M.I.C. Product™

M.I.C. Product™

FULL METAL JACKET PART II: The War Comes Home: PTSD Vets Causing a Rise in Crime
Case in point. - mpg -- A quote...."The Army and Marines take young people and rob them of their human emotions so they can kill without remorse. From my experiences in the Army's Basic Training and Advanced Individual Training courses, they strip you down physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually and turn you into a killing machine. -- You're also taught not to think in dangerous situations, just react and protect yourself and the mission by using massive firepower. -- Are these PTSD damaged troops that return home only here in body? Is their mind still in 'combat mode,' ready to blast away at any perceived threat? Depression, anger, insomnia, nightmares, flashbacks, paranoia are among its symptoms. Its sufferers often fall into alcoholism and drug addiction, some beat or shoot their wives or girlfriends."

Before engaging in a bout of insincere, maudlin, sentimental, clap-trap, we should all keep in mind these people volunteered for this, they did this to themselves, but most importantly, they did it for a bunch of  greedy Banksters and their unholy profits....that's the reality.

Smash countries to ruins (Remember shock & awe?), savagely and mercilessly destroy their infrastructure, their citizens culture, and their way of life.  Kill and maim millions of innocents all the while deliberately terrorizing those still left alive as much as possible, put the population deeply into debt, occupy them for decades, force them to use your paper script, charge them ruinous rates of interest.  All so you can steal their natural resources in exchange for those little bits of green pieces of paper which are so cheap for the US-NRE's Banksters to print, but so horribly expensive for everyone to use.  It's that simple folks, everyone knows how the "Great Game" is really "played".

The US-NRE's Banksters have been "playing" it this way for almost ninety years, so let us not pretend "we didn't know", let us not whine and state petulantly "we had no idea", let us not think, even for a moment, that anyone in the world would believe us if we tried to do so, let us ALL retain what little dignity we still posses and acknowledge the brutal, harsh, reality of the situation. Those who joined the US-NRE's military voluntarily became a bunch of low-life gang-bangers, they chose to work for a Bankster owned, loan-sharking, syndicate, a monetary cartel of the warfare state, and they were doing exactly what they were paid to do.

They let themselves be turned  into "M.I.C. product™", a product that exceeded its manufacturer's warranty, a product that let itself be used up to be later discarded by the Banksters and their pals in the Military Industrial Complex.  A once former asset that later become a burdensome liability, now nothing more than  a collection  of badly damaged bio-weapons components, to be gotten rid of as cheaply and quickly as possible.

Some of these discarded components will of course occasionally explode, as does any improperly disposed of defective military ordnance left lying around after a war.  Just think of the millions of lost bombs, land mines, cluster bomblets and toxic chemicals left strewn across the globe from the Empire's constant wars for profit, still killing and maiming people to this very day.

Other components, to badly damaged to retain any productive value, but not of the type to explode, or self-destruct, will simply be slated to slowly rust and wither away.  Some are stored in poor neighborhoods or if damaged severely enough, warehoused in government run facilities. Preferably out of sight and out of mind.

"War is a Racket", those who joined knew what they had signed up for, or they should have.

And 9/11 was a set-up, many knew it at the time, most everyone knows it now.  All the evil, rotted, fruit that fell from that dark, twisted and poisonous tree called 9/11, including all its wars, its slaughters, its tortures, its prisons, the destruction of Habeas Corpus, the Geneva Conventions, the Nuremberg Principles and the rule of law were based on monstrous lies, and malevolent, long planned conspiracies, and are crimes against the whole of humanity and the peoples of every nation on earth, including those living here in this nation.

All who participated in these crimes and all who later followed willingly in the perpetrators footsteps to further these plans of mayhem and murder are therefore, treasonous, criminal, murderous, thieving, liars.

Not one tear will be shed by this website editor, nor should any be shed by anyone else, for those who would knowingly consign themselves to such a dark path, those who would willingly commit such horrendous acts of evil and the trials and tribulations they shall endure for the rest of their lives for what they have done. - mpg.
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Two related articles posted the same day....

Wanna lose your soul?
Special Note - Many people in this country have already made that choice in the affirmative, and it is going to be rather hard on them, really, really, hard. - mpg - A quote...."When we don’t exercise our bodies, our muscles become weak. When we do not exercise our minds, what has the potential to be a steel trap begins to rust and it’s springs lose snap. - Our conscience, that regulates our morality, also becomes rusty and weakens if not used. Ignore your conscience long enough and you might lose your soul. - A soul-less being has no empathy for others. Lose your empathy, and you’ll know you’ve lost your conscience, on the way to losing your soul."

U.S. Military Bulldozes through Kandahar
Related Article - A quote...."The U.S. military has destroyed hundreds of Afghan civilian homes, farm houses, walls, trees and plowed through fields and buildings using explosives and bulldozers in war-torn Zhari district, a practice that has begun to anger Afghan villagers."

Auferre trucidare rapere falsis nominibus imperium, atque ubi solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant.

To ravage, to slaughter, to usurp under false titles, they call empire; and where they make a desert, they call it peace. -- *Tacitus*, (AD 56 – AD 117) Senator and a historian of the Roman Empire.