home. -- You need to understand that there are 21 primary dealers who handle market operations for the New York Federal Reserve. Dr Jim Willie has charged that some of these dealers are allowed to sell counterfeit US Treasury bonds that you as a taxpayer are required to redeem with your labors. I wrote the following in 2011."

Hijacking the Rhetoric
A quote...."Holocaust could be countered, neutralized and nullified with 100 million African slave victims of Jewish slave traders, 60 million Christian Russian victims of Jewish Communism, 8 million Holodomor, 1.5 million Armenian genocide, 15 million burnt German victims, and the still on-going Palestinian and Middle Eastern genocide."

Capilano University Instructor Fired for Free Speech Videos
Euro-Kazarian:  "Freedom Of Expression" In Action - BRVideo - Alt - (BRYuTb - 20min05sec - Aug 9, 2015) - Source:  BrianRuhe&YuTb - BrianRuhe - (Canada is now Zionist Occupied Territory ZOT & has a Zionist Occupied Government ZOG) - (Editor's note, his websites are now posted on the front page) -- A quote...."Brian Ruhe was an instructor teaching Mindfulness Meditation at Capilano University in North Vancouver, BC, Canada until he was told on July 3, 2015 that he was fired from his job because of his YouTube videos on free speech issues, which have nothing to do with what he taught at the University. In his classes he never discussed these topics and he was never accused of doing so. "  - Topix  ||  More Evidence Would Have Been Better - 11-05-12 - mpg  ||

Ban on Holocaust Debate Proves Democracy is a Lie - Joaquin
M108Video - An analysis by Joaquin -- (M108YuTb - 30min16sec - Aug 11, 2015) - Source:  108morris108 - Morris Donation Request - Click Here - - Guest Website: Center4SyncStudies  - Topix  ||  More Evidence Would Have Been Better - 11-05-12 - mpg  ||

Jeff Blankfort on Leftist Jewish Groups limiting participation and action for Palestine
Ry2SVideo - (Ry2SYuTb - 1hr2min09sec -  Aug 5, 2015) - Source:  - Ry2S@YuTbRy2S@ANCRpt - Ry2SAntiNeocons  - Ry2S@TruTube - Ry2S@Vimeo - Anti-Neocons / Indiegogo Project  - Guest Websites:  JeffBlankfortPodCasts - JeffBlankfort -- A quote...."Jeff Blankfort on Leftist Jewish Groups limiting participation and action for Palestine." - Ry's Donation Request - Indiegogo

Chris Martenson-$40 Trillion Lost in Next Crash
GHVideo - Outstanding!! - (GHYuTb - 34min58sec - Aug 2, 2015) -- Source:  GregHunter@YuTb - Related Sites:  USAWatchDog  - Guest Website:  PeakProsperity -- A quote.... "Economic researcher Chris Martenson, who also holds an earned PhD in Toxicology, says watch China because the recent signs are not good. Martenson contends, “You get your early signals from the place that is closest to the true economic action, and China is the center of that. So, to me, watching commodities tank first, gyrations in the Chinese stock market second, says third, you better be prepared for a big deflationary event or a big crash. . . . This is the mother of all crashes because the crash of 2008 was actually a side show. . . . We are going to discover that, like all bubbles, you return from where you started. . . . That means $40 trillion will have to get wiped out in the U.S. market alone.” - Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on One with Dr. Chris Martenson of"

It Takes A Lot Of Israelis To Rule The world - Morris
M108Video -- (M108YuTb - 12min34sec - July 30, 2015) - Source:  108morris108 - Morris Donation Request - Click Here -
Regarding Morris's theory of deliberate cultural, ethnic and racial atomization and forced migration, this website editor still leans towards the opinion that it's more because of the PNAC Protocols' implementation, rather than being one of the goals of the PNAC Protocols.  On the other hand it's certainly true that a people who are atomized, displaced and who have lost the cultural artifacts and social structures of their identity, are a lot more easily integrated into the Euor-Kazarian's plans for a "new world order" of Goyum slaves - mpg
Voting For Your Own Executioner!
A quote...."At this point in time, the myth of the United States of America as a good and decent country has been pretty much vaporized by the constant betrayal of its own citizens and its neverending attacks on the rest of the world. I mean, with a leadership that supervised the demolition of its two tallest buildings as a pretext for making war on the world, abandoned its own people by deliberately sending most of its jobs overseas, and lastly, is about to round up and dispose of all its dissenters in the name of falsified terror threats, how could anyone with a functioning brain lend any degree of support to this political monster in Washington that is clearly and deliberately eating its own tail? -- And to make it perfectly clear — deliberately destroying its own country at the behest of a demonic foreign power! -- A description that has come down to us from the annals of ancient history perfectly pertains to all these by now familiar atrocities, these egregious invasions and massacres that have been trumpeted as noble victories by the fatuous psychopaths who have commandeered the leadership of the USA. -- The words belong to the Roman historian Tacitus. They describe the results of the deeds of his father-in-law Agricola, the Roman governor of Britain two thousand years ago. These are chilling words — words that have become the tragic legacy of America....."
"Step by step they were led to things which dispose to vice, the lounge, the bath, the elegant banquet. All this in their ignorance they called civilization, when it was part of their slavery."
The New Great Game: The West, Uyghers and China
(Classic Geo-Political Theory) - A quote...."The control of Central Asia has been a core part of international relations since the “Great Game” between Tsarist Russia and the British Empire. At the turn of the 20th century, John Halford Mackinder developed the “Heartland Theory,” which revolves around the concept of a pivot area/Heartland, that covers Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Western China and most of Eastern Russia. The theory determines that whichever regional power controls Eurasia will determine that country’s supremacy over world politics. - Mackinder’s theory had widespread traction. It was influential to Nazi military planners, and the “Heartland” concept has been apparent in United States foreign policy since President Jimmy Carter’s term in the White House, when the US backed the mujahideen in Afghanistan against the Soviet Union. Mackinder’s theory was pushed by then National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brezinski, a voice still listened to in Washington."

Reversing The Edward Bernays Effect
A quote...."America has been plagued by a powerful mind control tactic which was suggested, experimented with, and fully implemented over a century ago by a man named Edward Bernays. The time has come for Americans to come to grips with the content and theories that Bernays used to influence American history. It’s time to call out the legacy of deceit and manipulation that this man brought to American history; by doing this, only then can America begin to heal from the web of psychological damage inflicted on a nation. - This tactic of psychological manipulation, control and deceit has spawned into a world-wide media propaganda practice (which he personally developed for the CIA) that has proven venomous and destructive, and that has been directly and indirectly responsible for the death of tens of millions of people in the past century alone."

America’s Inherent Resolve to Destroy
A quote...."One quote has reverberated throughout the United States decades of decimations of the lands of others. Journalist Peter Arnett, reporting from Vietnam, in a piece published on 7 July 1968, quoted an American officer saying of the provincial capital Bến Tre: “It became necessary to destroy the town to save it.” He was referring to the decision to bomb and shell the town no matter what the cost of civilian lives, in order to rout the Vietcong. - The US led “coalitions” of recent years have, it seems, moved on from destroying towns, now entire sovereign nations are laid to waste to free, liberate, and democratize them. The cemeteries and ruins of much of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya are recent silent witness to this munificence, with Syria set to be the latest centre of the eye of the storm." - Source: DissidentVoice

Balkanizing Syria Planned
ISIS Gambit - The End Game - A quote...." Longstanding US/Israeli plans call for redrawing the Middle East map - including balkanizing Iraq and Syria along with installing regional puppets serving Western/Zionist interests. - The ugly scheme involves endless wars - killing millions through violence and deprivation. Imperialism works this way - causing unspeakable human misery for power, resource control and profit. - America, key NATO allies, Israel and rogue Arab states like Saudi Arabia are allied in potentially embroiling the entire region and beyond in endless conflicts - wanting regime change in Iran, Syria and elsewhere."

Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "US Trapped In A Military Mindset" - (7/17/15)
GCVideo - (Note:  appropriate adult language used) - (GCYuTb - 15min45sec - produced (7/17/15))  - Source:   TrendsRsrchInst - Related Websites: GrldCelYuTb - TJ@YuTb -- A quote...."The merger/acquisition spree continues, Bill Clinton admits that signing the “three strikes” provision crime bill “made the problem worse” & police arrest a naked woman after illegally entering her home. You can’t make this stuff up!"

The Kagans: Seeking War to the End of the World
The Kagans & Their PNAC Protocols - A quote...."If the neoconservatives have their way again, US ground troops will reoccupy Iraq, the US military will take out Syria’s secular government (likely helping Al Qaeda and the Islamic State take over), and the US Congress will not only kill the Iran nuclear deal but follow that with a massive increase in military spending. - Like spraying lighter fluid on a roaring barbecue, the neocons also want a military escalation in Ukraine to burn the ethnic Russians out of the east, and the neocons dream of spreading the blaze to Moscow with the goal of forcing Russian President Vladimir Putin from the Kremlin. In other words, more and more fires of Imperial “regime change” abroad even as the last embers of the American Republic die at home. - Much of this “strategy” is personified by a single Washington power couple: arch-neocon Robert Kagan, a co-founder of the Project for the New American Century and an early advocate of the Iraq War, and his wife, Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Victoria Nuland...." - also posted at ZeroHedge

Why I Support the BDS Movement Against Israel
A quote...."July 27, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "Truthdig" -   The Palestinians are poor. They are powerless. They have no voice or influence in the halls of power. They are demonized. They do not have well-heeled lobbyists doling out campaign contributions and pushing through pro-Palestinian legislation. No presidential candidate is appealing to donors—as Hillary Clinton did when she sent a letter to media mogul Haim Saban denouncing critics of Israel—by promising to advance the interests of the Palestinian people. Palestinians, like poor people of color in the United States, are expendable. - Justice for Palestine will never come from the traditional governmental institutions or political parties that administer power. These institutions have surrendered to moneyed interests. Justice will come only from us. And the sole mechanism left to ensure justice for Palestine is the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel. Sanctions brought down the apartheid regime of South Africa. And they are what will bring down the apartheid regime of Israel. BDS is nonviolent. It appeals to conscience. And it works." - Source:  TruthDig

Gareth Porter Counters Obama, Media Lies on Iran
JBAudio - Alt/Mp3 - (JBMp3 - 33min18sec - July 22nd, 2015) - Source:  JeffBlankfortPodCasts - JeffBlankfort -- A quote...."Porter explains background of Iran agreement, how Iran succeeded in maintaining nuclear enrichment rights; how GW Bush administration shunned Iran overtures in 2003; how media has accepted Israel Lobby, administration lies about Iran, Hezbollah and white washed Mujahedeen Khalq ; how sanctions were pushed and enforced by special pro-Israel branch in Treasury; notes Dennis Ross calling for B52s for Israel; how assault by pro-Israel forces against Iran deal challenges sovereignty and makes this 'crunch time' for Americans."

