Historical Perspective:
How the US and the World Fell in to the
Hands of International Private Bankers
Selected Quotes on
Economics and Banking, That You Won’t Hear on Corporate
Authored By Reality Books
Posted at Global Research
February 17, 2025
There are systemic aspects about the banking, monetary, and
economic system that are not taught in the schools and
universities of the world and are rarely discussed on
corporate owned news and media.
This article describes:
- Notable quotations about banking institutions and how
the world is ruled via debt-money
- How the US fell into the hands of the international
usurocracy during the civil war (after 1863)
- The Federal Reserve Act of 1913, a private banking
coup. The FED is privately-owned.
- The trick of usury and inflation
- Virtually every national government of the world owes
vast amounts of debt
- The BIS and the central banking system exerts vast
control over the world economy
- The illusion of “owning the world”
Notable Quotations About Banking
Institutions and How the World Is Ruled Via Debt-money
Over decades the power to create debt-money has resulted in
the power to own, control and manipulate the assets of the
material world, as well media and politics. Representative
democracy under capitalism as currently implemented in much
of the world, is an illusion – it is debt-money that
controls the economic world. Those that control the
debt-money creation process wield the power to control the
corporate media and own the material world, regardless of
which political party is elected, or which system is
utilised (capitalism, socialism, communism, etc).
“It is well enough that people of the nation do
not understand our banking and monetary system, for if
they did, I believe there would be a revolution before
tomorrow morning.” – Henry Ford
(1863-1947), Founder of Ford Motor Company
“Banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties
than private armies. If the American people ever allow
private banks to control the issue of their currency… the
banks… will deprive the people of all their property” –
Thomas Jefferson
“Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is
absolute master of all industry and commerce… when you
realise that the entire system is very easily controlled,
one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you
will not have to be told how periods of inflation and
depression originate.“ – James Garfield,
20th President of the U.S., assassinated in 1881.
“When a bank makes a loan, it simply adds to the
borrower’s deposit account in the bank by the amount of
the loan. The money is not taken from anyone else’s
deposit; it was not previously paid into the bank by
anyone. It’s new money, created by the bank…” –
Robert B. Anderson, Secretary of the Treasury
under Eisenhower, 1959.
“.. a network of private bankers has taken over control of
the international money system… credible evidence is
presented of a world power elite intent on gaining
absolute control over the planet and its natural
resources, including its subservient ‘human resources’…
Economic means have long been used to spark wars, as a
pretext and prelude for the money power to stock and
restock the armaments and infrastructure of both sides.” –
Reed Simpson, M.Sc., American Bankers
Association Graduate School of Banking London School of
“The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that
a financial element in the large centers has owned the
government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson.“ – President
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, November 23, 1933,
in a letter to Colonel Edward Mandell House
“The modern banking system manufactures money out of
nothing. This process is perhaps the most astounding piece
of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was
conceived in inequity and born in sin.. Bankers own the
earth. Take it away from them but leave them the power to
create money, and, with the flick of a pen they will
create enough money to buy it back again… if you want to
continue to be the slaves of the bankers and pay the cost
of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create
money and control credit.” – Sir Josiah Stamp,
Director of the Bank of England and the second richest man
in Britain in the 1920s
“The goal is control. They want all of us enslaved
to debt, they want all of our governments enslaved to
debt, and they want all of our politicians addicted to the
huge financial contributions that they funnel into their
campaigns. Since the elite also own all of the big
media companies, the mainstream media never lets us in on
the secret that there is something fundamentally wrong
with the way that our system works.” – Karen
Hudes (worked in the legal department of the
World Bank for more than 20 years.[1])
“Have you ever wondered why Canada is in debt? have you
ever wondered why the government forces Canadians to pay
so many taxes? have you ever wondered why the bankers from
the largest private banks are becoming wealthier and rest
of us are not ? have you ever wondered why the gross
national debt is over 800 billion dollars or why we are
spending over 160 million dollars a day on the interest of
the national debt ? that’s 60 billion dollars a year, have
you ever wondered who receives the 60 billion dollars ?
