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03-23-13 -- Re-formated for readability by
website editor for original link - click here - No More Mr. Nice Guy: Enough is ENOUGH! 12160 dot Info Posted by Vincent L. Guarisco March 17, 2013 at 8:35pm Be forewarned, this article is laced with some profanity. My intention is not to offend anyone, I am just sick and tired of publishing nicely written articles that accomplish nothing. This piece is a reality check for all the bullshit we have had to endure over many years of hardship that have ruined our lives and killed, maimed and displaced millions. After more than a decade of enduring constant illegal
wars, rendition, torturing, false-flag operations, drone
strikes, the use of weapons of mass destruction, etc., are
we sick of this crap yet? Are we tired of watching our
loved ones getting blown to bloody bits, scrapped-up with
shovels and returned home in the dead of night in
flagged-draped coffins?
To the widows and countless others who have lost loved
ones, did you feel a patriotic buzz when that smooth hand
glove gave you a neatly folded flag in place of your lost
loved one at the closed-casket funeral? I don't mean to
assault your senses, but have we not seen enough poor
souls come home -- many with lost limbs and brain trauma
-- cursed to remember Uncle Sammy's horror show (over and
over) reliving all the hell they went through in distant
bloody combat zones? Do you think it's OK or right that
they now suffer nightmares and PTSD? Did you know that,
currently, soldiers are committing suicide at its highest
level in military history? Do you find it alarming that we
are now way less safe because of the 12-year foreign
policy turmoil our leaders have created around the globe?
Which brings me to the follow-up question: Do you enjoy
getting sodomized by all our so-called representatives in
congress -- as well as the executive branch -- as they
ruin everything great this country once stood for? Well,
pat yourself on the ass and whistle Dixie, because this
cynical disaster is just getting started...
For the Veterans:
The merchants of death, Wall Street, the oil and gas tycoons and the central bankers all dearly thank you from the bottom of their wallets, for your unwavering service. By the way, did you lose your home to foreclosure while you were deployed in distant lands destroying other peoples homes and lives? Please excuse my little pop-quiz but ... will you salute or wave a friendly hello to the thousands of drones spying on us in our not-so-friendly U.S. skies? Are you OK with the FBI, NSA and CIA monitoring your
every digital move, regardless of your service to your
country? Or better yet, will you feel like you're bumping
uglies when they watch you a lot closer (than civilians)
because you have more combat training under your belt
which makes you a bigger threat? Now that you are back in
the States and everything seems really screwed-up
economically, do you think all that money spent on war
could have been better served at home for American needs?
Did you know that veterans are at the top of the
homeless list? Do you feel lucky today (like you hit the
fucking lotto) because you may find a minimum-wage job? Do
you accept the fact that we have far fewer constitutional
rights now than before you got deployed? Do you think it's
right that you are charged a copay at the V.A. for
degraded healthcare in a rat-infested hospital or clinic?
Are you going to obey the law when they come for your
guns? Hmmm, are you still humming God Bless America under
each breath drawn? If so, you're a trooper, and I sure
hope you are ready to fight a hard battle for everything
the Republic has lost during your absence! Because ... we
sure as hell need your support!
Listen up: Sibel Edmonds -- the most classified woman
in U.S. History -- has explained that the money profiteers
of the military industrial complex will always make a
killing by offering-up hand-picked boogeymen to germinate
a war. Do you understand this factual statement? Edmonds
is telling the truth! However, you have to read between
the lines: It's widely proven (with tons of evidence) that
factions within the Bush Administration -- along with some
help from at least two other nations -- were the culprits
of the attacks on September 11, 2001. Because of this
treasonous act, the global "War on Terror" was launched
and thus, it continues unabated today.
To fully grasp what Sibel is telling us, I recommend
watching her riveting video report: Connecting
The Dots. A must see presentation. You can also
order her new book "Classified Woman --The Sibel Edmonds
Story: A Memoir" here.
This should be required reading for all brain-dead
Americans who gather most or all of their information from
the TV (idiot box) and/or from mainstream newspapers.
Although, I do have to admit, those damn newspapers sure
do make awesome liners on the bottom of my birdcage.
Yes indeed, the merchants of death have found their
niche. They figured out long ago that a good hate object
(a patsy) is necessary to gain public acceptance for a
profitable con-flick. Indeed, they know they must fan the
flame of hate for two simple reason: For enlistment
purposes and the funds to see it through. Yes, they depend
on us, the working class stiffs, to fight their wars so
they -- the power-hungry chicken-hawks -- can cash-in far
away from where the metal meets the meat. John Stockwell,
an old ex-CIA whistle-blower, calls this scam "the
prep-rally-factor." And thus far, with the help of the
news media propaganda blitz, It works like a charm.
Indeed, countless lies were forged in rubble. Ever
since the Project for a New American Century (PNAC),
neo-con think-tank pukes drafted and implemented their
destructive policy of "Rebuilding
American Defenses," our country has been at war,
raping foreign nations one after another of their natural
resources. The War on Terror was made easy. All they had
to do is give us our "New Pearl Harbor" and voila! With a
traumatized nation hyper-aroused and suffering massive
post-disaster knee-jerk syndrome, the killing and
pilfering was put into motion. Thus, our 21st century
musical motto is: Bullet the Blue Sky. Indeed,
"Outside is America."
And so the story goes, with the global "War on Terror"
ongoing, the warmongers are able to attack, kill and
conquer any nation, on any continent, at any time, at
their discretion.