It's Really Very Simple
A quote...."There are times when a loud cry of “The emperor has no clothes!” can be most copacetic. And so, let me point out something quite simple, yet very important. - The old world order, to which we became accustomed over the course of the 1990s and the 2000s, its crises and its problems detailed in numerous authoritative publications on both sides of the Atlantic—it is no more. It is not out sick and it is not on vacation. It is deceased. It has passed on, gone to meet its maker, bought the farm, kicked the bucket and joined the crowd invisible. It is an ex-world order. - (Credit to Dmitry Leikin, whose brief post at served as the source and the inspiration for this piece.)" - also posted at ZeroHedge

Money [& Monetary Systems Are] All About Power To Some
A quote...."Money is indeed a medium of exchange, and a store of value. And it can also be a means of power, if it is abused and distorted to serve selfish ends.   We certainly have seen enough of that sort of thing in the first fifteen years of this century, with bailouts, and selective justice, and the abuse of regulation and monetary policy to favor a few over the many. - According to this line of thought, those who foresaw the pitfalls of the euro wanted nevertheless proceed in order to foster a unified political system which they felt would be more orderly, controlled by a collection of technocrats. - There is a similar school of thought with regard to a single world currency like the US dollar for example, that is to be controlled centrally by a cadre of technocrats that will be able to bring order, if not freedom, to everyone.   And somehow these benevolent technocrats always turn out to be merely human.  And then with time something less, much less. - After all, we must have order.  And in establishing that order, there must be collateral damage. Like Greece. - Have we forgotten the long line of thought that money and the banking system are utilities, that were put in place under state charter and regulated to provide for their function within a greater, productive economy in order to serve the public good?  And not as a tool of power and oppression by a privileged few [Bankster families]?" - also posted at InvestmentWatchBlog

Nomi Prins-Fed Trapped in Money Printing Policy
GHVideo - (GHYuTb - 43min20sec - Jul 21, 2015) -- Source:  GregHunter@YuTb - Related Sites:  USAWatchDog  - Guest Website:  Nomi Prins -- A quote...."What about all the talk of the Fed raising interest rates this fall? Former top Wall Street banker Nomi Prins explains, “They have backed themselves into a corner. If you raise interest rates 50 basis points, the market will drop 500 points that day. That’s what you are dealing with. That’s just the reality of the situation that has been created. I think if the Fed does raise rates to save face, it will be by a very small amount. The markets will tank . . . and completely stop raising rates going forward, or they don’t do it at all, which is kind of what’s been happening. . . . If they do raise rates, they create a very big knock on effect.”"

Greece’s Lesson For Russia — Paul Craig Roberts
A quote...."Greece’s lesson for Russia, and for China and Iran, is to avoid all financial relationships with the West. The West simply cannot be trusted. Washington is committed to economic and political hegemony over every other country and uses the Western financial system for asset freezes, confiscations, and sanctions. Countries that have independent foreign policies and also have assets in the West cannot expect Washington to respect their property rights or their ownership. Washington freezes or steals countries’ assets, or in the case of France imposes multi-billion dollar fines, in order to force compliance with Washington’s policies. Iran, for example, lost the use of $100 billion, approximately one-fourth of the Iranian GDP, for years simply because Iran insisted on its rights under the Non-Proliferation Treaty. - Russian journalists are asking me if Obama’s willingness to reach a deal with Iran means there is hope a deal can be reached over Ukraine. The answer is No. Moreover, as I will later explain, the deal with Iran doesn’t mean much as far as Washington is concerned." - bold by website editor

CrossTalk: Watching Media
CTRTVideo - CT/WatchingMedia@RT - CT/WatchingMedia/Mp4 - CT/WatchingMedia/SndCld - (CTRTYuTb - 24min42sec - Jul 24, 2015) - Source:  CT@YuTb - CrossTalk@SndCld - CrossTalk@RT - RTShows - RT -- A quote...."As Ukraine continues to descend into political and financial chaos, Western media – for the most part – remain focused on Russia’s so-called aggression. How does the mis-characterization of this important story undermine the sad realities being played out on the ground? CrossTalking with Dmitry Babich, Mark Sleboda, and Anton Fedyashin."

Americans Have A Choice On How The Nation Will Die
A quote...."Who Am I? -- This country was on the brink of economic Armageddon and the government, on behalf of the banksters who had hijacked the government, attempted to steal everything they could before they purposely were going to collapse the system. Goldman Sachs and Wall Street were the central players behind the threat. Yet, the brave and intelligent people of this country found a way to not be taken down by the most corrupt and evil forces on the planet, namely the Wall Street bankers. This country has taken corrective measures, in the face of overwhelming adversity and prosperity is returning to this its citizens. In other words, these brave citizens may be the only people on the face of the earth who have successfully stared down the globalists and are defeating them. This country has tremendous national character and resolve. Who am I? -- If you think it is the United States, put your hands down, your answer is incorrect. The answer is Iceland."

Mark Dankof Interview On Gay [Homosexual] Marriage, America’s Decline, And The Leading Jewish Role -- MDVideo - Alt - Alt - (QckTm - 1hr - 07/21/15) -- A quote...."For those fans of the David Duke Show who can’t get enough of Mark Dankof, here is a chance to hear him pontificate on a variety of issues in a one-hour interview with Bedros Hajian on his ICFN TV show. The first 90 seconds or so are in Armenian, but after that it is the incredibly clear and forceful English of Reverend Dankof. Hear him tie together the recent Supreme Court decision on gay marriage, the decline of the American republic, and the role of powerful Jewish forces in bringing this all about. This is guaranteed to be an hour well spent."

Sam Rohrer discusses how the Supreme Court’s decision will affect pastors and churches - the -- DVTVideo - (DVTVYuTb - 22min31sec - Jun 29, 2015) - Source:  TheDoveTV -- A quote...."Sam Rohrer, president of the American Pastors Network and long-time legislator, discusses how the Supreme Court’s decision will affect pastors and churches." - For essays by this website editor on this subject, see links posted below......
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Please Note:  This website editor is on vacation from....

  Wednesday July 8th 2015
-- TO --
Tuesday July 21st 2015

There will be no postings.

However, don't despair, for all your web-surfing needs, (or addictions),
 just go to the sites listed on Reficultnias (the sides), or just
click here. - mpg

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Greece Referendum: A coming Coup? - Joaquin
M108Video - An analysis by Joaquin  -- (M108YuTb - 30min26sec - July 3, 2015) - Source:  108morris108 - Guest Website: Center4SyncStudies -- A quote..."Greece: Meaningful Economic Reforms Could Come Through BRICS and Russia?" - Morris Donation Request - Click Here -

Brad Hoff Explains Syria and the DIA Report - Ry's Donation Request - Indiegogo
Ry2Audio - (Ry2FlwPlyr - 56min34sec - Jun 22, 2015) - Related Sites:  - Ry2S@YuTbRy2S@ANCRpt - Ry2SAntiNeocons  - Ry2S@TruTube - Ry2S@Vimeo - Anti-Neocons / Indiegogo Project

Corporate Media Claim of ''Alawite Regime'' In Syria Debunked
More Lies Debunked -- A quote..."The Western mainstream press has long attempted to brand Syria as just one more Middle Eastern country caught in the centuries-old battle between Sunni and Shiite Muslims, a narrative that has been successfully peddled to the American public. In fact, that narrative has been so successful in American public discourse that one of the most common responses coming from even anti-war proponents is “those people have people have been fighting over there for thousands of years.” - This narrative is simple – the Middle East has always been a basket case and any attempts to bring civilization to the savages that live there are futile. The end result is that the anti-war side uses the narrative as an attempt to dissuade Americans from invasion while the pro-war side uses it to justify full invasion and even nuclear war. Both, however, buy into to a fairy tale on which they base their generic opinions."

Revealed; The Men Who Own and Run the U S Government
Video - (GW7YuTb - 48min55sec - Jul 25, 2013) - Source:  GreatWhite7 -- A quote...."Discover the truth about the men behind the curtain who own and run the U.S. Government. - These men are totally evil, ruthless, greedy and vicious individuals who will stop at nothing to gain control of the world and the enslavement of us all. - They are now taking steps to control and shut down the internet because it is the last means for people to come together, and voice their opinions freely."

German Television Exposes Holocaust Lies: Historic Broadcast Shocks Germany
Video - Outstanding Interview!! -- Alt - (KZKYuTb - 59min - May 14, 2015) - Source:  KZKladderadatsch -- Some quotes...."Millions of surprised Germans sat on the edges of their sofas and gasped as for the first time in their lives the truth about the second world war was brought into their living rooms as the second largest broadcaster in the world took the risk of being shut down for the illegal offense of transmitting Holocaust denial by the criminal transnational Jewish financial occupation regime in Bonn."  ---  "In a surprise night-time raid eighty-six year old German historian Ursula Haverbeck had her door kicked in and her house stormed by an armed anti-terrorist Police swat team after her recent Germany-wide television appearance. The secret police trashed her home throwing it’s entire contents onto the floor in a search for what are believed to be documents which might incriminate the official account of the Holocaust. Three other historian colleagues of hers have also had their homes broken into and their books and documents seized by the security police. She is being charged under draconian anti-Jewish hate speech and Holocaust denial laws." - bold by website editor  - Topix  ||  More Evidence Would Have Been Better - 11-05-12 - mpg  ||

[Revealed] Meet the Man Who Invented the “Holocaust”
Book Review - A quote....""Holocaust High Priest" by Warren B. Routledge weaves together five compelling and interrelated narratives. The book’s main concern is to present the world’s first unauthorized biography of Elie Wiesel. It shines the light of truth on the mythomaniac who, in the 1970s, transformed the word “holocaust” and made it the brand name of the world’s greatest hoax: the unfounded claim by an extremist segment of World Jewry to the effect that the German government’s wartime policy of territorial transfer of Europe’s Jews out of the Reich was in actuality an “extermination program.”  - Topix  ||  More Evidence Would Have Been Better - 11-05-12 - mpg  ||

Rockets, Napalm, Torpedoes & Lies -- Israel’s Attack on the Liberty, Revisited
USS Liberty - A quote...."In early June of 1967, at the onset of the Six Day War, the Pentagon sent the USS Liberty from Spain into international waters off the coast of Gaza to monitor the progress of Israel’s attack on the Arab states. The Liberty was a lightly armed surveillance ship. -- Only hours after the Liberty arrived it was spotted by the Israeli military. The IDF sent out reconnaissance planes to identify the ship. They made eight trips over a period of three hours. The Liberty was flying a large US flag and was easily recognizable as an American vessel. -- A few hours later more planes came. These were Israeli Mirage III fighters, armed with rockets and machine guns. As off-duty officers sunbathed on the deck, the fighters opened fire on the defenseless ship with rockets and machine guns."

