Use YOUR Anger To Strengthen YOURSELF
FYI: A note to every true-blooded White Ethnic European out there. No doubt by now, many of you are filled with an inchoate, frustrated rage at the manifest injustices, planned replacement, lies, and outright murder of your own people by the jews, and their minions and familiars they've employed to ethnically cleanse you from the earth. The sick sadistic joy the jews get from tearing your societies apart -- This is good -- It's good to feel alive, to know your enemy, to finally identify those who have done so much harm to YOU, YOUR family, Europe, and Whites everywhere!!

But DON'T let your frustration and anger use YOU and make YOU do something stupid. Don't let it eat YOU from the inside out like a corrosive acid. Instead, YOU should use YOUR righteous, frustrated, blazing anger to empower YOU! YOU must channel it to force YOU to make the changes YOU need to do to YOURSELF to LIVE AGAIN, and DEFEND YOURSELF against this jewish onslaught!

First, foremost, and forever, PLEASE stop reading, watching, and listening to the jewish filth, and mind numbing, mind rotting, weaponized manipulative mental garbage spewed out by their media complex on a daily basis.

Second, you must unlearn all you've been taught by jews. Every concept they've created, every theory they've ever conjectured, every ideology they've espoused, every fake, historical fantasy they've fabricated, every false narrative they've concocted and inculcated into you.... must be removed. By root and branch. You must disprove it, erase it and delete it. As if it had never existed. If a jew said it, it was a lie. If what they said ever corresponded with the facts or truth, it was either an accident, or would only serve their interests at that particular moment in time.

Thirdly, YOU must mentally discipline YOURSELF, for the rest of YOUR LIFE, and until YOUR death, to internalize, abide by, and teach all you meet, what's contained in the essays posted below.....
You must counter the jewish spiel, their relentless lies, their meme pathogens, their false, malicious, mental constructs, and anti-historical fantasies with your own CORRECT, and FACTUAL TRUTHS. Your own meme curatives, and historical narratives based on actual historical events! You must understand.....

The jewish mind is a complete snake-pit of inversions, perversions, projection, displacement and transference of their own mass atrocities, and their own sick twisted "everything is relative", amoral, exploitative, goyum-control memes, ONTO YOU and YOUR children!
FYI: It should be noted, when reviewing...." Interracial Violent Crime Incidents 2018 Augmented ", that Black on White Crime is about FORTY TIMES HIGHER than White on Black crime -- (547,948 BonW / 59,778 WonB) = 9.17 (60.1 WPop / 13.4 BPop) = 4.49 (9.17) * (4.49) = 41.733 Times Higher. How much of this can REALLY be considered Black "hate crime" is anyone's guess. But it's at least an order of magnitude higher than so-called White "hate crime" - mpg
FYI: Keep in mind White Ethnic Europeans are a SMALL MINORITY of the World's population. Casually estimated at between 8% to 10% ( Alt @ Reficultnias) of the World's total population, and declining rapidly . The question that MUST be asked, is why must the rest of the World's Majority population be allowed to invade Europe and places like America, and the former English colonies, to replace the populations there, as part of a jewish promulgated "Diversity" campaign?? - mpg - See links posted below....
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Identitarian, Transnational, Bolshevik, Politiks - A Practical Guide
(What YOU Must Do - It's The Only Way)

