"They are all wage-slaves now. They thought they had an insurgency going, but it fizzled, just as the planners said it would.....John Brown found out, slaves do not revolt. And wage-slaves do not revolt either."
by Don Robertson, The American Philosopher
The YouTube Insurgency is over, finished, defeated and as it will be remembered, LAUGHABLE. The Internet has done its job, and everyone has grown so tired of reading how outrageous the conduct of this war has been, that they have simply forgotten about the war, and most have not even noticed the real setbacks that have come to pass in the interim. Is your door locked? You had better get up and check.
These kids today, the Nintendo Generation with their Transformer toys, their Internet, their Jessica Simpson and their Bon Jovi and their Britney Spears... Well, they're done. They are all wage-slaves now. They thought they had an insurgency going, but it fizzled, just as the planners said it would. Their Daily Kos and their WhatReallyHappened.com are still slugging away in the dark not knowing half what they should be aiming at, but to what end, if the insurgency is done? And it is done.
It is all very entertaining in a sick sort of way. The whole group, this whole generation has been sucked into a whirlwind of sidestepping, head fakes, low interest home loans, credit cards, cell phones, high speed Internet and they have been YouTubed into a discredited, discombobulated, minor disturbance on a Saturday night that went away all on its own accord because they had to get up early the next day to walk the dog, both of them, and then go to work.
I'm sorry kids, but it is over. You never had a chance of course. You twerps have been so strung out on 2 Liter Pepsi, pizza, and Ecstasy and some of you Oxycontin so long you never had any chance of organizing any real insurgency. John Brown found out, slaves do not revolt. And wage-slaves do not revolt either. It has just been one of those little-tifts kind of insurgencies that has not a chance in the world of gaining any traction, or even any chance of identifying the problems at the root of a cause worth fighting anyway.
And, those stupid soldier friends of yours signed up for what they are taking on for Big Oil, and really, they are getting what they deserved for not being as socially Darwinist smart as you anyway, you in your $200 grand condo, the forty-five mile commute, and your new Saab with 200k on the odometer, and you have payments to make right? And student loans to pay off, right? And, damn now your wife tells you she is a lesbian, right? Well, that is cool, Dude.
You suck. You are pigs at the trough. And, well... Someone had to say it. You really suck. What can you do about it? Maybe you could burn your degree? Or, I guess you can write a really-really-really nasty comment about this article, one maybe with a really-really-really nasty and animated frowning emoticon? Or, blurb out the "Take off the tinfoil hat?" Or maybe, "Time to go back on the meds..." Oh, Good one toothless-truth!
The YouTube Insurgency has been waylaid. The kids take your candy away from you. You've bought into just about every get-ahead gimmick that has been tossed to you just as if you were dogs following the butcher truck. Oh, yeh? Oh, yeh? Oh, this guy makes me sooooo mad! So? You know, most educated people spell hypocracy, H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-S-Y. And when they say, Your going to get it now, the spell "your" the other way with an apostrophe. And you know what else? When I went to college, they did not give out degrees in hair dressing or, interior decorating. Gee... I wonder how they got their hair done then? And, how the heck did they get their interior decorating done? Morons!
So, take a good look around, you fooled fools. Because, during your whole lifetime you are going to hear just how wonderful everything is going, the economy is good, the environment is getting cleaned up, crime is being fought effectively, and scientists are on the brink of building wonderful inventions and curing everything from acne to cancer, and another Congressman just got busted for screwing kids in the butt! So, that will never happen again. But, as I said, take a good look around. Feast your eyes. It will never again be as good as it is today, because that's the general trend and none of you today even has a clue about how to turn it around.
Everyone advertises against their weakness. America is a nation of immoral liars. Haven't you figured that out from the number of times you lied on your resume? The whole country is run on lies, from your pedophile priests, school teachers and Boy Scout leaders, to your Ivy League universities that cost $48 grand a year, and straight off to that shrink your wife ended up falling in love with, Miss What's-She-Stuffing? Ah, she has a good supply of the wonder-meds to keep her happy. You had better hope she does not come back, because that doctor interned at the White House and she has a terrific case of venereal warts. Oh. I didn't know you had already been afflicted. Well, good luck with that!
You know, this is a great country. It is not your country any more, but it is a great country. All the foreigners the government keeps coming across the border just love it! You know, when I was a kid, you had to be able to speak English reasonably well to be a doctor, or even to get a reasonably well paying job, because it just was reasonable, if you are going to pay someone good money, they ought to be able to speak the language, if not with a minimum of an accent.
The Mexicans lived in Mexico then too. And, the minimum wage in purchasing power was more than a Ph.D. gets today! Actually, when I started work, there wasn't a minimum wage. We didn't need one. The country was cleaner, and the dog shit did not clutter the streets and your nostrils in the spring, there were no homeless, there was a two cent deposit on a soda pop bottle, and you could buy another with five of them, because a soda pop cost a dime a piece then. The fat girl in class maybe weighed a hundred and forty pounds, that's 140 not 240 like your homecoming queens today, and no one I knew had a tattoo, but a few Pacific Front Second World War veterans, and, on their shoulders! But hey! To each his own, right?
It is like I said, look around. It won't get any better than this for you. That much is guaranteed. It is all down hill from here on out, and speeding up rapidly. You know what they say. If you are going to be really rich, it is best to do it in a poor country, and that is the goal today. (Did anyone ever tell you that people who do not have health insurance actually live longer than the people who do? Go figure, if you can figure without a calculator.) Lies! All lies, you freakin' fools!
And forget about the YouTube Insurgency, because Nancy Pelosi and her troop of scoundrels in Congress you keep sending those emails to, they are not going to end this war for you. She has five, count 'em 1-2-3-4-5, kids and a dozen or so grand kids she is busy setting up for life, so she does not want to see the war end, or stop the illegals from pouring over the border and keeping your wages down either. You just keep punching that time clock and translating for that Indian fellow who works in the cubicle next to yours. You might want to ask him about India, if he lived in Calcutta, because that is where the country you live in is headed. Oh, it will be a very rich Calcutta, but Calcutta just the same. All those fertile Nancies are going to make the whole country, shoulder to shoulder, one on top of another, like the Black Hole of Calcutta soon enough. We need a couple more billion people to keep the economy growing! Get me five hundred more Mexicans who will work down there in that greasy hole!
Do not worry about the future. The government has everything well under control, for themselves, and for all you YouTubers too.
Fifteen tons and what do you get?
Another day older and deeper in debt!
Look around kids! It will all be gone and buried in waste in a few more years. They are not just fighting the Iraqis now. They are fighting all the Muslims sitting on top of that oil. They declared war on Iran last week and did not even bother to tell you about it. Oh? You did hear about it? Well, then! Haul out the emoticons! Dust off the keyboard! And put on the coffee! There is an insurgency going on here!
They are threatening everyone in the world too. It is getting to the point where they figure the YouTube Insurgency has been so softened up, they are considering that tactical nuclear strike again. They have you YouTubers so poisoned up, you will never notice the difference, is the rationale. It is a pretty sound rationale too.
Just stay inside, stuff your face some more, sit in front of the Internet machine, or the Wii, or listen to your iPod... You might want to see if cable is playing Star Wars again, or maybe there are some old Star Trek episodes on, on one of the 240 channels, or maybe the new Discover Magazine is in the mail box?
There's always the porn channel, now that the wife is gone.