Radiation vs Contamination - The Difference is Deadly 03-19-11 mpg British Scientist Christopher Busby: The Health Effects of Ionizing Radiation – Alex Jones TV ![]() Website Editor's note: Regarding the video shown above, this website editor has seen a lot of really stupid comments on the blogs recently regarding the radioactive plume coming from Japan, the exact same sort of stupid comments this website editor witnessed during previous nuclear accidents like Three Mile Island and Chernobyl, so let's make this perfectly clear to everybody. Full body "radiation" dosage projections using radiation from outside the human body directed against the human body, such as the dose you receive during an x-ray, or from cosmic rays while flying a plane, or the various forms of high energy electromagnetic radiation one can receive from certain electronic or industrial devices, has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH THE TOXICITY OF THIS PLUME! Got it folks? "Contamination", that is inhalation or ingesting of -- or direct contact with -- radioactive particles that emit alpha, beta or gamma radiation is a totally different issue than receiving an outside body dose of x-rays or gamma rays. Inhalation or ingesting of -- or direct contact with -- these particles is usually deadly. Bio-concentrations of these particles in nature and their subsequent consumption or ingestion by people and/or their subsequent bio-concentration within the human body is deadly. Uptake and bio-concentration in specific human tissues or organs is deadly. A pico-gram of alpha-emitting plutonium dust sealed in a lab vile will do nothing to you and will hardly register on a Geiger counter (Alpha radiation is "able to be stopped by a few centimeters of air, or by the skin"). If however you inhale, or ingest it, you are dead. Period. End of story. Everybody got it? Articles that purport to discuss the effects of "radiation" but which do not address the distribution of these particles by quantity and type (that means Alpha and Beta emitters) in radioactive releases, their subsequent bio-concentration or bio-accumulation (in nature and/or the human body), their longevity (half-life), and their radioactive affects once inhaled or ingested on adjacent human tissue, will be ignored by this website editor. Such articles and comments are more than disingenuous, they are dangerous, they are no different than putting the label "flour" on a can of arsenic and placing that can into someone's kitchen cupboard. The fact the mass-media and members of nuclear industry have consistently refused to make the distinctions shown above regarding radioactive releases is a sign of their complete lack of concern for the welfare of the people living on this planet, and also a vivid demonstration, once again, of their complete lack of moral character. - mpg Related Articles..... No, the Amount of Radiation Released from the Japanese Nuclear Reactors is NOT "Safe" - posted 03-25-11 What They're Covering Up at Fukushima - posted 03-22-11 Comparing Japan's Radiation Release to "Background Radiation" - posted 03-28-11 Was Stuxnet Designed to Cause A Melt-Down On Que - 03-23-11 - mpg |