[The jews] claim to be ‘the only democracy in the Middle East’ while its critics condemn it as a ‘fascist’ or ‘terrorist’ state; some call it an ‘apartheid state’, which goes to show democracy and race-centrism can co-exist side by side, as also demonstrated by the bulk of American History defined by both democratic elections and Euro(especially Anglo)centrism. The US has gone from favoring the white race over nonwhites to now favoring Jews over goyim, especially whites and Palestinians(who’ve been bombed back to the Stone Age by the [jewish] war machine supplied by the US), and favoring blacks over non-blacks(as the official narrative endlessly reminds us of Emmett Till while ignoring the countless victims of black savagery)."Trump, Lutnick Announce Plan to Sell U.S. Citizenship to Rich Foreigners for $5 Million
FYI: Obviously this website editor completely condemns the South African blacks and their current repressive regime, illegally expropriating White property. Or otherwise discriminating against Whites simply because they're Whites.========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========
Obviously the Whites are a "multi-cultural" discordant note in the mono-ethnicity the blacks now want to create in South Africa. But Whites NEVER said they wanted a multicultural South Africa, blacks did when they took over the country.
They promised they would create a wonderful multi-cultural paradise.
Everyone living equally in harmony without bias or discrimination. Naturally they lied. Although that's slightly unfair. We should say they naturally intended to do what all human groups do. To achieve power, for their own ethnic group, to live with their own ethnic group, in harmony.
Whites wanted to implement Apartheid , essentially "multiculturalism" with defined borders. They would be perfectly satisfied, in fact DELIGHTED to have their OWN South African homeland (Bantustan) on the basis of their prior Apartheid policies, applied to them!!
They don't receive ANY support from ANYONE or ANYWHERE else in the world!! - They never have, and they don't need to - They are willing to build their own societies with their own resources.
Unlike one malevolent tribe now squatting in the Middle East who have parasitically extracted TRILLIONS from Whites in other countries they've colonized for their endless wars across that blasted region. While extracting at least fifteen to twenty billion a year to murder the legal inhabitants of the country they're squatting in, and also support the lavish, luxurious life-styles they've become so accustomed to.
A group that sided and supported the complete disenfranchisement of Whites in South Africa while coordinating their efforts to dis-empower Whites with their other brethren in all the other countries they have established themselves. Specifically their control of their mass-media spewage outlets, and captured politicians.
A group that claims a particular so-called "religion" as their mantle, but are in fact a highly in-group preferenced, hideously ethnocentric out-group loathing, gathering of psychotic cretins. Who are highly destructive to all those around them.
A group that receives MASSIVE, continuous, trans-national political and legal support from their other ethnic brethren colonies across the world, in addition to what they extract from the White countries the reside in. A group who believes it is their absolute RIGHT to move wherever they want to, whenever they want to!!
Whereas White South Africans do not posses any homeland to move to!!
Unlike all the other non-African immigrants who have moved to South Africa from Asia or Middle Eastern countries.
Whites LIVE in South Africa. They are the Blood and Soil of South Africa. They have been building South Africa, and being born in South Africa, and dying in South Africa, since they first arrived there..... in the year of 1652!!!
Whereas 99% of the blacks YOU see currently living in South Africa are immigrants who came to that country AFTER the Whites had arrived. Most of them in the last hundred and fifty years. They also have homelands they could return to!
If you didn't know that, ask yourself why? Everyone should really think about it -- If you're a White Ethnic European, you should also be really concerned about it. Maybe even terrified by it. Because that nasty vicious little ethnic group currently massacring people in the Middle East, wants to make you next.
The fact Trump, cynically and maliciously used the concern of ethnically oriented White Europeans regarding what's going to happen to their brethren Whites in South Africa -- A people he really doesn't give a sh*t about -- To put pressure on the current South African regime on behalf of Trump's overlords in the jewish extermination occupation. For the South African regime's temerity in filing suit against an actual mass extermination event, should tell you all you need to know about Trump's priorities.
And when the blacks in South Africa use Trump's back-handed chastisement, to carry out their own plans for the Whites in South Africa, citing his support for the murder of 60,000 Palestinians to make way for "beach front property", as his son-in-law stated. Or a "riviera of the Middle East" as Trump stated. No doubt everyone will say.... "It was all just a coincidence". - mpg
"If you’ve ever known anybody with a personality disorder that inclines them toward manipulative behavior, you may have noticed that one of the main things they manipulate in people is their sympathy. They do everything they can to draw as much sympathy toward themselves while working to kill off any sympathy that people might have toward their perceived enemies. They’ll sacrifice almost any piece on their psychosocial chessboard in order to control a bit more of the sympathy among the people in their life -- They do this because sympathy is a fundamental primer for narrative control. If you sympathize with someone, you are much more likely believe the things they say and trust their narratives about what’s going on. If you lack sympathy for someone, then anything they say is going to be viewed with much more skepticism."Remigration is NOT Inevitable
9/11 Memorial Sections by Year
Must Read Conceptual Transcript: (slightly edited for clarity - Start: 6m38s - End: 11m53s) -- A Question from GPD "With Trump back in office things appear to be moving in a positive direction. Do you think this represents a genuine turning point, or is it just a temporary rebound, and the western world will continue its slow decline"? -- And that's from Peter, thank you very much Peter.
What we're seeing, cause' I mean like Mr. T [my other listener's letter] talking about.... "the Con-Man Trump", and then Peter talking about, you know... "it looks like some things are turning around"....[As] I said back before the election, what we're seeing is Trump.... "making a deal".
What I'm just simply observing is what he GOT out of the deal. Now it's obvious he promised basically Greater [judeo-enclave]. That the Palestinians are [now] under the bus. He's basically promised [the judeo-enclave] that they're going to get to expand, and he's gonna rubber-stamp that! That's an obvious! And that's not exactly a surprise. Lot's of people... that's nothing new, a lot of people are pointing that out.
