Syria as Metaphor for an Ultra-Cucked World Jung-Freud January 23, 2025 UNZreview ![]() ![]() Syria, which collapsed like a house of cards in the closing months of 2024, might as well be a metaphor for much of the world. Upon close inspection, many peoples and cultures had already collapsed in pride and prestige long before Syria finally did. The fallen, especially those who've embraced their defeat, tend to be envious of those still standing as stark reminders that a people can resist and be independent. Then, it's no wonder that white cucks in the West were so eager to see Syria fall and join the club of goy cuckhood to Zion. If all are fallen, shame becomes universal, therefore moot in a world where humiliation is the shared and accepted norm, like the queues worn by Han Chinese men under Manchu rule. Has anyone witnessed anything like the recent collapse of Syria? Not just the regime but the entire social fabric of the country. It appears everyone was overtaken by events, some with joy, some with sadness. No one, not even Assad’s most ardent enemies, thought it would happen so suddenly, so fast. It appears Erdogan of Turkey initially targeted only the northern parts of Syria; it was meant more as a power play than a grand design to take down the Syrian regime. But, once the first domino fell, the rest followed in a manner at once spectacular and pathetic. Granted, it was arguably the final chapter of a prolonged process of regime change. The Syrian Civil War(which soon became a global war, with the Jewish-run West, Turkey, and the Gulf Sunni states all ganging up on Syria by lending support to Jihadis, the worst dreck of humanity) had raged on from 2011; Syria was ravaged by war for over a decade, on top of which the West applied crippling sanctions while also occupying key economic zones. In more ways than one, the collapse was a case of the final straw that finally broke the camel’s back. Still, the endgame seemed downright surreal, not least because many observers in the West and Non-West were resigned to the Syrian regime, with the crucial support of Russian-Iran-Hezbollah, having gotten the better of their enemies and stabilized the situation to their advantage. Also, Turkey appeared to have come to terms with Syria via Russian diplomatic intervention. And Syria was back in the Arab League. If Syria collapsed as it did in the middle of a hellish war that it was badly losing, it would be understandable. But the general consensus was that the Syrian regime had weathered the worst of the storm, more or less defeated the Jihadis who’d been pushed to the margins. So, just how did this happen? Analysts have pointed to the steady decay of politics and economy following the uneasy ceasefire agreements. And the demoralization of the underpaid military. Still, has anyone seen anything like this? ![]() The Byzantine Empire diminished over centuries and, by the time the Turks finally conquered Constantinople, was a mere husk of itself. Still, there was a great final battle between the invaders and the defenders of the city. South Vietnam was doomed when the US left, but it fought on for two more years, and despite all the problems, the North Vietnamese military had to fight its way to Saigon. Following the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan, most Western analysts said the secular Marxist regime would fall within weeks. But it actually held on for a couple more years, a real challenge for the rebels. True, Poles got crushed by the Germans in 1939, but they still put up a stiff resistance despite the hopeless situation(and there were pockets of Polish resistance throughout the occupation). When the Germans steamrolled into the Soviet Union, countless Soviet troops surrendered, and it seemed all over for Russia. But that didn’t mean the Soviets in Leningrad and Moscow lost heart and just gave up. One might draw parallels between the Syrian situation and the Russian defeat in World War I, but even as the Bolsheviks conceded huge chunks of territory to Germany, most of them were non-Russian lands that had been absorbed into the Russian Empire. It wasn’t as if the Bolsheviks were willing to surrender all of Russia to Germany. Also, even in 1917, Germany had a formidable force, which wouldn’t have been defeated if not for American entry into the war. ![]() As it turns out, about 15,000 to 20,000 Jihadis made their move on Aleppo, Syria’s second biggest city and key economic hub. Even if the Syrian Army was something of an inflated paper military, surely the government could have mustered enough men to fend off a bunch of ragtag Jihadis who, despite their shiny toys supplied by Turkey and the West, had little chance of taking over a big city, let alone the entire country. Besides, Russia was more than willing to provide air support and did, blowing Jihadi columns to smithereens. But there was no resistance among Syrian authorities and armies. It wasn’t so much a collapse as a total no-show to the event. Incredibly, within a week, the entire country was taken, about the time it took for the Jihadis to trek from the north to the south on foot. It was like a building collapsing in free fall speed with zero resistance. Some have blamed Russia and Iran for not having done enough, and there’s some truth to that. Russia aided Syria in