The Kingdom of Leprosy

The Kingdom of Leprosy

Syria plays hardball with the Saudis
A quote...."DAMASCUS - In a further sign of just how low Syrian-Saudi Arabian relations have sunk, Syrian authorities have banned the distribution of al-Hayat, the Saudi-owned mass circulation Arab daily. -- The step came nearly two years after al-Sharq al-Awsat, another Saudi daily, was banned from Syria for running articles that were considered critical of the Syrian government during the Israeli war in Lebanon in 2006. -- Subsequently, the Syrians hailed Hezbollah in Lebanon as a resistance organization while the Saudis criticized it because of its links to Iran, claiming that Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah was an "adventurer". -- President Bashar al-Assad snapped back in a speech that those who had conspired against Hezbollah in the Arab world (in clear reference to Saudi Arabia) were "half-men"."

The Saudi Royals seem to think all the peoples who live in the Middle East are just plain stupid.  They have for thirty years co-opted or corrupted every single nationalist movement throughout the Middle East in the furtherance of US and Israeli geopolitical interests.

They have for thirty years consistently and aggressively, just as has the United States, supported every single radical, rejectionist, fundamentalist, violent, terrorist organization that exists in that region to serve as "agent provocateurs" to disrupt or discredit any movements that would legitimately represent the interests of the civilian populations in the region...the poor, the disenfranchised, and the down trodden

They have for thirty years pretended to support the Palestinian cause while secretly maneuvering behind their backs to thwart any of their efforts to achieve their own independent nation state or their rights to live equally along side the Israelis in one state.

They have, at the subtle urgings of this nation's MIOC PNAC'ing Neocons, sent fifteen out of nineteen of their fellow citizens to carry out 9/11, enabling the elites of the United States to use that discredited fig leaf of a false flag operation to initiate a massive war of aggression against several nation states surrounding the Gulf to seize their oil resources.

They have, in the end, allowed Islam to be deliberately besmirched, degraded, denigrated and twisted in front of the entire international community so they could continue to engage in a program, along with the United States, to "pacify" the unruly peoples of the Middle East in order to make them conform with the "New World Order", adopt "Neo-Liberal" economic policies and submit to the will of these elites while ensuring the Saudi Royals continual comfort and security.

Their plans are as obvious and as childish as they are corrupt and utterly evil.

The Saudi Royals remind this editor of a character in the film Braveheart, the farther of Robert the Bruce.  His farther was portrayed as being slowly eaten alive by leprosy all the while consoling his son that "great" men are "great" precisely because of their ability to "compromise", by their ability to lie and play one side off against another, by their ability to betray their followers, friends, and comrades.  That in the end to "survive" and  be crowned King of Scotland, Robert the Bruce would have to betray all of his beliefs.

And the Saudi Royals certainly have done so, to the dismay and horror of just about every person throughout the world. - mpg

For more on this issue see....The CONversation - 09-04-06 - mpg
And....The Kingdom of Leprosy - 10-07-08 - mpg
And....The Axis of Evil and Their Pseudo-Gangs - 05-22-10 - mpg
And....The True Axis of Evil - 10-10-08 - mpg