Some Tentative Laws

Some Tentative Laws - To be updated/changed when needed
July 20th, 2008 - last updated Aug. 15th 2008

First law of wartime currency expansion
The positive economic effects of wartime currency expansion/debt turn negative after approximately five years.

Second law of wartime currency expansion
The recovery time from the inflationary affects of war time currency expansion/debt is inversely related to the size of the conquered territory's underlying economic assets and directly related to how quickly they are incorporated into the conquering country's economic system.

Third law of wartime currency expansion *
1) The interest rate (eventually) is inversely related to the amount of war time debt.
2) The interest rate (eventually) is directly related to the amount of war time currency expansion.

Fourth law of wartime currency expansion
The chances of a war occurring are directly related to the rate of deflation and inversely related to the rate of inflation.

Fifth law of wartime currency expansion
The size and length of the next war is inversely related to the economic recovery time of the prior war.

Sixth law of wartime currency expansion
The ability to wage war through currency inflation is directly related to the number and size of economies willing to accept the aggressor nation's currency/debt.

Seventh law of wartime currency expansion
The wartime cycles take approximately ten years to complete.

Special Note: If great care is not taken, each successive ten year cycle creates more and more  underlying debt/inflation per capita necessitating bigger and bigger cycles of war (violating the Fifth law) thereby increasing systemic instabilities untill the entire system collapses.

* Regarding the third law, if there are large amounts of debt greater than the carrying capacity of the economy (deflation) while at the same time there exists large amounts of currency expansion (inflation), the result will invariably be stagflation, and both the direction of interest rates along with the chances for war (the fourth law) will be problematical. - links added 08-30-09

This is just a very tentative analysis - there's a lot more work to be done. - mpg

For more on this issue see....Effective Fed Funds Rate 03-24-07 - mpg