Simply, Sickeningly, Shockingly, Disgusting

Simply, Sickeningly, Shockingly, Disgusting

Interview 1320 – Marwa Osman Reports on the Saudi Purge
CRVideo - Alt/Mp3 - Alt/YuTb -- (CRMedPlyr - 26min29sec - Nov 11, 2017) - Source Websites:  CR@YuTb CorbettRpt - Corbett@Patreon -- Guest Website:  Marwa Osman @ Twtr

Ducks Lining Up: Saudi, Israeli, US Moves On Iran, Lebanon
RPLRVideo - (RPLRYuTb - 16min50sec -  Nov 7, 2017) - Source:  Ron Paul Liberty Report @ YuTb - Ron Paul Inst

Saudi Escalation: Lebanon And Yemen In The Crosshairs
RPLRVideo - (RPLRYuTb - 18min17sec -  Nov 9, 2017) - Source:  Ron Paul Liberty Report @ YuTb - Ron Paul Inst
Think about it.  We have Saudi Arabia, a collection of medieval tribal, murderous, thieving, nomadic, cut-throats, puffed-up for decades by receiving oodles and oodles of Euro-Kharzarian fabricated fiat-debt-notes, into actually thinking they're a bunch of potentates.

A group of decadent, degenerate, miscreants who have spawned, and than spread like a lethal virus, their bastardized Wahhabist terrorist death cult across the entire world.

A group who has now OPENLY kidnapped the acting head of state of another country, and forced him to publicly resign his office, to the absolute dead silence of the world's "Jewish" owned mass-media-spew-outlets.

Utterly, completely, unacceptably, outrageous behavior!!

Can anyone even IMAGINE the outcry if Iran, or Russia, or China had done something like this!!

It's a joke folks, it's all just one big joke on the world community.  The Treaty of Westphalia is dead and buried.  The international system of nation-state structures laboriously constructed over hundreds of years is terminally damaged beyond repair. 

Ruthlessly and malevolently murdered, on behalf of the Trinity of Evil's three criminal members....
  • The "Jews" with their incredibly effective and subversive tribally coordinated system of trans-national management and control. All powered by their fellow tribal brethrens' ownership of the world's major engines of trans-national finance, and fiat-debt-script creation

  • The "Jews" North Amerikan Colony's military muscle -- its "Golem" -- and it's oligarchies' collectively deluded Neoliberalcon inspired dream of a trans-nationalist PNAC empire.  All assiduously implemented by the "Jews" careful cultivation, and blackmail -- over decades -- of the worst sorts of pedophiles, homosexuals, rapists, thieves, and zio-worshiping infected and inculcated degenerates, systemically selected from the vilest amoral dregs of this society, and strategically placed in positions of power throughout its top governing strata

  • The even more degenerate Saudi Parasites and their fellow lackeys in the other GCC countries which the "Jews" also carefully cultivated.  All sold on the concept of the Fed's trans-nationalist petro-fiat-debt-script scheme, and the chance to massively spread their trans-nationalist, terrorist, Wahhabsit, death cult across the world, conquering even Christian Europe itself!
Simply, sickeningly, shockingly, disgusting - mpg