Walk Away, Western Man:  A Declaration of White Independence
Just Walk Away - Offer No Support Except To Those Who Work For YOU!! - Create YOUR Own Identitarian Support Groups - Must Read -- A quote...."The System has obstructed the Administration of Justice, having selectively enforced its Laws and cast aside those most wholesome and necessary for the public good, imposing a structure of anarcho-tyranny, an egregious double standard whereby law-abiding Whites are punished instantly and ruthlessly for minor or nonexistent infractions, including self-defense and the expression of heterodox thought which was considered to be common-sense only one generation ago, while non-Whites are permitted to commit heinous acts of rapine and murder against us almost entirely unopposed and unpunished - The System which held itself to be the guarantor of our God-given rights now usurps those very rights, employing its agents, sworn to uphold the Constitution, to enforce the ever-shifting whims of the postconstitutional State with the single end of effectuating the cultural and physical dispossession and genocide of the White race, ceaselessly pillorying and desecrating its achievements, the greatest of any race in the history of the earth - The System has denied our people their freedom of association, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only."
FYI:   Create YOUR own support groups.  YOUR own networks.  YOUR own Shadow Governments.  Just like the Jews have done in every country they've infiltrated, and subverted - YOU must practice covert (and overt when necessary) White, Ethnic-European, Identitarian, Transnational, Bolshevik, Politiks in EVERYTHING you do!!  Just like the Jews!!
Only in this way, only if YOU swear to these LIFE-LONG commitments, only if YOU follow this simple program of action, and get YOUR fellow Whites to do the same, can you throw off the judeo-shackles that currently enslave and ensnare you.... but which will soon utterly destroy YOU and YOURS.... forever - mpg - See links posted below....
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Fighting Fire With Fire

16-year old Czech girl raped close to the Czech-German border by an African deported from Germany
Irresponsible Deportation - A quote...."A 16-year-old Czech girl was brutally raped in Terezin. The perpetrator was an African migrant, who has been released from prison in Dresden and then deported from Germany the very same morning the rape occurs. "
FYI:  Obviously Nation State structures can't effectively deal with the Judeo-Transnationalist Crime Syndicate.  They'll just be played off against each other - This looks like a case where Germany just shoved him across the border as someone else's problem. 

How about this idea.  Do what the Jews do, but do it better! 

Establish a White Ethnic European trans-nationalist system across the world.  Form a White Ethnic European World Congress. And start using all those vicious Bolshevik techniques that Jews have been using against us for the last 150 years, against THEM!

You don't like borders little Judeo-Crime Syndicate?  You don't like all those patriarchal white, male, created constitutions?  You don't like dem "Guberments" You despise "nationalism" and nations? -- Fine baby.  You got it!!   We'll set-up a whole special structure for you an'yours!!

We'll have to establish a Trans-National "Bureau of Adjustments" to identify all the tens of thousands of Pro-Jewish, White-Hating organizations around the world, and using the Jews own well founded, well-honed, 150 year imposition of their Bolshevik techniques of economic sabotage, boycotting, doxing, blacklisting, personal destruction of their criminal members, and most importantly, relentless, endless,  lawfare.... "Adjust" them out of existence.  Obviously, unlike the Jews, members of the "Bureau of Adjustments" should eschew the Jews commonly used techniques of blackmail, extortion, theft, assassination, and terrorism.

We'll have to establish a Trans-National "Bureau of Sound Money" to conduct audits and finally break the Jewish Crime Syndicate's free money spigot their members currently enjoy. They will no longer be able to transfer, through various financial means, tens of trillions to their fellow brethren to establish control grids, destroy their competitors, or reward their lackeys.  At the very minimum the production and distribution of currencies will be left up to the state, and/or perhaps decentralized systems under no-one's control, such as digital currencies.  But private central banks will not be allowed to exist anywhere, ever, again

We'll also have to establish a Trans-National "Bureau of Reclamations".  The Bureau will be tasked to identify the culpability of individual Jews, and that of the tribe as a collective, along with their punishment and reparations.  To reclaim these judgments and stolen assets from the Jewish community for the following crimes they've committed against humanity.  Their carrying out of the Bolshevik takeover of Russia, and their slaughter of tens of millions of innocents , including the ritual murder of the Czarist Royal family, the Holodomor massacre, their arranging of WWI (Balfour Declaration) and WWII and Roosevelt's obsession to bring America into the war against the Germans by staging Pearl Harbor (There's no information yet that Jews were involved in that contrivance, but there will be).  The demonization of Germany, the Holohoax lies, and the mass murder of up to eight million surrendered German military and civilians after the war had ended, per Jewish plans of murder.  Numerous false-flags, their illegal occupation and ethnic cleansing of Palestine, and their recent concordat with the Wahhabist GCC terror states to use their colony the US-NRE to destroy over a dozen formally functioning nations and spread their Wahhabist ideology throughout the Northern Hemisphere as part of their PNAC Protocols

