"Got Passport?"
posted 07-01-2006
This just in from the Wayne
Madsen Report
"July 1, 2006 -- A former top Defense Department official has
told WMR that he fears the Bush administration will pull off another
"911" before the November election. The official stated that the next
911 will be used as a pretext for shipping U.S. citizens of Middle East
descent to mass detention camps, establish martial law, impose strict
censorship, and finally eliminate the power of the Congress and the
Supreme Court over the president. "The next 911 will be much more like
the Reichstag fire in terms of creating a dictatorship," said the
I assure everyone that such a scenario will only happen if three
conditions are met.
One; If Bushy & Co. can’t gerrymander this election as they did in 2000,
2002 and
by controlling the vote count or who
gets to vote. Something they’re assiduously working on as you read
this post. Two: Only if the present administration concludes it will
lose both houses of congress in the upcoming congressional elections,
something that’s only possible if Karl Rove loses his touch. And three:
If Bush and his cronies begin to believe the Democrats will actually
pursue investigations into their activities of the last twenty years.
Something which is highly unlikely since the Democrats get their money
from the same sources the Republicans get theirs from and no one wants
to rock that particular boat.
So I believe the possibility of a U.S. military dictatorship occurring
soon is unlikely..
Still..... with Bushy and Co. preparing military forces in the Gulf for
confrontation with Iran, while establishing systems to monitor
everyone’s communications
and financial
transactions in order to control, block or seize them, there is a
possibility that everyone in this country might soon enjoy the
blessings of the Fourth Reich.
It may explain the administration’s anger at the New York Times for
outing them about
these programs.
If such an event were to happen however, I can assure everybody it
won’t be just “foreigners” who experience the hospitality of
Halliburton’s new internment
Got passport? Got cash? Got a way out?