what I have discovered is that the banks and the
government have colluded to financially enslave the people
of Canada…” – Victoria Grant explains
why her homeland, Canada, and most of the world, is in
debt. April 27, 2012 at the Public Banking in America
Conference, Philadelphia, PA.[2]
“A major portion of the money created by banks today has
originated with the monetization of home mortgages. The
borrower thinks he is borrowing pre-existing funds, when
(however) the bank is just turning his promise to repay
into an asset secured by real property. By the time the
mortgage is paid off, the borrower has usually paid the
bank more in interest than was owed on the original loan;
and if he defaults, the bank winds up with the house,
although the money advanced to purchase it was created out
of thin air.” – E.H. Brown, Author of the
book ‘The Web of Debt’
“The Bankers Opt to Rule the World… World domination via
confiscation of your $$$ is already on tap… Bretton
Woods Agreement – 1944 This was the birth of the
International Monetary Fund and from there all the foreign
agencies – CIA, FBI, IRS, BAR – control everything via the
14th Amendment citizen – those who contract to become US
citizens as opposed to remaining… Americans… Congress was
the creator of money and somehow congress was ‘talked
into’… handing this responsibility over to a private
corporation owned and operated by these banksters…
they literally destroyed the United States of America and
every country which fell like dominoes thereafter once the
corporation called USA was founded.” – Author, Mary
Elizabeth Croft
“One feature of banking that cries out for reform is
“fractional reserve banking”, i.e. the practice whereby
private banks…are in effect coining their own money and
putting it into circulation, a prerogative that ought to
be reserved for governments. Under the system of
fractional reserve banking, profits from any expansion of
the money supply go to private banks rather than being
used by the government to provide social services. This is
basically fraudulent and unjust; the banks are in effect
issuing their own counterfeit money. When the economy
contracts instead of expanding, the effect of fractional
reserve banking is still worse.” – John Scales
Avery, an Associate Professor in quantum
chemistry at the University of Copenhagen, and a member of
the group that received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1995[3]
“The … bankers rule the world through debt, which is money
they create out of nothing. They need world government to
ensure no country defaults or tries to overthrow them. As
long as private bankers, instead of governments, create
money the human race is doomed. These bankers and their
allies have bought everything and everyone.” – Henry
Makow, Author
“Powerful industrialists and bankers essentially bribed
the politicians in almost every country of the world into
giving up their Constitutionally-protected right to print
notes for the Treasury. They handed that power over to a
private corporation which issued notes called Federal
Reserve Notes… they are ‘debt notes’… What we think of as
‘money’ does not exist; it is borrowed into existence…
There is no money. There was, once upon a time – for
example, Colonial Script, gold and silver, Lincoln’s
Greenbacks…” – Mary Elizabeth Croft,
See also the book Demonic
Economics and the Tricks of the Bankers.
How the US Fell Into the Hands of the
International “Usurocracy” During the Civil War (After
In a number of popular pamphlets, first published in 1944,
Italian author Ezra Pound, described how the US fell into
the hands of the international usurocracy during the civil
war (after 1863); the suppression of the paper-money issue
in Pennsylvania, A.D. 1750; and that these historical events
should be considered in relation to World War II. In the
pamphlet, America, Roosevelt and the causes of the present
war, he states:
“This war is part of the secular war between
usurers and peasants, between the usurocracy and whomever
does an honest day’s work with his own brain or hands…
Schoolbooks do not disclose the inner workings of banks.
