How About An Honest NPT?

How About An Honest NPT?

President: Iran Not to Give Up N. Rights
Looks like Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is still "hung-up" on that "treaty thing".

You know, a contract were you sign on the dotted line, obey the rules and restrictions contained therein, and expect the other party to also fulfill their side of the contract.  Like for instance, letting Iran -- or any other country -- develop peaceful nuclear technology for power generation, or medical isotope production, or uranium enrichment....even if, as with any advanced nuclear technology such as uranium enrichment, it could later be used to eventually "break out" and develop a weapons program.

This was a well known possibility when the NPT was first drafted and signed by all of its signatories. Restrictions on these technologies and the signatory countries RIGHTS to develop these technologies are spelled out, in detail, within the treaty.

Yet all the US-NRE (a.k.a. the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium's colony) and their lying presstituting lackeys have done for the last decade is constantly make up an endless series of childishly stupid lies about "Iran's nuclear program", ALL of which have been proven wrong -- sometimes within days -- time and time again.

This mass-media farce has been going on to the point where it has become a tiresome, tedious, BORING ritual and everyone throughout the ENTIRE world now knows the US-NRE's signature on ANY treaty, much less the NPT, is not worth the piece of paper it's written on.

Therefore the only honest resolution of this matter would be to re-write the NPT and put in a clause that states the following....

Any government that wishes to pursue the peaceful use of nuclear energy, in addition to adhering to all prior terms and conditions of the NPT, must also agree to the following protocols....
  1. Open their entire economy to colonial exploitation by Israel, the US-NRE and perhaps a few selected "friendly" European powers (like Britain for instance).
  2. Must go deeply into debt to the US-NRE's and Britain's Bankster cartels while paying usurious rates of interest for the foreseeable future (possibly forever).
  3. Must agree to use only the American dollar for all transactions.
  4. Must allow without protest or demur, the selection (directly or indirectly) of the signatory's ENTIRE political establishment and/or their de-selection at any time (and by any means necessary) if their actions do not conform to the wishes of the US-NRE's and Israel's ruling parasites.
  5. The immediate and unconditional recognition of Israel as a "Jewish State".
  6. The immediate and unconditional de-recognition of anything Palestinian (including their right to even exist as a people).
  7. And finally, all signatories must agree to obey any and all diktats of Israel and the US-NRE regarding the implementation of the six protocols shown above. (the catch-all clause)
If Iran and other countries refuse to sign the NPT with these additional conditions, we'll all know where everyone really stands in regards to the NPT....but at least it would now be an HONEST treaty, and would truly state the necessary protocols that any country must comply with before they would actually be "allowed" to pursue peaceful nuclear energy by the US-NRE's and Israel's parasites. 

It would have the added benefit that the US-NRE and its ruling parasites might even (Gasp!!) actually abide by the treaty's terms and conditions....for awhile anyway. LEAST for a few more years....before they formulate a new set of additional demands to impose on the world's international community not already included in the newly modified treaty. - mpg