It's Not Nature, It's Nurture

It's Not Nature, It's Nurture

CNN's Sally Kohn: 'I'm gay. I want my kid to be gay, too'
A quote...."When my daughter plays house with her stuffed koala bears as the mom and dad," she wrote, "we gently remind her that they could be a dad and a dad. Sometimes she changes her narrative. Sometimes she doesn't. It's her choice." - Meanwhile, the new government of Greece intends to legalize gay marriage in the country."
Told ya'folks.  It was ALL a lie, there never was such a thing as "gay".  It was always cultural factors and life circumstances that determined a person's sexual preference, how they were taught, how they were raised, their society, etc.  Not biology, that was always a lie.

We all had a nice simple system here and than the people in this country literally crapped all over it. Pretty soon people will be suing each other over "wrongful sexual orientation child rearing", people will be switching their orientation back and forth suing each other for "wrongful sexual re-orientation change", violation of the "marriage contract" and its promises.

Grand parents will be suing their homo-sexual, bi-sexual, tri-sexual, multi-sexual, offspring in a desperate bid to keep them from raising their grandchildren as bi-sexual or homo-sexual or trans-gender, or hermaphrodite, or.....whatever. Kids will be suing their parents.

People will be saying they're straight, than divorcing and saying their "gay", or vice versa, and suing each other over who gets to "sexually orientate" the kids. There is absolutely no way the legal system will be able to handle this.

By the way, you'd think Greece would have more important things to contend with!

This website editor opposed "gay" marriage but let's face it, they won hands down.  So you want to know what, just f*ck it.  The people in this country got EXACTLY the society and cultural system they deserve....imposed from the top down by their decadent parasites.

Just remember one thing though, every person who stated being "gay" was a "civil rights" issue, that people had no "choice" in their orientation, that environment, nurture and life  circumstance had absolutely nothing to do with their orientation, was a God Damn Liar.

They wanted their New Roman Empire and by God, they got it.  Hip Hip Hooray for them.  Just remember what the last great social experiment did to the African American community.  This will be a hundred times worse.  Everyone of you so-called Liberals deserves what's coming. So please give us all a break, don't start crying or whining about it.

Stuff like this, destroys societies, it breaks them down, it literally melts them into puddles of sludge.  You will see social and societal cruelty and large scale nihilistic tendencies, possibly accompanied by radical right wing reactions, never ever seen before in this country's history.

It'll take time, anywhere between ten to twenty years for the full decay to set in, but the rot will be thorough, and it will be deadly.

There will be no sympathy from this website editor - None. - mpg

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