A Simple Equation

A Simple Equation

11 Reasons Why America Would Be A Better Place Without Goldman Sachs
A quote...."Would America be a better place without Goldman Sachs?  Of course it would.  The "vampire squid" of Wall Street does not care about the future of America.  Sadly, Goldman Sachs apparently does not even care much about their own clients.  What Goldman Sachs is all about is making as much money as humanly possible.  In the end, there is nothing wrong with making money, but there are constructive ways to make money and there are destructive ways to make money.  Unfortunately, Goldman Sachs seems to find the destructive path almost irresistible. "

It's a real simple equation.  It's a lot easier to short a country or a company after having set them up to fail, or sell worthless paper securities...including currencies, or simply lie, cheat and steal than it is  to tell the truth and invest in real productive assets and try to grow them. 

With all due respect to John Nash, who mathematically analyzed the benefits of cooperation versus competition, it seems no one has REALLY done the break down on the ratios, or done a cost benefit analysis, (except perhaps Goldman Sachs, but they're not telling), on just how beneficial and advantageous lying (versus cooperation or honest competition) can be in a completely permissive society, or totally unregulated securities industry, especially after you've totally corrupted and taken over the regulators.

Cooperation, or markets for that matter, (a form of mutual cooperation, i.e. exchanges based on trust) need truth, or accurate information, to work well.  Lies, i.e. bogus promises, securities, and currencies, are highly profitable when unpunished because they cost nothing to those who tell them, sell them, or print them.  But for those who except them at face value, they cost dearly. - mpg

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