Remember The USS Liberty
USS Liberty - Photos & Videos - A quote...."Today is the 48th anniversary of a true tragedy in our history.... 48 years ago, the criminal and psychotic state of Israel attacked the American surveillance ship, the USS Liberty, in international waters in the Mediterranean Sea, purposely with the goal of having the ship sunk to blame Egypt and automatically have their American slaves at war against Egypt and fully involved in Israel's war of conquest known as the "6 Day War"

Dead In The Water – The Sinking of the USS Liberty
USS Liberty - BBCVideo - (Before they went bad) - Alt - (BBCYuTb - 1hr8min32sec - May 16, 2012) - Source:  DS -- A quote...."During the Six-Day War, Israel attacked and nearly sank the USS Liberty belonging to its closest ally, the USA. Thirty-four American servicemen were killed in the two-hour assault by Israeli warplanes and torpedo boats. Israel claimed that the whole affair had been a tragic accident based on mistaken identification of the ship. The American government accepted the explanation."

USS Liberty Cover Up Full Movie The Loss Of Liberty US Navy Army Marines Military

USS Liberty - (WSYuTb - 52min08sec - Jul 12, 2011) - Source:  WatertownResistance

Alison Weir on USS Liberty, Media & Movement Censorship
JBAudio - Alt/Mp3 - (JBMp3 - 18min36sec - May 27th, 2015) - Source:  JeffBlankfortPodCasts - JeffBlankfort -- A quote...."Weir, director, If Americans Knew, describes Israel's attack on USS Liberty, 6/8/67, LBJ's betrayal, cover-up by Israel Lobby as pivotal act in US-Israel relations; how US officials called it “murder” but Israel got away with it; how Lobby intimidates media, crushes politicians with integrity, maintains myth that Israel is US ally; honors Israeli agents, how elements of 'solidarity' movement censor truth and smear those who speak it as antisemites; on success of her book, 'Against Our Better Judgment,' thanks to internet; that US public is open to the truth." - Book Covered:  "Against Our Better Judgment"  Glad Atzmon, review - [BkFndr] - [AddAll]

The Rise of Putin and The Fall of The Russian-Jewish Oligarchs
HEVideo - From the History File - Oct 20, 2013 - Previously posted, posted again as a reminderPart1 - Part2 - (HEYuTb - 50min/each - Oct 20, 2013) - Source:  SirDanielNonfaultson -- A quote...."Youtube Description: This documentary outlines the rise and fall of the Russian-Jewish oligarchs after the fall of the Soviet Union. The reason why this period in history is important is because it delivered to us and into the political arena, Vladimir Putin, the now Russian President, and the antidote to President Obama who’s serving on behalf of Zionist Jewry and their total control of the United States of America. Had this not taken place, the world we live in would now have been very different with possibly more wars and conflicts and we would be further in the grip of International Jewry. - President Vladimir Putin is truly remarkable because he, and he alone, thwarted Zionist Jewry and the U.S. puppet president Obama in their attempt to overthrow the Syrian government thus changing the geopolitical climate in the Middle East in favor of Israel, as was Iraq, and allowing for a future invasion of Iran."

Egypt knew no Pharaoh nor Moses (Response)
The Fake "Diaspora" -- A quote...."In a recent article, published on VT, Mr. Jonas E. Alexis has reviewed my kindle ebook (Egypt knew no Pharaohs nor Israelites) - Mr. Alexis has set off his (awfully long critique) by claiming (actually misleading many readers) I had no shred of evidence nor had I incorporated (in the book) any scholarly work/investigation to corroborate my thesis/claim (I’m not sure, as a physician, how bad Mr. Alexis’s myopia is, but I believe it’s seriously alarming) - Mr. Alexis claimed to have read my book. Though I can’t deny his claim I’m certain he failed, through what must have been a hasty reading, to discern the objective/goal of my book. Interestingly and as a reminder, I’ve included in the final ‘Conclusion’ chapter all the evidence-based findings (around 15 of them) that supported my theory in a concise (easy to recollect) manner (and I’m not talking speculations but hard-hitting evidences)"

500 years ago the Pope of Rome made possible the beginning of the rule of the Money Power over the West -- A quote...."On May 4 1515, the 500th anniversary of which was this month, Medici Pope Leo X (Giovanni di Lorenzo de’ Medici), issued a papal bull permitting interest on loans of money if the loans were to the poor. This revolutionary permission was granted for so-called charity banks, which were known as Monte di Pieta, which translates as “mountains of compassion,” but quite a bit of the revenue ended up in the hands of the Medici bankers, not the poor, and even if these usury banks had been operated for the alleged benefit of the indigent alone, they were violating God’s law and creating a precedent for more usury."

The Banking Dragon VS. Humanity -- The Wealth Watchman
SGTVideo - Source:  SGTReportCom - Guest Websites:  TheWealthWatchman - WlthWtchmn@YuTb -- A quote...."The Wealth Watchman joins me to discuss all the latest precious metals and criminal banking news. Thanks for tuning in!"
How Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela has betrayed his country and is giving Venezuela's gold back to the Banksters at a discount!  He is now classified by this website editor as a Bankster Butt Boy. - mpg
Banks Rule the World, But Who Rules the Banks? (I)
Data Base - Multiple Tables -- A quote...."These days, it is already a truism that the hegemony of the US is based on the Federal Reserve System’s (FRS) printing press. It is also more or less clear that the shareholders of the FRS are major international banks. These include not just US (Wall Street) banks, but also European banks (London City banks and several in continental Europe). -- During the 2007-2009 global financial crisis, the FRS quietly gave out more than $16 trillion worth of credit (virtually interest free) to various banks. The owners of the money gave out the credit to themselves, that is to the main shareholder banks of the Federal Reserve. Under strong pressure from US Congress, a partial audit of the FRS was carried out at the beginning of this decade and the results were published in the summer of 2011. The list of credit recipients is also a list of the FRS’ main shareholders....."

Banks Rule the World, but Who Rules the Banks? (II)
Data Base - Multiple Tables -- A quote...."Some analysts believe that just four financial companies make up the main body of shareholders of Wall Street banks. The other shareholder companies either do not fall into the key shareholder category, or they are controlled by the same ‘big four’ either directly or through a chain of intermediaries. Table 4 provides a summary of the main shareholders of the leading US banks."  - For related essays and weblists, see below.....
Anglo-American Money Owners Organized World War II
A quote...."To mark the 70th anniversary of the Victory against Nazism, we publish a study of Valentin Katasonov on financing of the NSDAP and the rearmament of the Third Reich. The author deals with new documents that confirm the organization of the Second World War by US and UK Bankers, covered by President Franklin Roosevelt and Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, in the hope of destroying the USSR. This study raises new questions that will be addressed in a future article...."

Over Reach of the Financial-Military Complex and the New Multi-Polar World Order
A quote...."From a perspective of continually searching for knowledge and relationships, for synthesizing information into a larger paradigm I have reached a point where the world – the human world and its cultural and physical geography – is reaching certain tipping or turning points.  Several genres of interest – financial, military, and environmental – appear to be at a stage where whatever I could say, whatever I have said, will have no further impact and I can only observe events until some resolution is reached by whatever means....."

Catherine Austin Fitts-Major Turning Point Comes This Fall
GHVideo - Key Analysis!! - (GHYuTb - 27min18sec - May 5, 2015) -- Source:  GregHunter@YuTb - Related Sites:  USAWatchDog  - Guest Website:  Catherine Austin Fitts -- A quote...."Even though financial expert Catherine Austin Fitts thinks the chance of total collapse is “relatively small” she’s not discounting the chance of a major move this fall. Fitts contends, “I think this fall is going to be a major turning point. You see the SDR (Special Drawing Rights) system coming to a head. The U.S. budget is going to be a very difficult debate. You see the push to get the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the EU deal done. You have a lot of institutional relationships that needed to be restructured in the last couple of years. Those changes are all coming to a head, and so we are going to get a big shift. If you are managing a big bond fund, you got a big problem. . . . There is going to be a turn in the bond market or a plateau, and that’s going to be uncomfortable for those guys, and we are going to see some messy times.” - Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with Catherine Austin Fitts, founder of"

Christian Zionism: The Tragedy and the Turning (Full Version)
WHTTVideo - Alt/Vimeo - Alt/YuTb#1 - Alt/YuTb#2 - (Previously posted, posted again as a reminder) - (WHTTVimeo/YuTb - 31min - Various Dates) - Var Sources  -- A quote...."We Hold These Truths has released its 2013, 32 minute documentary about Christian Zionism. It is a “must see” to understand why Christian Zionists (Judeo-Christians, Dispensationalists) support war in the Middle East to protect Israel. Find out how Cyrus I. Scofield’s reference Bible was used to promote Christian Zionism throughout evangelical seminaries and into evangelical churches for over a hundred years. For updates on Christian Zionism, visit their website:"

The Neoconservative Serpent: The Enemy Within the Gates
A quote...."The term “Fifth Column” came into popular use in the Spanish Civil War in the 1930s. It means a group of guerrillas, activists, and intellectuals who work to undermine a nation from within. Its activities can be out in the open, or they can be secret. - Today, in America, the neoconservative political movement represents a “Fifth Column” for the forces of collectivism or neo-Communism. - Its intellectuals and activists promote themselves as conservatives who oppose the liberals, but their political philosophy has nothing to do with true American conservatism, which has always stood for a limited constitutional government and free enterprise. These traditional American values are anathema to today’s neoconservatives."

Planning Chaos in the Middle East: Destruction of Societies for Foreign Money Control
Outstanding Interview / Analysis!! - A quote...."Whenever any nation has an independent government with fossil fuel, financial, agricultural or strategic resources not yet subjugated to transnational corporate control, there is a US-led campaign to destroy it. Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Egypt, Libya, Syria have all experienced this over many decades dating from the overthrow of the social-democratic president Mossadegh of Iran in 1953 to Syria’s still mildly independent social state being destroyed to the roots today. Lebanon was a civilized center of the Middle East before warred upon by Israel in 1982 and has been civil-war divided ever since. Iraq’s region-leading social state with universal health-care, free higher education, public water and electricity, local agricultural and food subsidies has been subjected to genocidal destruction and civil war imposition from 1990 to now, with Syria being destroyed by foreign-supported civil war from 2011. Once CIA-agent and coup leader Saddam Hussein could not destroy Iraq’s oil-worker-led society from within after his US-supplied war against Iran was over, Iraq was attacked on contrived pretexts – the constant excuse for non-stop war crimes in the Middle-East – and the state was irreversibly destroyed “because it was floating on a sea of oil” (Wolfowitz’s phrase)." -- also posted at GlobalRsrch

The U.S-Israel Alliance: War, Chaos and Netanyahu’s Big Lie
A quote...."Can anyone think of the U.S. and its Democratic ideals as a success?  The U.S. has done everything it can to create “order out of chaos.”  In 1947 following the “creation of Israel” by Great Britain when the Foreign secretary Arthur James Balfour confirmed a “national home of the Jewish People” when he sent the Balfour Declaration to Walter Rothschild, head of the Rothschild banking dynasty, the Palestinian people have been living in hell.  Palestine became a prison enforced by Israel’s security apparatus that resembles what George Orwell described as a total police state in his classic book “1984.”  Palestine has been divided; 1.7 million Palestinians live in an open air prison in the Gaza strip while others live in the West Bank under a police state controlled by heavily armed Israeli soldiers and police.  The Palestinians have been losing lands in an unprecedented fashion and in recent decades only to be accelerated under Netanyahu’s watch with a 40% increase in 2014 alone, outpacing the prior year. -- Israel’s ambitions for nuclear weapons capability began after Israel became a Western sponsored state with the U.S, U.K. and France as its main allies."

