Michael Rivero's Inexplicable Saudi Blind Spot

Michael Rivero's Inexplicable Saudi Blind Spot
(It mirrors Alex Jone's inexplicable Israeli blind spot)

Michael Rivero on Bambuser TV -  Mar 13th, 2014 - RBN Donation Drive - To Donate - CLICK HERE
MRVideo - (BambuserTV - 3hrs - Mar 13th, 2014) - Source:  RiveroBBTV-Vids - Related Websites:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - WhatReallyHappened - Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues.

Regarding Michael Rivero's ridiculous and ill-logical theory that the Saudi Parasitic Family wouldn't have helped facilitate 9/11 because it would hurt their economic and geo-political interests.  He, for once in his radio career, is totally and completely mistaken.
  • The Saudi Parasitic family hated and still hates Gaddafi, Saddam, Assad and the Iranians
  • Like Israel, they consider, or considered, them to be geo-political / economic competitors
  • The Saudi Parasitic family has had a close, almost intimate, highly lucrative, seventy year relationship with the US-NRE's parasites
  • NONE of which they have, or had, with Gaddafi, Saddam, Assad and the Iranians
  • During the last thirty years of which, they have, in collusion with the US-NRE's parasites, supported almost every single Salafist, Wahhabist, terrorist organization throughout the Middle East
  • The Saudi Parasites love high oil prices
  • The Saudi Parasites do not want Israel to threaten or attack them
  • The Saudi Parasites want to spread their bastardized, un-Islamic, murderous, medieval, state religion throughout the Middle East, Caspian Basin and North Africa....along with their influence
  • The Saudi Parasites are completely dependent on the petro-dollar scheme along with the US-NRE's unstinting support to maintain their vicious, dictatorial regime
  • The Saudi Parasites wanted to see the complete destruction of their geo-political competitors Gaddafi, Saddam, Assad and the Iranians....and so did their friends Israel and the US-NRE
By participating in 9/11 in collusion with Israel and the US-NRE's parasites the Saudi Parasitic family has got to....
  • gleefully watch the complete destruction of Saddam's Iraq, Gaddifi's Libya, most of Assad's Syria, and are currently salivating over the prospects for the complete destruction of Iran....
  • enjoy high oil prices for almost a decade as their geo-economic competitors' oil supplies were kept off the markets for significant periods of time by the destruction of oil producing infrastructures and/or implementation of sanctions by the US-NRE....
  • witnessed the spread of their violent state sponsored religion, along with their malevolent influence, throughout the Middle East and North Africa....
  • extend petro-dollar hegemony across the entire planet for one additional decade, and if they and their fellow co-conspirators succeed in implementing Israel's PNAC Protocols, perhaps another.....
  • receive the everlasting gratitude of the US-NRE's parasites, specifically their Israeli affiliated Banksters.....
  • receive vast quantities of military supplies from the US-NRE, just like Israel.....
  • kept Israel at bay.....
The Saudis, by their participation in 9/11 have achieved ALL of these highly beneficial objectives, (from their point of view), and they have -- except for Iran's gains in Iraq, mostly due to the US-NRE's incompetence, and one which the Saudi Parasites are currently challenging with a massive murderous campaign of terrorism across that ravaged nation -- enormously strengthened their position throughout the Middle East

For Michal Rivero to not recognize these obvious gains and motivations, along with all the facts demonstrating the Saudis' manifest involvement in 9/11, either means he's totally incompetent (highly unlikely) or he has some other reason to completely ignore every single aspect of the Saudis role, and the enormous benefits they received, by their participation in 9/11.

What that might be this website editor couldn't even guess at. - mpg