Obviously he was ALLOWED to be elected. We know the elections are rigged, he was allowed to be elected. And a big... huge.... part of that, was expansion. You know, the greater [judeo-enclave] project. This latest talk he's been doing about.... "oh we're going to own the Gaza strip", and all of the rest of it....
So, that's what he's offering to THEM. But then you have people that focus on that, and they don't ask the question, "What's he getting in return"? You know.... like it's a one-sided deal! And he's not making a one-sided deal. So I look at these positive developments as Peter is pointing to, and I'm just interested in seeing what kind of deal he made. We KNOW they're expanding [the] greater [judeo-enclave]. But what are we getting in exchange.?
Because you look at a lot of the stuff he's doing, and if this was in his first term, there would be.... I mean the media is whining now... but that's ALL they're doing, is their whining. [If he was doing this] in his first term, there would be like end of the world apocalyptic melt-downs, over some of this stuff.he's doing [now], and yet it's pretty muted. The responses are pretty muted.
Again... of course there's some liberal media whining about it. But you notice that there's not this hysterical over-the-top, reaction, why is that?? Because... THAT'S PART OF THE DEAL! You see this is what he negotiated on his side. We're not gonna know, until we just kind of watch it play out.
When I see these things come out, like some of this... "government corruption" they're turning up, or the fact he's obviously planning to wind down the Ukraine stuff, or whatever... these [are] positive developments. This is stuff he negotiated in, he's giving away things over here.
Now there may be some other things he's given away that aren't going to be positive developments. What we're seeing is.... because we didn't get to GO. We weren't invited to the negotiations. Again when you keep into context that the elections are rigged, so he was allowed to win, WELL WHY? Because he agreed to certain conditions. He agreed to do certain things when he got into office.
See the FIRST time, he didn't understand all that, and basically got steam-rolled by the system. The second time, this time.... because they just did a fraud for 2020, booted him out, and it didn't matter what he did. And then threatened him with a bunch of legal action, which has miraculously gone away....
Now this time it's all different isn't it? Because NOW he understands. It's a negotiation. All of the lead up to the election was negotiation. We see some of the things he's given away. And we're seeing some of the things that he got, in return.
You see, I put these two listener letters [together], because I think it highlights, kind of different ends of the spectrum. No, I don't think the nukes are going to fall. But no, I don't think it's a "turning point" and things are going to get better. I think we'll see some improvements, but the American Empire is doomed.========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========
I mean these things are cyclical in their nature and this is a crumbling and decaying empire. Now what that's [all] going to look like in the end I have no idea. I'd be lying if I told you I did, and there's no point in trying to guess. But no.... America becoming America from, I don't know, thirty or forty years ago.... no. There's no going back." -- *Granpa Dan*
FYI: This website editor's take on Grandpa Dan's thoughts. He's spot-on========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========
But this website editor has doubts about Trump "negotiating" anything but his own survival. Trump obviously needed something! What he got was supposedly "Loyal", "Christian" supporters who just happen to put the judeo-enclave First, and America Second.
After all, he is a "transactionalist"
What he obviously received as loyal supporters of course, were Hagee's Heretical, Hell-Spawned, Sabbatean-Frankist, Judeo-Rapturized, Judeo-Death-Cult-Indoctrinated, Jewvangelicalized, Jewvangelized, Unchristianized, Dechristianized, Armageddonite Lunatics.
It's not much of a deal, but it's one he'd be eager to take. It was probably strongly suggested to him that he use the jewish created death-cultists know as Hagee's Hordes as his minions .
But it wasn't his idea.
It appears the diaspora jews are giving way to the judeo-enclave jews -- temporarily -- so that their joint headquarters for world jewry's goyum control can finally, and firmly be established in Palestine.
After which, after Trump has done his job, domestic politics in the jews' Nord-Am colony will revert back to implementing the jews' weaponized, Cultural Marxist, Anti-White, Mass-Invasion/Migration, CRT, and LGBTQOPedo Global-Homo SodomPlex, TransPlex, and PedoPlex Frankfurt School ideologies.
Along with relentlessly imposing the jews' endless extortion racket, false blood-libel, and foundational Anti-White, Anti-European, malicious myth known as (the Holohoax), and their OTHER Anti-White fraudulent myth that Ethnic Europeans established the Jews' North Atlantic Slave Trading System, upon what's left of White Ethnic Europeans across the world.
While also helping the jews destroy what's left of Europe.
That last objective is becoming increasing clearer every day - mpg
FYI: What's all the kerfuffle about? Just a Kabuki Play staged by the judeo-blob / judeo-deep-state while it implements its.... "Continuity of Agenda". In other words, after all of Trump's razzmatazz, absolutely nothing will change.... although he has done a few good things.Episode 14 - Spotlight on South Africa | Interview w/ Alexander Dugin
Releasing the J-6'ers, getting rid of USAID, and partially dismantling the diaspora jews' CRT, and LGBTQOPedo agenda - At least the CRT/DEI, Trans and Pedo parts, That last was predicted by this website editor. The J-6'ers and USAID definitely was not - mpg
FYI: Jew being Jew - (JbJ) - Def. It's a unique, absolutely over the top behavior that jews constantly engage in - Basically put, if you don't immediately give jews 99.99% of what they ask for. You're their enemy and an existential threat to them. You can be killed at will -- That part is usually unstated, but subtly implied -- It's part of their reflexive ingrained bargaining behavior. Jews firmly believe that A) EVERYTHING is negotiable, therefore.... B) You're obviously hostile if you don't agree, and .... C) Why not take the maximalist position on EVERYTHING as is their right. After all, it can't hurt.... Actually it's extremely annoying, and when a jew has physical control over you, especially if they collectively have control over your people, it's usually quite deadly - mpg.