The True World Masters of Slavery
DDVideo - Alt - (Previously posted, posted again as a reminder) - (DDYuTb - 17min53sec - Feb 14, 2012) - Source:  1TruPatriot - Producer Websites:  David Duke - DavidDuke@YuTb -- A quote...."An incredible documentary that is full of direct quotes from celebrated Jewish historians who have boasted of two thousand years of Jewish domination of the slave trade, including the horrific trade in slaves from Africa to the Americas. A video that will forever change your views of the real masters of the slave trade."

Chaos – Not Victory – is Empire’s Name of the Game
A quote...."May 05, 2015 "Information Clearing House" -  "Once again a country "liberated" by the West is sinking deeper and deeper into chaos.” - This could be anyone of the countries in conflict, where Washington and its Western and Middle Eastern stooges sow war – eternal chaos, misery, death – and submission. -- This is precisely the point: The Washington / NATO strategy is not to 'win' a war or conflict, but to create ongoing - endless chaos. That's the way (i) to control people, nations and their resources; (ii) to assures the west a continuous need for military - troops and equipment - remember more than 50% of the US GDP depends on the military industrial complex, related industries and services; and (iii) finally, a country in disarray or chaos, is broke and needs money - money with hardship conditions, ‘austerity’ money from the notorious IMF, World Bank and other associated nefarious ‘development institutions’ and money lenders; money that equals enslavement, especially with corrupt leaders that do not care for their people."

What Is the US Doing in Central Asia Now?
A quote...."Since the time the CIA financed and trained more than one hundred Mujahideen Islamic Jihadists, including a fanatical Saudi named Osama bin Laden, to wage a decade-long proxy war against forces of the Soviet Army in Afghanistan, Washington has been obsessed with the idea of penetrating deep into Central Asia in order to drive a wedge between China and Russia. -- Early attempts in the wake of the post-2001 US forces’ presence in Afghanistan met with mixed success. Now it appears that Washington is frantically trying a repeat, even calling the ageing US Ambassador Richard M. Miles out of retirement to head a new try at a Color Revolution." - also posted at RussiaInsider

Lessons of the Vietnam War
A quote...."The US hasn’t won a major war since the end of World War II: Korea was a draw, Vietnam a humiliating defeat, Iraq was an American rout, and Afghanistan is a quagmire that is slowly draining the lifeblood out of our military. The only successes we’ve had is when we picked on a country as small and defenseless as Panama, Grenada, or Serbia. As we push our way into every local conflict, internationalizing it and blowing it way out of proportion – e.g. Ukraine – this is worth bearing in mind. The supposedly mighty US empire, like its Soviet predecessor, projects the illusion of invincibility and permanence, while an inner rot eats away at its core. -- That rot is the cancer of debt, corruption, and a cultural nihilism which threatens the very values that made America an economic powerhouse and the envy of the world. As our leaders preen and pose on the world stage, as we bully our way into every local conflict, braying that we embody the concept of “world leadership,” and demanding that lesser nations follow Washington’s diktat, the mirage of our global hegemony is dissipating." - also posted at RussiaInsider

The Choice Before Europe
A quote...."May 05, 2015 "Information Clearing House" -  Washington continues to drive Europe toward one or the other of the two most likely outcomes of the orchestrated conflict with Russia. Either Europe or some European Union member government will break from Washington over the issue of Russian sanctions, thereby forcing the EU off of the path of conflict with Russia, or Europe will be pushed into military conflict with Russia." - Source:  PaulCraigRoberts - also posted at WkUpF/YrSlmbr & RINF & GlobalRsrch

Why NATO is Terrified of Russia
A quote...."May 02, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "RT" - - The twin-pronged attack - oil price war/raid on the ruble – aimed at destroying the Russian economy and place it into a form of Western natural resource vassalage has failed. - Natural resources were also essentially the reason for reducing Iran to a Western vassalage. That never had anything to do with Tehran developing a nuclear weapon, which was banned by both the leader of the Islamic revolution, Ayatollah Khomeini, and Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei. - The ‘New Great Game’ in Eurasia was always about control of the Eurasian land mass. Minor setbacks to the American elite project do not mean the game will be restricted to a mere “war of attrition”. Rather the contrary." - Source:  RT - also posted at VineyardOfTheSacker

ISIS Claims Responsibility For Texas Shooting That Leaves Two Dead, Police Officer Injured -- 22]   Charlie Hebdo - The Amerikan Debut!! -- A quote...."[Trans-national, Euro-Kazarian] Pamela Geller, president of the American Freedom Defense Initiative, said that she planned the Sunday event to make a stand for free speech in response to the outcries and violence over drawings of Muhammad. - And while the FBI did not have any immediate comments or speculation on the reason behind the attack, according to the Site Intel Group, [run by trans-national, Euro-Kazarian, Mossad operative, Rita Katz] overnight it was Islamic State supporters who took "credit" for the bungled shooting attack." - bold by website editor - Topix  ||  US Fake Intel / Propaganda - S.I.T.E. Intel & Rita Katz  ||

Holocaustianity, Political Correctness and Information Control
A quote...."....we are told, forcibly and relentlessly told that six million Jews were exterminated in World War Two. We were also told that this happened in World War One as well, but no one here is able to remember the first occurrence now, except for the quarter or half million survivors of that first conflict who are still around and do radio and television appearances, recounting the horrors of the time."
"In the latter event we 'were told' that 4.5 million perished at Auschwitz. Then, some while ago the people who made these claims had the amount there lowered to 1.5 million. The original six million was based on the 4.5 million number. The interesting thing is that when that number was reduced to 1.5 million, the number, six million, remained. This kind of math is well above my paygrade. When you factor in that the world census numbers for Jews actually increased from before the war to after the war, you have, if possible, even more challenging math. Factor in the Official Red Cross document for the number of Jewish deaths and you get something around 300,000; keeping in mind that the Red Cross had the most direct and continuing access to the camps over the course of the event. Furthermore, the majority of the deaths were attributed to Typhus."

"I am not a historian. Rather let me say that I am not a classically educated historian, so I wouldn't know and I wasn't there. These are simply documents and records from that time and I present them as a matter of curiosity. It is against the law in some countries to deny that six million Jews were exterminated. So... it doesn't matter what these documents and records say; keeping in mind that it matters not at all if you can disprove the claims of The Holocaust Lobby. That is not a permitted argument in a court of law. Simple denial is tantamount to a serious felony, resulting in a prison sentence. The law says you can't say it didn't happen. It doesn't matter if it did or did not happen. You can't say it didn't." - Topix  ||  More Evidence Would Have Been Better - 11-05-12 - mpg  || 
Argentina: A Case Study of Israel’s Zionist-Wall Street Destabilization Campaign
A quote...."April 28, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - A recent article by Jorge Elbaum, the former executive director of DAIA (Delegation for Argentine Jewish Associations), the principle Argentine Jewish umbrella groups, published in the Buenos Aires daily Pagina 12, provides a detailed account of the damaging links between the State of Israel, US Wall Street speculators and local Argentine Zionists in government and out."
"Elbaum describes how their efforts have been specifically directed toward destabilizing the incumbent center-left government of President Cristina Fernandez, while securing exorbitant profits for a Zionist Wall Street speculator, Paul Singer of Elliott Management as well as undermining a joint Iranian-Argentine investigation of the 1994 terrorist bombing of the Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires."
"Elbaum’s article was written in response to the death of Alberto Nisman, a Zionist zealot and chief government prosecutor in the terrorist bombing investigation for over 20 years. - The serious issues raised by the political use and gross manipulation of the horrors of the bombing of the Argentine Jewish Community Center shows how Tel Aviv (and its political assets in Argentina and the US) further Israeli power in the Middle East, in particular, by isolating and demonizing Iran. This is important at two critical levels, which this article seeks to highlight." - Source:  JamesPetrus - also posted at AlethoNews & WkUpF/YrSlmbr - For more on this issue see weblists posted below.....
The Israelification of American Law Enforcement
TSVideo - (TSYuTb - 10min26sec - Apr 29, 2015) - Source:  thestrugglevideo -- A quote...."The Israelification of American Law Enforcement, a clear and present danger. America’s law enforcement has been training in Israel for years with the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces or more appropriately the Israeli Death Forces) and the Israeli police. This fact has been reported in the main stream media, but when you bring this issue up many people tend to attack you and suggest you go put on your tin foil hat. -- Why shoot the messenger? What is the harm in looking at facts? How are we supposed to fix the police state, stop the illegal wars based on lies and gain some semblance of the Constitutional Republic our Founding Fathers fought and died for without looking at facts? -- The recent killings and police brutality against its own citizens in America and the stripping of all things Constitutional and Bill of Rights like in Ferguson, MO has shed light on this alarming situation. Once again we have evidence of the brutal Police State in action, protest provocateurs and all!"
JINSA - (Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs) - Def.  --  The international enforcement training division of the Kazarian Criminal Consortium.  Established to subvert, through bribery, blackmail and other means the legitimate law enforcement and military establishments of other nations. Specifically used to oppress and intimidate civilian populations residing in nation-states colonized by Kazarains.  Modeled after the US-NRE's infamous "School of the Americas" (now renamed the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation), JINSA trains officers to disregard their nation's constitutions, laws and conventions and to treat their respective civilian populations as the "enemy" or even "terrorists".  Freeing them to engage in military style assaults against innocent civilians, the wonton, deliberate, large scale unnecessary use of physical force, and in a growing number of cases, torture, sexual assaults and murder. All in an effort to oppress and intimidate these colonial populations so they more easily acquiesce to their exploitation by Israel's Banksters"
Seven Jewish Americans Control Most US Media
Just A Reminder - A quote...."Today, seven Jewish Americans run the vast majority of US television networks, the printed press, the Hollywood movie industry, the book publishing industry, and the recording industry. Most of these industries are bundled into huge media conglomerates run by the following seven individuals...."
"Those seven Jewish men collectively control ABC, NBC, CBS, the Turner Broadcasting System, CNN, MTV, Universal Studios, MCA Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, GRP Records, Rising Tide Records, Curb/Universal Records, and Interscope Records."

