The Titans of the Media - Garbageman

Is Olbermann on Thin Ice?
Take very careful note of this article.  The conservative owners of the "mass media" in this country have endlessly stated their decisions regarding the content they choose to air have always been predicated on "financial considerations."  Perhaps, they should have said "other" financial considerations, like their ties to the party in power, or their corporate interests.

Based on this article they certainly haven’t predicated many of their decisions on the ratings or performance of some of their shows.   In other words some of their statements regarding this issue are misleading, most of them are out right lies.

And these "gentleman" call themselves the titans of the communications industry.  We should actually call them garbage man, not to demean the honest hardworking guys who come to our doors to take the stuff away, no these "gentleman" are garbage man because they do the opposite, they deliver the stuff to our doors every day, it's what they peddle to us.

Again everyone should ask yourselves......why are you watching their garbage.  Go to cable, or video, or DVD, or the web for entertainment.  As for knowledge, as for truth, as for facts, NEVER expect to hear or read an accurate, true or germane statement from a corporately owned commercial broadcaster..... period.  Always go to the web, or read a good book instead.

As people who care would say "a mind is a terrible thing to [fill up with] waste" or as Karl Rove would say "that's a great idea".