Unlucky Coincidences, Or the Ugly Truth - You Decide

Unlucky Coincidences, Or the Ugly Truth - You Decide

The Israeli technology that may have helped identify the alleged Boston bombers
ZOG Alert - Yep!!  Israel and the Kazarians again.  Wouldn't it be nice.....FOR A CHANGE, if Israel, it's security services, companies, agents, representatives or potentially eligible citizens weren't involved in every single one of these incidents

Considering they're just a little over two percent of the US's population and just shy of seven million in Israel, it's TRULY REMARKABLE just how many times they've been involved in those particular "terrorist" incidents worldwide which are used as "holy, sanctified, nationalistic" memes to re-shape and re-frame the national cultures, institutions, military priorities and geo-political realities of the United States and Britain.

They were responsible for running the security of the two airports the 9/11 bombers departed from. Ran the software on 9/11 that appeared to cause so much confusion on that day. Had one of their own buy the WTC complex just a few months before that day. Were monitoring ALL telephone traffic for YEARS prior to 9/11 with their ownership of the Comverse system. 

They also ran the security at the airport the "lap-bomber" departed from, a drugged-out patsy who didn't have a passport and who was escorted through security according to many witnesses. 

It was an Israeli firm responsible for conducting the exercises on 7/7 in London that almost exactly matched the bombings that occurred. The same firm, was also (now roll your eyes) responsible for the CCTV cameras, a firm who, somehow, had several of their cameras fail on that day, the very same cameras that we've been told would have captured the bombers in action.

There are many hundreds of other examples of these sorts of coincidences involving almost every single incident of this type.  It's becoming a tiresome, tedious, bore. -- To say that all of this defies ANY statistical analysis that would describe these events as random chance would be a severe understatement. 

There are only two possibilities.  Either Kazarians (a.k.a. Jews) who are a tiny minority in a few countries and an insignificant, infinitesimal minority of the world's population, are the most massively unlucky people in the known universe per capita for being directly involved in firms and services who constantly FAIL to perform their stated function to prevent almost every major terrorist event that has ever served as a new paradigm to pass repressive legislation, or enable aggressive geo-political policies.  Events which also coincidentally, somehow, by "accident" also promote the Kazarian community's  own financial or geo-political advantage (a new "Pearl Harbor" the PNAC Protocols, currency spheres, dollar (the Fed's script) hegemony, etc.)....


Kazarians as a community are directly, knowingly, implicated in facilitating these crimes for their own advantage and have developed finely honed skills at avoiding ANY discussion of them, how they have benefited from them, or, MOST TELLINGLY, allow the discussion of these issues by the mass-media they own or by anyone else they have control over without immediate sanction, punishment or retaliation.

This website editor leaves it up to the reader to decide which of these two possibilities are the most probable.  - mpg

Topix ||  9/11 & 7/11  Israeli Connection  ||