FRONT PAGE - Archive File - 02-15-24 to 06-03-24

Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 604 -- Saving the Trump Campaign
CCAudio - Absolutely Brilliant Deconstructions of Our White Racial Dilemma - Alt/CC-Mp3 - Alt/CC-CastBox - (CCVar - 2hrs9min3sec - Aug 28th, 2024) -- Source:  CounterCurrents - CC @ CastBox -- A quote...."Greg Johnson and David Zsutty discussed Donald Trump’s recent statements on immigration and his lagging campaign energy, as well as taking listener questions and comments. It is now available for download and online listening."

National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 8.29.24
NBR@RBNAudio - Alt/Mp3 - (NBR @ RBNFlwPlyr - 1hr - Aug 29th, 2024)  - Source:  Patrick Slattery:  RBN - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - Pat Slattery @ NBR -- Guest's Websites - Jeremy from Kentucky:   RBN - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - Jeremy from Kentucky @ RBN - Jeremy from Kentucky @ GoFundMe -- Special Guest's Websites - Dr David Duke:  DD @ Bitchute - DD @ Odysee - DD @ Rense - DavidDuke - DD's Radio Show - Please Purchase to Support Dr Duke! - DD's Books -- A quote...."What these Jews are doing goes way beyond terrorism, Part 2. Plus a special salute to Michael Jackson, who would have turned 66 today had it not been for his very untimely and suspicious death."

The Daily Nationalist: The 2024 Election - DN 082924
TDNAudio - Alt/Aud - Graphic - (click to view) - (TDNMp3 - 31min09sec - Aug 29th, 2024) - Source:  TheDailyNationalist - RadioAlbion -- Please help Sven in prison!! - Article Supporting Sven - Sending Sven E-Mail - (Not available 08-10-24 due to Sven's relocation) -- How to Give to Sven  - This is the newest mailing address for Sven Longshanks - Address:  James Allchurch James Allchurch - (Not available 08-10-24 due to Sven's relocation) -- Host's Website - Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson - The Orthodox Nationalist @ Radio Albion - MRJ's Orthodox @ Wordpress - MRJ's Rus Journal Org - Please Donate!! - MRJ's Donation Request @ Patreon - Please Purchase!  MRJ's Merch -- A quote...."Today's Daily Nationalist features several recent articles from Paul Craig Roberts on the economy and the upcoming rigged election that will likely see the installation of the unpopular Kamala Harris as “President of the USA.” "

The 2024 US Presidential Election Has Already Been Stolen
A quote...."On August 28, I listed some of the electoral procedures Democrats are putting in place in order to steal the November presidential election -- Minneapolis has designated those who entered the US illegally “justice impacted individuals” and put them into a protected class which apparently includes the right to vote -- The DNC has filed a lawsuit against the Georgia Election Board to block the rule that requires counties to ensure the accuracy of the votes prior to certification. If you remember, this was a question in the 2020 election when Georgia and other states’ votes were certified without authentication -- In Wayne County, Michigan, the 19th most populous county in the US (there are 3,244 counties in the US) which includes Detroit, Warren, and Dearborn, 98% of the poll watchers appointed to oversee the 2024 presidential vote are Democrats." - Source:  PaulCraigRoberts

The Agenda Is To Elect Kamala
A quote...."Dear American, this is your next presidential administration - [click to view] - It will be anti-white, anti-family, pro-open borders, pro-legalization of sexual perversity, pro-sexualization of young children, and pro-war - It cannot be deterred by your votes, because the election will be stolen - In the swing states the methods used by Democrats to steal the 2020 and 2022 elections have been legalized. Moreover, if news reports are correct, in some, perhaps all, of the swing states it is now illegal to challenge election outcomes - If you will remember, when Kamala Harris competed for the presidential nomination in 2020, she was immediately eliminated. She had zero support - If you will remember, she has been an unpopular vice president - Yet today the media presents her as leading Trump, who continues to turn out massive attendance at his appearances, as the likely next president - The media uses rigged polls and positive coverage of Kamala and negative coverage of Trump to create in the voting public’s mind the expectation of a Kamala victory."

Patriotic Weekly Review – with Eric Striker
PWRVideo - Good Discussion!! - Alt/PWR-Odysee - Alt/PWR-Rumble - Alt/PWR-NewBitchute - Alt/PWR-OldBitchute - (MC-PWRVar - 2hrs8min34sec - Aug 28th, 2024) -- Source - PA Media Website:  PAMedia.UK -- Referenced Video:  Sam Melia – The Trial Explained - Phil Melia’s Speech:  Free Sam Melia Demo –  To Contribute to Sam's Support Fund:  GiveSendGo -- Host's & PA Officer's Websites - Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ OldBitchute - MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s Book:  The Fall of Western Man - Special Guest's Websites - Eric Striker:   Strike & Mike @ TRS - TRS - TRS Support - Nat Justice Party - NJP@Odysee - NJPSupport - NJP@Telegram -- A quote...."Episode 277 of Patriotic Weekly Review with special guest Eric Striker." -- Topix  ||  Elon Musk:  New Judeo-Gate Installer - 02-16-24 - mpg  ||

The Second Coming of Trumpery, Part 3
Contains NVAudio - (NVAMp3 - 19min16sec - Jul 27th, 2024) - Source:   National Vanguard (Alliance) - NVA Radio/Audio - NVA Donate - SO NOW INSTEAD OF “we stand with [the jewish extermination occupation]” Joe Biden, the anti-White Democratic Party is almost certainly fielding “iron-clad commitment to Israel” Kamala Harris (a mixed-race female who is married to a Jew) to oppose the anti-White Republicans’ choice, “no one has done more for Israel and the Jews than I have” Donald Trump, whose grandchildren are Jewish and who is “so proud” that his daughter married “big winner” Jared Kushner, a New York Jew who is a real estate tycoon (as is Trump), whose father was in the same business but got caught paying off one too many politicians and was in prison until Trump pardoned him"
"Both Harris and Trump were very busy this week meeting with [the extermination project's] leader (and ongoing butcher of tens of thousands in the Gaza killing fields) Benjamin Netanyahu, who also addressed a joint session of Congress as he trolled US power centers, looking for more billions in weapons, dollars, and commitments. (The controlled media seldom mention this, but there are a lot of countries where Netanyahu can’t land because he has an International Criminal Court arrest warrant out for him for all the war crimes he’s committed in the last nine months.)"
A quote...."Adolf Hitler famously said that one could not understand National Socialism without understanding Wagner; that is very true; of Nietzsche he said he could do nothing with him; this latter is not strictly true — with his notion of the all-importance of whatever is life-enhancing and his sensible proposal to raze all Christian churches and raise poisonous snakes on the sites, the philosopher was channeling National Socialism avant la lettre."

The Vessel
A quote..."William Luther Pierce is the greatest racial thinker of all time; his precursors such as Madison Grant were prophets and showed us the way, but as they still lived in the time of White ascendancy, they were unable to fully see all the dangers that were to come - George Lincoln Rockwell deserves all of our praise, but he was a swashbuckler and a performer and did not have the intellectual weight of Pierce, something which is necessary to see us through dark times - Revilo Oliver was an unparalleled intellectual; it is said of him that he had the mind and the manners of a Renaissance prince or polymath combined with the untethered and weaponized language needed to decimate our opponents; Oliver was also not a religious man and as such was unable to go all the way down the path needed."

The Daily Nationalist: Even Smart People Do Stupid Things - DN 082624
TDNAudio - Alt/Aud - Great Graphic - (click to view) - (TDNMp3 - 32min58sec - Aug 9th, 2024) - Source:  The Daily Nationalist - RadioAlbion -- Please help Sven in prison!! - Article Supporting Sven - Sending Sven E-Mail (Not available 08-10-24 due to Sven's relocation) - How to Give to Sven  - This is the newest mailing address for Sven Longshanks - Address:  (Not available 08-10-24 due to Sven's relocation) -- Host's Website - GrandPaDan -- A quote...."Grandpa Dan discusses the case of Pavel Durov, the CEO of Telegram being arrested in France. While this guy recognized that he faced a certain level of hostility from the U.S., he thought he’d be totally fine in France because it’s a different independent country. This proves that even smart and successful people sometimes do really stupid things."

Britain’s Digital Police State
PWRVideo - Brilliant!! - Alt/PWR-Odysee - Alt/PWR-Rumble - Alt/PWR-NewBitchute - Alt/PWR-OldBitchute - (MC-PWRVar - 9min27sec - Aug 23rd, 2024) -- Source - PA Media Website:  PAMedia.UK -- Referenced Video:  Sam Melia – The Trial Explained - Phil Melia’s Speech:  Free Sam Melia Demo –  To Contribute to Sam's Support Fund:  GiveSendGo -- Host's & PA Officer's Websites - Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ OldBitchute - MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s Book:  The Fall of Western Man - A quote...."In the wake of the recent disorder at anti-migrant protests, the Labour Government are poised to bring in the most draconian speech laws the West has ever seen. A new police force will be assembled to monitor the internet for ‘thought crimes’, turning Britain into a digital police state where ‘wrong think’ is classed as terrorism.
FYI:  Let's make this clear.  It is the British Occupation Regime that's "Extremist", because it's using "Terrorist", "Violence" against the indigenous people people of Britain.  The regime is DELIBERATELY importing violent migrants to "randomly" (the very definition of "terrorism") kill and maim Whites living in Britain to terrorize them. (These are commonly called "pseudo-gangs") -- The regime has coupled this with a vicious, hypocritical policy of "Two-Tiered Enforcement" (both by the Police and Crown Prosecution Service) to disempower White Britains and disenfranchise them.  To humiliate, terrorize and make the indigenous White Ethnic European Britians utterly impotent in resisting their own ethnic cleansing extermination.  They are doing this DELIBERATELY because they "Hate" White Britains!! - mpg
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Civic Disobedience
Resistance For Dummies 1.1 - Action Alert - A quote...."In this post I explain why resistance to the system is a civic duty, and suggest how to go about restoring our reality and reclaiming the state from the criminals who are using its power to destroy our civilisation." - See related article....."How To Fight Back - A Guide to Popular Resistance"
FYI:  For more on WHAT YOU can do to defend White Ethnic Europeans, see commentary and links posted below....
YOU CAN strike a practical blow against the growing political darkness!!  Against the jewish trans-national power complex!!

Although your actions won't have an immediate effect, over time, in conjunction with other like-minded individuals, your actions  WILL have a growing, powerful, cumulative effect.  And it will make you fell less powerless!

So if you're feeling frustrated, and put-down - If you're tired of all the lies, and the jewish organizations who tell them.  Simply follow the precepts contained below.  Simply practice White, Ethnic-European, Transnational, Identitarian, Bolshevik, Politiks!!  Make it YOUR life-long commitment!!  Do it for the rest of YOUR life!! -- You'll feel so much better if you do!!  - mpg
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The Liberal State of Emergency
FWAudio - Alt/FW-EmbededPlyr - Alt/FW-DwnLoad/SubStack - (FWAudio - Aug 19, 2024) - Source - The Contrarian Capitalist @ Substack - Guest's Websites - Frank Wright - Frank Wright @ Substack -- A quote...."Today I bring you an explanation of the madness we inhabit....."
"Here I talk for about 25 minutes on how we got here, and why you should not go insane along with the utopian system which is dissolving around us, right now - In an interview with The Contrarian Capitalist, I made an attempt to state the obvious - and to explain why that is so hard to do these days."
Quotable Quote....  [Start: 25m - to - End: 27m20s] -- "Before I go I'd like to say.... because in these febrile times people are talking about all kinds of  apocalyptic visions, and doom and so on....You are NOT obliged to go insane, along with this system.

I know that people have invested their beliefs in what people call "the current thing".  Or even in the belief in 'liberal democracy' which itself is an illusion.  This system was invented by people in the 1920's, on the basis of the propaganda they used to drag the United States into the First World War.  That's one reason why we always have a war going on.   

Because it's a 'sales cult' invented by propagandists to persuade you that endless war is good.  Now that's liberal democracy... it isn't 'liberal" and it isn't 'democratic', and you shouldn't be surprised to find out it that it isn't.  It was never designed to be liberal or democratic.  It was ALWAYS designed to be the rule of an elite.  To shape public opinion through 'manufactured consent' through propaganda.

It was NEVER about allowing public opinion to direct power, and that's why it NEVER does.  It isn't designed to do that. So people are beginning to realize that and to be disillusioned. But there is a better world, and if you think that world isn't possible think about this for a second.  Is it possible to come up with a political idea around which most people of good conscience could agree?  That is better than a permanent state of emergency? 

Because that is where this liberal system is leading us.  Permanent wars abroad, driving mass migration into every country in the West, and collapsing them.  With the resulting economic, legal, diplomatic, and demographic, chaos.  This is a permanent stat of emergency.   We are turning into a disaster, that has been manufactured, and it can be fixed.  If the political will is there.... it can be fixed. It is possible to go back to normal.  But it is not possible to go back to normal under a system of "legalized normaphobia", and that is what the liberal system is. 

It is an act of vengeance on the nature of reality.... the natural order itself, and it seeks to replace everything that ever was, with a bunch of ridiculous ideas that could never work in practice. 

And you're seeing that conflict playing out now. This is the end of the system.  But it doesn't have to be yours as well. So stay safe." -- *Frank Wright*
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Devil’s Advocate: Tucker Carlson, the Atomic Bomb, and Gaza
NVAudio - (NVAMp3 - 59min30sec - Aug 23,2024) - Source:   National Vanguard (Alliance) - NVA Radio/Audio - NVA Donate - A quote...."A NEW RADIO SHOW, hosted by long-time National Socialist researcher and writer Hadding Scott, has launched — The Devil’s Advocate. On this, its very first episode, host Scott provides insights that won’t be found anywhere else, covering many topics including Tucker Carlson’s disinclination to say that anything would have been justified to “get Hitler” in World War 2, the alleged German development of the atomic bomb during that war, and much more — illustrating in the process the visibly moving Overton Window — which is moving in our direction."

The Dankof Report with Mark Dankof, August 23, 2024
MDRAudio - Alt/Mp3 - (MDRMp3 - 1hr - Aug 23rd, 2024) - Source - Mark Dankof:  Mark Dankof's Report @ RBN - RBN Donate - Mark Dankof - MD's VK Website - MD's VK Website Num 2 - Natl Bugle Front Pg - Referenced website.... Aussie Cossack:  AusCos @ Rumble - AusCos @ Telegram - AusCos @ Twitter(X)
FYI:  This website editor disagrees with Mark Dankof in his impatience for Putin and Russia to deal with the regime on the Ukraine territories once and for all -- Putin should keep doing what he's doing. Slow playing Russia's S.M.O. Time is STILL on Russia's side, losses for the trans-national Judeo-Anglo-Sphere are still increasing in many areas.  And as Napoleon Bonaparte once said (of all people).... "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - mpg
Patriotic Weekly Review – with Woodlander
PWRVideo - Alt/PWR-Odysee - Alt/PWR-Rumble - Alt/PWR-NewBitchute - Alt/PWR-OldBitchute - (MC-PWRVar - 2hrs3min47sec - Aug 21st, 2024) -- Source - PA Media Website:  PAMedia.UK -- Referenced Video:  Sam Melia – The Trial Explained - Phil Melia’s Speech:  Free Sam Melia Demo –  To Contribute to Sam's Support Fund:  GiveSendGo -- Host's & PA Officer's Websites - Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ OldBitchute - MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s Book:  The Fall of Western Man - A quote...."Episode 276 of Patriotic Weekly Review with special guest Woodlander -- Two-tier justice: protestors jailed for minor offences -- Russia reaches out to those fleeing Western liberalism -- Woodlander’s solutions."

Whatever Happened to Baby Trumpenstein? -- Is This The Closing Act of the Project?
A quote...."Just over a month ago, on July 13, shots were fired at Donald Trump during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. He was struck in the ear, by a bullet, or ricochet fragment, and rose up triumphantly with blood on his face, in that iconic Iwo Jima-style photo. Taken by the same guy who caught Andrew Card whispering to Dubya on 9/11.

In Plain Sight with Jeremy from Kentucky, August 20, 2024
IPS@RBNAudio -- Alt/Mp3 - (IPS @ RBNFlwPlyr - 1hr - Aug 20th, 2024) - Source - Jeremy from Kentucky:   RBN - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - Jeremy from Kentucky @ RBN - Jeremy from Kentucky @ GoFundMe -- Guest's Websites - Patrick Slattery:  RBN - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - Pat Slattery @ NBR -- A quote...."Patrick and Jeremy Part One:  The DNC and the cognitive dissonance of the electorate."

Revilo Oliver’s Reflections on the Christ Myth, Part 1
A quote...."The Christ myth is puzzling, an historical problem that is still unsolved. Indeed, if considered a priori as an historical phenomenon, it is astounding. The Jesus of the composite legend was a would-be christ, who anticipates the basic doctrine of the Talmud, that Jews are a unique form of life, vastly superior to all other peoples, who, at best, if totally submissive to God’s People, may aspire to the status of dogs. He boasts that he brings not peace, but a sword, so he probably wanted to rouse the Jews scattered throughout the world as well as those in Palestine to start slaughtering the civilized peoples, as did his successors in the great Jewish Conspiracy of 117. Yet this implacable enemy of the Aryans was transformed by the Christ myth into a god that Aryans worshipped!"
"The Jews, naturally and, from their standpoint, reasonably, hate all Aryans, but they feel a specially intense hatred for Aryans who are so intelligent and manly that they resent being herded and fleeced by their Jewish shepherds and refuse to believe in the enormous racial superiority that entitles Jews to own the entire planet. When the Germans tried to have a country of their own, international Jewry sent against Germany their stupid British hounds and eventually their rabid American mastiffs, who obediently and foully murdered the German leaders to prove to the world that resistance to God’s People is an unforgivable sin that is punished by torture and death. That we all know."
Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 602 - Red Pill Report
CCAudio - Some Ideas For Educating the Dis-Educated - Alt/CC-Mp3 - Alt/CC-CastBox - (CCVar - 1hr59min26sec - Aug 14th, 2024) -- Source:  CounterCurrents - CC @ CastBox - A quote...."Greg Johnson, David Zsutty, and Angelo Plume talked about the results of the Counter-Currents internal survey and the various ways to “red pill” not only more people, but the right kind of people. It is now available for download and online listening. Topics discussed include...."