destroying Jihadis but not against naked Israeli aggression. So, Israel kept on bombing Syria while Russia did nothing, e.g. forbidding Syria to use Russian air defenses against the Israeli air force. Of course, Israel wasn’t just a stand-alone enemy of Syria but part of Global Zion with a grand plan to destroy Syria(and Iran and Russia as well). Russia, by pretending it could maintain good relations with the Jewish State while resisting the agenda of World Jewry, was fooling itself. Indeed, the reason why the so-called ‘Collective West’ was so invested in destroying Syria was because Israel wanted it that way. While Israel alone couldn’t do it(and assured Putin that it wouldn’t attack Russian assets in Syria), it was pulling every string in the US and EU to make sure that Syria would be destroyed. Putin, like so many foolish conservative figures in the West, seems to believe that Israel can be used as a kind of insurance policy against World Jewry, i.e. if Jewish Power wants to destroy you, get some reprieve by making nice with Israel(as mediator between you and World Jewry). But this has proven to be a fantasy time and time again. ![]() After all, White American Conservatives have been sucking Netanyahu’s dong forever, and Jews have still been unrelenting in their anti-white, anti-Christian, and anti-conservative mania. Russia’s chummy(and often servile) ties with Israel didn’t reduce the likelihood of the Ukraine War(more accurately the Judeo-Russian War) or the endless vilification of Putin and the Russian people/culture in general in the Jewish-dominated West. Or the ongoing efforts to encircle and isolate Russia, to agitate neighboring states against it. There’s this idea among the HBJ( or ‘hated by Jews’) that cucking to Zion works as protection against Jewish hostility. Well, if Jews are only into extortion, this could work, i.e. be nice to Israel and then maybe World Jewry will ease the pressure on your kind. But Jewish Power isn’t content with Russia making nice with Israel; its ultimate objective, megalomaniacal and insatiable, is to take over all of Russia, made worse by Anglos cucking to Jews and indulging their god-complex. Jews feel, “If we took over the Anglo-World, the greatest empire known to mankind, who are those lowly stupid vodka-swilling Russians to ever say NO to us?” Putin may think, “If I suck Israel’s cock, World Jewry won’t fuc* me in the arse.” But the World Jewry has thrown everything at him, including the kitchen sink, the toilet, and then some. Since the outbreak of the Judeo-Russian War, Russia has been hit with World Record-breaking levels of sanctions and has lost what might be hundreds of thousands of lives in the battlefield because Ukraine was armed to the teeth with the most advanced weapons of the West. Jewish Power is a gangster operation that extorts, takes over, squeezes it for all it’s worth, and then burns it to the ground. Like in GOODFELLAS with the greasers. The restaurant owner goes to Paulie for protection against Tommy, but Paulie rips off the whole joint. And what do Jews care about dead Ukrainians? In their eyes, Ukrainians are just dumb sucker Slavs, and if many of them become refugees or corpses, all the easier for Jews to take over the country and establish it as the New Pale of Settlement. So, Russia deserves some blame in Syria and Ukraine because of Putin’s softness on the Jewish Issue. While Russia successfully aided Syria in fending off the Jihadis(even targeting the borders of Turkey), it looked the other way on ongoing Israeli hostilities. It’d be like protecting Bob from Bill’s pit-bulls while pretending Bill bears no responsibility. Never mind Bill is the one setting the pit-bulls on Bob. So, even though Russia, along with Iran, destroyed the bulk of the Jihadis in Syria and gave Assad’s regime a second life, the whole project was doomed in the long run as Russia had failed to address the core issue: The Jihadis were, to a large extent, armed and funded by the CIA(that does the bidding of Zion) and Turkey, a duplicitous member of NATO ever keen to do the bidding of Jews for its benefit. Russia handled the symptoms but didn’t name the disease. Even after the Jihadis were beaten back, Russia pretended as if Syria would survive despite the Jewish-controlled US occupying key economic zones that starved Syria of material and money. As for Iran, it was too nervous, anxious, and even timid in countering Israeli and (Jewish-controlled) American provocations. It did precious little about the murder of Soleimani. It countered Israel’s murder of its scientists, diplomats, military officers, and politicians mostly with rhetoric. The two missile attacks on Israel were half-hearted. While Israel uses its military to destroy and kill as many as possible, Iran pussyfoots with caution. If Iran hopes that trepidation will be appreciated by the West as concern for human life and commitment to peace(contra excessive escalation of conflict), it’s sorely mistaken because Jews and their craven Anglo cuck dogs regard such restraint as cowardice on Tehran’s part. So, even though Russia and Iran were effective in zapping Jihadi cancer cells, they failed to remove the tumor of Jewish supremacism within Syria, and it was only a matter of time before the disease began to metastasize again, and by then, Syria’s