Dahya Doctrine: "The first public announcement of the doctrine was made in an interview with general Gadi Eizenkot, commander of the JOF's northern front, published by Yedioth Ahronoth in October 2008 -- The Dahiya doctrine, or Dahya doctrine,[1] is a [jewish armed forces'] strategy involving the large-scale destruction of civilian infrastructure in order to pressure hostile governments.The doctrine was outlined by former [Jewish Occupation] Forces (JOF) Chief of General Staff Gadi Eizenkot." - Modified definition from Wikipedia
Hannibal Directive: "Nóhal Khanibaál), also translated as Hannibal Procedure or Hannibal Protocol, is the name of a controversial procedure used by [Jewish Occupation] Forces (JOF) to prevent the capture of [jewish forces] by enemy forces. According to one version, it says that "the kidnapping must be stopped by all means, even at the price of striking and harming our own forces." - Modified definition from Wikipedia
Samson Option: "The Samson Option is the name that some military analysts have given to [the jewish extermination occupations' hypothetical] deterrence strategy of massive retaliation with nuclear weapons as a "last resort" against a country whose military has invaded and/or destroyed much of the [judeo-enclave] - Commentators also have employed the term to refer to situations where non-nuclear, [non-judeo-enclave] actors have threatened conventional weapons retaliation...." - Modified definition from BootCampMilitaryPatriotic Weekly Review – 300th Show Special – with EVERYONE
"The [Lviv regimd's] war in [the] Ukraine [territories] is a symptom of the collapsing world order. The war revealed the dysfunction of liberal hegemony in terms of both power and legitimacy, and it sparked a proxy war by the West against Russia instead of ensuring peace, the source of its legitimacy. The proxy war, unprecedented sanctions, and efforts to isolate Russia in the wider world contributed to the demise of liberal hegemony. Much of the world responded to the war by intensifying their transition to a Eurasian world order that rejects hegemony and liberal universalism."
"The economic architecture is being reorganized as the world diversifies away from excessive reliance on Western technologies, industries, transportation corridors, banks, payment systems, commodity exchanges, insurance systems, currencies etc. Universalism based on Western values is replaced by civilisational distinctiveness, sovereign inequality is swapped with sovereign equality, imposition is replaced by negotiation, and the rules-based international order is discarded in favour of international law. A Westphalian world order is reasserting itself, although with Eurasian characteristics." - NOTE: This website editor will not post YouTube links on this website. However, if it's germane to issues on this website, this website editor will post links to websites that have YouTube links. See note posted at the very top of the "Best of the Back Page" web page / article stack - mpg
FYI: Listen VERY closely to this discussion. The choice was the "Westphalian System" (a.ka. Westphalian Sovereignty, what this website editor likes to call the Magna Carta for Sovereign Nation-States, or as Putin and Xi Jinping like to call the Multi-Polar World Order) -- Versus -- The infamous and highly destructive Treaty of Versailles.========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========
What the increasingly judeo-controlled parasitical class in Amerika (at the time), and the growing subversive judeo managerial class decided to do after the end of WWII. Was institute a STEALTH Treaty of Versailles.
So they set-up a system called the Washington Consensus or the Rules Based NON-Inter-National Order where they PRETENDED to institute a "Westphalian System" while underneath, using their Judeo-Bankster victory at Bretton Woods, they planned to impose their Trans-National New World Order of Jewish Tyranny through their proxies....
The by now jewish world-spanning colonial judeo-Nord-Am Colossus, along with the desiccated remains of their previous Bankster Colonial Empire, now an eviscerated shell known as the judeo-Nord-Atlantic colony.
After the OTHER jewish dominated empire fell. The moribund, decaying, and decrepit, no longer jewish dominated (after they'd been kicked out) Soviet Union. The jews had their chance to destroy their hated European rivals, especially the Germans and Russians finally and for good. While they established their shining Third Temple in their Greater Judeo-Enclave Enterprise, (formally known as Palestine).
They failed. Primarily due to Putin and the peoples of a massively resurgent and revitalized Russia. An empowered nation that now opposed their efforts in Syria and in the Ukraine 'Borderlands' territories. It's why the jews absolutely loath and despise Putin and the people of Russia.
They've brought Trump in to help clean up the awful mess. After Lawfaring him into spineless submission during the four years they illegally kept him out of office.
They will fail again.