The Secret History of Mel Gibson's Dad and What He Said About The Thing You Cant Talk About - [Rumble] -- VJREVideo - VJRE/Alt-NewBitchute - VJRE/Alt-OldBitchute - VJRE/Alt-Odysee - (VJREVar - 1hr7sec - Aug 16th, 2024) - Source:  Vincent James / Red Elephant - VJ/RE @ Rumble - VJ/RE @ Odysee - VJ/RE @ BitChute - VJ/RE @ DLive - VJ/RE @ Patreon - VJ/RE @ SubScribeStar - VJ/RE @ Telegram - VJ/RE @ InstaGram - Daily Veracity - Daily Veracity Support - Daily Veracity Merch  - See related links posted below.....
The Second Coming of Trumpery, Part 3
NVAudio - (NVAMp3 - 19min16sec - Jul 27th, 2024) - Source:   National Vanguard (Alliance) - NVA Radio/Audio - NVA Donate - A quote...."SO NOW INSTEAD OF “we stand with [the judeo-enclave]” Joe Biden, the anti-White Democratic Party is almost certainly fielding “iron-clad commitment to Israel” Kamala Harris (a mixed-race female who is married to a Jew) to oppose the anti-White Republicans’ choice, “no one has done more for [the jewish extermination project in Palestine] and the Jews than I have” Donald Trump, whose grandchildren are Jewish and who is “so proud” that his daughter married “big winner” Jared Kushner, a New York Jew who is a real estate tycoon (as is Trump), whose father was in the same business but got caught paying off one too many politicians and was in prison until Trump pardoned him - Both Harris and Trump were very busy this week meeting with [judeo-enclave crime] leader (and ongoing butcher of tens of thousands in the Gaza killing fields) Benjamin Netanyahu, who also addressed a joint session of Congress as he trolled US power centers, looking for more billions in weapons, dollars, and commitments."

The Second Coming of Trumpery, Part 2
NVAudio - (NVAMp3 - 21min15sec - Jul 20th, 2024) - Source:   National Vanguard (Alliance) - NVA Radio/Audio - NVA Donate - A quote...."WHAT A WEEK it has been since my first “Second Coming of Trumpery” program on the 13th. I finished that program around eight in the morning, and about ten hours later someone tried and failed to kill Trump, right in my current home state of Pennsylvania. That’s enough of a coincidence. But there’s another one: A little over a month ago I went to an amateur radio gathering, the first I’ve attended in more than a decade, at the Butler Farm Show grounds in Butler, Pennsylvania. I’d never been to Butler before in my life. It’s maybe 75 miles from where I live. But I was standing and walking around in the exact same spot where the bullets would fly some weeks later; little did I know that history would be made there by the lake, where transceivers and antennas were the order of the day when I was there -- Since the assassination attempt, the conspiracy theories are as thick as Black looters after a hurricane. And they are, as usual, mutually contradictory."
Trump Calls for Increased Immigration: 'We Need More People, Especially With A.I. Coming' -- Trump's Open Door Policy..... For Migrants - (However, you poor White Ethnic Europeans are out in the cold.... suckers!! - mpg) -- A quote...."Former President Donald Trump on Thursday called for increased immigration, insisting "we need more people, especially with AI coming." - "We're going to let a lot of people come in, because we need more people, especially with AI coming and all the different things," Trump said. "And the farmers need, everybody needs but we're going to make sure they're not murderers and drug dealers.""

Seditious Traitor Trump Calls for Flooding America with Anyone Who Is Not a Murderer -- "Seditious Traitor Trump" - To White Ethnic Europeans - A quote...."The day after vowing to devote his entire presidency to doing whatever [extermination project the] Jews want him to do, literally telling Jews “you’ll have the presidency,” tragic game show host and presidential candidate Donald Trump told audiences that he wants to flood the United States with all kinds of people, as long as they are not murderers - The bulbous old man, a grotesque caricature of humanness, cited AI and farming as reasons he would fill our country up with foreigners."

Trump Pledges to Restore [Jewish] Lobby's Power Over Congress: "You're Gonna Have The President, Okay?" -- Wait.... 58 Standing Ovations Wasn't Enough?? - A quote...."Former President Donald Trump pledged to restore the power of the [jewish] Lobby over Congress during a "Fighting Anti-[judeo-supremacism]" event with pro-[judeo-enclave] megadonor [and jewess crime member] Miriam Adelson on Thursday."
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The Daily Nationalist: The Window of Allowable Speech is Shrinking - DN 081624
TDNAudio - Outstanding Deconstruction of the Coming Repression of White Ethnic Europeans - (You've all been warned! - mpg) -- Alt/Aud - Great Graphic - (click to view) - (TDNMp3 - 36min53sec - Aug 9th, 2024) - Source:  The Daily Nationalist - RadioAlbion -- Please help Sven in prison!! - Article Supporting Sven - Sending Sven E-Mail (Not available 08-10-24 due to Sven's relocation) - How to Give to Sven  - This is the newest mailing address for Sven Longshanks - Address:  (Not available 08-10-24 due to Sven's relocation) -- Host's Website - GrandPaDan -- A quote...."As Western democracies continue to suffer a crisis of legitimacy, the window for allowable speech is quickly shrinking. Grandpa Dan discusses two cases which illustrate this fact. In Britain (of course lol) a 53 year old woman has been sentenced to prison over a Facebook post. Meanwhile in the U.S., a political pundit who is known for promoting a realistic approach with Russia, finds his home being raided by the FBI. When a system is facing a crisis of legitimacy it is tempting to try to maintain that system by using fear and threats of violence. While this can work in the short term, this approach always comes with a limited shelf life."

Protestors JAILED, Paedophiles WALK FREE
Related PWRVideo - Alt/PWR-Odysee - Alt/PWR-Rumble - Alt/PWR-Bitchute - Alt/PWR-OldBitchute - (MC-PWRVar - 11min24sec - Aug 16th, 2024) -- Source - PA Media Website:  PAMedia.UK -- Referenced Video:  Sam Melia – The Trial Explained - Phil Melia’s Speech:  Free Sam Melia Demo –  To Contribute to Sam's Support Fund:  GiveSendGo -- Host's & PA Officer's Websites - Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ OldBitchute - MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s Book:  The Fall of Western Man - A quote...."Anti-immigration protestors and those who posted their opinions on social media are currently being dragged from their homes and given the harshest possible sentences. Yet over the past two decades, over ten thousand paedophiles, rapists and sex offenders have walked free from court or escaped justice with a caution."

How To Fight Back - A Guide to Popular Resistance
Resistance For Dummies 1.0 - Action Alert - A quote...."The state we are in is not legitimate. It is omnicidal - killing people, culture, tradition, the family, the belief in God and the nation itself - We are under occupation by extremists who have subverted our nations - They have used government and the law to press an agenda of international war and domestic chaos for which no one voted - If you get angry about living in the mess they made, they lock you up - It is time to fight. The state blows hard but is weaker than ever. Let us mobilise the many people of good conscience who are without the morale, sense of membership and methods to fight back - To take the power back from those who use it to destroy."
FYI:  For more on WHAT YOU can do to defend White Ethnic Europeans, see commentary and links posted below....
YOU CAN strike a practical blow against the growing political darkness!!  Against the jewish trans-national power complex!!

Although your actions won't have an immediate effect, over time, in conjunction with other like-minded individuals, your actions  WILL have a growing, powerful, cumulative effect.  And it will make you fell less powerless!

So if you're feeling frustrated, and put-down - If you're tired of all the lies, and the jewish organizations who tell them.  Simply follow the precepts contained below.  Simply practice White, Ethnic-European, Transnational, Identitarian, Bolshevik, Politiks!!  Make it YOUR life-long commitment!!  Do it for the rest of YOUR life!! -- You'll feel so much better if you do!!  - mpg
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Patriotic Weekly Review - with Emily Youcis
PWRVideo - Alt/PWR-Odysee - Alt/PWR-Rumble - Alt/PWR-Bitchute - Alt/PWR-OldBitchute - (MC-PWRVar - 2hrs3min46sec - Aug 14th, 2024) -- Source - PA Media Website:  PAMedia.UK -- Referenced Video:  Sam Melia – The Trial Explained - Phil Melia’s Speech:  Free Sam Melia Demo –  To Contribute to Sam's Support Fund:  GiveSendGo -- Host's & PA Officer's Websites - Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ OldBitchute - MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s Book:  The Fall of Western Man - A quote...."Episode 275 of Patriotic Weekly Review with special guest Emily Youcis."

National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 8.15.24
NBR@RBNAudio - Alt/Mp3 - (NBR @ RBNFlwPlyr - 1hr - Aug 15th, 2024)  - Source:  Patrick Slattery:  RBN - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - Pat Slattery @ NBR -- Guest's Websites - Mark Dankof:  Mark Dankof's Report @ RBN - RBN Donate - Mark Dankof - MD's VK Website - MD's VK Website Num 2 - Natl Bugle Front Pg - A quote...."Patrick and Mark Dankof hijack the David Duke Show and drive it to RBN, All about Jews, the Kennedy assassination, war with Iran, and whatnot."

National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 8.14.24
NBR@RBNAudio - Alt/Mp3 - (NBR @ RBNFlwPlyr - 1hr - Aug 14th, 2024)  - Source:  Patrick Slattery:  RBN - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - Pat Slattery @ NBR -- Guest's Websites - Jeremy from Kentucky:   RBN - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - Jeremy from Kentucky @ RBN - Jeremy from Kentucky @ GoFundMe -- A quote...."Part 2 of the Patrick and Jeremy Show: Great content as you have come to expect."

Nothing’s Changed Since 1948 – Except Now [The Jews' Collective] Excuses Don’t Work
War Crime Revelation, Same As It Ever Was.....   (Some people are slower than others.... mpg) -- A quote...."When I began studying Israeli history more than a quarter of a century ago, people claiming to be experts proffered plenty of excuses to explain why Israelis should not be held responsible for the 1948 ethnic cleansing of some 750,000 Palestinians from their homes – what Palestinians call their Nakba, or Catastrophe.
  1. I was told most [jews occupying Palestine] were not involved and knew nothing of the war crimes carried out against the Palestinians during [the judeo-enclave's] establishment.
  2. I was told that those [jews] who did take part in war crimes, like Operation Broom to expel Palestinians from their homeland, did so only because they were traumatised by their experiences in Europe. In the immediate aftermath of the Holocaust, [a.k.a. The Holohoax - A jewish crime against Humanity - mpg], these [jews] assumed that, were the jewish people to survive, they had no alternative but to drive out the Palestinians en masse.
  3. From others, I was told that no ethnic cleansing had taken place. The Palestinians had simply fled at the first sign of conflict because they had no real historical attachment to the land.
  4. Or I was told that the Palestinians’ displacement was an unfortunate consequence of a violent war in which [jewish] leaders had the best interests of Palestinians at heart. The Palestinians hadn’t left because of [jewish] violence but because they has been ordered to do so by Arab leaders in the region. In fact, the story went, [the jews] had pleaded with many of the 750,000 refugees to come home afterwards, but those same Arab leaders stubbornly blocked their return.
"Every one of these claims was nonsense, directly contradicted by all the documentary evidence." - bold by website editor

One Man’s Road to “Holocaust” Revisionism** [De-Bunking & The Correction of the Historical Record] -- Title Corrected - Outstanding Must Read!! - A quote...."My doubts about the Holocaust are not centered on whether it could have happened, but on whether it did happen. In fact many of the doubts that I have are a direct consequence of the fact that I have no doubt that it actually could have happened… but certainly not in the ways that have been described thus far in the “official” literature -- It is part of the Western tradition in legal, scientific, and intellectual matters that those asserting something have the burden of proof and that those who disagree are not required to provide evidence. This tradition, however, has been turned on its head regarding the Holocaust since the “historical truth” of the Holocaust has been posited in advance. Furthermore, even to express doubts can result in criminal penalties in at least 11 so-called democratic countries and the ruining of lives and careers in numerous others -- Listed below are some of the “problems” I have with the Holocaust, in no particular order."
FYI:  **You can not"revise" history. History is history.  It is composed of facts that have occurred.  It's in the past.  You can't change the past. You can't change the facts. You can only correct the historical record, and expose lies or inaccuracies of the facts it is constructed of. 

As far as the "stories" constructed from historical facts, the "historical narratives", yeah.... narratives can be revised.  But when they are deliberately composed of nothing but false information, you're NOT "revising" the narratives, you're exposing them, and the perpetrators who knowingly fabricated information to use in their maliciously constructed narratives. 

One of blood libel, and vicious utterly false accusations, of others.  To achieve fraudulent, geopolitical, and financial gain - mpg
The Second Coming of Trumpery, Part 1
Contains Audio NVAudio - (NVAMp3 - 19min58sec - Jul, 13th 2024) - Source:   National Vanguard (Alliance) - NVA Radio/Audio - NVA Donate -- (Previously posted, posted again for your edification) -- A quote...."THE SUPPOSED ALTERNATIVE to the insane, Jew-subservient, anti-White Democratic administration is also anti-White, also insane, also Jew-subservient, and not an alternative. The Republicans are sure death for us, just as much as the Democrats. The only choice for White people now is to build our own all-White, real-world, racially conscious communities, as the National Alliance is doing now, and work for the day when we can totally secede from the blankos, the voracious Brown mass they force on us, and their Semitic overlords. Every second our people spend working for, hoping for, or talking about a Trump “victory” is a second we could have spent working for the White Imperium to come. Do you really want your legacy to be that you came in to serious racial community-building just a bit too late to make our success happen, or that your lack of serious commitment helped ruin your children’s future? Do you want your legacy to be that you helped elect a president who was instrumental in criminalizing White racial-nationalism and setting us back for decades? I didn’t think so -- Trump, to my knowledge, is the first American politician in recent years to explicitly call for the death penalty for “anti-Semitism,” a “legal” nicety that was last in force in the early years of the Soviet Union." - bold by website editor - See related links posted below.....
UK Protests: Desperate Response By Authorities - FF Ep271
RIRVideo - Great Show!! - Alt @ NewBitchute - Alt @ OldBitchute - Alt @ RRAudio - Alt @ Odysee - Alt @ VK - Alt @ Rumble - Alt @ GabTV - Alt @ Twitter(X) - Alt @ Telegram - (RIRVar - 2hr11min13sec - Aug 9th, 2024) - Source - Henrik Palmgren & Lana Lokteff:  Red Ice RSS Feeds - RedIce @ BitChute - RI @ Lbry - RI @ Odysee - RI @ VK - RI @ Rumble - RI @ Telegram - RI @ GabTV - RI @ Truvo - RI @ DLive - RI @ Parler - RI @ Flote - RI @ NewTube - RI @ LinkTreeRedIceTV - Red Ice Creations - Red Ice Members -- Special Guest's Websites - Millennial Woes - MilWoe @ Rumble - MilWoe @ Odysee - MilWoe & NewBitChute - MillWoe & OldBitChute - MilWoe @ Telegram - MilWoe @ Twitter(X)& Chief Moody:  ChfMody @ TeleGram - ChfMody @ Twitter(X) -- A quote...."Millennial Woes, No Chance & Chief Moody joins Henrik and Lana to talk about the laughable response by the UK Police and government following the protests of child-killers and rapefugees."

Pressure Cooker Britain: Turning Up the Heat
A quote...."The ilk of “Tommy Robinson” have been out at these protests and talking about them online. Such “civic nationalists” are deathly afraid of the central topic of race, almost as much as they are afraid of the even more important topic of Jewish power, so they try desperately to make this a religious issue of good Christians and good Jews versus bad Muslims — but they failed massively in this case. It’s extremely unlikely that this Black Rwandan is a Muslim, and who cares if he is anyway? It’s not beliefs that matter most — it is race that matters most. Plainly and simply put, we of European descent need all-White nations. Full stop; problems solved — and, most importantly, there is no other way to get the problems solved."
"It was pathetic to see that some of the protestors are so deluded that they carried [judeo-enclave] and [Ukrainian occupation enclave] flags, as if either the murderous Jewish [judeo-supremacists] and parasites of [the judeo-enclave], or the murderous Jewish dictators who misrule [Lviv] somehow represent opposition to what is happening in Britain. (Quite the opposite is true — [The judeo-enclave in Palestine] represents the world headquarters of multiracialism, since it is the world headquarters of the Jews, and it is the Jewish power structure which is forcing multiracialism on the West, America and Britain included. And [the] Ukraine [territories], like America and the UK, is currently one of that power structure’s provinces. As Ezra Pound said, there are “so many strands of unknowing” here.)"
The Jewish Anthem for all Free Masons, Liberals and White Fools
HRAudio - Great Deconstruction of Jewish (Jedi) Mind Tricks!! - White Ethnic Europeans MUST Understand Them For Self-Defense!! - Alt/Mp4-Vid - Alt/Mp3-Aud - Graphic - (click to view) - (HRVar - 1hr23min35sec - Jul 21st 2024) - Source: History Reviewed Com - History Reviewed Net - African Crisis - Please Purchase: White-Shop-Biz - Please Donate:  Send Money - Get a Free PDF Book:  "Did Six Million Jews really die in WW2?" -- A quote..."I take a serious and also fun look at music. We look closely at a song and dance from a massive Jewish Hollywood event and what exactly it means? I also look at Jews with mediocre and sub-standard talent and how they rise higher in Hollywood and the USA. How many very talented Whites are discriminated against that we don’t know about? - I also discuss a number of Jewish actors and comedians."

The Daily Nationalist: Political Farce - DN 080924
TDNAudio - Alt/Aud - Great Graphic - (click to view) - (TDNMp3 - 36min53sec - Aug 9th, 2024) - Source:  TheDailyNationalist - RadioAlbion -- Please help Sven in prison!! - Article Supporting Sven - Sending Sven E-Mail (Not available 08-10-24 due to Sven's relocation) - How to Give to Sven  - This is the newest mailing address for Sven Longshanks - Address:  (Not available 08-10-24 due to Sven's relocation) -- Host's Website - GrandPaDan -- A quote...."The system is doomed. Grandpa Dan discusses the increasingly obvious farce that is “democracy” in the West. In the U.S. you have two parties which for all practical purposes, are pandering to fringe lunatics. Team R represented by Trump is pandering to a voting block that has turned him into some sort of messianic figure while team D represented by Harris is pandering to a voting block that believes Trump is the physical manifestation of the devil himself. Meanwhile voters who attempt to have their legitimate political concerns addressed are handwaved off with empty platitudes and marketing slogans."

