Russia -- Just Relax!

Russia -- Just Relax!
08-25-08 - revised 08-27-08

Reinventing the Evil Empire
A quote...."For the West, everything changed but stayed the same, hard-wired and in place. Things just lay dormant in the shadows during the Yeltsin years, certain to reemerge once a more resolute Russian leader took over. If not Vladimir Putin, someone else little different." -- Also posted at CounterPunch

Everybody in Russia should just RELAX!!! Yeah, sure, of course they (the western elites) are going to call the country and its people all sorts of names, and yeah, they're going to bring up all sorts of past errors (Stalin being one of the most egregious errors any country could ever make) and yeah, it's going to be "Bear Baiting 24/7" from now on and absolutely NO -- no matter what Russia does in the future, no matter how much it improves the standard of living for its people, no matter what strides it makes toward democracy, no matter how much Russia insists on its rights as a nation state or calls for a new multi-polar world order (or in point of fact, because it does so) NONE of Russia's actions or stated positions will be reported accurately or fairly by the mainstream western press, or change a single iota of current western elite policy thinking......SO? -- WHO CARES!

After all, the wealthy elites in some of these western countries get off on Abu Ghraib videos for Gods sake!  Does anyone actually care what they're thinking?  Would anyone want to?

Several countries in Europe are already headed down the road toward old-style Fascism.  As for what used to be called America, its in its last death throes as a Republic, soon to be remade into the New Roman Empire (N.R.E.), a deluded, narcissistic, self-obsessed, murderous, quasi-commercial-organized-crime syndicate, maintained solely by the massive and disproportionate use of force against weaker, resource rich countries, in a vain effort to keep its subject population, and more specifically, its wealthy elites, comfortably ensconced in the lifestyle they've become so accustomed to.

Russia should just relax, get over the nauseous, noxious, spewing by the west's mass-faux-infotainment complex, don't be defensive, and just say it’s open for honest trade and business with all comers.

More importantly it should distinguish itself and distance itself from current US and NATO policies throughout the world.  It should pose the the very singular, very pertinent and germane question that has not yet been asked of the world's peoples and leaders in Africa, Asia, South & Central America and especially the entire Middle East........

"Are you better off now than you were eight years ago?"

They should also pose the following questions to the entire international community.....

Do you REALLY want another eight years of George Bush's policies? (Bombs Away O-Bomb-a or Mad Dog McCain will make no difference in how the NRE conducts its foreign policy, none whatsoever.)

Do you really want to do "business" with a nation that has supported at one point or another, almost every single "terrorist" orgainization in the world?

Do you really want to do "business" with elites, who in one particular nation, were so ruthless they at best set-up, or at worst, were directly involved with, the murder of almost three thousand of their own citizens?

Do you really want to do "business" with elites that say they're "helping" people and than (shudder) realize that some of them actually believe this as they bomb and kill millions?

Do you really want to do "business" with the elites in one particular nation who blatantly and shamelessly encouraged a recently bought and paid for lackey to launch a blitzkrieg against ethnic groups in neighboring separatists provinces, killing hundreds of what were supposedly his "own" people, and than trumpet throughout their mass infotainment media the false claim that it was his country that was invaded first?

Do you really think these elites in the future won't use and encourage other "cooperative" client leaders in other nations to do the same to their respective neighbors?

Do you really want to do "business" with a nation that has renounced, derided, and shredded the United Nations, the World Court, the ABM treaty, the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, the Geneva Conventions, the Magna Carta, the Kyoto Treaty, and its very own Constitution?

Do you really want to do "business" with elites that have no shame, no remorse, no conscience, no restraint, no ability to tell the truth, or the difference between right from wrong, or the ability to honor any agreement, contract or promise, or for that matter show even the slightest bit of respect for the decent opinion of the rest of mankind?

Do you want to be just another victim in a long list of victims during the past sixty years of these elites' policies of mayhem and murder?

Do you really?  -- mpg