Another Cowardly Zio-Whore Trots Out A Tired Old Excuse

Another Cowardly Zio-Whore Trots Out A Tired Old Excuse

Trump's Pentagon Chief: 'Russia Is the Number One Threat to [The New] World Order'
(The Hideously Ugly) - "Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Russia" -- *Paraphrasing "Mad Dog Mattis"* - A quote...."General Mattis got along great with John McCain during his Senate confirmation hearing: -- Under questioning from Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain, R-Ariz., about Russia and other threats, Mattis said the U.S. should “recognize the reality” of dealing with Vladimir Putin’s government and that he’s trying to “break” the North Atlantic alliance."
Perhaps Kissinger was right about military men. -- Posted below is a gentle reminder to General Mattis about who is actually responsible for NATO's current difficulties.

Expressed in a language this website editor rarely uses, but one his.... (focused, anal, rigid, fixated,  moribund, ossified??), military mind might, actually, comprehend.
Dear General Mattis....

By Russia's simple EXISTENCE, by its opposition to the complete subjugation of Ukraine by Russian hating "Jewish" oligarchs, by allowing the ethnic Russians in Crimea to vote for accession (by over ninety percent, in a free and internationally monitored election), by allowing them to avoid the horrible fate -- again -- of their brethern in the rest of Ukraine....

....YOU, general Mattis, with your vast, wonderful powers of perspicacity, with your heretofore undiscovered towering intellect, with your never before demonstrated, or ever disclosed, grasp of geopolitical wisdom, have concluded....

Vladimir Putin's government is trying to "break" the North Atlantic alliance....

No you miserable, irredeemable, sack of uneducated pig slop!

YOU and your cadre of PNAC'ing, fellow traveling, ass-kissers of the Euro-Kharzarian New World Order, who spent tens of trillions of tax payer dollars, smashing the entire Middle East on behalf of the Saudi's murderous Wahhabi terrorist death squads, triggering a massive flood of millions of refugees into an already financially strapped EU, an EU financially strapped by its fifteen year monetary support for this unholy, evil, plan of secular nation state destruction, causing irreparable, rapidly growing, geopolitical and financial fissures throughout the EU, (all those "....exits"), and thus, also, NATO, are the ones who are actually responsible for "breaking" the North Atlantic alliance!

YOU, and your P.O.S. Euro-Kharzarian Bankster buddies deliberately caused all of this!

And you are a f*cking, craven, a**-wiping, unimaginative, boring, boot-licking, little coward to use that tired old shibboleth...."Putin Did It"

Man-up you brain dead moron.

Have the courage and forthrightness to take personal credit for what YOU & YOUR F*CKING FRIENDS HAVE DONE!! - mpg