We'll also have to establish the Trans-National "Bureau of White Identity".  It will be tasked to defend White Ethnic European Identity both on a macro-level, Whites everywhere, and also to maintain the beautiful unique characteristics that make up the over fifty individual European nations. It will be the Legal Arm of the White Ethnic European Movement and will offer and coordinate legal representation for wronged Ethnic Europeans while conduction a ceaseless, relentless, Lawfare campaign against the Jews and their Shabbos Goyim who encroach against Ethnic European Values --  It will be charged with preventing Jews from infiltrating these nations and attempting to destroy their genetic integrity by their imposition of mass-immigration agendas, or corrupt their cultural integrity by imposing the Jews LGBTQOPedo GayPlex Global-Homo Frankfurt School agendas upon them

Finally we'll have to establish the Trans-National "Bureau of Instruction". It will be tasked to expose all the terms and techniques developed by Jews to manipulate the Goyim cattle. To demonstrate the Judeo anti-human, irrational nature of fantasies like Marxism, Leninism, Trotskism, Stalinism -- To elucidate how most "thinking" today is derived from false and fraudulent Jewish memes designed to control us -- To also reveal how their sick and twisted thoughts, how their degenerate and depraved desires, became ours -- It will be tasked to conduct research, open sealed records, take depositions under perjury, establish schools and repositories of knowledge available to all, produce programs of education, all designed to expose the 150 years of rampant Jewish lies against White Ethnic Europeans so that this reign of Jewish subversion and mass destruction can never happen again

These "Bureaus" will start out as chapters in each country, Formed organically by concerned citizens in small towns and cities throughout the fifty European nations, the Anglo-Sphere and beyond.  Each growing, linking, and spreading until they join in a vast world-wide network of institutions to protect White Ethnic Europeans

These "Bureaus" will be transnational in scope and will be maximally empowered, by the White Ethnic European World Congress, in those nations they will soon control, and where they have finally eliminated Jewish influence, to use sanctions, seizures, and military force, to achieve their objectives of protecting White Ethnic Europeans from further harm  - mpg - See links posted below....
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"Communal Identitarianism & White Ethnic European Transnationalism"
(Act Locally & Think Globally.... For White Ethnic Europeans!!)

There Is No Good Kind of Nationalism
Some quotes....."What’s wrong with nationalism, you ask. Can’t I love a location? Can’t I care for my loved ones? Must I hate babies and apple pie? What is wrong with you? -- Well, if you love your town why not try out townism? Does your town have a flag? An anthem? Can you perform the proper rituals? Why not? You’re not a traitor, are you? Did Putin hire you to tear up treaties with Russia, and sanction Russia, and take over markets from . . . oh, forget it. -- Do you love your state? Your region? Your continent? Well why aren’t you insisting on all of those isms? I’ll tell you why. Because they aren’t needed. It’s not that they aren’t needed because those levels of collective identity aren’t associated with war machines. Rather it is that nationalism consists of association with a war machine, identification with that war machine, and belief that you and your war machine are superior to others." -- "What we’re dealing with in U.S. nationalism is not just valuing the United States, but also devaluing the rest of the world — and not just as observers, but as people who believe they have the right, if not the duty, to impose their will on the rest of the world. Exceptionalism is an attitude that tends to include arrogance, ignorance, and aggression, and these tend to do a great deal of damage."
Let's try.... "Communal Identitarianism & White Ethnic European Transnationalism"  A variant of "act locally, think globally".... For White Ethnic Europeans!!

Wherein "Communal Identitarianism" is the RIGHT to set up a community based on naturally evolving, organically derived (nation-state structures are fine) identitarian based social constructs to maintain your way of life.
That the People, All People, Everywhere, have the right to construct and maintain their own homogeneous community, set up under the rules the People wish to establish, in order to defend their culture, values, principals, language, ethnicity, heritage, (that includes their genetic heritage), history (as long as it's factually correct), economy, institutions, resources, property, homes, lives, and territory.

That we as White Ethnic Europeans also establish and codify a set of rules, an Inter-National (between communities / nation-states) Magna Carta to honor and protect each other's communal sovereignty, and prevent war mongering nationalism from getting out of hand.

