Michael Rivero's Saudi Blind Spot.....Keeps Getting Worse

Michael Rivero's Saudi Blind Spot.....Keeps Getting Worse

Michael Rivero on Bambuser TV
MRVideo - (BambuserTV - 3hrs - 12 Aug 10:01 HST) - Source:  RiveroBBTV-Vids - Related Websites: WhatReallyHappened - Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues.

About Mihael Rivero's constant assertions that the Saudi Parasites were completely innocent regarding 9/11, he's flat out wrong.  At this point one can only conclude he's as biased for that parasitical regime, or possibly as corrupted by them, as Alex Jones is by the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium.

His points have already been repeatedly addressed by this website editor on numerous occasions....Here are just a few of them.
  • The Saudi's were involved at the behest of, and on behalf of, Israel and her minions within the US.
  • The Saudi regime was an active participant in 9/11 to SUPPORT Israel's and her Banksterss' petrodollar regime and their PNAC Protocols which are necessary to maintain it
  • It was to the Saudi regime's IMMENSE geo-political and financial advantage to do so.
  • Many of the assets used by the Saudi regime, and through them by Israel, were the same ones used to oust the Soviets so successfully from Afghanistan.
  • Prior to 9/11, investigations into the Saudi and bin-Laden families were deliberately obstructed by the Bush administration.
  • Fifteen out of the nineteen hijackers were identified as being Saudi citizens
  • Many of them entered the country through the consulate in Jeddah Saudi Arabia and were "waved" through by a CIA handler there
  • Over eighty Saudi and bin-Laden family members were flown out of the country days after 9/11, without being questioned
  • Many of the actors involved in that endeavor were also personally and financially entangled with the Saudi regime, Israel, and the various Neocon proponents of the PNAC Protocols
  • The Saudis, just like their terrorist minions now cavorting all across the Middle East and North Africa have NEVER, EVER, taken ANY military steps against Israel or against Israel's strategic interests  since Israel was established more than sixty years ago.
  • The Saudi regime has always opposed, and taken active steps against, EVERY SINGLE secular government and/or opponent of Israel since Israel was established
  • The Saudi regime fully supports the PNAC Protocols
  • The Saudi regime fully support the Fed's fiat petro-script arrangement
  • The Saudi regime fully supports the destruction of Iran
  • The Saudi regime fully supports the destruction Israel's enemy, Hamas
  • The Saudi regime fully supports the blockade of Gaza
  • The Saudi regime fully supports the destruction of Israel's enemy, Hezbollah
  • The Saudi Regime fully supports the destruction of Syria
  • The Saudi regime fully supported the destruction of Iraq
  • The Saudi Regime fully supported the destruction of Libya
  • The Saudi regime actively threatened to conduct terrorist operations against the Sochi Olympics
  • The Saudi regime fully supports every single Radical Wahhabist organization in the Middle East and has done so since Israel was established.
Michael Rivero's constant defense of the Saudi regime is inexplicable. The fact he constantly contradicts himself is completely and utterly bizarre.  He himself states that the Saudi regime supports the petrodollar, which is exactly why 9/11 was carried out. His excuse that the US would retaliate against the Saudis could just as easily be used against Israel's involvement. His observation that if the Saudi regime wanted to harm the US-NRE they could simply dump US treasuries on the open market is just silly, they'd be shooting themselves in the wallet, there is no "open market" anymore and they'd be angering the Banksters for no good reason whatsoever.

Continuing to be this obtuse, geo-politically stupid and utterly illogical cannot be an accident.  There must be a reason why he shills for one of the most repressive, medieval, terrorist sponsoring, war mongering, regimes on the planet.

What it could possibly be is anyone's guess. - mpg - for more on this issue see the essays shown below....