Minority Control

Minority Control

Is This A -- Blatantly Anti-Semitic Exchange on C-Span: ?
Special Note - A quote...."January 08, 2010 "IsraelNN.com" -- A caller on a C-Span interview program Monday complained about "all these Jews" having "way too much power" in America and pushing the U.S. into wars with the Muslim world. He found his comments echoed and expanded upon by the studio guest. -- Michael Scheuer, the former director of a CIA unit assigned to track down Osama Bin-Laden, calmly expressed the view that American soldiers are now dying in Iraq for the sake of Israelis. He further claimed that any debate of American support for Israel is squelched in the public sphere." -- For the short video clip click here - (YouTube - 1 min 54 sec - January 09, 2010)

"Is this a -- blatantly anti-semitic exchange on C-Span: ?"

Basically....no -- in fact it's spot on, except for the conceptually dangerous three word phrase of  -- ["all these Jews"] contained in the sentence shown above.  The rest of the sentence is just fine, Zionist Jews are often accused of  -- [having "way too much power" in America and pushing the U.S. into wars with the Muslim world.]

Not all Jews though support the state of Israel at any cost and not all of them are Zionists.

However it's becoming increasingly difficult to avoid the fact that "Jews", who comprise only 2.2% of the US-NRE's population, appear to have influence way beyond their numbers over the entire financial, military, information and foreign policy structures of this nation.  Institutions which seem more and more as the years progress to follow only the wishes of Israel and the "Jewish community" to the exclusion of all else.

Let's be clear about this, the "community" under discussion is highly cohesive relitive to others, shares a common and distinct religion, a binding national myth that's different than those of the communities it resides in, a separate ethnicity, a separate identity, a separate history, a tendency to concentrate their talents (for well documented sociological and historical reasons) in a few sectors of this nation's economy, such as finance, sales and the media, and finally, for many of them, if not most of them, they have even constructed -- some would say fabricated -- another "national identity”.

This "separate" ethnic/religious/national/economic group also -- by chance -- happens to call themselves "Jews". For the sake of clarity, instead of calling this highly influential group of people  "the two point two percenters" or "group X" for example, this website editor will continue to use this group's conventional name.

For the purposes of this entire discussion however their religious identity is totally irrelevant. It doesn't matter what their religious observances are or their traditions or what they choose to practice or who they pray to.

Nor is this particular group's prior history, religious or otherwise, relevant to this particular discussion....no matter how tragic it may have been for them.  And despite this group's tragic past, a past shared by many other peoples down through the ages, the Armenians, Cambodians, Romas (Gypsies) several African tribes and many Native American tribes for example, this particular group's past does not entitle them to any special rights, privileges or to appropriate any additional resources from this nation.  To be utterly blunt about the whole matter and to be as precise as possible, despite the horrendous historical difficulties this group has experienced, this country and the rest of the people living here in point of fact....owe them nothing.

Their only claim on this country is the opportunities and and protections afforded to the rest of its citizens, and those would be this nation's constitution and the rights enumerated therein, among them the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  These rights do not include the right to dominate this nation's media, its government and financial institutions, loot its treasury and sacrifice its sons and daughters in the pursuit of another national identity at the expense of another people in another far flung land.

Unlike the African Americans, members of the Jewish community were not forced by this nation into centuries of slavery, sold as chattel, or made to bear the burden of a vicious discriminatory system of institutionalized, legalized, racism for well over a hundred years.  Unlike the Native Americans of this land they were not exterminated....not by the people in this country anyway.

The Muslims, or more specifically the Palestinians, have also done absolutely nothing to the Jewish community, yet for this lack of harm, for simply living in a land targeted for acquisition by the "Jewish community", the Palestinian people have been subjected to every kind of humiliation and atrocity that was ever inflicted on the Jews of Europe by the NAZI regime or those of the apartheid regime of South Africa, short of  immediate mass extermination.  And yet, despite the Jews own bitter experience in Europe, the Palestinians continue to suffer at their hands to this very day.  For absolutely no reason of their own, other than that of their very existence.

To quote from another essay this website editor has written, "Many Jewish people however, in what can only be described as a deliberate act of deception, continue to support the state of Israel with their money and votes, a state which distinguishes between Jew and non-Jews within its border with dire consequences for all those who are non-Jews, all the while claiming the convenient fiction that as Jews they are not responsible for the acts of the very state they offer their support to."