That this Magna Carta for cohesive communities be offered to All Peoples Everywhere.... except the Transnational Jewish Criminal Cabal

But, to prevent this Cabal from playing each Sovereign Community off against each other, as they have repeatedly done down through the ages, by encouraging differences within these communities, stoking war mongering nationalism between these communities, and/or subverting Sovereign White Ethnic European Communities / Nation-States from within....

.... that We as White Ethnic European People also establish our OWN Trans-Nationalist White Ethnic European Identitarian Organization to seek out and identify the Jewish branches of subversion in each White Ethnic European community, to counter-mirror and counteract their anti-White Ethnic European racist laws, their restrictions on free-speech, their subversive deep-state power structures and organizations, their bribed and black-mailed lackeys..... and proactively extirpate and eliminate these structures and traitors who support them.  Ruthlessly, and permanently.

To break Jewish Power, and FINALLY END the Trans-Nationalist Jewish Cabal's 150 year reign of brutal Bolshevik terror, of usurious Bankster imposed economic slavery, of deliberate Frankfurt School indoctrinated and inculcated cultural debauchery, along with their relentless  attempts to ethnically cleanse the White Ethnic European Race.... forever

It's the only way - mpg
See related essays.....
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Lethally Wrong Regarding The Race Question
06-15-19 - revised 09-18-19

The Graham Hart Show - With Brizer 2019.06.10 (Sticky Post)
GHSAudio - DownLoadMp3 - (GHSDwnLdMp3 @ SyncCom - 2hrs plus - June 13th, 2019) - Guests' Websites:  Paul English @ Euro Folk Radio & Dennis Fetcho @ Inside The Eye Live & E Michael Jones @ YuTb - EMJ's Affiliated Websites:  Fidelity Wars - Culture Wars - Graham Hart, Paul English and Dennis Fetcho discuss current events Later E. Michale Jones is brought on board to discuss the Catholic Church, mass degeneracy in general, and the Jewish Control Grid - Please note, it would be EXTREMELY helpful to post multiple easy to use audio file-formats at multiple hosting sites. - mpg.
E.Michael Jones is good on some issues, but totally and lethally wrong regarding the "race question".

He stipulates that "race" doesn't matter. That it's just some sort of strange, inexplicable, coincidence that all the groups he mentions, which are currently being targeted for complete destruction, like the Irish, English, Germans, Dutch, French, Spanish, Russians, etc, etc, just happen... like by total accident.... to be "White Ethnic Europeans"

Obviously this is an insane position to take.

The RELENTLESS demonization, dis-empowerment, dis-enfranchisement, and cultural and racial deracination of "Whites" in general, and "White Males" in particular... AS WHITES, during the last fifty years has had nothing to do with any particular European Ethnic group or their various versions of Christianity, or even Paganism.

The people in charge of these programs want all "Whites" i.e. Ethnic Europeans completely GONE.  They do not care about what particular ethnicity they may be, except if necessary, to play them off against each other.

They've NEVER cared if they were Christian, (Yes they HATE Christianity too, but they HATE Whites more) except for the fact most White Ethnic Europeans identified as Christian, and therefore the religion that acted as their natural cultural and communal binder, their moral touchstone, had to be destroyed.

If a majority of White Ethnic Europeans practiced Paganism, or Buddhism, those that hate White Ethnic Europeans would target those religions too - Or if they were all Atheists, it wouldn't matter - On the other hand, a Black, or Oriental, could practice Christianity and that would be perfectly fine.

E. Michael Jones' appears to stipulate that if "Whites" all just converted to Catholicism, it won't matter if everything else about them -- every beautiful part of their ethnic, cultural and societal endowment -- including their own genetic heritage, is utterly destroyed. That If they just huddle together in their tiny, diminishing, ethnic enclaves, it will all turn out right in the end.

That they'll all somehow be saved.

That they'll all somehow survive.

His dangerous insistence on this "point of view" obviously stems from his extreme Catholic bias. A myopic, stilted, narrow, perspective that will not solve this crisis, but only exacerbate it.

