Fair Warning

Fair Warning
July 31st, 2021

FYI: In place of the usual notes posted in this section every other day, this website editor has decided to give a word of WARNING

This website editor has already noted in several essays and commentaries about the SARS-CoV2 & Symptoms Covid19 virus that.... IT IS REAL. That it is not "The Flu Bro" It does not act like the "Flu", and it produces many un-Flu like symptoms, some of them quite bizarre. Most of them apparently related to its original bio-warfare "Gain of Function" design. It is also not the "Bubonic Plague", nor even close to the 1918 Flu pandemic in its lethal effects. But it is in fact.....
"....a powerful bio-weapon ~ that has probably killed eight to twelve times the normal average rate of Flu deaths per year in most countries. But almost all of these deaths were people past their prime working years, and therefore of no interest, and no longer useful, to the judo-plantation owners. The virus WAS however, a carefully constructed, specifically targeted, extremely infectious, terror weapon. Like 9/11, it was NOT designed to kill tens of millions of people, but, coupled with a judeo-mass media campaign of fear, it was designed to terrorize them. To implement the jews new matrix, an attempt which -- as with 9/11 -- was again timed with their Ten Year Economic Warfare Cycle. To impoverish and destabilize the lives of White Ethnic Europeans even further, to install a massive judeo-control grid of "Big Tech" across the entire planet, to massively enrich the jews and their judo-familiars, and to finally implement their LGBTQOPedo Global-Homo GayPlex Frankfurt School Agenda across the world. Specifically in the Anglo-Sphere countries...."
What many are calling the "Great Reset".  Which by the way, has already happened....

This website editor has also pointed out that constantly ingesting the judeo-controlled media spew outlets' over-hyped, massively disinformational spewage on this subject, only to regurgitate the revolting mess all over your audience every single day for a year and a half while stating..... "this stuff tastes just like [expletive deleted]", "WOW it really is [expletive deleted]" is neither informative, nor helpful, to any audience in understanding this arranged event.  It is in fact, a WILLING participation in the jews "A" / "B" play-action Kosher Sandwich method of distraction, obfuscation, confusion, and control.

More importantly, it has now gotten to be downright DANGEROUS to participate in this charade -- This arranged.... judeo-Kabuki Play.

Let's go over it again shall we....

First: Masks DO WORK. That's why they're worn in every clean room, hospital, chemical processing plant, high-tech electronics company, food manufacturing facility, and bio-lab in the world. If they're the right kind of masks, designed and worn under the right conditions, they work. The fact the masks people are wearing currently, for an engineered virus that probably also infects by contact in normal civilian day to day operations, don't work, doesn't take away from the fact that MASKS DO WORK.

Second: Staying away from the unhealthy DOES WORK. Even animals do it. It's a normal, rational, biological instinct to do so. Isolating the sick and diseased from the healthy, and vice versa, has been practiced by every society since before written records were kept. It works. The fact the present "mitigating" lock-downs, and social distancing rules in normal civilian day to day operations don't, doesn't take away from the fact ISOLATION DOES WORK. It may not be practicable in some cases, but it does work.

Third: Vaccines and Inoculations DO WORK. They have demonstrably reduced the effects of SOME diseases, and have been efficacious for SOME viruses for the last two hundred years. The fact the present Western, Anglo-Sphere pharmaceutical industry can only produce a cocktail of ineffective, dangerous vaccines, or even more dangerous, highly experimental "gene therapies" with severe to sometimes lethal side effects, doesn't mean that all vaccines in all cases don't work.

Forth: Community action DOES WORK. There's a bizarre theory that community (i.e. Government) can't do anything, and in fact that it shouldn't do anything about these epidemics. This rather unusual "let-them-eat-virus" laissez-faire approach to pandemics is unnatural, and violates the rights of the community -- any community -- to protect itself. Something again which organic, natural, communities have tried to do down through the ages even before written records were kept.

Fifth: Mitigation CAN WORK. There's another even more bizarre theory, never before expressed in history, that no form of mitigation should even be tried. That you deal with a pandemic by actually encouraging it!! By letting a virus rip through a given society in some sort of Libertarian Darwinian Cull to establish "natural herd immunity". The fact many countries in the West are dealing with this virus ineffectively with their misguided mitigation attempts is more a commentary on their moribund and decaying social institutions, (dare one say completely corrupt institutions), than the normal practice of trying to mitigate the spread of a virus in a given community.  Which again has been carried out down through the ages since before written records were kept.

These five assertions outlined above, have been repeatedly ridiculed, denounced, or dismissed,  ad nauseam, for a year and a half, by ALL of the conservative, alternative, right-wing, alt-right, alt-lite, nationalist, and ethno-identitarian websites and ideological communities throughout the web.

Yet this constant negation and denunciation of all five assertions by the so-called "Right" is COUNTER-FACTUAL, COUNTER-HISTORICAL, COUNTER-INTUITIVE, and at this particular time, HIGHLY DANGEROUS

In the "securities markets" these websites and their owners' collective, highly risky positions on these issues are what would commonly be referred to by those in the business.... "as everyone on one side of the trade". In intelligence circles, it would sometimes be referred to as "enhancing your enemy's potential capabilities". In game theory as.... "creating a possible negative paradigm shift". In colloquial language it's normally referred to.... "as setting yourself up for a fall", and in reality it's known as.... "getting you and yours killed".

Given the extensive historical record, where one tiny, little, tribe has already demonstrated a remarkable penchant, and talent, for murdering tens of millions of White Ethnic Europeans, during the last century century alone. It might behoove everyone, under the present circumstances, to understand there's a distinct possibility such a ruthless event could be arranged to happen again.

It might also explain why the parasitical class, the jews who manage them, and the judeo community squatting by the shores of the Mediterranean Sea occupying Palestine, are taking these rather poorly designed vaccines with aplomb.   That they will continue to take them until they're designed to be more effective, despite the personal cost to some of their members.

All that would need to occur now, to ensure the complete downfall of all these right-wing websites out there, those who manage them, and their fellow ideological adherents, would be for a much more lethal variant of this virus to be released. One that would be perhaps racially targeted. Perhaps at White Ethnic Europeans. Perhaps even specifically at their children, for a remarkably bad series of things to happen.

Given these websites, and their owners year and half meticulously documented record of unstinting opposition to normal pandemic mitigation efforts, their relentless refrain of...."Aw, it's just the Flu Bro". "It's Fake", and "It's All A Hoax", not to mention their constant illogical, ahistorical, opposition to the five assertions posted above, it would result -- should tens of millions die in horrible agony, if a lethal variant as just described above were to be released -- in the entire conservative, ethno-nationalist, right wing segments of most Western judeo-occupied nations -- no doubt as they weep piteously over the deaths of their "First Born" -- to be swiftly rounded up, vilified, viciously castigated for their own children's deaths, and that of millions of others, put into camps, subject to mass show trials, and than promptly dealt with.

Most likely on a permanent basis

To the resounding applause of those judeo-familiars and judeo-janissaries who remain alive.

This sort of event is what one would call...."The Final Reset"

Luckily this would never happen. After all, we can totally trust our illustrious, wonderful, elites, and even that small tribe who manages them so sweetly, and tenderly.  The tribe that has a long documented history of carrying out -- or at least arranging -- exactly these sorts of tragic events, from ever doing anything so dastardly as the scenario just described above.

Or perhaps, everyone should ease off a bit.

Just fair warning to the wise. - mpg