It's hard to predict what happens after that - mpg
"This time, in 2025, Trump appears to be trying to correct his mistakes and failures and really eviscerate the bureaucracy, actually shut some agencies (like the Agency for International Development (USAID)) down, install some loyalists (loyal to him, that is) and encourage non-loyalists to leave in as large numbers as possible. Now, instead of one billionaire, we have an alliance of two — Indian-H1B lover and technocrat Elon Musk has joined the team as head of the newly-created but nebulous DOGE (Department of Governmental Efficiency, named after a scammy memecoin, Dogecoin, that Musk likes to promote for reasons unknown), but no one knows for sure if the unstable alliance of two unstable egos will hold for long -- Of course, the shakeup is hurting some egregious anti-Whites (but that doesn’t mean that Musk and Trump aren’t anti-White too). Most interesting is the shutdown of USAID. Wikileaks dropped a bombshell on us about them just yesterday...."The Daily Nationalist: Offhanded [Ethnic-Cleansing Extermination] - DN 020625
"USAID has pushed nearly half a billion dollars ($472.6m) through a secretive US government financed NGO, “Internews Network” (IN), which has “worked with” 4,291 media outlets, producing in one year 4,799 hours of broadcasts reaching up to 778 million people and “training” over 9000 journalists (2023 figures). IN has also supported social media censorship initiatives. The operation claims “offices” in over 30 countries, including main offices in US, London, Paris and regional HQs in Kiev, Bangkok and Nairobi. It is headed up by Jeanne Bourgault, who pays herself $451k a year. Bourgault worked out of the US embassy in Moscow during the early 1990s, where she was in charge of a $250m budget, and in other revolts or conflicts at critical times, before formally rotating out of six years at USAID to IN. Bourgault’s IN bio and those of its other key people and board members have been recently scrubbed from its website but remain accessible at http://archive.org. Records show the board being co-chaired by Democrat securocrat Richard J. Kessler and Simone Otus Coxe, wife of NVIDIA billionaire Trench Coxe, both major Democratic donors. In 2023, supported by Hillary Clinton, Bourgault launched a $10m IN fund at the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI). The IN page showing a picture of Bourgault at the CGI has also been deleted. IN has at least six captive subsidiaries under unrelated names including one based out of the Cayman Islands. Since 2008, when electronic records begin, more than 95% of IN’s budget has been supplied by the US government…"
"I don’t have time to list all of the things that were revealed during the fall of USAID, but I will tell you that “Internews Network” is just a very tiny pinhead-sized part of it — and I will also say that all of USAID is just a pinhead-sized part of the NGO/banker/media and money-out-of-thin-air complex that Jews are wielding against us; and almost all of that remains standing and fully operational.
I’ve told you many times on this program that the Jewish bankers’ ability to create money out of nothing — and their partner in crime, the US government’s facilitation of that through massive “borrowing” — causes the Jews and their politician employees to have almost unlimited funds at their disposal to use against us. Until the banks’ ability to create money is ended forever, that will remain true. Shutting down USAID, while good — and very educational — is not enough by a long shot. It is like removing a dime from Elon Musk’s bank account, and considering him done for as a force in this world. No, no, and again no." - bold by website editor
FYI: Keep in mind.... The Gaza territory is a tiny place, just 25 miles long, and an average of 6 miles wide, (141 sq miles). It is also one of the most densely populated places on the planet, with a population of 2.2 million Palestinians. Seventy percent of whom are women and children.Trump: What Happened in Gaza Will Happen Over Again and Again
History: The Polish-West Ukrainian [Borderlands] Conflict Over East Galicia in 1918−1919 -- Related Article - Re-Posted Just To Remind Everybody... Again - Map - (click to view) - (click alt to view) - (NOTE: Take a look at the map. Roughly 50% of so-called "Ukraine" was gifted to it by.... Josef Stalin, Vladimir Lenin, and Nikita Khrushchev. The communists made so-called "Ukraine" into what it became - It's something to think long and hard about - mpg) -- A quote...."The political transformation of the eastern portion of Europe after 1918 was a direct result of the collapsing both the German Second Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire during the last months of 1918, as well as due to unsettled western borders of the ex-Russian Empire (collapsed in 1917) which still was involved into the revolution and civil war. Most of the boundary changes in this half of Europe after WWI were direct result of decisions reached by the Entente powers (Allied and Associated Powers during WWI) at the Paris Peace Conference that began in early 1919 resulting in five peace treaties, named after the castles outside Paris where they have been finally signed. Each of these peace treaties was dealing in part, but in some cases entirely, with states in Central Europe that was the case, for instance, with Poland which was in the post-WWI military-political conflict with the West [Borderlands] nationalists over the land of East Galicia."Prussian Socialism Episode 21: The Stab in the Back and Treaty of Versailles [featuring Warren Balogh] - Outstanding Show, Explains Much of the Historical Reasons for Our Current Nihilistic World!! -- GregCAudio - Previously posted, posted again for our edification - Note: Odysee Audio plays well on older systems - Alt-PodBeam - (GregCOdysee - 1hr43min06sec - May 24th, 2023) - Source - Gregg Conte: GreggConte Podcast @ Odysee - GregC @ Podbeam - GregC @ Bitchute -- A quote...."In November of 1918, a leftist cabal overthrew Kaiser William II and sued for peace with their country’s enemies. These traitors agreed to withdraw German troops from all enemy land and to surrender her fleet - In so doing, they stripped Germany of all her bargaining power. It is not surprise that, in the ensuing peace-conference, Germany was made a slave of International Money-Power."
