The Zionist-Created Scofield 'Bible'
Why Judeo-Christians Support War During the 19th century;...The World Zionist movement, as its Jewish founders called themselves, had plans to acquire a homeland for all Jews worldwide, even though most were far from homeless, and many did not want another home. Not any land would do. World Zionists wanted a specific property that American Christians called "the Holy Land." But if these Zionists read "Democracy in America" or any of the journals of any of America's churches, which no doubt they did, they could not help but know that Jerusalem was not theirs to have. As self-proclaimed Jews, they were, according to the Christian New Testament, the persecutors of Christ and most of his early followers, and the engineers of his crucifixion. America's traditional churches in the 19th Century would never stand for a Jewish occupation of Jesus' homeland. World Zionist leaders initiated a program to change America and its religious orientation. One of the tools used to accomplish this goal was an obscure and malleable Civil War veteran named Cyrus I. Schofield. A much larger tool was a venerable, world respected European book publisher--The Oxford University Press. The scheme was to alter the Christian view of Zionism by creating and promoting a pro-Zionist subculture within Christianity. Scofield's role was to re-write the King James Version of the Bible by inserting Zionist-friendly notes in the margins, between verses and chapters, and on the bottoms of the pages. The Oxford University Press used Scofield, a pastor by then, as the Editor, probably because it needed such as man for a front. The revised bible was called the Scofield Reference Bible, and with limitless advertising and promotion, it became a best-selling "bible" in America and has remained so for 90 years. The Scofield Reference Bible was not to be just another translation, subverting minor passages a little at a time. No, Scofield produced a revolutionary book that radically changed the context of the King James Version. It was designed to create a subculture around a new worship icon, the modern State of Israel, a state that did not yet exist, but which was already on the drawing boards of the committed, well-funded authors of World Zionism. Scofield's support came from a movement that took root around the turn of the century, supposedly motivated by disillusionment over what it considered the stagnation of the mainline American churches. Some of these "reformers" were later to serve on Scofield's Editorial Committee. Scofield imitated a chain of past heretics and rapturists, most of whose credibility fizzled over their faulty end times prophesies. His mentor was one John Nelson Darby from Scotland, who was associated with the Plymouth Brethren and who made no less than six evangelical trips to the US selling what is today called "Darbyism." It is from Darby that Scofield is thought to have learned his Christian Zionist theology, which he later planted in the footnotes of the Scofield Reference Bible. It is possible that Scofield's interest in Darbyism was shared by Oxford University Press, for Darby was known to Oxford University. A History of The Plymouth Brethren By William Blair Neatby, M.A. The Oxford University Press owned "The Scofield Reference Bible" from the beginning, as indicated by its copyright, and Scofield stated he received handsome royalties from Oxford. Oxford's advertisers and promoters succeeded in making Scofield's bible, with its Christian Zionist footnotes, a standard for interpreting scripture in Judeo-Christian churches, seminaries, and Bible study groups. It has been published in at least four editions since its introduction in 1908 and remains one of the largest selling Bibles ever. The Scofield Reference Bible and its several clones is all but worshiped in the ranks of celebrity Christians, beginning with the first media icon, evangelist Billy Graham. Of particular importance to the Zionist penetration of American Christian churches has been the fast growth of national bible study organizations, such as Bible Study Fellowship and Precept Ministries. These draw millions of students from not only evangelical fundamentalist churches, but also from Catholic and mainline Protestant churches and non-church contacts. These invariably teach forms of "dispensationalism," which draw their theory, to various degrees, from the notes in the Oxford Bible. Among more traditional churches that encourage, and in some cases recommend, the use of the Scofield Reference Bible is the huge Southern Baptist Convention of America, whose capture is World Zionism's crowning achievement. Our report on Southern Baptist Zionism, entitled "The Cause of the Conflict: Fixing Blame. Scofield, whose work is largely believed to be the product of Darby and others, wisely chose not to change the text of the King James Edition. Instead, he added hundreds of easy-to-read footnotes at the bottom of about half of the pages, and as the Old English grammar of the KJE becomes increasingly difficult for progressive generations of readers, students become increasingly dependent on the modern language footnotes. Scofield's notes weave parts of the Old and New Testaments together as though all were written at the same time by the same people. This is a favorite device of modern dispensationalists who essentially weigh all scripture against the unspoken and preposterous theory that the older it is, the more authoritative. In many cases the Oxford references prove to be puzzling rabbit trails leading nowhere, simply diversions. Scofield's borrowed ideas were later popularized under the labels and definitions that have evolved into common usage today--"pre-millennialism," "dispensationalism," "Judeo-Christianity," and most recently the highly political movement openly called "Christian Zionism." Thanks to the work of a few dedicated researchers, much of the questionable personal history of Cyrus I. Scofield is available. It reveals he was not a Bible scholar as one might expect, but a political animal with the charm and talent for self-promotion of a Bill Clinton. Scofield's background reveals a criminal history, a deserted wife, a wrecked family, and a penchant for self-serving lies. He was exactly the sort of man the World Zionists might hire to bend Christian thought --a controllable man and one capable of carrying the secret to his grave. (See The Incredible Scofield and His Book by Joseph M. Canfield). Other researchers have examined Scofield's eschatology and exposed his original work as apostate and heretic to traditional Christian views. Among these is a massive work by Stephen Sizer entitled Christian Zionism, Its History, Theology and Politics, Christ Church Vicarage, Virginia Water, GU25 4LD, England. |
The Zionist-Created Scofield Bible: Why Judeo-Christians Support War | |
We Hold These Truths is grateful to these
dedicated researchers. Our own examination of the Oxford
Bible has gone in another direction, focusing not on what
Scofield wrote, but on some of the many additions and
deletions The Oxford University Press has continued to make
to Scofield Reference Bible since his death in 1921.
These alterations have further radicalized the Scofield
Bible into a manual for the Christian worship of the State
of Israel beyond what Schofield would have dreamed of.
This un-Christian anti-Arab theology has permitted the
theft of Palestine and 54 years of death and destruction
against the Palestinians, with hardly a complaint from the
Judeo-Christian mass media evangelists or most other
American church leaders. We thank God for the exceptions.
It is no exaggeration to say that the 1967 Oxford 4th Edition deifies--makes a God of--the State of Israel, a state that did not even exist when Scofield wrote the original footnotes in 1908. This writer believes that, had it not been for misguided anti-Arab race hatred promoted by Christian Zionist leaders in America, neither the Gulf War nor the Israeli war against the Palestinians would have occurred, and a million or more people who have perished would be alive today. What proof does WHTT have to incriminate World Zionism in a scheme to control Christianity? For proof we offer the words themselves that were planted in the 1967 Edition, 20 years after the State of Israel was created in 1947, and 46 years after Scofield's death. The words tell us that those who control the Oxford Press recreated a bible to misguide Christians and sell flaming Zionism in the churches of America. There is little reason to believe that Scofield knew or cared much about the Zionist movement, but at some point, he became involved in a close and secret relationship with Samuel Untermeyer, a New York lawyer whose firm still exists today and one of the wealthiest and most powerful World Zionists in America. Untermeyer controlled the unbreakable thread that connected him with Scofield. They shared a password and a common watering hole--and it appears that Untermeyer may have been the one who provided the money that Scofield himself lacked. Scofield's success as an international bible editor without portfolio and his lavish living in Europe could only have been accomplished with financial aid and international influence. This connection might have remained hidden, were it not for the work of Joseph M. Canfield, the author and researcher who discovered clues to the thread in Scofield family papers. But even had the threads connecting Scofield to Untermeyer and Zionism never been exposed, it would still be obvious that that connection was there. It is significant that Oxford, not Scofield, owned the book, and that after Scofield's death, Oxford accelerated changes to it. Since the death of its original author and namesake, The Scofield Reference Bible has gone through several editions. Massive pro-Zionist notes were added to the 1967 edition, and some of Scofield's most significant notes from the original editions were removed where they apparently failed to further Zionist aims fast enough. Yet this edition retains the title, "The New Scofield Reference Bible, Holy Bible, Editor C.I. Scofield." It's anti-Arab, Christian subculture theology has made an enormous contribution to war, turning Christians into participants in genocide against Arabs in the latter half of the 20th century. The most convincing evidence of the unseen Zionist hand that wrote the Scofield notes to the venerable King James Bible is the content of the notes themselves, for only Zionists could have written them. These notes are the subject of this paper. Oxford edited the former 1945 Edition of SRB in 1967, at the time of the Six Day War when Israel occupied Palestine. The new footnotes to the King James Bible presumptuously granted the rights to the Palestinians' land to the State of Israel and specifically denied the Arab Palestinians any such rights at all. One of the most brazen and outrageous of these NEWLY INSERTED footnotes states: "FOR A NATION TO COMMIT THE SIN OF ANTI-SEMITISM BRINGS INEVITABLE JUDGMENT." (page 19-20, footnote (3) to Genesis 12:3.) (our emphasis added) This statement sounds like something from Ariel Sharon, or the Chief Rabbi in Tel Aviv, or Theodore Herzl, the founder of Modern Zionism. But these exact words are found between the covers of the 1967 Edition of the Oxford Bible that is followed by millions of American churchgoers and students and is used by their leaders as a source for their preaching and teaching. There is no word for "anti-Semitism" in the New Testament, nor is it found among the Ten Commandments. "Sin," this writer was taught, is a personal concept. It is something done by individuals in conflict with God's words, not by "nations." Even Sodom did not sin--its people did. The word "judgment" in the Bible always refers to God's action. In the Christian New Testament, Jesus promises both judgment and salvation for believing individuals, not for "nations." There was also no "State of Israel" when Scofield wrote his original notes in his concocted Scofield Reference Bible in 1908. All references to Israel as a state were added AFTER 1947, when Israel was granted statehood by edict of the United Nations. The Oxford University Press simply rewrote its version of the Christian Bible in 1967 to make antipathy toward the "State of Israel" a "sin." Israel is made a god to be worshiped, not merely a "state." David Ben-Gurion could not have written it better. Perhaps he did write it! The Oxford 1967 Edition continues on page 19: "(2) GOD MADE AN UNCONDITIONAL PROMISE OF BLESSINGS THROUGH ABRAM'S SEED (a) TO THE NATION OF ISRAEL TO INHERIT A SPECIFIC TERRITORY FOREVER" "(3) THERE IS A PROMISE OF BLESSING UPON THOSE INDIVIDUALS AND NATIONS WHO BLESS ABRAM'S DESCENDANTS, AND A CURSE LAID UPON THOSE WHO PERSECUTE THE JEWS." (Page 19, 1967 Edition Genesis 12:1-3) This bequeath is joined to an Oxford prophesy that never occurs in the Bible itself: "IT HAS INVARIABLY FARED ILL WITH THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE PERSECUTED THE JEW, WELL WITH THOSE WHO HAVE PROTECTED HIM." and "THE FUTURE WILL STILL MORE REMARKABLY PROVE THIS PRINCIPLE"(footnote (3) bottom of page19-20Genesis 12:3) None of these notes appeared in the original Scofield Reference Bible or in the 1917 or 1945 editions. The state of Israel DID NOT EXIST in 1945, and according to the best dictionaries of the time, the word "Israel" only referred to a particular man and an ancient tribe, which is consistent with the Bible text. See "Israel," Webster's New International Dictionary 2nd (1950) Edition. Continued... |
The Zionist-Created Scofield Bible: Why Judeo-Christians Support War | |
All of this language, including the
prophecy about the future being really bad for those who
"persecute the Jews," reflects and furthers the goals of
the Anti-Defamation League, which has a stated goal
of creating an environment where opposing the State of
Israel is considered "anti-Semitism," and "anti-Semitism" is
a "hate crime" punishable by law. This dream has become a
reality in the Christian Zionist churches of America. Only
someone with these goals could have written this footnote.
