My-o-my-o-my. What have they done?

by luckylefty July 4th, 2007 1:56 pm

My-o-my-o-my. What have they done? Well, I always said this would be their downfall. Richfilth lack the gene for self-restraint. They always have for as long as richfilth been around. Trash and burn everything they touch. Liars always do. People never get it for a long time and even then they never do.

We’re perfectly willing to be mindless slaves toiling away endless hours, working our little fingers to the bone, to make Master rich. Hell, we’re taught from childhood to dream that someday we (or our progeny) could make ourselves into richfilth and put our foot on the collective neck of humanity just like Buddhist males fantasize being reincarnated into Brahmin Caste – which as Buddha told them, it would be their reward for lifetimes of ‘virtue’. And yes, Brahmin Aryan is still the Indian ruling Caste 2500 years later.

But the richfilth always over-reach. They want just one thing, Everything, Forever. In the end, after the Monsters have screwed everything so much even the credulous can’t stomach the Kool-Aid and begin to smell the coffee, well, then, we cut off their heads. Simple.

Just like Iraq. The Monsters are condemned but not for crimes against humanity and an aggressive war of conquest, the Monsters are condemned for making a botch of the conquest while ostentatiously gifting their corporate friends.

As a side note: A political/military/economic/media policy of installed Chaos as a wealth generator for Master was just beyond our comprehension, a very otre strategy. Doesn’t produce any benefit except massive wealth transfers to the Few and that it does Monstrously well. From the standpoint of madness (& Chaos), the strategy is utterly brilliant. To bring together and coordinate the political, military, economic and media sectors of this vast empire to a single purpose – Chaos – keeping all the players focused only on their bit of the effort – that’s Herculean. I don’t recall even reading that one in Sun Tzu.

At our level, of course, they just FAILED. That was their crime. According to their goals however, they have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams and they have laid down the pattern that Hillary or Barak will follow should they ever ascend to the Purple. Guns, blood, treachery, chaos, and theft. What a System. Eugene Debbs and Mario Savio would not be shocked. It is the same country they lived in during their respective lives – only worse. The seeds of Aryan Supremacy, human slavery, gender slavery, massive child abuse, constant war, & genocide have blossomed into full maturity.

You see, we have no argument with the System. We’re down for the game, full segregation and gender slavery and constant war, the whole enchilada, and we’re perfectly willing to be mindless slaves toiling endless hours to make Master rich. We aren’t opposed to Master. We want to be One. So, maybe this is the last straw for the current crop. If so, “Huzzah, huzzah, happy days are here again.” Let the next Master rape us not so meanly. You know, and maybe every now and again, a little reach around from his Overseers while they roger us to greater wealth for them and theirs. We are always easy to please. Always eager to accommodate. Just ask Nancy Pelosi. The Great Accommodator.

J’accuse all you want, Zola’s dead and nobody’s getting impeached or going to jail. These guys are going to die rich, of old age, on their palatial estates, in their great beds, surrounded by ‘loving family’ calculating to the dime how much the corpse is worth. That’s how we do business here – BECAUSE WE LIKE IT THAT WAY.

Happy 4th of July, Citizens


posted by luckylefty July 4th, 2007 1:56 pm
CommonDreams comment on  "I Accuse You, Mr. Bush…" by Keith Olbermann

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