Zinn and Zelikow - Two Like Minds Thinking Together

Zinn and Zelikow - Two Like Minds Thinking Together

Zinn: 9/11 Truth Is For "Fanatics", Has "No Practical Political Significance"
A quote...."New comments cause more outrage after leftist historian said he didn't care about what really happened on 9/11"

Mr. Zinn stated the cover-up on 9/11 had no "No practical political significance" -- It's ironic that Mr. Zinn should choose those particular words, because they almost exactly echo the 9/11 commission report, which states on page 72...

"To date the U.S. government has not been able to determine the origin of the money used for the 9/11 attacks.  Ultimately the question is of little practicable significance."

Zinn and Zelikow, sort‘a like Bogie and Bacall no?  It's good to see two like minds thinking together on how it really doesn't matter who arranged 9/11, or who funded it, or who profited from it.  Every other crime has always been investigated by looking at means, motive and opportunity, not just of the people who carried out the "hit", the "trigger men", but also of those who financed it, the parties or states involved who would benefit either financially or geo-politically from it.
  • There were nine investigations of Pearl Harbor; there was only one for 9/11.
  • They initially allocated just three million dollars for the 9/11 investigation.
  • The Bush administration had to be forced to create the 9/11 commission by the 9/11 families.
  • Bush himself adamantly opposed the creation of the 9/11 commission.
  • It took him a year to finally do so, dragging his feet all the way.
  • Almost everyone in his administration who apposed the creation of the 9/11 commission was also a card carrying member of PNAC.
  • They first tried to appoint Henry Kissinger of all people to head the commission.
  • When the 9/11 families protested Kissinger's appointment the administration choose Thomas Kean  as chairman, but also appointed Philip Zelikow, a person who just happened to have long term ties with Condoleeza Rice and numerous conflicts of interest, as executive director.
  • They apposed any additional funding for the commission (eventually the commission got another eleven million dollars for a grand total of fifteen million).
  • They apposed giving any additional time for the commission.
The reasons people have laws, along with real, honest, and thorough investigations, - public, not secret, trials - and a belief in justice, is to keep the same bad people from doing the same bad things all over again.  They usually try do this by finding out exactly who the bad people are, what their involvement was, give them a public trial and then put them in jail, (or hang them as the case may be.)

Mr. Zinn may not care about 9/11, or the victims of 9/11, or their families, or these families tireless efforts to find out the truth despite all of the obstructions and obstacles this government has placed before them, but the profiteers in this country and elsewhere who made hundreds of billions of dollars from 9/11 care very deeply about it.  In fact they care so much about it that with people like Mr. Zinn running around turning a blind eye and telling everyone else to do the same, they might just as well go ahead and do it all over again and make another couple of hundred of billion.

Keep up the good work Mr. Zinn. You and others of your ilk go right ahead and keep on encouraging them.  Who knows with another nice juicy attack Obama could become dictator of the US-NRE, now wouldn't that just tickle the cockles of your cold, indifferent, heart and those who travel with you down your dark path of ignorance and denial. - mpg

For more on this issue see....9/11 - Commission