Musharraf's Wedge 03-03-07 mpg How Cheney bombed in Afghanistan & US may be 'undermining' Pakistan Both of these articles are disingenuous, the US has supported the ISI in Pakistan for the last twenty years and will continue to do so, especially when one considerers the favor they provided to the MIOC elites of this country with their help regarding 9/11. Let's make that clear, we're talking about their help in financing and providing logistical support to those involved with 9/11, along with their help in covering up any "embarrassing" connections between 9/11, the Saudi Royals and many people in the US. No doubt they still have the evidence of those connections. Although portions of the Demo part of the DemoRepub party do not owe their allegiance to the MIOC elites who stood to gain the most from 9/11 and their PNAC plan to dominate the Middle East, and therefore have no qualms about applying pressure on Pakistan to curb the Taliban and more specifically al won't happen The evidence Musharraf has, no doubt well protected for times such as these, would embarrass both parts of the DemoRepub party, admittedly the MIOC elites more than the rest. But such evidence, if made publicly available would destroy the elites hold on power in this country So all the articles many of you will be seeing in the next several weeks will be mostly for public relations. Of course Musharraf will "round up the usual suspects" and keep them on ice for awhile, but he can't afford to destroy his tenuous hold on power in Pakistan, anger the ISI or alienate the Pushtons in his country. Instead, now that al Qaeda no longer serves any purpose for him, he'll simply attempt to drive a wedge between the tribal Pushtons/Taliban Combo and al Qaeda and eventually expel al Qaeda into Afghanistan, Iraq or back to their home in Saudi Arabia. end - mpg |