Iran, Just RELAX!! – Of Course It Was A US-NRE PSYOP!

Iran, Just RELAX!! – Of Course It Was A US-NRE PSYOP!

A message to the Iranian People.

Everyone in Iran, especially the conservatives, should just CALM DOWN!  All Iranians should immediately take a deep collective political breath, compose themselves, look at where they are, call a national time out, start some serious investigations, and avoid any false accusations, premature conclusions or punishments against any of their fellow citizens of any political party until all the facts are in.....after all, in the end, all Iranians will be right back where they started in a country they all support, one in which they all will have to live together, and they’ll have to work out a peaceful consensus amongst each other sooner or latter. Sooner being a lot better then latter.

Everyone in Iran should also realize, especially the conservatives again, that there is a large, rapidly growing, legitimate opposition in Iran that demands reform, and that restricting the participation of these reform candidates in the prior presidential election was an obvious mistake.

Repression or suppression of legitimate political opposition never works.  If it's not successful it will eventually lead to an explosion in the society, even without the constant intervention of foreign powers.  If repression is successful, if the “market place” of ideas and political expressions are not allowed to flow freely, to compete with each other, to develop into a natural political economy/ecology of programs and parties, the society will eventually become politically moribund, culturally sclerotic and its governing institutions will lose their political elasticity along with their legitimacy.  In other words it will collapse of its own dead weight.

So everyone in Iran should just calm down, relax, go take a time out, come back refreshed with the firm intention of working together to resolve this crisis, honestly, freely, fairly, openly and quickly.

Besides, does any responsible Iranian want to create havoc in their own country, or cause harm to their fellow citizens due to a patently obvious PSYOP attempt by the US-NRE’s elites?

They’d just be playing right into their hands!

Keep in mind we’re talking about a country here whose entire political dynamic was shaped for the last eight years by a drooling moron whose principal political adviser was affectionately nicknamed the “Turd Blossom”, on account of his endless quest for “yellow cake”.  A country whose path for the last thirty years has been mapped out by a bunch of psychotic, murderous, MIOC/AIPAC lackeys whose plans to "divide and conquer" the Middle East have been spelled out in glorious detail in the now infamous PNAC protocols and various other documents. Plans which have coincidently led to the mass murder of almost three thousand Americans while again coincidently generating massive profits for all those who were in charge of this nation’s security at the time.

A country whose Imperial residence has been regularly visited by the likes of Jeff Gannon, a man known for the “services” he’s performed for many of Washington DC’s powerful elites. A country whose elite fighting forces cheerfully practiced what they learned in the hot, sweaty, swamps of North Carolina during their SERE training (no doubt accompanied by the sounds of “dueling banjos” – US-NRE tax dollars at work folks) on tens of thousands of hapless Iraqi civilians and innocent Iraqi prisoners, some of them children, held under their captivity. A country whose former Sectary of Defense got to "direct" some of the "action" through a high speed video link while some of these tortures were being conducted. A country that's already casually helped to murder and destroy the lives of millions of Muslims based on nothing but a tissue of lies its elites and their presstituting boot-licking whores have created out of thin air.

This is a land where tens of millions of faux-Liberal, Obama supporting, cappuccino swilling, bible dissing, sedan driving elites along with tens of millions of faux-Christian, Bush/McCain supporting, beer swilling, bible betraying, SUV driving, peons would regularly tut-tut, and tsk-tsk while viewing the horrendous pictures of abuse, mayhem and murder being carried out in their name on behalf of the Empire’s elites (if they weren’t watching American Idol, or their favorite sports channel that is), occasionally wiping a little bit of drool off their lower lips….and then do absolutely nothing about any of it.

A nation currently led by a man whose main claim to fame is the phrase “let’s put all of this behind us”.

Does ANY Iranian really want to cause harm to their fellow citizens on behalf of these moronic, perverted, amoral, degenerate, murderous, cretins?

Sure, yes, of course -- it’s all true....the Iranians were "played".  Just as Bush went to the Beijing Olympics grinning from ear to ear, knowing that Shakivalli was prepared to launch his US-NRE sanctioned, supplied and supported blitzkrieg of South Ossetia, and just as Obama went on vacation in Hawaii grinning from ear to ear, perfectly aware of the pending US-NRE sanctioned, supplied and supported Israeli blitzkrieg of Gaza, so too did Obama know - again, as he smiled insincerely for the cameras and “apologized” for the US-NRE’s past behavior when it helped to overthrow Mossadeq in 1953, about the US-NRE's long planned PSYOP against the Iranian government.

So what?  Iran should get over it!  What could they, or anyone else, have possibly expected from the US-NRE or from someone like Obama?  It's simply the nature of the beast.  It's how the "Great Game" is "played". Get used to it.

Look at it from the MIOC/AIPAC elites’ perspective, it appears from ALL the polls recently conducted in Iran that Ahmadinejad was actually going to win the election, and it appears from the actual number-crunching of those votes that in fact, he actually did.  So realizing this before hand, knowing that the conservatives in the Iranian government wouldn’t ever just give in, roll over, and “surrender” power in an election they may very well have won, and as it also turns out, with this nation’s elites actually preferring Ahmadinejad rather than Mousavi to be in power, the US-NRE elites went ahead and engineered the perfect election spoiler.

One that would discredit the regime, cause endless chaos and turmoil, weaken the entire country, play off one faction against another, give impetus to the imposition for more sanctions, and in a year or two (or perhaps 12), just as with Iraq and exactly according to the PNAC Protocols, along with this nation’s ten year economic cycle, allow our elites to bomb Iran back to the stone age.

All the while our faux-Liberal-Dems and faux-Conservative/Christian-Repubs will tut-tut and tsk-tsk wiping more drool off their lower lips while another million innocent Muslims die in agony.

After all, it’s a win/win for everybody.  The conservative Gulf State elites, who haven’t ever held a decent election yet, (and don’t intend to any time soon) will be immensely pleased that one of the few remaining democratic nation states in their area has been permanently eliminated and no longer represents a viable political alternative for their respective peoples.  The Israelis will be pleased that the only truly powerful state opposed to their slaughter of the Palestinians has been, as they like to say “wiped off the map”, and as a result they can swiftly proceed with their ongoing plans of ethnic cleansing.  And the US-NRE’s MIOC elites along with their Gulf brethren will get another massive surge in Oil and Defense related profits.

What’s not to like?

Oh, you Iranians will probably object, but if you do, if you're truly serious about not becoming more grist for the New Un-Holy Roman Empire's satanic mill, you’d better get your collective act together in a hurry….the beasts are circling, and they’re getting hungry again for more fresh blood. - mpg

For more on this issue see....It's The Votes That Count - 06-28-09 - mpg