The S&L and Junk Bond Redux
Merrill Almost `Junk,' Their Own Traders Say
A quote...."March 2 (Bloomberg) -- Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Merrill
Lynch & Co. and Morgan Stanley, which earned a record $24.5 billion
in 2006, suddenly have become so speculative that their own traders are
valuing the three biggest securities firms as barely more creditworthy
than junk bonds."
Right after they gave out all those huge bonuses to themselves too, it
must be one of those strange inexplicable coincidences.
Let's see how this goes shall we, the Fed encourages Banks to give
millions of loans to people who don't have the ability to pay them back
(i.e. pump money), the banks have the Financial firms repackage them
and sell them to any sucker who wants them, like your pension plan,
state pension plans, stupid know - the usual
idiots. The Financial firms get windfall profits for simply
shuffling worthless paper to unsuspecting investors, (some not so
unsuspecting, but a little kick back goes a long and the
entire economy goes into the tank with this pump (the money supply) and
dump (the worthless paper) scheme. So in the end the Bankers
fees) and the Brokers (through larger fees) make “buco bucks” and the
suckers get left holding an empty bag.
This ALL SOUNDS SO FIMILIAR - Where is Michael (Milk'em)
Milken, "I
certainly hope so" Charles Keating
and the K(ch)eating
Five anyway? - mpg