The mystery of economics has been more jealously guarded
than were ever the mysteries of Eleusis… The basic fact of
the history of the U.S.A. is the suppression
(aforementioned) of the colonial paper-money, fifty-six
years after the foundation of the (private) Bank “of
England” (so-called)… the usurers’ cunning marked by the
foundation of the above-mentioned bank was clearly
registered in Paterson’s prospectus: “the bank hath
benefit of the interest on all moneys which it creates out
of nothing… Wars are provoked in succession, deliberately,
by the great usurers, in order to create debts, to create
scarcity, so that they can extort the interest on these
debts, so that they can raise the price of money…
completely indifferent to the human victim…”
Lincoln was assassinated after he made the statement given
above… The fact remains that Lincoln had assumed a position
in clear opposition to the usurocracy… After Lincoln’s death
the real power in the United States passed from the hands of
the official government into those of the Rothschilds and
others of their evil combine. The democratic system
perished. From that time on it has been useless to speak of
the United States as an autonomous entity…
As for the system which allowed the national money of the
U.S.A. to be controlled by “finance,” namely the usurocracy
which was then established in London, it is summed up in a
letter, dated 25 June, 1863, from the Rothschild firm in
London to the firm of Ikleheimer, Morton & Van der Gould
in New York, containing the following words : “Very few
people “will understand this. Those who do will be occupied
“getting profits. The general public will probably not “see
it’s against their interest.”…
- Wars are made to create debts.
- War is the highest form of sabotage, the most
atrocious form of sabotage.
- A nation that will not get itself into debt drives the
usurers to fury
The details of the Italian and German opposition to the
usurocratic conspiracy (prior to WWII) are available…
It’s so much waste of time to speak of this or that
“democracy.” The real government was, and is, to be found
behind the scenes. The “democratic” system works as follows.
Two or more parties, all under orders from the usurocracy,
appear before the public. As a matter of form, and to
reassure the simpletons, some honest men and one or two
independent idealists are allowed to do a little clean work
as long as they don’t touch the various rackets. The biggest
rackets are those of finance and monopolization, including
the monopolization of money itself…”
In the pamphlet An Introduction to the Economic Nature of
the United States, Ezra Pound states:
“Towards the end of the Eighteenth Century the
settlers, driven by the desire for Freedom of Conscience,
hardened by privations, favoured and betrayed, reached a
certain degree of prosperity, thanks to their own hard
work and to a sane system of using paper money as a means
of exchange that freed them, temporarily, from the pincers
of the Bank of England… The Bank of England was based on
the discovery that instead of loaning money, the Bank’s
paper could be put out on loan (with interest)…
Usury spoiled the Republic. Usury has been defined as too
high an interest on money… Usury however is a
cancer, Finance a disease…The usurers act through fraud,
falsification, superstitions, habits and, when these
methods do not function, they let loose a war. Everything
hinges on monopoly, and the particular monopolies hinge
round the great illusionistic monetary monopoly…“
The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 – A Private
Banking Coup – The FED Is Privately Owned
“The FED is an independent agency, that means
basically that there is no other agency of government
which can overrule actions that we take – what relations
are (between Chairman of FED and President of the USA)
don’t frankly matter.” – Alan Greenspan
(former FED Chairman)
In 1913 the then U.S. President Woodrow Wilson signed
legislation by bankers J.P. Morgan, John D Rockefeller, and
Paul Warburg, which handed over the power of printing money
from the U.S. government into the hands of these private
interests. It was enacted on the 23rd Dec 1913 and became
known as the Federal Reserve Act. This was a major coup for
the international bankers… The government had been under the
false impression that the right of government to issue money
was not being surrendered to the banks. The establishment of
‘the FED’ had been sold to government on the basis that
government would retain control of the process, but in
reality, they did not. The act had been hurriedly signed
without proper scrutiny. According to author, E.H. Brown:
“The bill was so obscurely worded that no one
really understood its provisions… but while the national
money supply would be printed by the U.S. Bureau of
Engraving and Printing, it would be issued as an
obligation or debt of the government, a debt owed back to
the private Federal Reserve with interest… President
Wilson is reported to have said before he died “I have
unwittingly ruined my country”. [4]
“Today the debate over who should create the money supply
is rarely heard.. few people even realise it is an issue…
The puppeteers working the money machine were more visible
in the 1890s than they are today, largely because they had
not yet succeeded in buying up the media and cornering
public opinion.” – E.H. Brown, Author
the book ‘The Web of Debt’.
“”The powerful grip of these gentlemen is on the throttle
that controls the wheels of credit and on their signal
those wheels will turn or stop… the financing of
enterprises not approved by the group can be prevented…
This group of International Financiers through their
control of the Federal Reserve Board and their worldwide
ramifications in industry, can and do exert a tremendous
influence upon world affairs.” – Lieut.-Col. A.