The State of Israel's legal claims to Arab lands are based on the United Nations Partitioning Agreement of 1947, which gave the Jews only a fraction of the land they have since occupied by force. But when this author went to Israel and asked various Israelis where they got the right to occupy Palestine, each invariably said words to the effect that "God gave it to us." This interpretation of Hebrew scripture stems from the book of Genesis and is called the "Abrahamic Covenant". It is repeated several times and begins with God's promise to a man called Abraham who was eventually to become the grandfather of a man called "Israel:" "[2] AND I WILL MAKE OF THEE A GREAT NATION, AND I WILL BLESS THEE, AND MAKE THY NAME GREAT; AND THOU SHALL BE A BLESSING:" "[3] AND I WILL BLESS THEM THAT BLESS THEE, AND CURSE HIM THAT CURSETH THEE: AND IN THEE SHALL ALL FAMILIES OF THE EARTH BE BLESSED." Genesis 12:3, King James Edition. It is upon this promise to a single person that modern Israeli Zionists base their claims to what amounts to the entire Mid-East. Its logic is roughly the equivalent of someone claiming to be the heir to the John Paul Getty estate because the great man had once sent a letter to someone's cousin seven times removed containing the salutation "wishing you my very best." In "Sherry's War," We Hold These Truths provides a common sense discussion of the Abrahamic Covenant and how millions of Christians are taught to misunderstand it. It is tempting to engage in academic arguments to show readers the lack of logic in Scofield's theology, which has led followers of Christ so far astray. It seems all too easy to refute the various Bible references given in support of Scofield's strange writings. But we will resist the temptation to do this, because others have already done it quite well, and more importantly because it leads us off our course. It is also inviting to dig into Scofield's sordid past as Canfield has done, revealing him to be a convicted felon and probable pathological liar, but we leave that to others, because our interest is not in Scofield's life, but in saving the lives of millions of innocent people who are threatened by the continuing Zionist push for perpetual war. Instead, we will examine the words on their face. The words in these 1967 footnotes are Zionist propaganda that has been tacked onto the text of a Christian Bible. Most of them make no sense, except to support the Zionist State of Israel in its war against the Palestinians and any other wars it may enter into. In this purpose, Zionism has completely succeeded. American Judeo-Christians, more recently labeled "Christian Zionists," have remained mute during wars upon Israel's enemies in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia and elsewhere. It is past time to stop the spilling of more blood, some of it Christian blood. Now, for evidence of the intent of the Zionist deception of Christians, let us examine some Scofield's notes THAT HAVE BEEN ALTERED OR REMOVED by Oxford after his death. In 1908 Scofield wrote in 1908: "THE CONTRAST, 'I KNOW THAT YE ARE ABRAHAM'S SEED' - 'IF YE WERE ABRAHAM'S CHILDREN' IS THAT BETWEEN THE NATURAL AND THE SPIRITUAL POSTERITY OF ABRAHAM. THE ISRAELITISH PEOPLE AND ISHMAELITISH PEOPLE ARE THE FORMER; ALL WHO ARE 'OF THE PRECIOUS FAITH WITH ABRAHAM,' WHETHER JEWS OR GENTILES, ARE THE LATTER (ROM 9, 6-8; GAL, 4-14. SEE 'ABRAHAMIC COVENANT' GEN 15, 18, NOTE)." ( Scofield's 1945 page 1127, note to John 8:39) Compare that with the Oxford note substituted in the 1967 Edition: "8:37 ALL JEWS ARE NATURAL DESCENDANTS OF ABRAHAM, BUT ARE NOT NECESSARILY HIS SPIRITUAL POSTERITY, CP Rom 9-6-8, Gal 3: 6-14" (Note (1) P1136, Oxford 1967 Edition, note to Jn 8:37.) How, pray tell, can "all Jews" be "natural descendants of Abraham," a Chaldean who lived some 3000 years ago? Persons of all races are Jews and new Jews are being converted every day from every race. One might as well say all Lutherans are the natural descendants of Martin Luther; or that all Baptists come from the loins of John the Baptist. This note could only have been written by an Israeli patriot, for no one else would have a vested interest in promoting this genetic nonsense. Shame on those who accept this racism; it is apostate Christianity. The original Scofield note was far out of line with traditional Christianity in 1908 and should have been treated as heresy then. Yet Scofield had failed to go far enough for the Zionists. Scofield clearly recognized what the book of Genesis states, that the sons of Ishmael are co-heirs to Abraham's ancient promise. Did not Scofield say "the Israelitish people and Ishmaelitish people are...the natural posterity of Abraham"? The Oxford Press simply waited for Scofield to die and changed it as they wished. And what is it that Scofield said that did not satisfy the Zionists who rewrote the Oxford 1967 Edition? The answer is an easy one. Most Arab and Islamic scholars consider Arabs in general and the Prophet Mohamed in particular to be direct descendants of Ishmael, Abraham's first son and older half-brother of Isaac, whose son Jacob was later to become known as "Israel." Many Arabs believe that through Ishmael they are co-heirs of to Abraham's promise, and they correctly believe that present-day Israelis have no Biblical right to steal their land. Jewish Talmudic folklore also speaks of Ishmael, so the Zionists apparently felt they had to alter how Christians viewed the two half brothers in order to prevent Christians from siding with the Arabs over the land theft. The Zionists solved this dilemma by inserting a senseless footnote in the 1967 (Oxford) Scofield Reference Bible which, in effect, substitutes the word "Jews" for the words "The Israelitish people and Ishmaelitish people," as Scofield originally wrote it. The Israelitish and Ishmaelitish people lived 3000 years ago, but the Zionists want to claim the Arabs' part of the presumed birthright right now! Read it again; "all Jews are natural descendants of Abraham, but are not necessarily his spiritual posterity." |
The Zionist-Created Scofield Bible: Why Judeo-Christians Support War | |
And there is more of such boondogglery in the
Oxford bible. On the same page 1137 we find yet another
brand new Zionist-friendly note referring to the New
Testament book of John 8:37.
"(2) 8:44 THAT THIS SATANIC FATHERHOOD CANNOT BE LIMITED TO THE PHARISEES IS MADE CLEAR IN 1Jn3:8-10" (note SRB 1967 Edition, P1137 to John 8:44) Let us look at the verse Oxford is trying to soften, wherein Jesus is speaking directly to the Pharisees, who were the Jewish leaders of his day, and to no one else: "YE ARE OF YOUR FATHER THE DEVIL, AND THE LUST OF YOUR FATHER YE WILL DO. HE WAS A MURDERER FROM THE BEGINNING, AND ABODE NOT IN THE TRUTH, BECAUSE THERE IS NO TRUTH IN HIM. WHEN HE SPEAKEST A LIE, HE SPEAKEST OF HIS OWN; FOR HE IS A LIAR, AND THE FATHER OF IT." John 8:44 King James Ed.) Let us look at the verse Oxford is trying to soften, wherein Jesus is speaking directly to the Pharisees, who were the Jewish leaders of his day, and to no one else: "YE ARE OF YOUR FATHER THE DEVIL, AND THE LUST OF YOUR FATHER YE WILL DO. HE WAS A MURDERER FROM THE BEGINNING, AND ABODE NOT IN THE TRUTH, BECAUSE THERE IS NO TRUTH IN HIM. WHEN HE SPEAKEST A LIE, HE SPEAKEST OF HIS OWN; FOR HE IS A LIAR, AND THE FATHER OF IT." John 8:44 King James Ed.) Those are plain words. No wonder the Zionists wanted to dilute what Jesus said. Not only did Oxford add a new footnote in 1967, but they inserted no less than four reference cues into the King James sacred text, directing readers to their specious, apostate footnotes. It seems the Zionists cannot deny what Jesus said about Pharisees, but they do not want to bear the burden of being "sons of Satan" all by themselves. Now here's the text of the verse to which Oxford refers in order to try to solve this problem: "HE THAT COMMITETH SIN IS OF THE DEVIL; FOR THE DEVIL SINNETH FROM THE BEGINNING. FOR THIS PURPOSE THE SON OF GOD WAS MANIFESTED, THAT HE MIGHT DESTROY THE WORK OF THE DEVIL." (1Jn3:8.King James Edition) Fine, but this verse, spoken by Jesus to His followers in a speech about avoiding sin, in no way supports Oxford's argument that Jesus was not talking directly to and about the Pharisee leaders when he called them "Sons of Satan" in John 8:44. It is a different book written at a different time to a different audience. This is typical Christian Zionist diversion. To find out to whom Jesus is speaking you must read the rest of John 8, not something from another book. Furthermore, John 8:44 is only one of some 77 verses where Jesus confronted the Pharisees by name and in many cases addressed them as "satanic" and as "vipers." Oxford simply ignores most of these denunciations by Jesus, adding no notes at all, and the Christian Zionists go along without question. These are a few examples of Zionist perversions of scripture that have shaped the doctrine of America's most politically powerful religious subculture, the "Christian Zionists" as Ariel Sharon calls them, or the dispensationalists, as intellectual followers call themselves, or the Judeo-Christians as our politically-correct politicians describe themselves. Today's Mid-East wars are not caused by the predisposition of the peoples, who are no more warlike than any human tribes. Without the pandering to Jewish and Zionist interests that is carried out by this subculture--the most vocal being the celebrity Christian evangelists--there would be no such wars, for there is not enough support for war outside of organized Zionist Christianity. Reverend Stephen Sizer of Christ Church,Christ Church Vicarage, Virginia Water, GU25 4LD, England is perhaps the most dedicated new scholar writing about the Scofield Bible craze, popularly known as Christian Zionism. He has quipped, "Judging Christianity by looking at the American Evangelists is kind of like judging the British by watching Benny Hill." Reverend Sizer's remark brings to mind another Benny; his name is Benny Hinn, not a British comic, but an American evangelist spouting inflammatory hate-filled words aimed at Muslims everywhere. Hinn was speaking to the applause of an aroused crowd of thousands in the American Airline Center in Dallas when he shocked two Ft. Worth Star Telegram religious reporters covering the July 3d event by announcing, "We are on God's side," speaking of Palestine. He shouted, "This is not a war between Jews and Arabs.. It is a war between God and the Devil." Lest there be any doubt about it, Hinn was talking about a blood war in which the Israelis are "God" and the Palestinians are "the Devil." Benny Hinn is one of hundreds of acknowledged Christian Zionists who have no problem spouting outright race hatred and who join in unconditional support for Israel without regard for which or how many of Israel's enemies are killed or crippled. His boldness stems from his knowledge that the vast majority of professing Christians from whom he seeks his lavish support-the Judeo-Christians, or Christian Zionists--do not shrink at his words, because they have been conditioned to accept them, just as Roman citizens learned to accept Christian persecution, even burning alive, under Nero. Several evangelists in attendance affirmed their agreement with Hinn - "the line between Christians and Muslims is the difference between good and evil." An amazing number of professing Christians are in agreement with the fanatical likes of Hinn, including Gary Bauer, Ralph Reed, James Dobson and hundreds more. Yet Hinn's profit-seeking fanaticism is not as shocking as that of men like Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Convention who occupy the highest positions in the area of conservative religious thought. Land may have stopped short of branding all Muslims as devils, but he attacked their leader and Prophet and stated that, according to Baptist Bible interpretation, the Palestinian people have no legal rights to property in Palestine. See our discussion of Southern Baptists entitled "The Cause of the Conflict: Fixing Blame." The more politically conservative and libertarian the speaker expressing hatred for Islam, the more shocking the statement sounds. One example is Samuel Blumenfeld, a veteran textbook author and advocate of home education. His attack on Islam in a story entitled "Religion and Satanism" in the April 2002 conservative, Calvinist Chalcedon Report leaves little room for civil liberties and freedom of thought. He writes, "Islam is a religion ruled by Satan," and asks, "Can anyone under the influence of Satan be trusted?" Blumenfeld shows poor judgment and a lack of morality when he allows phrases such as "willing agents of Satan," "another manifestation of Satanism" and "the willingness of Muslims to believe blatant lies," to spill from his pen. How can anyone interpret these words by Land, Hinn, Blumenfeld, and yes, our own President, as anything less than race hatred? Who would make such generalized and transparently false statements against any other minority except Muslims? |