In actuality if "Whites" don't band together, if they don't resist the divide and conquer strategies promulgated by people just like E.Michael Jones, "Whites" will be gone.

If they just huddle together in their tiny, diminishing, ethnic enclaves, each year getting smaller and smaller, trying to defend what little remains of their ethnic and cultural heritage, after 150 years of this relentless planned genocide, THEY WILL BE GONE.

It's like Mr' Jones never heard of WWII, you know.... when Germany tried to go it alone, when it tried to be an ethnic enclave of Germans, for Germans, by Germans -- which is EXACTLY what Mr Jones is advocating -- and DIED as a nation because of it!! -- As we watched the Judeo-Anglo-Empires (US & Britain) team up with the Judeo-Bolshevik-Soviet-Empire and crush Germany to nothing.

Just how many times did we get to watch the current Judeo-American colony during the last thirty years, scream at the top of its Judeo-Owned MSM's collective voices.... "New Hitler", "New Hitler", "New Hitler" every single time ANY country, "White"....or not, defied their Judeo-Banksterism?  How many times have we watched as these nations are isolated, as was Germany, demonized, as was Germany, and than bombed to smithereens, as was Germany?

Does Mr Jones want ANOTHER war in Europe?  Does he want to watch as countries in Europe are played off against each other.... again?

Just how many tens of millions, (or hundreds of millions if the Jews start their long-planned WWIII), additional  White Ethnic Europeans have to die on Mr. Jones alter of criminal blindness??

If White Ethnic Europeans don't stick together -- as White Ethnic Europeans -- they will be erased from this Earth and from History.

One can only hope that Mr Jones realizes the errors of his ways.  That even if, the definition of "Whites" was promulgated by the enemies of White People, as Mr Jones has stated, that we White Ethnic Europeans seize this definition as our own to defend ourselves, and that Mr Jones joins us in its use

That he agrees with the concept of White Europeans uniting to defend themselves - mpg

See links posted below.....
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It's NOT "All Men Are Created Equal"
It should be noted, contained within the Declaration of Independence, you will find the following statement, or compounded clause....

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal -- THAT -- they are endowed by their Creator with certain Unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness"

"That"... is a relative pronoun.  It introduces a restrictive element, and also links several clauses together into a complex whole.  You cannot eliminate one or more clauses from a phrase, as shown above, or take one out of its context, without destroying the logic and cohesive meaning of the entire phrase.
The founding fathers NEVER SAID "all men are created equal".  Because they're not  -- It is an IMPOSSIBILITY -- We are all born under differing circumstances, with differing capabilities, with different genes, into a different space, and time, and unknown future, than that of all others -- For the rest of our lives. 

Therefore none of us could ever possibly be "equal" to any other. -- We are not ants.  We are not drones  We are not manufactured robots  Most of us are not identical genetic copies of another, and those who occasionally are, are subject to different circumstances from the moment of their creation in the womb.

Some are born poor, some are born rich. Some are born at the wrong time, or in the wrong place. Even if an individual was an identical twin, born healthy and whole in the most propitious, nurturing, environment, possible, it would make quite a difference to that person if he or she was born first.... to a royal family.

We are all different, unequal, unique, individuals, contained, nourished, sheltered, and taught by the families, tribes, communities, organic nation states, and even trans-nationally based communities (such as the White, Hetero-Sexual, Christian, Ethnic European, community) we are born into, but all granted the same unalienable rights by God and Nature.

The founding fathers NEVER SAID you couldn't judge another individual, or an entire people, by their collective temperament, character, heritage, culture, society, religion, practices, traditions, morality, acts or deeds.

The founding fathers NEVER SAID you couldn't judge individuals by their willful participation, and the group by its cohesive execution, of particular acts or deeds, for the purposes of sanction, condemnation, or justified retribution

The founding fathers NEVER SAID you couldn't exclude those who are incompatible with your community's values.  Or expel those who threaten those values, or your society's cohesion, or its cultural and biological evolution. Even excluding those who threaten its ethnic and racial make-up on the basis of their race or religion.