FYI: You'd think the Swedish regime would have something better to do then spend their rapidly dwindling assets on an ethnic cleansing judeo-project in the 'Borderlands Territories' of Russia. For example, allocating their dwindling assets to support their own people. But that is just too hard a concept for them to grasp - mpgMore Than One Explosion a Day in Sweden as Gang Violence Spirals Out of Control
FYI: What could possibly be the reason Daily Bombings in Sweden are hidden for over a decade, yet the Swedes, SOMEHOW, think it's their national PRIORITY to help the jewish run, ethnic-cleansing Lviv regime squatting on the 'Borderlands' (formerly Ukraine) territories, murder more Russians?? What could possibly cause the Swedes to be so incredibly, spinelessly, stupid. It's almost like they're brain-washed or something. What could possibly be twisting and warping the Swedish collective polity?? - mpgThe Bonnier Family - Wikipedia
"Grégoire Canlorbe: It is not uncommon to employ the locution “Judeo-Bolsheviks” to designate the 1917’s revolutionaries in Russia. Yet one seldom speaks of “Judeo-Libertarians,” even though the main intellectual leaders of libertarianism (or free-marketism) in the twentieth century were Jews: let one think of Milton Friedman, Israel Kirzner, Ayn Rand, Murray Rothbard, or Ludwig von Mises. How do you explain it?"American Pravda: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
"Has anyone witnessed anything like the recent collapse of Syria? Not just the regime but the entire social fabric of the country. It appears everyone was overtaken by events, some with joy, some with sadness. No one, not even Assad’s most ardent enemies, thought it would happen so suddenly, so fast - It appears Erdogan of Turkey initially targeted only the northern parts of Syria; it was meant more as a power play than a grand design to take down the Syrian regime. But, once the first domino fell, the rest followed in a manner at once spectacular and pathetic.========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========
"Granted, it was arguably the final chapter of a prolonged process of regime change. The Syrian Civil War(which soon became a global war, with the Jewish-run West, Turkey, and the Gulf Sunni states all ganging up on Syria by lending support to Jihadis, the worst dreck of humanity) had raged on from 2011; Syria was ravaged by war for over a decade, on top of which the West applied crippling sanctions while also occupying key economic zones. In more ways than one, the collapse was a case of the final straw that finally broke the camel’s back." - also posted at Reficultnias
Pattern Recognition========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========
(The BNW-1984-FS Viral Version)
04-14-24 -- Updated 06-13-24 - mpg
FYI: It went from Spain, after the Spanish Armada was defeated July – August 1588 during the reign of Queen Elizabeth, regrouped in the Netherlands, and later France, which it destroyed during its "revolution", till it firmly ensconced itself in England after the Battle of Waterloo, spread to the newly founded Judeo-Amerikan Empire in 1913. While a very toxic judeo-bolshevik variant bloomed in Russia, and destroyed that poor nation in 1917
Thence it spread to the other three former English colonies, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand after WWII. In its initially more milder, therefore more contractible, but LETHALLY much more malignant judeo-emulated "Brave New World", "1984" Frankfurt School cancerous form. (BNW-1984-FS)
It's called the judeo-bankster imposed, pathogenic mind-meme virus, and its variants . The LETHALLY malignant BNW-1984-FS version has now infected Western Europe, with its rot slowly creeping Eastward across the rest of Europe, towards the heart of Eurasia. This is how the judeo-mind-rot, judeo-cutural-degenerative, and the judeo-fiat-debt-token-financial-virus has spread across the world
It is currently physically manifesting itself through its jewish viral agents as geopolitical pustules in both Palestine, and the former Russian territories which used to be called "Ukraine", a.k.a. "the Borderlands"
The Jews' Three Current "A" / "B" Play Action Plans
The following three "A" / "B" play actions are currently being implemented by the jews...
With the jews occupying Palestine, right in the middle of all this, playing all sides against each other, and raking in trillions of shekels. Hat-Tip to the jews - mpg
- 'Poor widdle judeo-enclave', the JewK, and the JewSA (Hagee's Juvangelical Death Cultists) against 'dem Aaaaa-rahbists - But they'll NEVER go after the Saudis / GCC Wahhabist terrorist supporting crime families, instead they went after the Non-Arabic peoples of the Levant and North Africa - (PNAC Protocols Mid-East edition, since 1980)
- Deranged, 'New Hitler' Putin and the mongrelized Russians against White Europe - (PNAC Protocols Eurasian edition, since 2000)
- The judeo-anglo-sphere and Europe against all dem'darkey races, basically the rest of the world - (PNAC-Protocols Target China edition, with India as the jews' Cat's-Paw, since 2010)
FYI: As most people listen to this conversation it will infuriate them. This is what the BBC does. This is what the BBC is. A smear machine. Hat tip to Mark Collett for keeping cool - mpgEpisode 9 - Faith, Fire, and Fiscal Collapse
FYI: Regarding Mark Dankof's (the audio posted above), E Michael Jone's (the article posted above), and Daniel McAdam's (the commentator in the article above), extreme concern over Trump's nomination of the Hagee's-Horder, Hagee's-Heretic, Hagee's-Hell-Spawn, Hagee's-Sabbatean-Frankist, Judeo-Rapturized, Judeo-Death-Cultist, Jewvangelical, Jewvangelized, Unchristianized, Dechristianized "Armageddonite Lunatic Pete Hegseth", see comment posted below..... First posted Wednesday April 24th, 2024========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========
Well.... just think about it. Jews invert all good concepts. It's their nature. So now we have a so-called "religion" that purports itself to be part of the "Christian" faith. Yet its mission is to bring Hell on Earth!!
How could any thinking human being possibly be stupid enough to believe in Rapturist Eschatology?? To do the work of the Devil Himself on behalf of Jesus Christ?!?! - Is there ANYTHING more inverted, perverted, or oxymoronic then that? - If ANYONE thinks this is funny, or not a serious issue, just put yourselves into their mindset.
You're totally committed to this jewish created "doctrinal faith" And you totally believe that "The Rapture", and therefore Jesus Himself, will come to save you, your family, and your fellow brethren, ONLY IF the Earth Ends.
Now imagine some of these people working in a BS-4 bio-warfare lab on something so deadly, its never before been seen in nature. Something that makes the Black Death tame by comparison. Or sitting underground in some ICBM launch control complex somewhere in North Dakota. After somehow having obtained all the launch codes.
Anyone still think it's funny? - mpg
FYI: Just to let everyone know. This website editor vehemently disagrees with the guest's analysis regarding who control's who. (Previously disagreed with Danny Haiphong and his guests' just the other day on this same identical issue. You'll see that video -- and the same identical comment you're reading now -- posted in the Tuesday January 14th, 2025 section of the "Back Page" article stack)
If most of the top donors to the RepubDemo Uni-Party are jewish. If more than fifty percent of the JewSA's billionaires are jewish, if almost every president of the top Ivy League Colleges are jewish, if the "Federal" reserve is owned by the jews, if any criticism of jews by anyone in a major position of influence in the JewSA is met with the loss of their job, bank account, or internet service, if every single communications and computer device is controlled or monitored by the jews, and has been for the last fifty years, if the plans carried out by the JewSA such as "A Clean Break", "Seven Countries in Five Years, and the PNAC Protocols are conceived and written by jews, if your entire culture has been subverted by the jews' Frankfurt School Agenda, and their abortion agenda (alt link), and so on and so forth. It's the jews, a population that numbers just 2%, that control the JewSA, and NOT the other way around, It's simply silly, in fact it's downright deluded, borderline deranged, to state otherwise - mpg
FYI: Graphics - (click to view) - See additional graphics on this issue.... [Who Controls The MSM? (2013) - png] - [Who Controls Your Mind (2013) - jpg]
FYI: The Question.... that must ALWAYS be asked in this sort of analysis is..... and its corollary statements to keep in mind are....