The Zionist-Created Scofield Bible: Why Judeo-Christians Support War | |
The Zionist-Created Scofield Bible: Why Judeo-Christians Support War | |
Quote from texasproud52:
bump ^^^Israeli dressing up as an Arab before committing terrorist act. ================================================================================== The Zionist-Created Scofield 'Bible' Why Judeo-Christians Support War ... Conclusion A bout 100 million American Christians need to recover their true faith in Christ Jesus, who never denounced any individual on account of his group. Jesus even tried to save the Pharisees, and only denounced them when they showed themselves to be deceivers. There is not a word in the New Testament that urges any follower of Jesus to murder one child in Iraq or condemn Palestine to death. Race hatred is a Zionist, not a Christian, strategy. Christian Zionism may be the most bloodthirsty apostasy in the entire history of Christianity or any other religion. Shame on its leaders: they have already brought the blood of untold numbers innocent people down upon the spires and prayer benches of America's churches. WHTT asks every Christian to share this article with pastors and church leaders, especially lay leaders. We ask every Muslim and Jew who reads it to do the same. You might wish to suspend giving money to any organizations that preach Zionist race hatred in any form, especially under the cover of Jesus Christ. And lastly, We Hold These Truths invites your informed comments and questions. Listen to: Kulture Klash II, How Oxford University Press and CI Scofield stole the Christian Bible, WHTT "Internet Talk Radio" - also available on tape. Copyright 2002, may be reproduced in full with permission. ============================================================= Discuss. [Edited 5/15/2013 9:22:28 PM ] |
The Zionist-Created Scofield Bible: Why Judeo-Christians Support War | |
Do Jews Have “Divine Rights” To
Palestine?—Part 1:
THE TRUE MEANING OF GOD'S COVENANT WITH ABRAHAM By Rev. Ted Pike 15 Dec 12 Editor's Note: Jewish and evangelical Christian media are up in arms against the recent report by the Church of Scotland asserting that Jews have no “divine right” to own and occupy Palestine. They are demanding a retraction and swelling this controversy into a major discussion which could become even larger. In this, the first of a series, I will repost definitive articles I have written on this vital subject. I present what I believe is a balanced, practical, and biblical answer to the question: “Do Jews have ‘divine rights’ to Palestine?” Israel-first evangelicals believe God’s covenant with Abraham gives Jews today unconditional blessing from God, unconditional ownership of Palestine and rights to occupy it as a nation in disobedience. They also believe divine wrath threatens Israel's critics. But Scripture contains none of these promises! Nowhere does it say that God unconditionally blesses the Jewish people no matter what they do. God first announced His covenant with Abraham in Genesis 12:2-3. In this and later affirmations, He established an everlasting covenant with Abraham in response to the patriarch’s incredible faith. This covenant is first spiritual. It applies to everyone who is the spiritual seed of Abraham by obedience (Galatians 3). But it is also physical. It promises a covenant land to an obedient Jewish race. God has never canceled His promise to Abraham that he would father a vast multitude and that his physical, obedient seed will occupy Palestine. Yet St. Paul says clearly in Romans 8 that apostate Jews have broken God’s covenant. They can’t receive God’s covenant promises because they do not hold up their end of the bargain: giving God the faith of Abraham. Consider: Genesis 17:9, 18:19 and 26:5 say Abraham’s seed must keep the covenant through obedience. Genesis 17:14 says covenant breaking means being cut off. Genesis 17:19 says Jews only find covenant blessing by keeping the way of the Lord. Genesis 26:4 reinforces that the covenant exists because of obedience. Deuteronomy 1:37 details how Joshua’s obedience empowered Israel to inherit the covenant promise of occupying Canaan. Deuteronomy 7:12 is particularly definitive: “If you pay attention to these laws and are careful to follow them, then the LORD your God will keep his covenant of love with you, as he swore to your ancestors.” So is Deuteronomy 28:1: “If you fully obey the LORD your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations on earth (i.e. He will fulfill His covenant promises).” These are just a handful of the many, many verses that spell out the conditional and reciprocal nature of God’s relationship with the Jews. Not every Christian believes Jews still have a covenant with God. Hebrews 8 is cited by “displacement” theologians to say the Abrahamic covenant has been replaced by a “new covenant” which makes all Christians the inheritors of God’s promises. God says "I will effect a new covenant with the house of Israel… not like the covenant which I made with their fathers…" (Hebrews 8:8-9) Yet this passage actually is from Jeremiah 31:31-34, whose context makes it very clear that the old covenant applies to obedient, physical Jews for all time. Apostate Jews may break God's covenant with Abraham, but God will never end it. At Christ’s second coming, remnant Jews will repent and inherit its blessings. God says it is easier for the universe to be fathomed than that the Abrahamic covenant be dissolved. Jeremiah 3:37 continues, “Only if the heavens above can be measured and the foundations of the earth below be searched out will I reject all the descendants of Israel because of all they have done.” Jews may descend to deepest apostasy, losing all covenant blessing and their eternal souls. Yet God’s over-arching covenant with Abraham remains. As Paul affirms, even the present depths of Jewish apostasy cannot frustrate the Almighty in His majestic determination to restore a believing Jewish remnant to obedience at His second coming. This is why “the adoption and the glory and the covenants and the giving of the law and the service of God and the promises” still pertains to the Jewish nation, says Romans 9:1-8. [Yet Paul reinforces that not all who claim Jewish blood are “Israel.” Some “which are the children of the flesh are not the children of God but the children of the promise are counted for the seed.” Unbelieving Jews, he says, are "enemies of the gospel" (11:28) and are "broken off" (11:17). Taking his theology from the Old Testament, Paul thus opposes the prevailing American evangelical mentality that anyone with Jewish ancestry is worthy of blessing and non-criticism. Continued... |
The Zionist-Created Scofield Bible: Why Judeo-Christians Support War | |
Thanks for the bump, Randy.
-------------------------------------------- Do Jews Have “Divine Rights” To Palestine?—Part 1: THE TRUE MEANING OF GOD'S COVENANT WITH ABRAHAM ...Continued Christ confirms that unbelieving “Jews,” though physical descendants of Abraham or converts, are “liars,” pseudo-Jews who are actually the “synagogue of Satan” (Rev. 3:9). In fact, Paul denies that God’s blessing on the “seed” of Abraham ever applied to Abraham’s physical descendants! It only applies to Jesus and those who trust in Him. So then, those who are of faith are blessed with Abraham, the believer…Now the promises were spoken to Abraham and to His seed. He does not say ‘and to seeds,’ as referring to many, but rather to one. And to your ‘seed,’ that is, Christ…And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to the promise. (Galatians 3:9, 16, 29) Summary Scripture clearly rejects all “Israel-first” misinterpretations of God’s covenant with Abraham. It says God only blessed Abraham and his spiritual, not apostate, descendants. Unbelieving Jews have no right to occupy Palestine as a nation in unbelief. They never did. They never will. God’s curse is not on those (like the Hebrew prophets) who criticize wicked Jews. Rather it is on those who curse Jesus through their Talmud—apostate, pro-Zionist Jews. Similarly, God’s curse is on evangelicals who ignore God’s law and instead bid Godspeed to the synagogue of Satan. Such “become partakers of their evil deeds.” (2 John 1:11) Like Calvin’s doctrine of eternal security, which promises heaven to “sinning saints,” so these misinterpretations of Abraham’s covenant promises are based on fleshly not spiritual criterion. Both Calvinist and Zionist heresies flourish because of the pervasive inability of the church today to comprehend that God is transcendently holy and will not bless wickedness, in heaven or on earth. How can heresies this deeply rooted in evangelical Christianity and Judaism be ended? Fear of a holy God who insists on worship and obedience in sincerity— without formulas—must be revived in the church. With a return to authentic spirituality, these heresies will automatically retreat. If the church cannot return, it will be devoured by Babylon the Great (See, "Babylon the Great" is Israel), a monster very largely of its own making. |
The Zionist-Created Scofield Bible: Why Judeo-Christians Support War | |
THEM..GOOD ONES!![]() AND THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE!! THE NEFARIOUS DECEIVING CROOKED SCOFIELD BIBLE...where Talmud prophesy is taught in the Christians churches..thus perverting our religion...just as the Jews did to the Hebrews religion, Mosaic Hebrewism, long ago.. TRUTH COMES THROUGH PEACE.....Im not so sure you would want this medal..but I award you the Nobel Peace Prize...for all your good work to bring peace to the earth through knowledge..information..and wisdom! It takes alot of time and effort to find good things to post.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ they still push this disgusting should be banned... This bible is the one that has in its footnote...lies and deception...robbing Christ of his scriptures that are about him..and the Jews making the scriptures about the Messiah..about them...which is utterly dishonest If a person will read the bible on their own..even a Scofield Bible..they will learn..if they are paying attention..that FOOTNOTES ARE LIKE THE TALMUD...MERE MENS OPINIONS.. The bible tells each Christian to search for truth. on his own..CHRIST ABOLISHED THE TEMPLE AND THE PRIEST SYSTEM..AND WERE ALL SUPPOSED TO SEEK THE TRUTH ON OUR OWN...ALLOWING THE HOLY SPIRIT TO GUIDE US TO ALL TRUTH....making all bibles with corrupt as THE TEACHINGS OF THE ELDERS. that Christ totally condemned.. no man should be trusted for your eternal soul..You have no idea if the man in the pulpit..the a true Christian..... ANOTHER EXCELLENT POST FROM LONGBOBBY...A GREAT AMERICAN..WORKING TO DEFEND OUR NATION..EXPOSING THE LIES..AND PRESENTING THE TRUTH... I wonder if they will even pay attention to truth? YOU CAN LEAD A LIBERAL...a SHEEPLE PEOPLE TO INFORMATION.. BUT YOU CANT MAKE HIM THINK.. THE SCOFIELD BIBLE IS THE ZIO CHRISTIAN BIBLE.. IF YOUR A ZIO CHRISTIAN..YOUR NOT A CHRISTIAN AT ALL..AND HAVE BEEN LED ASTRAY.. YOUR IN A CULT...AND YOU ARE OBLIVIOUS TO WHAT THE SCRIPTURES EVEN SAY..and have allowed nefarious men with an agenda to be your shepherd. trust no man..only trust God and his word for your eternal soul |
The Zionist-Created Scofield Bible: Why Judeo-Christians Support War | |
The Zionist-Created Scofield Bible: Why Judeo-Christians Support War | |
Glad you like the thread, Muse.