The Dankof Report with Mark Dankof, August 9, 2024
MDRAudio - Great Show!  - Alt/New-Mp3 - Alt/Old-Mp3 - (MDRMp3 - 1hr - Aug 9th, 2024) - Support RBN!:  Donation Request! -- Source - Mark Dankof:  Mark Dankof's Report @ RBN - RBN Donate - Mark Dankof - MD's VK Website - MD's VK Website Num 2 - Natl Bugle Front Pg - Referenced Topix  ||  Destruction of the Orthodox Church  ||

Groyper War 2.0 Declared | Trump Disavows Himself | Trump Campaign Spiraling
VJREVideo - VJRE/Alt-NewBitchute - VJRE/Alt-OldBitchute - (VJREVar - 1hr39min36sec - Aug 9th, 2024) - Source:  Vincent James / Red Elephant - VJ/RE @ Rumble - VJ/RE @ Odysee - VJ/RE @ NewBitChute - VJ/RE @ OldBitChute - - VJ/RE @ DLive - VJ/RE @ Patreon - VJ/RE @ SubScribeStar - VJ/RE @ Telegram - VJ/RE @ InstaGram - Daily Veracity - Daily Veracity Support - Daily Veracity Merch

Starmer’s Guide to Rioting – Two Tier Policing Explained
PWRVideo - Alt/PWR-Odysee - Alt/PWR-Rumble - Alt/PWR-NewBitchute - Alt/PWR-OldBitchute - (MC-PWRVar - 12min03sec - Aug 9th, 2024) -- Source - PA Media Website:  PAMedia.UK -- Referenced Video:  Sam Melia – The Trial Explained - Phil Melia’s Speech:  Free Sam Melia Demo –  To Contribute to Sam's Support Fund:  GiveSendGo -- Host's & PA Officer's Websites - Mark Collett:  MC @ NewBitchute - MC @ OldBitchute - MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s Book:  The Fall of Western Man - A quote...."Britain’s system of two-tier policing has now been exposed to the world – but what are the rules? How can you get away with rioting and destroying public property? Who gets a ‘free pass’ and which rioters does Starmer and his cabinet cheer on? Find out all this and much, much more…"

UK Riots: Race Chaos, Violence & Police State With Mark Collett & Steve Laws
RIRVideo - Alt @ Bitchute - Alt @ RRAudio - Alt @ Odysee - Alt @ VK - Alt @ Rumble - Alt @ GabTV - Alt @ Twitter(X) - Alt @ Telegram - (RIRVar - 1hr41min18sec - Aug 7th, 2024) - Source - Henrik Palmgren & Lana Lokteff:  Red Ice RSS Feeds - RedIce @ BitChute - RI @ Lbry - RI @ Odysee - RI @ VK - RI @ Rumble - RI @ Telegram - RI @ GabTV - RI @ Truvo - RI @ DLive - RI @ Parler - RI @ Flote - RI @ NewTube - RI @ LinkTreeRedIceTV - Red Ice Creations - Red Ice Members -- Special Guest's Websites - PA Media Website:  PAMedia.UK -- Referenced Video:  Sam Melia – The Trial Explained - Phil Melia’s Speech:  Free Sam Melia Demo –  To Contribute to Sam's Support Fund:  GiveSendGo -- Host's & PA Officer's Websites - Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ OldBitchute - MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s Book:  The Fall of Western Man -- & Steve Laws:  Steve Laws Report -- A quote...."Mark Collett and Steve Laws joins Henrik to discuss the total breakdown of law and order in the UK following the ongoing race riots in the UK. British people have had it, they are done. Now what? What should happen next?"

UK Woman Arrested For Social Media Post
A quote...."R Editor: According to a short report in The Telegraph, a 55 year old Cheshire woman is being held in police custody after posting online that the 17 year old of Rwandan family origins from Cardiff, Axel Rudakubana, whose details were unknown then, was an asylum seeker on the MI6 terror watch list. This young man, curiously having acted on TV, is alleged to be the attacker in the Southport stabbing case of children at a dance class. The charge against this woman is ‘spreading false information’."

UK Prosecutors Threaten to Police Speech Overseas and Extradite Anyone Who Criticizes Mass Migration -- Well.... They Can't - A quote...."Prosecutors in the United Kingdom (UK) are looking to hunt down anyone who criticizes their mass migration policies that have resulted in increased violence across Great Britain. This totalitarian effort to suppress speech on a global level includes threats of extradition against individuals who speak out about the wave of criminality coming from migrants. Right now, it's unclear how UK prosecutors will round people up globally, but UK Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer did threaten the world that the UK government is making alliances with prosecutors globally to extradite anyone who supports protests in the UK. Social media companies are likely to censor out any dissent, but the owner of X, Elon Musk, has publicly dissented to these totalitarian threats coming from the UK government."
FYI:  The utterly deluded, illegal, proposition suggested above is derived from toxic trans-national world jewry's newly empowered crime syndicate, and their perverted Frankfurt School CRT ideology.  It's what happens when you let the jews get away with the Holohoax, murdering the Kennedy's for the bomb, 9/11, and their current extermination campaign in Gaza.  They need to be brought to hell.... permanently -- Otherwise, what should be White Ethnic European "governments", will get continuously infected with this judeo-trans-nationalist neo-liberal crap and begin to believe they can go anywhere to attack those who oppose their White Ethnic European Replacement agenda - mpg
UK Govt Threatens to Extradite Americans for 'Incitement,' Censor 'Legal But Harmful' Content -- Ditto! - Contains Many Spot-On Tweets Regarding This Anti-White Censorship - A quote...."UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer is rounding up Brits and launching a totalitarian crackdown in response to last week's fiery but mostly peaceful protests over a Rwandan teen stabbing three British girls to death.

Healthcare in UK May Be Denied to “Racists”
A quote...."One advantage of socialized medicine is that it allows increasingly hostile Big Government to deny healthcare to disfavored groups...."
FYI: The UK's NHS was deliberately destroyed by forty years of cut-backs and malicious, deliberate, sabotage. The NHS worked way too effectively as a National, Socialist, Institution for White Ethnic European well-being - It kept too many White Ethnic European People alive and healthy - That could not be allowed, or tolerated - mpg
Patriotic Weekly Review - with The Ayatollah
PWRVideo - The Two-Tiered Injustice & Selective Anti-White Enforcement System -- Alt/PWR-Odysee - Alt/PWR-Rumble - Alt/PWR-Bitchute - Alt/PWR-OldBitchute - (MC-PWRVar - 2hrs4min20sec -Aug 7th, 2024) -- Source - PA Media Website:  PAMedia.UK -- Referenced Video:  Sam Melia – The Trial Explained - Phil Melia’s Speech:  Free Sam Melia Demo –  To Contribute to Sam's Support Fund:  GiveSendGo -- Host's & PA Officer's Websites - Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ OldBitchute - MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s Book:  The Fall of Western Man - Guest's Websites - The Ayatollah: The Ayatollah @ Odysee - The Ayatollah @ BitChute - The Ayatollah @ DLive - The Ayatollah @ Telegram - A quote...."Episode 274 of Patriotic Weekly Review with special guest The Ayatollah."

FBI Raids Scott Ritter’s House
Special Alert - Ditto!! - A quote...."Federal agents and state police have searched the house of former US Marine and UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter in New York state on Wednesday - State Police and FBI agents descended on the street of Bethlehem township, south of Albany, around noon, according to the local outlet Times-Union. They carried “more than two dozen boxes” out of the house just before 5pm local time - The law enforcement executed a search warrant “related to concerns apparently the US government has about violations of the Foreign Agent Restriction Act (FARA)” Ritter told reporters gathered outside the house after the agents left - He denied any allegations of wrongdoing and said the federal government was trying to intimidate him."
FYI:  So.... when is the FBI going to round up the hundreds of thousands of Americans openly working for the jewish extermination occupation.  Currently, according the judgement of the entire world community and the International Court of Justice, engaging in mass ethnic cleansing, mass murder, numerous war-crimes, and attempted extermination??  This is a "Two-Tiered Injustice & Selective Enforcement System.  Special privileges for the Jews and their selected shabbos-goy lickspittles, and special sanctions for everyone else - mpg 
Project:  Vandalism
Outstanding!! - A quote...."What people call “globalism” is simply late stage liberalism with global ambitions - This system, which was invented in the 1920s and began to dissolve a century later, is the rule of a self appointed expert elite by means of the manufacture of consent - It is an advertising campaign for an empire of lies....." -- Introduction: The Crisis of Our Counterfeit Culture.....

Part One:  The Actions and Factions of the Vandals
Part Two:  The Orders of Chaos
The Conspiracy Against The Obvious
A quote...."This is a piece about the prohibition of the obvious. The obvious is never the case - The obvious is avoided whenever there is some crisis. Other reasons are made up out of clever words to substitute for reality, meaning the problems created by the taboo on the truth can never be solved within this system - A demented old man is not visibly unfit. Suspicious injections are safe and effective. Crime statistics are caused by their victims. There are innocent reasons for the rainbow people’s obsession with children. Forever war is peace, genocide is self defence, the death cult are the Good Guys - And so it goes...."
"Why is the world never what is said to be the case? The method of this madness is coeval with the system it has powered. The turn away from the veritable and into the verbal arrived a hundred years ago, along with a liberal democratic system that would maximise its use to create a counterfeit for reality itself - This is the story of the conspiracy against the obvious. It is why nothing is as they say it is, and why so much is said and - nothing ever done - to change things for the better."
The State of the United States
A quote...."Cook’s account of the US is concerned with finance and global power, and the mechanisms which have fuelled the ambition of its liberal-global ideology - This ideology, he maintains, is simply window-dressing for a global imperial project which sought to absorb every nation on earth into the fractional reserve banking system - This banking system, says Cook, is the real nexus of power in the West - Through organisations such as the Council on Foreign Relations, through NATO and other allied supranational bureaucracies, what became of the American republic directed a systematic attempt to dominate the globe - This is the system to which Donald Trump - for all his flaws - represents an existential threat. Though its moment of unipolar control has passed regardless of him, his policies are aimed at the total replacement of the permanent war system which has directed US, Western and world affairs since at least the fall of the Soviet Union."

National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 8.5.24
NBR@RBNAudio - Alt/Mp3 - (NBR @ RBNFlwPlyr - 1hr - Aug 5th, 2024)  - Source:  Patrick Slattery:  RBN - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - Pat Slattery @ NBR -- Guest's Websites - Jeremy from Kentucky:   RBN - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - Jeremy from Kentucky @ RBN - Jeremy from Kentucky @ GoFundMe -- A quote...."Mark Collett joins the show: Anarchy in the U.K., It’s coming some time, it might be…"

TDS1221: A Cerebral Lex Fridman Style Podcast
TDSAudio - Note:  it has advertisements for subscription, and it's only one half of the regular show, but it's too good not to post - mpg - Alt/Mp3 - (TDSVar - 1hr46in41sec - Aug 5th, 2024) - TDs @ TRS - The Right Stuff - BakUpRSSFeed - SubscribeForPremiumContent - National Justice Party - MEP @ Telegram -- A quote...."Sven is is on timeout this week. The Death Panel welcome Mark Collett from Patriotic Alternative for an update on the British situation in hour one, and Louis from NIGR for some analysis of the geopolitical situation in hour two."

Britain Explodes
A quote...."Four weeks after Keir Starmer came to power with a promise that his government would be a force for good, the nation has erupted in rebellion - The liberal-globalist state is now blaming its victims, the British people, for the chaos, rape and murder its policies have produced in their nation - The political agenda of national suicide has shifted to national assassination - It is time to stand fast - for God, family, country - against the Empire of Evil."

UK Riots: Just Ignore the Real Problem and Blame it all on the ‘Far Right’
A quote...."Every summer now, Canada is rife with forest fires. Some exploit the disasters to push an agenda, arguing that it’s a surefire sign of climate change, and ignoring that a lack of environmentally inconvenient controlled burns are the actual culprit. The same could be said for the riots that have swept Britain since three children were murdered in Southport at a day camp by a British 17-year old of Rwandan origin - The British government has long known that the migration issue was out of control, and newly-elected Labour Prime Minister Keir Starmer has found the culprit. It’s the “far-right” Brits that are “targeting” Muslim and “other minority communities.” Because who, en route to doing a little shopping in Mayfair, isn’t tired of passing their “Nazi salutes in the street” as they stretch their arms in between putting beatdowns on cops, as Starmer suggests."

Starmer’s Orwellian Warning to Britain
TDVideo - Alt/Duran-SndCloud - Alt/Duran-Rumble - Alt/Duran-Odysee -  (TDuranVar - 23min12sec - Aug 5th, 2024) -- Source:   The Duran - Duran @ SndCld - Duran @ Rumble - Duran @ Odysee - Duran @ Spotify - Duran's Shop - Duran @ Rumble - Duran @ Discord - Duran @ SubStr - Duran @ Patreon - Duran @ Gab - Duran @ Minds - Duran @ TeleGram
Germany Destroyed
Outstanding!!!  Good Analysis - For The Historical Record - -- (FINALLY!! A good article!  After the tens of millions of useless, stupid ones spewed out by the Legacy media and the Scholastic riff-raff in Europe.  An article that summarizes the last century in an easy to read nut-shell!! - mpg) -- A quote...."Germany lies in the center of Europe in more ways than one. Not only is it the geographical center, but all of European history seems to revolve around it. In German there is the term Mitteleuropa, which aptly conveys Germany’s pivotal role in Europe. To be honest, to some extent France and Italy also need to be considered part of that concept, especially those parts of France and Italy bordering on Germany. European civilization has essentially been shaped by Germany and those two “junior partners.”
"From a holistic point of view, Germany’s central position may help to explain why during the past century the Anglo-Saxons (England and the US) have twice tried to destroy Germany, and with considerable success! Obviously, the US is not a European nation, except perhaps indirectly as a result of mass immigration from Europe. Nor is England, which is at best part of Europe’s periphery. Europe’s actual periphery consists of Scandinavia, Russia, the Iberian Peninsula, Southern Italy and the Balkans. England’s insular position physically and mentally sets it apart from Europe. After all it is well known that the inhabitants of any island, no matter how small, tacitly see themselves as the center of the universe. In a fundamental and very tangible sense, England’s geographical position gives it a separate status, rendering it a lot less European than it likes to pretend."

"Together with its American ally and relying on the resources and manpower of its vast colonial empire, England has been a moving force behind the first two efforts to destroy Germany during World Wars I and II. The first, especially through the Versailles Diktat, resulted in the destruction of German military power, the second led to the destruction of its political power. On a continent where, since 1918 Fascism and National Socialism had apparently taken root quite firmly, Germany, on account of its economic and demographic weight, was once again the core element."
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How Canadian Jews Went After Alfred Schaefer in Germany to jail him
HRAudio - Outstanding, Gripping, Revealing, Deconstruction & Expose of Jewish Power Techniques!! - White Ethnic Europeans MUST Copy Them For Self-Defense!! - Alt/Mp4-Vid - Alt/Mp3-Aud - Graphic - (click to view) - (HRVar - 3hrs11min41sec - Jul 28th, 2024) - Source: History Reviewed Com - History Reviewed Net - African Crisis - Please Purchase: White-Shop-Biz - Please Donate:  Send Money - Get a Free PDF Book:  "Did Six Million Jews really die in WW2?" -- A quote..."This is a deep dive into HOW Jews actually do things. I also discuss a few things about the attempt to assassinate Trump on 13th July - Alfred and I talk about how exactly he ended up going to jail. How does the “The System” actually work in practice? How exactly does the Jewish system work when they go after Whites? - This was recorded on: 2024-07-09." - Topix  ||  We Need BETTER Predictive Models For Jewish Power - 01-13-24 - mpg  || - For more on WHAT YOU can do to defend White Ethnic Europeans, see commentary and links posted below....
YOU CAN strike a practical blow against the growing political darkness!!  Against the jewish trans-national power complex!!

Although your actions won't have an immediate effect, over time, in conjunction with other like-minded individuals, your actions  WILL have a growing, powerful, cumulative effect.  And it will make you fell less powerless!

So if you're feeling frustrated, and put-down - If you're tired of all the lies, and the jewish organizations who tell them.  Simply follow the precepts contained below.  Simply practice White, Ethnic-European, Transnational, Identitarian, Bolshevik, Politiks!!  Make it YOUR life-long commitment!!  Do it for the rest of YOUR life!! -- You'll feel so much better if you do!!  - mpg
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Wyatt Peterson on JFK-RFK-9/11 Parallels
KevBarVideo -- Alt/KevBar-Rumble - Alt/KevBar-Bitchute - Alt/KevBar-OldBitchute - (KevBarVar - 55min16sec - Jul, 26, 2024) - Source Websites - Kevin Barrett:  KevBar / FFWN-VTFP @ Rumble - KevBar @ BitChute - KevBar @ OldBitchute - KevBar @ Substack - KevBar @ HereseyCentral -  KevBar @ VTForeignPolicy -- A quote...."Wyatt Peterson, author of the book.... "Perfidy of Zion", and the article “October 7 in Context”, returns to discuss his new article “Parallels: JFK, RFK & 9/11.” In light of the apparent Trump assassination attempt, Wyatt provides some interesting historical context...."
“How many Americans are aware that the Jewish Secretary of the Confederate States, Judah P. Benjamin, was a close confidant of both John Surratt—a man accused of plotting Lincoln’s murder in partnership with John Wilkes Booth—and the Rothschild family of Europe?”

“In the spring of 1977 George de Mohrenschildt was found dead from a shotgun blast to the head after publicly complaining that ‘the Jewish mafia’ was trying to kill him for writing a memoir about his former friend Lee Harvey Oswald titled.... "I Am A Patsy! I Am a Patsy!”."

“In his 2018 best-selling book.... "Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel’s Targeted Assassinations", Israeli journalist Ronen Bergman reveals that [the Judeo-Enclave's] Military Intelligence had been working on a program the month before Robert Kennedy’s assassination to hypnotize and program Palestinian prisoners to kill PLO leader Yasser Arafat…Almost everybody today who’s familiar with the facts of the case, including RFK’s son Robert Kennedy Jr, acknowledges that (Palestinian-American) Sirhan Sirhan was under the influence of hypnosis when Bobby Kennedy was killed and couldn’t possibly have fired the fatal shot.” -- Topix  ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||
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Last Man Standing with Paul Edward Stevenson, July 28, 2024
PESAudio - Alt/Aud - (PESMp3 - 1hr - Jul 28th, 2023) - Source:  PES @ Odysee - PES @ RBN - PES@RBN/RSS - Republic Broadcasting Network - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - Special Guest's Websites - Patrick Slattery:  RBN - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - Pat Slattery @ NBR

Bloodbath Britain as Police and Press Viciously Respond to White Protestors
A quote...."WORKING CLASS FIGHTBACK: Many parts of migrant-occupied Britain were engulfed in riots for a second night in a row as anger continues to grow over the Islamic Southport stabbing frenzy which claimed the lives of three young girls - Simmering rage over the senseless attack exploded into violence again as outraged protestors – described as thugs by left-wing media hacks – torched police cars, hurled glass bottles and clashed with officers across Liverpool, Aldershot, London, Hartlepool and Manchester last night."

The Town that Chose to Commit Suicide
PWRVideo - Alt/PWR-Odysee - Alt/PWR-Rumble - Alt/PWR-Bitchute - Alt/PWR-OldBitchute - (MC-PWRVar - 11min22sec - Jul 26th, 2024) -- Source - PA Media Website:  PAMedia.UK -- Referenced Video:  Sam Melia – The Trial Explained - Phil Melia’s Speech:  Free Sam Melia Demo –  To Contribute to Sam's Support Fund:  GiveSendGo -- Host's & PA Officer's Websites - Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ OldBitchute - MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s Book:  The Fall of Western Man - A quote...."This is the story of a small Welsh town named Llantwit Major. The town hit the headlines last year for ‘fighting off the fascists’ and embracing plans for a migrant centre that was set to be built in the heart of their community. Now, a year on, we return to Llantwit to find out how things are working out...."