FYI: Jewish Expulsions Worldwide Throughout History -- 1,030 TIMES
Setting The Record Straight! - NOT 109 Times (A Commonly Cited Number) - But 1,030 Times!! - A quote...."This is hard evidence -- Jews cause problems wherever they go. They support and promote each other and then become too powerful. They use mind tricks, they steal, they cheat. And when anyone has a problem with any of this, they whine about anti-[judeo-supremacism]. Witness how they constantly bitch about the Holo[hoax]. And then go and murder the Palestinians. (not all Jews are like this - but most of them are) " -- Also posted at Reficultnias(PDF) - Reficultnias(HTML) -- Pleeeeze download and distribute!! - mpg
FYI: A note to everyone - When analyzing any event or writing any article regarding the jewish crime syndicate, please name the Jews involved. Please identify their affiliations, prior associations, and relevant past and current connections. Place the Jews involved, and all their machinations into CONTEXT -- "YOU must always identify the Jew, YOU must always name the Jew. In all their quantifiable, contextual aspects. Their goals, methods, policies, ideologies, ownership structures, institutions, connections, advocacy groups, non-government organizations, trans-national networks, and their sources of power - Such as the Central Banks, and their ownership of their Mass-Media Spew Outlets." -- *Identitarian, Transnational, Bolshevik, Politiks - A Practical Guide - (What YOU Must Do - It's The Only Way) - 09-26-20 - mpg*========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========
FYI: Actually not a bad quote From Wikipedia! -- [Operation] Timber Sycamore -- Color this website editor surprised! Of course Wikipedia's quote only scratches the surface, regarding the JewSA's and JewK's support for outright Jihadist Wahhabist terrorists for over four decades. And of course they're utterly useless regarding any questions about Judeo-Anglo policies, jewish control, the jews' various plans such as their PNAC Protocols, their Frankfort School Agendas, their manifest historical fabrications regarding WWI, WWII, the Holohoax, and their judeo-exterminationist enclaves in both Palestine and the Ukraine territories.. Still this quote gives you the broad outlines of Operation Timber Sycamore. Pay special attention to the JewSA's winding down of the program in 2017. This was due to Trump's interference, right after which he murdered one of the best anti-ISIS fighters ever seen. Iranian General Qassem Soleimani. Naturally when Trump tried to withdraw JewSA troops from Syria he was ignored. Of course most of these terrorists where just repackaged, renamed, and returned to the field in Syria as the re-branded ISIS-Lite. But it is TRUE that Trump curbed open-direct support for these guys in the first year of his term back in 2017 - See related links posted below - Took about 25 minutes to assemble from one search engine - Lot's of people say they "don't know" about these sorts of things. What they really mean to say is "they don't care" - mpg
FYI: This is Brilliant!! - As you listen to Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson's historical analysis and deconstruction of jewish Bolshevism, how and why they did what they did in Russia during their 1917 takeover of the country, and their Holodomor campaign of starvation against the peasants living in Russia's 'Borderlands' territories. You'll realize they haven't changed their methods at all!!Nima And Me
How they manage the goyum-sheeple in the JewSA now, is exactly the same as when they managed the Russians in 1917. Given the limitations and restrictions imposed upon them by current circumstances. Else, tens of millions of goyum in this country would also already be dead or in 'reeducation' labor camps - mpg
FYI: Andrei Martyanov is excessively harsh on Germany and the German people regarding WWI and WWII. They just wanted a normal country with the same inter-national rights and privileges as France and the JewK. All they needed to do was sell their country to jewish Banksters like the JewSA and JewK. They did so after WWI, and were devastated by the jewish run Wiemar Republic. They tried again to have a normal country, but this time under Hitler they directly challenged world jewish Banksterism. They were completely destroyed as a result. So they let themselves be run by the jews' Golemized Nord-Am (JewSA) and Nord-Atlantic (JewK) colonies for the last eighty years. They have gone from bad to worse ever since, and have now wound up voting for the German hating Green Party. You can only have pity for them - mpgJews Are the Problem
FYI: By the way, THIS is the sort of historical research that is needed!! A note to everyone - When analyzing any event or writing any article regarding the jewish crime syndicate, please name the Jews involved. Please identify their affiliations, prior associations, and relevant past and current connections. Place the Jews involved, and all their machinations into CONTEXT -- "YOU must always identify the Jew, YOU must always name the Jew. In all their quantifiable, contextual aspects. Their goals, methods, policies, ideologies, ownership structures, institutions, connections, advocacy groups, non-government organizations, trans-national networks, and their sources of power - Such as the Central Banks, and their ownership of their Mass-Media Spew Outlets." -- *Identitarian, Transnational, Bolshevik, Politiks - A Practical Guide - (What YOU Must Do - It's The Only Way) - 09-26-20 - mpg*The Dankof Report with Mark Dankof, January 3, 2025
"The marketisation of everything ensued, to produce a global consumer marketplace. Everything is now a thing to be consumed - This includes children, and life itself - This would be the economic basis for the new world order - To do this, old values of nation, kinship, religion, tradition, custom and law had to change - The nation states must turn a blind eye to the damaging, downstream effects of globalisation. To do otherwise would interrupt the drive for efficiency, delivered through the refinement of a technique of governance intended to be universal and permanent - This technique, as we shall see, makes use of mass media to manipulate public feeling in the service of the tolerance of evil." - bold by website editorWhite Man Chat: Spanglish: How Jewish Hollywood Backstabs Whites & Distorts the USA to the WORLD! -- HRAudio - A Masterful Deconstruction of Jewish Mind Manipulation!! - Pass It On!! -- Alt/Mp4-Vid - Alt/Mp3-Aud - Graphic - (click to view) - (HRVar - 2hrs22min30sec - Jan 2nd, 2025) - Source Websites - Jan Lamprecht: History Reviewed Com - History Reviewed Net - African Crisis - Please Purchase: White-Shop-Biz - Please Donate: Send Money - Get a Free PDF Book: "Did Six Million Jews really die in WW2?" -- A quote...."We take a look at a movie called Spanglish. Mike came up with the idea of looking at all the antiwhite propaganda hidden inside a very popular Hollywood movie that was created by Jews, and where the prime actor is a Jew. I mention how by watching Hollywood movies my view of America was distorted, and I was very surprised by what America is actually like when I first visited it in 2010."