============================================ BIBLE FRAUD BUSTED, Bible Does NOT Support 'State' Of Israel Scofield Bible Creates pro-Zionist Christian 'zombies' “Cyrus Scofield corrupted the Biblical message and produced a propaganda classic that has been working its evil for 100 years… The idea was to change the Christian view of Zionism by creating and promoting a pro-Zionist sub-culture within Christianity…” “Never mind what Israel does, say the Christian Zionists. God wants this to happen… Anything, including lies, theft, even murder, is justified as long as Israel wants it.” I find the very idea of “Christian Zionism” both irrational and disturbing. Either Jesus Christ was the “true Messiah” and the Jews are losers who missed the boat, or the Christians are a heretical sect of Judaism following a “false Messiah”. There is no in-between. And if Christianity is the valid religion, then the Jews lost their Covenant with God by default, and are no longer the “Chosen People”. I have always been amazed that otherwise honest and decent people could be so wickedly stupid, and in my opinion, the Scofield Bible is a very significant part of the cause of this bizarre phenomenon. Jeff Goodall. Grace Halsell: De-bunker of Christian Zionist Doctrine The Palestine Chronicle Stuart Littlewood: August 11th, 2012 Not long ago I quoted American journalist Grace Halsell in an article about the damaging influence of the Scofield Bible, not realising how sorely she was made to suffer for setting out the truth. That article, ‘The Zionist cuckoos in Christianity’s nest’, showed how Cyrus Scofield corrupted the Biblical message and produced a propaganda classic that has been working its evil for 100 years. Scofield, a convicted criminal and described by one American newspaper as “a shyster”, was commissioned to re-write the King James Bible by inserting Zionist-friendly notes. The idea was to change the Christian view of Zionism by creating and promoting a pro-Zionist sub-culture within Christianity. The Oxford University Press appointed Scofield as editor, and the Scofield Reference Bible was born. It introduced a new worship icon, the modern State of Israel, which did not exist until 1948 but was already being ‘prepped’ on the drawing board of the World Zionist movement. It appealed to the impressionable and was seized on by religious chancers who have used inappropriate methods to establish a large and dangerously un-Christian fringe to the Christianity movement. They call themselves Christian Zionists. Here is how Grace Halsell explained the re-hashed Biblical message: “Simply stated it is this: Every act taken by Israel is orchestrated by God, and should be condoned, supported, and even praised by the rest of us. Never mind what Israel does, say the Christian Zionists. God wants this to happen… “Scofield said that Christ cannot return to earth until certain events occur: The Jews must return to Palestine, gain control of Jerusalem and rebuild a temple, and then we all must engage in the final, great battle called Armageddon. Estimates vary, but most students of Armageddon theology agree that as a result of these relatively recent interpretations of Biblical scripture, 10 to 40 million Americans believe Palestine is God’s chosen land for the Jews.” The problem, she said, was the belief system of Christian Zionists. “They believe that what Israel wants is what God wants. Therefore, it is perfectly acceptable to give the green light to whatever it is Israel wants and then conceal this from the American people. Anything, including lies, theft, even murder, is justified as long as Israel wants it.” Those pseudo-Christians, who would have us all believe that God is some kind of racist real estate agent, thereafter made her life a misery. Grace Halsell was a formidable campaigner for truth and justice and died on 16 August 2000 after a remarkable career as a journalist and author of 13 books. Using a clever suntan technique she daringly disguised herself as a black maid in Mississippi to write the book ‘Soul Sister’ (1969), a shocker that exposed America’s version of apartheid. She wrote about hard times on the Navajo reservation in Arizona and posed as a Native American working for whites. Vietnam, Central America and Mexican immigrant also came under her spotlight. In 1981 she published ‘Journey to Jerusalem’, which took a close look at Israeli torture, Israel’s illegal settlements and the oppressed lives Palestinians were forced to lead under occupation. For her pains she was viciously attacked by the usual suspects and dropped by mainstream publishers. Zionists sabotaged her lectures. MacMillan sacked the executive who commissioned the book. Another MacMillan executive told her he’d been ordered to take the manuscript to the Israeli Embassy and let them read it. “They were not pleased,” he said. “They asked me, ‘You are not going to publish this book, are you?’ I asked, ‘Were there mistakes?’ ‘Not mistakes as such. But it shouldn’t be published. It’s anti-Israel.’” “Somehow,” wrote Grace, “despite obstacles to prevent it, the presses had started rolling. After its publication in 1980, I was invited to speak in a number of churches. Christians generally reacted with disbelief. Back then, there was little or no coverage of Israeli land confiscation, demolition of Palestinian homes, wanton arrests and torture of Palestinian civilians.” The plight of the Palestinians – Christian and Muslim – remained uppermost in her work for the rest of her life. America needs many more fearless champions of the truth like Grace Halsell. Let’s remember her with admiration and gratitude on 16 August. |
The Zionist-Created Scofield Bible: Why Judeo-Christians Support War | |
Your information is greatly appreciated. |
The Zionist-Created Scofield Bible: Why Judeo-Christians Support War | |
I can't keep up with this crap.. no offense
bobby, I just can't see your way of thinking...j/s. |
The Zionist-Created Scofield Bible: Why Judeo-Christians Support War | |
Quote from whays:
Your information is greatly appreciated. ============================================ Glad you like the thread, whays. The Shocking Truth About C.I. Scofield I am constantly amazed at the gross spiritual apathy and blasphemy of men and women, supposedly "Christians," who possess a woeful ignorance of the true meaning of the Kingdom of God. As shocking as it may seem, millions of people who consider themselves perfectly knowledgeable of the prophetic scriptures are today working earnestly in a misguided effort to help Satan and the Beast of Revelation establish their latter days global kingdom. Disgustingly, these millions of "evangelical" and "fundamentalist" Christians actually believe that in helping Satan and the Beast set up their bloody kingdom on earth, they are, in reality, serving God. Their callous disregard for scriptural integrity brings graphically to mind our Lord's dire warning that as the end of time draws near, the religious of this world will kill true Christians and think they do God service (John 16:2). A Satanic Emblem for Israel's Kingdom Some years ago, while attending a prophecy conference in Florida, I encountered a sincere but deluded woman proudly wearing a necklace bearing the so-called Jewish Star of David, the six-pointed star. She had no idea that this star secretly represents the number 666, that occultists universally call it the hexagram, and that Satanists regularly use the six-pointed star in their satanic rituals and invocations. This same woman gushingly told me she was a "lover of the nation-state of Israel." She bragged of giving large sums of money to a militant Jewish group in Jerusalem that has as its goal the blowing up of the Islamic mosque and the setting up of a new temple for the Jews atop its ruins. "But," I inquired of the woman, "are you not aware of II Thessalonians 2, which prophesies that the Antichrist, the Son of Perdition, shall show himself in such a temple, and blasphemously declare that he is above God?" "Well, yes," she offered. "But isn't that a good thing? That would hasten the coming of the Kingdom of the Jews, wouldn't it?" "The Kingdom of the Jews?," I repeated, almost incredulous. "Oh sure," she excitedly exclaimed. "That is what the Scofield Bible, which my husband and I love, says. The Jews shall reign over all the earth. They are God's Chosen. In helping them to rebuild their great temple, I am helping to usher in the Kingdom of the Jews." "My dear Sister," I confided, "You cannot serve God and the Devil at one and the same time. You cannot, on the one hand, help Jews, who despise our Saviour, Jesus Christ, rebuild their blasphemous temple in which they intend to carry out animal sacrifices. This would be mocking the once and for all sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Do you really believe that in doing that, you are serving God?" But, she objected, "in helping the Jews rise to power, I am serving God!" "You cannot give money to help build Satan's kingdom," I explained, "and in doing so, please our Lord God. If the Zionist Jews are doggedly determined to mock and disrespect the truth, why should you, a Christian, help make that come to fruition?" "Moreover," I concluded, "Are you not aware that it was Jesus Himself who prophesied that the Jewish Temple would be destroyed, stone by stone. And it was destroyed, by the Romans in 70 AD. You, therefore, are working to undo what God has done. Are you more wise than God?" "But," she again protested, "God needs a place to live. He needs an earthly temple. And he needs a Holy City, Jerusalem, a capital for the Jewish Kingdom!" The Jewish Star of David secretly honors Lucifer under the disguise of Remphan, the ancient Egyptian "Star" god. In Acts 7:39-43 the blessed martyr Stephen blasted the Jews, prophetically declaring, "Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon." Earthly Jerusalem vs. New Jerusalem I had no more time to spare. If I did, I would have informed this poor creature that God has no need of a temple built with human hands. I would have patiently explained to her that, in any event, God considers the earthly Jerusalem, the intended world capital of the Jews, so wicked He compares it to "Sodom and Egypt" (Revelation 11:8). I would also liked to have brought to her attention the prophetic fact that earthly Jerusalem is a doomed city in bondage to Satan (Galatians 4:25-26). But, thank God, our Lord Jesus has prepared for His bride, the Christian Church, a fabulous New Jerusalem: |
The Zionist-Created Scofield Bible: Why Judeo-Christians Support War | |
However, I suspected that this unfortunate
woman was not interested in the heavenly New Jerusalem of
Scripture. She was far too enamored of the earthly city of
Jerusalem, site of what she was sure was going to be a
global empire to be presided over by the worldly leaders and
rabbis of the Jewish race she so devoutly idealized.
