Silence Equals Complicity & Consent

Silence Equals Complicity & Consent

CrossTalk: Warmongers Victorious
CTRTVideo - (CTRTYuTb - 24min31sec - Nov 28, 2014) - Source:   CT@YuTb - CrossTalk - RT -- A quote...."With the GOP soon to control both houses of Congress and the firing of Chuck Hagel at the Pentagon, it appears Washington’s neocons will face little opposition when demanding more foreign interventions. The hawks again will have their day – who will be their victims? CrossTalking with Jim Lobe, Bruce Fein, and Alex Newman."
Utterly fascinating.  This is a must view video for what these guests didn't discuss!

They purportedly discussed the reasons for the on-going Neocon onslaught on this nation's foreign policy process and their resultant "foreign policy disasters", without mentioning who the Neocons really are. Or who they actually represent.

They didn't discuss where the Neocons get their doctrines from, how their minions in government criminally distorted the intel process ("stove-piping", "cherry-picking", purges, "outings", etc.) for over a decade to help ignite all these wars, how their minions in government did everything they possibly could to administratively further these wars, what interests actually support the Neocons and their policies, including those trans-nationals who control almost ALL the mass-media in this country and produced all those lies about WMDs (aluminum tubes, yellow cake from Niger, mobile bio-weapons labs, anthrax, drones, etc.) how the so-called "conservative" think tanks and their numerous policy papers justified these policies, how the Neocons foreign supporters control almost the ENTIRE political process in this country, and finally, how the PNAC Protocols foretold and carefully laid out the plans for these murderous activities more than thirty years ago.

Most importantly they failed to even mention, that when viewed from the prospective of a certain foreign power and its already stated geo-political ambitions, the same exact foreign power that many of these Neocons publicly claim allegiance too and derive their support from, that these "foreign policy disasters" are in fact....outstanding foreign policy successes!!!

This website editor will not cast aspersions on anyone, and leaves it to the reader to figure out what aspersions should be cast, on who, and why.

But these commentators obviously bent over backwards, in fact they turned themselves into linguistic and logic-defying gymnastic pretzels worthy of being employed by Cirque de Soleil, in their strenuous efforts to NOT discuss the true actors, their plans and motivations, and the power their foreign sponsors have over the US-NRE's foreign policy making apparatus and this government. - mpg