FYI: If you want an example of this jewess's absolute RELENTLESS and REMORSELESS dedication to shaping and controlling the shabbos-goyum cattle-sheeples' minds, just listen to the video above, and look at this one, single, solitary, jew's bio, posted below...
From Wikipedia --Suzannah Weiss (born September 6, 1990) is a feminist writer. She has written for The New York Times, New York Magazine, The Washington Post, Glamour, Cosmopolitan, Elle, Playboy, and other publications. [1][2][3][4][5][6] They have served as an editor for Teen Vogue, Complex, and Vice.[7][8][9] Weiss's writing has been published in several anthologies. [10][11][12][13] They are also a certified sex educator and sex/love coach. [14][15][16] -- Weiss grew up on Long Island, New York, [17][18] and attended Brown University, where they studied Cognitive Neuroscience, Gender and Sexuality Studies, and Modern Culture and Media.[19] Their writing has been discussed on The Today Show and The View.[20][21][22][23] They have spoken about feminist issues and sexuality at conferences including South by Southwest, on the news networks Bold TV and C-SPAN, on the web show The Fallen State, and on various radio shows and podcasts. [24][25][26][27][28][29][30] They have played a central role in social media discussions of how women are treated by doctors. [31][32][33]EU Self-Harm Russian Gas Ends. EU No Plan. Russia Breaks Through; Toretsk, Chasov Yar Collapse -- The Jews Were Here: The Utter "Nihilism" of the E.U. - AMVideo - Great Analysis on How Brussels Has Destroyed Europe!! - Alt/AM-Odysee - Alt/AM-Rumble - Alt/AM-OldBitchute - Alt/AM-NewBitchute - (AMVar - 1hr40min30sec - Jan 2nd, 2025) - Source - Alexander Mercouris: AlexMerc @ Rumble - AlexMerc @ Odysee - AlexMerc @ BitChute - The Duran - Duran @ OldBitchute - Duran @ NewBitchute - Duran @ Rumble - Duran @ Odysee - Duran @ Spotify - Duran's Shop
This jewess has ruthlessly, and relentlessly dedicated her entire life to ruining White Ethnic European civilizations - Replacing their values with her tribe's values. There are hundreds of thousands of jews JUST LIKE HER worming their way into the already tattered fabric of White Ethnic European civilization. There are eight million of them in the JewSA alone!! - Ceaselessly doing EVERYTHING they can to destroy White Ethnic European nations and their peoples!!!
"No doubt, reaching out to [the trans-national jewish crime syndicate's geopolitical pustule occupying Palestine] and [their Nord-Am colonial administration in] Washington was presented to Assad as the only practical exit to his dilemma. ‘Normalisation’ could lead to the lifting of sanctions, they implored him. And Assad, according to those in touch with him, (even at the eleventh hour before the HTS ‘invasion’) was believing that Arab States close to Washington would have opted for his continued leadership, rather than see Syria fall prey to Salafist zealots."========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========
"To be clear: Moscow and Tehran had warned Assad that his army (as a whole) was too fragile, too underpaid, and too penetrated and bribed by foreign intelligence services, to be expected to defend the state effectively. Assad also was warned repeatedly about the threat from Idlib jihadists planning to take Aleppo, but the President not only ignored the warnings – he rebutted them." - also posted at AlethoNews."
"Trumptards crowed that it was a landslide. Actually, it wasn’t. True, Trump winning 31 states with an electoral vote margin of 312 to 226 was a solid victory, but it’s the popular vote, not the electoral, that reveals the mood of the citizenry, and here the score was Trump 49.9%, Harris 48.4%. I’d say that’s pretty damn close. You want to know what a landslide is? I remember a few. In 1972 Richard Nixon was re-elected after his opponent, George McGovern, won exactly one state, Massachusetts, plus Washington DC. The electoral vote was 570 to 17, popular vote 60.7% to 37.5%. After the excruciating Watergate soap opera and political lynching of Nixon, Jimmy Carter squeaked by Gerald Ford in 1976, but four years later the MAGA throwbacks were so disgusted with his lack of leadership that they went all out for Ronald Reagan, delivering 44 states and an electoral tally of 489-49. With his friendly manner, Mr. Magoo grin, and 85 IQ, Ronnie was very popular...."========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========
"....and in 1984 Walter Mondale, who had been Carter’s VP, was humiliated as badly as McGovern, carrying only his home state of Minnesota and, of course, the District of Corruption, which always votes Democrat. Four years later George Bush Sr. clobbered Michael Dukakis, who at least did better than his predecessors, winning ten states plus DC for 111 electoral votes. As with Trump’s first term, I can’t think of a single lasting benefit handed down to the good people of America by these Republican “conservative” chumps — Nixon, Reagan, and Daddy Bush — though I do recall a few disasters. As for Kamala, she did much better than any of the aforementioned losers so really, honey, don’t feel bad on the road to oblivion. You gave it your best shot, so keep your chin up. After all, America is clown world and your worthlessness and hyena cackles were more entertaining than Bozo ever was." - bold by website editor
FYI: The jews will say it was a "terrorist bank" and that Hamas / Hezbollah fighters were hiding in the basement of all 38 branches. In one sense they're absolutely right. ANY Bank that doesn't charge interest is a "terrorist bank".... to the jews - mpg - See related links posted below.....
