The Axis of Evil and Their Pseudo-Gangs

The Axis of Evil and Their Pseudo-Gangs

Saudi King slams intelligence leak
Special Note - Breaking: Sat, 22 May 2010 09:57:48 GMT  -- A quote...."The King of Saudi Arabia has strongly criticized the country's intelligence officials for disclosing a secret document, which shows Riyadh has links with terrorist activities carried out by al-Qaeda in Iraq." -- For more on this issue see....US Support of Terror

A brief statement by this website editor...The Saudi Royal Family, Israel,  and the US-NRE are the "true axis of evil".

More than thirty years ago the three actors named above joined together and set out to radicalize a tiny portion of the Muslim community in an attempt to create what are known as pseudo-gangs. This was a tactic practiced with great success by the British during the Mau Mau rebellion in Kenya and with very little success by the French during their attempts to retain their hold on Algeria.

Almost all of these pseudo-gang members they've created (currently known as al-Qaeda) were recruited from the Arabian peninsula, most of them from Saudi Arabia with a few from Yemen, and almost all of whom were deliberately indoctrinated with the Saudi Royal's radical version of Wahhabiist ideology and training prior to their recruitment.  Recruitment which usually took place in the Saudi Royal's ever expanding network of madrassas, now rapidly spreading worldwide.

These three actors, with an assist from elements within the British establishment, embarked on their long term and prodigious effort to create an "arch of instability" (their term) across the oil rich sector of Eurasia primarily to serve as a never ending justification for the occupation of the entire region by the US-NRE's & Britain's armed forces in accordance with the PNAC Protocols.

Protocols formulated to to help establish the sort of back-drop necessary to stage events like 9/11 & 7/11. To use these "catalyzing events" as the pretext to eliminate Israel's and the Saudi Royals perceived enemies....the Bathist regime in Iraq and Shi'a regime of Iran, and to create conditions sufficiently favorable to allow Israel free reign to eliminate the "Palestinian problem" forever.  No doubt it was considered a win-win situation for all three of these actors along with those in the British establishment.

Members of the Jewish Community residing in the US-NRE, such as those who run the New York Times, FOX News and other organizations, who deliberately supress these facts and the many trails which lead directly to Israel's involvement with 9/11 & 7/11 are not practicing "discretion" on behalf of the Jewish community's delicate sensibilities regarding their support for Israel, they are in fact practicing treason. - mpg