It is only the "Jews" that run around the world with their false Bolshevik doctrine of "all men are created equal" who say so. Stating that everything is "Morally Relative".  That we are all "Blank Slates".  That we are all interchangeable, valueless, identical, bio-unit, meat-products, parts of a formless collective, with no inherent individuality, communal identity, or personal responsibility.

To be indoctrinated, exploited, used-up, and disposed of at their whim. 

Which is utterly not true. Everyone is granted, and has the right, to discriminate. The right to choose  To judge. To exclude others  The right of disassociation, as well as the right to associate. With whomever they wish, for whatever reason they want to.... and to be judged for their choices

It's called "free-will"  Its results are called the "consequences" for ones actions, and ones choices

But it's not unlimited free-will.  It is also bound and restricted by God Given and Naturally Derived fundamental prohibitions and strictures. Time tested prohibitions against murder, rape, theft, bearing false witness, breaking one's oath, usury, tribal parasitism, tribal sedition, tribal subversion, organ theft, human sacrifice, cannibalism, homo-sexuality, incest, pedophilia, adultery, treason, and unjust war.  Violations of which should never be allowed in any just, functioning, society, and which should always be punished harshly..... if not lethally

Individuals are also bound by lesser constraints established by the community and culture they're born into If they  do not wish to be bound by these lessor prohibitions and strictures, they can simply leave. Or they as an individual, one born to the community, not as an outsider with a foreign agenda, can perhaps change, by dint of argument and persuasion, some of the constraints of their community

Everyone has the right to determine whether another person is good or bad, for themselves and their  community, based on that person's world view. Or their philosophy, religion, politics, ethnicity, and culture.  To also include or exclude that individual into their community based on the other criteria posted above

Everyone, every group of people, has the right to construct their communities the way they want to, to defend these constructs as best they can, and to be judged accordingly for how that community functions.

That said.... NO ONE -- NO Human Being, has the right to limit, or take away the Unalienable Rights of another without equal due process, as long as the rights of exclusion and inclusion are also respected.

We are not Gods, we cannot determine the worth of another person or group, or what their future may be -- Any attempts to do so, to regard others as automatically "worthless", as inconvenient, interchangeable, "equal" bio-unit-meat-products, is the way of the "Jew".

It is a road that will swiftly lead straight to hell - mpg
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A Historical, Unalienable, Right

Austria Deploys Troops, Armored Vehicles To Border - Hip Hip Hooray!!
(Italian Parasitical Class Gets Angry) - A quote...."An angry Italy summoned Austria's ambassador after the government in Vienna announced it was ready to re-introduce border controls and deploy troops and armored vehicles along the border to block any migrant influx out of Italy. Austrian Defence Minister Hans Peter Doskozil told Kronen Zeitung daily that troops could go to the Brenner Pass and that four Pandur armoured personnel carriers had been sent to the Tyrol region with 750 troops were on standby."
It is the RIGHT (unless superseded by prior assent, common law principal, affirmed  proposition, or acknowledged agreement, such as a national constitution which would apply to all groups within a nation's borders), of any people, community, group, or most importantly... nation-state, to exclude any others, for any reason, by any test, criteria, measurement, metric, or requirement.... whatsoever

It is the RIGHT  of any people to defend their culture, values, principals, language, ethnicity, heritage, history (as long as it's factually correct), economy, institutions, resources, property, homes, lives, and territory.

It is the RIGHT of any people to communally shape their own future based on universal principals and true, actual, historical facts.

These rights are not exclusively retained, nor can they be restricted, by those other groups who consider themselves "special", "chosen", or "exceptional"

No matter how many non-historical, lying, destructive, degenerative, fabricated, fantasies they may spin to repress the rights of others, while enhancing their own.

If any people don't want to admit trans-national, highly aggressive, (passively or overtly), incompatible, unwilling to assimilate, subversive, seditious, corruptive, destructive, deviant, disloyal, community groups who regard all others as inferior, and/or exploitable goyum / infidels, such as Zio-Wahhabists, they don't have to!! 

They have the right to exclude any group for as long as they desire to do so.... PERIOD!

It's THEIR country, and it's their community!!  - mpg

See links posted below....