immunity had been severely weakened, resulting in the sudden death of the entity hitherto known as Syria, now to be torn apart by other powers, rather like Poland by Germany and Soviet Union in 1939. THIS is what the West is now celebrating, which goes to show that the white elites are little more than jackals of Jewish hyenas. ![]() But then, the fact of widespread and even worldwide white cuckery suggests that ‘Syriaitis’ is a global disease. ‘Even worldwide’ is warranted because Syriaitis infects parts of Russia and China as well; why else would they be so adverse to naming the Jewish Power as the real power? But then, this shouldn’t be surprising because, except for Palestine and some Arab territories, Jews haven’t militarily conquered anything yet has managed to gain domination over much of the world. The UK and US weren’t conquered by Israelites on sky chariots descending from Heaven. France and Germany weren’t conquered by the IDF. Canada and Australia weren’t conquered by hordes of the Jewish Defense League. Poland, Ireland, and Sweden weren’t conquered by the Stern Gang. And yet, the elites and the great majorities in those parts are mostly cuck-maggots of the Jews. It’s often been noted in dissident circles that Vladimir Putin reclaimed Russia from the clutches of venal Jewish oligarchs, but if so, why is it verboten in Russia to Name the Jewish Power, especially when Jews ceaselessly name Russia, or Russia-Russia-Russia, indeed even blaming Russia for fantasies like ‘Russiagate’. If the Jewish Agenda runs into any problem, Jews blame Russia, as in ‘Russia ate my homework’. Imagine Jim calling out John and blaming him for everything, even slandering him for what he didn’t do, but John, despite being constantly insulted and impugned, doesn’t call Jim out. In the Judeo-Russian War, Jews made it clear in no uncertain terms that Russia-Russia-Russia embarked on an ‘unprovoked’ invasion of ‘democratic’ Ukraine, a shining beacon of freedom(LOL), but Russia, while pointing its finger at the US-EU-NATO(as well as Anglos and ‘Ukro-Nazis’), has failed to name the main instigator, World Jewry. ![]() The ‘Syria’-esque character of the Current World, especially the West, owes to the suddenness and totality with which it has caved to the New World Order as dictated by Jewish Power. It seemed for a time that Assad’s Syria could indefinitely put up a stiff resistance, taking its place among countries that dared to defy(at least partly) the World Jewry, only to be exposed as an empty shell about to crack and crumble into dust. But then, the same might be said of the entire West, especially the Anglosphere. When Anglos ruled the world, Jewish upstarts posed a feisty challenge to the prevailing order. But given the deep heritage and vast network of Anglo power, who would have thought that the Anglos would transform overnight into groveling dogs at the feet of Jews? Even if Jews were destined to gain an edge over the Anglos, the latter could have done to Jewish Power what Jews had done to Anglo Power: Serve as its main critics and competitors. But once the Jews gained the advantage, Anglos had no fight left in them and were, in quick succession, consigned to roles as co-rulers, then partners, then servants, and now dogs. Even as Jewish Power gained at the expense of Anglos/Whites, there was hardly any criticism or challenge to the Jewish ascendancy from the latter. Thus, if Anglo Power had come under healthy(and unhealthy) scrutiny and critique from the Jews, Jewish Power expanded with minimal pushback from Anglo-American elites, thus setting the philo-semitic template for all other gentile groups, white and nonwhite. If anything, Anglo-Brits and Anglo-Americans were profoundly and/or cravenly apologetic for their progenitors having espoused any ‘Anti-Semitic’ views in the past and had them expunged. They also generated endless philo-semitic hosannas in the hope that their past would be forgiven or forgotten. Whenever white Christian conservatives howl about those ‘anti-Jewish’ Muslims, you know they’re signaling to Jews that they themselves are totally reformed and redeemed whites; they’ve seen the light and have been baptized of the sin of ‘antisemitism’ with the golden shower of Holocaustianity and Zionism. ![]() If Jews as upstarts and challengers to WASP-power served as the model of the ‘Culture of Critique’ for all non-WASP groups, with even white Catholic ethnics getting into the act of bashing the Anglo-American Establishment, WASPs as sidekicks to the Jews served as the universal goy model of servility and obeisance to Zion. When Jews gave the middle finger to the WASP establishment, others flicked their fingers as well, whether they be Italian Catholic, black, or Chicano. But when the dethroned WASPs bowed down before the Master Jew to suck his toes, other goyim soon followed, all competing in the anal-lick Olympics to be in good graces with Jewish Supremacy. Even Syria’s pathetic surrender was more dignified than this, especially as the Anglos had the means to push back, whereas Syrians were strangled and starved into submission. In a way, Anglo and Anglo-American cuckery to Jews was even more disgraceful than the Jewish ingratitude and subversion of WASP power. At the very least, challengers got balls, like Tony Montana in SCARFACE, whereas