Congratulations Amerika!!

Congratulations Amerika!!

Analysis: Is the fall of Mosul the end of Maliki?
A quote...."Following the dramatic fall of Mosul yesterday, Islamic State of Iraq and the Syria (ISIS) extremists advanced overnight into the oil refinery town of Baiji, setting the courthouse and police station on fire. Baiji contains Iraq’s biggest refinery, with a refining capacity of 310,000 barrels per day, according to the US Energy Information Administration." - Additional key quote shown below.....
"ISIS has honed its hit-and-run tactics in what the British Army call Fighting In Built-Up Areas (FIBUA) in Syria, and has more of a stomach for the close-quarter mayhem that this entails. - The Iraqi army lacks FIBUA training and no longer has UK or US forces to call upon, nor does it have the intelligence collection and exploitation capability needed to find, fix and destroy ISIS." - bold by website editor
Congratulations Amerika!!  Again to repeat, as this website editor has been stating every single day for over eight years, this entire operation, including Israel's false-flag of 9/11, was designed to carry out Oded Yinon's scorched earth policy of destroying every secular and/or nation-state structure in the Middle East that had the potential to be a competitor to Israel, and/or refused to participate in the Euro-Kazarian's / Gulf Parasitical Families'  fiat petro-script "world reserve" currency regime

This policy was later codified in Israel's PNAC Protocols

The United States government, fully occupied by Israel's colonial lackeys has proceeded to spend the wealth and treasure of this nation, along with the lives of its most stupidest, amoral citizens, not only destroying every nation-state structure in the Middle East possessing natural resources who would "not bend a knee" to Israel and the Euro-Kazarians' fiat-script, but is now moving on with these same identical plans of destruction to do the same to Ukraine, and the countries of North and Central Africa.
They have done so while spending tens of billions of dollars in direct US support for the last thirty years for almost every terrorist organization in the Middle East, to be used as shock troops to destabilize these governments prior to their annihilation and/or occupation, while encouraging the Saudis and the other parasitical families of the Arabian Peninsula to spend even more. -- Much more.

Every single person in the United States military and every single United States citizen who states that the military actions carried out for the last thirteen years since 9/11 are being conducted in any way, shape or form to fight terrorism is a knowing LIAR, a traitor to this nation, an agent of Israel, a war crimes enabler, and most importantly, a supporter of Saudi Wahhabist indoctrination and terrorism worldwide.

Every single congressman, senator, government employee, military personnel, or US citizen who voted for any program, offered or received monies, arranged support, coordinated support, or gave assistance in any way to these terrorist organizations is a material supporter of Saudi sponsored, Israeli coordinated, US-NRE encouraged terrorism world wide.

If that doesn't make it clear to everyone what is going on and who is responsible, than God help them. - mpg.