On a personal note, like a pin-prick that has never
stopped hurting, I cannot blindly accept that my America
is woefully guilty of attacking and destroying any country
at will for personal gain. Truly, this horror story makes
my moral, ethical and spiritual compass frantically spin
out of control. Especially in knowing that as long as
someone can make a buck on money soaked in the blood of
innocents, it will take a modern miracle to end this mess.
So -- let's take the red pill and follow the money-trail
down the rabbit hole:
An Interesting Quote Concerning The Use Of Private
Military Companies
"The mercenaries and auxiliaries are useless and
dangerous, and if anyone supports his state by the arms of
mercenaries, he will never stand firm or sure, as they are
disunited, ambitious, without discipline, faithless, bold
amongst friends, cowardly amongst enemies, they have no
fear of God, and keep no faith with men," wrote Machiavelli
in The Prince.
The Profiteers Of War
The net is such a useful tool. I pulled this vital
information directly from the top of the page at the Aerospace
and Defense Intelligence Report 2013, which provides
a list of the Top-100 U.S. Department of Defense (DOD)
Prime Contractors in Fiscal Year (FY) 2013. They are
ranked by the total amount of money awarded. In fiscal
year 2013, as of October 31, 2012, the DOD has awarded a
whooping total of $24.1 billion in defense contracts.
In FY 2013, to date, top awarded Lockheed Martin has
received $3.14 billion in contract awards (prime
contracts) or 13.0% of total contract funds awarded by the
DOD. Runner-up is Boeing with $1.06 billion (4.4%)
followed by Northrop Grumman in third place with $0.80
billion (3.3%). Raytheon has received $0.70 billion (2.9%)
followed by Humana, Health Net, U.S. Department of Energy,
United Technologies, Textron, and L-3. BAE Systems are but
a few mentioned. Click on the above link to see the whole
Oil and Gas Tycoons Reaping The Spoils Of War
It's really not that hard to figure out that we invade
other nations that have plenty of oil and gas reserves. I
ask you this: If all those oil wells in distant lands
pumped nothing but "sea water," would we be invading their
lands? Think about it ... Here are some of the top players
bidding for a piece of the spoils.
War on drugs revealed as total hoax
Indeed, the U.S. military is guarding, assisting the
lucrative opium trade in Afghanistan.
In Late 2011, I found this hard-hitting article
by Ethan A. Huff, who wrote that ...
"Afghanistan is, by far, the largest grower and exporter of opium in the world today, cultivating a 92 percent market share of the global opium trade. But what may shock many is the fact that the US military has been specifically tasked with guarding Afghan poppy fields, from which opium is derived, in order to protect this multibillion dollar industry that enriches Wall Street, the CIA, MI6, and various other groups that profit big time from this illicit drug trade scheme. And so the story goes: "...after 9/11, the US military-industrial complex quickly invaded Afghanistan and began facilitating the reinstatement of the country's poppy industry. According to the United Nations Drug Control Program (UNDCP), opium cultivation increased by 657 percent in 2002 after the US military invaded the country under the direction of then-President George W. Bush. Logic dictates, we would have to be completely inept to not know that a lot of these drugs find their way on American soil." Keep in mind, "the Golden Crescent drug trade,
launched by the CIA in the early 1980s, continues to be
protected by US intelligence, in liaison with NATO
occupation forces and the British military," wrote Prof.
Michel Chossudovsky in a 2007 report, before it was
revealed that Ahmed Wali Karzai was on the CIA payroll.
"The proceeds of this lucrative multibillion dollar
contraband are deposited in Western banks. Almost the
totality of revenues accrue to corporate interests and
criminal syndicates outside Afghanistan."
Talk about waking up to a "moral coma," I have to
agree with Truthout's William Rivers Pitt, when he
recently compared
the cost of war to new austerity measures imposed
on citizens here in the U.S.:
"It is enough. I am finished with the moral geometry that says this is better than that, which makes this good. This is not good; this is, in fact, intolerable. Allowing the perpetrators of war crimes - widely televised ones at that - to retain their good name and go on Sunday talk shows as if they had anything to offer besides their ideology of murder and carnage is intolerable. Entertaining the idea that the billions we spend preparing for war cannot be touched, and so the elderly and the infirm and the young and the weak and the voiceless must pay the freight instead, is intolerable." Amen, William. We feel your pain. Enough is
However, we can do our part. Turn off the TV. Grow a
garden. Do not let our children enlist in the military.
Do not work for the corporations of the military
industrial complex. Be wise consumers and do not invest
your hard-earned money with them. Get involved and
support grassroots organizations that represent peace
and goodwill.
Bottom line, If we stop supporting and fighting war,
war will end. It's as easy as that. Plus, always
remember this well: "Peace is Patriotic."
Authors Bio:
Vincent L. Guarisco is a freelance writer from Arizona, a contributing writer for many web sites, and a lifetime founding member of the Alliance of Atomic Veterans. The 21st century, once so full of shining promise, now threatens to force countless millions of us at home and abroad into a dark abyss of languishing poverty and silent servitude; a lowly prodigy of painful struggle and suffering that could stream for generations to come. I'm wishing for a miracle, before it is too late, the masses will figure it out and will stand as one and roar. So, pass the word -- it's past time to take back what is ours -- the American Dream where the pursuit of happiness, the ability to live in a free and peaceful nation is a reality. We bought it, and we paid for it. It's time to take it back. |