The US is After Europe Too!

The US is After Europe Too!
revised 03-24-08
re-revised 03-25-08 - mpg

Swiss brush aside criticism over gas contract with Iran
A quote...."A multibillion-euro Swiss contract to buy natural gas from Iran has provoked threats from Washington, protests from Jewish groups and fuelled mounting concern about Europe's energy security. -- The deal between the Zurich utility Elektrizitäts-Gesellschaft Laufenburg (EGL) and National Iranian Gas Export Company (NIGEC) would bring gas from Iran to Europe as early as next year, the Swiss company said. -- The contract, worth between €10 billion (£7.8 billion) and €20 billion, was signed last week in Tehran in the presence of Micheline Calmy-Rey, the Swiss Foreign Minister, and President Ahmadinejad."

The Swiss at least, are beginning to get it, they’re beginning to understand that if you don’t pay the vig to the US oil companies, if you don’t give them a “piece of the action”, if you don’t ask for - or get - permission to do your deal from Don the Dickhead's Energy Task Force....than you’re not going to get any “protection”.

However the rest of the European nations better get it through their thick heads that if this “thing” the Neocons have created, keeps going the way it's the very near and foreseeable future, all of Europe, not just the Swiss, will have to go hat in hand to the US and also request permission from Israel, before they’ll be “allowed” to do any type of energy deal in the Middle East ....period.

And it seems the Europeans are finally beginning to fear that something has indeed gone very wrong, they're beginning to feel the geopolitical equivalent of the hairs on the back of their collective necks stand on end.  And they will soon discover to their horror that their fears are correct.  They will discover the US isn't just trying to strangle China's access to energy resources or destroy Russia's influence among the former Soviet Republics or deny Russia's access to the Caspian Basin....they’ll discover the US IS AFTER EUROPE TOO!!
Hopefully the Europeans will soon realize that what's happening to the Swiss, all the threats, all the thuggish attempts at intimidation, all the endless harassment, is just a foretaste of what's to come for everyone, that it's actually going to get ten times worse for All of Europe if the US elites carry out their plan to "reduce" (a.k.a. bring "freedom and democracy" to, or  establish "full spectrum dominance" over) Iran and gain control of that country's energy resources along with those throughout the rest of the Middle East.

For those who don't know (or pretend not to know)....these ongoing US activities and intentions have been clearly laid out in several documents entitled, the Defense Planning Guidance (DPG), a Clean Break and the now infamous Project for a New American Century (PNAC), these long standing Neocon and Israeli protocols have been easily available for public review since 1992.

The fact that these elites were willing to “arrange” the deaths of almost 3,000 of their own citizens to further these protocols should give everyone an indication of just how ruthless they really are, and Europe’s eventual fate if they should achieve their objectives.

All the peoples throughout Europe should therefore WAKE-UP and start paying closer attention to the US elites' machinations, or it will be too late for them to halt the culmination of their plans, the complete subjugation and brutal occupation of the free peoples of the Middle East, a singularly catastrophic and tragic outcome that will negatively impact Europe’s access to energy resources for generations to come.

You’ve all been warned. - mpg