How sad and tragic. Like so many Christians, this pitiful lady had bought into the monstrous heresies first brought into the Church by Cyrus Scofield, a corrupt, crooked lawyer funded by Zionist Jews from New York City in the late 19th century. Scofield's heresies promoting a Jewish kingdom and an earthly Zionist New World Order to be ruled over by a god-like Jewish race, without any Christian gentiles around to mess things up, soon became fashionable among some apostate denominations, especially among the Southern Baptists and their heavily Masonic Lodge membership. Of course, the confused, but sincere woman wearing the hideous six-pointed star that day down in Florida had little knowledge of this Zionist plot by Scofield and his Jewish cohorts. She was a victim of some modern-day charlatan, perhaps a Hal Lindsey, Jack Van Impe, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, or Billy Graham, who had infused her with the Jewish fables against which the Apostle Paul long ago warned us to avoid (see Titus 1:14). Money for the Master Race For years, she and others have been taught that the Jews are the Master Race, that Christ-rejecting Jews, by virtue of their blood and fleshly race, are "God's Chosen" people. The deceived multitudes are, after all, constantly surrounded by the smooth words of Zionist fanatics like San Antonio's John Hagee and Left Behind's Tim LaHaye telling them that the Jews comprise a "holy nation," that if they give money to the Jews to go toward their worldly kingdom, God will prosper them and that someday, after Christian gentiles are raptured up, the ruling Jews can get on with building their long-sought earthly Kingdom. Jesus Not Our King in Heaven As one pro-Zionist "Christian" publication recently explained it, Jesus Christ is not our King in heaven, he's only the groom of the church. According to the Scofield-inspired crowd, Jesus has been demoted. He's up in Heaven today wandering around in a Jewish human body without a throne, waiting for a second opportunity to someday be King of the Jews. The Kingdom of God, say the Judaizers and Zionists, is not in heaven, nor is it in the hearts of men and women who have faith in Jesus their Lord. The Kingdom is the property exclusively of the Jews right here on earth! This, then, is the final landing point of the heretical, Satanic journey and amusement ride on which the Zionist schemers are enthusiastically jockeying the Christian masses. Jesus, who was killed by the Jews after he told Pilate, "My kingdom is not of this world," is once again humiliated and degraded. Rejected almost two thousand years ago as King of the Jews, He is today rejected by Zionists and Judaizers as a heavenly Monarch as well. His heavenly crown is ripped from His brow. He is barred from the heavenly throne. While Jesus is demoted and shunted aside, a mere human race, the Jews, are spiritually and materially enthroned and exalted. Soon, we are told, the Jews shall have the kingdom for which they have lusted throughout the centuries since before the days of John the Baptist. Of course, to guarantee this earthly kingdom, the Gentile Christians are first to be raptured and out of the way. Only then, say the Judaizers, can the racially blessed and God-favored Jews rise to the pinnacle of universal power. It is supposedly the destiny of the Jews to be god-men and rulers of planet earth. The Kingdom Reserved for the Overcomers Well, I have news for these Zionist and Judaizer schemers and plotters. Under the authority of God's majestic and incomparable Word, we can with assurance confidently proclaim that Zion is the destination and home only of born again Christian believers, people saved through faith in Jesus and not as a result of their flesh and blood or by accident of their national origins. The prophecies of God clearly tell us that it is not just Jews who shall inherit the Kingdom and have power over the nations, but whoseoever believeth on the name of Jesus, for He has overcome the world, and we are of Him:' "And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations." (Revelation 2:26) The Kingdom of our Lord Jesus is not a future Kingdom, and He is not interested in sitting on an earthly throne in Jerusalem. Indeed, God scathingly identifies wicked, earthly Jerusalem as the "Great City, Babylon" (Revelation 18). He also brands this filthy city of earthly Jerusalem as "Sodom and Egypt" (Revelation 11:8). No, Jesus' Kingdom is not future. It is not limited to earthly habitation. It is alive. It is eternal. It exists now. Our Father in Heaven has declared His Majesty, and who is able to deny Jesus His deserved crown and Kingdom? "But unto the Son He saith, THY THRONE, O GOD, IS FOR EVER AND EVER." (Hebrews 1:8) The Apostle Paul told us that all who trust in Jesus as Lord are already entered into His Kingdom. We are even now "situated in heavenly places" (see Col. 1:13; I Thes. 2:12; Hebrews 12:22). Friends, would you then trade in your heavenly and joyous abode for a man-made residence here on this tumultuous, depraved planet earth? Well, count me out! My calling, destiny and hope is to reside in glory with Christ Jesus, not to remain here, on this doomed, miserable pile of dirt and rocks called planet earth. If the Jews and their Judaizer associates want it that bad, let them have this planet. No Zion Without King Jesus The true Kingdom of Zion is, in fact, the New Jerusalem, a heavenly city and habitat built by God without human hands. What's more, citizenship in Zion is based not on race and blood. A person must be chosen by the King of Zion and must be born again into this Kingdom (John 3:3). Citizenship in this marvelous Kingdom is the privilege of believers. The wonderful thing is that there can be no Zion without a King. And the Word of God trumpets the indisputable Truth: There is No King but King Jesus! |
The Zionist-Created Scofield Bible: Why Judeo-Christians Support War | |
dongbonny is a kenite |
The Zionist-Created Scofield Bible: Why Judeo-Christians Support War | |
Quote from texasproud52:
dongbonny is a kenite ============================== Kenite, member of a tribe of itinerant metalsmiths related to the Midianites and the Israelites who plied their trade while traveling in the region of the Arabah (the desert rift valley extending from the Sea of Galilee to the Gulf of Aqaba) from at least the 13th century to the 9th century bc. The Kenites’ name was derived from Cain, whose descendants they were believed to be. The Kenites are mentioned several times in the Old Testament. The father-in-law of Moses, Jethro, was a Kenite, and as priest-leader of the tribe he led in the worship of Yahweh, whom Moses later revealed to the Hebrews as their own God whom they had forgotten. In the period of the judges (12th–11th century bc), it was a Kenite woman, Jael, who killed the general of Israel’s enemies, the Canaanites. Settling among the Israelites, Amalekites, and Canaanites, the Kenites apparently became absorbed into the tribe of Judah. Conservative groups of Kenites retained their nomadic way of life and beliefs and practices, however, and one such group, the Rechabites (2 Kings), fought alongside the rebel and future king of Israel, Jehu (reigned c. 842–c. 815), against the Omri dynasty and the worshipers of the Canaanite god Baal. Looks to me like you are a weak minded Scofield Bible Christian; AKA a fool...which we already knew about you anyway. Back on topic... Sunday, December 16, 2012 ZIONISM’S UN-CHRISTIAN BIBLE The New Scofield Study Bible The Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) campaign should widen its scope to target non-Israeli companies who contribute significantly to the oppression of Palestinians. As part of this broader strategy, priority should be given to one of the most egregious offenders, the prestigious British publisher, Oxford University Press. As unlikely as it may seem, the world’s largest university press is responsible for one of the greatest obstacles to justice for Palestinians ~ The Scofield Bible. Since it was first published in 1909, the Scofield Reference Bible has made uncompromising Zionists out of tens of millions of Americans. When John Hagee, the founder of Christians United for Israel, said that "50 million evangelical bible-believing Christians unite with five million American Jews standing together on behalf of Israel ," it was the Scofield Bible that he was talking about. Although the Scofield Reference Bible contains the text of the King James Authorized Version, it is not the traditional Protestant bible but Cyrus I. Scofield’s annotated commentary that is the problem. More than any other factor, it is Scofield’s notes that induced generations of American evangelicals to believe that God demands their uncritical support for the modern State of Israel. BLESSING ISRAEL . Central to Christian Zionist belief is Scofield’s commentary on Genesis 12:3. For the sake of clarity, Scofield’s notes have been italicized in the following passage: "'I will bless them that bless thee.’ In fulfillment closely related to the next clause, 'And curse him that curseth thee.’ Wonderfully fulfilled in the history of the dispersion. It has invariably fared ill with the people who have persecuted the Jew ~ well with those who have protected him. The future will still more remarkably prove this principle." Drawing on Scofield’s speculative interpretation, John Hagee claims, "The man or nation that lifts a voice or hand against Israel invites the wrath of God." However, as Stephen Sizer points out, in his definitive critique, Christian Zionism: Road-map to Armageddon?: "The promise, when referring to Abraham’s descendants speaks of God blessing them, not of entire nations 'blessing’ the Hebrew nation, still less the contemporary and secular State of Israel." Apparently unaware of this more orthodox reading, The New Scofield Study Bible, published by Oxford University Press in 1984, enhanced Scofield’s interpretation, by adding, "For a nation to commit the sin of anti-Semitism brings inevitable judgment." Reading such tendentious comments, a bible-believing Christian could easily assume, for example, that God will punish the 114 countries which endorsed the Goldstone Report. "Sustained by a dubious exegesis of selective biblical texts," Stephen Sizer concludes, "Christian Zionism’s particular reading of history and contemporary events: ~ sets Israel and the Jewish people apart from other peoples in the Middle East… ~ it justifies the endemic racism intrinsic to Zionism, ~ exacerbates tensions between Jews and Palestinians ~ and undermines attempts to find a peaceful resolution of the Palestinian- Israeli conflict, ~ all because 'the Bible tells them so.’" ATONEMENT If there had been no Scofield Bible, American presidents influenced by Christian Zionism, such as Truman, Johnson, Reagan and George W. Bush, would most likely have been less sympathetic to Israeli demands, and consequently more attentive to U.S. interests. Moreover, the American people might have been spared the well-publicized pro-Israeli rants of John Hagee, Pat Robertson and the late Jerry Falwell, not to mention the lucrative End Times "prophecy" peddled by Hal Lindsey and Tim LaHaye. . But it is the people of the Middle East who have suffered most at the hands of an expansionist Israel, emboldened by the unswerving allegiance of America’s Christian Zionists, who were led to believe that Scofield’s words were God’s will. . Although much needless suffering has already been caused by the Scofield Bible, perhaps it’s not too late for Oxford University Press to publicly disavow its harmful book. Among its many victims are 3.5 million Palestinian refugees whose right to return is fervently opposed by Christian Zionists, who believe that the land belongs exclusively to "God’s chosen people." At the very least, OUP could demonstrate remorse for its role in promoting ethnic cleansing by compensating those refugees with the considerable profits accrued over the past century from sales of its Zionist bible. |
The Zionist-Created Scofield Bible: Why Judeo-Christians Support War | |
Creation and Manipulation of Popular
Religion: the case of Christian Zionism. Christianity as taught by televangelists such as Billy Graham, Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell, is one of America's most widely held religions. It is also as close as Constitutional decorum will permit, to becoming an official state religion. It's been openly professed by successive Presidents and by prayer meetings and song at John Ashcroft's justice department. Yet this fundamentalist, pentacostal, pre-millenialist, dispensationalist version of Christianity (referred to in this article as Christian Zionism because of its political affinity to Judaic Zionism) has almost no resemblance to the religion of the Protestant Reformation, much less the Roman church, or the mysterious Christianity of the first century AD. At every step to the creation of this potent new religion, we can see the psychopathic hand of secret societies. In a column entitled "Israeli Extremists and Christian Fundamentalists The Alliance", Grace Halsell wrote: What is the message of the Christian Zionist? Simply stated it is this Every act taken by Israel is orchestrated by God, and should be condoned, supported, and even praised by the rest of us. "Never mind what Israel does," say the Christian Zionists. "God wants this to happen." This includes the invasion of Lebanon, which killed or injured an estimated 100,000 Lebanese and Palestinians, most of them civilians; the bombing of sovereign nations such as Iraq; the deliberate, methodical brutalizing of the Palestinians-breaking bones, shooting children, and demolishing homes; and the expulsion of Palestinian Christians and Muslims from a land they have occupied for over 2,000 years. My premise in Prophecy and Politics is that Christian Zionism is a dangerous and growing segment of Christianity, which was popularized by the 19th-century American Cyrus Scofield when he wrote into a Bible his interpretation of events in history. These events all centered around Israel-past, present, and future. His Scofield Bible is today the most popular of the reference Bibles. Scofield said that Christ cannot return to earth until certain events occur. The Jews must return to Palestine, gain control of Jerusalem and rebuild a temple, and then we all must engage in the final, great battle called Armageddon. Estimates vary, but most students of Armageddon theology agree that as a result of these relatively recent interpretations of Biblical scripture, 10 to 40 million Americans believe Palestine is God's chosen land for the Jews. Scofield brings along the psychopathic tendency: In a critique of Scofield's Reference Bible and other manifestations of fundamentalism, the modernist Protestant Christian author Bruce Bawer wrote (in Stealing Jesus, 1997): The Scofield Reference Bible looks like a lot of Bibles: Each page contains two columns of scripture separated by a narrower column of cross-references. What distinguishes it from most Bibles is that it also contains extensive footnotes. These footnotes add up to a highly tendentious dispensationalist interpretation of the Bible. There are whole books of Scofield's Bible in which the annotation is minimal, almost absent; but in other books there are pages on which the annotation takes up far more space than the text. Like Jefferson's Bible, then, Scofield's Bible is an extraordinary act of audacity. But the two men came at Scripture from utterly opposite directions. Jefferson sought to preserve Jesus' moral teachings and to remove materials (including accounts of miracles and prophecies) that seemed to him ahistorical and thus, as Jaroslav Pelikan has written, to "find the essence of true religion in the Gospels." Scofield also sought "the essence of true religion", but he located this essence not in the moral teachings of the Gospels butin the miracles and prophecies, most of them located outside the Gospels. Jefferson's chaff, in short, was Scofield's wheat. The Scofield Reference Bible was a brilliant idea. Over the centuries, countless theologians had written learned books in which they grappled with the complex, ambiguous, often contradictory meanings of scripture. But Scofield plainly knew two important things about the people he wanted to reach. One: They didn't read books of theology, but they did look at their Bibles (if only occasionally). Two: they didn't want to grapple with complexities and ambiguities and contradictions: they wanted certitude, orthodoxy. This Scofield gave them in spades. His footnotes never offer up different possible interpretations of a text; instead, they set forth, with an air of total authority, a detailed, elaborate, and consistent set of interpretations that add up to a theological system that few Christians before Darby could have conceived of -- and that, indeed, marked a radical departure from the ways in which most Christians had always believed. Yet Scofield brazenly proferred his theology as if it were beyond question. And he presented it as if it were traditional, and as if every other way of understanding the true nature of Christian belief marked a radical departure from the true faith.... The chutzpah here is mind-boggling. Jewish Zionists join the bandwagon, and Oxford too: The attempted link of Scofield to the Secret Six is not fully credible -- the attorney Ingalls was not considered a member of the Six, which had its heyday in Civil War times. However, Scofield's connection with Untermeier may have been quite fruitful, as discussed at Jackie Patru's "Sweet Liberty" web page. Ultimately the Reference Bible was published by Oxford University Press, a prestigious arm of the British financial elite. An analysis written by an anonymous author (possibly Patru) states: Upon his release from prison, Scofield deserted his first wife, Leonteen Carry Scofield, and his two daughters Abigail and Helen, and he took as his mistress a young girl from the St. Louis Flower Mission. He later abandoned her for Helen van Ward, whom he eventually married. Following his Illuminati connections to New York, he settled in at the Lotus Club, which he listed as his residence for the next twenty years. It was here that he presented his ideas for a new Christian Bible concordance, and was taken under the wing of Samuel Untermeier, who later became chairman of the American Jewish Committee, president of the American League of Jewish Patriots, and chairman of the Non-sectarian Anti-Nazi League. Untermeier introduced Scofield to numerous Zionist and socialist leaders, including Samuel Gompers, Fiorello LaGuardia, Abraham Straus, Bernard Baruch and Jacob Schiff. These were the people who financed Scofield's research trips to Oxford and arranged the publication and distribution of his concordance. At this same link, Patru also documents an incident in which Untermeier was able to blackmail US President Harry Truman to influence him to appoint the Zionist judge Brandeis to the Supreme Court. The story is credited to The Hidden Tyranny, by Benjamin H. Freedman. |
The Zionist-Created Scofield Bible: Why Judeo-Christians Support War | |
OP (Longbobby), reference your monolog in this
thread, you are constantly beating the war drums against the
Jewish nation of Israel with your threads. You are in error.