Patriotic Weekly Review – with Joe Marsh
PWRVideo - Alt/PWR-Odysee - Alt/PWR-Rumble - Alt/PWR-Bitchute - Alt/PWR-OldBitchute - (MC-PWRVar - 2hrs2min57sec - Jul 31st, 2024) -- Source - PA Media Website:  PAMedia.UK -- Referenced Video:  Sam Melia – The Trial Explained - Phil Melia’s Speech:  Free Sam Melia Demo –  To Contribute to Sam's Support Fund:  GiveSendGo -- Host's & PA Officer's Websites - Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ OldBitchute - MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s Book:  The Fall of Western Man - A quote...."Episode 273 of Patriotic Weekly Review with special guest Joe Marsh."

Phil Giraldi : Knesset Debates Torture and Summary Executions
JdgNAPVideo - Alt/JdgNAP-Mp3 - (JdgNAPVar - 25min52sec - Jul 31st, 2024) - Source - Judge Napolitano:   JdgNAP's Website - JdgNAP @ Rumble - JdgNAP @ PodCast - JdgNAP @ Twitter(X)

Matt Hoh: A War Criminal Addresses Congress
JdgNAPVideo - Alt/JdgNAP-Mp3 - (JdgNAPVar - 29min46sec - Jul 31st, 2024) - Source - Judge Napolitano:   JdgNAP's Website - JdgNAP @ Rumble - JdgNAP @ PodCast - JdgNAP @ Twitter(X)

USA As I Knew It Has Passed Into The Trash Bin Of History
Some quotes...."Kamala Harris says she has raised $230,000,000 in campaign funds from rich American liberals. Why are rich American liberals so determined to have Kamala as President of the United States? - One reason could be because she, unlike Trump, is easily controlled, so the explanation is the rich are electing their own self-interests - But are they? The Democrats’ have two agendas: One is to normalize and legitimize sexual perversity. The other is open borders. To put it in different words, the Democrats are devoted to transforming traditional America into a Sodom & Gomorrah Tower of Babel."
"It comes from the Jews. The Secretary of the Treasury is a Jew. The Secretary of State is a Jew. The Secretary of Homeland Security is a Jew. Finance, media, Hollywood and entertainment are in the hands of Jews. As Netanyahu told Congress yesterday, every Jew is a [judeo-supremacist], a defender of [their extermination occupation]. And every American who is not a defender of [the jews] is an anti-[judeo-supremacist]. John V. Whitbeck describes the total humiliation of “Proud America” on its knees kissing Netanyahu’s feet. A totally conquered country whose obeisance is shown with 58 standing ovation."
The 9/11 Enigma: A Quest for Truth
A quote...."One of the most controversial aspects of Knight-Jadczyk's research is the alleged involvement of Israel in the 9/11 attacks. According to her findings, Mossad played a critical role in planning and executing the events of that day. This theory is supported by various anomalous activities and intelligence warnings that were ignored or suppressed. For instance, Knight-Jadczyk references the foreknowledge of certain Israeli nationals who were arrested after being seen celebrating as the Twin Towers fell, suggesting a level of complicity that has yet to be fully explored by mainstream investigations." - Topix  ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

American Obeisance
War Crime Obeisance - 58 Standing Ovations, From The Judeo-Nord-Am Knesset's Shabbos-Goy-Golems - Are We Learning Yet?? - A quote...."I have just witnessed the most pathetic and humiliating hour which I, as an American, have experienced in my lifetime - After virtually every sentence uttered by the notorious war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu, no matter how inane or blatantly false, virtually all the attending political prostitutes infesting the U.S. Congress rose (53 times!) in a loud standing grovel of homage to their puppet master, most long and loudly when he condemned pro-justice and anti-genocide protestors on American campuses and on the streets of Washington during his speech as “useful idiots” financed by Iran - Anyone watching this obscene spectacle could only conclude that the United States of America has ceased to be a respectable independent country and is now, as, indeed, it has been for many years already, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the State of Israel, with shared values which are rightfully rejected by the overwhelming majority of mankind."

War Criminal Benjamin Netanyahu Addresses the US Congress
War Crime Adulation - 58 Standing Ovations - A quote...."To my surprise, last Thursday morning there was relatively little coverage of the address to the US Congress delivered by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last Wednesday afternoon apart from a critical opinion piece that appeared in the New York Times regarding Israel’s war on the Palestinians. The article, by Megan K. Stack, asserted that “History will cast Mr. Netanyahu’s visit in deservedly ugly tones. He’s not a guest we should aspire to host, but he is a visitor we deserve. Gaza is our war, too, thanks to the indispensable military aid and political cover the US government has lavished on [the jewish trans-national crime syndicate's geopolitical pustule in occupied Palestine] as the death toll climbs… What exploded as a war of retribution against Hamas has looked increasingly like a broader campaign of annihilation — the slaughter of trapped civilians; the excruciating deaths of thousands of children; the destruction of hospitals, schools and much of the civilian infrastructure.” -- "Polls have shown for months that more Americans disapprove than approve of the [jewish] onslaught in Gaza, but Congress and the White House are not interested in the views of the public when they are on the receiving end of hundreds of millions of dollars in “donations” from Jewish billionaires....." - See related articles....
Fight for Us, White Male Scum: Why We Will Win the War for the West
Perfect Quote of the Day - A quote...."Clown World loathes Whites and loves wars. This creates a problem, because straight White men, the lowest of the low in Clown World’s eyes, are needed to fight Clown World’s wars. Alas, the policy of “Revile them, then recruit them” isn’t going well. In both Britain and America, White male recruitment to the military is disastrously down even as Clown World plans a triumphant war against Russia. And China. And Iran. And North Korea. There’s an Axis of Evil, you see, that must be opposed by an Axis of Anal. Evil countries like Russia, which don’t believe in the worship of homosexuals and non-Whites, must be defeated by good countries like Britain, which do believe in such worship. Here’s a Clown World warrior laying it on the line...."

The Daily Nationalist: Imagine Believing This Is All Real - DN 072224
TDNAudio - RE: The Da'mockery SystemWherein Grandpa Dan reviews some of his prescient predictions - Alt/Aud - Great Graphic - (click to view) - (TDNMp3 - 34min06sec - Jul 22nd, 2024) - Source:  TheDailyNationalist - RadioAlbion -- Please help Sven in prison!! - Article Supporting Sven - Sending Sven E-Mail - How to Give to Sven  - This is the newest mailing address for Sven Longshanks - Address:  James Allchurch A5903EY - HMP Berwyn, Bridge Road, Wrexham Ind. - Est., Wrexham, LL139QS -- Host's Website - GrandPaDan -- A quote...."In this Monday installment of The Daily Nationalist, Grandpa Dan discusses the latest big news that has taken place over the weekend: namely the announcement that Joe Biden will not be seeking reelection. As is always the case, we are not going to be told what exactly is going on so we are left to theorize and come to our own conclusions. Still, it is amazing to consider that the majority of people on some level or another, actually believe this is all real."

Ongoing Jewish Influence in the Transformation of Ireland
A quote...."The ‘softening up’ of Ireland for the ongoing scheme of mass population replacement is set to gather pace following the appointment of Nigerian Ebun Joseph in the Orwellian role of “Special Rapporteur for the National Plan Against Racism.” The stated aim of this plan is to “make Ireland a place in which the impacts of racism are fully acknowledged and actively addressed.” In other words, the goal of the plan is to brainwash the Irish population into a sense of White guilt, or as a recent article in The Spectator put it, “the Nigerian-born Special Rapporteur will deliver regular reports to the Irish government about how hideously white and racist Irish people are.” The national Plan Against Racism will begin a process where special rights and privileges are handed to foreigners while the Irish become second class citizens in their own land."

Why Hitler Admired the Romans More than the German Tribes
For The Historical Record - HRAudio - Alt/Mp4-Vid - Alt/Mp3-Aud - Graphic - (click to view) - (HRVar - 2hrs3min32sec - Jul 14th, 2024) - Source: History Reviewed Com - History Reviewed Net - African Crisis - Please Purchase: White-Shop-Biz - Please Donate:  Send Money - Get a Free PDF Book:  "Did Six Million Jews really die in WW2?" -- A quote..."This is a classic pamphlet that was written decades ago. This was one of the first serious attempts to question the Jewish holocaust claims of WW2. The German Ernst Zundel went to jail for printing this small book in Canada! Zundel did not write this. This was written by someone in Europe. The original questioning of the Jewish holocaust began in Europe. It was a French professor who had been in a Concentration Camp during WW2 who realised that Jews were making claims that were not true. That is how people slowly began to question the Jewish holocaust story."

Leaked: [The Jewish Occupation Regime in Palestine] Attempted to Obstruct US Lawsuit Against Pegasus Spyware -- A quote...."[The jewish exterminationist regime occupying Palestine has] gone to great lengths to obstruct a high-stakes US lawsuit that could potentially expose highly confidential information regarding the regime’s Pegasus spyware, one of the world’s most notorious hacking tools, leaked files suggest - [Jewish apparatchiks] confiscated documents related to the Pegasus spyware from its manufacturer, NSO Group, in a bid to prevent the company from complying with demands from WhatsApp in a US court to provide information about the intrusive technology, said the British media on Thursday - These documents indicate that these seizures were part of an unusual legal tactic devised by the [jewish] regime to prevent the disclosure of details about Pegasus, which Tel Aviv feared could lead to significant diplomatic and security repercussions for the regime - Pegasus enables NSO clients to secretly install hidden software on smartphones, allowing them to extract messages and photos, record calls, and activate microphones covertly. NSO’s clients have included both authoritarian regimes and democratic nations, and the technology has been implicated in human rights abuses worldwide - NSO has sold its spyware – known as Pegasus – to Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Hungary and India among others." - See links posted below.....
EMJ Live 80: Is America a Shithole Country?
EMJVideo - Alt/EMJ-Rumble - Alt/EMJ-Mp3 - Alt/EMJ-BitChute - (EMJBitChute - 59min45sec - Jul 24th, 2023) - Source - E. Michael Jones:   EMJ @ BitChute - EMJ @ RSS - EMJ @ CozyTV - EMJ @ Odysee - Culture Wars - Culture Wars Donate - EMJ @ Gab - EMJ @ Telegram - EMJ @ Twitter -- A quote...."Dr. E. Michael Jones is a prolific Catholic writer, lecturer, journalist, and Editor of Culture Wars Magazine who seeks to defend traditional Catholic teachings and values from those seeking to undermine them."
FYI:  Wherein Dr. E Michael Jones fervently hopes "Trump's brush with death" will have altered his views. Specifically his unconditional support for jews and their anti-White Ethnic European (Slow) Extermination Program. Also where Dr. Jones believes he even detects signs that Trump, now considering his legacy, having become more "subdued" by the attempted assassination.  Will renege on his multiple deals with the jews he made under severe pressure of their relentless Jewdicial Lawfare -- It's most likely Dr. Jones hopes in vain, and sees through rose colored glasses - mpg
NOTE:  This Website Editor is on Vacation
From July 17th, 2024 -- to -- July 31 2024
There Will Be No Posts

The Daily Nationalist: Trump's Near Miss - DN 071824
TDNAudio - Alt/Aud - Graphic - (click to view) - (TDNMp3 - 42min07sec - Jul 18th, 2024) - Source:  TheDailyNationalist - RadioAlbion -- Please help Sven in prison!! - Article Supporting Sven - Sending Sven E-Mail - How to Give to Sven  - This is the newest mailing address for Sven Longshanks - Address:  James Allchurch James Allchurch A5903EY - HMP Berwyn, Bridge Road, Wrexham Ind. - Est., Wrexham, LL139QS -- Host's Website - Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson - The Orthodox Nationalist @ Radio Albion - MRJ's Orthodox @ Wordpress - MRJ's Rus Journal Org - Please Donate!! - MRJ's Donation Request @ Patreon - Please Purchase!  MRJ's Merch -- A quote...."Today's Daily Nationalist, hosted by Matthew Raphael Johnson, wades in the murky waters of the recent assassination attempt against Donald Trump. Pointing out that this is the fifth assassination attempt since 2016, Johnson teases out some conclusions concerning this assassination attempt with the little that has been revealed – and is likely to be revealed. A cornered animal will lash out in the worst sort of way."

National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 7.18.24
NBR@RBNAudio - Alt/Mp3 - (NBR @ RBNFlwPlyr - 1hr - Jul 19th, 2024)  - Source:  Patrick Slattery:  RBN - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - Pat Slattery @ NBR -- Guest's Websites - David Duke Sites:  DD @ Bitchute - DD @ Odysee - DD @ Rense - DavidDuke - DD's Radio Show - Please Purchase to Support Dr Duke! - DD's Books - A quote...."Dr. Duke joins the show for an analysis of the Jewish aspect of the Trump assassination attempt "

Parish of the Patriots: "Judeo-Christian Values" - PP 071624
ParPatAudio - For Grandpa Dan's Prescient Predictions on the upcoming Trump Regime -- Graphic - (click to view) -- Alt/Mp3 - Note: Grandpa Dan's Gospel of Christ begins at the 27min mark - (ParPatVar - 1hr6min13sec - Jul 16th, 2024) - Source:  GrandPaDan - RadioAlbion -- Please help Sven in prison!! - Article Supporting Sven - Sending Sven E-Mail - How to Give to Sven  - -- Please help Sven in prison!! - Article Supporting Sven - Sending Sven E-Mail - How to Give to Sven  - This is the newest mailing address for Sven Longshanks - Address:  James Allchurch James Allchurch A5903EY - HMP Berwyn, Bridge Road, Wrexham Ind. - Est., Wrexham, LL139QS -- Host's Website - GrandPaDan -- A quote...."Grandpa Dan brings you another informative and entertaining installment of The Parish of the Patriots. Most people are still buying into the system and in many ways, Donald Trump is at the center of this. Whether it’s the leftist who believes that Trump is Satan incarnate or a member of the personality cult of Trump that believes this man is a messiah figure, none of these people seem to grasp a fundamental truth: The people who are running things are not the people you are voting for - In the Christian specific segment this week, GPD addresses the fundamental difference between the Christian religion and Judaism; a fundamental difference that seems to escape the Christian Zionists."
FYI:  Regarding Grandpa Dan's disdain for the so-called "Christian" Zionists.  Also known as....Hagee's-Hordes, Hagee's-Heretics, Judeo-Rapturized, Judeo-Death-Cultists, Jewvangelicals, Jewvangelized, Judeo-Unchristianized, and Judeo-Dechristianized, Shabbos-Sheeple.

Well.... just think about it.  Jews invert all good concepts.  It's their nature.  So now we have a so-called "religion" that purports itself to be part of the "Christian" faith.  Yet its mission is to bring Hell on Earth!! 

How could any thinking human being possibly be stupid enough to believe in Rapturist Eschatology??  To do the work of the Devil Himself on behalf of Jesus Christ?!?! - Is there ANYTHING more inverted, perverted, or oxymoronic then that? - If ANYONE thinks this is funny, or not a serious issue, just put yourselves into their mindset.

You're totally committed to this jewish created "doctrinal faith"  And you totally believe that "The Rapture", and therefore Jesus Himself, will come to save you, your family, and your fellow brethren, ONLY IF the Earth Ends. 

Now imagine some of these people working in a BS-4 bio-warfare lab on something so deadly, its never before been seen in nature.  Something that  makes the Black Death tame by comparison.  Or sitting underground in some ICBM launch control complex somewhere in North Dakota. After somehow having obtained all the launch codes. 

Anyone still think it's funny? - mpg
Third Rail #329: Trump Shooter? He Fucks (Up)
3rdRailAudio - For Shane and Spectre's Prescient Predictions on the upcoming Trump Regime - Alt/3rdRail-Mp3 - Alt/3rdRail-RSS - Note: Occasional raunchy of vulgar content towards the end of the podcast - (3rdRailVar - 1hr31min48sec - Jul 14th, 2024) - Source:  3rdRail @ TRS - TheRightStuffBiz - 3rdRail RSS Feed - 3rdRail @ Telegram - National Justice Party - Antelope Hill Publishing - Race Borz - National Institute for Gamer Review / Kultur Terror - Dissident-Mag - Hyphen-Report - Colon Report - National-Justice - The American Sun - Buy Spectre's Book! - Buy Borzoi's Book! - Get Vetted @ 3rd Rail! -- A quote...."Shane and Spectre welcome Fren Simulator’s Homa Tawk and for the first goddamn time in history we did not get news cucked! We go into the facts on the ground less than 24 hours after and what it means going forward for ZOG, White nationalism and more."

TDS1213: The Nigcratic Method
TDSAudio - For the deconstruction of the New Neoliberal RNC -- Note:  it has advertisements for subscription, and it's only one half of the regular show, but it's too good not to post - mpg - Alt/Mp3 - (TDSVar - 1hr23in32sec - Jul 17th, 2024) - TDs @ TRS - The Right Stuff - BakUpRSSFeed - SubscribeForPremiumContent - National Justice Party - MEP @ Telegram -- A quote...."The Death Panel get douche chills at the RNC."

 ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========

The [Judeo-Supremacist] Movement in Britain: David Miller and Vanessa Beeley
UKCVideo - Absolutely Scintillating, and Horrifying Expose of Jewish Power!! -- Alt-UKC/Odysee-Vid - Alt-UKC/SndCld-Aud - (UKCVar - 1hr1min8sec - Jul 8th, 2023) -- Source - UKColumn:  UKColumn - UKC/Archive - UKC @ Odysee - UKC @ SoundCld - Archived UKC @ BitChute - Archived UKC @ Rumble - UKC Donation - UKC Merch / Shop - A quote...."Mike Robinson, Alex Thomson and Debi Evans with today’s UK Column News. Guest segment with Gevorg Virats." - Guests' Websites - Vanessa Beeley:  VB's The Wall Will Fall - VB @ Odysee - VB @ SndCld - VB @ Minds - VB @ Patreon - VB @ LinkTree - A quote...."Mike Robinson and Vanessa Beeley speak to David Miller about the influence of Zionism on life in the UK, including not only political life, but all our lives as Israeli intelligence-funded tech startups gather bulk data on our computer networks -- Dr David Miller is one of the world’s leading academic experts on Islamophobia, and also specialises in the analysis of state and corporate lobbying. Until his recent sacking by the University of Bristol (described for UK Column by Dr Piers Robinson), which resulted from an outrageous censorship campaign led by the UK's Israel lobby, he taught political sociology -- He also set up the UK’s lobbying watchdog, Spinwatch, which has tracked corporate power for 15 years. Spinwatch’s work has included investigations on the pharmaceutical lobby, the fossil fuel and fracking lobbies, as well as state lobbies that promote Islamophobia, such as those of Israel and the United Arab Emirates -- His publications include...."  -- Topix  ||  The Judeo-Enclave's Net Control - weblist  ||
FYI:  Pay no attention to some of the ignorant comments.  Venessa Beeley's indoctrinated, and doctrinaire responses of "White Man Bad", because of.... "muh racism and colonialism" etc, along with some of the inaccuracies regarding said "muh racism".  Also ignore the term "Zionism".  Whenever they use it, just substitute the term "jews".