those who cuck are a bunch of castrated wussies. Perhaps the Anglo elites, having been accustomed to power and privilege for so long, weren’t suited for roles as upstarts, challengers, and/or subversives. Their ingrained sense of entitlement got the better of them. Instead of adapting to the new reality and challenging Jews(as the new King of the Hill), they favored the conceit of being equal partners of Jews. Or, they affected magnanimity in having relinquished authority out of gracious sense of fairness/meritocracy and historical redemption. Certainly easier than facing the brutal but newly heretical fact that the white race was doomed upon abandoning awesome race-ism. ![]() Whatever the reason, the collapse of Anglo power/prestige in both the US and UK has been both spectacular and pathetic, or spectacularly pathetic. Who could have foreseen such a calamity, such total abnegation of one’s heritage and claim? Just like Syrians at the end of their tether at the mercy of Turks & Jews(and their proxies), the White West totally prostrated itself before Jewish Power. There was hardly any will to resist the virulently anti-white nature of the Jewish Ascendancy. Whites deemed as obligatory to praise and celebrate any addition to Jewish power, wealth, and influence, rather odd given the Jewish-led accusation that whites have too much wealth and privilege at the expense of nonwhites. (It’s like there’s never any problem with blacks dominating most key positions in football, but there’s always the issue of ‘too many’ white quarterbacks. Even when blacks are overrepresented in sports, more black players is a cause for celebration whereas under-represented white athletes are made to feel apologetic and guilty.) While Jews led the charge that whites have too much, whites led the choir that Jews can never have enough. Talk about pathetic cucking on the part of whites. In the new discourse, any skepticism about Jewish Power and Influence was denounced as ’Anti-Semitic’, the consensus shared by both the Liberal White and Conservative White Establishments, perhaps in the misplaced hope that Jews would appreciate the gesture and become more normal — but surely, abnormally indulging a neurotic demographic is hardly an incentive to normalization of attitude as someone who’s treated like a princeling expects special privileges than mere rights shared by all the ‘losers’. ![]() Given the shifts in social attitudes and historical narratives, it’s not surprising that World War II, the greatest triumph of the ‘liberal democratic’ West in modern times, turned out to be a poison pill, not so much because of the war per se but the control of official history in the post-war era. In the first half of the 20th century, when ‘antisemitism’ came with a certain intellectual, spiritual, and moral pedigree(as Jewish radicalism on the Left, Jewish cultural subversion especially in Weimar Germany, Jewish hostility toward Christianity and white racial consciousness, and Jewish exploitation via finance capitalism had baleful impacts on the world), Jewish Power could be checked and countered, at times with gratuitous viciousness but often with healthy instinct for self-preservation among white goyim. Back then, both the Jew and the goy could punch and parry in the ring. But after the war, Jews could punch and parry while the goy could only parry but not punch. Given the new rules, the goy’s only hope was to survive, never to win, as no fighter can win only by playing defense against an opponent hellbent on a beat-down. But then, it got worse as even blocking the punches were penalized for white goyim. Thus, the white goy had to take the punches as well-deserved for his past ‘historical sins’. The white goy was disallowed not only in attacking the Jew but in defending himself from the Jewish attack. It’s no wonder that whites are so eager to hate on China, Iran, Russia, or some foreign ‘enemy’ in the hope that Jews will direct their attacks on others than on the much bruised and bloodied whites, but then, there are white masochists who seem to get off the humiliation as a kind of secular variant of Christian self-flagellation. The World War II narrative exonerated Jews of all accountability. Typical was the Catholic Church’s full endorsement of the Jewish religion. If ‘antisemitism’ prior to World War II could be excessive at times, as with the National Socialists, in the aftermath of the war it grew feeble, then non-existent, finally to be reviled as the greatest evil of all time. This was bound to be fatal to Christianity, a religion founded on the rejection of Judaic dogma. After all, if there’s nothing wrong with Judaism, why the need for Christianity? Imagine Protestants declaring that there’s nothing wrong with Catholicism; that being so, what would be the justification for PROTESTantism? ![]() Such indulgence of Jews would have been harmless IF Jews lacked the wherewithal to gain dominance in the West, especially in the United States(as the lone superpower). With ‘antisemitism’ made verboten and excoriated as the greatest sin known to men, religious and secular alike, it became declasse to name the Jewish role in radical politics, leftist violence, political treachery(like spying for the Soviet Union & Israel), cultural degeneration, anti-white hostility, anti-Palestinian