Who Is Really Choosing America's Next President?
Zio-Control -- A quote...."A growing number of political committees known as super PACs have become instruments of single donors, according to a ProPublica analysis of federal records. During the 2014 election cycle, $113 million – 16 percent of money raised by all super PACs – went to committees dominated by one donor. That was quadruple their 2012 share. - The rise of single-donor groups is a new example of how changes in campaign finance law are giving outsized influence to a handful of funders."

Jewish Organizations in Argentina Charged With Treason - FINALLY!!
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."Press TV report on how Argentinian-based Zionist groups conspired to derail a joint Argentine-Iranian investigation into the bombings of the AMIA centre and Israeli embassy in the early 1990s. Some claim the Mossad did the bombings to undermine Argentinian-Iranian ties."
Don't you Zio-sluts, Zio-whores, "Christian" Zionists, and other affiliated ass-kissing lackeys of Amerika's "Jewish" colonial administration worry your little heads about this, they'll wiggle out from it somehow. They ALWAYS do. That's a guarantee.

Israel's colonial administrators in the US-NRE will go absolutely ape-sh*t, Wall Street & London's "City" and their affiliated Bankster institutions will mount a massive full-scale attack against Argentina's entire financial system, Britain will send a fleet of ships to the Falklands to parade them up and down Argentina's coast to humiliate the Argentine government, talk of trade sanctions will waft through the air.

The entire Anglo-Sphere plus France, and possibly Germany will wail endlessly about antisemitism, and so on and so forth until Argentina gets on her knees saying....
"If Jews want to carry out false flag attacks on Argentine soil to blame others, we're perfectly OK with that!"
....and the punishment will finally end.

But at LEAST we would have had one country during the last hundred and fifty years stand up to the "Jewish" lobby!!

FINALLY !!!!!! - mpg -- For more on this issue, see links posted below....
  ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ======

Episode 304 – Political Pedophilia
CRAudio - A horrifying analysis on our, sick, evil, corrupt "Kakistocracy" - Alt/Mp3 - Alt/YuTb - (CRMedPlyr - 1hr08min19sec - Apr 16th, 2015) - Source:  CR@YuTb CorbettRpt -- A quote...."As more and more information surfaces on both sides of the Atlantic about the pedophilia rings operating in the highest echelons of political, business and entertainment circles, even the establishment press is being forced to cover the story. But is the very same establishment that covered up these horrors for decades going to break the dam on this sensitive and paradigm-changing information? Of course not. Join us today on The Corbett Report as we explore how the alternative media can help shape the open source investigation into the practice of political pedophilia and expose the real perpetrators."

National Summit to Reassess the US - Israel "Special Relationship" - NSRUSI
Complete Playlist - Transcripts - YouTubeVideos - AudioMp3s - Source:  NSRUSI@YuTb - NSRUSI/WebSite  - NSRUSI/CmpltPlylst  -- Some quotes...."U.S. financial, military, and diplomatic support for Israel has grown significantly and steadily throughout the past 60 years and now dwarfs annual American foreign assistance to all other nations. Research indicates the U.S.-Israel "special relationship" is a major factor in foreign hostility towards Americans. Some experts suggest that Israel has been central to U.S. wars in the Middle East." -- "This historic summit will provide an in-depth, multifaceted inquiry into this critical subject matter. Panelists will include former military and diplomatic personnel, intelligence officers, scholars, economists, researchers and a variety of other subject-matter experts and authors often shut out of key discussions in public forums and news media outlets. Members of the public will be allowed to ask the key questions and network with other attendees. - This nonpartisan symposium will examine the impact of the U.S.-Israel relationship on Americans. Speakers and attendees will include military, diplomatic, intelligence, academic, governmental, research organization and economic experts, as well as former and current members of Congress."

Panel 1 - What is the Israel Lobby & How Does It Work?
NSRUSIVideo - [Panel#1] - [Panel#2] - [Panel#3] - [Panel#4] - [Panel#5] - (NSRUSIYuTb - 1hr15min each - Apr, 10th 2015) - Source:  NSRUSI@YuTb - NSRUSI/WebSiteNSRUSI/CmpltPlylst -- A quote...."#1 Grant Smith: How big is the Lobby and what does it do? An overview of the 501(c) universe. MP3 - Seth Morrison: From the Jewish National Fund to Jewish Voice for Peace and BDS. MP3 - Jeffrey Blankfort: The ADL: Covert action, censure, and courting law-enforcement." -- #2 Prof. Richard Falk: Weakening and discrediting the UN: The work of pro-Israel NGOs. - Dr. Alice Rothchild: Silencing voices that question Israeli actions. - Dr. Jack Shaheen: The use of cultural stereotypes to shape policy. -- #3 Amani Al-Khatahtbeh: Daring to speak out on campus. - Dima Khalidi: Pressures on universities to discipline and punish students and faculty for speech activities. - Ahmad Saadaldin: Overcoming obstacles: SJP successes. -- #4 Miko Peled: How the Lobby enables Israeli policy: Views of an Israeli in America. - Gideon Levy: Does unconditional support for Israel endanger Israeli voices? - Huwaida Arraf: The situation of Arab citizens of Israel: Views of an Arab citizen of Israel. -- #5 Former AIPAC employee MJ Rosenberg: Is it all about the money? - Former Rep. Nick Rahall (D-WV): My experience with the Israel Lobby; The use of dark money. - Former Rep. Paul Findley (R-IL): What I should have done, and what Congress can do today."

Stephen Walt: The "special relationship" and what has changed since "The Israel Lobby" book -- NSRUSIVideo - (NSRUSIYuTb - 21min47sec - Apr 7, 2014)  - Source:  NSRUSI@YuTb - NSRUSI/WebSite  - NSRUSI/CmpltPlylst -- A quote...."Presentation at the National Summit to Reassess the U.S.-Israel "Special Relationship" on March 7, 2014 at the National Press Club. -- Stephen M. Walt is professor of International Affairs at Harvard University; previously taught at Princeton University, University of Chicago; consultant for the Institute of Defense Analyses, the Center for Naval Analyses, and the National Defense University. He presently serves on the editorial boards of Foreign Policy, Security Studies, International Relations, and Journal of Cold War Studies. -- Walt also serves as Co-Editor of the Cornell Studies in Security Affairs. Author of The Origins of Alliances, which received the 1988 Edgar S. Furniss National Security Book Award and, with co-author John J. Mearsheimer of The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy."
Keep in mind it's a good lecture, but all Stephen M Walt is doing is describing the tassel at the end of an elephant's tail.  That's all he's accomplished so far with his book.  There are 190 countries in the world and over a 150 year bloody history of the Euro-Kazarian Criminal  Consortium playing off the most important ones in Europe with their various cleverly instigated wars, corrupting and feasting on what remains, while taking complete control of the Anglo-Sphere countries through those countries media, judicial, security, and most importantly financial institutions.  All Stephen M Walt describes are the "legal" political techniques they've used in just one country for the last several decades to control that country's legislature.  About a tenth of one percent of their actual activity.  And for that he was pilloried. - mpg
Why is Anyone Listening to the Neocons in the 21st Century?
A quote...."Neocons have turned the Middle East into a quagmire, Afghanistan into a war without end, and disgraced the U.S. in Latin America and Africa. As a result of the Neocons' bellicose rhetoric, and policies of militarily encircling China and Russia, they have set off another arms race and Cold War 2.0. - Neocons have put the World on a razor blade edge of nuclear war that has advanced the Doomsday Clock to three minutes until midnight. - Neocons believe in a mixture of the U.S. being a Cold War policeman of the World, a Wilsonian ideology of the U.S. "making the World safe for democracy", Otto von Bismarck's amoral realpolitiks, and the Roman Empire. Neocons are not ready for the 21st century. - The glue that holds Neocons together is the Zionist colonial project in Palestine. Their common denominator is an unshakable demand for U.S. support of Israel. It is as if the Neocons consider Palestine to be a 19th-century U.S. colony. - Every U.S. politician, especially the President of the United States, has been so intimidated by the neocon Israeli lobby that they think they must kowtow to Israel's every demand."
Look at the photo folks, almost everyone of these guys is a trans-national, Euro-Kazarian, however every single one of them is a PNAC'ing, dis-loyal, APIAC/Israeli hit-man.  They've cost this nation, and its citizens -- when it's all said and done -- roughly twenty to twenty-five trillion dollars.  We should send them the bill. - mpg
The Protocols of Joly
For The Record - A quote...."Anyone who starts looking into the Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion will frequently encounter the old chestnut about a "hoax" or a "forgery". When Philip Graves made the allegation in 1921, long before the days of the internet and all the pages detailing the various logical fallacies, his target audience had never heard of a circular argument or a non sequitur. Debunking Graves is as easy as falling off a log. -- Proponents of the "forgery" theory have an argument that runs like this: 1) Several passages within the Protocols of Zion were plagiarised from a previous work: Maurice Joly's The Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu. 2) Only evil, racist, hate-filled anti-Semites could have resorted to plagiarism, since Jews are as innocent as newborn lambs. 3) This proves that evil, racist, hate-filled anti-Semites fabricated the Protocols of Zion, and the work is a fraud, a forgery and a hoax."

[Timeline of "Jewish" Expulshions]
A quote...."1744 C.E    Hungary  --  "Banned for the third time by Queen Maria Theresa, she stated....
""Henceforth, no Jew, no matter under what name, will be allowed to remain here without my written permission. I know of no other troublesome pest within the state than this race, which impoverishes the people by their fraud, usury and money-lending and commits all deeds which an honorable man despises. Subsequently, they have to be removed and excluded from here as much as possible.""" - also posted at Reficultnias
The Non-Destruction of the European Jews
Database / Web Resource - The first ten items....
Topix  ||  More Evidence Would Have Been Better - 11-05-12 - mpg  || 

Why Do We Stand by and Watch the Destruction of European Unity?
Outstanding Analysis!! - A quote...."The horrendous events in Ukraine that have unfolded before our eyes are in accordance with a geo-political plan that serves first and foremost our trans-Atlantic ally. What is that plan? The EU is to limit, if not sever altogether, its ties with Russia and instead boost its economic relations with the US, thereby underpinning Washington’s already entrenched military grip on the continent. Germany has been all but ordered to reject any idea of a Russo-German economic powerhouse linking up with China’s New Silk Road. In effect, the Union is being told to wave goodbye to any idea it might have had of closer ties with Eurasia and the much-needed regeneration such ties could have brought. The now infamous US dismissal of Europe’s significance in determining its own affairs – in language that was not only offensive but also reflected an habitual need to patronize and humiliate – says it all."

Hope on the Horizon and It Comes from Greece
Outstanding Analysis!! - A quote....."April 14, 2015 "ICH" - Washington in its arrogance, seeing itself as “indispensable,” poses a continuing threat to the lives of hundreds of millions of people. The extraordinary number of dead that Washington has murdered in the 21st century–”The American Century”–is dismissed as “collateral damage” in the “war on terror.” -- The war on terror is a hoax. It is a creation of the evil neoconservatives who intend Washington’s world hegemony and Israel’s hegemony from the Nile to the Euphrates. The rest of mankind has realized that Washington’s drive for world hegemony means the entire human race will be dismissed as “collateral damage” as Washington establishes itself as the “exceptional, indispensable country,” the country whose will is above the rule of law and whose morality is non-existent."