David Miller is REALLY good!! - Two things to note...

One:  The Question.... that must ALWAYS be asked in this sort of analysis is.....
Which David Miller certainly did with his analysis, and....

Posted 01-31-24 -- Jews have hundreds of organizations like these in EVERY SINGLE White Ethnic European Nation!!  They have over 5,000 organizations in the United States alone, dedicated to supporting jewish causes, and coordinating attacks against anyone who gets in their way.

To put THAT number into perspective one must keep in mind jews make up about 2% of the US's population.  White Ethnic Europeans a couple of years ago made up about 60% of the US's population.  That's a 30 to 1 ratio.  Or, to be proportionate, White Ethnic Europeans in the United States, JUST TO BE EVEN, would have to have (30 * 5,000), 150,000 organizations in the United States ALONE, dedicated to "White Well-Being",  just to be EVEN with the Jews!!  Currently they have NONE!!

This MIGHT explain Jewish power
- mpg
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The Ways of the Jewish Slave Traders
A quote...."The story of the Jewish American experience that most Jews want to believe, and want the world to believe, is one of almost endless historical victimhood. They insist that they fled anti-Semitic oppression in Europe, landing safely on Ellis Island long after the Civil War’s end in 1865, and certainly some did. By their hard work, strong religious bonds, and reverence for communal education they succeeded against all odds, becoming, as Isaiah exhorts,[1] “a light unto the world.” As their story goes, they altogether eluded the ugly business of plantation slavery—but had they been here, they assure us, Jews would have been leading the abolitionists. After all, their own alleged enslavement to Pharaoh would have made them—of all the groups of Caucasian people—more sympathetic toward Black suffering." - Source:  UNZReview

American vs. Nazi Gas Chambers - A Comparison
For The Technical Record - JR101Video - (JR101AltCen - 28min59sec - Dec 11, 2017) - A quote...."Fred Leuchter, former consulting engineer on capital punishment in the USA, compares American with so-called Nazi gas chambers. Since both used the exact same gas, comparing them is logical."
FYI:  Fascinating - Listen to this video carefully - There's about a dozen necessary things needed to operate a working gas chamber, none of which were ever mentioned in ANY so-called oral record of the Holohoax. (BTW:  there's nothing in writing, nor any documents, nor any film or photos, regarding the actual operation of homicidal gas chambers..... anywhere.... ever, in the German WWII work camps - If YOU didn't know that, ask yourself why?)  From specialized air evacuation piping, to using caustic solutions to empty out the plumbing, to the use of ammonia gas to neutralize the cyanide gas inside the chamber, to the special seals needed for lights to prevent them from exploding from the gas, and on and on it goes.  ALL of which would not only have left a MASSIVE paper trail from the manufactures to how the items where eventually disposed of.  But all this equipment, in the millions of tons according to the jews, would have been scattered everywhere across Europe.  Again NONE of these items were ever mentioned by any so called witnesses from the German work camps during WWII - It's basically hysterical - No one bothered to check the technical issues.  Incredible..... mpg
Chemistry of Auschwitz ( Revised Version)
For The Technical Record - CODOH - (CODOHAltCen - 1hr39min14sec - Aug 23, 2017) - Source:  CODOH -- A quote...."Auschwitz was a center of chemistry. The German chemical industry built gigantic factories for rubber and fuel. But that's not what we associate with the name "Auschwitz." We think of gas chambers and Zyklon B, two chemical things as well. How did the gas chambers of Auschwitz look like? How did they operate? And Zyklon B: what is it? How does it kill? Does it leave traces that can be found still today? These and other questions are thoroughly examined in this documentary - This is a revised version done by the author, Germar Rudolf, from the original video made on June 2017."

The Origin Of Gas Chamber Myth — 1916 Allied Propaganda Accusing Germany Of ‘Gassing’ 700,000 Serbs -- For The Historical Record - A quote...."(Robert Faurisson) Jews have never been known to come up with original ideas on their own — rather, they have a reputation of adeptly appropriating useful ideas from others — and when it came to the Gas Chamber™ propaganda in World War II, they merely recycled and embellished World War I Allied atrocity propaganda which had falsely accused Germans and Austrians of “gassing” 700,000 Serbians, according to reknowned French historian Robert Faurisson:"

National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 7.12.24
NBR@RBNAudio - Great Show! - Alt/Mp3 - (NBR @ RBNFlwPlyr - 1hr - Jul 12th, 2024) - Support RBN!:  Donation Request! - Source:  Patrick Slattery:  RBN - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - Pat Slattery @ NBR -- Guest's Websites - Jeremy from Kentucky:   RBN - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - Jeremy from Kentucky @ RBN - Jeremy from Kentucky @ GoFundMe - Mark Dankof:  Mark Dankof's Report @ RBN - RBN Donate - Mark Dankof - MD's VK Website - MD's VK Website Num 2 - Natl Bugle Front Pg - Guests Websites - David Duke Sites:  DD @ Bitchute - DD @ Odysee - DD @ Rense - DavidDuke - DD's Radio Show -- A quote...."David Duke LIVE with Patrick today!"

The Dankof Report with Mark Dankof, July 12, 2024
MDRAudio - Great Show! - Alt/Mp3 - (MDRMp3 - 1hr - Jul 12th, 2024) - Support RBN!:  Donation Request! -- Source - Mark Dankof:  Mark Dankof's Report @ RBN - RBN Donate - Mark Dankof - MD's VK Website - MD's VK Website Num 2 - Natl Bugle Front Pg - Guests Websites - David Duke Sites:  DD @ Bitchute - DD @ Odysee - DD @ Rense - DavidDuke - DD's Radio Show - Patrick Slattery:  RBN - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - Pat Slattery @ NBR -- Guest's Websites - Jeremy from Kentucky:   RBN - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - Jeremy from Kentucky @ RBN - Jeremy from Kentucky @ GoFundMe -- A quote...."Mark is joined by Patrick Slattery and David Duke who continue their conversation from Patrick’s show with David during the previous hour on National Bugle Radio!" - bold by website editor

The Daily Nationalist: The Legacy of Willis Carto - DN 071124
TONAudio - Some Inside History on the White Well-Being Movement -- Alt/Aud - Graphic - (click to view) - (TONMp3 - 40min03sec - Jul 11th, 2024) -- Source:  Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson - The Orthodox Nationalist @ Radio Albion - MRJ's Orthodox @ Wordpress - MRJ's Rus Journal Org - Please Donate!! - MRJ's Donation Request @ Patreon - Please Purchase!  MRJ's Merch -- Please help Sven in prison!! - Article Supporting Sven - Sending Sven E-Mail - How to Give to Sven  - This is the newest mailing address for Sven Longshanks - Address:  James Allchurch James Allchurch A5903EY - HMP Berwyn, Bridge Road, Wrexham Ind. - Est., Wrexham, LL139QS -- A quote...."Today's Daily Nationalist deals with the man who made Matthew Raphael Johnson's career possible, Willis Allison Carto, the founder of Liberty Lobby, the Spotlight, the Institute for Historical Review, the American Free Press and The Barnes Review. Johnson was the editor of the Barnes Review from 2000-2005, and they will soon publish a tribute to its founder. Today, Willis' legacy remains largely unknown to nationalists and revisionists, something Dr. Johnson aims to remedy. There could have been no nationalism or revisionism in the US without him, and forgetting that massive feat is a grave error."

Robert Faurisson Germans Punished in World War II for Mistreating Jews
RobFaurVideo - (RobFaurAltCen - 58min17sec - Oct 5, 2014) - Source:  Eva Larsen -- Recommended search terms, and links posted below....  Hellstorm The death of NAZI Germany by Thomas Goodrich - Germany Must Perish by Theodore Kaufmann - James Baque(Books) - "Jews and bolshevism" - "Eisenhowers deathcamps" - "The Morgenthau plan" "The Kaufmann plan" "The Hooton plan" - David Irvings books and research on WW2 - David Dukes research on jewish history and Zionism and his book "Jewish Supremacism" - Dr. William Luther Pierces inspiring videos and programs on Race preservation - - Research names : Ilya Ehrenburg, Lazar Kaganovitch, Lavrenty Beria, Theodore Herzl and the Talmud teachings. Lazar Kaganovitch"
Kristallnacht The Night of Broken Glass [ Mp4]
Related ZoomR Video - (ZoomRMp4 - Aprox  15min - Site-Add-Dat 12/3/23) - Zoomr @ Archive (other media available) - ZoomR @ Patreon - ZoomR @ Telegram - ZoomR @ SubscribeStar - ZoomR @ BuyMeACofee - A quote...."Archive of the YouTube history channel Zoomer Historian, saving his videos in the event that his channel gets taken down."

Robert Faurisson speaking in New York (audio)
For The Historical Record - Contains Audio - Aud @ Archive - Mp3 @ Archive - (RobFaurVar - 2hr4min09sec - September 6, 1980) - Source:  Archive (Var Media) -- A quote...."In September 1980 Professor Faurisson addressed a revisionist gathering in New York held under the auspices of the Ridgewood Group - Here is a recently discovered [2023] recording of that meeting in the early years of the Professor’s great intellectual adventure, which he pursued constantly from 1978 until the day of his death forty years later - The Ridgewood Group, named for a district in the New York borough of Queens, was founded by Mr Fritz Berg, who introduces Faurisson; the Professor speaks from the 11 minute mark, presents a series of slides with photographs from Auschwitz and, later on, answers questions from the audience."
Robert Faurisson Archive Restored – Including Newly Rediscovered Audio
For The Historical Record - A quote...."On 21st October last year – the fourth anniversary of the death of the historical revisionist and literary scholar, Professor Robert Faurisson – the usual suspects removed the online blog hosting a comprehensive archive of his writings in several languages - Thanks to the work of Professor Faurisson’s righthand man and translator, the blog has been restored at a new address, - This blog remains under construction with material being added and adapted to the new format - Among the most recent additions is an important rediscovery: an audio recording of a speech delivered by Professor Faurisson in New York in 1980, to a group of revisionists convened by Fritz Berg."

Paul Fromm Regarding The State Of Free Speech in Canada
CODOHVideo - (CODOHAltCen - 49min18sec - Aug 3, 2017) - Source:  CODOH - A quote...."Canadian free speech activist and political commentator Paul Fromm expounds on the state of freedom (or lack thereof) in Canada, recorded for an Australian meeting."

Words and Consequences
Gender Confusion:  Judeo-Inculcated Newspeak - (They did it deliberately to destroy White Ethnic European Societies - mpg) - Must Read - A quote...."IN GEORGE ORWELL’S BOOK 1984, he spent a good deal of time discussing language in the appendix at the back of the book. He pointed out that language strongly impacts how we think. By changing language, Big Brother’s INGSOC government directly controlled the minds of its citizens. It became increasingly difficult to even express ideas that were not in agreement with the party line - If you pay attention you can see this going on around you today, and the ones in charge are not shy about what they are doing either. If you do not use the allowed words, but instead use the disallowed words, you can be disciplined, fired, or even prosecuted. You will comply, or you will suffer the consequences - Let’s take a look at a few examples." - Topix  ||  Frankfurt School Ideologies  ||

The Insane [Extermination] Plan Against The Germans
ZoomR Video - (ZoomRMp4 - Aprox  15min - Site-Add-Dat 12/3/23) - Zoomr @ Archive (other media available) - ZoomR @ Patreon - ZoomR @ Telegram - ZoomR @ SubscribeStar - ZoomR @ BuyMeACofee - A quote...."Archive of the YouTube history channel Zoomer Historian, saving his videos in the event that his channel gets taken down." - Topix  ||  "Jewish" Morgenthau, Kaufmann, Hooton, and Kuffner Plans  ||

Holocaust Insights 8: False Witness Bruno Doessekker
A quote...."BRUNO DOESSEKKER (born 12 Feb. 1941) is a Swiss national who invented from scratch the story of his alleged gruesome childhood spent at the Auschwitz and Majdanek Camps. It was published in 1998 as a book under the pen name Binjamin Wilkomirski (in English as Fragments), and was praised by the Holocaust orthodoxy for its gripping narrative, who bestowed honors and prizes on Doessekker. That same summer, a Swiss investigative journalist exposed the story as complete fiction, as it turned out that Doessekker had never left Swiss territory during the war years (Weltwoche, 27 August 1998, pp. 46f.; Mächler 2000, Ganzfried 2002). The reason why the entire Holocaust elite was so easily fooled by Doessekker was explained by Jewish mainstream author Howard Weiss." - See related links posted below.....
David Irving on the Lipstadt Trial: The Truth
DavIrvVideo - Outstanding Video!! - Alt/Censored - (DavIrvAltCensored - aprox 60min - Sep 8th, 2017) - Source:  Alt Censored - A quote...."David Irving gives us the real deal with his trial with Deborah Lipstadt"

Ernst Zundel's Last Interview 2012
CODOHVideo - (CODOHAltCen - 1hr42min37sec - Aug 17, 2017 - Source:  CODOH - A quote...."The last interview Ernst Zundel did from Germany in 2012 with Jim Fetzer. If not let me know. It's a great summation of Ernst's life from beginning to end."

Ernst Zundel vs '60 Minutes'
CODOHVideo - (CODOHAltCen - 1hr42min37sec - Aug 8, 2017 - Source:  CODOH - A quote...."Ernst Zundel sets the record straight after his interview with Mike Wallace on 60 minutes and their inaccurate, unethical portrayal of the interview, which aired on March 20, 1994. He discusses "Heinrich Himmler's Jewish Extermination speech", 60 minutes tactics, clever editing, why he chose to do the interview and why he debated the way he did - See also M. Weber, "'60 Minutes' Takes Aim at Holocaust Revisionism,"

World War II Was Not Worth Fighting [Mp4]
ZoomR Video - (ZoomRMp4 - Aprox  15min - Site-Add-Dat 12/3/23) - Zoomr @ Archive (other media available) - ZoomR @ Patreon - ZoomR @ Telegram - ZoomR @ SubscribeStar - ZoomR @ BuyMeACofee - A quote...."Archive of the YouTube history channel Zoomer Historian, saving his videos in the event that his channel gets taken down."

State Department Designates Anti-[Judeo-Enclave] Nordic Resistance Movement a 'Terrorist Organization' -- Just A Reminder of the Utter Hypocrisy of the Jewish Run Nord-Am  Colonial Administration - (Article previously posted, posted again as a reminder) -- A quote...."The State Department under Antony Blinken on Friday designated an anti-[judeo-enclave] registered political party in Sweden known as the Nordic Resistance Movement a "terrorist organization." - The "terrorist" designation is the latest move out of Washington aimed at outright criminalizing criticism of [the the jews occupying Palestine]."
FYI:  Five points about this "designation"....
  1. The Nordic Resistance is a legitimate, legal, registered party in Sweden.
  2. Unlike many of the so-called Pro-European parties in Europe, The Nordic Resistance Movement has made public statements against the illegal jewish occupation regime in Palestine AND the illegal jewish occupation regime in the Ukraine territories.  It's WHY they were designated a "terrorist" group!!
  3. As pointed out in the article, this action is completely hypocritical given the ongoing ethnic cleansing extermination that jews, like Antony Blinken who tacitly supports it, are conducting in Gaza.
  4. It was done by a criminal jew in the State Department, Antony Blinken,backed by his cohorts in the White House, who obviously have only one loyalty, and it's NOT the American people.
  5. Finally Here's an observation which hasn't been mentioned:  Who empowered the JewSA run State Department to designate and ban any organization it doesn't like?  Who empowered a bunch of jews to do this? If they can ban a legitimate legal registered party in Sweden, they can ban any organization anywhere!!  Effectively THEY determine who the 330 million people in this country can have relations with, or not!!  Why even BOTHER having treaties then??  Whose process of approval is specified in the US Constitution?!? - mpg.
David Irving The 1956 Hungarian Uprising was an Anti-Jewish Revolt Against the Communist Jews! -- Just A Historical Reminder - DavIrvVideo - (DavIrvAltCen - 5min-53sec - Nov 21, 2015) - Source:   ErdelyMagyar1 - A quote...."In Hungary in 1956 there was an uprising by ordinary Hungarians against their ruling class about which the British historian David Irving wrote a book he named, 'Uprising'" - "Irving on the YouTube clip below describes how surprised he was to discover this revolution wasn't so much a revolt against communism, it was a revolt by Hungarian Whites against despised Jews infesting their Government - During WW2 many Hungarian Jews fled to Moscow. After Germany's defeat they returned and very quickly installed themselves into the Government and every other decent post in the land."

The Jewish Betrayal of Germany and the Cause of World War II
Just A Historical Reminder - A quote...."The true origins of the two World Wars form a crucial part of our modern history, the truths of which have been deleted from all our history books and replaced with mythology blaming Germany. This article is a minor attempt to set straight part of the record. From the Introduction to the article ‘The Anger Campaign Against China’ (which should be read as a companion piece to this article)...."
“It shouldn’t be a secret, though it still seems to be, that neither of the two World Wars were started (or desired) by Germany, but were the creation of a group of European [supremacist] Jews with the stated intent of the total destruction of Germany.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7]  -- The main purpose of this essay is to demonstrate not only that ‘history repeats itself’ but that the history being repeated today is a mass grooming of the Western world’s people (but most especially Americans) in preparation for World War III – which I believe is now imminent.”
For one, it involves the treachery of the [supremacist] Jews in betraying Germany – which had been a rather happy home for the Jews – and scheming to obtain Palestine in trade for that betrayal. For another, few people seem aware that the Jews openly declared a worldwide war on Germany, well before the Second World War, the economic consequences of which were quite severe. The stated intention, by organising a worldwide boycott of all German goods, was to destroy Germany’s economy and starve to death one-third of Germany’s population – as punishment for refusing to bow to a Jewish ultimatum to fire Hitler (Germany’s Chancellor) and to reinstate all Jews to their former government positions. Jews cannot escape the accusation that they themselves were responsible for the resentment within Germany against their own people."

Collusion: Franklin Roosevelt, British Intelligence, and the Secret Campaign to Push the US Into War -- Just A Historical Reminder - A quote...."WE’VE HEARD a lot recently about alleged secret and illegal collaboration by prominent Americans with foreign governments. Collusion is widely regarded as so malign and disgraceful that any official who cooperates with a foreign power in an underhanded way is considered unfit to hold public office. In particular, politicians and media commentators have been charging that devious cooperation by Donald Trump with the government of Ukraine or Russia renders him unfit to be President - However valid such accusations may be, secretive and unlawful collusion by an American leader with a foreign power that subverts the US political process is not new. The most far-reaching and flagrant case was by President Franklin Roosevelt in 1940-41 - The stage for this had been set some months earlier. In September 1939, Germany and then Soviet Russia attacked Poland. Two days after the German assault, Britain and France declared war against Germany."

