Predictable Outcomes

Predictable Outcomes

US ex-generals reject Iran strike
A quote...."Three former high-ranking American military officers have warned against any military attack on Iran.  -  They said such action would have "disastrous consequences" for security in the Middle East and also for coalition forces in Iraq."

Are they part of AIPAC, do they own any Oil or Defense related companies, did they actually say it would hurt this country's Military-Industrial-Oil-Complex (MIOC) profits?  If the answer to these questions is no, then what they're saying is irrelevant to the people in charge of implementing this Nation's policies.  The generals have to understand that they are part of a system in which they are essentially cannon fodder, placed here on this earth so they can service this country's wealthy elites.

This is not an opinion nor should it be considered a harsh judgment of the's simply the truth.  Statements or constructs are true based on their factual content as measured against reality, their ability to “connect the dots” (i.e. provide a plausible paradigm), and most importantly their ability to predict outcomes, something sadly missing in every single article and program produced by this country's mass-media for the last six years.

For example the generals’ statements were no doubt "true" but not predictive of policy because the generals’ statements were made in an effort to prevent further casualties to their men and because they worry that the US’s defense establishment may break down completely under the stresses and strains of continuous warfare.  But these concerns are not those of the DemoRepub party and those who sponsor them.

Similarly the statement that they are "cannon fodder" is also "true", but more importantly it accurately reflects their true relationship to the goals of policy implementers like the DemoRepubs and policy deciders like the MIOC elites and is therefore a more reliable predictor of policy direction. The concerns of the MIOC elites are how much money they will make from the coming conflict with Iran, and will the conflict create a sufficient amount of inflationary pressure to allow the US to inflate it's way out of the enormous debts created during the RepubDemos management of the first part of the US economy's “destructive cycle".

The massive losses in lives and property are simply not a consideration for the MIOC elites or their bought and paid for representatives in the DemoRepub party so long as the lives and property destroyed do not belong to the elites and so long as the system they control continues to remain stable.

These are predictable and predicted outcomes which have already occurred

Under this theory 1) when the economy begins to sag, 2) when oil profits begin to fall, 3) the DemoRepubs would do nothing (despite what the "liberal" pundocracy said) to impede another war, this one with Iran, 4) which would be preceded by the same false propaganda that was used against Iraq, 5) fully parroted by the mass-media in this country.

All these outcomes as predicted by theory (almost two years ago on this blog, much earlier on thousands of others) have already occurred with the one exception (so far) of another  “fortuitous event” similar to 9/11 needed to motivate the US’s population to go to war - again.

Conclusion : The general's concerns will be completely ignored, i.e. they and their men are "cannon fodder" or to put it more bluntly - as with any other "public asset".....they're fully expendable from the point of view of the MIOC elites.

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