They Were Paid to be Guilty

They Were Paid to be Guilty
11-23-09 - revised 11-24-09

A Trial That Will Convict Us All
Must Read - A quote...."Republican members of Congress and what masquerades as a “conservative” media are outraged that the Obama administration intends to try in federal court Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the alleged mastermind of 9/11, and four alleged co-conspirators. -- The Republican and right-wing rant that a trial is too good for these people proves what I have written for a number of years:  Republicans and many Americans who think of themselves as conservatives have no regard for the US Constitution or for civil liberties." -- "Even some of those, such as Stuart Taylor in the National Journal, who defend giving Mohammed a court trial do so on the grounds that there are no risks as Mohammed is certain to be convicted and that “a civilian trial will show Americans and the rest of the world that our government is sure it can prove the 9/11 defendants guilty in the fairest of all courts.” - also posted at OhBummer

Let EVERYONE understand quite clearly that these suspects may very well be guilty of participation in 9/11....after all, the US-NRE's parasitic class have directed their lackeys in this government to help funnel well over a hundred BILLION dollars to various "terrorist" groups and other “black” operations in the Middle East for more than thirty years.  It would have been a great shame from their point of view for all that money to have been spent for naught.

As a result, one thing everyone can count on is that there will be no expansion of these "trials" beyond the very narrow boundaries of whether or not these defendants were involved with the events that occurred on 9/11.  Anything that might even hint of wider ramifications regarding these defendants’ alleged actions on 9/11 will be ruthlessly expunged from the record, given the judicial heave-ho, gagged immediately upon its appearance, utterly ignored by the faux-news-infotainment complex and buried as quickly and as quietly as possible. 

This is a show trial folks, how the defendants got here, who facilitated their movements, what their relationships were with the US-NRE, Israel and the Saudi Royal Family and other countries, who supplied the money, who trained them, who gave them their ideology, who coordinated their activities, who benefited from their actions and most importantly WHO KNEW, will all be ruled as inadmissible or perhaps even a state secret as this shamble of a show trial rumbles forward to its preordained conclusion.

They could have tapes of Bush and Cheney congratulating these defendants on the successful completion of their mission and the tapes would not be allowed in the proceedings. They could have reams of documents demonstrating all sorts of connections these defendants had to the CIA, Pakistan's ISI, Israel's Mossad, the Saudi Royals, and the Bush administration and none of them would EVER see the light of day.  They could have telegrams from the defendants to the Bush administration warning them to get ready for the attack and be sure to pave the way for their actions and not one would be allowed into evidence.

The actions of these defendants will be portrayed as "9/11, the immaculate deception"  where these defendants had no past linking them to anything or anyone but a few dirty caves in Afghanistan, where they spontaneously arose out of the very dust of that far-flung land like clay golems, golems who somehow labored mightily in total secrecy for many years, conceived their dastardly plot, and than carried it out against the entire defense network of the world's only hyper-power, appearing almost as if they magically popped into existence right in front of our noses, all the while somehow, miraculously never coming into contact or doing any "business" these many years with any other national state or their respective intelligence services.

But that of course is a complete and total fabrication and a deliberate criminal deception. There are three countries who shall forevermore be known by evryone as the world's "Trinity of Evil", a crime syndicate who in their never-ending quest to create a "New World Order" under the aegis of the US-NRE's “New American Century” have patiently been working with these defendants and their various organizations for the last thirty years.  They are as follows.

One: Saudi Arabia, or effectively, the Saudi Royal Family, (manpower, financing and radical ideology).  Fifteen out of nineteen of the supposed "hijackers" on that fateful day were Saudi citizens. Several Saudi charities supplied funds for the operation along with members of the "Royal Family". The bin Laden industrial group for example carved the tunnels at Tora Bora under CIA/ISI guidance.  They also purchased a portion of the Iridium satellite system which had downlink capabilities to the remote control systems on Boeing 767/757 airliners.  Also bin Laden himself used satellite communications that were freely monitored by the US-NRE's NSA.

Two:  Israel ("lamplighter" – i.e. they "paved the way" by providing intelligence and through AIPAC's efforts and Murdoch’s media empire....massive amounts of propaganda, along with almost total control of the US-NRE’s legislature).  Computer programs used to potentially misdirect NORAD on that day, along with programs used to monitor the US-NRE's civilian communications network came from several Israeli companies.  Several members of the Jewish community within the US-NRE directly participated in the acquisition of the targeted properties involved, produced much of the fake "intell" inciting this nation’s population to war against Iraq and Afghanistan,  including several fraudulent "al-Qaeda" and "bin Laden" tapes.  Many Jewish Americans with ties to Israel and AIPAC also provided the intellectual backing and plans for this enterprise such as the DPG and PNAC protocols.  Also of course AIPAC has either bought many members of this nation’s legislature or intimidated the rest into abject silence.

Three: The US-NRE, (finance, coordination and cover-up, i.e. the general contractor for the "enterprise") Most of the heavy lifting and probable killing at the maximum (they “caused it to happen", the planes were remote-ed into the structures and the buildings were explosively demolished) and at the minimum (they “allowed it to happen", they misdirected NORAD directly and/or through exercises held on the very same day which mimicked the attack. They also took no action on the hundreds of reports they received from dozens of sources about the pending attack prior to 9/11) was probably carried out by the US-NRE's Texas Cabal, a group primarily made up of members from the Military and Oil sectors of the US-NRE’s economy. 

And of course, by dragging out any chance of an investigation for more than a year, initially giving the 9/11 commission only three million dollars, redacting reports, refusing to testify under oath, refusing to release records, holding only one investigation, appointing investigators with conflicts of interest, savagely attacking anyone who questioned the “enterprise” and a tediously long list of other actions and activities which continue to this day, they were able to effectively prevent a criminal investigation of 9/11, its aftermath and those who helped facilitate it. - mpg -- For more on these issues see....Reficultnias's 9/11 Central