murderousness, anti-Christian filth, and etc. Even when Jews were the obvious culprits in the latest scandals, the permissible discourse was to BLAME ANYTHING but Jewish character, culture, and attitudes. It became a national pastime to deflect blame from Jews in ever more disingenuous ways, rather ironic when Jews never tired of blaming entire nationalities, cultures, and races(especially whites) for the failings or transgressions of a segment of their population — if some whites are ‘Anti-Semitic’, the whole of white society must acknowledge the issue and do something about it, but if some Jews are anti-whatever, it mustn’t reflect on the entirety of the Jewish community, even if the majority of Jews may well share in the bias or hostility of the troublemakers. Rationalizing the Jewish Problem has been the favorite hobby of White Conservatives, whose vision of America has often been at odds with the Jewish Agenda. If the great majority of Jews push a certain anti-conservative and/or anti-white program, white conservatives tend to selectively highlight those contrarian Jews who aren’t with the program(at least not so blatantly), thus creating the false impression that there are just as many or a considerable number of Jews who ‘stand with us’. So, if Jewish Power by and large push GloboHomo, white conservatives point to the odd Jew who happens to be anti-globohomo to assure themselves that Jewishness isn’t relevant to the issue. (It’s like seeking out the rare law-and-order black to argue that crime isn’t a black problem and has nothing to do with race.) Thus, white conservatives can avoid addressing the JQ that often leads to accusations of ‘antisemitism’; furthermore, they feel morally sanctified in having some Jew, a member of the Holy Holocaust Tribe, on their side. Or, the Jew in question, far from being a true moral conservative, may espouse and promote globohomo BUT minus the anti-white hostility, thereby making himself or herself more palatable to white conservatives(or ‘cuckservatives’) who, lacking the cojones to push back against the Jewish socio-cultural juggernaut, are resigned ultimately to acquiescing in a manner that isn’t totally humiliating. Here the ‘good’ Jew provides the cushion for the fall. White Conzos tell themselves that, far from caving under pressure, they were rationally and morally persuaded by kindly globohomo Jews, like that Dave Rubin guy, the bungdonging ‘Jewish conservative’ who adopts children in the name of ‘family values’. ![]() It’s as though WHO supports the idea carries more weight than WHAT the idea is about. In the game of Who/Whom, having a Jew bless your position is more important than arguing for that position. For example, white conservative types may, instead of defending nationalism on its own merits, point to some Jew who happens to be pro-nationalist. Never mind that most Jews in the West are anti-nationalist and do everything in their power to de-bank and de-platform goy nationalism. Instead of calling out Jewish hostility to the goy need for nationhood, white conservative types tend to bark like seals about some odd Jews who happen to be pro-nationalist, of course, more for Israel than for white goy nations, i.e. usually such a Jew is for ethno-nationalism in Israel but only for bogus ‘civic nationalism’ among white goyim in Europe, US, Canada, and Australia. By profusely praising such Jews, white conservatives make believe that their worldview is aligned with that of the holy Jews; or they hope that other Jews, noting the philo-semitic adulation showered on ‘nationalist Jews’ in white conservative circles, may embark on an exodus to the White Right. (To be sure, the formula of “ethno-nationalism for Jews and civic nationalism for whites” isn’t far off from the Jewish globalist agenda of white dissolution because ‘civic nationalism’ will invariably, albeit more gradually, lead to the erasure of the White West. Yoram Hazony is really the flipside of George Soros.) The idea that nationalism needs the validation of Jews is another indication of the centrality of idolatry in current Western thought. Never mind that ethno-nationalist supremacists like Hazony are merely manipulating white conservatives towards supporting Israel as a racial-state in exchange for Jewish support for worthless ‘civic nationalism’ among whites. A bullshit bargain if there ever was one. In the West where Jewishness is venerated across the political spectrum but is mostly disdainful of white conservatives, the latter find themselves in a pickle as the very people they respect most have no respect for them. Then, it’s understandable why white conservatives are beside themselves with ecstasy when the odd Jew mutters something in their favor(even if half-hearted). A white conservative subconsciously thinks, “What I think and believe matters less than if a Jew agrees with or approves of me.” In other words, white thoughts ultimately need the stamp of approval of the holy Jews. It’s no wonder that white conservatives wet their pants when someone like Bill Maher, who mostly spews filth at whites, on occasion says whites and/or conservatives aren’t totally evil. The bar is very low for Jews to win over whites. For whites to win over Jews, they must serve up a feast; but for Jews to win over whites, they merely need