Stupidity Alert
Poll: Public Backs Iraq Timetable & Dems edge
closer to showdown over Iraq
you're being scammed again.
This is a fake battle between two fake people. THINK ABOUT IT, if
Bush signs this bill and "loses", he'll get to continue the war for the
next two years with the DemoRepubs
blessing, along with Nancy's
additional twenty billion dollars as a sweetener for his cooperation
and additional help for the MIOC elites in this country.
Nancy will than claim a glorious victory, the DemoRepubs will grin like
idiots and George Bush while giving his speech before the nation will
say he did his best but, with eyes shining from unshed
tears, he'll regretfully state he had to pass the bill for the good of
our brave
boys fighting those evil terrorists over there....
And the Repubs, crying with
joy because they managed to to
heal this nation's divisions and agree on a "hard fought" compromise
will join together with their fellow Demo
brethren in a joyous
celebration of bipartisanship.
And the war will go on and on and on.....
And the Military Industrial Oil Complex's profits will continue to
increase while the American Empire continues to feed off the dead and
dying of the Middle East.
* broken links - these links added/changed - 040207 - mpg