"The Root Cause is a Money Power Monopolist Cabal"

cached copied - 09-13-18
for original link - click here -- https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-09-13/good-times-coming-abrupt-end

"The Root Cause is a Money Power Monopolist Cabal"

All Risk No Reward
Zero Hedge Comment
Thu, 09/13/2018 - 08:08

"In 1887 Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years prior...."
“A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse over loose fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by a dictatorship."
This quote is not relevant to present day so-called Western civilization. -- You only imagine we are a democratic in nature.  The reality is that we aren't democratic at all beyond meaningless vestiges like voting for Bankster financed/controlled quisling on the left or Bankster financed/controlled quisling on the right. - And yes, all you gullible people, Trump is Bankster quisling all the way.  His anti-establishment narrative was engineered to dupe you, just like the Banksters engineered the narrative they were against the Federal Reserve Act back in 1913.

We are so gullible.  That needs to stop before we can make any real headway. - The most accurate name for the governmental system in which we find ourselves is.... Money Power Monopolist Global Mega-Corporate Fascist Empire

Every President for the last 100+ years has been a Money Power financed/promoted candidate.  If one were to try and apply their conscience against a Bankster agenda, well, that President lost sight of who and what he was, so a "burn notice" got issued so the Money Power agenda could continue.

You are owned, you have OWNERS.

Now, go work for some of your OWNERS' product - FRN's.  That's right, almost everyone's life is devoted to creating demand for Money Power product...  everyone really works for Money Power "widgets," and that makes them an unpaid "marketer" and "sales rep" for the Money Power.

People don't comprehend that hyper-inflations and deflations are CONTEXTUAL. - One person's hyper-inflation is another person's deflation. - The Banksters don't want the monetary illiterate masses to know this. - Most opposition is controlled. - Those that aren't can't get past their programming and truly think something through freely.
  • Venezuela was a deflation to the Money Power Monopolists.
  • Argentina was a deflation to the Money Power Monopolists.
  • Weimar was a deflation to the Money Power Monopolists.
Why hasn't any of the "gurus" ever explained the fact that when a hyperinflation destroys a nation's currency and plunges half the country below the poverty line, the Bankster come in with their FRN's and buy the place up for pennies on the FRN dollar?

How many times in human history has the Money Power hyperinflated their own currency when they controlled massive amounts of it and controlled massive amounts of debt paper.


Repeat that until it sinks in, because the mind- and directly-controlled opposition is incapable of telling you the truth. - Why wouldn't they zero out their own trillions in cash and debt-paper holdings? - You wouldn't, and you know why - and they are WAAAAAAAAAY SMARTER THAN YOU. - They control the algorithms in you mind, you don't control jack of theirs.- Not raggin' on you, the same is true of me - BUT I KNOW IT.

While there is some truth to the article title's claim, it obfuscates THE ROOT CAUSE.

The ROOT CAUSE is a Money Power Monopolist cabal that manipulates prima facie fraudulent debt-based money bubbles that MATHEMATICALLY lead to societal assets stripping debt-based money bubble busts. - If you can't comprehend this, you can't comprehend the top down view of the milieu you are immersed in.

That's the ROOT CAUSE.

This Money Power Monopolist cabal controls governments because they control governmental money, politician money, media money...  THEY CONTROL THE OPERATING SYSTEM UNDERLYING THE MONEY POWER MATRIX.

They control "the one ring to RULE THEM ALL."

This is so obvious, only irrational emotional responses and/or cowardice can blind one's mind to it. - If some group was stronger than the Money Power, THE FIRST THING THEY WOULD DO IS SEIZE THE MONEY POWER FOR THEMSELVES.  Yet, the same group of families has been running the Money Power in the United States, both overtly and directly, for over 100 years.

Now, do good and strong men and women have the courage to identify the ROOT CAUSE and actively resist it?  Absolutely.  Where are those people today?

There aren't many.