to offer the half-chewed gum in their mouth. ![]() On the issue of Jewish nationalism or Zionism overstepping its boundaries and trampling all over Palestinian aspirations, most whites(‘conservative’ and ‘liberal’) overwhelmingly side with Jews. In other words, the hell with principles of respecting the national integrity of all peoples. Why else would Jewish nationalism take precedence over Palestinian nationalism among whites of the nationalist persuasion, especially given that most Jews/Zionists regard whites much like the Palestinians, a people to quell, manipulate, dehumanize, humiliate, subjugate, and potentially erase? Is it the fear of Jewish Power, a sense among whites that Jews are so powerful that they must be appeased one way or another, with the Hail Mary hope that if whites cuck to Israel, World Jewry will go easier on them? But, despite the warm relations between Russia and Israel, have World Jewry gone easier on Russia? Or have the Jews pulled everything out of their bag of tricks to undermine and destroy Russia, with Israel smirking on the sidelines? Has World Jewry been kinder to Viktor Orban for his support for Israel and Netanyahu? The last we checked, he was still characterized as a ‘far right autocrat’ by the Jews who control global media. If not so much to placate Jewish Power(a hopeless endeavor by all available evidence), is it to grease the skids with the white cuck-collaborators who manage the Western institutions and industries, i.e. white cuck elites may still maintain ties and do business with Cain-marked ‘far right’ elements if, at the very least, they cuck to Israel and the Zionist project? In other words, if Viktor Orban were to go nuclear on the Jewish Question, he would have to deal with not only Jewish hostility but the rabid rage of white cuck elites whose main rationale for being is Jew Worship. ![]() Anyway, look all around the West(and even beyond), and in more ways than one, much of the world looks like one big Syria-as-metaphor, a house of cards easily toppled by Zion. At least Syria had resisted and managed to survive, if barely, until 2024. In contrast, much of the world was ‘syrianized’ before Syria. Take Germany and the blow up of the Nord Stream pipelines. Any sensible person knows it had to have been directed by the Jewish-run US, but Germany has pretended otherwise, mewling along with the American Narrative that it must have been Russia…or maybe rogue operatives within the Ukrainian government wholly independent of the US and NATO, LOL. Such weakness on the part of Germany signals utter surrender and humiliation to the US-led world order, but then the US is about total capitulation to Jewish Power. What’s the difference between Ukro-Nazis or Jihadis in Syria and the white cucks in America? Not much, as White America, like the sub-Nazis in Ukraine and Al Qaeda variants in Syria(and elsewhere throughout the Middle East), is totally in the hands and the pockets of Jewish Power. Indeed, White America had prostrated itself before Jewish Power long before Syria did. Consider the utter phoniness of American principles. White Democrats who claim to be for ‘racial justice and equality’ readily support the tribal-supremacist ultra-right regime in Israel, and White Republicans bend over backward to Zion despite Jews being overwhelmingly anti-white, anti-Christian, and anti-white-goy-conservative. All around are signs of total white surrender to Jewish Power. After the Jewish war on Trump and MAGA, one would expect some pushback against Jewish Power, but all we hear from Trump and his appointees is pledging fealty to Israel and the promise to clamp down on ‘Anti-Semites’. ![]() And look at the state of Western/European/American churches. The religion that once stood against Jewish influence and subversion is now totally subservient to Jewish Power in either (1) rabidly supporting genocidal-supremacist Zionism, as the Evangelicals mostly do, despite Jews having turned the Holy Land into Sodom, aka the ‘gayest country on Earth’, or (2) rendering Christianity servile to the new gods favored by Jewish Power, mostly centered on Anno Sodomini or Negrolatry(or the George Floyd faith), and prior to that, to the cult of MLK, i.e. Mainline Christianity is no longer about sinners of all stripes and colors seeking redemption through Jesus Christ but about god-and-jesus having to prove their worthiness via veneration of the homo-anus & black-butt. The West has become a Spiritual ‘Syria’, a defeated wasteland where whites and various other goyim have totally cucked to the ‘gods’ and neo-sacraments manufactured by Jews. One of the saddest and most pathetic displays of white cowardice, defeat, surrender, and servility was the BLM inquisition-pogroms of 2020. Just as the Syrian army melted away and dissolved before the invasions of Turkish-backed Jihadis from the north and then the Zionists from the east, White America either sat on its ass or got on its knees as blacks, Antifa, wokesters, and etc. rampaged through city after city. One white kid who resisted, Kyle Rittenhouse, was put on trial and came within a hair’s breadth of spending the rest of his life in prison. ![]() In the American South, while Jews, blacks, and white cucks were waging total war on Southern Heritage, the good ole boys just hid in their houses while governments, at the behest of the Jews, tore down Confederate monuments. Jews and white cucks cheered on blacks gleefully melting down the Robert E. Lee statue, but there wasn’t a hint of outrage from white America, not even white Southern America, certainly nothing from the Republicans. Even before the fall of Syria, White America totally surrendered to Jews and their agendas(mostly concerning homos and blacks). 