H. Lane, author of the 1934 book The Alien
Menace A Statement of the Case
“Never in the history of the World has so much power been
vested in a small body of men as in the Federal Reserve
Board. These men have the welfare of the world in their
hands and they could upset the rest of us either
deliberately or by some unconscious action.” – Sir
Josiah Stamp in an interview with the New York
Evening Post
“the Federal Reserve Act let powerful bankers usurp the
money creation authority in violation of the
Constitution’s Article I, Section 8, giving only Congress
the power to “coin Money (and) regulate the Value
thereof”. Thereafter, powerful bankers used their control
over money, credit and debt for private self-enrichment,
bankrolling and colluding with Congress and
administrations to implement laws favouring them. As a
result, decades of deregulation, outsourcing, economic
financialization, and casino capitalism followed,
producing asset bubbles, record budget and national debt
levels, and depression-sized unemployment…” – Stephen
Lendman, Author of ‘How Wall St Fleeces
“When you or I write a cheque there must be sufficient
funds in our account to write the cheque, but when the
Federal Reserve writes a cheque there is no bank deposit
on which that cheque is drawn. When the Federal Reserve
writes a cheque it is creating money.” – Federal
Reserve Bank of Boston
The Federal Reserve is an independent, privately-owned
corporation. The Federal Reserve central bank (known as
simply “The FED”) is owned by private commercial banks, the
largest of which are Citibank and JPMorgan Chase company.
These two banks are part of the empires built by JPMorgan
and John D. Rockefeller, who orchestrated the Federal
Reserve Act in 1913. The ‘Federal Reserve’ is actually an
independent, privately owned corporation. It consists of
twelve regional Federal Reserve banks owned by commercial
member banks. Privately-owned banks own the shares of the
Federal Reserve. According to author E.H. Brown, the
astounding fact that privately-owned banks own the shares of
the Federal Reserve was proven, evidenced and upheld by a US
federal circuit court in the case of Lewis v. United States
in 1982[5] where the court said:
“Each Federal Reserve Bank is a separate
corporation owned by commercial banks in its region. The
stock-holding commercial banks elect two thirds of each
Bank’s nine-member board of directors.”
“Some people think the Federal Reserve Banks are U.S.
governments institutions. They are not… they are private
credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the U.S.
for the benefit of themselves… These twelve private credit
monopolies were deceitfully foisted upon this Country by
the bankers who came here from Europe and repaid us our
hospitality by undermining our American Institutions… The
sack of the United States by the FED is the greatest crime
in history. Every effort has been made by the FED to
conceal its powers, but the truth is the FED has usurped
the government. It controls everything here and it
controls all foreign relations. It makes and breaks
governments at will.” – Congressman Charles
McFadden, Chairman, House Banking and Currency
Committee, June 10, 1932.
“The FED is owned by a consortium of private banks, the
biggest of which are Citibank and JPMorgan Chase company.
These two mega-banks are the financial cornerstones of the
empires built by JPMorgan and John D. Rockefeller, the
‘Robber Barons’ who orchestrated the Federal Reserve Act
in 1913… ” – E.H. Brown, Author
The Trick of Usury and Inflation
“The government should create, issue and
circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy
the spending power of the government and the buying power
of consumers. By the adoption of these principles the
taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. Money
will cease to be the master and become the servant of
humanity.” – President Abraham
“The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 gave the bankers complete
control of the money-and thereby the control of the
economy. They issue and own all the money in the nation…
When the government borrows one billion dollars, it turns
over to the bankers an interest-bearing, tax-free
government bond and receives that amount in credit. As our
banking laws require only a 20 percent reserve, the
bankers can create an additional $4 billion in credit and
lend it at interest to states, municipalities, businesses,
and individuals. All this created “debt money” is LENT
into circulation and draws interest until it is paid back
to the money changers who got it in the first place for
just the cost of printing. Every dollar in currency that
you have is a dollar of DEBT, and you are paying interest
on it. One billion dollars at 7% pays the bankers $70
million each year and removes that much from circulation.