2024 Year In Review – with Various Guests
FYI: This website editor vehemently disagrees with EMJ's interpretation of "biological determinism". It conforms with his Catholic faith, but it violates all observable natural law, and proven scientific research. The Catholic Church has already been repeatedly proven wrong on almost all of its interpretations of physical nature and the structure of the universe. It should also be pointed out the difference between a Man and a Woman is biologically determined. Whereas jews have repeatedly stated it's simply a "mental construct" - They've done the same with much of observable reality. To the destruction of Western Civilization - Let's just avoid confusion for everybody, and stick to the facts shall we? - mpgGemma & EMJ: A New Jewish Guide To Hate Speech For Catholics
FYI: Originally Posted Wednesday December 11th, 2024 - To the terrorist Wahhabist crime families ruling Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, and of course Erdogan of Turkey and the Turkish peoples, and let's also not ever forget Azerbaijan's essential support for the jewish extermination project. By supplying forty percent of the jews' oil while they slaughtered the Palestinians for over 400 days....========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========
To ALL of you.... A Sincere Well Done!!! -- A Big Hat-Tip to Everyone!!
YOU and YOUR peoples have achieved for the jews something they could NEVER have achieved on their own. WAY TO GO GUYS!! You've snatched a complete defeat from a difficult, and increasingly bloody stalemate for the jews..... and handed them total unmitigated victory!!
The jews couldn't have done it without your unstinting, absolutely relentless support!! - What a marvel of "Arab" solidarity" you all are!! What a magnificent demonstration of the so-called "Arab-Street" in action!! Truly awesomely eye-opening!!
A performance of perfidy that no one should EVER be stupid enough to forget!
FYI: This website editor dislikes vituperativness. It distracts from proper analysis. Saying "sub-human" (and other more 'emotional' less accurate terms), may assuage one's anger a little bit, and make one feel slightly better about what jews have collectively done to White Ethnic Europeans - (100 million dead and counting) - along with using the quite accurate term "lying" about how they did much, if not most of it.
But White Ethnic European "arithmetical" referent terms such as those, are not useful for analyzing jewish behavior.
Because -- for example -- the jews believe it's White Ethnic Europeans who are the "sub-humans", (they have repeatedly stated so. Just go read their literature on the subject), and "lying" is a term they simply CANNOT even comprehend, or define.
As they are completely indoctrinated, perhaps even genetically predisposed, to their "everything is morally and factually relative".... perspective.
Jews also have an utter inability in understanding the concepts of "proportionality", "dis-proportionality", and equal measure.
Along with possessing a fabricated, pro-jewish, almost blindly myopic, in-group-preferenced, amoral, out-group-loathing, murderously malignant, narcissistic, and massively paranoid set of personality disorders contained within an ethnocentric, "narrative bound" world-view.
They are incredibly dangerous and deadly for ALL societies they inhabit
For more on the analysis of jewish behavior, see website editor's essays posted below on the subject..... mpg
"Why does that matter? -- Because we need to acknowledge that Israel has accomplished what it sought from the very beginning; they not only enlisted allies to help them topple Assad, but they also obliterated the Syrian state. Syria is gone; it no longer exists. And that has been Israel’s goal for more than 40 years -- So, we shouldn’t view the events of the last week as random or spontaneous, because they are neither. Everything that has taken place aligns closely with a strategic blueprint produced by a Zionist intellectual (Oded Yinon) more than four decades ago and which—according to biographer Israel Shahak—concocted “an accurate and detailed plan….for the Middle East which is based on the division of the whole area into small states, and the dissolution of all the existing Arab states.” Full Stop"Video: World Crisis Wigout
"This is where readers need to pause for a moment and honestly consider whether this accurately explains the endless fighting and turmoil we’ve seen in the Middle East for the last two decades? -- The answer is: It does. Iraq, Libya, Lebanon, Syria etc. These are not just countries; they are agenda items on a Zionist checklist for regional domination. So, stop thinking that the wars have something to do with Assad or oil or pipelines or Hamas or even Israeli security. Because they don’t. These are wars aimed at establishing Israeli hegemony across the Middle East."
FYI: The Armenian ethnic-cleansing extermination project. Another mass-murder project in the jews' long continuous legacy of horror and terror - You can add to their Armenian massacre, through their Crypto Jewish Turkish proxies..... their takeover of Russia in 1917 and the murder of twenty-five million Christian Russian. Their Holodomor starvation campaign on the Ukraine - 'Borderlands' - territories during the early thirties, and the deaths of six to eight million people living there. Their massacres of the German people, and Europeans in their two machinated World Wars and vicious post war occupations where millions of surrendered Germans were murdered by their JewSA, JewK and Soviet proxies. Their invasion and terrorist extermination campaign in Palestine during 1948 - The First Nakba, along with occasional bouts of mass-muder called "Cast-Lead" and "Protective Edge", till their most recent outburst of bloody murder-frenzy in Gaza during October 2023 to the present, their Second Nakba -- It's what jews do. Always - mpgMacron's Plan to Stay in Power