2020 was surely the ugliest moment in 21st century America. As BLM tore through the streets, half of white America cheered in ‘moral’ support while the other half, one that disapproved of the mayhem, sat in silence and squirmed in fear of being ‘canceled’. This is why White Americans who mock the weakness of Syrians are deluded beyond belief. They should look in the mirror. White Americans surrendered to Jews on just about everything of significance: media control, financial control, pornification of society, promotion of interracism, Negrolatry, Globohomo, Neocon Wars for Zion, anti-Russian hatred, open borders, White Guilt cult, White scapegoating, cancerous spread of gambling, vandalism of Western/White heritage, and etc. White America is really about one bunch of losers berating another bunch of losers without ever naming the Jewish winners who relish pitting goyim against goyim. Even when whites in the US and the West in general find themselves at the opposite side of the Jewish Agenda, they feel compelled to spin their ideological and policy preferences as ‘good for Jews’. They can never say they’re doing anything that’s good for themselves and bad for Jewish Power as their mortal enemy. Oh no, Muslim immigration must be halted because it’s BAD FOR JEWS or BAD FOR HOMOS(so precious to even more precious Jews). How ridiculous if, even when you oppose harm directed at you by someone, your action must be rationalized as beneficial to that someone who is inflicting the harm. The White Soul is a vast Syria of the Mind, colonized and controlled by Jewish Power. ![]() There is a total lack of autonomy and independence in White/Western thinking. Jewish Power is like the City Hall to which one must apply and appeal for license to think or do anything; as the saying goes, “You can’t fight City Hall.” Imagine there’s Bob & Bill, and Bill’s idea of good and bad is always about looking over his shoulder at Bob to see what Bob’s thinking. If Bob nods approval, it’s good; if not, it’s bad. If Bob laughs, Bill laughs along. If Bob is offended, Bill too is offended. If Bob hates someone, Bill also hates him. But if Bob changes his mind and likes the person, Bill also changes his mind and likes him. Bill is either an idiot, flunky, sidekick, sockpuppet, or man-dog. Bill is incapable or afraid of having any thought or feeling of his own, always needing to validate his own worth in servility to Bob. In this regard, White America is to Jewish Power what North Koreans are to the Kim dynasty. Every white ‘idea’ or ‘passion’ must be processed into a kosher-approved sausage. The collapse, defeat, and/or surrender of the Soviet Union in the Cold War has been endlessly discussed but hardly ever mentioned is the possibly more momentous surrender of the White gentile/Christian elites to World Jewry. The US may have won the Cold War, but the Jews won the Old War, the ancient and timeless conflict between Jews and Goyim, a matter of great importance because Jews didn’t merely defeat a rinky-dink people like the Palestinians but the most powerful, successful, and hegemonic people of all history, the Anglos of both the British Empire and the American Empire. And even though it happened ‘unnoticed’, the sudden and total collapse and surrender of white goy power to the Jews was of epic proportions. It could be that white goyim henceforth barked loudly and growled viciously at any nation or people hated by Jews because, by ‘sharing’ in the Jewish hostility and rage, they can perpetuate the illusion that they are not a defeated people, a bunch of dogs and cattle, but equal victors and partners alongside Jews in the game of global hegemony. But no amount of a dog barking can hide the fact that it’s a dog. ![]() ‘Syria’ can be extended as a metaphor beyond the West. Taiwan caved to ‘gay marriage’ pushed by Jews, and Japan is now ‘this’ close to adopting it as well given that its judiciary and ‘intellectual’ class are a bunch of spineless, sappy, soyboy cucks to the Jewish-run West. Whenever Jews visit Japan to push globohomo and Negrolatry, the Japanese grovel before their masters and pledge kanarazu to turn Japan ‘gay’. One would think the rise of democracy in South Korea and Taiwan would have made them more independent-minded but their entire ‘intellectual’ class have been shaped by American White Thought, which is really dog-thought servile to Jewish Master Thought. Given the vertical thinking among the East Asians, with authoritative masters teaching dutiful students, yellows are among the biggest suckass toadies and flunkies in the world. East Asians also live in a ‘Syria’ of their own, i.e. they always surrender and conform to the prevailing narratives and agendas of the supreme power. And then, look at the Arab states. Given all that has happened, you’d think they’d finally get their act together and coordinate a grand plan to contain the madness of