Eisenhower's Rhine Meadows Death Camps Documentary
EvaLarsVideo - (EvaLarsAltCensord - 1hr30min06sec - Oct 11, 2014) - Source:  EvaLarson --  Research:  Research: Jewish Ritual Murder, Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited, Jura Lina The Jewish Hand in Bolshevism, The Other Israel, The Jewish conspiracy, Understanding anti-semitism, The Khazarian Conspiracy, A Devil in disguise, Auschwitz the Missing Cyanide, Judea declares war on Germany, Dumb portrayal of evil Buchenwald, David Cole at Auschwitz, One third of the holocaust, Auschwitz why the gas-chambers are a myth, The last days of the big lie, The persecution of Revisionists, Benjamin Freedman's 1961 Speech at the Willard Hotel, Ethnic Germans A Forgotten Genocide, The Money Masters, (Videos) -- On youtube or -- Deutsch : "Schwindlers liste" ” Auschwitz die warheit" "Holocaust meine mutter hat uns belogen" “Das problem der gaskammern” “ Ernst Zündel interview mit Thies Christophersen”” Buchenwald ohne Propaganda” ”Ein Drittel des Holocausts””David Cole in Auschwitz” “Buchenwald Ein Dumm Dreistes Portrait des Boesen” on youtube or
Additional Research Terms.....
========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========

Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 595 - The Upcoming UK National Election with Mark Collett & Morgoth - Great Show!  Something Wicked This Way Comes! (See "Heads-Up" Comment Below) -- CCAudio  Alt/CC-Mp3 - Alt/CC-CastBox - (CCVar - 1hrs12min33sec - Jul 2nd, 2024) -- Source:  CounterCurrents - CC @ CastBox -- Guest's Websites -- PA Media Website:  PAMedia.UK -- Host's & PA Officer's Websites - Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - Morgoth's Review:   MorRev @ Odysee - MorRev @ Telegram - MorRev @ Bitchute - MorRev @ Substack -- A quote...."Mark Collett of Patriotic Alternative and Morgoth (Substack, Odysee) were Greg Johnson‘s guests on the first half of Counter-Currents Radio‘s most recent broadcast, where they discussed the upcoming national election in the United Kingdom. The broadcast is now available for download and online listening."

The Daily Nationalist: Democracy Happening in France - DN 070124
TDNAudio - RE: The Da'mockery System - Alt/Aud - Great Graphic - (click to view) - (TDNMp3 - 34min54sec - Jul 1st, 2024) - Source:  TheDailyNationalist - RadioAlbion -- Please help Sven in prison!! - Article Supporting Sven - Sending Sven E-Mail - How to Give to Sven  - This is the newest mailing address for Sven Longshanks - Address:  James Allchurch A5903EY - HMP Berwyn, Bridge Road, Wrexham Ind. - Est., Wrexham, LL139QS -- Host's Website - GrandPaDan -- A quote...."Grandpa Dan takes a look at the RN party’s early victory in the first round of the French elections. The people of France are clearly not happy with the direction of their country and have not been happy with it for some time. With a record turnout Marine Le Pen’s RN party has reaped the benefit of this dissatisfaction. Even as the media warns that this is the second coming of Hitler or something, the democracy system is kicking in to do what it does best: making sure the people don’t actually get the change they want."

The Hitler Wanted to Conquer The World Myth [Mp4]
ZoomRVideo - (ZoomRMp4 - Aprox  25min - Site-Add-Dat 12/3/23) - Zoomr @ Archive (other media available) - ZoomR @ Patreon - ZoomR @ Telegram - ZoomR @ SubscribeStar - ZoomR @ BuyMeACofee - A quote...."Archive of the YouTube history channel Zoomer Historian, saving his videos in the event that his channel gets taken down."
FYI:  Heads-Up - All these "coincidentally timed" snap-elections in Europe are worrisome.  The results were foregone prior to the snap-elections being implemented. Which many articles have pointed out. With curious speculations by their authors as to "why now", and "why so many", and most importantly, why would those who would knowingly lose these snap-elections, hold them? The parties destianed to "win" these elections have been heavily pre-compromised, and pre-subverted, for more than a decade by the jews. They have been systematically judeo-lawfared, bribed, or blackmailed into compliance by the jews. The quick accession of Sweden, and the quick accession of Finland to NATO was arranged.  Now Europe which has become  "one block" (accept for dissident Victor Orban) will all soon to be under 'new leadership'.  The signs are worrisome, and bare close scrutiny - mpg
David Irving - The Faking Of Adolf Hitler For History
Video - Alt/Mp4 - (Mp4 - Archive/Other Formats Avail - aprox 60min - Feb 1st 2019) - Source:  Archive - For Other Files -- A quote...."The British Historian David Irving, speaking on "The Faking of Adolf Hitler for History" identifies some of the many FRAUDULENT historical documents that have been quoted AND referred to over the many years by "conformist historians" of the Third Reich era."

The Blitz Myth [Mp4]
ZoomR Video - (ZoomRMp4 - Aprox  10min - Site-Add-Dat 12/3/23) - Zoomr @ Archive (other media available) - ZoomR @ Patreon - ZoomR @ Telegram - ZoomR @ SubscribeStar - ZoomR @ BuyMeACofee - A quote...."Archive of the YouTube history channel Zoomer Historian, saving his videos in the event that his channel gets taken down."

The National Socialist Book Burnings 1933 - The Truth [Mp4]
ZoomRVideo - (ZoomRMp4 - Aprox  20min - Site-Add-Dat 12/3/23) - Zoomr @ Archive (other media available) - ZoomR @ Patreon - ZoomR @ Telegram - ZoomR @ SubscribeStar - ZoomR @ BuyMeACofee - A quote...."Archive of the YouTube history channel Zoomer Historian, saving his videos in the event that his channel gets taken down."

David Irving Truth In History - David Irving - Poland 2014 [Mp4]
Video - Alt/Mp4 - (Mp4 - Archive/Other Formats Avail - aprox 60min - June 11th, 2021) - Source:  Archive - For Other Files

[Jewish] Lobby Cash Dominates and Perverts American Elections
A quote...."Once upon a time the United States of America was a constitutional republic that was by design constructed with checks and balances to limit corruption and constrain the ability of any branch of government to initiate certain potentially harmful actions, like going to war, which required approval by both Congress and the Executive Branch. Of course, that was 261 years ago and things change over time. Today’s America, what claims to be both a democracy and the issuer plus enforcer of international rules and norms, is arguably one of the most corrupt as well as most disliked countries on earth, with a political system that is exceptionally vulnerable to those who have deep pockets and a willingness to spend freely to obtain favors from the professional politicians and bureaucrats who now proliferate throughout the system." - Topix  ||  We Need BETTER Predictive Models For Jewish Power - 01-13-24 - mpg  ||

[Jews] Have Been Controlling U.S. Government With Espionage for DECADES, Including Influencing “Alternative” Media  -- Must Read - A quote...."The history of [trans-nationalist world-wide jewry] and [their judeo-enclave's] corrupt influence over American politics goes much further back than the October 7 false flag attack, according to Jake Shields on X (formerly Twitter) - Longtime [judeo-enclave head crime boss] Benjamin Netanyahu unsuccessfully blackmailed former President Bill Clinton, for instance. When Clinton refused to play ball, Netanyahu leaked the Monica Lewinsky tapes and the rest is history - Lewinsky was a Jewish spy, Shields says, who [the jews] placed in Clinton's life for the specific purpose of collecting blackmail on him. By doing this, [the judeo-enclave regime's] intelligence thought it would gain full control over Clinton. He cites this 1999 story from the New York Post as evidence. The story states...." - Topix  ||  We Need BETTER Predictive Models For Jewish Power - 01-13-24 - mpg  ||

Documents Reveal [The Jewish Occupation Regime's] Concerted Effort To Promote [The Jews'] Propaganda Across U.S. Media -- Well, That'll Be Easy - (Most of the JewSA's "media" is already owned by the jews.  See links posted below - mpg) - Must Read - A quote...."Amichai Chikli, a prominent member of [the jewish occupation extermination regime's] Likud [faction] and a minister in the [judeo-enclave's ruling cabal], has been actively leading a concerted effort to influence public opinion and policy discussions in the United States in favor of [the judeo-enclave] - His initiatives, including the rebranded "Voices of [the Judeo-Enclave]" program, are part of a broader strategy to shape perceptions and legislation related to [the judeo-enclave], particularly on college campuses and in legislative bodies across the United States. (Related: Corrupt U.S. intelligence regime now handing over massive intel dumps to [the judeo-enclave].) -- Topix  ||  Graphic - (click to view) - (Alt) - See additional graphics on this issue.... [Who Controls The MSM? (2013) - png] - [Who Controls Your Mind (2013) - jpg]  ||

David Irving The Manipulation Of History Part 1 [Mp4]
SamisdatVideo - Vid#1 - Vid#2 - Vid#3 - Vid#4 - (SamisdatMp4 - Archive/Other Formats Avail - aprox 30min each - August 16, 2021) - Source:  Archive -- A quote...."Historian David Irving talks about how history is manipulated and WWII is probably one of the most manipulated events of contemporary history, including but not limited to the Holocaust. Hence the necessity of revisionism." - See related links posted below.....
The Complete History of the Anschluss - [Mp4]
ZoomRVideo - (ZoomRMp4 - Aprox  1hr - Site-Add-Dat 12/3/23) - Zoomr @ Archive (other media available) - ZoomR @ Patreon - ZoomR @ Telegram - ZoomR @ SubscribeStar - ZoomR @ BuyMeACofee - A quote...."Archive of the YouTube history channel Zoomer Historian, saving his videos in the event that his channel gets taken down."

The Real Winston Churchill : David Irving
CODAHVideo - Alt/Archive-(Var Media) -  (CODAHVar - 1hr36min35 - Sep 8, 2017) - Source:  CODAH - A quote...."Churchill was above all a man who craved power, and a man who craves power, craves opportunity to advance himself no matter what the cost - Churchill and his "Focus" group received millions of pounds from the Czech government to overthrow Chamberlain. This constituted treason - English classical liberal John Morley, after working with Churchill, passed a succinct appraisal of him, "Winston," he said, "has no principles."

The Appeasement Myth [Mp4]
ZoomRVideo - (ZoomRMp4 - Aprox  15min - Site-Add-Dat 12/3/23) - Zoomr @ Archive (other media available) - ZoomR @ Patreon - ZoomR @ Telegram - ZoomR @ SubscribeStar - ZoomR @ BuyMeACofee - A quote...."Archive of the YouTube history channel Zoomer Historian, saving his videos in the event that his channel gets taken down."

U.S. State Department Terrorist Label Nordic Pro-White Organization That Never Have Done Terrorism -- RIRVideo - Great Show - Nordic Resistance Now.... Soon All Whites Everywhere! - Alt @ Bitchute - Alt @ Odysee - Alt @ VK - Alt @ Rumble - Alt @ GabTV - Alt @ Telegram - Alt @ Twitter(X) - Alt @ InstaGram - (RIRVar - 31min09sec - Jun 25th, 2024) - Source - Henrik Palmgren & Lana Lokteff:  Red Ice RSS Feeds - RedIce @ BitChute - RI @ Lbry - RI @ Odysee - RI @ VK - RI @ Rumble - RI @ Telegram - RI @ GabTV - RI @ Truvo - RI @ DLive - RI @ Parler - RI @ Flote - RI @ NewTube - RI @ LinkTreeRedIceTV - Red Ice Creations - Red Ice Members -- A quote...."Antony Blinken's State Department are going after a major pro-European activists group in Sweden while ignoring actual terrorist groups, criminal networks and child rape rings. Not a surprise."

The Dave & Duke Call In Show 087
Interview - DaveGAudio - Great Show!! - Outstanding, Revelatory Dr. Duke!! -- Alt/Mp3 - (DaveG - 1hr57min04sec - Jun 13th, 2024) - Source - Dave Gahary:  DaveG @ SFR - DaveG's Website - Money Tree PublishingSpeak Free Radio / Podcasts (SFR) - SpeakFreeRadio/Home - SFR/Donate - DaveG @ ACH/Archive - Guests Websites - David Duke Sites:  DD @ Bitchute - DD @ Odysee - DD @ Rense - DavidDuke - DD's Radio Show - A quote...."Episode 087: With your hosts Dave Gahary & David Duke" -- BTW:  For those who have noticed a dearth of David Duke on this website.  The reason is this website editor STILL can't access ANY Mp3 files on Duke's website - mpg - See links posed below....
EMJ Live 76: The First Zulu
EMJVideo - Alt/EMJ-Odysee - Alt/EMJ-Mp3 - Alt/EMJ-BitChute - (EMJBitChute - 1hr2min35sec - Jun 25th, 2024) - Source - E. Michael Jones:   EMJ @ BitChute - EMJ @ RSS - EMJ @ CozyTV - EMJ @ Odysee - Culture Wars - Culture Wars Donate - EMJ @ Gab - EMJ @ Telegram - EMJ @ Twitter

American Pravda: JFK, LBJ, and Our Great National Shame - [PDF]
UNZRvw - Alt/UNZRvw-Mp3 - (UnzRvwMp3 - 1hr15min6sec - Jun 24th, 2024) - Source:  UNZReview - A quote...."Back in 2019 a prominent public figure—whose name is widely known—came to Palo Alto to have a private dinner with me. Apparently he’d become aware of my controversial writings the previous year on the JFK Assassination and in the wake of the Jeffrey Epstein revelations, he’d concluded I was probably correct that [the jews] and [their] Mossad had likely been heavily responsible for the death of our 35th president. As we discussed the issue that evening, I endorsed elements of his reasoning and explained that the Mossad had also played the central role in the 9/11 Attacks, something that greatly surprised him since he’d apparently never looked into those matters -- But although I emphasized that there was very strong evidence implicating the Mossad in the 1963 events in Dallas, a possibility still only whispered about in most JFK Assassination circles, I felt that that the strongest evidence of all implicated President Lyndon B. Johnson, Kennedy’s own immediate successor and the most obvious beneficiary of the crime."
"The continuing near-total silence surrounding the probable role of Mossad is hardly surprising given the momentous geopolitical consequences if such a belief in [the jews'] guilt became widespread among Americans. Recent months have demonstrated the staggering political and media power of the [jews' judeo-enclave] Lobby and there would surely be very severe repercussions for anyone who leveled such incendiary charges against the Jewish State."
FYI:  Run Unz only reviews the highly motivated, and incriminating evidence regarding Lyndon Baines Johnson's direct involvement in the assassination of JFK.  He doesn't go into specific details on the jews' and their Mossad's direct planning and involvement in JFK's (or for that matter RFK's) assassinations.

For more on these issues see Ryan Dawson's excellent videos posted below.....This tiny, cursory sample of links on just this limited subject of the jews' perfidy, took less than an hour to assemble.  Fresh from the web, using only two search engines.  There is absolutely NO EXCUSE for NOT KNOWING, and certainly even less for pretending to not know!! - mpg
See related links posted below....
Adolf Hitler's First Year in Power (1933-1934) - [Mp4]
ZoomRVideo - (ZoomRMp4 - Aprox  1hr - Site-Add-Dat 12/3/23) - Zoomr @ Archive (other media available) - ZoomR @ Patreon - ZoomR @ Telegram - ZoomR @ SubscribeStar - ZoomR @ BuyMeACofee - A quote...."Archive of the YouTube history channel Zoomer Historian, saving his videos in the event that his channel gets taken down."

Gaining Understanding: An Interview with Will Williams
Interview - DaveG Audio - Alt/Mp3 - (DaveG - 1hr51min22sec - Jun 16th, 2024) - Source - Dave Gahary:  DaveG @ SFR - DaveG's Website - Money Tree PublishingSpeak Free Radio / Podcasts (SFR) - SpeakFreeRadio/Home - SFR/Donate - DaveG @ ACH/Archive - Guests Websites:  National Vanguard:  National Vanguard (Alliance) - NVA Radio/Audio - NVA Donate - A quote...."WE ARE GRATEFUL to podcaster and activist Dave Gahary who just this week completed a long live interview with National Alliance Chairman William White Williams, part of which we’ll be presenting to you today. (You will notice a change in audio quality after the interview’s first few minutes. Pay it no mind; the interview was conducted in two parts using two different microphones.) What you will hear now is a fascinating chronicle of a man’s life, the radical changes he’s seen in our society since his childhood in the early 1950s, his education on racial and political realities under the mentorship of some of the best thinkers and philosophers of our time, and how he has chosen to work for his people instead of his pocketbook. Listen…."

Resistance Will Be Criminalized - FF Ep264
RIRVideo - Note:  Some warm up subjects for the first ten to fifteen minutes.  Then Leornarda Jonie comes on the show, and sparks fly - mpg -- Alt @ Bitchute - Alt @ RRAudio - Alt @ Odysee - Alt @ VK - Alt @ Rumble - Alt @ GabTV - Alt @ Telegram - (RIRVar - 1hr46min34sec - Jun 14th, 2024) - Source - Henrik Palmgren & Lana Lokteff:  Red Ice RSS Feeds - RedIce @ BitChute - RI @ Lbry - RI @ Odysee - RI @ VK - RI @ Rumble - RI @ Telegram - RI @ GabTV - RI @ Truvo - RI @ DLive - RI @ Parler - RI @ Flote - RI @ NewTube - RI @ LinkTreeRedIceTV - Red Ice Creations - Red Ice Members -- A quote...."Henrik and Lana talk about the latest lawfare and criminalization of resistance to liberal globohomo. We are also joined by comedian Leornarda Jonie later in the show, this Flashback Friday June 14, 2024."