First of all, the Holy Land is not “Arab” land, as you refer
to it, it was given by God to the Israelites during the
Exodus, thereby fulfilling his promise to Abraham (Abraham
was descended from Heber, from which the word “Hebrew”
derives). The Jews would not have been able to take the
Promised Land after the Exodus WITHOUT God’s help, WITHOUT
the help of the Armies of Heaven, they were following his
orders. God took this land away from the inhabitants of the
land because they had turned to Paganism, which fulfilled
the curse against the grandson of Ham spoken of in Genesis.
Ishmael, from whom the Arabs descended, voluntary gave up his claim to the Holy Land. But you know that already. The Arabs in the Holy Land, erroneously referred to by some today as the Palestinians, are squatters, they did not historically own the Holy Land, the Jews did. These Arabs are rebels who were kicked out of Jordan because of their rebelliousness nature, they are troublemakers. When Israel was reestablished in 1948, the so called Palestinians were offer a nation of their own, but they declined, they wanted it all. And Israel did NOT expand their land “by force” as you would have it, they were attacked by the so called Palestinians who were trying to take their land and drive them into the sea--the Jews legally own this land by right of conquest. The so called Palestinians were trying to take their land by force, not the other way around. I have told you before, and I repeat: God the Father, who brought the descendants of Abraham out of the land of Egypt and gave them the Promised Land, is a Zionist, he gave them that land, and you will have to fight God himself to take it away from them. This business about God having forever forsaken the Jews and their nation of Israel comes from the Church’s revered speculative philosopher Augustine way back in the fourth century. He argued that, because of the Jew’s infidelity to God, that it would not be worthy of God to keep his most solemn promises and oaths to them, despite God the Father’s many assurances in the Old Testament that he would, in the end, keep his oaths and promises to the Jews despite their infidelity. Augustine, suggesting that the Gentile Church of Rome would never betray Christ as the Jews had done, then proceeded to allegorically reinterpret the Biblical prophecies to divert all the Biblical prophecies that God gave to the Jews to the Gentile Church. Keep in mind that all of the divine prophecies in the Old and New Testaments are Jewish prophecies, prophecies that God gave to the Jews concerning the Jews and their nation. The Church then proceeded to abandon its apostolic tradition of taking the Biblical prophecies literally, and informally adopted Augustine’s flattering allegorical reinterpretation of Biblical prophecy. In doing this, the Church of Rome committed grand theft, it stole prophecies that were not given to it. And the Protestant, who also claim Augustine as their Father, did the same when they arose much later on. You are preaching the doctrine of Augustine. “The chosen people”, defined in the Bible as the Jews, then became the Gentile Christians, and “the Bride of Christ”, defined in the Bible as the city of Jerusalem on Mount Zion in the Jewish nation of Israel, then became the Church of Rome on the seven hills of Rome in the Gentile nation of Italy, the Millennial physical reign of Christ upon the Earth from the throne of David in Jerusalem on Mount Zion in the Jewish nation of Israel, then became the spiritual reign of Christ through his representative in the city of Rome on the seven hills of Rome in the Gentile nation of Italy. Before Israel was reestablished in 1948, pundits and theological authorities in both Protestant and Catholic circles, following Augustine and his allegorical amillennial reinterpretation theology, were assuring everyone that God had forever abandoned the Jews, and that the Jewish nation of Israel would never again exist. When they were proven wrong in 1948, they fell silent and withdrew, but others began to rant against the Jewish Nation of Israel, claiming that its reestablishment was against the will of God and on and on. But that is false. For one thing, the Old Testament is full of prophecies concerning Israel that imply that Israel had been reestablished (you obviously cannot have events being fulfilled concerning Israel unless Israel exists at the time of their fulfillment). And second, God has miraculously intervened on behalf of Israel in each of the wars waged against it by the Muslims since its reestablishment. In these wars Israel was greatly outnumbered and outgunned by its enemies, and essentially abandoned by its allies, yet it prevailed against impossible odds--and that did NOT happen by chance. For example, in the six day war, when Muslim armies were attacking Israel from the South in Gaza, its enemies, although they had the advantage, suddenly dropped their weapons in the sand, abandoned their tanks, and fled. There were jokes told afterwards that these weapons were up for sale with the inscription: “New, dropped once, never fired”. When the Muslim soldiers in that conflict were later asked why they had done this, they said that they had seen a great apparition in the sky of a warrior of fearsome aspect mounted upon a great white horse and holding a great double edged sword. It was blocking their way. They said that they would fight Israel, but they were NOT going to fight angels. Such stories of angelic intervention were recounted from each one of modern Israel’s wars. During this war, American and Russian warships in the Mediterranean Sea held one another at bay, leaving Israel to its own devices, but God did not abandon her. If God disapproved of the reestablishment of Israel, if it was against his will, he would not have foretold events that implied the reestablishment of modern Israel, and he would not have miraculously intervened on her behalf. The bottom line is that Augustine and his amillennial followers are wrong. In every single case where prophecy has been fulfilled in the historical record, it has been the LITERAL interpretation that came to pass. There is no such thing as an allegorical fulfillment of prophecy. Augustine was wrong, and his followers are wrong. The cardinal rule of exegesis is to take it LITERALLY unless it is clear from the content that it is to be taken otherwise, a rule that is based on the premise that God is a God of Truth, that he does not mislead, that he is not a liar. Augustine’s allegorical amillennial reinterpretation on the other hand is based on the premise that God breaks his most solemn promises and oaths, that he is a liar. Behold then, the Gospel according to Augustine, who brought his Gnostic and Pagan biases into the Church, causing much confusion. True religion is based, not upon human philosophy, but upon divine revelation. And God is not a liar. Louie |
The Zionist-Created Scofield Bible: Why Judeo-Christians Support War | |
Quote from louie6332:
And WHAT does ANY of that bullshit you posted have to do w/ the Ashkenazic sect of jewry; who are the majority population in the so called "State" of Israel today? The Ashkenazic sect formerly known as the Khazars that didn't convert to Talmudic Judaism until the 8th century AD ? Who aren't even "Semites" to begin with? Which see... Genome Biology and Evolution Advance Access published December 14, 2012 The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and the KhazarianHypothesesEran Elhaik Department of Mental Health, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health,Baltimore, MD, USA, 21208. McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA, 21208.Running head: The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry Keywords: Jewish genome, Khazars, Rhineland, Ashkenazi Jews, population isolate, EasternEuropean Jews, Central European Jews, Population structure,Please address all correspondence to Eran Elhaik Phone: 410-502-5740. Fax: 410-502-7544. © The Author(s) 2012. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons AttributionNon-Commercial License (, which permitsunrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided theoriginal work is properly cited. Abstract The question of Jewish ancestry has been the subject of controversy for over two centuries andhas yet to be resolved. The “Rhineland Hypothesis” depicts Eastern European Jews as a“population isolate” that emerged from a small group of German Jews who migrated eastwardand expanded rapidly. Alternatively, the “Khazarian Hypothesis” suggests that Eastern European Jew descended from the Khazars, an amalgam of Turkic clans that settled the Caucasus in the early centuries CE and converted to Judaism in the 8th century. Mesopotamian and Greco-RomanJews continuously reinforced the Judaized Empire until the 13 th century. Following the collapse of their empire, the Judeo-Khazars fled to Eastern Europe. The rise of European Jewry is therefore explained by the contribution of the Judeo-Khazars. Thus far, however, the Khazar’s contribution has been estimated only empirically, as the absence of genome-wide data from Caucasus populations precluded testing the Khazarian Hypothesis. Recent sequencing of modern Caucasus populations prompted us to revisit the Khazarian Hypothesis and compare it with the Rhineland Hypothesis. We applied a wide range of population genetic analyses to compare these two hypotheses. Our findings support the Khazarian Hypothesis and portray the European Jewish genome as a mosaic of Caucasus and European ancestries, thereby consolidating previous contradictory reports of Jewish ancestry. Our results have important implications on the demographic forces that shaped thegenetic diversity in the Caucasus and medical studies. =================================== Everything you THINK you know about the so called "Jews" who pretend to be Biblical Israelites comes from the fraudulent texts of the Scofield Bible, louie. You know that and I know that. Why don't you stop pretending otherwise? Do you REALLY think I don't know how full of shit you are? Do you REALLY think you're fooling me? Better think again, louie. Oh ! And STOP posting the SAME bullshit post over and over again. That's the third time I've seen that particular post of yours. |
The Zionist-Created Scofield Bible: Why Judeo-Christians Support War | |
Quote from deletedqueen:
I can't keep up with this offense bobby, I just can't see your way of thinking...j/s. ============================= That's ok, Queen. For MY part I can't understand why you're referring to my thread as "crap" when it's obvious you haven't read through it and aren't going to. Do you always condemn as "crap" that which you have little or no understanding of? You know what they say, right? You can lead a burro to water but you can't make the jackass drink. You can lead an ignorant person to information but you can't make them think. Over and over again I've advised you to read up on the jewish Kol Nidre prayer (aka the jewish "license to lie") as well as the jewish law of Moser (jewish law of the Informer )... To have a better understanding of why everyone is a fool to take the word of a Zionist Jew on any subject...But I know you haven't bothered and aren't going to neither just as you will continue to disbelieve my explanations to you of Kol Nidre and the law of Moser. Trying to have a logical, reasonable discussion w/ you about the Zionists is rather like trying to teach a cat the alphabet. Back on topic... Anti~Semite? A powerful dissertation from the razor-sharp pen of Mark Glenn. One day this will be tame. Please upload, if you tener cojones. This will surely be erased from here, and quick. Original piece: This vid is also available at: TruTube here: Once again, the word meaning of Jew is taken out of context...Jew (Judaism) is a religious belief system and not an ethnicity. WAKE UP; Christianity is a religion, not an ethnicity...Roman Catholicism is a religion, not a ethnicity...Mormonism is a religion, and not a ethnicity...Jehovah Witnesses...religion, not a ethnicity...Satanism - Witchcraft...religion, not a ethnicity...Jew, Judaism, Judaic, religion, and not a ethnicity. [Edited 5/19/2013 2:07:48 PM ] |
The Zionist-Created Scofield Bible: Why Judeo-Christians Support War | |
In I Kings 19....Elijah cried out to God..and
said he was the last Israelite..
god told him there were 7,000 others who had not bowed down to Baal..who is Lucifer. SO..WERE ALL THE OTHER ISRAELITE..DEAD PSYCHICALLY...OR DEAD SPIRITUALLY Its obvious they were worshippers of are the Jews of the Talmud today..and God dissaproves.. THE NATION OF ISRAEL..WAS OF THE SPIRIT...Iit was never based on the flesh...The Line of David was used to prove the prophesy of a coming Messiah..and that the line of David is where he would be born of..THATS ALL... They are not the Gods that many have made the Tribes of Israel out to be....misunderstanding who TRUE ISRAEL WAS.. What of the Tribe of Dan..who disappeared...or the 10 tribes of Israel..who also disappeared....? The bible says only a few were were they all dead?? THERE IS ISRAEL OF THE SPIRIT. AND ISRAEL OF THE FLESH.. AND ISRAEL OF THE SPIRIT..ARE THE TRUE PEOPLE OF GOD..IN BOTH TESTAMENTS. AMOS 9 TELLS US THAT ISRAEL WILL NEVER EXIST AGAIN..AS THEY NO LONGER FOLLOWED THE GOD OF THE BIBLE...EXCEPT A REMNAT WILL BE SAVED TO BEGET THE NEW COVENNAT CHRISTIANS CHURCH..ROMANS 11:5 THIS WAS 700 YEARS BEFORE CHRIST....SO FOR 700 YEARS..THERE WERE VERY FEW GODLY PEEPS...SO..WHO WAS RUNNING THE TEMPLE WHEN CHRIST CAME?? SURE WASNT HEBREW ISRAELITES..WAS IT.. THE STORY OF THE EDOMITE JEWS IS TOLD IN MATTHEW 22:33..AND ALSO IN EZEKIEL 36:5 WHERE THE CARCASS (of Israel) IS..THE VULTURES WILL GATHER....and do evil [Edited 5/19/2013 3:14:02 PM ] |
The Zionist-Created Scofield Bible: Why Judeo-Christians Support War | |
Israel: "We Are More Anti-Semites!"