Zionist hegemonic agenda, but the key Arab states still remain beholden to the US. In a way, they’re more embarrassing than the fallen Syria because Syria at least once had a degree of autonomy and sovereignty. In contrast, those cucked Arab states never had any independence to lose as they were always vassals of the West from day one; and of course, their support for the Palestinians was usually just lip-service. In this sense, they were ‘Syrias’ before Syria. Not that Latin America is any better. ![]() What the fall of actual Syria and the sorry states of metaphorical ‘Syrias’ suggest is that power has a limited shelf-life when there’s a fatal disconnect between the rulers and the ruled. The disconnect could result from incompetence, corruption, or tyranny, but it could also manifest in good times due to ideology, decadence, and/or nihilism. France in 1968 was a reasonably well-governed nation that had experienced remarkable growth since the end of World War II, but the disconnect between the rulers and the educated youth was palpable in the streets. Even though the ridiculous revolution failed, the ruling class suffered a moral defeat that defined the decline and decay in years to come. Throughout the West, despite the advances and successes, the hearts and minds of many youths were set against the ruling class, in no small part due to Jewish influence. In the US, the white goy ruling class grew increasingly defensive and apologetic for their power and privileges. Increasing Jewish influence drove a wedge between the white rulers and the white masses, and in time, the white ruling class could no longer rely on white mass support while the white masses no longer had a white elite to lead and represent them. ![]() In time, the white elites decided the only way they could preserve some of their status and privilege was by making themselves useful to the Jewish elites that had the respect and veneration of the goy masses(due largely to Jewish control of media and academia that sanctified Jews as a wise and tragic people who survived the Holocaust, the greatest crime of all time). Just when the white ruling elites had to answer for past ‘racism’, ‘antisemitism’, and other evils, even the most powerful and privileged Jews were cloaked in the sacred cloth of Shoah-hood. Thus, even though Jewish elites didn’t identify with the white goy masses who, in turn, were rather puzzled as to how the Jewish-White relations could be of benefit to white people in general, the idea was that the Jewish elites, unlike the previous white/WASP/Anglo ones, were unassailable given their tragic history(mostly owing to ‘Anti-Semitic’ whites, be they Christian or pagan) and/or Chosen covenant(at least in the eyes of white Evangelicals and the like). Given that the Jewish elites radiated with the glow of Holocaustianity while the white/WASP/Anglo elites were branded with the Mark of Cain of ‘racism’ and ‘antisemitism’, the latter found it most convenient to serve the Jews as the new overlords, thus associating themselves with the new holiness(along with globhomo and Negrolatry) while distancing themselves from anything with the slightest whiff of whiteness that became almost synonymous with evil within the prevailing Jewish-dominated ideological and idolatrous paradigm. ![]() Once the elites are de-legitimized in the eyes of other aspiring groups and the masses in general, the crisis of authority makes way for radical transformation. It happened to the Anglo-American elites in the US and Anglo-elites worldwide in general. No longer willing to appeal to and connect with their own racial base(that was turned against them by the media and academia directly or indirectly controlled by Jews), their only hope of clinging to any vestige of power/privilege was by serving as brownnosing suck-ups to Jews as the new ruling elites. In a way, the fate of the WASPs bears a certain similarity to the fate of Assad’s Alawite elite minority rule in Syria. Even though the Assad family reigned as Syrian rulers for all the Syrian people, ethnic and sectarian divisions remained that could be exploited by insiders and outsiders seeking to subvert the entire Syrian national project. Ironically, outside forces, especially Israel and the Jewish-run West, along with subservient Sunni-ruled Arab states, sought to discredit the Syrian regime as being propped up by foreign elements, which in the end came to be true as only the intervention of Russia, Iran, and Hezbollah could fend off the hostile foreign Jihadis armed by the West and Turkey. Just like the fallen WASP elites held onto the trappings of power and privilege by cucking to Jews as goy sidekicks and flunkies, surely remnants of the Old Order in Syria are eyeing which set of new masters to serve, mainly Turkish or Jewish, to gain favors. In essence, they are no different from the likes of Lindsey Graham, Joe Biden, Mitt Romney, the Cheneys, the Bushes, and Mike Pence: The fallen seeking to maintain or gain privileges by being useful to the new power in charge. It’s like Sal in THE GODFATHER, convinced of Corleones as a spent force, sidling up to Barzini as the future mafia boss of the East Coast. There are many more Sals than Clemenzas(who stood by the Corleones) in this world. cached / copied 01-23-25 for original link -- click here - |