Multiply this by the billions of debt in this country, and
you can see the enormity of the crime that is being
committed against the nation every year.
The only way the interest gets back into circulation is by
more and more borrowing from the bankers; otherwise there
would soon be NO MONEY in circulation. The debt and the
interest go higher just to keep the same amount of money
in circulation. This is the sole reason why we have the
paradox of poverty in the midst of plenty and why poverty
becomes more widespread day by day. All usury (interest)
is finally paid by the individual consumer in increased
prices and taxes. THIS IS INFLATION. Inflation is part and
parcel of the debt-usury money system; the system cannot
operate without a constant increase in the debt, usury,
and INFLATION. These are the seeds of destruction inherent
in the Federal Reserve banking system…
The Divine law does not permit a debt build-up to be
inherited by the next generation, for all debts must be
liquidated or cancelled every seventh year. (See Deut.
15:1-4.) Consider our present plight, which is a result of
disobeying God’s law. How many generations are mortgaged
by our national debt?”
– Dr. Franklin Snook, Author of America
Needs the Divine Law
“Bank profits from this source alone [usury] in the USA,
UK, Eurozone and Japan are about $140 billion per year in
year (in 2003). It is quite outrageous that the banks
should have this power… That the governments of Western
‘democracies’ permit the banks to continue to enjoy this
massive subsidy, and for this extraordinary privilege to
be off the agenda of public debate, is a tribute to the
power of the ‘elite consensus’.” – Extract from ‘The
Global Monetocracy’ by Roy Madron and John Joplin[6]
“What is usury? If your answer is interest, then you are
experiencing cognitive-dyslexia. Usury is the pure
exploitation of another’s necessity, and its most
substantive and significant manifestation in credit and
finance is everything that is not the interest… It is not
like racketeering. It is racketeering. The
private-international-nominal-banking-system is a
massively-efficient harvester of civilization-level-wealth
because it is constructed from and comprised of,
crossleveraged-double-counting double-whammy devices.” –
Usury as Cognitive-Dyslexia by Timothy Paul
Madden, forensic-financial-economist, and
historian of equity, law, and policy
Virtually Every National Government of the World Owes
Vast Amounts of Debt
“Governments everywhere are in debt, who are
they in debt to? The answer is that they are in debt to
private banks. The ‘cruel hoax’ is that governments are in
debt for money created on a computer screen, money they
could have created themselves.” – E.H. Brown,
Author the book ‘The Web of Debt’
World Bank statistics[7] show that virtually every national
government of the world owes vast amounts of debt and, are,
therefore in debt servitude to the privately-owned
international banking system. Canada pays around $60 billion
Canadian per annum interest on the national debt; and all
countries in the world appear to be in debt[8], except
perhaps five countries[9]. On June 10, 2020, the national
debt in the U.S. exceeded $26 trillion and the interest on
the national debt is $378 billion[10]. As on 31
December 2019, India’s external debt stock totalled US$563.9
billion[11]. The national debt of Brazil in 2020 is $1,686
The amount of interest monies received on worldwide debt
over decades is staggeringly vast. The total debt
incurred by governments of the world cannot ever be fully
repaid as there is always more debt in the system than
ability to repay (money in circulation). The total amount of
debt is possibly quadrillions (thousands of trillions)
according to some if the financial instruments known as
derivatives are included. The system is designed so the
total debt can never be repaid. The total debt is always
greater than the amount of money in circulation and,
therefore, can never be fully repaid.
“If money is borrowed into existence, then that
is all that exists…so where is the interest? It doesn’t
exist. How can it possibly be paid? It can’t be (fully)
paid because it is not part of what is created. It simply
does not exist. The currency we use is based upon our
future labour which the Feds have promised to the bankers.