Hitler’s Mein Kampf to Return to Germany, [and Many Other Questions]?
A quote...."We simply have a contradiction here that can hardly be reconciled. If John J. Mearsheimer’s thesis is right, that “the Ukraine crisis is the West’s fault,”[9] then Victoria Nuland, who spent at least 5 billion U.S. tax dollars agitating the events in the Ukraine, is largely responsible for this. -- People like Knoblock are certainly not willing or prepared to delve into those important issues because that may lead them to disturbing historical facts and conclusions. -- In fact, I posed some of those questions to a well-known individual who co-authored a book which was published by the University of California Press and which has been widely received. I had a long interaction with that man back in 2012 and it was pretty obvious that he was deliberately lying or protecting his prestigious career as an ideologue. He seemed to have no desire to tell the truth—although he gave readers the hubristic impression that his book is a serious historical study."

Did Money [Fed Fiat Script] Seal Israeli-Saudi Alliance? - ICH's $ Dr [Click Here]
A quote...."April 15, 2015 "ICH" - "Consortium News" - For more than half a century, Saudi Arabia has tried to use its vast oil wealth to build a lobby in the United States that could rival the imposing Israel Lobby. At top dollar, the Saudis hired law firms and PR specialists – and exploited personal connections to powerful families like the Bushes – but the Saudis never could build the kind of grassroots political organization that has given Israel and its American backers such extraordinary clout." -- "According to a source briefed by U.S. intelligence analysts, the Saudis have given Israel at least $16 billion over the past 2 ½ years, funneling the money through a third-country Arab state and into an Israeli “development” account in Europe to help finance infrastructure inside Israel. The source first called the account “a Netanyahu slush fund,” but later refined that characterization, saying the money was used for public projects such as building settlements in the West Bank." - bold/underline by website editor - Topix....
Gerald Celente: The Republicans & Democrats Are Thieves & Murderers
SGTVideo - (SGTYuTb - 34min07sec - Mar 29, 2015) - Source:  SGTreportDotCom - Guest Websites:   TrendsRsrchInst - New Website! - Related Websites: GrldCelYuTb - TJ@YuTb - A quote...."Our favorite economic and trends analyst in the world, Gerald Celente from the Trends Journal returns to SGT Report to discuss the current state of affairs in the United States and beyond. SGT Report contributor Mark S. Mann also joins in on the conversation. - As for our elected "representatives", the Republicans and Democrats, Gerald says, "They're murderers and thieves. They murder millions of people in the name of bringing 'freedom and democracy' to a country near you, and steal our money in the name of too big to fail bailouts, loan guarantees, special tax breaks and other dirty deals - and the people KNOW IT.""

"There is No Horror That Cannot Occur Once Economic Order Collapses" -- Jeff Nielson
SGTVideo - (SGTYuTb - 32min43sec - Apr 10, 2015) - Source:  SGTreportDotCom -- A quote...."There is no horror that cannot occur in human society, once economic order collapses," so says Jeff Nielson from Bullion Bulls - As the world prepares for economic life after the Dollar, Jeff and I examine the quantifiable data that proves Americans are living on borrowed time. There is absolutely no way the US Dollar can survive the mounting tsunami of debt accumulated by government spending that has been out of control for decades. As the world prepares for the day of reckoning, most Americans are blissfully unaware of what's coming. - Join us as we examine the REALITY of the global economic situation, as we document the collapse for April, 2015."

Hear Dr. Duke’s powerful interview with Jeff Rense from April 9, 2015
RenseAudio - Alt - (RenseMp3 - 48min03sec - April 10, 2015 at 9:23 am) - Source:  David Duke - DD@YuTb - Producer Websites: Rense - Rense@YuTb - Great rip-roaring conversation between Rense and Dr. David Duke. - mpg

German Court Shuts Down Anti-Israel Exhibition
Zio-Censorship -- A quote...."A German court has shut down a long-standing anti-Israel exhibition in the western city of Cologne, accusing its organizer of anti-Semitism and glorification of violence. -- The German municipal court said the permanent exhibit, which displayed numerous pictures of the Palestinian children who were killed and injured during the Israeli regime’s bloody offensive against Gaza last summer, violates a law designed to protect minors. -- Walter Hermann, the organizer of the exhibit, has protested for years against Israel with his exhibit dubbed the “Cologne Wailing Wall.”" - Source:  PressTV

ISIS Helps Israel Conceal Historical Origin
ISIS Gambit - Israel's Grave Robbers -- A quote...."The Zionist paradigm is founded on the distorted story of the Israelites’ Exodus from Egypt and their persecution by the Assyrians and Captivity by Babylonians.  But the truth is that the Israelites never set foot in Egypt or Palestine. Actually they never left Ancient Arabia and North Yemen, their origin land, before the Babylonian Captivity”

Video: Islamic State group destroys ancient ruins of Nimrud
ISIS Gambit - Israel's Memory Hole - A quote...."A lot of people are probably wondering why ISIS, in the middle of war, is wasting time, money, and explosives demolishing ancient archaeological ruins. -- One possible theory is that this destruction is a quid pro quo to ISIS supporters in Israel. Israel's entire claim to the lands of the Palestinians rests on biblical myths about the Kingdoms of David and Solomon and the First Temple, for which there is no hard archaeological evidence. The two best known claimed artifacts for the First Temple, the Pomegranate Temple Staff ornament and the Jehoash Tablet have been exposed as clever forgeries, and locations in Israel said to be connected with David and Solomon are so named out of tradition and "confirmation bias", with archaeologists admitting there is no actual hard data as to what they really were. -- Contrast that with other nations such as Egypt, Iraq, Iran, etc. where one cannot take three steps without tripping over the evidence of their ancient histories. Such a plethora of archaeological evidence in other countries has proven to be a severe embarrassment to Israel as it underscores the paucity of such evidence for what Israel declares to be its historical origins...." -- *Michael Rivero*

Who Sold Iran to the “Khazarian Mafia” in 1872?
Euro-Kazarains & Iran -- A Hundred Years of Destabilization -- A quote...."Mayer Rothschild once said: “Our late father taught us that if a high placed person enters into a [financial] relationship with a Jew, he belongs to the Jew.”[1] -- There is plenty of evidence for this. All you have to do is look at the covert operation that the Rothschilds themselves undertook when they first started to hold Europe by the balls. Citing Niall Ferguson, E. Michael Jones writes, “After Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s sons spread out to the major financial centers of Europe: ‘the multinational structure of their firm enabled them to engage in arbitrage, exploiting price differences between, say, the London and Paris markets.’ -- “‘They could also bail each other out in the event of liquidity and solvency squeezes. Never—not even in 1848—did financial crisis strike everywhere in Europe simultaneously and with equal severity. When Britain suffered in 1825, James could bail out Nathan. When Paris collapsed in 1830, Nathan could reciprocate.’”[2] - Topix  ||  Israeli False Flags  ||

Jews Plotted The Armenian Holocaust
Because Murdering Christians Is What They Do Best - (Besides Hagee's Hordes of course, they come in as a far distant second for their support of the PNAC Protocols.) -- A quote...."BUSINESS AS USUAL is a powerful motivating force especially when Jews like the Rothschilds are running an oil business. - Banking is the forte of the Jewish House of Rothschild. But raw materials–especially oil–are money in the bank. - The Young Turk movement, AKA Committee of Union and Progress, arose out of the Rothschilds’ oil interests in the Black Sea area of the Ottoman Empire in the late 1800s. ‘Creating stability’ in an incendiary realm was necessary for the Rothschilds’ new oil enterprise Baku Oil. The instability of the Armenian Christians’ financial and intellectual prominence in the area was not “good for business.” - Thus hand-picked Jews of Salonika, (Jews made up the majority of the city’s population), and foreign agitators such as the Russian Zionist, Vladimir Jabotinksy, the editor of The Young Turk newspaper, were just what the Rothschilds needed for ridding the source of that instability, the Armenian Christians." - Topix  ||  Israeli False Flags  ||

Seven Steps of Highly Effective Manipulators
Graphic - (click to enlarge) - (Here's how the trans-national, Euro-Kazarians do it folks!) - A quote...."You might think that after seeing the consequences of their campaign for “freedom and democracy” in Libya, journalists like Nicholas Kristof and “humanitarian campaigners” like Avaaz would have some qualms. -- Unfortunately they have learned nothing. They have generally not been held to account, with a few nice exceptions such as this Greenwald/Hussain article. And now they are at it again. Many well-intentioned but naive members of the U.S. and international public are again being duped into signing an Avaaz petition based on fraud and misinformation. If the campaign succeeds in leading to a No Fly Zone in Syria, it will result in vastly increased war, mayhem and bloodshed." - Source:  DissidentVoice

Dr David Duke & Adrian Salbuchi on Argentina TV
DDVideo - Outstanding Lecture by Dr. David Duke!! - (DDYuTb - 1hr29min02sec - Apr 7, 2015) - Source:  David Duke - DD@YuTb -- A quote...."An incredible interview of Dr. David Duke on Buenos Aires Television with Adrian Salbuchi on why those who really believe in human rights, Gentiles and Jews alike, should stand up for the Palestinian people and against the Zio racism and extremism that afflicts not only Palestine but so much of Western media, finance and politics! - This video has many incredible insights on the world we live in. - share, rate, comment!"

Israel Attacked America on 9-11-01! – Shout It From The Rooftops (Part II)
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."It’s time for those Americans who assisted the Israelis with 9-11-01 and who covered it up to be indicted, arrested, tried and convicted for their various roles in the attack on America on 9-11-01 by Israel and its coverup." - Topix ||  Israeli False Flags  ||  9/11 & 7/11  Israeli Connection  ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

AngloZionist: Short Primer For The Newcomers
A quote...."Why do I speak of “AngloZionists”?  I got that question many times in the past, so I will make a separate post about it to (hopefully) explain this once and for all."

