On Rapturist Eschatology - The Work of the Devil

On Rapturist Eschatology - The Work of the Devil

Regarding.... Hagee's-Heretics, Hagee's-Hell-Spawn, Hagee's-Sabbatean-Frankists, Raptur-Tean-Frankists, Rapturized-Sabba-Franks, Judeo-Rapturized, Judeo-Death-Cult, Rapture-Cultists, Jewvangelical, Jewvangelized, Rapturized, Unchristianized, Dechristianized, Hagee's-Hordes

Well.... just think about it.  Jews invert all good concepts.  It's their nature.  So now we have a so-called "religion" that purports itself to be part of the "Christian" faith.  Yet its mission is to bring Hell on Earth!! 

How could any thinking human being possibly be stupid enough to believe in Rapturist Eschatology??  To do the work of the Devil Himself on behalf of Jesus Christ?!?! - Is there ANYTHING more inverted, perverted, or oxymoronic then that? - If ANYONE thinks this is funny, or not a serious issue, just put yourselves into their mindset.

You're totally committed to this jewish created "doctrinal faith"  And you totally believe that "The Rapture", and therefore Jesus Himself, will come to save you, your family, and your fellow brethren, ONLY IF the Earth Ends. 

Now imagine some of these people working in a BS-4 bio-warfare lab on something so deadly, its never before been seen in nature.  Something that  makes the Black Death tame by comparison.  Or sitting underground in some ICBM launch control complex somewhere in North Dakota. After somehow having obtained all the launch codes. 

Anyone still think it's funny? - mpg