It also does not exist yet. Future generations are already
enslaved to pay a debt which does not exist.” – Mary
Elizabeth Croft, Author (listed with kind
The worldwide privately owned banking system bleeds a
significant portion of the capacity/profit of nations. This
occurs via governments paying vast amounts of interest to
privately owned international banks on debt-money
loans and other mechanisms. For example, Ireland has been
paying between €6 to 10 billion per annum in interest
payments on the national debt. As a trading entity the
country makes a profit of around €40 billion (plus) per
annum. The debt-money is created from nothing, the credit is
simply created from the promisory note to pay). The cruel
hoax is that governments could create that money themselves.
The BIS and the Central Banking System
Exerts Vast Control Over the World Economy
The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Switzerland
is the central bank of central banks and is virtually immune
to the laws of all national governments. There are 58 global
central banks belonging to the BIS, and it has vastly more
power over the world economy than any politician. The
central bankers of the world gather for meetings at BIS and
make decisions that affect every person in the world, and
yet none of us have any say in what goes on. According
to author Michael Snyder:
“The Bank for International Settlements is an
organization that was founded by the global elite and it
operates for the benefit of the global elite, and it is
intended to be one of the key cornerstones of the emerging
one world economic system…. [T]he powers of financial
capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than
to create a world system of financial control in private
hands able to dominate the political system of each
country and the economy of the world as a whole…[13].”
The Illusion of “Owning the World”
Ultimately, those souls that think they own and control the
material world, and believe they are the lord over it, are
living in illusion. Any perceived ownership is temporary,
and is a manifestation of ignorance, for in reality
everything is owned and controlled by God. Time waits for no
man or woman. When the death comes, the soul lives on, and
we will not be able to take even one coin with us, what to
mention a billionaire bank account – we take nothing with us
except our ‘spiritual bank account’. Ancient scriptures
confirm that the body and material wealth is temporary, but
the soul is eternal, and cannot be destroyed by any sword or
“And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the
soul…” – Christian Bible [Matthew 10:28]
“The sun overhead in the sky is full of light, but when the
sun is not in the visible sky, all is in darkness.
Similarly, when one is face to face with the Supreme Lord,
he is freed from all illusions, and one who is not so is in
the darkness of illusory maya.” – Srimad Bhagavatam
[Canto 2, Ch. 9 Text 3. Purport.]
“… if by practicing remembering God, even at the time of
death you continue to remember God, then your life is
successful… So if at the time of death we can remember God,
then our life is successful. Therefore, before death we
shall mold our life in such a way that always thinking of
God.” – HDG Srila Prabhupada in a
conversation, June 5, 1974, Geneva.
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For more information see also the book Demonic
Economics and the Tricks of the Bankers.
READ MORE: The Bankers’ “Power Revolution”: How the
Government Got Shackled by Debt
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Author: Reality
The following books are available on Reality
Books and on Amazon.com:
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[1] Source: http://www.globalresearch.ca/world-bank-whistleblower-reveals-how-the-global-elite-rule-the-world/5353130
[2] A quote from a speech by Victoria Grant in which
she explains why her homeland, Canada, and most of the
world, is in debt. April 27, 2012 at the Public Banking in
America Conference, Philadelphia, PA. Available online,
for example, at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bx5Sc3vWefE&t=3s
[3] Article by John Avery Scales dated 20 February,
2012 available at: http://www.countercurrents.org/avery200212.htm
[4] ‘The Web of Debt’ by E.H. Brown, pg 125. Second
[5] See Lewis v United States, Federal Reporter, 2nd
Series, Vol. 680, Pages 1239, 1241 (1982) in which a
federal circuit court so held
[6] Available at http://www.gaiandemocracy.net/GD_LI_GMCY.html
[7] Source: https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/GC.XPN.INTP.RV.ZS?view=chart
[8] Source: http://datatopics.worldbank.org/debt/ids/
[9] Source: https://www.therichest.com/rich-countries/the-only-5-countries-in-the-world-living-debt-free/
[10] Source: https://www.thebalance.com/interest-on-the-national-debt-4119024
[11] Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/External_debt_of_India
[12] Source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/531375/national-debt-of-brazil/
[13] Sources: https://www.globalresearch.ca/world-bank-whistleblower-reveals-how-the-global-elite-rule-the-world/5353130