You Owe Us

You Owe Us

You owe us, Bush says [to the Iraqi people]
A quote...."UPDATE: Here’s an actual transcript of what the President said.  So much for the public diplomacy the US spends millions on:

    SCOTT PELLEY: Do you think you owe the Iraqi people an apology for not doing a better job?

    BUSH: That we didn’t do a better job or they didn’t do a better job?

    PELLEY: Well, that the United States did not do a better job in providing security after the invasion.

    BUSH: Not at all. I am proud of the efforts we did. We liberated that country from a tyrant. I think the Iraqi people owe the American people a huge debt of gratitude, and I believe most Iraqis express that. I mean, the people understand that we’ve endured great sacrifice to help them. That’s the problem here in America. They wonder whether or not there is a gratitude level that’s significant enough in Iraq.

    PELLEY: Americans wonder whether . . .

    BUSH: Yeah, they wonder whether or not the Iraqis are willing to do hard work."


Nothing is more important to anyone reading this blog than that realization!

Bush and his Buddies bombed Iraq to smithereens, killed over half a million [as of 06-24-07 almost a million] of them as a result of their most recent invasion of that country, have created one and a half million [as of 06-24-07 over four million] refugees, obliterated the entire country's infrastructure and are now going to steal their oil, and for all this "largess" the Iraqis should not just be grateful to them.....they also "owe" the US for invading them.

The wealthy elites in this nation could have their minions walk into your house, rape your children to death, kill your wife, steal everything you own, burn your house to the ground, and seize your land and they would expect you to be grateful to them - it's that simple.

Not even Hitler expected the Jews to be grateful to him for what he did to them, not even Genghis Khan felt he was doing his enemies a favor when he ransacked their cities and killed them.

Nothing is more important than realizing just how perverted and sick our Nation's wealthiest one percent have become.  Nothing is more important than realizing this is how they actually think.

Nothing is more important in comprehending just how far they are willing to go.