"This is an absurd farce, an immoral charade of mental gymnastics worthy of a circus trapeze artist; it is a convenient, viciously mendacious act of pure sophistry, plain and simple.  It is the Jewish peoples attempt to cowardly distance themselves from the barbarous acts being carried out in their collective names, with their collective monies, enabled by their collective votes, empowered by their collective voice, promoted by their collective religion, encouraged by their collective will, enforced by their collective state, yet they insist they bare no collective responsibility.  That is a shameful lie."

The fact that Israel thirty years ago in collusion with certain elements of this society, including this nation's Jewish community, along with the Saudi Royals, concocted this brilliant scheme of funding almost every single Wahhabist, Salifist, Jihadist group in the Middle East to disrupt any nationalist movements in that region, and to stage various false flag events around the world in order that these activities could serve as a never ending pretext for massive US-NRE military intervention to further the "Jewish community's" "national interest" is a credit to their ingenuity as a community, their tenacious skill and dedication for carrying out long term plans and their abilities to manipulate a country of over three hundred million people. 

Although considering the intellectual quality and capacity of the people in this nation, along with their inherent atavistic tendencies to murder those weaker than they, perhaps it wasn't that hard to do.

The entire situation however is becoming patently absurd, perhaps even dangerous.  Despite nearly thirty years of non-stop participation to further the PNAC Protocols and plans for the Neo-Colonization of the Middle East by those who own the military and oil sectors of this nation's economy, it now appears the rewards they had fervently and greedily anticipated would be theirs to gather, have foundered on the shoals of harsh geo-political reality.

The US-NRE's oil companies have failed to obtain the contracts in Iraq promised to them during Cheney’s energy task force.  The US-NRE's military appears to be breaking apart from the strains of continuous hostile occupations in several countries, with the prospect of more occupations to come.  The slow destruction of the US-NRE's military is is of course not really a concern for the Jewish community or the parasitic elements in this country, but it is of some concern to the US-NRE's professional officer corp.  Finally, despite their utter, rank, infantile, childlike, stupidity, even members of the faux-Christian Zionist Armageddon cult, a cult which had been deliberately created thirty years ago by elements within this society to provide political support and cover for these plans of mayhem and murder, appear to be having second thoughts about their participation in the whole affair.

Being evicted from their homes, losing their jobs and their health insurance, while watching twenty four trillion dollars be handed over to the Bankster class can have that effect on some people.  In other words the followers of the "Armageddon Cult" have finally found something much more pressing and prosaic to occupy their limited attention spans, such as the search for food, finding a job and obtaining a place to stay, rather than a bunch of lies told to them in order that they serve the needs of another people and another religion.

Most likely it's just a temporary phenomenon. Given their lack of intellectual capacity, or even curiosity, or for that matter any morality, and no doubt with a few more stiff jolts of propaganda from the mass-media in this country, they'll be willing to watch their own children slowly starve to death, or watch their teenagers commit more crimes of sadistic violence and mass murder in the furtherance of this abhorrent evil, rather than finally come to their senses and realize that they've all been had.

Nevertheless control over any national state by ANY MINORITY, certainly one as tiny as 2.2% of the population of a given entity, no matter their talents or capabilities, no matter what elements of the society they align themselves with, no matter how subtle, sophisticated or hidden such control may be, is unsustainable, highly unstable, and can result in the build-up of uncontrollable counter-reactionary forces over time.

Again to reiterate, it would be best if this nation discontinues its useless efforts to become the New Roman Empire.  It would be beneficial for everyone, everywhere, if it stops trying to deliberately construct a "Clash of Civilizations" in the Middle East. It is also imparetive that it terminates its alliance with the Saudi Royal family and Israel immediately and cease any and all efforts in support of the “War of Terror” by ending any further aid to "terrorist" elements throughout the world .

This nation MUST also restore the constitution of the United States and the rule of law including Habeas Corpus, it must begin an honest independent investigation of 9/11, stop torture and rendition, stop its needless illegal, costly wars and occupations, close all those "black sites" and offshore prisons, dismantle its military-security complex, reign in the banks and mercenary outfits and punish those responsible for initiating all of these crimes.

Or this is all going to end rather badly for everyone involved. - mpg