cached/copied - 10-20-11 for original link click here - Documents: Obama Admin. “Walked” Guns to Sinaloa Cartel, Allowed Cocaine into U.S. Posted by Sandra Staats on August
6, 2011 at 12:35pm in News Blockbuster allegations filed in Chicago by attorneys for captured Sinaloa kingpin, Vicente Zambada Niebla Cross-posted at
Cross-posted at RIGHT WING News The Obama administration, at the highest levels, and likely Attorney General Eric Holder and President Obama themselves, authorized the sale of at least 2,000 high-powered rifles and other sophisticated weapons to the “Sinaloa” Mexican drug cartel. That much we have learned so far in sworn testimony and documents from the “Fast and Furious” investigation by Congressman Darrell Issa’s Congressional Oversight and Government Reform Committee. As bad as the weapons sales are, it doesn’t stop there. It is now learned through sworn affidavits in U.S. District court in Chicago that the U.S. government, at very high levels, “negotiated” to allow tons of Sinaloa cocaine into the country, supposedly in exchange for “information” about other drug gangs. Sinaloa cartel's "unique" arrangement
with U.S. government allowed cocaine into the country in
exchange for "intel" on rival cartels
The Sinaloa drug cartel connection to the Obama administration is a much bigger crime than the penny-candy Watergate burglary of an office, which brought down the presidency of Richard Nixon.This is not a scandal to be wasted and covered-up by some impeachment-going-nowhere in the U.S. Congress.This is criminal racketeering, drug conspiracy, weapons trafficking, suborning of perjury, obstruction of justice, and gun trafficking.This is also a murder case because 2 federal agents,BPAgent Brian Terry and ICE’s Jaime Zapata, were killed by some of the “walked”“Fast and Furious” weapons. Documents filed with the Chicago U.S. district court in behalf of Sinaloa drug kingpin Vicente Zambada Niebla claim at least 3,000 Mexican citizens have also been killed by the U.S.-provided weapons. They are linked below this post. Anabel Hernandez author of Senores
del Narco
The information about the Obama administration “cooperation” with the murderous Sinaloa carteleros began to emerge last spring, through the efforts of Mexican journalist/author Anabel Hernandez. Her book, Lords Del Narco, documents claims that current Mexican president Felipe Calderon, is on the payroll of Sinaloa: Robert Farago: “Truth About Guns” website Via [Google translation] published April 4, 2011:
More than a year ago, even the liberal news organization NPR was warning about corruption in the supposed “war on drugs:”
Diana Washington Valdez of the El Paso Times broke the story this week when the documents were filed Niebla’s case in Chicago. There is this update from Fox News. A special prosecutor needs to be appointed. Barack Obama and Eric Holder are now alleged to be drug dealers and gun traffickers whose reckless operations using federal agencies have caused the deaths of thousands of Mexican citizens and two American agents. Let’s not forget the “end game” of all this manipulation of weapons, drugs and murder victims: President Obama recently signed an “executive order” to control sales of long guns along the southern border. All of these people have died on both sides of the border so that liberal elitists in Washington can “make us safer” with gun control. It is truly astounding and evil on an unprecedented scale. Based on documents, interviews, and links below, the facts that should lead to a special prosecutor and indictment of Barack Obama administration officials are: —The Mexican “Sinaloa” cartel has been the “beneficiary” of the “walked” guns which were ordered to be sold through American gun dealers ( over their protests and the protests of low-ranking ATF field agents) to straw men operating in behalf of Sinaloa. — Sinaloa, and only Sinaloa had its cocaine business protected by the U.S. government. —Sinaloa cartel is protecting, and protected by, Mexican president Felipe Calderon. — Two federal American agents, and at least 3,000 Mexicans have been killed by “walked” guns. — The Obama administration was motivated to “walk” guns to the Sinaloa cartel to give the American public the impression that American gun dealers on the border need to have more rules and controls. The president has recently instituted tighter gun controls by “executive order” along the border. Gun groups have gone to court to stop it. —It is not known what motivation there was for the U.S. government to enable cocaine trafficking, however there are court settlements on record to show that major U.S. banks, such as Wachovia, have been laundering money for the cartels for years. —Sinaloa cartel is now considered so well-armed with the ill-gotten U.S. armaments that it is capable of waging a war. Sources: NPR: May 19, 2010: Sinaloa seems to be getting favorable treatment from Mexican government Foreign Policy Blog: “Can Mexico Fix Its Image Problem?” Previously on Los Angeles Times Series on the Sinaloa Drug Cartel Fast and Furious: Report Says Sinaloa Cartel Has Enough U.S. Guns to be an Army “Fast and Furious:” Drug Cartel Plot to Overthrow Mexican Gov’t Using American Guns Fast and Furious Victim: Mexican Attorney Mario Gonzalez Rodriguez Torture, Murder [Graphic] “Fast and Furious” Guns Killed Mexican Attorney, Showing Up in Arizona Crimes Bankers, the Mexican and U.S. Governments, Drug “Wars” and 40,000 Dead [graphic] “How a Big US Bank Laundered Billions for Mexico’s Murderous Drug Gangs” Murder/ Beheadings in Acapulco, 1-8-11 (Warning: Graphic) More from the El Paso Times: Entire police force quits in Mexican city of Ascension NPR: Business booms on Mexican border despite violence McClatchy: Mexico says its arrests weaken top crime gangs 218 homicides in July in Juárez CNN video: Narco films gain popularity in Mexico
Map: Mexico Drug Cartels Territory PART ONE: Is Drug War A Rigged Fight? On The Trail Of Mexico’s Vicious Sinaloa Cartel |