All are anti-Semites? We are more! Yediot Ahronot, Israel's largest paid newspaper I can seldom claim to be delighted during my daily tours within the Hebrew media darkest corners; the offensive image I reproduced in yesterday's article is a good explanation why. Yet, today, May 19, 2013, I had a pleasant surprise on the Yedioth Ahronot portal. A small box linked there to a comment on yesterday's Eurovision Song Contest. In its fine print, one can read: "All are anti-Semites? We are more!" With such an irrational competitiveness, it is not surprising that Israel didn't reach the final stage, fact that provoked the delightful remark. Eurovision is a continental song contest which includes countries from Europe and nearby. In 2013, its 58th event took place in Sweden. In Israel, Eurovision is a sensitive issue since it is one of the few international competitions that the country won three times. Probably the most memorable apparition of Israel in "Erovizion," as it is pronounced by Hebrew speakers, was of singer Gali Atari with Milk and Honey at Jerusalem. It was one of the few convincing peace declarations ever made by an Israeli. "Aleluya LaOlam," were its first words: "Praise God always and everywhere." Of course, this is far from being Israel's official policy. Aleluya, Gali Atari with Milk and Honey Jerusalem, 1979 Aleluya Along the years, Israel provided various scandals in the competition. Its presence is the reason why Arab countries don't participate, despite being allowed. Following the initial nationalistic hysteria due to two consecutive victories, the popularity of the event in Israel decayed. In 2013, barely over 4% of the public watched it. Over the years, the contest was split in several stages due to the large number of participants. This year, Israel was eliminated during the semifinals; thus its song wasn't featured in yesterday's event. This cut a lot of fun. More often than not, Hebrew media is obsessed with the voting, which is featured live. It is the ultimate "anti-Semitism Test." "France didn't give us even one point, they are anti-Semites!" is the favorite format. "Germany gave us 12 points in order to hide that they are the worst anti-Semites!" is also a popular comment. The names of the countries are changed according to the situation. If Israel doesn't win the first place, then "all are anti-Semites!" This year this ancient nationalistic rite couldn't be performed. The bad girl had ruined it. Israel Attacks an Israeli Girl Often, Eurovision participants are newcomers to the music industry. This is true regarding this year's winner, Emmelie de Forest from Denmark. The same goes for Israel's participant, Moran Mazor, who sang "Rak Bishvilo" ("Only for Him," or literally "Only in his Path"). She sang but wasn't listened. She couldn't be listened not only because Israel didn't reach the final. The vote in the competition is public; the more a song is exposed before the event, the best are its chances. Despite the usual Hebrew-media hysteria surrounding the event, Moran was barely heard in the State radio (Kol Israel stations). The Army Radio didn't even bother to enter her in its playlist, refusing twice public requests to do so, meaning that Moran was actually censored since these two networks form the bulk of Israeli broadcasts. Emmelie de Forest Only Teardrops 2013 Winner from Denmark Best Hits Of Eurovision Another strike came in the form of malevolent gossip. Consistently, statistics show that Israeli women are among the heaviest in Europe and surrounding countries. In 2013, Israel rates second after Turkey. As those watching the video reproduced above (for certain reasons I couldn't, but I have seen her picture elsewhere) can judge, Moran generously helped to increment the average. After being criticized for her weight by the entire country, she was also the target of criticism for the cost of broadcasting the event in Israel (roughly one million dollars on various items) as if the event was broadcast only due to her participation. As Yediot Ahronot summarized: We are more anti-Semites! Avoy! Hitler didn't die in 1945, he is hiding as a young girl and singing his way around! All are anti-Semites! |
The Zionist-Created Scofield Bible: Why Judeo-Christians Support War | |
By Rev. Ted Pike 22 May 13 Editor's Note: Jews from Los Angeles to Tel Aviv are grousing over the “revised” report of the Church of Scotland concerning the Jewish lack of “divine right” to own and occupy Israel unconditionally. Yet Jews today forget that little over a century ago, virtually all observant Jews believed as does the Scottish Church. In this reprint, I explain how, with advent of Zionism, Jewry went from the Biblical doctrine of conditional occupation, to the present viewpoint, shared by most evangelicals, that Jewish obedience no longer matters. Few people realize that, as recently as 120 years ago, virtually every religious Jew was essentially anti-Zionist. Orthodox Jews agreed that, because of their sins, God allowed their ancestors' expulsion into the world. They also agreed it was God's will that they remain in exile and not return to Palestine until collective repentance had occurred. They agreed, as Jeremiah warned, that they should not listen to the rebellious voice of those who advised them, contrary to God's decree, to return to Jerusalem and retake the land. (Jer. 29:8-9) Instead, they should wait until the Messiah comes. He would reinvigorate their piety and lead them once again to their promised land. (See "Jewish Religious Opposition of Zionism" at Today, ultra-Orthodox Jews of Neturei Karta and Jews Against Zionism are among the last survivors of at least eight million eastern European (Ashkenazi) and a million Sephardic/Oriental Jews who believed this way. Reform Jewry was among them. Jews living in the 1880s would be astonished at any suggestion that dispersed Jewry had privileges to return and set up a kingdom in Palestine. They would point to dozens of prohibitions in the Old Testament law upholding Jehovah’s dictum that if they rebelled they could never come back as a nation except in obedience. (See List of Conditional Occupation Verses) However, such Jews, including Neturei Karta today, do not believe their people were exiled because of rejection or even crucifixion of Jesus. Such ultra-Orthodox devotees of the Talmud and Kabala make public statements of reverence for Jesus as a “great teacher” and declare that Talmudic Judaism shares Christ's values. (This pleases anti-Zionists.) But they agree with the Talmud that Jesus was a false prophet. The Talmud says that He (under the pseudonym “Balaam”) now resides in hell, writhing in boiling semen (Gittin 56b-57a). As such, they believe it was the greatest virtue for the Pharisees and the Jewish people to have persuaded the Romans to crucify Him. Such anti-Zionist Jews believe the Jewish people are under judgment for not fully obeying a vastly greater authority than Jesus or even Moses and the prophets: the Pharisees. Only when Jews repent and return to study and veneration of the sacred writings of the Pharisees, the Talmud and Zohar, as God desires, and end defilement of the holy land by allowing Talmud-rejecting secular Jews to live there, will God’s blessing return to Jews. When God allows Messiah to come, He will soften the hearts of Jews everywhere to seek the God of their Pharisaic forefathers. In fulfillment of a multitude of Old Testament prophesies, the Jewish people will be gathered and led back to Palestine to occupy the land and rule over the nations. Christianity (idolatry) will be banned and Hebrew monotheism enforced under penalty of death. (Zohar I 25b, 47a, 60a, etc.) Thus, after Titus destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD and Bar Kokhba failed to bring in the Messianic kingdom in his revolt of the Jews in 135 AD, the Jews, recognizing God's clear judgment on them, everywhere accepted His conditional terms for reoccupation of Palestine. Such remained unquestioned dogma for religious Jews until emergence of Zionism in the late 19th century. But secular Zionism discounted Old Testament conditional terms of occupation. Obedience no longer mattered. According to Zionism, the overwhelming issue facing Jewry was how to find a safe place in an allegedly anti-Semitic world. Uganda and Madagascar were considered, but charismatic and determined leaders like Theodore Herzl convinced secular Jews (largely Marxist from Eastern Europe) they could find such safety in Palestine. |
The Zionist-Created Scofield Bible: Why Judeo-Christians Support War | |
19th Century Christians Agreed with Jews:
No Obedience, No Land For 1900 years Christians shared the basic belief of Orthodox Jews that Jewish sin caused exile and Jews should not return to Palestine. Most Christians believed their return would be permitted at the second coming of Christ when a remnant would repent. Zionism was massively funded by western Jewry and promoted particularly by the British and their Balfour Declaration. Zionism had one virtue which made it irresistible to both Jews and evangelicals: It was extremely successful. Most Jews and evangelical Christians quickly succumbed to the argument that God’s conditional terms were part of a previous Old Testament dispensation (as Scofield taught). (See "A Simple Explanation of Scofield Dispensationalism") Zionism’s success seemed to confirm that God was waiving His previous demands for obedience. Evangelicals believed that clearly, the safety and prosperity of His chosen people now took precedence. Both Jews and Christians began to teach that God's top priority was to provide refuge to persecuted world Jewry. Most completely dismissed God’s conditional terms of occupation, which were incompatible with the new theology. Today, evangelicals have set aside God's Old Testament requirements and have no idea of their ancestors’ convictions. They reason from a distorted interpretation of God's covenant with Abraham, saying its blessings are unconditional for all Jews. They perfectly agree with secular Zionists that Jewish obedience no longer matters. As a result, conditional Scriptures are not part of the premises from which modern Jews and evangelicals reason about the Mideast. The Problem of the Palestinians Yet there existed for the Zionists a major obstacle to repopulation of Palestine by Jews. In 1914, there were 634,133 Muslim and Christian Arabs occupying the lands which Jews and evangelicals now believed Jews had divine exclusive right to settle. The question was: “How should Jews and Christians regard the Palestinians in the context of God’s new pleasure in restoring Israel to occupation of Palestine?” The fundamental attitude of Jews and evangelicals was simple, as it remains today. The Palestinians were a riff-raff people who had no long-term right to live on land hallowed for the Jews. They should somehow just go away, perhaps to surrounding Arab nations. If the land they lived on could not be purchased and they happened to be forced off through unpleasant means (including terrorist violence, mass expulsions, government seizure for “security reasons,” etc.), religious Jews and evangelicals did not want to think about that. This brings up an unwelcome Biblical fact that Jews and most evangelicals also want to ignore. When Nebuchadnezzar exiled the southern kingdom of Judah to Babylon in 597 BC, God forbade any Jews but the poorest to live in Palestine. He allowed settlers from Babylonian lands to occupy and cultivate the land. When Jesus came six centuries later, the Jews of Palestine accepted the divine right of such scorned “Samaritans” to occupy most of northern Israel and what is now the West Bank. When the Jews were again exiled by the Romans, the right of the Samaritans and Arabs to tend the land was upheld. As a result, with Jews primarily dispersed into Europe and Western lands for more than 1800 years, Palestinian Arabs continued to be regarded by Jews and Christians as enjoying a divine mandate of occupation. Originally allowed by God to cultivate and tend the land, such descendants of the Babylonian colonists of Samaria, racially mixed with Arabs, became unrivalled agriculturalists of the Mideast. During the nearly two millennia of Jewish exile, Christians and Jews agreed that Palestinians had divine rights to temporarily dwell in Palestine without threat of eviction. Jews and Christians were thus pro-Palestinian, but not in granting permanent ownership of Palestine to the Palestinians (something the Bible allows only to Christian Jews). Instead, they unquestionably upheld the original tenant rights God gave the ancestors of the Palestinians as long as the Jews remained in unbelief. Summary Considering Jewish and evangelical rejection of God's requirement of obedience before a Jewish nation can be formed in Palestine, is it any wonder that the Zionist experiment, beginning in the 20th century has only produced strife and confusion? There is little anyone can do to return the state of Israel to God’s law, as contained in the Jews’ own Torah. But the least every Bible-believing Christian should do is reason not from premises supplied by Bible-destroying Zionists but from the Bible itself. Did evangelicals and Jews, disregarding God's law, obtain a safe haven for world Jewry? Prime Minister Netanyahu said last year that Israel is the most dangerous place on earth for a Jew to live. "There is no peace, saith the Lord, unto the wicked." (Isaiah 48:22) |