Avoid Becoming a Patsy like Dzhokar Tsarnaev
Absolutely Hysterical!! -- A quote...."Modern life presents some unique challenges. STD's. Student loans. Gender bending  etc.  None is greater than the danger of becoming a patsy. This short article shows you how to avoid becoming the target of a massive, televised manhunt, and being vilified and butchered in the process. -- You see, being a patsy means you cannot be arrested and tried in a Court of Law. You cannot be allowed to speak publicly.  That would defeat the whole purpose of blaming you for something they did. They will pretend you died resisting arrest. That's when they will take a meat cleaver to your chest. (I should not be flippant here. Tamerlan was arrested alive and subsequently murdered by the police.) -- If you do get a trial, it will be a charade, and you will be drugged into silence" - Topix ||  Boston Bombing  ||

FBI’s Amerithrax Case Just Unravelled. Ex-FBI Agent Who Directed Investigation Suing FBI, Turns Whistleblower!!! -- A quote...."Preface by Washington’s Blog: See also 2 U.S. Government Agencies Say FBI’s Anthrax Case Is Full of Holes,  and our archive of Anthrax articles. - By Meryl Nass, M.D.  Dr. Nass is  a board-certified internist and a biological warfare epidemiologist and expert in anthrax. Nass publishes Anthrax Vaccine. - Here is the Complaint, filed on April 2, 2015 alleging gross mishandling of the case on many levels, and concealment of evidence exonerating Bruce Ivins...." - Topix ||  Anthrax Attacks  ||

Smithsonian Supports 9/11 Official Story But Calls NIST ‘Fatally Flawed’
(Great analysis) - A quote...."The theory is untenable. It defies science and common sense. - No wonder mainstream television (the Smithsonian Channel, owned by CBS) has happily offered it as an explanation for how the Twin Towers could come down without the use of explosives on 9/11. But this theory comes with a twist – it rejects both the official story and the notion that 9/11 was an inside job." - Source:  Truth&Shdws - Topix ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

US Leaves String of Failed States in Its Wake, Now It's France's Problem
A quote..."Where has all this Islamic fundamentalism come from in this modern age? Most of it comes – trained, armed, financed, indoctrinated – from Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria. During various periods from the 1970s to the present, these four countries had been the most secular, modern, educated, welfare states in the Middle East region. And what had happened to these secular, modern, educated, welfare states? -- In the 1980s, the United States overthrew the Afghan government that was progressive, with full rights for women, believe it or not, leading to the creation of the Taliban and their taking power. -- In the 2000s, the United States overthrew the Iraqi government, destroying not only the secular state, but the civilized state as well, leaving a failed state. -- Gaddafi brutally tortured and then murdered by Washington-controlled jihadists. A mafia hit pure and simple...." - bold by website editor - Source:  GreanvillePost

The Iran Nuclear Energy Agreement: Force Again Prevails Over Law
A quote...."April 08, 2015 "ICH" - The Israel Lobby and its associated neocon war criminals will block if they can the nuclear energy agreement, worked out by Putin, Iran, and Obama, which has the promise of bringing to an end the US orchestrated crisis over Iran’s development of nuclear energy. -- As a signatory to the nuclear weapons non-proliferation treaty, which Israel is not, Iran has the right under the treaty to develop nuclear energy. Iran, alone of all the signatories to the treaty, has had its rights under the treaty cancelled by economic sanctions imposed by the US and by the threat of a US military attack. "

Stephen Lendman: "After Decades Of Hostility Towards Iran, The US Won't Honour Any Nuclear Deal."  -- RASVideo - (RASYuTb - 32min45sec - Apr 2, 2015) - Source:  TheRichieAllenShow - Guest Websites: Steve Lendman - SL@PRN - A quote....."Please Support The Show –" - Richie Allen talks with Steve Lendman on the Amerikan Empire and all the murder and mayhem its caused across the world - mpg

Paul Craig Roberts-Inflationary Depression Coming
GHVideo - (GHYuTb - 49min45sec - Mar 29, 2015) -- Source:  GregHunter@YuTb - Related Sites:  USAWatchDog - Guest Websites:  PaulCraigRoberts - PCR@YuTb - A quote...."What can the Fed do now that the economy is turning down again? Former Assistant Treasury Secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says, “There’s not much they can do except print more money. That will eventually get into the economy and drive up prices. So, you are going to have no ability to buy anything because of rising prices—hyperinflation. They have created a perfect storm. There is really no way out for the Fed. They focused the economic policy since 2008 on saving four or five big banks. That’s all they have done. . . . They have used up everything to save four or five big banks. . . . So, we are going to go into a recession. How do you get out of it? I can’t see any way for them to get out of it, so, it will worsen. I think it will head into a depression. . . . I think we are going to have an inflationary depression.” - Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts of"

Stratfor:The US Main Interest is to Stop Alliance Between Russia and Germany
CCGAVideo - (CCGAYuTb - 10min59sec - Mar 17, 2015) - Source:  KickinDocs -- It is strongly recommended to watch the video in its entirety - For full video Click Here - - (CCGAYuTb - 1hr12min30sec - Feb 3rd, 2015) - Source:  SchüttWolfgang -- A quote...."Speech at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs on Feb 3rd, 2015, by Dr. Geroge Friedman, founder and CEO of Stratfor (, dicussing on the emerging crisis in Europe."
FYI:  George Friedman's remarkably, out of context statement, that Russia "invaded Georgia" leaves Georgia's long planned, US supported and directed, Blitzkrieg of South Ossetia, and Russia's subsequent reply, completely out of the picture. A provocation like that would have caused ANY country to retaliate and take defensive measures. - For more on that issue see....American Selective Attention Deficit Disorder (ASADD) - 08-16-08 - mpg - mpg
Fiat Empire - Why The Federal Reserve Violates the U.S. Constitution
TWSVideo - Alt - (TWSYuTb - 58min53sec - May 17, 2011) - Source:  theweeklystash -- A quote...."The Congress shall have Power To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures; No State shall make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of debts. Find out why some feel the Federal Reserve's practices are a violation of the U.S. Constitution and others feel it's simply a bunch of organized crooks. Discover why experts agree the Fed is a banking cartel that benefits mainly bankers and their corporate clients as well as a Congress that would rather increase the National Debt to $9 trillion than raise taxes."
Keiser Report: Debtism vs Capitalsm (E736)
MaxRTVideo -- (MaxRTYuTb - 24min12sec - Mar 26, 2015) - Related Websites:  RussiaToday - MaxKeiserTV - MaxKeiserCom - A quote...."In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert warn against trusting bureaucrats bearing false economy as ‘shocking austerity’ and ‘bed blocking costs more than is allegedly saved. In the second half, Max interviews Daniel Hassan of the Robin Hood Minor Asset Management hedge fund which rides the wave of trading whales with the best performance record. Having outperformed the S&P index since its inception, all profits have gone to groups expanding the commons and the public domain."

Alasdair Macleod-Gold Price Could be Driven Higher by Panic Demand
GHVideo - (GHYuTb - 39min51sec - Mar 24, 2015) -- Source:  GregHunter@YuTb - Related Sites:  USAWatchDog  - Guest Website:  Finance&Economics - GoldMoney Com -- A quote...."When will the Chinese make their next big move? Financial expert Alasdair Macleod says, “Their style is not to go in and disrupt markets. They act very, very quietly. You would hardly know they are there. This is certainly how they have handled their acquisition of gold. I don’t think they would want to be blamed for destabilizing western capital markets. What could happen is if we set a chain of events going that would lead to our own demise, then the Chinese would protect themselves. There is so little gold left in western vaults now . . . anything that changes the really sunny outlook for bonds equities and all the rest of it . . . and for people to realize that people don’t have any gold, that could drive the price sharply higher because there is not enough gold for us to buy. The stocks are very, very low, and anybody who comes into the market is going to have to bid it up to get it.” -- Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-one-One with Alasdair Macleod of"

US Terrorists Working Hard to Start World War 3
TNTVideo - Alt - (TNTYuTb - 9min33sec - Mar 27, 2015) - Source:  TruthNeverTold -- A quote...."This video exposes the US government's warmongering lies and its obvious provocations around the world. Who benefits from all of this manufactured conflict? The Bankster State. Time to wake up for peace."

Insane America Makes War on the World
A quote...."Jew-controlled and brain dead, Americans tolerate senseless slaughter, which is slowly driving them mad -- The hollow-eyed inhabitants of the land of the free and the home of the brave now robotically sing a twisted tune that is not under any circumstances to be believed. The manic echo of its “war on terror” anthem reverberates down the trash strewn corridors of the insane asylum the United States of America has become, where independent thought is now a crime and blind allegiance to a fabricated history and an artificial reality is required for social acceptance in a nightmare world turned absolutely upside down."

The Saker interviews Paul Craig Roberts
A quote...."The Saker:  It has become rather obvious to many, if not most, people that the USA is not a democracy or a republic, but rather a plutocracy run by a small elite which some call “the 1%”.  Others speak of the “deep state”.  So my first question to you is the following.  Could you please take the time to assess the influence and power of each of the following entities one by one.  In particular, can you specify for each of the following whether it has a decision-making “top” position, or a decision-implementing “middle” position in the real structure of power (listed in no specific order)"
"Who, which group, what entity would you consider is really at the apex of power in the current US polity?"

Minority Rule: The Rise of Political Correctness
CSSVideo - Alt - (CSSYuTb - 57min34sec - Jan 24, 2011) - Source:  CSS -- A quote...."A documentary on the rise of political correctness in America and its Jewish influences, Boasian anthropology, Sigmond Freud and psychoanalysis, The Frankfurt School, Tearing down the 'Nuclear Family', Political correctness takes over Harvard University through the G.I. Bill, and other topics. Featuring Kevin MacDonald, author of, "The Culture of Critique."
Ignore everything they say about "race", except for its use as a divisive political tool. "Race" as a measure of inclusion, or exclusion, in the political (power/economic) process is a dead end, and inevitably leads to unfortunate consequences.  From the point of view of the individual, it is completely arbitrary, fundamentally unfair, and most importantly, utterly insuperable (unresolvable and insurmountable). - mpg
US [Israel's Colony] Doing Everything to Prevent a New Russian Superpower - French Newspaper -- ZOG Alert - PNAC Protocol Alert -- A quote...."The United States uses NATO as a tool to dominate Europe, but unfortunately this isn't enough to heel Russia, a prominent French journalist writes. -- The US is ready to surrender part of its sway in Asia to China if this keeps Russia out of the picture, Philippe Barret wrote in a think piece, carried in the latest issue of Le Nouvel Économiste weekly magazine. - Barret saw Chinese President Xi Jinping’s planned visit to Washington as the first sign of America’s shifting priorities. - “They had no particular problem using NATO to establish their dominion in Europe, making the majority of European countries their loyal allies, but this just didn’t work with Russia.”"
Just take a look at the map shown below folks, the criminal enclave called Israel is at the very center of all this nation-state destruction that's been going on for the last thirty years. That is NOT a coincidence!! - mpg
For more on the PNAC Protocols and how they're being implemented, see essays, weblists, and maps shown below.....
U.S. Intent on Isolating Russia from Europe
Related Article - A quote...."Why does the U.S. beat what seems to be a dead horse: Crimea’s joining to Russia voluntarily? Washington keeps insisting on the restoration of Crimea to Ukraine, which clearly is not in the cards at all. And Washington will keep sanctions on Russia going as long as Crimea remains in the Russian Federation (RF). So, why do this? Why insist on something that has no chance of happening? - To Washington, this insistence looks like a free lunch. Washington has a way of isolating Russia from Europe and bringing Europe under firmer Washington control. This is evident in statements made by Merkel. One must regard Germany as a defeated nation and satellite of the U.S. The control of the U.S. is not 100% or tight in the sense of Germany being a province or state of the U.S., but it’s tight enough. Washington didn’t want to see Europe come under Russian influence via trade or related political-economic-military-cultural moves. Ukraine became the tool. Crimea and Ukraine are perfect ways for Washington to divide Europe and Russia."