The Dankof Report with Mark Dankof, June 21, 2024
MDRAudio - Great Show - War Warning - Alt/Mp3 - (MDRMp3 - 1hr - Jun 21st, 2024) - Source - Mark Dankof:  Mark Dankof's Report @ RBN - RBN Donate - Mark Dankof - MD's VK Website - MD's VK Website Num 2 - Natl Bugle Front Pg - Topix  ||  They're Almost There, It's Almost Within Their Grasp - 09-13-13 - mpg  ||

FFWN: Jewish Theocracy, [Jewish] Governance? (with Prof. Anthony Hall)
KevBarVideo - Outstanding Eye-Opening Interview!! -- Alt/KevBar-Rumble - Alt/KevBar-Bitchute - (KevBarVar - 1hr4min43sec - Jun 22nd, 2024) - Source Websites - Kevin Barrett:  KevBar / FFWN-VTFP @ Rumble - KevBar @ BitChute - KevBar @ Substack - KevBar @ HereseyCentral -  KevBar @ VTForeignPolicy -- Special Guest's Website - Anthony Hall:  Looking At The World From Canada / Substack - Topix  ||  October 7th 2023 - Means, Motive, & Opportunity -- LIHOP / MIHOP  ||

Leaked Document Shows [The Jews Occupying Palestine] Knew About the Attack Way Before it Happened -- VJREVideo - VJRE/Alt-Bitchute - (VJREVar - 16min04sec - Jun 21st, 2024) - Source:  Vincent James / Red Elephant - VJ/RE @ Rumble - VJ/RE @ BitChute - VJ/RE @ DLive - VJ/RE @ Patreon - VJ/RE @ SubScribeStar - VJ/RE @ Telegram - VJ/RE @ InstaGram - Daily Veracity - Daily Veracity Support - Daily Veracity Merch -- TopixOctober 7th 2023 - Means, Motive, & Opportunity -- LIHOP / MIHOP  ||

Fadi Lama on “[The Jews]: [Their Illegal Migrant Enclave] in the Levant: A Prognosis”
KevBarVideo - NOTE:  From an Indian nationalistic, anti-"colonialist" point of view.  Some of which could be argued with by this website editor.  But his observations of the jewish occupation are Spot-On - mpg -- Alt/KevBar-Rumble - Alt/KevBar-Bitchute - (KevBarVar - 56min31sec - Jun 22nd, 2024) - Source Websites - Kevin Barrett:  KevBar / FFWN-VTFP @ Rumble - KevBar @ BitChute - KevBar @ Substack - KevBar @ HereseyCentral -  KevBar @ VTForeignPolicy -- Guest's Websites - Fadi Lama:  None Found - A quote...."Fadi Lama returns to this show with a slideshow based on his article “[The Judeo-Enclave]: The Jewish Settler Colony in the Levant: A Prognosis.” Since our last interview, [the jews illegally occupying Palestine have] has edged closer to the full-scale attack on Lebanon that could be the [jewish occupation extermination] Entity’s undoing. As Fadi told me.... “If [jews] attack (Lebanon) it’s real war. I mean real war. Now there are, if you want to call them, serious skirmishes, but it’s not a real war like they’re doing on Gaza. If they do (start) a real war, then it may be considered that from a religious standpoint that Hezbollah can enter into a full war.” - Fadi Lama is the author of.... "Why the West Can’t Win: From Bretton Woods to a Multipolar World."

Farage Adopts a Nationalist Re-Migration Policy
PWRVideo - Alt/PWR-Odysee - Alt/PWR-Rumble - Alt/PWR-Bitchute - (MCVar - 14min1sec - Jun 21st, 2024) -- Source - PA Media Website:  PAMedia.UK - Referenced Video:  Sam Melia – The Trial Explained - Phil Melia’s Speech:  Free Sam Melia Demo –  To Contribute to Sam's Support Fund:  GiveSendGo -- Host's & PA Officer's Websites - Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s Book:  The Fall of Western Man - A quote...."Nigel Farage and the Reform Party have taken on an ethno-nationalist policy of re-migration. But is this genuine, can you trust Nigel Farage, or is he just controlled opposition? We examine what Nigel REALLY thinks about ethno-nationalist politics and non-migration into Britain."

The Daily Nationalist: [The Judeo-Enclave] "Regime" Rules America - "Via The Jewish Diaspora"  - DN 062024 -- TDNAudio - Alt/Aud - Graphic - (click to view) - (TDNMp3 - 38min28sec - Jun 20th, 2024) - Source:  TheDailyNationalist - RadioAlbion -- Please help Sven in prison!! - Article Supporting Sven - Sending Sven E-Mail - How to Give to Sven  - This is the newest mailing address for Sven Longshanks - Address:  James Allchurch James Allchurch A5903EY - HMP Berwyn, Bridge Road, Wrexham Ind. - Est., Wrexham, LL139QS -- Host's Website - Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson - The Orthodox Nationalist @ Radio Albion - MRJ's Orthodox @ Wordpress - MRJ's Rus Journal Org - Please Donate!! - MRJ's Donation Request @ Patreon - Please Purchase!  MRJ's Merch -- A quote...."This weeks Daily Nationalist from Matthew Raphael Johnson deals with the familiar but important topic of the Zionist control over US foreign policy. While it has become more difficult for the likes of AIPAC or the ADL to make their case to the public, it also means the methods of their control will become more blatant, ham-handed and violent. Dr. Johnson also calls for a public inquest into the number of cringe-induced strokes and heart ailments caused by hearing the virtue-signaling of pro-Israel politicians and (especially) preachers in the US. It is a public health crisis that affects many Americans and can no longer be ignored."

Never Stop Debunking Jewish Lies: Quora Edition No. 3,873
A quote...."Welcome to a lesson in Jewish/[Judeo-Supremacist] propaganda - Most “anti-[judeo-tyranny]” statements aren’t lies. The Jews want you to believe that they are lies; indeed, the Jews would like you to think that “anti-[judeo-supremacism]” is synonymous with “falsehood.” But it isn’t so. Many so-called anti-[judeo-supremacist] statements are perfectly true -- Jews are behind many (though not all) of the evils in the world. Much of the human trafficking, child prostitution, and child pornography in the world, for example, is carried on by Jews like Jeffrey Epstein, Arie Scher, George Schteinberg, and many other Jews of the same sort. Much of the illicit trade in illegally acquired human organs is done by Jews. And Jews have played a greater role in a number of historical genocides than is generally known, including the Armenian Genocide (1915) and the Holodomor (1933-34)."
"Jews do exert control over the economies of many nations, including the United States and Britain. One very prominent Jew once bragged about it: “Give me control of a nation’s money, and I care not who writes its laws.” (Look it up) Jews run the central banking systems, mostly. Jews also control the legacy media in the West, and they use it continually to propagandize and twist public opinion into the shape they prefer -- Jews did instigate the war in Ukraine, and they did it for obvious geopolitical reasons. Zelenskyy is Jewish — no mistake there. And the war that nominally began in 2022 was actually instigated in 2014 by Jews living in the United States: Victoria Nuland, Anthony Blinkin, George Soros, and others."
They Should Get No More
A quote...."THE QUESTION WAS recently asked: “Have the Jews milked their Holocaust for everything they can?” -- The Jews will, of course, call this an “anti-Semitic” question — a “hate” question. But, no. It is a perfectly good question. In the first place, quite a few people aren’t certain that “the Holocaust” actually happened. There are people for whom Jewish cajolery and Jewish intimidation just do not work, and many of them know propaganda by its earmarks."
"At the very least, the [fabricated] Holocaust is the most over-hyped and most over-ventilated event in history. No other [purported ethnic cleansing], in particular the ones in which the Jews themselves were (or are) involved as perpetrators, gets the tiresomely repetitious, over and over and over coverage that the “Nazi-Holocaust-of-the-Jews-in-gas-chambers” story does. Or does now. Try finding articles on “the Holocaust” in encyclopedias published in the 1950s and 1960s, and let me know how it went. (Hint: There aren’t any.)" - bold by website editor - See links posted below.....
Patriotic Weekly Review 267 - with the Ayatollah, David Clews and Natty
PWRVideo - Outstanding Round-Table Discussion!! - Alt/PWR-Odysee - Alt/PWR-Rumble - Alt/PWR-Bitchute - (MCVar - 2hrs11min36sec - Jun 19th, 2024) -- Source - PA Media Website:  PAMedia.UK -- Referenced Video:  Sam Melia – The Trial Explained - Phil Melia’s Speech:  Free Sam Melia Demo –  To Contribute to Sam's Support Fund:  GiveSendGo -- Host's & PA Officer's Websites - Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s Book:  The Fall of Western Man - Guest's Websites - The Ayatollah: The Ayatollah @ Odysee - The Ayatollah @ BitChute - The Ayatollah @ DLive - The Ayatollah @ Telegram -- A quote...."Episode 267 of Patriotic Weekly Review for our 2024 Election Special with special guests The Ayatollah, David Clews and Natty."

Only Jews Have a Direct Telephone Line to God and They Speak to Him!
HRAudio - Alt/Mp4-Vid - Alt/Mp3-Aud - Graphic - (click to view) - (HRVar - 2hrs53min59sec - Jun 15th, 2024) - Source: History Reviewed Com - History Reviewed Net - African Crisis - Please Purchase: White-Shop-Biz - Please Donate:  Send Money -- A quote...."At first you might think this is really just about religion, but in fact, this discussion is not about religion. This is a discussion about other things. Ben Klassen noticed something about in the Bible that nobody else seems to have noticed. We take a good look at things Jews have claimed in modern times."
Quotable Quote..... "[Start: 1h23m41s  Stop: 1h24m52s]   "Jews will try many tricks, and you only have to see the efforts of jews in marketing, and the games that they've played in marketing and psychology.  The experiments that they have tried, that they have conducted.  All the things that they've conducted regarding manipulating other people's minds. And I have raised this issue with regard to their core issue.  I did mention this in that video about evolution and jews.  The video I did is called.... "Human Evolution:  What Are Jews And Why They Are Very Dangerous", [see also.... "Jews as a CANCER in Western Society: How Jews DISTORT White Society"] and I basically spelled out that it seems to me, that the crux of ALL jewish existence, is based on jews manipulating people.  That is their KEY evolutionary strategy. THEY manipulate other people.  A jew doesn't go and dig a ditch. The jew will get you to dig the ditch for him." -- *Jan Lamprecht* -- Topix  ||  We Need BETTER Predictive Models For Jewish Power - 01-13-24 - mpg  ||
Mossad and its Network of Little Helpers, the Sayanim
The Sayanim - Potentially ANY Jew Anywhere at Anytime - - (YOU just won't know, until they act. - mpg) -- A quote...."[Jewish] intelligence agencies launched a war on the International Criminal Court in January 2015. This was when it was confirmed that Palestine would join the court after it was recognised as a state by the UN general assembly - [The jewish occupation extermination regime's] intelligence agencies routinely surveilled the ICC’s current chief prosecutor Karim Khan, his predecessor Fatou Bensouda, and dozens of other ICC and UN officials. [The jewish regime's] intelligence also monitored materials that the Palestinian Authority submitted to the prosecutor’s office, and surveilled employees at four Palestinian human rights organizations whose submissions are central to the probe - Multiple agencies including the Mossad, Shin Bet, and "National Security Council" were involved, in addition to the occupation military. [The jewish regime's] Ministry of Strategic Affairs, under Gilad Erdan, was involved in the surveilling of Palestinian human rights organizations that were submitting reports to the ICC."

Fmr U.S. Amb [and Jewish Crime Mbr] David M. Friedman Demands Americans be Imprisoned for 'Antisemitism' -- Are We Learning Yet? - A quote...."[Jewish crime member] David M Friedman, former Trump-appointed US Ambassador to [the jewish crime syndicate's extermination occupation regime squatting in Palestine], threw a fit Monday on X demanding Americans be imprisoned en masse for "anti[-judeo-supremacism]." - Friedman said that President Biden or "whoever tells [him] what to do" needs to "get tough on Jew-hatred" [i.e. a true, realistic, comprehension of the hundred million White Ethnic Europeans the jews arranged to be murdered during the last 150 years] and suggested they launch a "federal" effort to "arrest and prosecute" anti-[judeo-supremacists] for "hate crimes, [i.e. thought crimes such as questioning collective jewish tyranny and criminal activity]." - Not doing so will lead to the end of the [Judeo-run] American Empire, Friedman argued." - bold by website editor - slightly edited to reflect actual reality - mpg

Dem Leader Hakeem Jeffries Demands 'Immediate' Passage of ADL-Backed 'Countering Antisemitism Act' -- Are We Learning Yet? - A quote...."AIPAC-funded House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) on Friday demanded [the jews' Judeo-Nord-Am Knesset] "immediately" pass the Anti-Defamation League-backed "Countering Anti[-judeo-supremacism] Act" to silence criticism of [jewish slaughter, jewish domination, and their trans-national jewish crime syndicate] and police Americans' online speech [by destroying the 1st Amendment to those "old White guys' Constitution"] - "The dangerous explosion of [contrived, fake, and over-blown] anti[-judeo-supremacist] incidents in New York City and the nation requires decisive action at every level of government, [i.e. even more new levels of unconstitutional 'Federal' tyranny on behalf of the jewish occupation in their Nord-Am-Colony] ," Jeffries said on X, without referencing any specific incident. "We have to crush this cancer with the fierce urgency of now. Congress must pass the bipartisan Countering Anti[-judeo-supremacism] Act. Immediately." - bold by website editor - slightly edited to reflect actual reality - mpg

[JewSA] State Dept Designates Anti-[Judeo-Enclave] Nordic Resistance Movement a 'Terrorist Organization' -- Are We Learning Yet? - A quote...."The [completely jewish run] State Department under [jewish crime member] Antony Blinken on Friday designated an anti-[jewish extermination occupation] registered political party in Sweden known as the Nordic Resistance Movement a "terrorist organization." - The "terrorist" designation is the latest move out of Washington aimed at outright criminalizing [ANY] criticism of [the jewish crime syndicate's geopolitical pustule squatting in Palestine, currently murdering its indigenous inhabitants]." - bold by website editor - slightly edited to reflect actual reality - mpg

RFK Jr. Says He Opposes Ceasefire in Gaza, Supports 'De-Nazification'
Are We Learning Yet? - A quote...."Robert F Kennedy Jr told Piers Morgan on Thursday that he opposes proposals for a ceasefire in Gaza but supports "de-Nazification." [i.e. destroying the Palestinians right to defend themselves in any way.  Essentially to allow the jews to murder them at will] - "RFK Jr. rails against having any ceasefire in Gaza, and instead analogizes the situation to Germany in WWII, [where the jews lied about the German people, just as they're lying about the Palestinian people.  Where they used their control over their Golemized JewSA to murder millions of Germans, during WWII, and also] when the US imposed 'de-Nazification' even at the cost of killing millions of Germans [AFTER WWII was OVER!!]," Michael Tracey commented. "That's apparently the relevant historical parallel RFK envisions for [the jewish extermination occupation] and [their plans for] Gaza [and the Palestinians who live there]." - bold by website editor - slightly edited to reflect actual reality - mpg

National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 6.17.24
NBR@RBNAudio - Alt/Mp3 - (NBR @ RBNFlwPlyr - 1hr - Jun 17th, 2024) - Source:  Patrick Slattery:  RBN - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - Pat Slattery @ NBR -- Guest's Websites -- PA Media Website:  PAMedia.UK -- Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s Book:  The Fall of Western Man -- A quote..."Mark Collett joins the show: What’s next for [Lviv regime's occupied Ukrainian territories]?"

The Daily Nationalist: (Not So) Army Strong - DN 061724
TDNAudio - Woke Klown World, Bitterly, and Searingly Denounced!! - Alt/Aud - Great Graphic - (click to view) - (TDNMp3 - 35min15sec - Jun 17th, 2024) - Source:  TheDailyNationalist - RadioAlbion -- Please help Sven in prison!! - Article Supporting Sven - Sending Sven E-Mail - How to Give to Sven  - This is the newest mailing address for Sven Longshanks - Address:  James Allchurch A5903EY - HMP Berwyn, Bridge Road, Wrexham Ind. - Est., Wrexham, LL139QS -- Host's Website - GrandPaDan -- A quote...."After spending years demonizing and ostracizing white men from society, the government finds itself at a loss to understand why these same men aren’t running out to sign up to go fight and die in the next big war to make the politicians, banks and MIC rich. Grandpa Dan discusses the U.S. Army’s recruiting crisis."
FYI:  Grandpa Dan ferociously eviscerates the hypocrisy of this current 'woke world order'.  The terrible damage it has done to White Male Heterosexual Ethnic Europeans. Their deliberate dis-empowerment, disenfranchisement, and impoverishment by our parasitical class, and their current bleak future. He articulates feelings a lot of people probably don't even know they have - mpg
Happy Eid! Saudis Slaughter Petrodollar?! (FFWN with Wyatt Peterson)
KevBarVideo - Great Interview!! - Alt/KevBar-Rumble - Alt/KevBar-Bitchute - (KevBarVar - 1hr41sec - Jun 15th, 2024) - Source Websites - Kevin Barrett:  KevBar / FFWN-VTFP @ Rumble - KevBar @ BitChute - KevBar @ Substack - KevBar @ HereseyCentral -  KevBar @ VTForeignPolicy -- Guest's Websites - A quote...."Wyatt Peterson, author of The Perfidy of Zion, joins Kevin Barrett to break down the week's news from a, shall we say, politically incorrect perspective."

Political Prisoner Denied Access To His Children - With Laura Towler
UKCVideo - Outrageous!! - Alt-UKC/Odysee-Vid - Alt-UKC/SndCld-Aud - (UKCVar - 28min34sec - Jun 15th, 2024) -- Source - UKColumn:  UKColumn - UKC/Archive - UKC @ Odysee - UKC @ SoundCld - Archived UKC @ BitChute - Archived UKC @ Rumble - UKC Donation - UKC Merch / Shop - A quote...."Mike Robinson, Alex Thomson and Debi Evans with today’s UK Column News. Guest segment with Gevorg Virats." - Special Guests' Websites - PA Media Website:  PAMedia.UK -- Referenced Video:  Sam Melia – The Trial Explained - Phil Melia’s Speech:  Free Sam Melia Demo –  To Contribute to Sam's Support Fund:  GiveSendGo -- Host's & PA Officer's Websites - Laura Towler:  GrandMa Towlers Tea - LT @ DLive - LT @ Telegram - LT @ Gab - LT @ We Were Never Asked - See related video - Sam Melia - BANNED From Seeing His Children - with Laura Towler -- PAVideo - Alt/PA-Odysee - Alt/PA-Rumble - Alt/PA-Bitchute - (PAVar - 59min26sec - May 31st, 2024) - A quote...."Sam Melia had the book thrown at him—in order to set an example—after being prosecuted for offences related to the publishing of stickers which were, themselves, not considered unlawful - Following three months in HM Prison Leeds, without incident, Sam was moved to HMP Hull and soon denied access to his children. Laura explains how the news was communicated and gives her views on what is really going on - updates on Sam's situation (with a template letter to be sent to the prison governor) can be found on the Patriotic Alternative website and on Laura's Telegram channel, and there is a petition for Sam's immediate release."
FYI:  WARNING - Regarding Sam's original conviction - You won't believe this folks.  You can now be convicted in Britain, for using non-offensive, non-threatening, normal, officially acknowledged perfectly legal speech, if what purportedly is in your mind contemporaneously at the time you used your speech, was proscribed intent, or proscribed thinking, (a thought crime known as "Wrong-Think"), determined by what you supposedly said years ago, which is currently being interpreted as proscribed speech by those who are prosecuting you!!!  This is truly horrifying, and frightening.  Luckily, despite the jews best efforts.  The US Constitution's First Amendment is still in effect in this country... For now...  mpg
EMJ Live 75: Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control 2nd Ed
EMJVideo - Alt/EMJ-Odysee - Alt/EMJ-Mp3 - Alt/EMJ-BitChute - (EMJBitChute - 1hr3min8sec - Jun 15th, 2024) - Source - E. Michael Jones:   EMJ @ BitChute - EMJ @ RSS - EMJ @ CozyTV - EMJ @ Odysee - Culture Wars - Culture Wars Donate - EMJ @ Gab - EMJ @ Telegram - EMJ @ Twitter

The Daily Nationalist: Now This is Just Embarrassing - DN 061424
TDNAudio - Klown World Exposed -- Alt/Aud - Great Graphic - (click to view) - (TDNMp3 - 39min31sec - Jun 4th, 2024) - Source:  TheDailyNationalist - RadioAlbion -- Please help Sven in prison!! - Article Supporting Sven - Sending Sven E-Mail - How to Give to Sven  - This is the newest mailing address for Sven Longshanks - Address:  James Allchurch A5903EY - HMP Berwyn, Bridge Road, Wrexham Ind. - Est., Wrexham, LL139QS -- Host's Website - GrandPaDan -- A quote...."Grandpa Dan returns to wrap up your workweek with a humorous look at this week’s news. In a moment of utter embarrassment, Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced a new ceasefire proposal that he claimed [the jewish extermination occupation regime] had crafted and agreed to and the only thing holding up stopping the slaughter in Gaza was Hamas. The only problem was that Hamas said they were open to it and [the jewish extermination occupation regime] immediately declared that they had nothing to do with it and wouldn’t stop the slaughter no matter what agreement the U.S. came up with. In other news, green tee shirt man made an appearance at the G7 conference. The G7 is supposed to represent the biggest most powerful economies in the world and then you have the Ukraine. They might as well have invited Somalia. In a final story about how the conservative media working alongside the liberal media to keep people buying into the system can result in bad outcomes, a Texas man was arrested this week for threatening an FBI agent. While outlets such as Radio Albion focus on truth, conservative outlets focus on things such as claiming Hunter Biden’s laptop had evidence of rape, which it did not. Of course these narratives were thrown out there to distract from what the laptop did have evidence of: namely blatant and utter corruption."

