How Could Something That Doesn't Even Exist, Be Under Existential Threat?

How Could Something That Doesn't Even Exist, Be Under Existential Threat?

Ha'Aretz goes on the attack against Stephen Hawking
Related Article -- The so-called "liberal" Hareetz in action. - mpg -- A quote...."By deciding not to attend the Israeli Presidential Conference, one of the world's leading scientists is singling out Israel and denying it has been under existential threat for most of its existence."
ARE THEY KIDDING!?  How could the "Jewish State" of Israel possibly be under existential threat??

They're NOT a state! They refuse to set their borders, won't establish a constitution, refuse to recognize their collective responsibilities as a "state", (they even hate the concept of "the nation state"), they refuse to abide by international law, they constantly attack their neighbors, are constantly engaged in war crimes, they have set-up one of the most vicious systems of apartheid ever seen on this planet, way worse than South Africa's ever was, they deport or even sterilize honest to God real Semitic Jews that are too brown or black in color, and most importantly, they are occupying SOMEBODY ELSE'S LAND!

They're NOT "Jewish" either!  Seventy to eighty percent of the so-called "Jewish" population of Israel are composed of non-Semitic, lily-white, Caucasoid Kazarians from the steppes of Russia who copied a few of the most odious and mercenary aspects of Judaism from real Sephardic Jews back in the eight century.

Most don't have a single droplet of Semitic blood within their veins and by they're own racist laws they're not even "Jews".  Just as worse, almost all of their historical claims they've tried to establish with archeological evidence that Jews (real ones in this case) "occupied the holy lands" and were forced out in a great diaspora have already proven to be false!!

They're a fake people, with a fake religion, a fake pedigree/history, a fake state, and one vicious, nasty, utterly false, ideology.  They're nothing more than a murderous criminal consortium, a crime syndicate, squatting by the shores of the Mediterranean Sea on somebody's else's land.  A rag-tag collection of extremely dangerous psychotics with delusions of grandeur and a nuclear arsenal they stole from their North American Colony which they now threaten the entire world with. 

How could they be under existential threat when EVERYTHING they supposedly describe themselves to be....doesn't even exist to begin with!

Go ahead and answer that one. -  mpg
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Eighty to ninety percent of so-called "Jews" are composed of Indo-Turkic Kharzarian ancestry
they spread westward from Khazaria and interbred with Europeans

#1]  A Substantial Prehistoric European Ancestry Amongst Ashkenazi Maternal Lineages - Alt
#2]  Gene Study Reportedly Proves Khazar Ancestry 4 Jews  Maps - (click to view) - Study-PDF - (click to view)
Regarding articles #1 & #2 -- Well, the migration came from somewhere. Many conventional 'historical' interpretations say there was a Jewish migration wave from east to west. So, for now, this website editor will still lean toward Kazaria as the origination point (it was after all,  an entire kingdom that converted to Judaism).  However the genetic heritage of that wave will assumed to have been totally swamped by conversion of various European populations to Judaism, and thus, this website editor will split the difference and state "Ashkenazi" are Euro-Kazars, with the emphasis on Euro, from now on. -- Or at least until the next study suggests differently. - mpg