U.S. Congress Votes For Arms Deliveries to Ukraine, Obama Takes A Pause
ITNVideo - Alt - (ITNYuTb - 10min56sec - Mar 24, 2015) - Source:  InTheNow@YuTb - InTheNow@RT - AnissaNaouai@RT - RT - A quote..."U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a resolution calling on President Obama to send military aid to the government in Kiev. F. William Enghdal strategic analyst and author of Full Spectrum Dominance is In the Now."

MH17 – We know with 99% certainty who shot down MH17
MJVideo - Alt - (MJYuTb - 11min23sec - Aug 12, 2014) - Source:  MartinJohn -- A quote...."Though we don’t have all the answers (yet), there is already a great deal of evidence out there about what happened (and did not happen) to MH17.  Martin John sent me this very well-made summary of what is known at this time and I hope that you will find this synthesis interesting. - A big thank you to Martin John for this very well-made video!" - Topix ||  Kiev's Arranged Shoot-Down of MH-17  ||

The Iron Law of Oligarchy Returns
A quote...."Michels came to the conclusion that the formal organization of bureaucracies inevitably leads to oligarchy, under which organizations originally idealistic and democratic eventually come to be dominated by a small, self-serving group of people who achieved positions of power and responsibility. This can occur in large organizations because it becomes physically impossible for everyone to get together every time a decision has to be made.”  ---  "So, oligarchies have been with us seemingly forever. It’s an “iron law,” says Michels, but in current usage the term references the small elite – the 1 percent of the 1 percent – that dominates economic and political decision-making."

Perverted Humanitarianism: The Neocon Case for Arming Ukraine
Related Article - A quote...."Despite the coordinated efforts of Russia, Germany, and France to deescalate the crisis in Ukraine, the United States has remained steadfast in its opposing policy objectives as it fans the flames of war in the name of humanitarianism and democracy. Since the provision of “non-lethal aid” have failed to defeat the Novorussian rebels, American lawmakers such as John McCain have predictably worked themselves into a lather, contorting words and facts to justify their itch for openly arming Ukraine. Neocon policy wonks acted quickly in lockstep to spin the Ukraine debacle and contain public fallout, and in the process, established a convoluted narrative that polluted the meaning of the vaunted principles they claim to uphold." - Source:  Globistan - RI's KickStarter Appeal - [Click Here]

A Family Business of Perpetual War - ICH Donation Drive [Click Here]
Two Euro-Kazarians Promote The PNAC Protocols -- A quote...." March 21, 2015 "ICH" - "Consortium News" -  Neoconservative pundit, [fellow traveling, trans-national, Euro-Kazarian, AIPAC/Israeli made man] Robert Kagan and his wife, Assistant Secretary of State, [fellow traveling, trans-national, Euro-Kazarian, AIPAC/Israeli made woman] Victoria Nuland, run a remarkable family business: she has sparked a hot war in Ukraine and helped launch Cold War II with Russia – and he steps in to demand that Congress jack up military spending so America can meet these new security threats. - This extraordinary husband-and-wife duo makes quite a one-two punch for the Military-Industrial Complex, an inside-outside team that creates the need for more military spending, applies political pressure to ensure higher appropriations, and watches as thankful weapons manufacturers lavish grants on like-minded hawkish Washington think tanks." - Source:  ConsortiumNews - also posted at AlethoNews

Clinton Foundation’s Deep Financial Ties to Ukrainian Oligarch Who Pushed for Closer Ties to EU Revealed -- Hideous Hillary's Horrible History - A quote...."Between 2009 and 2013, including when Mrs. Clinton was secretary of state, the Clinton Foundation received at least $8.6 million from the Victor Pinchuk Foundation, according to that foundation, which is based in Kiev, Ukraine. It was created by Mr. Pinchuk, whose fortune stems from a pipe-making company. He served two terms as an elected member of the Ukrainian Parliament and is a proponent of closer ties between Ukraine and the European Union. -- In 2008, Mr. Pinchuk made a five-year, $29 million commitment to the Clinton Global Initiative, a wing of the foundation that coordinates charitable projects and funding for them but doesn’t handle the money. The pledge was to fund a program to train future Ukrainian leaders and professionals “to modernize Ukraine,” according to the Clinton Foundation. Several alumni are current members of the Ukrainian Parliament. Actual donations so far amount to only $1.8 million, a Pinchuk foundation spokesman said, citing the impact of the 2008 financial crisis." - bold by website editor - also posted at ZeroHedge & WashBlog & ZeroHedge

The First Jewish Lie
A quote...."Jews lie. Jews have always lied. And most assuredly, Jews are still lying today about everything that has to do with themselves and their sordid history. - So considering how they have wrecked the United States, Russia, Germany and so many other countries by mentally lobotomizing and financially castrating all of them, it should come as no surprise that Jews have falsified their own history from the very beginning. - Or to put it more concisely in the words of an Egyptian medical doctor named Ashraf Ezzat, “The truth is that ancient Egypt never knew any Pharaohs nor any Israelites. Egypt was never the land of Exodus and Palestine was never the Promised Land.” - Backed by every reputable expert in the known world, Azzat argues that ancient Hebrew history as we know it today is based on one colossal lie — that events described as happening in Egypt, if they happened at all, really happened in Arabia. Which means that according to his version, the tales of Joseph, Moses and the Exodus might still be true, but the location in which they are alleged to have happened are false."

The Outrageous Racist Hypocrisy of Israel and World Zionism!
For The Record - DDVideo - (Just a reminder, previously posted) - (DDYuTb - 15min01sec - Jun 18, 2012) - Source:  DavidDuke - If you didn't know about these facts.  Ask - yourself - why? - mpg

Solzhenitsyn: The Incredible Disappearing Man
For The Record - A quote..."Pre-commentary by Dr. David Duke — The following article by the Irish Savant Blogspot touched me deeply. As most of the readers of know, I consider the moments I spent in the company of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in Moscow some of most important of my life.  -- His words in a conversation with me now grace the beginning of my book, The Secret Behind Communism. For daring to name the invaders of Russia who committed the greatest mass murder and human rights crimes in the history of humanity, his name and imagine have dropped beneath the surface of the Ziomedia’s murky waters. -- In truth, the process started long before his book, Two Hundred Years Together, which is probably his most important book yet still is not permitted to be published by a major publisher in the world’s most spoken language, English."

U.S. Begs Russia to Remain in ‘SWIFT’ - The One Bank Fails Again
Quote of the Day...."The political/economic terrorism against Russia began with the coup in Ukraine, which was fully and completely orchestrated by U.S. Neo-Cons (most unelected), who actually “run” the U.S. government. This was immediately followed by a two-pronged strategy, directed squarely against Russia itself. --  One-half of the campaign was an enormous, steaming mound of anti-Russia propaganda, continuously defecated by the West’s corporate media monopoly. This absurd, nonsensical propaganda relentlessly attempts to “blame Russia” for anything-and-everything even remotely connected to the West’s cannibalization of the Ukraine, and often simply fabricates “acts of Russian aggression”. This has continued even as these fascists have ordered their Ukraine Thugs to perpetrate ever more-aggressive and barbaric acts, primarily against the large, ethnic Russian population within their own nation. --  The other half of this campaign was massive, overt economic terrorism against Russia, in virtually any-and-every form which could be dreamed-up by the One Bank’s army of (financial) psychopaths. They first launched an all-out attack on the Russian ruble. They then deliberately/ruthlessly manipulated oil prices to ½ their previous level, because Russia is the world’s largest energy exporter." - Source:  SprottMoney

Europe Wants to Help Libya to Regain Stability...Again!?
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 5min09sec - Mar 21, 2015) - Source:  RT - Guest Website: Pan-African News Wire - A quote...."Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the recent deadly attacks in the Middle East. Libya is one of the countries where the terror group seems to be most powerful. EU leaders claim to be helping conflict-torn Libya to regain stability. To discuss these plans RT talks to Abayomi Azikiwe, editor of Pan-African News Wire."
When Our Monsters Speak, TV Journalists Go Deaf
A quote...."Public debate on TV in western societies has long been reduced to the spectacle of the 1 percent talking to each other: millionaire journalists pretending to hold even wealthier politicians accountable. This usually constrains debate exactly the way one would expect, but gruesome truths are sometimes revealed, inadvertently, because rotten values are shared by elite journalists and western officials."

Breaking the Resistance with US Sponsored Terrorism and Proxy Wars
The PNAC Strategy Laid Bare - Must Read - A quote...."In order to understand how these seemingly disparate groups fit into the regional destabilization, one must first recognize how they are connected both in terms of ideology and shared relationships. On the one hand you have the well known terror outfits operating in the Syria-Iraq theater of this conflict. These would include the ubiquitous ISIS, along with its Al Qaeda-affiliated ally Jabhat Al-Nusra. However, often left out of the western narrative is the fact that the so called “moderate rebels,” such as the Al Farouq Brigade and other similar groups affiliated with the “Free Syrian Army,” are also linked through various associations with a number of jihadi organizations in Syria and beyond."

Saudi Nihilism, Wahhabism and the Roots of Terrorism
ISIS Gambit - ISIS & Their Saudi Sponsored Anti-Islamic Ideology - A quote.... "Islam’s Messenger, Muhammad Abu-Al-Qaassim, regarded the region of Najd, at the very center of Arabia, to be a nest of vipers.  Muhammad led some campaigns against Najdi tribes and personalities whom he thought had “deviant” ideas.  Najd is at the very epicenter of Wahhabist thinking.  Najd is also the birthplace of Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdul-Wahhab, the founder of the heresy. -- The intellectual bankruptcy of Wahhabism is best summarized by its association with a tribe of thieves, highwaymen and pillagers called the Sa’ood Clan, all of whom are linked ineluctably to the aspirations of history’s most rapacious and insatiable empire, the British Empire.  It is at the confluence of these 3 phenomena that one finds the vacuum in the “Islam” of Saudi Arabia and it is exactly here where mass murderers like Usaamaa Bin Laadin and Muhammad ‘Abdul- Wahhaab are seen contriving their atrocities."

With 45 Beheadings In 2015 – "US Ally" Saudi Arabia Set To Top 2014's Record Decapitation Level
-- ISIS Gambit - ISIS & The Saudis, Head Choppers Inc -- A quote..."It appears last year’s jump in beheadings was just the beginning for the Saudi monarchy, which follows a form of Sharia Islamic law in which one can be put to death for rape, murder, apostasy, armed robbery and drug trafficking. In case you aren’t familiar with the term “apostasy,” here’s the definition from Merriam-Webster."