Britain Should NOT have Gone to War with Germany
PWRVideo - An Outstanding Correction To The Standard Historical Narrative (i.e. LIES)!! -- Alt/MC-Odysee - Alt/MC-Rumble - Alt/MC-Bitchute - (MCVar - 11min10sec - Jun 14th, 2024) -- Source - PA Media Website:  PAMedia.UK -- Referenced Video:  Sam Melia – The Trial Explained - Phil Melia’s Speech:  Free Sam Melia Demo –  To Contribute to Sam's Support Fund:  GiveSendGo -- Host's & PA Officer's Websites - Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s Book:  The Fall of Western Man - A quote...."A Reform Party candidate has been hauled over the coals by the mainstream media for stating that Britain would have been better off had it not gone to war with Germany. But despite the media’s outrage over this comment, it is an undeniable fact – find out why!"

Patriotic Weekly Review - with Steve Laws
PWRVideo - Alt/PWR-Odysee - Alt/PWR-Rumble - Alt/PWR-Bitchute - (MCVar - 2hrs8min41sec - Jun 12th, 2024) -- Source - PA Media Website:  PAMedia.UK -- Referenced Video:  Sam Melia – The Trial Explained - Phil Melia’s Speech:  Free Sam Melia Demo –  To Contribute to Sam's Support Fund:  GiveSendGo -- Host's & PA Officer's Websites - Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s Book:  The Fall of Western Man - Special Guest's Websites - Steve Laws:  Steve Laws' Website - StevLaw @ Gab - StevLaw @ Twitter - StevLaw Support - StevLaw @ CashApp - A quote...."Episode 266 of Patriotic Weekly Review with special guest Steve Laws."

Phil Giraldi:   Scott Ritter and Freedom [Mp3 File]
JdgNAPVideo - Rumble Not Available - (JdgNAPYuTb - 32min16sec - Jun 12th, 2024) - Source - Judge Napolitano:   JdgNAP's Website - JdgNAP @ Rumble - JdgNAP @ PodCast - JdgNAP @ Twitter(X)- Guest's Websites - Phil Giraldi:  Phil @ Twitter(X) - Phil @ UNZReview - Phil @ MintPress - Phil @ StratCultFndtn
FYI:  As you listen to this please put the pieces togetherLBJ was the jews' man in the White House. He knew about, and helped the jews to murder JFK.  The jews wanted the bomb, and he wanted the presidency.  He later covered up for the jews after their deliberate false-flag attack on the USS Liberty.   They had planned to blame Egypt.  The plan was to bring the JewSA into the war on the side of the Judeo-Enclave using "Egypt's" attack on the USS liberty. The jews thought they might need the extra edge.  Turns out they didn't. Johnson was in on it.  Supposedly nuclear armed JewSA attack planes were already in the air when it was discovered that the USS Liberty hadn't sunk because of one of the bravest, most skilled ship crews in all of naval history.  The planes were recalled and the crew of the USS Liberty were told to shut-up by LBJ.  That's true history.  This is just one small slice of what the jews have done to this country, and the world. A small segment of their various false-flags and mass murder of White Ethnic Europeans for the last 150 years - mpg
Capt.  Matt Hoh:  [The Jews] and War Crimes - [Mp3 File]
JdgNAPVideo - Rumble Not Avail - (JdgNAPYuTb - 28min47sec - Jun 12th, 2024) - Source - Judge Napolitano:   JdgNAP's Website - JdgNAP @ Rumble - JdgNAP @ PodCast - JdgNAP @ Twitter(X)- Guest's Websites - Matt Hoh:  MattHoh @ Substack

Max Blumenthal : US Celebrates Jewish Occupation's] Bloodbath [Mp3 Link]
War Crime Exposed - The False Rape Stories - JdgNAPVideo - Rumble Not Available - (JdgNAPYuTb - 28min02sec - Jun 13th, 2024) - Source - Judge Napolitano:   JdgNAP's Website - JdgNAP @ Rumble - JdgNAP @ PodCast - JdgNAP @ Twitter(X) - Guest's Websites - Max Blumenthal:   The Gray Zone - TGZ @ Odysee - TGZ @ Twitter - TGZ @ Patreon - TGZ @ Instagram - TGZ @ Minds
FYI:  Let's mike this clear to the other 190 countries in the world, and their peoples.  Most of the shabbos-sheeple living in the jews' Nord-Am colony could care less about what the jews are doing in Palestine.  Many of them cheer the torture, rapes, and murders.  Some of them even enjoy them.  Think about that.....
FYI:  To the other 190 countries in the world, and ALL of their peoples, if any of this makes you angry, please BOYCOTT the JewSA, the JewK, and the jewish occupation enclaves! That's BOTH of them!  The one in Palestine, and the one recently established in the Ukrainian Territories. Please BOYCOTT all jewish institutions and businesses world-wide!!
BOTH these exterminationist projects were conceived, planned, managed, and carried out by the JEWS, with the full backing of their JewSA and JewK colonies.  All four entities, the Judeo-Quad Squad, (The JewSA, JewK, Judeo-Enclave, and Judeo-Lviv Regime) must be boycotted.
1)  Do not buy anything from, invest in, or do business with anyone, from the JewSA, JewK, or the judeo-occupied Ukrainian or Palestinian territories.

2)  If you must sell to anyone from these four judeo-golemized occupied territories, add 10%, 20%, 30%, or whatever the market will bare, and call it the Palestinian / DPR-LPR Tax.  Donate the proceeds to the Palestinians and those Russian / Ukrainians resisting jewish tyranny, to let them know you care.

3) Also, if you can, please give as much you can to the Peoples of Palestine, Yemen, Lebanon, and Syria.  To whomever, or whatever groups you believe would be the most effective, at alleviating the misery caused by the JewSA, JewK, and the jews occupying Palestine - mpg
 ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========

National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 6.10.24
NBR@RBNAudio - Alt/Mp3 - (NBR @ RBNFlwPlyr - 1hr - Jun 10th, 2024) - Source:  Patrick Slattery:  RBN - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - Pat Slattery @ NBR -- Guest's Websites -- PA Media Website:  PAMedia.UK -- Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s Book:  The Fall of Western Man -- A quote..."Mark Collett joins the show for a discussion of snap elections called in the UK and France."

Live Radio! Glenn Diesen on The Ukraine War & the Eurasian World Order
KevBarVideo -- Outstanding Discussion!! -- Alt/KevBar-Rumble - Alt/KevBar-Bitchute - (KevBarVar - 56min18sec - Jun 09, 2024) - Source Websites - Kevin Barrett:  KevBar / FFWN-VTFP @ Rumble - KevBar @ BitChute - KevBar @ Substack - KevBar @ HereseyCentral -  KevBar @ VTForeignPolicy -- Guest's Websites - Glen Diesen:   GlenD @ Telegram - GlenD @ Twitter(X) - A quote...."Second hour: Glenn Diesen discusses his book.... "The Ukraine War and the Eurasian World Order". He sketches the historical background from a geopolitical realist perspective, and argues that “to understand the war it is necessary to acknowledge that it has three participants: NATO, Russia, and Ukraine, with their respective objectives. NATO under U.S. leadership explicitly seeks to defeat Russia to end its great power status…Russia considers the war to be an existential threat and has acted accordingly…[the Lviv regime] obviously also considers the war to be an existential threat, although different factions within [the] Ukraine [territories] may turn on each other…Irrespective of the outcome of the war, the unipolar world order has come to an end…A Eurasian world order is now finally emerging as the international distribution of power continues to shift from the West to the East, and the legitimacy of the Western-centric world order has been severely weakened.”

FFWN: Now They’re Seizing Passports. Get Out While You Can! (with J. Michael Springmann) -- KevBarVideo - A Great Show!! - Alt/KevBar-Rumble - Alt/KevBar-Bitchute - (KevBarVar - 1hr8min40sec - Jun 08, 2024) - Source Websites - Kevin Barrett:  KevBar / FFWN-VTFP @ Rumble - KevBar @ BitChute - KevBar @ Substack - KevBar @ HereseyCentral -  KevBar @ VTForeignPolicy -- Guest's Website - J Michael Springman:  JMS @ Substack -- A quote...."War on free speech goes into overdrive in the [Jewish] Occupied USA."

Jason Kessler on "Charlottesville and the Death of Free Speech"
Book Review: Charlottesville and the Death of Free Speech is now available for pre-order from Dissident Press -- KevBarVideo - Alt/KevBar-Rumble - Alt/KevBar-Bitchute - (KevBarVar - 55min58sec - Jun 7th, 2024) - Source Websites - Kevin Barrett:  KevBar / FFWN-VTFP @ Rumble - KevBar @ BitChute - KevBar @ Substack - KevBar @ HereseyCentral -  KevBar @ VTForeignPolicyJason Kessler:  My first non-fiction book Charlottesville and the Death of Free Speech is being released April 2024. Visit Dissident.Press and sign up for email updates - Follow Dissident Press social media on Gab and Twitter/X. We follow back! -- Special Guest's Websites - JasonKesslerUS - JKUS/LinksPage - JK @ Odysee - JK @ BitChute - JK @ DLive - JK @ GAB - JK @ Telegram - JK@ Twitter(X) -- A quote...."Jason Kessler, permit-holder of the (in)famous Unite the Right rally of August 2017, discusses his book "Charlottesville and the Death of Free Speech." - Topix  ||  Charlottesville Was An Arranged Causus Belli From Day One - 08-20-17 - mpg  ||

Trump Says [They Judeo-Enclave] Needs to 'Finish The Job' in Gaza, Pledges to Restore [The Judeo-Enclave] Lobby's Power Over Congress -- War Crime Complicity & Treason - From The Judeo-Shabbos-Goy-Golem's Mouth.... To Your Ears - A quote...."Former President Donald Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity on Wednesday that [the jews]  need to "finish the job" in Gaza and pledged to restore the [judeo-enclave] Lobby's power over Congress if elected - He also said that unnamed people are telling him the October 7th attack "never happened" and compared them to "Holocaust deniers." - See comment and weblist links posted below - Previously posted, posted again for your edification.....
FYI: No one says Oct 7th, "never happened" Only an idiot like Trump would ever say that -- Oct 7th 2023 was a LIHOP'ed.... (That's when the jews knew it was going to happen and let it) -- and MIHOP'ed.... (that's where the jews killed most of their OWN "civilian jews" on Oct 7th, 2023 by exercising their Hanibal Directive) jewish plan of ethnic cleansing and extermination of the Palestinian people living in Gaza

A people who've been penned up by the jews in an open air prison, and brutally, viciously bombed, embargoed, starved, killed, and denied ANY rights whatsoever for over a decade! 

Because they.... "Voted Wrong"!  They voted for Hamas.

A people who are lightly armed with mostly home made mortars, sniper rifles, high-tech RPG's and AK-47s, and who are being invaded by the most modern military force Hundreds of BILLIONS of JewSA fiat-debt-tokens could buy.

The ONLY reason the jews are having so much trouble is because.... 1) They're inherent cowards, in that they need overwhelming advantage (Leverage) before they feel comfortable attacking ANYONE, or being any good at it -- Also, most of them can't fight very well....  And 2) Due to the unbelievable, self-sacrificing bravery of the Palestinian people, the military skills of their soldiers, and the fact they're fighting for their homes, lands, lives, and their very futures and that of their children against this homicidal tyranny - mpg
FYI:  Regarding Trump's judeo-inculcated, false mind-pathogen phrase "Holocause Denier", see links posted below.....
Miriam Adelson 'Wants West Bank Annexation' in Return for $100M Donation to Trump
War Crime Complicity & Treason - Trump For Sale - Photo - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Miriam Adelson, the wife of the late [judeo-enclave firster] GOP megadonor Sheldon Adelson, is reportedly donating at least $100 million to Donald Trump and wants his support for [the jews' stealing] the West Bank, [and turning a blind eye to their mass murder of Palestinians] in return - That's according to a new column from the [judeo-enclave based] paper Haaretz titled, "Trump is Desperate for Miriam Adelson's Cash. Her Condition: West Bank Annexation" (Archive)" - bold by website editor - slightly edited to reflect actual reality - mpg

WashPo: Trump Told Jewish Donors He'll Crush Pro-Palestine Protests, Deport Demonstrators -- War Crime Complicity - Trump's Judeo-Inculcated Blood Lust - A quote....""Former president Donald Trump promised to crush pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses, telling a roomful of donors -- a group that he joked included '98 percent of my Jewish friends' -- that he would expel student demonstrators from the United States," the Washington Post reported on Monday." - bold by website editor

National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 6.6.24
PESAudio - Alt/Aud - (PESMp3 - 1hr - Jun 6, 2024) - Source:  PES @ Odysee - PES @ RBN - PES@RBN/RSS - Republic Broadcasting Network - RBN Shows - RBN Donate -- Special guest's websites - Patrick Slattery:  RBN - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - Pat Slattery @ NBR -- A quote...."Paul Stevenson Joins the show: We are living on the brink of World War 3. What could possibly go wrong?"- See related links and commentary.....
FYI:  An EXTREMELY accurate and FAIR determination.  Putin basically stated that if you can arm the Lviv regime (a murderous, ethnic-cleansing, proxy occupation coup regime) with long-range weapons in order to deliberately strike directly at Russian territory.

Russia has the perfect legal and moral right to arm
ANY OTHER nation, currently targeted by, or experiencing difficulties with members of the so-called 'West'.  So that those nations can strike the home territories of those members, or their forces wherever they may be, if they should so choose to do so.

He is absolutely correct.  It is a proportionate policy.  It is a consistent policy.  It is a fair policy. 

Most importantly, it is a

A very key concept in ALL relations.  Not just inter-national relations.  Reciprocity is not only POLITE, it avoids misunderstandings, "levels the playing-field", provides known consequences, denies unfair advantage, and punishes hypocrisy.  Since those who give so freely, are receiving their own "gifts" in return - mpg
Patriotic Weekly Review - with Christina Urso
PWRVideo - Great Expose of the F.B.I.s Gov Whitmer Set-Up & Hoax! -- Alt/PWR-Odysee - Alt/PWR-Rumble - Alt/PWR-Bitchute - (MCVar - 2hrs7min39sec - Jun 5th, 2024) -- Source - PA Media Website:  PAMedia.UK -- Referenced Video:  Sam Melia – The Trial Explained - Phil Melia’s Speech:  Free Sam Melia Demo –  To Contribute to Sam's Defense:  GiveSendGo -- Host's & PA Officer's Websites - Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s Book:  The Fall of Western Man - Guest's Websites - Christina Urso:  Kidnap and Kill: An FBI Terror Plot - NotRadix -- A quote...."Episode 265 of Patriotic Weekly Review with special guest Christina Urso from Radix Verum."

Our Interesting Times: E. Michael Jones on Satanism as America's Hidden Grammar
EMJVideo - Great Show!! - Alt/EMJ-Odysee - Alt/EMJ-Mp3 - Alt/EMJ-BitChute - (EMJBitChute - 1hr8min38sec - May 29, 2024) - Source - E. Michael Jones:   EMJ @ BitChute - EMJ @ RSS - EMJ @ CozyTV - EMJ @ Odysee - Culture Wars - Culture Wars Donate - EMJ @ Gab - EMJ @ Telegram - EMJ @ Twitter - A quote...."Dr. E. Michael Jones returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss “Cherchez le Juif: Satanism as the Hidden Grammar of America” and “The Failed Quest for American Identity” two articles published in the April and May issues of Culture Wars."

MEXICO Election Bought by CIA & Drug Cartel
A Good Read - A quote...."Mexico’s election begins today.  Gloria Sheinbaum is the preselected winner- Never Mind: her father was a communist.   Her husband went to jail for electoral fraud.  Claudia is an Ashkenazi secular Jew whose entire platform was abortion and LGBT – in a country that is 80% Catholic.   Claudia presumably pressured the University to give her daughter a free ride scholarship.  Never Mind these red flags because her preselection came from Master Soros.  I imagine like the South African election, voter turnout will suddenly be the lowest ever… Don’t Worry Be Happy."
"Sheinbaum claims she is a feminist and her Jewish identity is not something she thinks about…   Yet her alliance with David Daniel Kabbaz – a Jewish real estate tycoon who founded Grupo Danhos – is said to be a close political and economic alliance.  As mayor of Mexico City, Sheinbaum instructed a crew to demolish a wall next to a chapel – and accidentally demolished most of the chapel as well.  The parish priest claimed he was not even given notification of the demolition!"

"A World Economic Forum member, Sheinbaum served on the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change in 2007 and completed the Advanced Studies Program in Sustainable Development and the Environment at the Center for Demographic, Urban, and Environmental Studies.  Prior to taking the dive into politics, Sheinbaum was a member of the Party of the Democrat Revolution – a far left socialist Marxist organization that merged with Mexico’s communist party." -- Are We Learning Yet??
Jewish Woman Becomes President of Mexico After 40 Candidates Were Killed and Others Kidnapped - VJREVideo - VJRE/Alt-Bitchute - (VJREVar - 17min26sec - Jun 4th, 2024) - Source:  Vincent James / Red Elephant - VJ/RE @ Rumble - VJ/RE @ BitChute - VJ/RE @ DLive - VJ/RE @ Patreon - VJ/RE @ SubScribeStar - VJ/RE @ Telegram - VJ/RE @ InstaGram - Daily Veracity - Daily Veracity Support - Daily Veracity Merch