It's NOT "All Men Are Created Equal"

It's NOT "All Men Are Created Equal"

It should be noted, contained within the Declaration of Independence, you will find the following statement, or compounded clause....

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal -- THAT -- they are endowed by their Creator with certain Unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness"

"That"... is a relative pronoun.  It introduces a restrictive element, and also links several clauses together into a complex whole.  You cannot eliminate one or more clauses from a phrase, as shown above, or take one out of its context, without destroying the logic and cohesive meaning of the entire phrase.
  • The fact the races are different, is totally true, and irrelevant regarding this principal. 
  • The fact that some races are less capable, or intelligent, is most probably true, and  irrelevant regarding this principal. 
  • The fact that some races are less temperamentally capable of forming a coherent, civilized, society, is most probably true, and irrelevant regarding this principal. 
The founding fathers NEVER SAID "all men are created equal".  Because they're not  -- It is an IMPOSSIBILITY -- We are all born under differing circumstances, with differing capabilities, with different genes, into a different space, and time, and unknown future, than that of all others -- For the rest of our lives. 

Therefore none of us could ever possibly be "equal" to any other. -- We are not ants.  We are not drones  We are not manufactured robots  Most of us are not identical genetic copies of another, and those who occasionally are, are subject to different circumstances from the moment of their creation in the womb.

Some are born poor, some are born rich. Some are born at the wrong time, or in the wrong place. Even if an individual was an identical twin, born healthy and whole in the most propitious, nurturing, environment, possible, it would make quite a difference to that person if he or she was born first.... to a royal family.

We are all different, unequal, unique, individuals, contained, nourished, sheltered, and taught by the families, tribes, communities, organic nation states, and even trans-nationally based communities (such as the White, Hetero-Sexual, Christian, Ethnic European, community) we are born into, but all granted the same unalienable rights by God and Nature.

The founding fathers NEVER SAID you couldn't judge another individual, or an entire people, by their collective temperament, character, heritage, culture, society, religion, practices, traditions, morality, acts or deeds.

The founding fathers NEVER SAID you couldn't judge individuals by their willful participation, and the group by its cohesive execution, of particular acts or deeds, for the purposes of sanction, condemnation, or justified retribution

The founding fathers NEVER SAID you couldn't exclude those who are incompatible with your community's values.  Or expel those who threaten those values, or your society's cohesion, or its cultural and biological evolution. Even excluding those who threaten its ethnic and racial make-up on the basis of their race or religion.

It is only the "Jews" that run around the world with their false Bolshevik doctrine of "all men are created equal" who say so. Stating that everything is "Morally Relative".  That we are all "Blank Slates".  That we are all interchangeable, valueless, identical, bio-unit, meat-products, parts of a formless collective, with no inherent individuality, communal identity, or personal responsibility.

To be indoctrinated, exploited, used-up, and disposed of at their whim. 

Which is utterly not true. Everyone is granted, and has the right, to discriminate. The right to choose  To judge. To exclude others  The right of disassociation, as well as the right to associate. With whomever they wish, for whatever reason they want to.... and to be judged for their choices

It's called "free-will"  Its results are called the "consequences" for ones actions, and ones choices

But it's not unlimited free-will.  It is also bound and restricted by God Given and Naturally Derived fundamental prohibitions and strictures. Time tested prohibitions against murder, rape, theft, bearing false witness, breaking one's oath, usury, tribal parasitism, tribal sedition, tribal subversion, organ theft, human sacrifice, cannibalism, homo-sexuality, incest, pedophilia, adultery, treason, and unjust war.  Violations of which should never be allowed in any just, functioning, society, and which should always be punished harshly..... if not lethally

Individuals are also bound by lesser constraints established by the community and culture they're born into If they  do not wish to be bound by these lessor prohibitions and strictures, they can simply leave. Or they as an individual, one born to the community, not as an outsider with a foreign agenda, can perhaps change, by dint of argument and persuasion, some of the constraints of their community

Everyone has the right to determine whether another person is good or bad, for themselves and their  community, based on that person's world view. Or their philosophy, religion, politics, ethnicity, and culture.  To also include or exclude that individual into their community based on the other criteria posted above

Everyone, every group of people, has the right to construct their communities the way they want to, to defend these constructs as best they can, and to be judged accordingly for how that community functions.

That said.... NO ONE -- NO Human Being, has the right to limit, or take away the Unalienable Rights of another without equal due process, as long as the rights of exclusion and inclusion are also respected.

We are not Gods, we cannot determine the worth of another person or group, or what their future may be -- Any attempts to do so, to regard others as automatically "worthless", as inconvenient, interchangeable, "equal" bio-unit-meat-products, is the way of the "Jew".

It is a road that will swiftly lead straight to hell - mpg