Dred Scott For Everyone In Israel

Dred Scott For Everyone In Israel
(And "Jews" Everywhere)

Ah Palestine: a non-existing land without people for a non-existing people
A Very Bad Precedent -- This website editor on numerous occasions has stated, vociferously, forcefully, and clearly, that there is no such thing as the state of Israel!!  The Euro-Kazarain court in Palestine has now, finally, agreed.....
"The Israeli [Euro-Kazarain] Supreme court [in Palestine] has recently ruled that there is no such thing as an “Israeli” recognized by the legal system of the State of Israel [Euro-Kazarian Criminal Consortium]. You can be classified as a Jew, an Arab, a Druze, a foreign visitor, but nobody is an “Israeli.”"
If you have no Israeli citizens, you CANNOT have an Israeli state....period!! - To repeat again.....
They're NOT a state! They refuse to set their borders, won't establish a constitution, refuse to recognize their collective responsibilities as a "state", (they even hate the concept of "the nation state"), they refuse to abide by international law, they constantly attack their neighbors, are constantly engaged in war crimes, they have set-up one of the most vicious systems of apartheid ever seen on this planet, way worse than South Africa's ever was, they deport or even sterilize honest to God real Semitic Jews that are too brown or black in color, and most importantly, they are occupying SOMEBODY ELSE'S LAND! -- *How Could Something That Doesn't Even Exist, Be Under Existential Threat? - 05-10-13 - mpg*
Now they don't even recognize the concept of a "citizen" of a nation state.  This decision by the Euro-Kazarains in Palestine will establish a precedent they are one day going to deeply, deeply, regret.

This decision differs from the massively hypocritical, immoral, and unconstitutional United States Supreme Court's Dred Scott vs Sanford decision, only in that it can also be applied to every member of the Euro-Kazarian community, in Palestine, or according to their own laws, those living abroad.

In other words they are "Jews" only, and not "citizens"....no matter where they live.   - mpg