Armageddon Cultists & Their Place in the Trinity of Evil

Armageddon Cultists & Their Place in the Trinity of Evil

Do You Attend a "Christian" Zionist Church? Zionists lobby for US attack on Iran
They're called "Armageddon Cultists".  They're a non-Christian, utterly amoral, dangerously deluded and highly ignorant sect of jingoistic morons, and a completely artificial creation of the Zionist Ashkenazi,.

The Zionist Ashkinazi are a non-Jewish, utterly amoral, dangerously smart sect of non-Semitic Kazarian Russians, who assumed or copied a few aspects of Jewish religious culture back in the eighth century to further their mercenary and commercial ambitions, and almost all of whom, don't have a single droplet of Middle-Eastern blood within their veins.

Both groups' plans and ambitions support, and are supported by, the Saudi Royals' Wahhabist sect, an artificial, state sponsored religion, created by the Saudi Royals, whose members are non-Muslim, highly radicalized, murderous amoral extremists, many of whom are commonly employed by the al-CIA'da network (a US-NRE created agency) and other Wahhabist type organizations as shock troops to destabilize governments throughout the Middle East and eventually the Near East, North Africa, Russia and China.

All three groups, (with an assist from Britain) operate for, and support the plans and objectives of the US-NRE's, Zionist Bankster Cartel and their thirty year old PNAC Protocols. They are also referred to on this website as the "Trinity of Evil" or the "True Axis of Evil" - mpg

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