The Zionist-Created Scofield Bible: Why Judeo-Christians Support War | |
DISPENSATIONALISM By Rev. Ted Pike 26 Feb 13 Editor's note: There can be no understanding of Christian Zionism without recognition of how Calvinism and Scofield Dispensationalism have influenced countless evangelicals toward unconditional support of Zionism for the last century. In this reprint of my April 10, 2012, article, I briefly explain how this alliance has made possible the state of Israel and international Jewish control. At my Bible study on Scofield Dispensationalism and subsequent discussion by our members expands this article. It is our most popular Bible study this month, and we invite you and your group to enjoy it also. (Listen to it here.) A flawed foundation lies under most evangelicals’ understanding of God's moral dealings with humanity and particularly Jews. This foundation drives their support of the Jewish state. It is called “Scofield Dispensationalism.” It says that throughout successive epics, or "dispensations," of time God has revealed Himself through extremely different moral standards. The law given before the Flood was different from the law after. The law given to Moses is completely different from what we now observe in the millennia after Christ. Cyrus Scofield lived at the turn of the 20th century and created an annotated Bible which claimed to lay out each dispensation's unique requirements. Scofield's commentaries have greatly influenced evangelicals to this day. Written at the dawn of the modern Zionist movement, they suggested a nation of suffering and persecuted Jews, though Christ-rejecting, had a divine right to return and occupy Palestine. This idea was virtually absent from Christianity before the mid-1800s. How did such permission gain so great a foothold that it’s now unquestioned dogma for most evangelicals? It starts with a defect in the King James Bible. King James scholars mistranslated 2 Thess. 2:7. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only He who now letteth [restrains] will let, until He be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming… The actual New Testament Greek says the one who restrains, the Holy Spirit, is not passively removed. Instead He "gets out of the way" or "steps aside" (ek meseu genetai). The Holy Spirit is never going to be taken out of this world. God owns the world. He is not about to be removed by a mere satanically inhabited man, Anti-Christ. For hundreds of years Christians were unbothered by the King James Bible's error. Yet in the first half of the 19th century, a Scottish Presbyterian minister, Edward Irving, seized on the mistranslated passage. He saw its profound prophetic implications. He said that since the Holy Spirit would be removed from this world just prior to revealing of Anti-Christ, so Christ's church must also be removed, for Christians cannot function without the Holy Spirit. That removal is described, they said, in 1 Thess. 4:16. For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. . ." Clearly, said Irving and his later disciple, John Nelson Darby, these passages from II Thessalonians suggest two second comings of Christ: the first, when Christ descends and removes the Holy Spirit and all believers, both dead and living unto Himself. Then, three and half, He comes a second time. In His final second coming He converts remnant Jews, judges the nations, and begins His thousand-year reign on earth from Jerusalem. The Beginnings of "Pre-Tribulationism" Irving and Darby's "prophetic breakthrough" had an electric appeal to evangelical Christians, particularly in the British Isles and North America. It assured Christians that, “raptured,” they would not have to endure the suffering that follows revealing of Anti-Christ. Thus began the "pre-tribulationist" interpretation of Bible prophecy. It started with a mistranslation of one verse by King James scholars. Incredibly, that disastrous mistranslation is repeated in most modern translations of the Bible. Enter Cyrus Scofield. He did not originate the pre-tribulationist rapture craze that has enthralled evangelicals and made millionaires of "prophecy experts” such as Hal Lindsey and Tim LaHaye. Yet Scofield did something far more damaging: he laid the keel of Christian Zionism. He taught that, under the dispensation Abraham was in, God gave the patriarch and his physical descendants unconditional rights as God's chosen people. They were guaranteed the Promised Land and rights of occupation, even without obedience. Scofield said Israelites automatically receive “all blessings” by just being there. Yet Scofield said Jacob and his sons, during world famine, unwisely left security in Palestine and went to Egypt. In doing so, he claims, they lost their ability to please God by simply staying in the Holy Land. Scofield contends that, even worse, they foolishly accepted the Mosaic Law at Sinai 400 years later. The Law imposed on them an onerous obligation to obey God on penalty of exile. Such conditional terms of occupation, Scofield said, didn’t exist under the "pure grace" that Abraham and his descendants enjoyed while in Palestine. (See, List of Conditional Salvation/Occupation Verses) Scofield said of the dispensation and covenant Abraham enjoyed: That covenant is wholly gracious and unconditional. The descendants of Abraham had but to abide in their own land to inherit every blessing. In Egypt they lost their blessings, but not their covenant. The dispensation of promise ended when Israel rashly accepted the Law (Ex. 19:8). Grace had prepared a deliverer (Moses), provided a sacrifice for the guilty, and by divine power had brought them out of bondage (Ex. 19:4); but at Sinai they exchanged grace for law. (Scofield Reference Bible, 1909, page 20) |
The Zionist-Created Scofield Bible: Why Judeo-Christians Support War | |
Scofield conveniently omits the biblical
record that God powerfully delivered Jacob and his
sons from death by famine, providing safe haven for them
under Joseph's protection in Egypt. Similarly, God commanded
the Hebrews at Sinai to obey the Mosaic Law. Scofield's idea
that simply staying in Canaan guaranteed to Hebrews "every
blessing" is an affront to God's timeless moral standards
which say that in every age we are justified by trusting and
obeying God. Only through such faith do we inherit "every
blessing" from Him. Scofield's view of the sanctifying power
of the Holy Land, even for reprobate Jews, powerfully
anticipated the teachings of the most extreme present day
Israel-firsters who believe Jews to be so morally advantaged
that they have a separate covenant of salvation and land
rights without obedience to Christ.
Yet, Scofield said, when Jesus came and died at Calvary, God returned to a dispensation entirely of grace. This, by inference, means to millions of evangelical readers of the Scofield Bible that our present “age of grace” does away with the requirement of dozens of Old Testament verses demanding obedience for Jews to occupy Palestine. Scofield, as no other figure, legitimized Christian participation in a Jewish political movement: Zionism. Evangelicals then united pretribulationism and its “rapture escapism” with Zionism. The new prophetic script for Christians read like this: The right of God’s dispersed and persecuted chosen people to the Promised Land is covenanted to them by God unconditionally, forever. It is the duty of every Christian to honor God’s great last day’s regathering of His people, bidding them godspeed by any possible means. If any nation or person refuses to stand by God and the Jewish nation, he is in league with Satan. Satan desires above all things to obscure the fact that Israel makes possible fulfillment of biblical prophecy that empowers Jesus to return as predicted. Without Israel’s existence and the hundreds of prophecies it fulfills, Christ cannot return. Christ stated clearly that “it must needs be that Scripture be fulfilled” before He could go forward with God’s plan. Criticizing the state of Israel is thus to oppose the Almighty. It is to curse the Jewish people, incurring dire judgment. “I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you…” (Genesis 12:3) In accordance with an end-times storyline created by Darby, Irving and Scofield, Zionist evangelicals now keenly watch Israel for necessary fulfillment of the following Scriptural predictions: 1. Rebuilding a Jewish temple. The new temple is necessary because Scripture says anti-Christ must profane it and sit in it proclaiming himself to be god. Without such a temple and its defilement, Christ cannot return as He predicted. 2. Israel enters a “covenant” or peace treaty with Anti-Christ. Once such a covenant has taken place, Daniel’s prophetic “clock” of a “week” or seven years leading to Christ’s second second coming will begin to tick. The problem, however, for pretribulationists is this: If the church is to be raptured when the anti-Christ is “revealed,” what does Scripture mean by that term? Does it mean “revealed” as in anti-Christ signing a peace treaty with Israel or “revealed” such as occurs in the middle of Daniel’s week when anti-Christ manifests himself as the enemy of the Jews, bringing his armies against Jerusalem (Ez. 38). At that time, he desecrates the temple, kills two thirds of Jerusalem’s inhabitants, and exiles the remainder to the nations. Also, since most evangelicals believe Christ could come in his first second coming and rapture us out without preconditons, perhaps we will not even have to wait for the “revealing” of Anti-Christ at all. Clearly, the Zionist evangelical prophetic scenario at this point becomes very clouded. But it is not at all clouded up to that point. The pretribulationist view point could not be simpler in its obligations: Dark as the world may become, if the church above all things makes sure to bless Israel, it will be blessed and kept safe. Jesus will be faithful to take out true believers before anything resembling great tribulation begins. In reality, nothing could be more unbiblical, corruptive to the church and the Jewish people, and ultimately dangerous to Christianity than building up that Zionist one-world system of oppression Scripture calls Babylon the Great. (See, 'Babylon the Great' is Israel) Pre-tribulationism is thus escapism. Calvinists also very largely adhere to this idea. It fits well with their belief that once we are soundly “born again” we are always saved, even if committing the grossest sin. If we as citizens fail in our duty to occupy and resist evil, this Calvinist/pretribulationist theology says Jesus understands. He will not require us to bear the consequences of our neglect. We will soon be gone. The consequences will be passed on to those of our children who are not born again, not fortunate enough to be raptured. Of course, Scripture does promise a first resurrection or “rapture” of the dead and living of Christ at His second coming. Yet a high percentage of evangelicals actually believe the rapture will occur within several years. What’s the point of knocking ourselves out opposing evil, especially as Jewish big media corrupts our children…because very soon we’ll be in heaven? (See, Jews Confirm Big Media is Jewish) We clearly see such apathy right now as ABC gores the church through its Christian-bashing sitcom “Good Christian B*tches.” But there is a virtual absence of Christian willingness to publicly oppose it. This largely originates in the ingrained belief that, if the power of evil proves too great, Christ no longer expects us to be the salt of the earth, resisting evil with all that is within us. Instead, we should buckle up for heavenly removal. Yet Jesus said that the church would not be taken out of tribulation. Instead, He said, “In the world ye shall have tribulation.” (John 16:33) In China before 1949 a highly evangelized Chinese population also accepted pre-tribulationism, believing the church had little to fear from “anti-Christ” Mao Tse Tung and his armies. They would be raptured before great tribulation came. Yet deliverance for millions of pre-tribulationist Chinese came not through rapture, but death. One of the paramount reasons Christians must understand how the church has gone so far astray is so we may marshal ourselves to hold back anti-Christian offensives leading to persecution. “Good Christian B*tches” is one such offensive that simply must not remain unopposed. If it is, it will only beget worse attacks, leading to outright persecution. Someday, if the church remains apathetic and pre-tribulationist like the Chinese Christians, American Christians will be standing in front of firing squads. They are about to be taken out of this world, not out of the mercy of the rapture, but the "mercy" of a bullet. |