For the original link click here - Topic started on 18-1-2007 @ 10:27 PM by atsrules United Flight 93 was supposed to hit World Trade Center 7 First I will show that the Flight Path of United Flight 93 was directed towards New York City during the final minutes before it's destruction in Shanksville. Second, I will show that the flight path was directed to NYC because it was meant to hit WTC7. Thirdly, I will show that WTC7 indeed was demolished due to it's collapse which observably fell at free fall which only occur's during controlled demolitions. Fourth, I will show how the government is pushing propaganda to keep the public swayed toward the government's story via movies and having silverstein clarify his words. Then you will finally come to the conclusion that United 93 was meant for WTC7, and thus the reason for why WTC7 was strapped with explosives ready to be detonated. Below is a picture of the flightpath of the hijacked planes on September 11th, 2001. Here is a link to the original from BBC's website. ic/in_depth/americas/2001/day_of_terror/the_four_hijacks/flight_11.stm ![]() But why was United Flight 93 heading toward the NYC area you ask? World Trade Center 7 was the only other World Trade Center building to fall on 9/11. It fell in the same style as building #1 & #2, which fell in "free fall." If one were to say that debri from #1 hit WTC7 then why did another building fall because of the debri caused by #2. I believe United Flight 93 was headed to collide into WTC7. That would explain why WTC7 was wired with explosives, why Silverstein even said the words "pull it", why he is covering it up in the year 2006 with a unbelievable lie, that he meant the firefighters when he said the words pull " IT ". Anyway when Silverstein says " You know we've had such terrible loss of live, maybe the best thing to do is pull it.", I believe what he really meant at the time was that he was speaking to the commander in charge of 9/11. Silverstein ask'ed the commander of 9/11 that it would be a good idea to pull WTC7 even after no plane's ended up hitting it. If it was exposed that WTC7 was strapped with bomb's it would blow the whole official story lid off. It would raise questions asking if wtc1 and wtc2 were also strapped with demolition bombs. That is why they Silverstein was suggesting to pull WTC7, to cover up the fact that it had bomb's. What better way then to destroy the evidence, I mean United Flight 93 didn't reach it's target, something happened that caused that flight to crash instead of reach WTC7. It could have been that the pilot's got control of the plane, it could be anything, but that doesn't matter because using my the slope I have made we KNOW for a fact that it was headed toward NYC. Cached/copied 07-22-09 |