The Human Cockroach

The Human Cockroach

Chalabi reaches out to Baathists as part of policy reversal
A quote...."BAGHDAD — Ahmad Chalabi, a perennial Iraqi insider and political survivor, held out an olive branch to his former enemies Wednesday by publicly welcoming onetime members of Saddam Hussein's Baath Party back into public life.  -  Chalabi, who heads a commission charged with removing former ranking Baath Party members from public office, told reporters at a Baghdad news conference that the Iraqi government had changed course and was now trying to bring more Baathists back into government."

The human cockroach is back.  If you irradiated this guy with a million rads of radiation he'd simply use his new glow in the dark powers to find the hidden crevices of the society he inhabits to make more money.  If they placed him in a Survivor show with a hundred volunteers on a pacific atoll with no food.......he'd be the last man standing, after having eaten all the others.  He's the human equivalent of jello, impossible to nail down.  He makes the Terminator look like a wimp.  He doesn't talk out of both sides of his mouth because there are no sides but his.  If you ever shake his hand, be sure to count your fingers to make sure they're all still there.

He's probably the only guy in the world that might get the better of Mr. Reficul.

To the Iraqi people, if you let this guy within one hundred miles of your oil ministry, you can just go ahead and kiss all of your oil money good buy. - mpg