Neo-Liberals Belittle "Fast & Furious"

Neo-Liberals Belittle "Fast & Furious"

Snowden Releases Show NSA Infiltration in Computers of "Mexican Police and Cartels"
This Is Outrageous!! -- This was all done to better coordinate the take over of Mexico by the Sinaloan Cartel and identify those police officers who are in the pay of other gangs so they could be blackmailed into working for the Sinaloa Cartel, or made an example of if not.

Of course WE ALL KNOW what happened to any honest police officers identified by these programs that refused to bend the knee. 

Just remember all those Neo-Liberals and their pretense that "Fast & Furious" was just some right wing kooky conspiracy against their precious Obama! 

Just remember all those Neo-Conservatives blaming the Mexican people for all the depravity this carefully orchestrated campaign of mayhem and murder caused to the Mexican people. An orgy of behind the scenes state supported murder that resulted in the deaths of over fifty thousand Mexicans!  

Just remember all those in the US that profited from this carnage, especially the Banksters!

One day Amerikans may care what's being done in their name, but that day has sadly not arrived yet. It probably never will.  In the meantime it is up to the peoples of the other 190 countries in the world to protect themselves from these sorts of schemes.

May God grant them the fortitude and wisdom to do so!! - mpg